The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, February 01, 1905, Image 4

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The Cotton Situation. A Marketl Decrta*o of L'ecolpts for Jtiimarv. Now CVlouns, .Fan 27. ? Specietary Hester's .weekly cotton state .? ...^4 4 . I ... .. ,.l ? 4 l? ? UJl'lll laolVl'U tWUU> III! I 111 twenty-seven days of .liintinry n decrease under last year of 157,00<>, and a docro iso under the same period year before last of 256,000. For the 140 days of the season that have elapsed the aggregate is ahead of the same days of last 928,000, and ahead of the days year before 1 i-t 1,030,000. The nmc.Mint brought into sight during the past week has been 229,515 bales, against 209,158 for the same seven days last year, and 267,570 year before last. Including stocks left over at ports and interior towns from the last crop and the number of bales Iwmiirlit into tl,n^ f.i,< r> " ? ' the new crop, the supply to date is 9,003,228. against 8,OS 1,462 for the same period lust jeur. ST It WCiHT Fa( TS. A whole Nit of funny i bras', enn lie written about remedies, *?ut >t take* facta to prove anything? good straight facta. Ami the strongest fact you ever heard la that Tannojhine i? the best cure for pMes on the market It ,.nros> absolutely. Ha* a h'-aling, soothing etfeot from the start. Alidruggist* tiave it for 00 a jar. Aak fo? TaniiOpllin aud don't dare take a substitute. Must Stand Together. Taking the cue from the convention at Now Oleany, Southern newspapers have endorsed the n I il II <if ri'i i I ini ii it l!m <>i ill. in iii'i'i' ago and they aio giving wide publicity to the efforts of the farmers to control the situation in the futuro. in this matter the press can be of inestimable value to the South. The futuro welfare of the people depends upon united action and if wo hope to accomplish tho aims desired it is absolutely ncces sary for the planters to stand together. They must abide by the agreement. They must cut the cotton acreage 25 per cent., they must buy less fertilizers, and they mu9t go in for diversified farming on a more elaborate scale. Tho association idea must spread to every township and hamlet, and if the mon who produce tho money crop will not throw away the opportunity tboy will reap full benefit and profit from their labors in the fall. To further carry out the movement in behalf of tho farmers, it is important to hold u part of tho present crop, refusing to throw it on the market ftt prices far below the actual cost of production. The leading "bear" speculator in .New York, who would become a "bull1' tomorrow, if that would heln to till his nock ets with gold, is bonding out Hum* mg advertisements, urging tho producers to sell before tho market is driven down to livo cents. It is not safe to regard what ho says, but it is safe to join in with the majority of Southern people who are just beginning to show tho master hand. ? Greenville News. The action of the Now Orleans convention as shown by tho full reports of its proceedings printed during its session and since its adjournment, was most conservative. As pointed out by The Times-Democrat, it did not waste time in condemning dealing in futures, and other things over which the iarmers nan no control, out went directly at the question of acreage and use of fertilizer. There is where the planters can act effectively; can, if they desire, absolutely control the price of cotton, at least so far as keeping it at a fair price is concerned, and it is agreeable to see them working to to that end. The deliberations of former conventions have boon # mora in tbo way of puttig the re* sponslbility on oilier* thm on the planters themselves, uml little, if ^ anything, was accomplished. The Now Orleans meeting, however made the production of the sta plu practically the solo object of its assemblage, and the result wil1 bo watched witch interest. When the next convention meets at Ashe ville in August it will doubtless s rocievo reports that will show actually what has been accomplished toward the 25 per cent, reduction of the area devoted to the staple. ^ c It is an undertaking of vast proportion, but one which can be carried out if the farmers stick together on the two propositions . 'U../ II ' |iu:riiuu. ? V/iiui iuiiu viwivol . t A VERY CLOSE CALL f "1 stuck to my engine, ul- t though every joint ached and ( every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. \V. Bellamy, a locomotive iireman, of Burlington, 1 Iowa. '1 was weak au<l pale, 1 without any appetite and all run t down. As I was about to give \ up, I got a boltlo of Electric Bitters, and after taking it, 1 felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people 1 always gain new life, strength ( and vigot from their use. Try * them. Satisfaction guaranteed by t Crawford Bros., .1. F. Maekey & ^ Co., and Fundorburk Phar. Price 50cts. 1 . , t To Hold Cotton. * New Orleans, La, .lan. 28.? c The (ienerul director of the Cot- v ton Association will meet here 8 February 4, to consider'the plans ' for carrying over 2,000,000 bales of the unsold portion of the eot> 1 ton crop of 1004 until .January, ^ February and March, 1906, and 11 to perfect plans for organizing a 1 permanent cotton ware house sys- 11 tem. P stop It. p A neglected cough or cold may * lead to serious bronchial or lung e troubles. Don't take chances when Foley's Honey and Tar af- ^ fords perfect security from serious v effects of a cold . Sold by Fandci bulk Pharmacy. Russian Casualties at Sandepas 1 1,045. r V St. Petersburg, Jan. 28.?A 0 telegram from Chansiamutum says the Russians lost 45 officers j, and 1,000 men killed or wounded ^ at Sandepas, January 26. The j, Russians took 102 Japanese pris- n oners, besides, arms, wagons and ^ ammunition. r CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ^ The Kind You Have Always Bought t Bears the Signature of C M&S7%T'&Cc4u/t& " m |mi 5 The bauds of a clock are al- ^ ways in front, yet they may be behind time. Many a man has won a girl's hand only to find that he hasn't g won her heart. Some people are too much afraid of freckles to make hey b while the sun shines. d DOMESTIC TROUBLES e c< It is exceptional to find a fam i ily where there are 110 domestic ^ rupturesoccasionally,but these can ^ be lessened by having Dr. King's New Life Pills around. Much trouble they save by their great j work in stomach and Liver trou- ^ bles They not only relievo you, w but cure. 25c, at Crawford Bros., ^ J. F. Mackey &Co., andFunder ( burk Fhar Dun? Stores. ? " I! Notice. * My regular office days will lie Sat- I ? unlays and Aral Mondays. All othejr days you will And me nt my office near X. & C depot Will keep school C( books at both offices and will be glad to wait on you any day In the week. W M Moore, D' Co Supt' f JCduoation. Jan 10, 100?. The Solution in a Nutshell. lcthod Tiilit Will bolve Cotton Problem.?Fifty-two Successful Cropi. "o the Editor of The State: The u'l-aboorbing question for olut'on is how can we get rid of i cent cotton aud make it imposihle for it ever to return and digress our peop e ? This will doit: Let every ;rowor of cotton 6ow wheat, rye, nits and barley in ample quantity or home consumption ond some o spire. When these grains are akcn off the land sow one bushel >f pous ou ooch aero to make peanno hay. When in bloom cut ,ho vinos and cure and house them !or feed, to sell what is not needed )U tho farm ^hen the proper time :omo8. After thorough proparaion of the land plant ample acreige in corn to secure euough tor lOtne consumption with some to ?pare. Drop peas between the nils of corn or sow them broadcast, one-half bushel to the acre, he last plowing to improve the and. Let each farmer secure one )r more mares and raise his mules ind horses instead of buying hem. The writer had a half U'otber who laieod eight mules in line years from one . mare. He liissed only one year in nine. Sherman's army stole them all. Let each farmer be well stock d with hogs, sheep, goats, cattlo in 1 poultry. Let each farmer be elf-supporting as near as possilie. After each grower of cotton bus lone the above, let him plunt all lie cotton ho can cultivate well, nako every pound lie can and sell t for all he can get, which will lot bo less than 10 cents. If the ;rowers of cotton will fall in lino nd follow the advico given, tho teoplo of our southland will ho ho richest and hnppiost people on arth in 10 years. Let every one who has cotton on land hold it if he can. Let tho-e irho cannot hold sell direct to our uctories. If they have to give it way, give it to our own people, was told a few days ago by the (resident of a factory that he rould give more than anyone Ise. While a large crop was made ist year, the writer docs not elieve there is more cotton in exjlence than the factories will ecd. Last year hocauso of the igh price of cotton, the factories an on short time, some of them losed down. Notwithstanding bis there was no cotton at the lose of the seuson to be* had. .r .......... r..-4 ii ...... *..n iuwovui jr inuiui y win i mi uu iuii imc andcotton is cheap at Ocents. Tho above advice is from one rho has grown, gathered and sold 2 crops and tnado money every ear. lie never failed. Ellison S Keitt, Enoree Plantation, S C., an 22, 1005. WED FROM TERRIBLE DEATEI. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobitt of Bargorton,Tenn., saw her ying and wore powerless to save, ho most skillful physicians and very remedy used, failed, while onsnmpiion was slowly but surer taking life. In this terrib e our Dr. KiDg'u Now Discovery >r Consumption turned despair Tl>? k/.?lU U.n..>k? IIU JUJ . A HO III Ol UMlliail|llU||lH uoaediale roliof and its continued Be ev.rupletoly cored her. It's jo most certain cure in the orld for all throat and lung oubles. Guaranteed Bottles 60 ts. and $1.00. Trial Bottles *ee at Crawford Bros., J. F. Lackey & Co., and Fnnderburk har. Drug Stores. JNotice to the Public. 1 will hold all inquests In the aunty. Phone to my residence t Pleasant Bill for me ffihap ceded. ,J. Montgomery Caskey, ept. 20?tf Coroner L. #. , A Fertilizer Dispensary. / Another Scheme for tho Monopo? ly of Private Bnsihcss hv the Slate, Special to News and Courier. Columbia, .Jan. 27.?It is stated that the commission appointed to report on tho feasibility of the State ontet inpr into tho fertilizer business will make a report Monday, and it will reconimeud that a fert'lizer factory he established in or in connection with tho d:s pensary. It will ho claimed, it in said, that the people of tho State paid about $2,000,000 more for fertilizer last year than they onjjht to have, and since courts have fa'j ed to givo relief the State should do so Tho proposition is to s'art out with one faotory and increase tho number as occasion or circumstances may demand. The farmers of tho State will tie called upon in tho report,it is said, to meet in the Court House of the various counties on salesdny in February to adopt resolutions favoring the plan, and to show the Legislature that thov demand action. This correspondent's informant says the report will create <llively reading." P M II. OABTcTniA. Boats tho KM You Have Always B0!:?i? S,8T" ar'snxmagiH?a?awa??b??a C A 9 B AG E PLANTS $1.50 PER THOUSAND. I uiii prep red to ft 1 any and all or <l?rs with tlie best varieties of ('uliliaee Plants. Orders lilted fur any amount and varieties, HVito for prices on lots of 3.000 aiut over. Addre s orders to W T Carr, Meugetts, H C. Dec 2P. 1904?8m - ???a???wmmmccst* < nbbnpePliintw From 'he best selector! see Is. Now rovty for shi p?np?.t,. tarsr . st>*oug. hO'ililiy, thrae p't- Is r.rgrown in {tie open r ii un.l adi aland eevero free no with out injury. Eariy Jersey Wtk* field.^c Type or. Charleston Wnkrfie'd whtok ar? the bent known varieties oi cavly cabbage, also Hendetaoa's Suuoereion. the beat large, late and sure header. Auguata E^rly Trucker, also a floe type of late variety. Nwrtly paoked In light baakete, $1.60 per M, For llvo thousand or over $1 26 pt r thousand FOB Iz press oftlae. Chas M Gibson. Youngs Island, H O, Deo 20, 1004?8m. PROFESSIONAL CARD. Dlt M P ORAWFOIU) Dh It C JlBOWN CRAWFORD A BROWN Physicians and Surgeons. Lancaster, 8. C, Trreabinent of the eye, i.<*e and throat a specialty. CaJIfl laaoanptly answered day or night. Office over Crawford Bros. Dtug Stove. Plioucwi Office, No 170; R i.lenoee If on. 11 and 30. "money to loaF I tvave n^e arrangement wi, j i?uucn in uMiii^r in ?ew r<>PK Uiiy, toUh whom I ?rii able to negotiate loans dfceueed by fbet iiKMfpa^e on Iiiipiovert eottou lueiiia, at 7 nir arnt inet>?*ni? repayable la annuft) Installment* of Ave > enr.t No broke'Age or rommis sion olmrje-rt Only a reuHOtmblo charge *<r abfct w<e; eftitl* li E WYi.IM, Aug 31?6m. Atlornoy' at Law ? ?.1 < in* '.ML-.* .*, y.r wt-?>.?% _^ Suei^eiSB Bducaiion PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS I YOU i:ec?la I WoN Ortl b!yil'j6*fl ??f- I uoHttop W* *fi'r*fv*.70 of aSatly efjcrOjvart as b-Hng ?I>e itpW lb*J have fit) snperK) luefrurtfrni s0vw. \? nfSt ^lasti No ngler 6?feloess (jlb-ffo. Ti-r oe'ter artvffdt Koter now amj prsjiars tor a .ifcrntiye p. (>i)f hra/lontea In doffiijjjil i.tJl us Jftlst yi-ii we ht|M> lAjoefBrt liHVtrtrt'OH-iatftA/ #*? IT) ptawtiofV Wo offfr .iDootnl rate* Mivcf?\t'sS. (J. Hoainota (JoUetft Columbia, tf. 0. Aug. 29, 1904?tl. Go to the j LANCASTER MARBLE | AND GRANITE WORKS, For Good Work and Low PrIoe? A. J. McNinch, LANCASTER, S. 0 ' The Kind You Have Always Bou^h iik use fbr over 00 years, has b __Z? . ,1, ...i- and lias hex s?nal super Allow no Oil All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Experiments that trifle with and Infants and Children?Experience What is CAS Costoria is a harmless substitute goric, I>rops mid Soothing Syruj contains neither Opium, Morpliii substance. Its ago is its guaranty and allays Feverishncss. It cure Colic. It relieves Teething Trout and Flatulency. It assimilates tl Stomach and Bowels, giving l?ca The Children's Pan ace??The I?lo GENUINE CASTO ^cars Sigm The Kind Yon Eave. Bn Use For Over THE OIKTAUR COMPANY. 77 N-UnRAV CT OR. W ? ff| ? I lvon's Ifesicn li'en Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sa ULE5UL1S. Greatest known female xein< PAISYifiM Hi'w.irrnf c.-mntCi-foltg mid Un!' .Sons. 'i lie uPU I lv?j ion wil}' fno-slmilo i IctinMirft in sl?l;? Of tin fiend for Circular to WILLli.-Mt- MbU.CU.,fiv'o Aucutt. t! Said by luind^rburk Ph&nnncy. Not ee is ntceby j;;vt? ? ! .1 litis office will b? ! ii f :a l!i?? b l tlry ef 1 January' > lie 201 h tiny of Feb; unry ,uu 190a, foT ihf {>u? pone of reoolvOig tlio ?i?dc re'urt'H ff the M'.xeaycrs V.HncftKter ^ County J?S Ail rersoiifi li ,vi: g | r?'periy in their G<>!<| nOffioshlon or ,i :>.? Mainm r. Holder, or in ITusb-.nd, Pao-nt, On (id iun, Trustee, Executor d-ninPi r .tor RecOver AO'onnt ing r, \,;rr.t, Attorney or : actor on th Is: day of January, 1905, are inquired to In t the ll same for Taxation within the time re1* ^ I }' quired by Law, or incur the penalty 2:> of 50 per cent which attaohcB in enso fort of failure to do so. for c Only returra of p-Tsonul property are to be made this yrur, and Improve J ments en Real Estate Z'trsons liable to Poll Tax are roqulr ^ rd by law to make return of same. 21te Poll Tnx of Ono Dollar la laid upon all male persons between the nges ol' 21 and HO year? except ^oisou.who are exempt by law r?ys It will be to the interest of every tax payer to make hia rc'uro promptly nd {i ea\e the penalty of 50 per cent which ? attaches after the 20(h day of I'\bru? ! ary. After the above da toe I will be found in the Auditor's office to wait upon the public. Respectfully, PfcS J IN IJ :\ * UU1V, t9 Sfcf AITDITOIt, ij ( LunmuiUr, (' II.. ? (J . Deo 8th 10 .h. Of M ? ? rem MACHINERY ? eoMPim equipments a specialty. 1 ! ?? ) JOIIMI, OINRINO MAOHIN- I A r f* kn?r, UW Mil* ABO WOOtSWORrtlNQ H ,. MA&MMtr BHtNCLC ANBUtN A , MACHIYTCRY, CORN MILL9, W ( \ BRICK MARINO MACHIN* E Art1 CRY, K?PACO LINCR H y 1 J4 CBBtS MACHINERY COMPANY. 1 * Cotortb. S. C. I PILES! PILES! PILESI S? Dr. Wildatn*' Inrihui Pile Oinltnont will euro BIIim!, Bleeding .Ulcerated, rJ? r and I toll I iiff Plica I nt>9 >rt>H thetu- |^v j! morn. itllavR the lioiilug at once :ujN j.' RA aoonlth e. g.Vf B In-t*?t relief. Dr. V r I WilliamH' Indian PHe Ointment hi ' pr pared only for Pl'e? and itching <d the private purt^ and nothing oih*\ < h JSvery b-x 1. guaranteed. Pol l by af *1 druggists seni ttr mil', for JW-. b iiH1 SI (;T) per lex VVTI.l IA W.-J vJ.f'U CO Prop's, td' Volni d, Ohio . ,ii. ?S,.I.I I... r.i_ ? .1 ? i * niwiu ujr riiiiutmiiur; irna. I)) rtoy. J ' sL ^ ? % ' ' n R Wl . V?.v t? and wblc?i ?-: -*? J-o . orno tlio o jn nwido under "Li a <> . rision sinco its h . ? . o to deceive y?\i: . - oust-na-go its -? . . endanger tlio lie*'-Us ? ' 5 ngainsfc KKpc2-ir:t?s . . 5TORIA > for Castor Oil, FateIS. 14 ia PlectSiJat. S) 10 nor other Kftroy^V so. lfc dootioya \7ortau s Diarrhoea r<nd WlwA ilos, curca Cofisti?Atios lie Food, roftulatm tho itliy and uattiEftl gjfeMp* thor's Friend. RIA A J. w Ave R.tnre e? 30 Years. r.CCT Ntwvcnn crtv. * ire to accompli ah D HAIRED^ Lviy. Price, ?1.?0 t:ci* bottle. ce?Hlne !f-out up ojJylr pr.sto-tiocrjl CSb bottle,' thus: .r *?Ti din ft Iff jvcliuiI.OUlu. ^ H. RUTLEDOE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. orkitig on credit doesn't pay, my terms from this tidia efortn nrostiictly easb. 5a>;onafeIo Pricea, Filling $1.50 Xmrdgam Filling 75 eU. fVm^nt F'lliug 75 et HIT HliM It I'LATR. upper set of teeth ?12.00 or kr.<I lower Get ?25.60 lot-so prices nre strictly ittsh. No work don? except ::ioh or pood security. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist. iijRRr FOSTER. Attorney at Law, LANCASTER, 8. O. ' ot { a loim - ;? !nlfy * I ; ./ ...? iNisi i#i^fcHb?S the most fatal of all dia* is. || ? KIDNEY CURE It I L&.I & euarariteod fieswiy ao.iey refunded. Contains edies recognized by emit physicians as the uesx for aey and Bladder troubles. PRICiJ 50c. rr-i $i xa. ~-W..r ' wtvca:^r?. j-Jt 11 imi mi ? i I CASTE!? A IS J) CHESTER fWttf/ttAV i.fC?ale In tiilbct Jun :>, l\M)>, ewfux' Butu'.fli) WESTBOUND. .nncanter, 7 t~> a in 8 <Jf> p m 'ml Lawn, 7 u in \ 13 i> in L'sorm vllle, 7 IJ .i in 4 flo p m ! i i ! i i?11 r ?r 7 si\ <% %+ * a a* ? - O) . ? ?. t ti P !,l Sieatf", * *0 in ft lp j. in 11*", Po ft ! 0 !i1 7 hi |? !!1 !u*iil?i1 Oft a ??*. r-v'.l/ft? f; *> m isK'iiiti ; * > ^ pi , u'. Jr. ftA ' i f ^ Oj j? k*i i. .;*. ix. * n r ! ft> ; m r A " ; r v \ 'v. * k(lant<\, a u I, r 1 00 p in ,f i? i j , <i & ?'i. r <1 Oft |? id ! n> 1."?Ii jix " G Oil p m 'or'; v ilU* " ft 50 p Q) 'nlinnf i i, II ft 10 a iu 7 Ov) pin imrloite, f*o R ft Ift ntn 'hfsiloi, lo 00 n in 8 45 p ni fichftur^, 10 40 h in J) 00 p in ascoinftnrtlo JOffl) a m 016 p m 'ni t I <n aii 11 00 n in 0 26pm atiba^i t. Ill 0 a >n 9 46 p in CONNKOi IONH. > Sou^frn, ?M<1 iirti <fe Vor* Hfi'f'iO'H r;l\li.Ja. uca-lci HoirheT:: Udiviij-. * P. i/OI.U RK, ..'eat Tr&fllc iwgr i>Y HP".r n-'. let and 'I'ralllL? Manager. ' 4 * <* ; *