The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, January 11, 1905, Image 2

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V' LEDGER.N' itlCBLIIW S. CARTER, 'i" KDITOR AND M VNAGKK. fsSlTD W KI?NI IS PAY A N I) SATI1KDAY WKDNKNDAV, JANUARY 11, 1905. f()| jy* u KTTFWmil'TION $i V)PEP TE\R of Selling rso Cotton. poi . P'"i A special to News and Conner wa from Lancaster, January 7, says: ^ VVhilo the farmers of this county are not foolishly horning any cot. ton, they are doing all in their power to help the price by holding ?,'U on to the staple. They aro carry , r . . I 11111 ing out in good faith the resolu880 tions of their county convention, held a few weeks ago, advising against the sale of cotton at present prices. Scarcely any cotton, in consctpience, is seen on the market nowadays. Only one bale nofi was sold hero yesterday. CR' Among Lancaster's corporations which pvid dividends to me stockholders on the 1st instant a' was the Hunk of Lancaster, it c0* paying its usual semi-annual divi- clt^ dend of six per cent. This hank is unquestionably one of <hc most uc^ prosperous in the State, owing to t0!> its exceptionally tine management. It has never lost a dollar on bad 'jat loan - and enjoys Iho unbounded aD( conlMenco of the people, us ovi- *1CM deuce-1. by its large volume of co* busiucss and gradually increasing deposits. The latter now amounts to considerably over $316,000, an in .reuse of noirly $50,000. Col. Leroy Springs is president of the bank and Mr. Ij C. Harrison, ar|t cashier. J011 Mr. J. Ueeee Hlair of Troy was rec painfully hurt in a wreck on Pages me loud between Troy and Aberdeen rec last Monday, lie was on a gaso- pu line motor car going to Aberdeen at to take the SAL train for Ual- tio eigh, when an engine pulling a tor special train struck him, knock- tk< mg him a considerable distance, tor breaking u rib and badly bruising by him. The injured man was taken qu to Hex Hospital, Kaleigh, where ho was given medical attention. Yesterday had been named as Mr oui Blair's wedding day and for firi awhile it looked as if the wedding rig would have to bo postponed, but an the groom elect thought that wed- ter ding day hud beon postponed long no enough and thereforo ho had Miss ho Ada Allen of Troy, to whom he mi was engaged, go to lialeigh yesterday and in the hospital they ^ct were married. Dr ,J M Blair of c'c Monroe attended the wedding. Mr tni Blair is a Monroe boy and has 808 lots of friends hero to wish him 'ea 11 ? f T"1 t t*t wen.?Monroe inquirer. -n I ne: John Dees, a white man living bei on Dr J B Eubank's farm in lat Lanes Creek township, while in a of drunken condition, shot his wife early this morning. The weapon used was a 32 calibre pistol. The ball entered the groin and it is not known how serious the wound is. Decs has been arrested. Mrs Dees was at the phono talking ho when her husband in his maudlin drunkenness concluded that she was conversing with a man and he became insanely jealous and he shot her as above stated, and struck her on the head with the ^ weapon. When not drinking UD Dees is a hard working, good niti7/?n nnil iu i^nnnnnKlo n rwl n 11 fai * ?"?" ?? ? Mu"?* in his family. Liquor does bother folks who do not bother it. A good woman must suffer and in eti all probability meet death on ac- *lfl count of liquor sho never touched. mc ? Monroe Enquirer. *oc wi: Will Springs, col., who killed pie Kural Police Officer S. E. Cole trii near Charlotte last week was ares- vill ted near I Vrt Mill Thursday and is now in the Charlotte jail. ? imber of the Prisoners. mpleted Libt at Port Arthur eludes 878 Offieers and 23, 491 Men. Washington, Jun 8.?The Jupe>e legation today received the lowing catdegram from the reign Office at Tokio under dute today: "General Nogi on Sunday re ta that the delivery of Uussian oners under tlie capitulation s completed on Saturday. The al of the prisoners were 878 cers and 23,491 won, whereof 1 officers and 229 orderlies gave ol so far. Gen Smirnoff, Gen ck, Gen G irbaWosky and Adrnl Willmann preferred to he t to Japan as prisoners of war" Wnte Housing Cotton. aco, Tex., .fun. 5.?The busi is Men's Club, of Waco, has led a conference of merchants the cotton growing States to et in New Orleans on Jan 25, the same time the Inter-State ton committee meets in that J' L'he merchants are expeeted to in conjunction with a commitfroill the Cotton Growers' tiventi;n and a committee of ikors attending; the convention, 1 devise a plan for the ware* ising of cotton in the whole ton growing area. Cotton Statistics. Washington, January 7. ? The use committee on census to-day horized a.favorable report on a nt resolution, submitted by Re>seotative Burleston, of Texas, pleating the Secretary of Comrce and Labor to direct the di:tor of the centus "to ?ollecl atd blish on the same dates, iand the sametime he makes publican of the ginners' rooort of coti production annual statistics of ) surphus consumption of cotfit.. ? ? i, ox iue surplus or cottor held the nianafacturers, and the notify of cotton exported. Ik is important for mor6 thaa j a reason to hold cotton. In the it place the farmers should by hts receive better prices than i now offered; no less to bis inest i.? it that the countiy should t bo flooded and the store uses filled with cotten goods ide with 6 1-9 and 7-eent cotton, at will disturb the market, iding to reduce the price of ith to the injury of all manufaeers who bought early in the ison at advanced prices, and will ,ve the mills with small orders >m a glutted market when the ti crop comes in, giving the ars an opportunity to manipue their hammers at the openmg the season.?The State. :-Gov. Lowndes Dies Suddenly Cumberland, Md., Jan. 8.? rmer Gov. Lloyd Lowndes of irylaud died suddenly at liis me her# today. He arose at 30, took a bath and began to ess preparatory to attending urch services. A sudden fall racted the attention of Mrs. >wndes, who was in the room, e suminoaed assistance, and the conscious form was placed upon ? bed. Death was due to heart lure. Give the southern cotton growi a thorough organization one ie, and instoad of being floor >psfor Wall street, as they have i often been in the past, they 1 thenceforward beeomo comte masters of the entire iudusil and financial world.?Yorke Enquirer. ?Fay your subscription. Call to Cotton QrowdrsI Ass ciation of Lancaster Corn ty, to Meat at Lancast Jan. 14th, 1905. For the last 30 or 40 days tl farmers of the South, especial all those who raise cotton, ha' been thrown on their mettle I the sudden and utilooked-f slumps in cottou, their gre money crop. They have be< busy organizing as if for a gre battle, which, it Beems, now bo inevitable. The farmers a organized in almost every cou ty in the cotton belt. And ta ing the time of year, conditic of weather, roads, etc., it is r markable that an oritanizatic of such proportions could hai been effected in so short a tim Rnf flio nanoofi 4 V% n 4 V* n J ? > JLV U V WHO oauooo V LI CI v UiVO UI'IVC the farmers to organization wei imperative, and nothing but want of manhood and appreci tion of their rights and proper! could have prevented them fro making a determined effort aave themselves from the di tress and ruin consequent upc the present policy of the cottc speculators and manipulators.The thing for the farmers to < just now is to hold all cotton their hand9 for 60 or 90 days, i nntil we can get 10c. or mo for it. It does not matter he low it may go; it will go i again. It is only a matter time and necessity. There is i undisputed reason for the pr< ent low prieo of cotton. The no thing for the farmers to do is reduce the acreage of this yeai crop 25 per cent. This is simp a business proposition, and n that if not carried out by t farmers will result in great loss to them than the preBe low price, for it is evident tb more cotton will be carried o\ than at any time before, a this cotton will be thrown up the market at or about the jii the new crop comes in ; and we should have anything like large crop we cannot expect get more than 5 or 6 cent9 1 it. The matter of getting up mc ey enough in the South to banc lU. ii 2- ? buo cuituu crop ib now oei worked and we think of all t plana and propositions tb claim the attention of the 80111 ern people this is the most i; portent, and if it can ba effect will result in the greatest go< There is no class of our peo| but that are affected by the 1 pression of our agricultural pi pie, there are none who shot bold toemselves aloof and 1 give us all the influence tb may hare, for we are all iu t same boat and must sink swim together. This is not t first time in the last 20 yei that we have been system! cally robbed by the same eya'ti that is now being worked, I we have never been in con A A S B O viuu to maae a successful Dj before. Now, taking everythi into consideration we are ale responsible for the furtberai and success of our cause, the language of the President our Association, "We have t brains, the manhood and 1 will to win." Let every lo Association in the county se delegates to the county meeti Jan. 14, as there will be bu ness of interest to every or and we can then more thoroui ly complete our organizati( We will also have to attend business called to our attenti by President Smith of the Sti Association. T. J. Strait, Pros. Geo. W. Jones, Ssc. ?Judge J H Hudson i unanimously elected to the Seni from Marlboro county lust Mi day to succeed Senator McC whoso death was recently not< ..ill I . .1-11 . 1 v%TTEN 5 BARC or : THE H E A T i to re si. f "si. 1 j ^ ^ j* kSuccessors to HEi ;ne TILE CO., which ?. settle with the esl ceased. a a" ^ ty ^ ~ m 3? We arc here fV >n our share of the ti ings will induce tl ?? ing renoyated the r & Mercantile Co., r# our place more co 1 i'*i l U nvr/\ /v . i i? l jp uaic ucviucu uui s ?f ies first, on the coi ao 7 >s ment second; dry j t? the fourth room. We would call j ne we have many gre ho ier :: For The 'er nd ?,e as we want to mu " chasing our Spriu to In moving our Shoes, a >o- decided to place them on a bar ile these shoes are not old goods hf as DREW-SELBY, GODMAN and lat CLOTHING iOu )d. Ip. And if prices wi "j you to take advant '? You can have any Ihe ment for actual c ?r delay but come an We would like i ^ have in the way o >ut prevents our doi i ght tion and you will 1 Dg me IN SHAPE of ' he and can make you ?d feet satisfactiau, i?iK ous New Year an? rooage, we are, >n. to on " - mi nn I III!) II 111 vas ate _ :! LflNC ^ ' >*K\ ' "l i > n i n n. tm ? HON iAIN SEE HONES CO. />r /* v*..^ VTI1 BANKING has been liquidate* tate ofJ AS. M. I *m m m m ^ ^ ^ J? >r business and hit 'iv*3f> iflnw nvir?p? n . V?. vy EL ML. JL -B. Ji. X-' V/ ^ W he public to stick i stores of the lie; gives us more 1*001 nven for bus slock into departm riier; gent's turnis' ^oods third, and our attention to tl at inducements to Next Thirty ' ike a clean sweep g Goods. great many of the boxes were i gain counter, and let them go ; but right new and some of the other makes. WE HAVE IN ABUNI II move tho goods, age of this great r? ruit of clothes ;n c ostfor the spot ea id let us dress 3 cu to tell you more al t bargains but beiii ig m>. Jl\\we ask readily see we are l FOR BUS! ? " r, r i prices that will gi Wishing ever) oil' 1 hoping for more in-,kim mi ASTER S. C KERS1 H IS3 PS2k n AH tf fit r A W Y. fc M ERC AN d in order to IE ATM, deend getting nd fair dealto lis. Havith Hanking in and makes liness. We ent, grocerhidg departmillinery in lie fact that otter Days ? before purbroken, and we have at first cost. Now best we have, such )ANCE. it is up to eduction sale up establish' J iSII, BO UO'"'i up. t>out what we ig so rushed is an inspecI NESS, ? IVA 1T/\11 i T ^ j "u |?cr? e a prosper, of .vour pat J. ' s I ' .