The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, February 01, 1905, Image 3

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Lual Matter . J"" ??po? trifiWfcM v 'OINTMENTS OP RK*". J. II >?1TK g Juily, 1 st and 3d Kabbath. ? Uills . re-;k, 2d and 4th Hahhath. It ni. I Pleasant Hill. 2 1 and 4th Bubbalh, \t m. * -- Good milch cow with young f>aif fi ? a ilit Alllllv In .1 IT. I#nf ? .... ^ ?>I I- V ledge d ? The Ledger, The Atlauta i Journal, Semi weekly, and The I Southern Cultivator, ill throe c ono year for $2., hut must be paid for In ftdvuoc<*. ?Magistrate Caskey, who has ^ been quite ill for somo time, we ^ are glad to say has fully recovered, and returned* to his duties ^ Monday morning. ? Wanted ! A white tenant for j a small farm, favorably located, new buildings. Apply to Miss M Tompkins, Dry Creek, S C. I ? Mr .) C Elliott spent Satur ( day and Sunday at Piedmont ^ springs. t ? Mr .1 il Usher will have a t turget shooting ut Dwight Satur- < day'afternoon. i ? M iss Margaret Thomaason of ' York visited her nephew, Mr J T Thomasann and family this week. ? Married, Sunday, J an 22d, 1905, by Rev It .J Blackmon, Mr Marion Blackmon and Miss Ida Aeglor, daughter of Mr Van Hegler of the Primui section. --The not proceeds-of the basket supper at dnity amounted to the necessary amount to secure the school library which will be purchased at once. ? Hev B Frank White spent from "Buturday until Monday with his brother, Rev ) M White at Unity. He was en route from Moundville, W Va., to Frauklinvillo, N Y , where he has accepted a cull to preach. , ? Misses Jessie Porter, Mnme and Bess Jones, julia Gregory and Bess M "Mantis of this place, and i M iss Susie Bell of Heath Springs, ! students of Winthrop College, ! spent from Saturday until todsv at home with their parents. 1 ?The election for a special tax lew of four mills for tbo Oak i riage school in school District No ^ 61 resulted in favor of the levy, 1 the vote being 12 to 1. 1 . j, - Young Sam Tillman, son of t Mr E D Tillman, had three fingers J of his right hand caught in a job :1 press at the Enterprise office last I Thursday and badly mashed. j1 ?Mr Ludis Blakely faiher of ' Rev. H. B. Blakely who *'as pas-j , or of the A R I* church here sev- i > | eral yoars ago, died at his homo , at Ola, S. 0., on the 20th of Jag- j' nary after suffcriug for several 1 ^ weeks srom a stroke of paralysis. | ^ ? Magistrate L J Perry, tho j new magistrate for the cotton " i mill, opened op office there Mon- ; tiny. Mr j B Connor will be hit j constable and also special con- j stable for the mill. Mr j T i i i Hunter, jr., will be appointed 1, constable for Magistrate Caskey to till the vacancy made by Mr. Connor's accepting the constab'eship at the mill. ?We forgot to report in our last issue that the thermometer fell to 12 degrees last Thursday night and that the water froze in i The ledger's gasolene engine, bursting the cylinder water jacket and the cap of the cylinder head. Mr Harper repaired the damaged parts so that it would be difficult j for an export to tell where the j engine was damaged. j ?The Charlotte News says that since Janv 1st onlv 241 bales of cotton have been sold in that city j while during the same time last year 2,197 were sold there Since J Sept 1st, 4,000 bales less have been sold for this season than wern sold last season up to the same date. Everywhere farmers are holding their cotton. j ?Miss Ida Huey of Kock Hill, ? visiting relutivos here. ?Married, ut this place, on luuday'last, Jany. 22, 1905, by Aagistrato L. .1. Perry, Mr. j. T. loddey of Kock Kill, aud Miss damie Hollonmn, daughter of L. I'. Holloman. ? Mr. and Mrs j. T. .Yy lie arae over fromLancnster VVednes lay to altond the funeral of Mrs V L Neely. They returned home Jridav mnvninrr Hill Ron. >rd. ? Married by Magistrate H. iV. Mobley, Jany. 2'2d,1205, Mr. lobn Sbebane, and Miss Maude dobinson, daughter of Mr. Newnan Robin sen, all of Pleasant dill township. The attendants rvere Miss Rosa Shebane with Mr. denry Blaektnon. ? Miss Ethel Hflton, of Keribaw, who teuchos the school at Lindsay, spent Saturday and Sunlay here with friends. While getting on the train Sunday aftcrloon to return to Lindsay she oilier dropped her parse, which jontaimd $30 in money and her railroad ticket, or else it was matched from her hand by a thief. There is no clue as to who got it. ? Mr J L Williams is at his lost again, having returned to vork lust Tuesday. ? Yorkvillo Enquirer. ? Little Miss Lula Hudson, laughter of Mr C J Hudson, lad the misfortune to got her colar bone broken Monday while iding on a "merry-go-round,1' inch as children often construct or their own amusement.?' iVaxhaw Enterprise. Death of Mr AY II Taylor A telegram received hero Mou l lay morning announced tho death if Mr W II Taylor nt his! lomu ut Newport, in York inunts, after a protracted illncsr. Mr Taylor was a son ot the late r N Taylor of this county but had ived in York county for a number if years, lie was about 63 years if age and was twice married, iis last wifo with three children mrvive him. His remains were nterred ut Ebeneezer church near iuck Hill. His three surviving irothors, Messrs S D, j Everett, ind jno D Taylor, of this county, ivent over to Newport Monday to ittend tho fpneral and burial. Death of Mrs J A Steele Mrs Martha Caroline Steele, wife of Mr j A Steele and a dnugh :er of tho late jas F Snipes, died it tho home of her mother near Wildcat laotFriday after an illness if nearly a year. She was about 29 years of ago and leaves her hus band nnd fivo children surviving tier. She wan a member of Beth lehem Baptist church. Her re mains were interred at Union sburch on Saturday. OBITUARY Upon having been sick for several months and while surrounded by all of her immediato family and many relatives and friends Mrs W A Shute, in the 74th yoai of her life, at 10:30 o'clock Jany 21, 1905, passed quietly from this life into the dreamless sleep that xnows no waking until tho resurrection morn, Mrs Shuto was a native of South Curolinu but has lived in Mississippi sinco 1857. Since lier girlhood days sho has been a devoted member of the Baptist church and for fifty odd years a faithful wife and loving mother, Sho livod a llfo of consistent christian duty and tho osteern in which she was held was testified to by the some 200 people who attended tho funeral at the family home and the burial in tho family gravo yard. She leaves a husband and seven children to monrn her loss but they have the consols tion of knowiog that she is reapin c the rft #ard of a life well snant. Foley's Money and Tar tor children, safe,sure. No opiate*. Legislative Dote,. I Representative Foster aud I thyself agreed lo tako it time ; About in repotting fdr you the ? proceedings, here, Ahd iu the j regular order this is ray week to j send you a communication. The j w riting is being done under very adverse circumstances, however, j as I am at home, sick in bed, in ! the clutches of tho grippe or soinethiug closely akiu to it. My letter will therefore have to be very brief for this time. Up to this tiint more than seven hundred hills have been introduced and the end is not yet in sight. A great deal of work has been donp, but only dny sessions have been hold thus far. Rhould the comraittees get well enough up with their work it is likely thai, night sessions will bo commenced early in this week. The proposition to change the South Carolina cellege to University was killed in the House. I Joed) Ashley's bill to abolish the Immigration bureau has been up for discussion. Discussion on it will be resumed Tuesday. Our prediction is that his bill will uot pass. The amendment to the Constitution to allow spocia'. legislation in the matter of road working has boen ratified. The Lancaster delegation will soon get together and prepare a bill for Laucaster. The Judiciary committee of the House has advised against the ratification of the biennial sessions ameudmsnt. Their claim is that it is very imperfect and will cause no end of trouble. They think it would bo better to start the whole thiug over] again. Representative Foster's bill to allow the Heath Springs school district the privilege of voting as n?u3h as a five mill aricoinl lawr fnr c/il. Anl ~~ V|/VY?UI IV V J (VI 0\slI\MI| (jUI jjwaca hft9 p'i89t)(J to a third rending. Governor Hey ward end Lieut. Governor Joo.T. Sloan \ver6 inaugurated lust Wednesday. On Thursday Judge Gary was re-elected and Senator D. A. i Hydrick, of Spartanburg, \va9 elected to succeed Judge Town j send. Capt. D. J Griffith was i re-elected Superintendent of the j State Penitentiary, and Messrs A. K. Sanders, J* G. Mobley and W. D. Kirby were elected directors of that institution. ( Hon. Arthur Kibler of Newberry was elected a trustee of the colored Normal and Industrial School ftt Orfinoflhnrd Messrs J. M. Hood and W. j McD. Brown were in Columbia last week. J. W. Hamel. A man may bo able to read a ! woman like a hook, but ho can't shutgher up. ?Pay ycin subscriptmn. F OR THIRTY * \ In order to reduce our: we are going to sell goods j reoruary atn. it's useles: << PRt When wo nn> Cost wo mean ok this sale only lasts for Thirty dayi C?8t US. We don't chargo you anyttiing t not. Y< FUNDRRBUR1 Attention, Cotton Grower*. A muling of the Cotton Growblrfe' Association of Lancaster county will be held at the courthouse Saturday, February the 11th, at 11 o'clock a. m. A large attendance is earnestly desired. An important and interesting feature of the meeting will bo reports to be made of the proceedings of the New Orleans Convention by the county delegates who attended, Messrs heroy Springs, W. U. Clyburn and C. L. McManus. A meeting of the farmers of Gills and Caue Creek townships l will be held at the court house ! next Saturday, February 4tb, at 11a. m., for the purpose of organizing. Geo. W. Jones, Co. Sec. The State gives*Tho following Itynopeis of Senator Hough's speech in opposition to Mr. llaysor's compulsory education bill last week : Senator Hough 9aid the principle was the fouudation of hi9 opposition to the bill. God has mado with all nature the home and the government of the home. Let tho government of the home be the kingdom and the child its subject. FIis point was that compulsory education was incompatible with democracy. Seuator Hough compared the South's educational progress with that of the North ; the one depleted and ravaged by war, tho other rich and prosperous. He thought that voluntary education would succeed. I>r U Elliott, Luncaster, S. C. Rettbb nee phone No 187. Office, Davis building, corner Main and Dunlap street*; phone No 72 Will practice In both town and countv of Lancaster. All call*, either day of ntudi . will receive prompt attantion Jan. 10, 1005 ?tf. NEW LIVERY AND SALE STABLE We have openod up, at the Elliott & Crawford old stand, Salt and Livery Stablos and are preI pared to sell stock cheaper thar anybody, for cash, or on timt with good papers. i^-Call and see OUK STOCK before buying. Satisfactioi guaranteed. LIVERY! LIVERY! With brand new vehicles and good -> afresh horsoBwe arc ) . praparod to give the best Satisfaction in the livery business. Very Respectfully, Moore & Sowell j Dec. 1, 1904. DAYS ONLY * * stock, before taking stock. '"I^b J J ,hfirst cost CCS >> uctly what wo say. Kemembei ). Coroo and see what oar goofli o show you whether you buy 01 >urs to serve, C COMPANY. Ml TO S What. Cotton. Equal to six cent cotton. t t t t t You have ?ot what 1 want?M< want?GROCERIES OF ALL. KIN b ^ fe fe Some of the best AXES on earl forget me. I soil for Cash and i TOBACCO at Cost. J. B. MAC] With A I 04 Making a in our business and in orde. to r&luc 1st., offer to the purchasing ptlbli Pants also all Winter fabrics AT 00 we mean business when we say COi an elegant line of Dry GoOd8, Shoes and Hats, and Will undersell any on Come and See ai sel J Our Clothing and Pants comprise Boys Clothing from 75c to $3.00 $3.00 to $10.00 per suit. This is n a lifetime for the purchasing public c ' R McCardell and WHITE GC ; Now is tho tiro > early spring WT We are going to mako a specia j ?u|)uucp ruuuy iueroeriseu wnite waist suits or shirt waist, this sals 24 ?e P K sold 10 2-3 and 20 cents, this sale 14 sold lei seats, this sale 9 | cents. 3 pie this sale 6& cents. We are showing a beautiful line of C this sale at5 oents, ME LINEN. *bs&5 Linen, would be cheap at $1 oO, this sal sold 60 cento. this sale SO ceuts. 62 Inch this sale 40 cents* 60 inch Table Linen LAGE Ct 3 .50 Lace Curtains, this sa f2.50 Lace Curtains, this sa I 11.05 Lace Curtains, this sa I $1.20 Lace Curtains, this sa 65 cts Lace Curtains, this i 3*3111*331133! 20 cents Embroderies this sale 25 <( (< it ti 12? 44 4 4 4 4 10 44 *' 4 4 4 4 . 8^ <( (< ?( (ta 5 < t (< it tt( We have a real linen Lace, heavy , and 4c per yard. They are great 1 Beautiful Line of with insertion to match, that are gr Come along L miss this sale for r prised to see the ' fer in White Got E. E. In Masonic Building, t ft lTS." .J. No. my Prices Si'cine to see me. t t t* + 3NKY; and I have got what you DS. ^ h i :h at hst yoar'a prices. Doa't it Cotton prices. #,000 lbt KORELL! TT A VIEW UF Change >> :e our stook wo mil %ntol Fsbjr c our entirs irfts|tff CLoUf^g atf >3T. tVo hato a oew Uis ut* JT, we Tfloan it. We %]? hire , Notions, Gents' FgrniiHinjs o else in town. srt Satisfy Yourf. all the stylos in medium ?6#<ls. per stlit. Mftns' 0 humbug, but i8 tho dhwrt^sf >f LahcHstgriOoutHy. ESPECTFULLY, Allison Bros. I0D SALE 11 + ie to buy your IITE GOODS. 1 salo on this class of goods. Goods, Would be ales for shirt nts per yard. 10 pieces Figured ceflts, 3 pteoe- checked Nainsook, cos Ohecked Nainsook, sold 10 oents, ihecked White Goods that will run ibis Lio-n, sold $1 as per yard, this ts. 71 inch Table Linen, sold 91 00. cents. 71 Inch Unbleached Table le 8*2 seats. 69 lnsh Taols Linen, Mercerised Damask, eold 65 cents, . sold 40 cents, this sale 24 oents. IRT&tNS le |9.75. S1 T K IO %>A. *J le f 1.15. lo 98 cts. sale 48 cte. I MID ^4183 15 jente. 12* ? 10 " 81 " 5 " 4 " ' edge wo offer this sale at Go, 5c bargains. We are showing a Valentine Laces eat bargains also. allies and don't you will be sur n -> oargajns we otuls. Cloud lkA..A D..1 AJM.. [iuuvc run vinu;