The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, January 25, 1905, Image 2

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THF LEDGER.1 - rnvaLOw s.-ctiro, \# * J ^ EDI TO ii A N D M A N AG E U. n^UJVD WKDNKSDAV AN l? SATURDAY WEDNESDAY, .1 AN I' A UY 25, 1D05 J BUBKGKIJ'! ION Ml I'KI' YEAH < I For Tho Ludoor. * . t Tho Event of tho Souson at Shnron . IS. c. On theevening of .January IS, 100f>, Miss Mao Hoi I Sims and Mr (J L Kennedy both of Sharon, S. C., were united in tnamuge. This union was consummated at tho Presbyterian church by Ucv W W Ralchford, an unelo of the bride's of Wuxhi'.w, N. (5. rho church was beautifully decorated in green. Cedars were used for a background. Ivy and ferns formed a mound on which burned a pyramid of candles. Garlands of ivy were gracefully fo.-tooned overhead with a bower of mistletoe suspended just over tho bridal altar. The wedding march was beautifully rendered by MrsE 11 Anderson of macks* burp;, S C. 1 The bridal party entered the shurch in .single tile, crossed over | in front of the altar and stood op- , posito. First came the ushers, | Mr Thomas Sims of Sharon down \ the left aisle and Mr lioroy Dunn | of Lancaster down the right aisle. , Mr Sims was followed by Miss | Jennie Cain of, Tenn , , and Mr Dunn by Mr 10 F Hatchford of Carlisle, S C. Then followed the other couples: Miss Bessie Kobinson of Bullock Creek, tnd Mr 11 W Shannon of Sharon; Miss Anna Faulkner of Bethany 1 and Mr K O Katchford of Wax- j haw, N C; Miss Belle Ploxico of ferny rn and Mr J S liuiny of Sharon; Miss " Delia llhync of Blacksburg and Mr J A Whitesides of Smyrn; Miss Sadie Grist of Carlisle and Dr W M Kennedy of Chester; Miss Lola Bvers of Sharon and Mr W C Thomsou of Bullocks. Next came the maid of honor, Miss Alice liutchford of Waxhaw, N C., followed by the bride on tho arm of her brother, Mr Davis Si wis. Tho groom came down tho opposite aisle with his brother, Mr W A Kennedy of Leslie. The bride is ono of the moat attractive and popular girls in our town. She was beautifully att'red } in a white bilk, her veil was held | in place with a bunch of white j carnations. She carried ferns \ and carnations tied with a white j ribbon. ( The maid of honor wore a tohito fulk with white girdlo and carried ^ ferns and carnations. The other maids wore white silk mulls with , green girdles and carried ferns Mid (tarnalinna find with ?i-m? c ribbon. The groom is n rising business man of excellent character. The largo crowd that assembled to witness tho marriage and the numerous presents received attest to th?' popularity of these young people. A reception was tendered | tho party at tho homo of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs J M ' E Sims. The color scbemo of white ^ and green was carried out in tho decorations in the parlors, hall ^ and dining hall. Wo wish for these young people a long and sweet union of hands and hearts. A Friend. BARN AND STABLE BURNED. ( Chester, Jan. 23.-Mr. S. E. ^ Clinton of Edgomooro had the 0 misfortuno a few days ago to loso C by fiio his barn and stabler with ono horse, two mules and almost his entiro crop of corn. Origin of j( firo not known; pt occurred at 4 8I o'clock in the morning. r * > * ..^rr. .1 I - - mrnwwmMB..~m I Infirin&ry for Needy Vet erans. liill in Senate to Cure fob Destitute Confederates. ?Cotton Sued Traffic. Special to Charleston i'ost. Colombia, Jan 21. ?Atter mucli lehuto and nearly a score of atempts to amendment tho House oday passed, without amendment, MrGeldoll's t>ilI to regulate tho raffic in cotton seed and unpacked int cotton. Tho Hill was opposed >y tho low country momho b. The House killed Mr Graham's ill to prohibit the taking of liens >i unirtgitgcM uu crops piuiuru (Mi | amis of another without consent It ulso killed Mr Sabon Miullin's hill to t?ix property tit its ictual value. It passed his bill to repeal the -ccret feature of the income tax, is it did the Senate resolution to nvostigate Greenville county's i 1IUU1C3S. It passed Mr Morgan's nutouobilo hill. In the Senate Mr Brooks mtrolueed a hill creating a board of namigers consisting of B VV Tayor, VV ,1 Gooding, ,1 L'orry Glenn, VV \V Kay and Iredell .Jones, who 'are reijnired to operate an inti' inary for destitute Confederates in what is known as Wallace iand near the asylum." Tho board is to bo tho judge of the persons to he admitted and is to use tho money refunded on unclaimed pensions for maintaining the inst itution. In hoth housoo thrusts were made at tho lull to pel petuato tho historical commission, hut tho matter was postponed. Favorah e reports were submitted in tho House today on tho following; Mr Ashley's hill to repeal the act establishing tho buroau of immigration. At Mr Ashley's ro quest it win made a special order for uext Friday. To nittko obstruction of a road or street a misdemeanor. Mr Morgan's bill to nllow special legislation as to roads. To foi bid cock lighting. These were unfavorably reported: To provide a tax for tho hotter enforcement of the dispensary law; to regulate tho sale for collection and charges as to freight; to require the sinking fund commission to sell or loase tho State land in its possession; to repeal tho law as to laborers' verbal contracts; to require all hangings to be done in tho penitentiary; ;o prohibit child marriage; to irovido for private examination >f victims in rape cases. Law of Trespass to be Changed. Hie State, 21st lust. Nearly all tho morning session >f tho house of representatives vas spent in discussing Mr. Ar* Irov's bill to nrnhihif Irnonoua ^ m vo|/f?oo. Tlio bill as finully pasved to bird rending is ns follows: "Section 1; That from and afcr the approval of this net, any icrson or persons entering upon ho lands of another, for tho pur)oao of hunting, fishing, trapping, letting, gathering fruit, vogotabos, herbs, or cutting timber on ho same without tho consent of ho owner or manager thereof, hull be deemed guilty of umisdeueanor and upon conviction there if, bhull pay a tino of not less ban tivo (5) nor more than twonty 25) dollars, or bo imprisoned at ard labor not less than ton (10) r more than thirty (30) days for ach and ovory offense." Pneumonia and Ln Grippe Coughs cuied quickly by Fo- J jy's Honey and Tar Kefuso i nbstitutcs. Sold byFundorbuik j harmacy. I # 1,500 People Dead or Hurt. An Awful Sunday Passed in St Petersburg. ________ I Strikers Kino in ltevolL Against t lio Government, and they, their Wives and Children, are Shot D > vn I^iko Dogs. St. Putorsburg, Jan. 22.? This has boon a day of unspeakable terror in St. Petersburg. The strikers of yesterday goadep to desperation by a day of violence, fury and bloodshed, are in u state, of ooen insurrection against the government. A condition almost bordering on civil war exists in tho terror-stricken Russian capital. The city is under martial law, with Prince Vasilakikoff as commander of over 50,000 of the Emperor's crack guards. Troops lire bivouacking in tho streets tonight at various places on tho Nevsky Prospect, tho main thoroughfare of tho city. Minister of the Interior Sviut* opolk-.Yliraky presented to hi* Majesty last night tho invitation of tho workmen to appear at their puulco this afternoon and receive their petition, but the Emperor's advisors had already taken a decision to show a firm and rosolutf front, and tho Emperor's answei to 100,000 workmen trying to makothair way to the palace today was a solid array of troops whe mot them with rill?, bayonet and sabre. The priest, Gopou, the leader and ideal of the men, in hi* golden vestments, holding alofl the cross and marching at the head of thousands of workmen througl] tho Narva Gate, miraculously ua cuped a volley which laid low hull a hundred persons. The figures of tho total killed 01 woudod at the Moscow Gate, al various bridges and islands and ul the Winter Palace vaiy. The hesl ostimalo is500, although there are exaggerated figures placing the numberas high as5,000. Many men were accompanied by their wives and children,and in tho confusion, which loft no tnno for discrimination, the latter shared tho fate of tho men. The troops, with the exception of a single regiment, which is reported to have thrown (town us arms, remained loyal and obeyed orders. But tlio blood which crimsoned the snow has tired the brains and passions of tho strikers and turnod women as well as man into wild boasts: and tho cry of tho infuriated populace is for vengeance. Tho sympathy of tho middle classes is with tho workmen. ~~NEW LIVERY AND SALE STABLE We havo opened up, at tho Elliott & Crawford old stand, Sulo and Livery Stablos and are prepared to sell stock cheaper than anybody, for cash, or on time with good papers. - - rSTCall and seo OUtt STOCK beforo buying. Satisfaction guaranteed. LIVERY! LIVERY! With brand now vo. hides and good frosh horses we are praparoa to give 4lio host Satiafaction in tho livery business. - - . Very Respectfully, Moore & Sowell Dec. 1, 1904. MfcTWaTU Hill I Foley's tionev ?na Tnv 'or children, safe,sure. No ophite*. Ill MW?IWj??>** AT TEN | BAR( IJ.I. HEAT I ( jV . I Successors to HE TILE CO., which settle with the es 'ceased. i Wc are here I our share of the 1 inj^s will induec 1 ing renovated tin & Mercantile Co. our place more c? have decided our ies first, oil the e< ' ment second; dry the fourth room. I We would call ' we have many gr< t 1 /"SfAg For 1 he as we want to in I chasing our Sprii n r In moving our Shoes, a decided to place them on a ha these shoes are not old goods as DREW-SELBY.GOMAN and CLOTHING Asiil if prici s wi you to take ad van You cikii Siave ail} meut for ac ual ? delay but come ai We would like have in the wa> * prevents our doi i tion and you will IN SHAP1 and can snake yos feet satisfaction, oils New Yeas* an I'onage, we are,_ 1 I - THE 11 I ; LANC. T ION ?* j A IN SEEK HJ O NE S CtiM ^ 'T ^ /T ^ , *r . -vix. ATI! BANKING & I has boon liquidated i date of J AS. M. 11 li ? m m m k ^ ^ /v ^ ? vv,,^ \*. jfr S > *s' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ for business and in.ten rade if Low prices and the public to stick to e stores of tile Heat! , gives us more room ; anvenient for husin stock into departmeu inter; gent's turnishb goods third, and in your attention to the eat inducements to ot ake a clean sweep h ag Goods. t great many of the boxes were brolu rgain counter, and Lt them go at fi ; bat right new and some of the fccs! I other makes. WE HAVE SN ABDNDAN ill move tho goods, it (age ol thi s gresat resk ' puil of clothes so our o jost for the sjiot costs, tid let us dret- s 9 ?u no c. . V to tell you more a bom ?f bargains hut being* : tsg so. J3\\ we ask is i I'csMiaiy see we are E FOR BUSIN 1 prices that will give Wishing everyone a (1 hoping for more of; ASTER S. C. I ERSI PftN V. t. VI13 RC AN 11 order to 1ATH, deid getting . Fair dealits. Ilnvi Banking and makes ess. We t, groeerIg departillinery in fuel that tfer ys efore ptiren, aii1' we have ist cost. Now t we have, such CE. 18 93J5 tO action sale establish* , SO (lo-'t U what we so v fished ail inspecESS, you perprosper your patBiflr I^j ^ ?SRf *