The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, February 08, 1905, Image 3

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L&aal Maltts> ? 'OINTMEN TS OF KK'*, J. ar -?-T JTI? Juit,yf 1st and 3d tlabbath. Gilla . reek, 2d and 4th Habbath, II m. Pleasant Hill, 2d and 4lh Habbutli, p. uu ? Har.ant<s wore belling here yecteidny at GO cents per bunch. ? Cotton has gotten up to 7^ cents on this market but none is being sohl. ?Good milch cow with young caif for salo. Apply to J E Rutledge. ? Mrs P M Lalhan of Riverside, is visiting relatives at Donald's, S C ? Mr Richard Ray and family moved fiom this place to Camden last Monday. i ?Mrs H R McManus, who has boon with her husband, State Constable McManus in Charleston since the holidays, has returned home. ? Magistrate L J Perry impo?- , e.l a fine of $20 on Mr John Fox j Monday for carrying a concealed weapon. ? Only one track ot land was 8 >ld by tho Sheriff Monday, sales- j day?The Wyatt Fraziei tract of j land. It was bought by T Y Williams, Esq., for $600. ? ltev I) D .Jones, the new , pastor of Grace Methodist church | at the cotton iuijl here au'ivtd , Friday and filled his firs4 appointments there Sunday. Tho'con. | gregation is very much pleased , yv?lh biqi. ! ? Mrs W ?I Roddy went to J Lancaeter yesterday morning to I lipend a few days. ? Royk Hill i Record. J ? Lost ! About Jany 1st, between R .1 Flynn'e and Creek ^ post office, a boy's overcoat R?- ( turn to L S Elliott. j' ? Wattling to farmers holding cc'ton: Put all cotton under 1 covers; if cotton gets damp during ' warm days in February, it is sure ( to blue t ?Col li E Allison of Lancas- , i .. , . li ter, spent, two days this week .n ; Yorkville, having coiuo ovor on j Tuosday to attend the funeral of ! his brother in-law, Mr John l!( Davies.?Yorkville Enquirer. ^ ? Adjutant General Frost will ( inspect the military company at Liberty ili]l March 28. Col E 1 H Fuller of the USA will probably be present on the occasion. I --Edwin LcsUr, the 16-months ' old son of Mr and Mrs Luther H. ( McAtecr, d o 1 at their home in 1 Colo in In a Sunday night of pneu- ( mouia. i no remains wore taken ' to Rock Hill for interment. Mr. ( and Mrs McAtoor formerly lived ' io Lancaster county , ^ ? Reuben Jackson, col., a car- ! penter of this pluce, accidentally shot himself in the thigh last Friday night while fooling with his pistol at Van Wyck, where he had been working. Jackson was brought home Saturday. hlis wound is quite serious. ?The farmers pjqb of Gills Creek and Cane Creek township , organized Saturday with G W 1 J ones as President and Dr M P Crawford ug secretary. Delegates ( to the county convention, which , meets here next Saturday, were , appointed as follows: .J Wren Tillman, W McD Brown and Dr < M P Crawford. -The contract for theConfedeiate < monument at Cho?tcr was given on Tuesday, Jan. 31st, by the U D C of that city to tho MoNoel Marble Co., Gainesville, Ga., for two thou-and dollars. Tho monument is to bo 41 feet in height , and ;s to bo of Elborton Granite, j ? Rev J J Brown, of Fort ] Lawn, has bought Mr F M ( Hough's Jpace, tho old Cox place, , in the suburbs ?Chester Lantern. | ?Pay your shbscriptiou. ? Kev W. B. Lindsay o Memphis, Tenn., who is cun vassiug to 1 iso funds for a cburol ut Memphis, will kcluro a* Uni ty A. R. lJ. church next Saturdu at 11 o'clock u. in. ?U. A. Dobsou, Esq., ha been appointed on the count board of educution to til 1 the vi ancy created t>y I ho resignation c .J (larry Foster, Esq. ? Mr. J. F. Hunter, carrier o It. F. D. No. 4, has purchased new mail wagon for the businos and can keep comfortable thi very disegreeablo weather. ?The remains of Mr Ed war D Cunningham huvo not yet ar rived from New Mexico. M Hazel Cunningham, a brother o the di ceased, is at homo fro? Clomaon College to attend th funeral. vi..^ i J.e T ? mi o i iiipj 01 H| IJI is visiting her parents, Mr nn< Mrs L Hirsch?KorshavvEra . ?The assigned strode of good i)f Mr D E Hinson \vns sold yes letday cm! was bought by M ilinson ?Camden Chronicle ? Miss Ethel Stewart, of tin Lancaster Graded School, spen Saturday and Sunday at her honn in this city. ? Rock Ilill Record --Miss Ethel Hilton, who ha been touching the Rtversuli school, returned homo Friday having to close i or school on nc count of an epidemic of measles Miss Hilton was fortunate enougl to recover the purse lost by her account of which was published ii last Wednesday's Lancastc Lodger. It wus found on tin train where she had dropped i ind returned to her. ? Korsbav Era. Residence Burred On Fiiduy evening la-d tiro <h trowe l the h-oidsomr new resi lenco of Mr il Gould, manage )i the Excelsior Granite Co n pany, near Heath Springs. Th aiigiw of tbe fire was accidental It is a heavy loss to Mr Gould he structure having cost ove ^3,000, and ho having had onL .bout $900 of insurance on it Besides the dwelling most of it ;ontonls were also destroyed. \Ii Joulcl was absent from LiOtiio a he time, having gone to Kershav m business. Death of Mrs W 1* /?akcr Mrs W 1J Baker died at he home five miles East of town 01 Saturday last, Kg by 4, 1905, o jousumption. She was about 4years of ago and a daughtei if Mr VV G Bailey. She was i consistert member of the Baptis ihnrch. Her remains were in terred at Newhope on Sunday Her husband and several childroi survive her. Letter to.T.H . Davis Lancaster, 8. C. Dear Sir : Father and son 3?ie is glad, tho other is sad.? Devoe ; lead-andoil. Mr. Charles Hollenbeck, Fai Haven, N. Y., painted his hous Devoe three years ago; hie fath 3r, same time, painted hii hous< lead-andoil. The father'a house is all chalk sd-off; the son's 19 as good n new. They'll paint tho sr.m way next time. Yours truly, 20 F. W. Devoe & Co. Lancaster Mercantile Co. sell t>ur paint. Veteiano' Reunion Will ho Heh in Louisville. Tho annual reunion of tho Confet urate veteran*, will ho held in Lou isvlllo this year. Gen. Stephei D. Lee, who succeeded the lah Geu JB Gotdan as commander-ii uhiof, has fixed tho date foi the reunion at June Id, 15 ant 16. f "Lee'slativa Snap bhote.1 h A Th? i Iouao passed a resolution y that ii) fuither bills be introdueed after the 3rd instant. The IJouso by. a decided veto passed the Richards bill providing that when the friends and i- fc> v patrons of a school district should r $100 towards build- 6 iny a school house, then $50 out r of tho 1) nsurv fund should i** n bo added to tho amount so ri in d ^ 8 for such a purpo-e. H Q The Seuulo by a vote of IS to 11 killed the Briee bill relating ' to tho Disp jo.jary. Too bill provided that ruv. county could 1 vote nut a I).asiry without f-' being taxed for iho exorcise of ;1 thin Democ: at in right. Since a! 0 tho bill has het u killed in the C Suiate I n " ?v> ju* iciioal benefit a 1 in fighting th 1 ?r itt? r ?n the ai d House. L't the people. vote out ir Diapeusaiits ni spite of this tax. n a By a v >to of 47 to G'2 the house a - refused to jj i.-.s 11.o compulsory t( r edu ition bill I was against in this measure. , ct e The U-mse b, a vt t of G7 to t 41 pass-d the ten ciicuit h 11. 1 c was for this 1>.11 ; it. i ; chnapo.r . and better t.han the specially) s J udgo system. ' e The bill to .-tablish county , st-JDUb for the tl - benefit of tho r.innsi's was d<- JW . feated. 1 thought tho bill a pood w j one and suppoitt-d it. tl i Tho lluus.; is no \ killing hills c! i by the wholesale mi l I am help- ll i ing all I can. i V L> Mr. Kershaw's bill prohibit-.111 * ing cock fighting paved tho House. lc Some five or six bills looking ^ tl to certain ch.m?p-s in the Dispensary nro to be considered to- ir m ilo i The Manning bill pass ed the Senate. This bill places ( 1 ilu aj poin taunt t?i" too eommi9 ( < : siouera in the hands of tho Guv j111 u ernor and tho commissioners to . f' * hold office owe year. The mens- _ w ' ore also provides for scaled bids G ' fur purchase of liquor. ?' k Tho bill requiring a uniform. ** p. ice for cow peas, cotton seed !U s and corn was killed. Tho IIwiiso ; assed a hill pro- ; ' 1 t I hibiting shooting uiaLhes for v , geese, turkey, chickens or any j thing of valuo. Mr. 1\ P. Cothran, of Greeu-j r ville introduced a resolution to ^ change the Constitution so as j f niako the carrying a oncea'ei ^ j. weapon a disqualification for t w holding office, Mr. Lofton, of Chariest hi, has NV ( a bill to place a tax on tho fisii n: and oystrr industry of the state. . ?' It is estimated that tho state j ai can derive an income of $20,000! si 1 to $-10,000 onnually from this s| source without any injury to the factories or fishermen. A strict election law relating ^ to primary elections has ,,, > passed the House. Candidatec - uuder this bill will have to file ^ with the Clerk of Court after the p r election, a - worn itemiz d statu- , ? ... J - mom ?>i mo amount loaned, 11 * spout or given away during tho & campaign. And in tho event uf a failure to conupty the election ^ as to the party failing to comply a shall bo a nullity The law is ^ 0 sweeping. Candidates under its drastic terms cannot give away . . . .. c? anything, not even give his opponent a good n ime 01 "kiss tho a babies." Our delegation proposes to o?- ^ tablisli a voting precinct at the ^ 1 cotton mill and Pleasant Valley. Thoie is a bill <>i\ the calendar to put the state in the fertilizer 1 business. Unless I clmngo my 1 , views I am opposed to this m 1 scheme and 1 have the same C( B views relating to the bill to have the counties establish cotton 1 seed oil and rnoal factories. C( r Ftb. 5th, 1905 m 1 Very truly yours, tr , J. Hurry Foster. p. Happenings in tlie State. . is Chronicled by tho Alert Cor y respondents of 1'he Columbia h * State. * UI-1V K V WIUI.DKN DLAD. Greenville, Fob 6.? Rev R F Vhililcn of O'Noal township died c uddenlv Saturday night ut 0 lo Kiv. rsido hotel in this city. n U was here us u witness iii the r osier niunlet* easo from Greors. \ lo Colliiacted u severe cold the tl rst i>f lust week, which rapidly evelopcil into pneumonia. Mr Vliildren was a Baptist minister. - h A SHOoTINC N 1!AK DAUMNGTON. Dariiugti n, Feb C. ? Late this fternoon on tlie road leading to tats aud about 4 miles from,here uugiu, was suoi in tUO thigh li rul seriously wounded hy uwhito ' inn nntned Small, tlie weapon ocd being a shotgun. Small and (1 companion were reluming from in )\vn to a saw mill about seven dies wheo they work. The ^ niyiof the shooting is not known AN l'NlSU U< CASK .Nowperry, Fob t*? -Oourt conbnegl today, .Judge Watts prcdiftg. l'he mo.-t .ill resting caso before d te court was that of 11 lv Guin, L W .Jones and G T Dickcrd, ho some time ago were lined by m r ie mayor for refusing to be vac- f n:\tcd. 1 he case was carried to lu higher court and today .Judge i'uUs the decision of the myor. w The case will now ho appealed > tho supreme court on the ground mt the men are non-residents of io town of Newberry, they lie- ^ ig eniployc-d in a cotton mill. . NKGKO'FOUND I>EAD Spartanburg,Feb G.-Tbe body of ^ i unknown negro was found ozeit still near tho sidetrack Inch leads from Wollford tj reel s Sunday morning. This pgro was in Mr W I lhillengor's 1 (no at Wellford Saturday night, id was drinking. It is very robable that lie frozo to death, he verdict of tho jury was to i it clleet. _ ( n.-t His Life by Falling From W air on. [lamer, Feb 5.?A fatal acei-lv intoccured hero Tuesday niglit. 1 nc 'ro mail, while driving n agon'loaded with furniture, fell l' Dtwcen the mules. Ilia head t] as badly crushed between the ?lo of the wagon and a stump rer wliieh it passed. Medical t (1 was shmmnncd as soon as pos- 3( bio, but the man lived only a ti lort while. Prohibition is proving a most ratify ing success in this city, his is not only the opinion of rohibitiopists, but of many who ero opposed to the law. The olico records for the month of anuary show 72 cases before the jcorder, as compared with 100 ises for the same month last car, a decrease of 66 per cent. ,nd who cun estimate the dollars nit have been pat into food, lothin_r, and the comforts of life int have hitherto been squander- ? 1 on whiskey. Many grocery ion report an increase of from 5 to 100 per cent in their cash ado. (Prohibition is the best of v )o many good things Charlotte is.?Charlotte News. Japanese General Dead. ^ London, Feb 6 -General Matsu- | urn, according to tho Tokio 1 >r respondent of Tho Daily Teieraph, has died at tho front from ingestion of tho brain, llocomanded tho operations at 203 Mo o 11 ill and was decorated and omoted for heroism. Mr John B. I t>:<n li ' i.t h \i ' onu' rear RoBsville last Friday ! venire, 87lb, lOO^i ag< (I <)4 CUf*. I i?: llutl '-evil ill . li'r; oalth for se\?.*i ?1 n; ' > , v, i n lrij?lit'M tliscusi' "lOTiCE! "l Pursuant to a cc mm (1 t?v tho Societal v i''. : ooks of subscription o' i - v ctt (Iroeorv Company pen until noon >i Monday, ! nary Gth, 1005, :it tin i?t!: !' V 1* Bennett in t.i? -deta r ?c town of Laneusle:-, S ' \ W 1* Bennett, K II Bonne it, Daisy Bennett, Corporators. ; eb 1 st, 1005. i)r R (h ; :i ;ott Lancaster , S. K?si.!*mv photu' N;i ]-7 ('iv 'avis Huilditjy. r r;i< r \ ut IMP street*; i.hoi ? 7 J Will pruetloo i. In.: i unity of Laiicu.s t r. A . , i ii : ornluli . v. Ill ? w.- jr. it tiiiou Jar.. 10, l&oif. iRQSEiaaCfiijslJti I i p r i ,*\ OiSllii b iVliat Col-ton. pi to six t t + You hnvo r*ot what I Wiint ? * A nut?GROCERIES OF ALL K b ^ r * t ^ n t' a Some of tli best AX K > n .t argot mo. 1 sell for Ca i no ! . OBaClO ut i n:1. t R 4 t> 1 J 1 Pl I B L ii.W. iMur^p Jrl 1 y .| Now is th iui'ly sprimr v We are going { > mak a p ci JO pieces <>: Far y .J/, ; ' ,V faint suits or .-1. i v. t ; * K sold 10 2-:> uud 20 < t?, this Did 121 cent-, t. s ; cents 11Ih rale bl cent-. We are show in;* a ben a ii'ni ii'ijn'c liis sale at 5 c- nU, ME LINEN. jineii, would lie olimip it .-I ij1 i Did 69 cents. tlii.H aale 50 i c ' ' his salt ee: ts* GO in .Mi 'i'a tace cts $3.50 Luce Curtains, t'ui> sr.! *2. 50 Lace Curtains, 81.65 Lncti Curtains, this s :' if 1.25 Lace Curtains, this sa' 6.5 eta Laco Curtains, this . i 20 cents this s h . 15 44 44 ' 44 41. . 12^ 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 .. 10 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 4 .. 81 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . ( l (( I I < I Wo have u real linen Laco, h my) lid 4c per yard. Thoy aro great Beautiful Line of villi insertion to match, thai are p miss this sale H'iseil to see the ei* ii? White E, E. i in Masonic Building;, A new"*" C:':! AND TABLE ;\ c : ivo opoiuvl up, ut tho Elv 'i wfortl <>Ul htnuJ, Sale . . Stul)!c> uuil nro pro'? cheaper than f. .1, or on time \ pa; .... ' u.. 1 <K STOCK a . Satisfaction ;uimai*ee;!. LIVERY! LIVERY! Willi brand new vo? hire.- and good horscswu uro dim parcel to give the best Satisftic-. lion in thy livery business. ... V ry Respectfully, c r c & Sowed )or ! , 11)0-1. taii'il1 'il i?i IV m+m b - |;i > !i v I/I ;i ihi!i lis atto wi?y M* "?truini?r. No. my Prices f mP te ste n. f f +? |j'.y : :td I got what you D -. f: b r ? t/ ) li at !. : y ir'tf \ rices. Don't ti dlon prices. 2,000 lb? f;rV. 1 1 \V t t ' ' ? . \ <. '<i St. ; -nei K C* I 1 ST vij a/iLL . .i .j your ... OODS. i cia-s oil -oods. I . i for tliirt i> j i : .> ? l'igured . i Uco.'unl Xjunsook, .. ' N:\i: >ok, sqM 10 oettto, Viiit-> f' >(] * that will rnu * i .?j ;n*i r .uu, I 111M I To I ::!?! , told $! 00. :1? V l) ? idied Table - , i. .'Ii I.luen, I ! n- tv, . i/!il 6r> cent*, ild 4 ! s, !hi*di* 2-4 OClllB. 1 v^v ;1 U ' V ^ 'v* 4 V V *i o ?2. 75. lo ?1.75. lo $1.35. e 98 eta. tilo 18 el.-. HiT:> 1 K innf J t ?? I -* ?' VV.IJ13, 12* " 10 ? S* " 5 11 1 " "i.. 1 wo oii'or this ea'o fit 6c, 5c bargains. Wo are showing h Valancine laces 'i.t I or:: ins also. idles and don't <1 -3 W? 1 be SUP Iia 'gasns we of. dsr ' ' T /'V T T ULUUD bovc Post Ofnco