The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, January 14, 1905, Image 3

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Local Matters 'ointmbnth or rbv. j. m. wt it* Lai .and 3d Sabbath, jppd and 4th Sabbath, 11 ^v?<4nt HHI, 2-1 Hud 4th Sabbath, jr ^ ?250 acres id Cedur Creek ownship. Price $750. ? cash. ? 4 room cottage for rent. ApidV to W. .1. Chinninorham V B * ? Auditor Cook will he in the .'Casteru section of the county next week taking returns. See notice. ?Married, on Wednesday, Jan 11, 1904, by Rev R J Blackmon, Mr R L Love and Miss Roaa Taylor, daughter of Mr N V Taylor, all of the Eastern section of the county. ? The capitation tax of 50 cents to be Imposed on all dogs this year must be in addition to the ad valorem tax. ?For sale ! A Jersey cow. Calf 10 days old. Apply to John P. T witty, Heath Springs, S C ?Rov and Mrs R Lee Robinson, of Caradon. Ala , returned home Tuesday from a visit to the former's parents near Lancaster. ? For rent ! Two-horse farm, with 2-story dwelling. Apply to S A Faulkner, R F DJNo 1, Lancaster, S. C. ? Dr Gill Wyhe of New York City and Mr Harry Wylieof Rock Hill, visited friends and relatives here this week. ?Mr Walter Crenshaw had one of bis hands badly hurt by getting it caught in some part of the ma> ehinery at the cotton mill last Tuesday afternoon. ? Wanted ! A teacher for the Taxahaw school. Apply to R. E. Gregory, Taxahaw, S. C. ? Born, to Mr and Mrs R J Mackorell of Yorkville, Jany 12, 1905, a daughter: Mrs J M Rid. die, mother of Mrs Mackorell, went over to Yorkville Thursday to see the little newcomer. ? John Crockett, col., was eonvicted before Magistrate L J Perry Wednesday of obtaining money under false pretences and sent to the Cheater chaingang for 30 duys not having f 16 to pay his fine with. ?Strayed! From my home in Dry Creek township last Fridav. ? ' a red spotted cow, white spot in face. Robert Mosep, Dry Creek, S C. ? Mrs T A Funderburk and baby, of Lancaster county, went home Saturday. They r&rae over in the first of the week with Mr Funderburk, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the hospital Wednesday, While here they were the guests of their aunt, Mrs M J Mangum.?Chester Lan tern. ? There will be a basket sup per at Atitu ch school house next Friday night, 20tb instant. The public is oordlully invited to attsnd and help out a good cause, as well as have a pleasant time. The following committee of young ladies will be in charge: Missea Annie Ncely, Ida West, Virginia Baker, Ida Heeler, Dora Porter, Bertha Stogner and Anna Horton. ?Mr L J Perrv was summoned to Chester Wednesday evening to the bedside of bis son, Mr W P Perry, the agent and operator at the Southern depot there, who became suddenly very ill while telegraphing train orders and fell ^ over unconscious from bis chair. Medical aid was at once summon. | ^'t4$ra short laps* of time I )' hii home* ^rj ji f^rry'rotorped home yesterday, lie reports some improvement in bis son's condition. The physicians pronounce llis trouble uremic poison, the result of some kidney affection. I I Death of an Aged LAdy. Mrs Lucenia Robertson, widow nie of the late John Robertson of the the Oakhurst section, died last Wednesday, Jany 11th, 1900, after a short illness. Mrs Robertson was wj 91 years of age and leaves two bui obildren surviving her, Mr A P Robertson of tde Craigville sec- ^ tion and Mrs K H Horton of Kershaw. She was a member . of the Methodist church ^ and her life was consistent with the pie profession she n.ade. tier remains were interred at Salem churchyard Thursday afternoon after funeral services conducted cer by her pastor, Rev Mr Hue**. Sudden Death. we Mrs Betsy Sinclair, wife of Mr we Nelson Sinclair, died suddenly at her hnme several miles Northeast ui town last L nursday. She was sit yes ting before the fire after breakfast ing when a pain struck hor suddenly Th in the left side of the neck and wh shoulder. A physician was phoned his /or but before he reached her Ra home she was dead, having died ina in the chair where she was sitting, wei The cause of death is supposed to sini have been nouralgia of the heart, he Mrs Sinclair was about 42 years gro of age, a daughter of the late J li tov Knight, and leaves her husband and seven or eight children sur- ftcr riving her. Her remains were in- yef) terred yesterday afternoon. onl Death of an Estimable Eatly The many friends here of Mrs. Banks, mother of Prof. A. K. rais Banks the superintendent of our Tot graded school, wore pained to no i learn of her death, which oecurred last Tuesday night, Jany 10, Jea 1905, at Fort Mill, S. C., where a.r' wil she bad gone to visit her daughter, Mrs J. B. Mack. She left Lan- 1 caster just three wesks ago, s iotuingly iu good health, but was cut J *01 dowa by pneumonia after a brief * 111 Illness. wai Mrs. Mary Elvira Banks, eld( at ^ daughter of John and Harriet Hudson Hamngion, was born in l'ie Marion District (now Florence tuM county) on Oct 1st, 1823, makiug her 81 years, 3 months and 10 days of age at her death. She leaves two children, Mrs. J. B. Mack and Prof. A. R. Banks, ten grandchildren and nineteen great- 1 grand-children. Her husband, U,G the Rev. Wm Banks, well remem- 6(* bered in Lancaster, once pastor of vot old Waxbaw Presbyterian church, def died Maroh 17. 1875?thirty aQt years ago. Mrs. Banks was a as j highly cultured and mo?tJ estima- Hn ble lady. Her remains were in- c^o terred at Fort Mill Wednesday O'J afternoon, Rev. J. H. Thornwell ^ro1 conducting tho funeral services. goc The exeioises of the graded school th. here were suspended by order of ?P| the board of trustees through respectto the esteemed superintendent on tbe^dayof the burial. 1 Professor and Mrs. Banks re- tw(^ turned home Thursday. OAmmlOAA AMlvnmnnfi nf caster's Legislators The Lancaster delegation has bsen assigned as follows.on legislative committees: Senator Hough as chairman of the Senate committee .on penal and charitable institutions. Also on the judiciary, and the committee on privileges and e'ections, and retrenchment. r. Representative Hatnel appears on four bouse committees, viz: Incorporations, public printing, enrolled hills, and public schools. Representative Foster was assigned to the judiciary, and the committee on State house and grounds. t * c9, ?At an enthusiastic meeting of De 8 0 College alumni in Columbia Tuesday afternoon it was decided to raise an endowment fund of $160,000 for the institution More than $100,000 rfas subsorib- H ed in a very brief tune. ^ ? See Cloud'li new nJvertisent. It always pays to rciul ail. ? Mr% \T. U. Clyburn of Huile Id Mino is spending a few days th his brother, Mr. L. M. Clyi n, at this placo. A. hundsome monument has 3D placed over the grave of the e Judge I D Witliersooon. It in the form of a granito sarcop^us, and is a highly creditable ice of work. Tho cost was nothing over $600.?Yorkville quirer. -The farmers of this county are tainly in earnest about holding lir cotton. MrNisbet,the cotton igher, is idle these lays. lie ighs on an average about two es a day. ? We received a nleuaant nail .tordny from Mr Wilden Swnr;?n, editor und proprietor of e Edonton (N. (J.,) Transcript, o is here for a few days with father, having come by from leigh whero he attended the uguiation of tho Governor this j ek. It has just been nine years ce he was last in Lancaster and is ugioonbly surprised at tho iwth and improvement of the iro. ? "lam going to reduce the eage in cotton on my farm this iv 25 per cent, and 1 will use y half the amount of fertilizers j sed last year," said Mr .1 A. j dges of Heath Springs, in our , !sence yesterday. Mr Bridgep ?es about 80 bales per year, elve acres to the plow is what ilways puts in cotton but this ir ho will only put nine. Every naer who does us Mr Bridges 1 do will be better off next fall. Vn observer of such things says t there was less drunkenness in rt Mill during tho past week n he had ever known, which s probably due to Charlotte's! ness. Thus, it seems, the now j irlotto law bids fair to result in j making of two prohibition I rus instead of ono us intended. ?ort Mill Ti*ne? jor J J Hull of liock Hill, Re- ! Elected. | ! took Hill, Jan. 12.?Tho muipal election in Rock Hill pass- I off today, a total of only 278-' es being cast. Mayor .J ,J Hull ! eated his opponent M. G. Bry, fey 59 votes. The vote was followi: For mayor, Hull 173, /ant, 14. B. N. Craig was roisen alderman at large. I W. tfeal^was re-elected alder man ni the first ward. W. LI. Wylio is to the council from the fonrNeither of the two last had josition 'Hold cotton and plant loss," 1~- -L- o .. LIC jmpuiui ury ui IUO OUUIQ lay. jley's Money and Tar ' children,saO .sure. No opiate FOR THIRTY * In order to reduce our i e are going to sell goods ibruary 5th. It's useles << PRF % When wo say Cost wo mean ex is,sale only lasts for Thirty dayi st us. We (looVcharge you unytiurtg t t. ' V 11 tNDERBURl J^ a t Items from KcrsbaW Bra Mr liu SoweW and Miss Maoia iiuuter, both of the Taxabaw bee lion, xere married December 25, 1904, by Mr J M Hilton, N. F. ? We also regret to lose as citizens of Kershaw Mr J Wylie Porter and family, who have moved to Elgin, where they will make tboir future hotno. ?Capt J Q McPlanus, one of [ Kershaw's pioneer settlers, bas * moved to the Autioch section, about 6 miles east of Lancaster. We regret very much to lose the ^ Captain as a citizen. ! ?Mr W A Blakeney baa moved bis family to the same neighborhood and ill leave here himself ^ about February 1st. These are citizens whom we regret to give up; ? Dr S G Rutledge,the dentist, ^ will divide his time between Lan* castor and Kershaw, spending the first, thrpR douo n* L o VI vav>U WVC( ftl ^ Lancaster and the last three at Kershnw. ? Mrs Mary Bird, of Lewisville, sister of Hon Jas K Magill, of Russell Place, died at her home Dec 28, 1904, after an illness of . rnly two days. She was buried 11 in the cemetery at Union charcb, " near liichburg. vs ?At a mass meeting held at Kershaw Saturday to nominate a town oHicere, the following were eominated: Capt J V Welsh for ^ Intended, and J M Carson, S W Heath, 11 E Reese and R L Black mon for Wardens: and E D Blakei ney to succeed himself for Commissioner of Publie works. ^ ~ a The Southern railroad has paid Mrs Ernest L Adams, of Rcclr Hill, $8,000, the amount recently awarded by a York county jury l as damages on account of the kill- P ing of her husband at Catawba A Junction. N EW LIVERY AND SALE STABLE . Wo have opened up, at the Elliott A Crawford old stand, Sale and Livery Stables and are prepared to sell stock cheaper than anybody, for cash, or on time with good papers. l^ rCall and see OUR STOCK V before buying. Satisfaction guaranteed. LIVERY! LIVERY! With brand new vehicles and good fresh hor8C8we aro prapared to give $$ the best Satisfaction in the livery business. Very Respectfully, Moore & Sowell. #Dec. 1, 1904. DAYS ONLY > * f 1 V. * stock, before taking stock, ,1 First Cost ;?s DES >> : i actly what wo nay. Remember i. Come and see what our goods o show you . whether you buy or )urs to serve, C COMPANY. What. Cotton. No, qual tosii cent cotton. Sn t t t t t t You have got what 1 want?MONEY rant?GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. h ? h b 1 Somo of tho boat AXES on earth at 1 orget me. I soil for Cash anil at Col OBACCO at Cost. J. B. MACKC Wtth 0 Vi t T 1 I 11 XJL T J ?xl Making a C i our buRinoss and in orde. to reduce our 1st., offer to the purchasing public ynr 'ants also all Winter fabrics AT COST, 'o mean business when wo suy COST, wo n elegant iine of Dry Goods, Shoes, Noti nd Hats, and will undersell any ono else i Dome and See and ? self. Our Clothing and Pants comprise all the Boys Clothing from 75c to $3.00 per si 3.00 to $10.00 per suit. This is no huml lifetime for the purchasing public of Lane RESPEC flcCardell and A1 GREAT BAJ 1 t tFor ten days we will offer the rer offered in Lancaster. lUp will make prices thai " L move the goods. I ! 9 Fleece llnou ve.Ma soUl | j? Ladies rust*Ladu I ? f Reavy Walking skirt* I 91110 C made with lining, sold TAA LaUlU 0 for $1.2.5, $1 50 and fl|||| ! 0?, thin sale, 08e, $1 19 and$l 49. uuu 500 Ladle's St, OVIU Ul 36 inch White I Sold 6 cents, this sale 5 cents, ig and pretty patterns, this sale GOOD HEAVY CHECKED HOMESI GOOD Cilacoes, this sale, 4 1= Come and look t dock and you may irtiele that you are md we will make 1 suit you. E. E. Ci \ In Masonic Building, Above / tm ? , my Prices tine to sot me. t +* t. ; and 1 have got what you ? k k I MA hH last year's .price*. Don't tton prices. 9,000 lbs IRELL! [EW OF hange stock wo wiHQanhl Feby. entire linejof Clothing and We havo^n new line aid moan it. We also hay* ons, Gents' Furnishings n town. Satisfy Yourstyles in medium goods, lit. Mens' snits] Otmi iug, but is the aster. County. 1TFULLY, lison Bros. *GAINSGreatest Bargains twill ? JACKETS sold flO 00 10 S8 00. MOO. and nn I 0 90; $ ooi 4 00 A 8 90 I I' t Haamlaea koto I SHIP C aold for 10 ota, LCLUIU 0 tkln Mia ,7 Ota. Fleece Lined Hose, 15c this sale 10c. tomespun Nice Quality Suit* 41=2 cents. PUN, this sale 41=4. 2 cents. I l urougn our find the very looking for the price to .OUD. " ' n j