The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, February 15, 1905, Image 3

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Lual Matter*. ? 'OINTMEN'I H OF RK''. J. M "ffl 1TK Joity, l it anil 3(1 Sabbath (Jill* v re-k, 2(1 and 4th Sabbath. 11 m. I'leas-uit Hill, 21 and 4tli Sabbath, \> ra. ??. ,-r-c-riw*- - ya |g??p??^ ? Mrs Nancy Hilton of the Longsvillo tecliun is visiting Mrs S B ttoberts of llio Creek section. --Mr ?J Willie Caskey of Athens, Gn , is on a visit to bis parents at Newcnt Ho has been sick for tho past month nnd has como home to recuperate. Lot of remnants uiutting at your price. Williams Hughes Co. ? Born, to Mr and Mrs It A Long of this place, Feb 12, 1905, a eon. ?Mr W A Hughes, who hns been coulined v? it h measles at his home for tho past two weeks, re? sumed charge of bis school yesterday morning. ? f\re you trying to make one dollar go as far as two ? If so, the big reduction sale of the Heath-Jones Co., advertised today will interest you more than anything elso iu this issue. Read it, and you'll sure call on them right away and get some of their big bargains. ?Mr M fci Horton was made chairman and Mr L R Rollings secretary of a farmers' club organized ut Heath Springs on the 11th instant. Messrs J A Weaner and J A Bridges vere elected delegates to the county convention. While no formal resolutions wsre passed to reduce acreage all those present stated that they expected to reduce their acreago 26 per cent. Good yard wide brown sheeting at 5 cents a yard. Williams Hughes Co. There will be services in the Episcopal church next Sunday at 11 o'clock, a . m. and 4 p. m., , ?. conducted by the Rev. Mr. Johns, of Rock Hill. ?Up to Feby 1st, last year the L M Co., and H B & M Co., had sold and delivered 90 tons of fertilizer. Up to this date, Feby 15th, they huvo delivered none this year. ?The unnronriatinn hill before M?*. W. L. Cook and little daughter, Melita, went to Columbia yesterday to spend a couple oi daya. ?Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Cauthen, of Lancaster, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Julia Cauthen, near Oakhurst. ? Mr. L. Hit-sell has returned form bis visit to Birmingham. His daughter, Miss Janie, came home with him. Peg-Leg Graham. Peg-Leg Graham war in towc yesterday, cheerful as usual. "My wife is mighty proud oJ this here prohibition," he laughed. "When the booze was here sht didn't know when 1 would gel home. But now the booze is at home, and she knows Pll lose n< time away from there." ? Chur lotto Observer. Fire at tho Cottou Mill On Saturday night last fiie started in a wa^to box in a spinning room of tho old cotton mill but was extinguished by tho automatic sprinklers before any considerable damage was doue. However, boforo the water could tie turned off some very enpensive machinery was damaged to tho extent of uevetal thousand dollaie. The tiro occurred botween the rounds of the watchman. Loss covered by insurance. Farmers of Lancaster County Unanimous The county cotton grower? convention met here Saturday and, considering the very inclement weather and muddy roads, the representation of township clubs was much larger than was expected. Dr T J Strait, the president of the county organization being absent, Judge D A Williams was called to the chair. Ttv n riuinrr the Legislature carries the follow mg levy for Lancaster county: For ordinary county purposes, mills; for interest ?n railroad bonds issued in aid of Cheraw aud Chester railroad, 2 mills. For the payment of interest on township bonds issued in aid of the Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago railroad, the following special tuxes are hereby imposed: In PleasantHill township, 3 mills; in Gills Creek township, 5 mills; and in Cane Creek township, mills. Just received latest styles in Slippers and Oxford ties, Tans, etc. Wdliams Hughes Co. Items From Kershaw Era. - ? v " vote the association unanimously I agree to reduce the cotton acreage 25 per cent, and to make u li te reduction in the use of fertilizers. Blanks were sent out to all the different clubs for tho farmers to sign pledging themselves to make such reductions. Mr Geo W Jones was elected representative to the State association which meets in Columbia on the 21ft instant ATTENTION, COTTON GROWERS ! Urgent Appeal by Co. Sec. Jones for Immediate Action. Ed. Review: Please allow me Bpace in valuable columns to eay a few words to the people tins week. The timo i? rhomentouB and work must be done. The time has come wh u every man mu?t bu%vii' himself. The work dtMn.'tuds that all take a part. Let overy man arm himself with a pledge roll and see every other man that he can and get his name. All the people are united in this movement. Remember that there is no class or avocation that is not directly interested itx thi9 great work. Therefore call on every one. Some are going to redace their cotton crops more than half, and be sure you take the item of reductiou just as high as the facts in the rase will admit. Don't forget that we must all stand pledged 25 per eeBt. in acreage and the same in commercial fertilizers. The reports from all the cotton 6tates show that the people are in earnest 1 - u 11 u ?io yj i II M u 114 ^ BUU III ^IIIIZII)^ in Buch a way as to iosure the success of the movement We want some man in everv section in this county where there is net an associativa to go to work this week and erganize on Saturday next, the 18th inst., and where they have erganized to get up their rolls and send the number of names on each roll to me at Lancaster by Monday ; . so that I cau make report of them to 6tate Association Tuesday 21st inst. We want the people of Kershaw, White Bluff aud Taxahaw to send as reports of their organisations, as no reports in from tbem tooor county ' meeting. Let us hear from you. We know that yon are with us and can be of great service to us now. Respectfully, Geo. W. Jones, Bee. Oo. Association. I m mm m- . ?The legislative committee in . f vestigating tho books of secretary of state has made a report to the ) legislature, indicating that affairs b in that offico are in somewhat bad . shape. However, the lends of f J. T. Gnatt, the socretary, claim - that the only fault on his part is in loose and bad bookkeeping. [For The Ledger. Legislative Paragraphs and Dots. Capt J \Y Humel bus not re turned to the House owing to sickness. The original Brice bill came up for a voto on Tuesday night and t>y a vote of 31 to (58 tho House passed the same. This bill gives a county the privilege of voting out a disponsarv wiiliout being taxed. It i. now thought that this hill will pass tho Senate. Jo?h Ashley does not force bis bi.l to repeal the Immigration aod Commerce Bureau. llA count of nose*" indicates that there will bo no change. The ten hour labor law relatiug to the cotton mill operative will pass tho house. There is a number of petitions before the house signed by operatives asking that i,~ i :n i... i.:u J IUV; iiiii uu kim u. Aii investigation of the books C < of Secretary of Stute .Jes&o Guntt I shows carelessness gouerully ami i improper entries of money col- I lected unci disbursed. The marriage license bills were I killed after premeditation. By a vote of 22 to 74 the house i voted to establish u State Reform- i atory. The measure carries an i appropriation of $5,000. < Mr Sunders of Spartanburg has i introduced a bill to prevent ''bucket shops" being operated 1 in this Stute. Tho Calhoun county hill was j defeated in the Senate and House. B A Morgan, of Greenville, hus been elected speaker pro torn. George E Prince of Anderson | and T P Colhrun of Groenville l arc in the race for judge of the j tenth circuit. Both gentlemen ! are members of the house. Solicitor J E Boggs of Pickens has entered the race for judge of | the 10th circuit. .Josh Ashley made a good speech in opposition to tho ten hour cotton mill operative bill. .Josh said, ' dis is the devilishest i bill ever yon seed. It makes my ambition rise." A number of tho members, iu clndmg Speaker Smith are sick with tho grippe. The bill to prohibit the sale of eocu-cola in this S'aie is exciting a deal of talk und opposition from those interested in the sale of coca-cola. The bill authorizing an issue of ?12,000 bonds for the Kershaw special diatiict has passed the house and senate. Mr Sinkler of Charleston introduced a bill to abolish dower I am againft it. The bill to repeal the lien law will give place to a joint resolution providing for the submission to the voters at the next election of the question ot repeal of the agricultural lien law. A bill to provide for a board of pardons is now before us. The bill provides for a board of three discreet persons to enquire into and assist the governor in considering pardons. It is a difficult matter to adjust the dome of the State house. The commission selected to investigate the matter report that the domo is unsafe and adviso that it will take $12,000 to remove the dome or $18,000 to make it safe. I have introduced a hill to establish a guard liouso "t the cotton mill. R. W. Menmiiiger, of the Charleston bar is a ci ndidate for Judge ofthe new first circuit. W. J. Fishhurn, a member of the House from Colleton county, is also in the race. Tho Herbert bill to tax inheritances and bequeaths was killed. A^'nloy said it was "turblo to t?x a fallow after ht's dead." The appropriation bill as pre iented by the way# and mean# committee passed without , intendments. The Manning-Raysor Dispen- ' iary bill is now before the House. There is much4opposition to the bill and I doubt if it will pass. The bill provides for a com mi#- j sioner at a salary of $3,000 and a Board of Director# of the State ( Dispensary consisting of three ( members at a salary of $1500. The State Treasurer to have . charge of the secret bidding and t purchasing of whiskey. 1 am against the bill as it stands. Later, bill killed, 78 to 20. Bill to repeal Immigration i and Commerce Bureau killed, 1 87 to 36. The Geueral Assembly will \ adjourn on the 18th. We shall t have been here forty days and < forty nights or just as long as t Moses stayed in the Wilderness, j The Senate killed the House s bills prohibiting cock fighting t and shooting matches for tur? L' p ift ollinlr ono ? vy wj vuiuaouO| O bV> Over 1200 bill? have been in-, troduced in the Assembly. Mnny bills will die for lack of Lime to consider them, including the following : bill to prohibit sale of coco cola, board of pardons, county blood bound bill, several dispensary measures, repeal of lien law, execution of criminals in penitentiary, to fix term of Judges sixteen years, and several hundied others. Mr. Beamguard's bill to punish violators of the Dispensary law bv imprisonment and repealing punishment by fine was guillotined. Fob. 11th, 1905. Very truly yours, J. Harry Foster. In Memory of the Late Mrs. Geo. W. Jones* At a meeting of the Lancaster . chapter U. D. C. the (following resolutions were adopted in < memory of its much beloved and oldest member, Mrs. Geo. W. Jones: Whereas, God is his infinite wisdom has removed from her home on earth, to her home in ( heaven, our friend and fellow worker , and Whereas, we folly appreciate her generous help and faithful Bervice to our chaDter. And ~ K v Whereas, we know she loved ' the cause for which she labored, and that her life as a christian < woman showed forth many noble qualities worthy of our remembrance and imitation. Therefore, be it i Resolved, 1. That while we feel her loss to thi6 Chapter we submit to God's will, believing that she has only "gone before," to receive the reward promised by'Him to all those woo. are faithful. 2. That through divine aid, and through the memory of her good and charitable life we aspire to groater efforts and nobler livino. ? ? O' 3. That we extend our sincere sympathy to her family and pray that God will heal their wounded hearts. 4. That a eopy of this memorial he sent to her family, also spread upon the minutes of our chapter. Mrs. T. 8. Garter, mre. u. J. Perry, Committee. No Gloss Carriage Paint Mad? will wear as long as De?oe's.? No others art as heavy bodied, because Devo's weigh 3 to 8 ounces more to the pint. Bold by v Lancaster Mercantile Co. I ?8ubsoribe to The Ledger. I OABVOniA. lMN the - s? to Kind You Have Always Bought %?r C&/&Z&U I >r J* Elliott, Lancaster, S. C. Residence phono No 1S7. Olllee, Davis Building. corner Main and Dunlap street*; phone No 72. Will practice in both town and ;ounty of Lancaator.w All calls, either lay or nigh ? will receive prompt aN .antion Jan. 10, 1905?tf. State'of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LANCASTER. BY J. E. STEW MAN, ESQUIRE, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Mr W T Castles nade suit to me to grant him Letters >f Administration of the Estate of and effects of John T Morrison THE8E ARE THEREFORE; to site and admonish all and singular the cindred and Creditors oT the said Tohn T Morrison, deceased.'and that hey be and appear before me, in the 3burt ofProbate, to bo held at Laucaser on the 25th day ofFvbruary nextaf er publication thereof, at II o'clock in heforenoon to show cause,!f any they iave. why the said Administration ilmuld nr.l tm wr?ii(oil Given under my hand, this 10th day >f Feby Anno Domini. 190S. J. E. 8TEWMAN, Proba'e Judge. Till] What. Cotton. Equal to sii cent cotton. t t t t You have got what 1 want? want?GROCERIES OF ALL K b ^ k ! Some of the best AXES on e forget me. I sell for Cash and TOBACCO at Cost. J. B. MAC WHITE G< Now is the tii early spring "W! We are going to make a spec JOpieceB of Fancy .Meroerised Whit waist suits or shirt waist, this sale 24 P K sold 16 2-3 and 20 oents, this sale ! sold 121 cents, this sale 9 | cents. 3 j this sale 6? cents. We are showing a beautiful liue o this sale at 5 oents. TABLE LINEN. S& Linen, would be cheap at $1 oO, this sold 69 oents, this sale 50 cents. 62 in this sale 45 cents* 60 inch Table Lin LAOS G $3.50 Lace Curtains, this 50 Lace Curtains, this $1 .65 Lace Curtains, this $1 .25 Lace Curtains, this 65 cts Lace Curtains, th muttssifti 20 cents Emorodories this sa 15 << u t( * 12? " 44 44 4 10 44 44 44 4 8* 4 4 44 4 4 4 5 <( ' (? ni We have a real linen Lace, hee and 4c per yard. They are gre Beautiful Line i with insertion to match, that are Come along 1 miss this sale ft prised to see th fer in White G* E. E. ill Nasoaic Building NEW LIERY AND SALE STABLE We have opened up, at the Elliott & Crawford old stand, Sale and Livery Stabloa and are pre* pared to sell stock cheaper than anybody, for cash, or on time with good papers. t^TCall and soe OUR STOCK before buying. Satisfaction guaranteed. LIVERY! LIVERY I With brand new vehicles and good fresh horseawe aro prepared to give the best Satisfaction in the livery business. - Very Respectfully, Moore & Sowell Dec. 1, 1004. rar No'-, my Prices Sol Icome to see me. t- t t t* +: MONEY; and I have got what you INDS. i S b h arth at last year's prices. Don't i at Cotton prices. 2,60# 11# tKORELLl )0D SALE -t t t UG to buy your HITE GOODS. :ial sale on this class of goods. e Goods, Would be nice for shirt cents per yard. 10 pltces Figured 14 cefits, 5 pleoe* checked Nalnrook, >lece? Checked Nainsook, sold 10 oente, r Checked White Goods that will no Table Lin-n, sold $1 26 per yard, this ents. 72 Inch Table Linen, told #1 #0. 85 oents. 72 Inch Unbleaohed Table ?sle 82 oents. 68 inch Tools Linen, en Mercerised Damask, sola 05 cents, en, sold 40 cents, this sale 34 cents. UBT&tNS sale $2.75. sale $1.75. sale $1.35. salo 98 cts. is sale 48 cts. it am .lo .15 cents. ? 12* ?* 1 10 " 1 8$ " 4 5 ? 1 1 ? ivy edge we offer this sale at 6c, 00 at bargains. We are showing * nf VsUnoine lapse Ill IUIUIIUIIIU LUUUtf great bargains also. Ladies and don't >r you will be sur e bargajns we of. iods. Cloud Above Post Office %