The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, February 04, 1905, Image 3

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Lual ?laltt: ?'OINTMKNT8 OK HRV, J. M. TCITIt Jnity, 1st mid 8d Babbath. Gills ? re k, 2;l and 4tb Babbath. 11 m. I'leisant Hill 2d mid 4lli Babbit h, V? m. ? G"o<l milcli cow wilh young caif for sale. Apply to ,) E liutledge. ? Rev ,1 B Mack, D D, of Foit Mill, Iihs been tho guest of Col Springs this woek. ? Helt Clyburn, 11 woll known colored man here, died yesterday morning. He was cn the streots the evening before. His death was probably duo to the grip. ? Mr M nson Biunson, traveling representative of Tho News and Courier, was in the city this week. ? Julius Hegler, a son of Mr W V Hegler of tho Antioch section, stepped on a nail whoro his father was tearing down, a house Wednesday and . has a very bad fort from it. ? Married, on Sunday last, Jany 29, 1906, by Magistrate LJ Perry, Mr George Konnington and Mias Hattie Blackmon. ?Rev J M Purdue will preach at the Crenshaw school house on the second Sabbath in this month at 11 a m. ? Lost ! About J any 1st, between fl .1 Fly nil's and Creek post ottieo, a boy's overcoat. Return to L S Elliott. ? Wanted I A white tenant for u small farm, favorably located, new buildings Apply to Miss M Tompkinc, Dry Creek, S C. ? During the past week Mr. A. J. McNincb, of Lancaster, has erected a beautiful monument at the grave of Mrs. Esther P. White in the town cemetery. The monument is of beautiful design an'1 issuid to have cost about$800. ?Fort Mill Times. ?The condition of Dr. ,1. H. Thornwell, who has been snriously ill for some days of la grippe is reported to be improved. ? The Ledger, The Atlanta Journal, Seini weekly, and The Southern Cultivator, vll three one yeur for $2., but must be ^_!.l * ? I? - 1 piuo i<vr in iMivauflfr ? Senator Hough bus been at borne the past few days as county attorney supervising tbo issuing of the refuud bonds of the county. ? A commission has been issued to the Bennett Grocery Co., of this place by tho Secretary of State See notice Books of sub. scription open." ?The engmo at the saw mill of Messrs. j. 11. & L. H. Koboitson, near Pleasant Hill, was blown up with dynamite last Wednesday night and several dvnamite were placed in their bodor but failed to explode. The loss of the engine is total and it will require several hundied dollars to replace it. ?Letter* remaining uncalled or in the post-office at Lancaster, S C, for the week endirg February 4th, 1905 are as follows: Messrs .James Terry Carter, W T Bradley, J F Taylor, McCollough, 1 L 'McGuirt, (2), W B Funderburk, Mr and Mrs Ellis Graydon, Joseph F Perry, Elmes Williams, Tom Hough, MesdameR R C Jones, Mary Watts, Emma Bel', Agnes, Fnnderburk, J D McGuirt, (2),-Alice lonng, Miss Nino Crawford, Miss Elinor Young. J M Stewart, P M. School House Burned Spartanburg, Jan- 31.?The school house and Musonic hull at Orescent in this count}', caught fire yesterday and the building was entirely consumed It is thought that the fire originated from a flying spark rfom 1he stove chimney falling on the roof. ? * * : Tho New Couiiij* Bonds Issued M j Countv Supervisor M C Gurd1 nor and Mr W B Bruce, Clerk, of ; were busy vestotday signing up tei j and affixing the county seal to the th ! refunding bonds- of Lancaster uf county. These bonds ure being tin I issued to retiro tho $8P,tft)0 of oil ! county bonds outstanding which #pr i were issued by the county in aid 8p of the Cheraw & Chester Railroad L.< and are now duo and payable. M Tho now bonds draw 4 por cent. M interest and mature, $25,000. in M twenty years; $25,000 in thirty L years; and $30,000 in in forty M years. Tho bonds and interest coupons are payable at the Han- sh over National Hank in New York fu city. As previously stated in wi those columns they were purcha*- th ed by Messrs Seasongond & Mey- fu er. The Ijftiicastor 11 and L Assooia m tlon I>isbnndcd j( The Lancaster Building and Loan Association, pursuant to resolutions passed at tlie last ^ meeting of tlio stockhohlers, is rapidly winding up its affairs, and is now about u tiling of the past. The heavy taxes of the association J rui hist year "was the causo of its un- g doing. The last series ot its stock an had been running just three years. Wo regretted to see this associa Qr tiou disband. During the ten or . y . es twelve years of its existence it J co was the means of many young met. saying up from their monthly earnings a few dollars, to say ^ nothing of the many new cottages ^ dotted over the tewn that prob co ably would never have been erect- j ed tnit for the assistance of the building and loan. It has added considerable to the taxable prop orty of the town and the regret is l)( general that it has become do- Pl funct |m . - - o i l>e:ith of E I> Cunningham i ()j A telegram received hem by n Mr VV .1 C untiinghnm last hue* ^ day evening brought the sad in- p telligonce of the death of lus son, ar Edward Dnnlap Cunningham,1 a\ which occurred the evening ho ^ fore at Fort Bayard in New Alex ur ico Mr Cunningham left heie ft in November lust in search of ^ health, having contracted CGnsump pj tion while serving us a soldier in fo, tho Philippines. He first went to ftr San Antonio, Texas, and from there to B ieino, Texas. A letter Qc to his father last week stated that jjc his condition was worse and that he would leaye Boerno for Arizi- {)|. na ,A telogram Sunday stated . that he had arrived at Fort Bay-] nrd that day and would write as soon as able. Hi9 death occurred ! the following day, Monday, Jany : 30th. On receipt of tho telegram on the 31st Mr Cunningham *'ired that tho remains be sent Lome, ! and a subsequent telegram inform-; ed him they left Fort Bayard on i ft 'CI" Thursday's train. The ramains . are expected to arrive here next | c" Tuesday or Wednesday. Edward Cunningham was 23 yoars, 6 months and 15 days old at the time of bis death, having | ^ll been born July 15, 1881. At the *)l outbreak of the war with 8pain he joined the U S Army and serv- an ed in Co A 27th Hegt , in tbe Philippine* Up to thai time be was lobust and the picture of l'* ' th health, but the exposure and hardships of service in the Philippines wrecked his health and on ^ the return of his company tp the 1 United States something over a to year ngahediad to spend some time in tbe gevernment hospital in New ^' Mexico recuperating tieforo he w< was able to return homo last spring, l'ho doopost sympathy is n' felt for the parents in the sad loss 11 of their son in the blrom of young ^ manhood. ^ O A.B C'OTII J9L V\ Bmn thi /) Ito Kind You Have Always Bought i n ?Pay your subscription. eotfng TJ I> C-()IIlcci< Ulectcd < The annual election of officers > the Lancaster Chapter Dangh- > r of the Confederacy cumo olT at t t'ir regular meeting Thursday 1 lernoon and resulted 111 the I imimous reelection of the old | ticers. viz: Mrs Ira B Jones, 1 evident; Miss Annie Wither* ( oon, let vice-president;,- Jill's 3ioy Springs, 2d vice president; rs .1 T Green, Recording rs M .1 Ferry, corfas. rs M E Cauthen. treasurer-^ Mrs B Foster, historian; Mrs M K cCardell, custodian. The report of the treasurer owed over $S00. monument nd, on deposit in the Bank. It us decided to serve dinner on e lirst two days of court to rther supplement the fund. Itcsolutions on the death of rs Harriet Jones, an esteemed ember whose death occurred ice the lust meeting, were adited and ordered published irn and Valuable Stock Burned J. A. Thomas, who lives mid- , ly botween Edge moor and Huron v. suffered a severe 1>>?8 bv o Monday ?veiling. 'His bum (1 stables were totally consumed, ireo valuable mules, worth $000 t f more, weredestroye in the uam, as well as several vehicles and . . e '<? 1 nsiderable quantities of cornid provender. : , The lire original- d in a barrel 1 lime, which had been stored in e barn. The structure was . mipletely destroyed, entailing a ss of *1,000 or more, with no in nance. ? Rock Ilill .Journal. ! . A bill has been favorably re* irted making vaccination conn llsory. We suppose it will i ent the opp jsition of some be,u?v it will vi )'.ate the 'M ights" I individuals, which apparently : their view are, . grp^tejr than i iose of tho citizons as uj Whole. i he bill is a most important one i id ought to puss. Ignmancc and i istinacy ought not to be allowed \ i endanger the lives <>f ciuz uis I id tocontinuo the continuance of i loathsomo disease, even where i is not fatal. Sm oil I pox cm he r actically destroyed in the s'aie f / vaccination, and whom cities i id towns do not thoroughly prnc20 vaccination the state ought to uno in and do the work. A suflient appropriation to efficacious- j carry out the purpose of ihoact ight to bo voted without question , Columbia Record. I Farmers Want 10 Cents. ] >t Willing to yell C ?lion LJnder \ That Prico. c "I want to buy your cotton'* 1 id a purchasing agent to a farm- J living soveral mi es abovo the | ly yesterday. "What will vou ' ko for it'f" s "Ten cents," said tho farmer. "But" said the agent, "that is r above tho market pi ice 1 am ?pared to givoiho best the mar i t is offering but 1 can't afford t vthinir like 10 oi>niK " j y Q "" J "Can't help it, sir. It goon for j ) cents and nothing loss," said c o farmer "My friutul, sect * at wooden log? Well, I have 1 light through tho Civil wur and \ have soon lots worse times in < reenville county than these of i day. Those sixty bales Of cot- i 11 piled up there belong to nio. \ on hear that ax in the piece of ' nou down yonder don't yonf i 'ell, that man is cutting timber 1 ght now and 1 am going to have 1 sawed into boards to covor i at same cotton. 1 expoct to i lep it awhil yet, and I will not ( ivo to starve to do it eithor. ( fhen your houso feels like offorg 10 cents for it, con e aroiwd ! id we'll talk it over. Until 1 ien good day." j I "1 hut is a fair sample of the | vay the farmers are all talking," mi<t the cotton man who told the h? itnry on himself when he returnedev ye ,o Alio city yesterday afternoon. j( _ 11 There :s u great deal of cot'on p, being held by the farmers and .. they ato \vnitiog for 10 cents like ny old friend, the soldier."? jirocnvillo News m 9 m ed Happenings in the State. !>'" > <>p As Chronicled by the Alert Correspondents of The Columbia State FIKK NKAR 1UCHBURO Chester, Jan. 31?On the night )f the 23rd inst., tho residence of ^H Mr. William C. Key, near Richmrg, was totally destroyed by ire of accidental origin, supposed o have boon cause l by a defective 1 luo in tho cook room The ocrupnnls barely had time to \ nuke their escape: none of tho Cui lousohold goods was saved. The oss is partially covered by ineur- tHT moo. Mr. Key is a prosperous foung farmer of the community vhere he lives. O r. ASIILEY UUKNED TO DEATH. \ikcn, Feb. 2.- A telegram ?vfis received hero this afternoon dating that Mr. George P. Ashev was burned to death in tho of- *\ ice car attached to tho railroad 1 :amp of W. J. Oliver & Co. at Wnyckliffc, Tonn., at 2.30 o'clock T Lhis morning. No further par- Llj iculars of tho tragedy were given n tho teligram. KILLED BY TRAIN. WI Green Pond, Jan. 32.?Mr. M. A . Brawdy, whose homo was in Beaufort county, was killed here today by tho fast mail. fo Mr. Brawdy and his wife had T( been to Walteiboro to attend the funeral of their daughter and were I returning to their homo at Dale, ^ in Beaufort count/. While waiting at the station here for tho lo? sal train Mr. Brawdy went across Lhe track for a few minutes, and . bearing a tram coming, supposed II it was tho train ho was to take ind attempted to cross the track. The fast mail, (lying along the ine stretch of track, killed him dnicst instantly. A GIFT FROM MR. VANDERBILT. Bethune, Jan. 31.?Several 1 liindred crossties were burned Wl P ' ibout two miles west of town last H()] Sunday night and while they were thi burning tho Seaboard's Florida imitcd train, to which was attach- 11,1 ?d Vanderbilt's special oar, was :omplelled to eU p on account of he tiro. Mosj of the ties belong- U ;d to John Mc3ougan a white . tin nan, who was out beside the uilroad trying to put out the fire. Sir. Vanderbilt, who saw that the ire would moan a heavy loss to SlcGougun, walked up and promoted him with $50 in cash. DIED OF LAUDANUM POISONING. Biackvillo, Jan. 31.?Miss Min lie Llutto, a beautiful and well bought of young lady litre, was !Ound in her bod yestorday morning at 5 breathing hei last breath )f life. Miss Hutto had attended leruicos at the Baptist church aoth morning and evening ns isual. Her door was locked but mo of the sash of hex room wne I'tused and the blind open. Her lunt Miss sallie Hartzog, with wj whom she lived, entered the wicdow and found her just breathing and summoned Dr. L. F. Bonner immediately, who found ll lior dying from laudanum poison- *1 ing. Miss Hutto's father and * mother ars both dead, but sho has |l \ brother and several siators who ire very much shocked at this indden end of ? sister they loved ?o well. Miss rlutlo had not boon despondent :iud scorned in kho best of humor yesterduy. V Mr. John Dixon i'i <1 it h's # me near Jonvillo .a lv' enine, tlan. 27th, 1 *. '*>, ;ip-< ' lira. I!o hut! horn in tV. ; ? ulth for aos'cnil m nt'i . v. I t ijht's (tiuaso. "noiICET"" Pnraunnt t<> a cc mini hy tho Sc.'rotary <1 Mate, : oks of su^>eriptmn < : li ; |: i . It Grocery Compan;. M'ili en until tmon of M >i <iay, l*oh ary Gth, IttO."), at the ? llieo i I' Bennett in his storeroom in 3 tow'n of Lancaster, - ' W V lh nnett, la 11 Bonnet t, Daisy Bennett, Corporators. b 1st, toor. l >r as </. t t. Luncuslei, S. iteslit' iuM phone i ->7 < Hi A'is Huiklim< < r. . a i ml lulnp aliett.; | )?oi e N VJ kVil 1 practice I . b ,-,'a :-<wn liity of l.ancu* it. All .'i , ( iii r y or nl<:5> .. v. Ill r < -'vi-pi ni| tition Jan. 10. 19U*? ? if. MlSI1 *1 i Sill ill Vhat, Cotton, ma! to six ociit c'i! I t t t Von have got what 1 want -1 mt-(JROCKUIFS OF ALL L k S h 1 Souie of the 1 >o^t A XL-' o: rgct me. I sell for Cash an 1 3BACCO at Cost. I. B. ft VHITE C( Now is the th arly spring- W We are going to iniko a -pre lOpieef* of Fancy J/ercoris^t! Wh t itst suits or v -t - ' Jl K H'it*I 10 2-a:?.:?!::> ; iii s *i 12 J ?ent.?, tills sale 9 ? cent* > p Is rale cents. Wo are showing a 0e-.\u ifu! lino ol Is enle at 5 c? ?t*. TABLE LINEN. s& neu, wonI<1 l?a cheap at?! o*'. 1 d 69 cents, thfc sale 50 t <-\ts 02 in< s sale IS costs 00 in- it Table t.i. o LACE G< $3.50 Loco Curtains, thi.a $2.50 Lticc Curtains, this $1.05 Lace Curtains, this : $1.25 Lace Curtains, t!ii OK .?? . 1 ' 1 ' v;ua unuu v unuill mmnwmri 20 conts Emlirodcries t!n< sni 5 5'' " *' '' 124 " " " " 10 " '' " " 8 1. II (( t 4 it ?S 5 '' " " " Wo huve u real linon Lace, hcai id 4c per yard. They arc 'j\ on Beautifyl Line e ith insertion to match, ti nt ;o < Come aioang I niss t!?is sale fit >rised to see t ep in While E. E. In Masonic Building, & f tr w ?* L itf EH'/ AND SALE STABLE * c !. \ > oi-oned lip, at the Eli > Cmwfo! I i>I | stand, Sale i 1 I- y St: t'.c and nro pror <1 t ;? chcapor than : \ I Iv, for caii>, nv on timo willl I'. 1 | :ij ! - ( OUH STOCK '?oi > . v in . Sati -Taction f anaivr.tocrl. i LIYLKY! LIVERY! Willi brand now vchiclos and pood ffoli horscswe arc nijipurcd to pivo the iit>t Snti>fac~ lion in Iho livery business. ... Very Rcsjicctfuliy, | f\ q o f e G; Sowell j U( ' 1, 11*01. \ R ft * /v nv;;i nsi p v'r'M v a p : ? \\ >1/1 'llLllfeiUfi No. nil] Prices :'c c s; if ses lie. |. | .j. MONi'.Y. ind I hove what yon I NIKS. V. Ik w 1 i. < * fl!i . priooB. Don't :it (. utton puces. 2,000 lbs PV ... LL! i/vLE your HJTJh GOODS. i tl saic i i lliis el.;-< t?t" j^ootls. .! Im> i { for nhirt : i ? . ' 10 p'u - Figured 1 :i s. .*? ; v*? - V v',; d Nainsook, 'ii? v;s (T. rked Niilr.s ok. sold 10 cents, ' <V?scckf! Wliiv; (1 uiviri that will run Table Mn-i s Id $1 21 per yard, this ilia. 72 ' ic * Tablo I Ineu, oiii II 00. k"> c 72 iii. h t"iilt e.n lu <1 Table ialeS2?cu or itieh Tvt?> Linen, ) iVlvr.1 i c i I) tin -di, Pit G"> eeiita, ,,. s >!d 4') ; l:*, t]iiv ale 24 CvJlta. ? V 'j V ... ?? t"' UliT ilo ?2. 75. - i'o 01.75. i! 01.U5. i!o 98 eld. s hiilc 48 cts. > vj V iv V"), Z.WH. e . . 15 ceiita. 12* ? 10 " V J it -1 r> " 4 4( :\ wo odor this sa'e :it Go, 5c it \\'o :ire showing a <f s" j s c I .'I9* ': A AAA i f CllCtiUilid Ufefci) Ct < at I atirains also. jadies and don't r Wi J be nur 1 b we of ods Cloud Above i'osl: Oiiice <4