The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, January 18, 1905, Image 1

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. ? J . 1 * % ? m . 0, f .. . ? ? .- . --- LaajMaM===^sjaPMMc^^^.^ y?;..i . ,., ,:ii,r "' rr s~ai ,.iL=r-^'-~?]^^~ig==^rsLa^-.a^ajg? i. ^ - ... gacaa? BPM* a^yBCTE. | - ' i jjto% thwpKpar: iVflb JP^wweia* WLG^ 43Pfc?B^qrqBgO ?! ?! ilnr&ftwapia. J *3^ j v TK5T?^tK??iaB,BaBIBS!eaa !B^^^*BHB= * L A N O A ST E It. ~?. TjT ' JANUAKKY 18, 1905 ^7 " ' " ' KSTABLIsItEI1) ^ 111 .? ? ?-??? ? [ r . ? PpAflr<"oi???ft i ? * A-f'ywr [f/^j isy^r 'i&T* I In ordi JA1 WE A] GREA' DEPA] STORI HERE Men': ^ Boy's I VIen's ( f " L money < WbnY. iBe sti li Y it To Reduce St* NUARY FIR! / LIE OFEE11ING T BARGAINS II RTMENTS OF 3. AEE A EEW or xx-^xx s $5.00 Suits $3.4 7.00 " 4.4 io.OO .. r.f _ - ? v V tc. i Suits tor 5o cent? I.00 Overcoats 4.o can certainly sa on anything yon i re and come to S RESPECTFUJ ncasler Itrraa 0 ? _ / >ck By J < ST | | SOM E J NT ALL | ; OUR || ; J " JO J i JO J 1 >? I ; < ?f|. . ol ?* iff " ve you "*f| " want to jf }" '} ke us, ||| LLY. J r II ill 1 if us *' / ' w S. ? i iU?iaiiniiG Announced. |] Speakers for tho Southern Cotton State Convention to bo ileld in A Now Orleans Jan 24 to Jan 20. Macon, Ga., J an 13.?A special o tho Telegraph from Monticollo, 3a., says that President liurvie T oidan, of tho Southorn Cotton tc ;rowers' Protectivo Association, n *?h uuuounced tho official program d ie of tho Southern Inter-Slate S Cotton Convention, which will bo tc eld ut Now Orleans January 24- ol (J. it The organization will be vailed tn ordei by Mr Jordan. The na Ion M J Sanders, president of o< bo Now Oilcans Progressive gv Jnion, and Mayor Martin Behr- b< 3un will deliver addresses of wel01110 to which responses will be te aade by tho Hon J Pope Brown, tl f tlawkinsville, Qa., chairman Zi f i_tho railroad commission of ei xoorgia and Walter Claike, of p Tiarkedale, Miss., State vice presdcut ot the Southern Cotton powers' Protective Aisociatiou. Tho first day committee will be .ppointed on resolutions regard- V ng cotton acrooge and fertilizers, S State hureaus of statistics, organ- ^ zations of producers, ware house ^ ysteni, banking, State exchanges y ind the present crop and surplus. Chore will bo a general discussion A ijf j^^eut situation. . *The second day there will be, uiong othor features, addressees y tho Hon ? L Summorwell, of I?t? V.-V..1-- l r? rN - - xuiu, u n uargan, of At-| uita; M 11 Thomas, of Dallas, Ji \xoi; L W Parker,of Greenvillo, cf (J; L P Rillyer, of Macon, Ga.; dj i (J Murray, of Kingston Toxas, p< iid E D Smith, of Magnolia, S tl. I. Iho report of committeos will cl lro bo received. gi On tlio third day thero will be ki Idressed by the Hon It. R. Poole, 1, f Montgomery, Ala, president of sit griculture; T. B. Parker, of en aliegh N.O,; It. E. Smith, of de liorman, Texas, and F. M. Miller, th f Now Orlcanss wi Railroad rates of one fare, pluB ps venty-fiv? cents, have been grant1 from all points in the Couth >r delegates and member of their ce iiuilies. President Jordan urges th 1 delegatos to reach Now Orleans ge )t later than 10 o'clock Tuesday G' orning, January 14, and to re- in jrt at onco at the assemb ly ' hall of the Progressive Union. A -m - fa WED FROAf TERRIBLE m DEATH. ; The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobtt of Bargerton,Tenn., saw her ying and wore powerless to savo. rai ho most skillful physicians and ki :ery remedy used, failed, while th msumption was slowly but sure- at< taking life. In this terrib oL . )ur Dr. King's New Discovery c0 ir Consumption turned despair an to joy. The first bottle brought '.mediate relief and its continuod or >o completoly cured her. It's de 10 most oertain cure i n the orld for all throat and lung oublos. Guaranteed Bottles 50 s. and |1.00. Trial Bottles eo at Crawford Bros., J. F. * ackey & Co., and Fnnderbnrk ev har. Drug Stores. St - ? - lit For Gen. Pickens1 Memory. of d? Washington, Jan. 12. --Repre- m ntative Aiken of South Carolina q, tvoduceda bill today appropriat- pr g $1,000 for a monument over av e gravo of Gen. Andew Pickens, p( ho is buried in Anderson county, (j( b Irew Lots to Decide Who Should be Eaten. .moricuu I^rodgo Texas Founder. o?l in Storm Christmas Eve. Twonty-Ono of Crow Drowned. Waterfjrd, Ireland, Jan 11.? he steamer Zono arrived hero )day witn tho captain and 12 ton of tho American steam redger Texas from Dantzie, via outhampton Dec 12, for Galves>n, which foundered in a storm BP A 1. _ IT - I "? j me neoriues. mo crew enired tho small bouts but one con iining tho chief officers and 21 en sank immediately ami all its icupants were drownod. Tho irvivors drifted for several days afore being picked up. Tho survivors who suffered irribly from cold and hunger say tat just prior to sighting the eno they had drawn lots to ds? do which should bo killed to rovide food for tho rest. WONDERFULNERVE Is displayed by many a man enuring pains of accidental Cuts, bounds, Bruises, Burns. Scidds, ore foet or stiff joints. But aere's no need for it. Bucklen's irnicaSalve will kill the pain and ure tho trouble, it's the best alve on earth for Piles, too. 25c, t Drawford Bros., J. F. Mackoy 5 Co., and Funderbnrk Phar. >ruggist. Big Delivery at Port Arthur. Washington, Jan. 12.?Tho apanoso legation lias received a iblegrnm from To no, of today's ite. saying that General Xogi reDrts that tho delivery at Port Ar.ur has been complotod. It inudos fifty permenent forts, 5t>4 ius,82,670 cannon balls, 30,000 les of ammunition, 35,252 l ilies, 928 horses, four battleships, bodes thp Travastopol, which was itiroly sunk, 14 gun boats and >stroyed, 10 steamers, besides e small steamers, 35 of which ill bs serviceable after slight rears.* Berlin, Jan. 12.?A disatch reived today from Mukden says at according to Russian intelliiqco, the Japanoso army facing eneral Kuropatkin has been re* forced by 368 aiego guns, recent used in the investment of Port rthur und also by 32,000 in* ntry, making a total of 388,000 en with 1,254 guns. Olilldrpn Pni^nntwl Many childron are poisoned and ade nervous and weak, if not lied outright, by mothers giving era cough syrups containing opiBi. Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain remedy for ughs, croup and lung trouble, d is the only prominent cough sdicine that contains no opiates other poisons. Sold by Funrburk Pharmacy. Ex-Senator O. Butler Marries. few York, Jan. 14.-Gon. Math7 0. Buttler, formerly United ates Senator from South Uarora, and Mrs. Walter Whitman, New York, were mar.ied toy in Grace Chantry by Rov. 11. cGim. Only a fow friends of snoral and Mrs. Butler wore esent. The bride was given ?ay by Patrick Colbaun, and irry Belmont was host man. oiieral Butler's homo is in Washgton. Mrs. Rogers to Hang. First Woman Executed in Vermont in Seventy Years. Rutland, Vt., Jan 12.?Gov. Charles J. Hell of Walden, who for week# has been urgod by'diun dreds of persona all over the conn try, to commute and not to com muto the sentence of Mrs Rogers to bo hanged next month for husband's murder, has now given his final decision in the matter. Ho say a: "1 6oe no reason why the law , \7V--~ ? * -? - - w* f?iuiuui siiouia not take their courso. No matter what my personal views on capital punishment y 1 do not consider that I have any right to inierforo with the laws of tho State. 1 was elected by the people to enforce and not sot aside tho laws of the Common wealth." This makes it certain that Mrs Mary Lingers will he hanged in thofctato prison at Winsor on February 5. Sho will be tho first woman to pay tho death penalty i in Vermont in seventy years. ! A VERY CLOSE CALL UI stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. (1 was weak and pale, without any appetite and all rum down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Eleetrie Bitters, and after taking it, I felt as well as I overdid in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try tlieni. Satisfaction guaranteed by Crawford Bros., J. F. Maokey & Co., and Funderburk Pilar. L'rice 50cts. Linkous Sentenced to Hang. Roanoke, Va., Jail 14.?James Linkous, who was yesterday conj victed ut Radford of wife-murder, was toduy sentenced .by Judge Casboll to bo hanged on Friday February 17. Ho will be brought to Roanoke tonight?for safekeeping until the dute of ..hie execution. On last Chrsitmas day Liokoua L!11 ? Kiuea Dig wife and their yeung adopted eon, locked them Id a room and set fire to the houee stroying tho building and burning the bodies to a crisp. When ask ed to atand up and receive the death sentence, Linkous declared he was innocent of the crime. DOMESTIC TROUBLE8 It is exceptional to find a family whore there are no domestic ruptures occasionally,but these can bo lessoned by having Dr. King's New Life Fills around. Much trouble they save bv their <rra?t -J o work in stomach and Liver troubles. They not only relieve you, but euro. 25c, at Crawford JBrof., J. F. Mackey&Co., andFunderburk Phar. Drug Stores. To Exempt Cotton. Littlo Hock, Ark., Jan. 14.?In tho house of the general assembly today Mr. Simpson of Hempstead ' county introduced a bill exempting from taxation up to Juaa 1, 1905, cotton he'd by Arkansas farmers for'botter prices. STRAIGHT FACTS. A whole lot of fancy phrases oaa be written about reinedlsn, kul It takse iiuhh u> prove any tiling-good straight facts. And the strongest flsot you evaf heard is that Tnnuopfline is the beef cure for pilee on the market. It curaa absolutely. Has a healing, soothing ' fl' <:t from the start. Alldrugglsta have It for tl.03 k ]ar. Ask for Tannopllint [and don't dare take a substitute. t