The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, January 28, 1905, Image 2

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v<? m <nm? w 25 Per Cent. Reduction | (Concluded r?, m First Pug#.) | llobs n to s;i K II Jenkins' of Texas wm* i < c< oro/.etl to road . I the 11 pot I <?1 the commit lee on j the acreio.'O, which the convention had voted to he of p aramount iin- ' portance. The n purl follows: ur.roKT < ?n ai i:i:a?;k. j To the Hon Harvie Joi'dun, Chair man Inter-State Cotton Growers: "Wo, the committee on acrcago and fertilizers, do recommend that acreage pluultd in ll?0f> shall ho 25 per cent les- than in 11)04 unci that there shall ho a reduction of 25 per cent in the iro of coin- j nicrcial fciliiizOts in ^rowing cot-j ton. We recommend the follow- , ing plan tor the accomplishment of said rcduetion: 4'First. I hat the vice presidents of this association call a meeting of all persons interested in cotton on the 11th day of Feouiary 11)05 in the county seal of each county! not already organi/.- d, on the; plan heriinattei sen out, at which, meeting there shall he c ie ted a county chairman uii.i a chairman for each school dhirie! or other | small political sn'>divi-ion of tlu>: county. "Second. L'htit there >hall be held in each school < 1 i-tri> t <>r i other small political subdivision! of tin- c> a ; l\ 0:1 the 1Stb of Feb-' 7 t ruary, ?;? at 1 o'clock p in., a meeting i i .?Ii cili:< n> of said district r .-a;d! | oiitival subdivision who a; e in'cro-led in the growing of ? which uncting shall j elect a cmnmiltcc of three on. :ici\a_ aad membership. a(.nhi:.mi:.\r re m: mom-:d. "i.'ni.u* Al said precinct meeting the farmers and land-owners present shall be asked to sign tno following agreement: 4NVe the undersigned farmers or landowners, li\ing in school district or precinct Xo county of State ol hereby pledge ourselves to reduce the acreage planted by us in cotton and to reduce our consumption of fertilizer in growing cotton as shown by the statcinouts set opposite our names.' "Fourth. That said committee on acreage and membership ahull immediately canvas* said district and ask all farmers and land owners in said district who do not alterd such meeting, to sign said pledge, and said com mittce shall return said pledge to the chairman of said precinct. "Fifth. Said precinct chairman shall preserve said pledges, and they shall immediately rep i t to the county chairman showing the total number of acres planted in cotton in said precinct in 1004, and the total number to he planted in cotton in saul precinct in 1005, the total amount of fcrti lizor vised in growing cotton in said precinct and the total amount to be used in said precinct in said years. TO FOKWATl) STATI'.MKNT. 'Sixth. The county chairmen shah immediately forward to the State vice president of their respective State a written statement showing the total number of acres planted iti cotton in their respective counties in lh04 and the total amount to be planted in it>05 and shall make a like loport as to the fertilizer used, and to housed, in said years. "Seventh. The vice paosident of each State shall, immediately upon receiving the reports of the county chairmen, forward to the president of this association a report showing the number of acres planted in cotton in his Stato in the year 1004 and the amount of fertilizer used in said year in growing cotton and the amount of cotton to be planted and fertilizer \ 9 ihpiiiwiiwim i immwh *v mmmmmm to he psret in 1905. ' Eighth. The president of thi association, upon receiving thes Reports, shall immediately tabu Into the same and send a cop; thereof to the county chairman Ninth. If any county not al r.iady o'ganizod should fall t organize, the vice president o the State in which the county i situated shall cause said count; to I (Muvaniz >d as herein providet and if any precinct should fail t< o'ganize, the county chairman o the county in which such preciuc 1^ situated shall cause such pre cinct to ho organized a- herin pit vided "Ti-nth. It shall ho the furthe duty of tho elllcors of tnis usso ciati 'ii to report the names ant addresses of such pt rsons who re fuse to sign tho agreement tt lo in *e acreage for 1905, togethe with llio number of acres of cot ton j 1 tided hy such persons ti 1 '.M l ,:ii'l the nutnhcr they nil plant in 1905, and to make a 1 ik; report as to fertilizers." NO N KG AT INK VOTK. M utin V. Calvin and Her Miller, of Georgia, wanted the re p.11*t made a special order for tomorrow, the latter expressing th hclii i that tlio reduction tnigh have g( ne to the extent of 33 1per cent , hut T. 10 Mtissengule of the same State, rallied the con vent ion to immediate considers tion, on I lie ground that this wn the most vital business that cowl come before the convention, an by an o erwHelming vote th convention decided upon aciioi finally adopting the report, wit a thunderous aye and without single vote in the negative. The Planters Organize. Siuthorn Cotton Association Created, With State and County and Precinct Subdivisions, to Regulate Production. Financing a u d Marketing. New Orleans, Jan 20 ?W?l the unanimous adoption of tl plan reported by its committei for a permanent organizatioi beaded by llat vie .Jordan, < Georgia, as president and E Peters of Texas as vieo preeiden the Southern lnter-Stato cottc convention finally closed its su eessful three (lavs session toniffh w n A committee of three was nam* to confer with the president in tl matter of the enlargement of tl American cotton trade. TO CONFER WITH MILL MEN. At the afternoon session tl committee on closer relations I twecn manufacturers and pr dncers made a report in the into e>t of the elimination of the spe ulalor in 2ot?on. The committ s lid that the wide fluctuations a alike disastrous to the inanu/a turcr, making it impossible f the manufacturer to promulgn price s for cotton products has on a uniform cost of the raw staj and for either the farmer or tl manufacturer to maintain 1 prices. It was recommende therefore, that a committo cc Misting of one cotton produc from each State be appointed confer with mill men, askii that they join hands with the pr (luce18 in cITocting a plun where! tho producer can sell his cotti direct to tho manufacturer, ui theiohy eliminate the speculat from tho market. The repc was adopted. The report of tho committee < permanent organization followe it provided for tho creation of t Southern Cotton Association, en bracing all tho cotton productio cotton supply and financing, ai especially cotton markoting, usii every effort to secure broader mu Kit-* and to limit tho products to demand at remunerative prtcei s and reduce to a.minimum al'*ex 0 ponso of handling c )tton anil its _ products from tho time it leavei yr tbe field until it. reaches the con sumor. There are to he Stnte and Territorial, county and p.irisl n and suh-divisonul associations, ati f related to the parent stem. Otlioei 8 are to bo tlected once a year. k. Tho funds of tlio organizatior 1 and its operation are to lie derived 3 from initiation fees, annual dues f and a charge on each hale of cot j ton produced hy its membership. WANT ENLARGED TRADE. The rep >rt was unanimously adopted hy tin res ilution comf mitteo through ex-Senator Me Law" rin, and adopted: 1 "That a special committee be - it|) runted uy tins convention to 1 confer with the Piesident of the United Slates, the Secretary of " Agriculture and the tnanufacturere 1 of cotton goods, to obtain such 1 concerted action as well as enlarge a our trade in cotton products in foreign countries." .J.a mown, C)f North Carolina, ^ offered this resolution, which wa? adopted: That the officers of this convention will bo required ati^ instructed to immediately formu late a plan to pool 2,000,00( b lies of the present cotton crop, and retire the same until aftei ' October 1, 1DC5 '' A resolution by T C Smith, o South Carollnu, was passed, provid j ing for the appointment of an in I spector by each county in intcre* of the ctfcctivo curryng out of tb 10 - , , pledg to reduce acreage, l' CENSUS DIRECTORS THAN A ED. There hud been very little i a the way of criticism of the gover ineut reports during iho conven lion, and a resolution offered b .1 A Brown of North Carolina \va9 unanimously adopted, expres ing it as the desire of the conver tion that tho government report on cotten statistics should ho coi ^ tinned. A resolution tiy job i Busvvick of Georgia was passet : asking land-owners who ha\ j their land rented to agree to a cept as part payment for rei corn, wheat,oats or any other sti ds P'e Pr?ducte at market price ? ; provided the tenant will redtn 111 I 0f his cotton acreage. y j At tho night session, Presidei f ; Jordan named as tho committee 1 * ! !i 1) ! .1 i t? i )n : vloit x reBiueni xvoosevoit in 11 c_' interest of nn enlargement of tl I j cotton trade: Ex-Senator M j Laurin; John M. Parker, of No [jQ: Orleans, and E. Ashcraft, of A [jC lanta. M'Cuo Must Ilang Fob. 10. !io' ieJ Richmond, Va., dan. 20. --TI n Supreme Court of Appeals has d ! nied the supplementary appeal j tho case of ex-Mayor MeCue, oe | Charlottesville, convicted of wi re murder. He was sentenced to hanged January 20, and was r or spited by Governor Montague u te til February 10. 0(j A Georgia editor had to loa (|0 homo bocuuso ho said in his j per ho was going to hold his c< tjs ton. Ho had a sweetheart nam i Sarah Cotton. and her tuth u, - ' _ " chased him out of townwith a sh er ?UDto m Col D. R. Norris Dead. o^ Clomson College, Jununry 2 ? A telegram from Baltimo r>n h j announces the death of Col L>. 1 Norris in that city at Johns Ho ?r ' kins Hospital last night at o'clock. Col Norris w is a membi of the Clemson board. He w 01) v j bo huriod at Pendloton. 1,0 SAY ' MURRAY'S" When you've got a bad cough Ji P say MURRAY'S" If a drugg 9 gives you anything but Murray's Hi id hound, Mullein and Tar you're r gettlfg the best and cough roi o , edy. Make hini ^tvo you Mnrrai ir- Acts quicker and ycu g<-t a 50c si . bottle for Hoc. 5D Every druggist has It / fc T Til : BAF iTHE HEfl ' ? >4 Jm Successors to H iTILE CO., wliii settle with the ceased. i i I We are her ; our share of tin > tings will indue 1 < J j . iii?' renovated 1 > & Mereantilc C ; our place more have devided oi i. ies first, on the - nicut second; di | 7 ? the fourth roon - We would ca n we have many : a " For Tl IB Ias we want to " chasing our S]i ro ?t" In moving our Siioi >- decided to place them on s- these shoes are not old g ?e as DREW=SELBV, ftODMAN Qt ? = CL0TH1N to cI And if prices you to take adv You can have i tnent tor ac'ua Z delay but conic We would iii 1 . it. _ nave in IIH; ???! r prevents our d n tion and you w : !N SHA er ot and can make feet satisfactiai ' ous New Year ,o ronage, we are I. " TIIP I! iiim 1st 1st i ^ . r? V i lak f % ? * % o > * . J.. J I M I || ^ T ION (GAIN SE TH-JONES ! v k Nik ,J^r ^ ^ v& ,<T siv ^ / ^ Js T* ^ ^ **> ^ KATIE BANKIJi six has been liquic estate of J AS. 3 .S* N^^^^ik/V w .-"T ' >1 ^ ^ ^ ^ Jbr "*s AS ^tr-' ^ e fox* business ant e trade if Sow pric e the f)uS>lie to sti ! 1 A / ? A H [lio stores or tiie 0., gives ns more con veil ient for nr stock into depa corner; gent's hi cy goods third, i 1. if your attention great inducement he Next Thirt < make a clean s\ iring Goods. zs, a great many of the boxes a bargain counter, and U the cads but right new and some and oilier makes. G WE HAVE IN 1 will move tbo go< antage of this gi?e my puit of clothes a A* A n lD cost tor tll? SpO! 5 and let oh dres s ' C ke to tell you mor ij ot bargains bid loi tig Jill we i!2 readily see we PE FOR BS you prices that wi i. Wishing evei and hopiirgN for m r* * * v ?, # (CASTER S. COMPANY. 'TV IG & A1 EMC AN luted in order to d. HEATH, tie r I intend getting os and fair dealiek to us. Slnvlleath Bunking room and makes business. We rtnient, grocerrnishidg departtiul millinery in 7 to the fact that ? to otter y Days reep before purwere kokn, are we have sin s-o at flist cost. Now of the best we have, such ABUNDANCE. ods, is up to at reduction wile ?n one establish S cash, so do -'5 'i ci; up. e about what we being so r ushed ask is an inspec~ are JS1NESS, Hi give you per-) one a prosper. ore of your pat 0 ^ il 00 . c. ' \