The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, January 07, 1905, Image 1

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' * ' ' *\p . ^ 1 " L A N A S 7T~ir~~- O.. JaNI AKU 7* Mn'f, r ew====^ ^ I In wi GE nTr ftf JB"r * f| STi || 88 I Vie mo: bu"! r ~ ,r# / o * 9 % * \ Order To Reduc JANUARY] E ARE OFEER EAT BARGAI] IPARTMENTS ORE. ? RE ABE A FEt XK?X len's $5.00 Suit " 7.00 " " 10.00 Jov's Suits tor 5o V n's 6.00 Overcoa Ve can certain! ney on anything r. te sure and eomc RESPEC LiKastn It '& Stock By J : FIDCT J ' | I i\o 1 LNG SOME jj NTS IN ALL j| OF OUR i| * or them 1" i; /4k 8 qj$3.UU || ' ; 4.00 J| < t.5? I ; cent*. ; its 4.oo. 8 y save you d yon want to j| i to see us. $| I TFtJLLY. J iprtflniiU Pn J ' IUMIUIU l)U *| ; 1| I 1 8 1 Ml Russian Soldiers Made Prisoners. / text of Articles of Q>oitu= lation of Port Arthur^? Officers are Paroled. 111 Forts, Buttaries, Vesccls und 11 T Monitions Aio Transferred to the Japanese in Their Ex 1 isting Condition. 1 ji The text of the articles of cap- c tulation of the Port Arthur garison signed by the commissionirs representing Gen. Stoessel tnd Gen. Nogi, has been made t >ublic. All Russian soldiers, t narines and civil officials of the ? ?arrisou and harbor are mado 1 )risouers, all forts, batteries, f ressels, munitions, etc., are t nansferred to the Japanese in he condition in which they exsted at noon of January 3, vioation of this clauso to operate g is an annulment of tho nogotia- t ;ious, giving the Jajuim s army . warrant to take free action ; the ^ Russian military and naval au- p ,horities are to furnish to the ( Japanese army an exhibit of all [ rortifications, unuer-ground and ^ lubmarine mines, a list of mili;ary officers, of sTiips aud the lumber of their crews, and of j hviliana of both eex< s wuh their ^ race- and occupation ; and a'l lublic property, a- buildings, j nunitioi s of war, etc , to bo eft in tho present position pernio ng arrangtment for their trans(ere:ico. Officers of the army ind navy are permitted to re,ain their swords and such of .heir personal property a* is di . 1 ' ecuy necessary tor the mainte-l4 lance of life and with one ser- ' rant each nnv, upon signi g ' heir parolo not to tako up arnisj^ luring tho conlinuan-v ?>f ?hoj * vai, return to Russia. Non- } lommissloued officers and pri- 1 rates will be held as prisoners. n ?or the benefit of the sick and 0 voundod Russians tlie sanitary v iorp9 and the accountants bo- i ongiog to the Russian army * ind uavy will be required to 1 erve under the Japanese sani ary corps and accountants for 1 uch period of time as may be leemed necessary. -mm> ?* ?AVED FRO\I TERRIBLE >' DEATH. y The family of Mrs. M. L. Bob- n itfl r?f T1""" ? 1 - ... w uui^vnuii) ioiiii., miw ner v lying and were powerless to save. [ 'he most skillful physiei wn and very remedy used, failed, while onsumption was slowly but sure " y taking life. In this terrible t our Dr. King's New Discovery o or Consumption turned despair ^ ato joy. The first bottle brought in media to relief and its continued se ccraplotoly cured her. It's he most certain cure i n the ^ porld for all throat and lung ^ roubles. Guaranteed Bottles 50 <1 ts. and 5^1.00. Trial Dottles ? reo at Crawford Bros., ,1. F. ( lackey & Co., and Fandcrburk I >har. Drug Stores. 0 By concerted action the cotton .. armers of the south hare reduced j. iroduction before, and they will , 0 it again. The world needB all he cotton tho south can grow, ait if it will not pay a living trice for it, lot it he made to pay rell for less than it requires. 1 " mm Pneumonia and La Grippe Coughs cuied quickly by Dooy's Honey and Tar. Refute ubstitutes. Sold by Funderbui k 'harmacy. \ Happenings in the State. - < Is Chronicled l>y the Alert Cer- A respondents of The (Columbia q State.' v I"* LARGEST COTTON YIELD. Spartanburg, Jan 2.?Mr C A durph is the winner of the ptise if 8100 in gold offered by the nrst Natioual Bank of Spartan- hi! >urg, for the largest yield of cot- hi on on one acre of land. His yield P? miouuted to 4,283 pounds of seed ottou. wi SAW HUSBAND FALL DEAD. lorkville, dan S.?While sit v* ing on a mulo at his residence ri wo ruilos east ofYoikville this fternoon, Mr Napoleon A Simril ^ lad an attack of heart trouble and ell (, Mrs Simril witnessing w! ho sad occurrence. sh flfi MET PECULIAR D1ATH. pr oj,urtunburg, Jan 8.?Tom ^ smith, colored, mot a tragic death CQ mis morning wnne engaged 10 i t?i Milling the well on Mr. Lip j ^ iVood's premises, near Paoolet 1 Qfi 1 ill ion. Some of the workmen in the ground were lowering a missive bucket, filled with rocka, o Smith, who was working in the fei veil, somo 25 or 80 feet below. ne Suddonly the hoops of the overtulcn bucket gave way and the en. a0 ire contents fell on the unfortun- ^ de man's head, crushing his skull, q Jcaih was almost instantaenous. TWO ITALIANS KILLED. ... Ohar'eston, Jan 2.?Padro Cip- th inunois dead and Dominica Cuz- ev ira is wounded and likely to die t iho city hospital, as a result of 1\ ud nt the camp of a number of wj Lilian stonecutters, near the do ;h u le?ton navy yard. Cuzzara HF 1 id acted tho part of a peacemaker nd had been shot for his trouble. ^ lc was taken to a small neighbor* ap ug house 10 receive attention, and an 110 of his friends became so ex- th< reived over the shooting that he vent after tho man who had done he act and killod him on sight, le then made his escape. The rouble resulted from a drinking tout which marked the birth ef he new year. > ? eri FUUIT DEALEK TAKES HIS LIFJB. Q, (Charleston, Jan 3.?G. C Well I. U- I 1 - * . * ? - ? iiuvK, wnuiubuie truit ueaior, 45 pr ears old, killed kimself this of nor uing at 11 o'clock in the pri- de ato office of his establishment. va io left a note, it is understood, 0n o Mr Stonor, telling him good Tc ijcund expressing trie opinion tal Lint ho would be happier, but not wl xplaining tho oauao of hi? trou- be lo, under which he seemed to la- M or. Ho was married on last Iqj iundny night to a Miss Sohimdt. th t was loarned today that Mr. th Vellbrock has been suffering un- t0 or some severe mental strain, for few nights ago he slept, or spent he night, in the county jail upon lis own request, stating that he vtis in fear of bodily injury. Bar* fat ?v>:- ?'- ? be ium ulid mui, iur, vv euorocK ou tad givou no evidence of any nentul affection. CASTOR IA " For Infants and Children. a The Kind You Have Always Bought ?. Pears the /JX /** er V^naturo of CfLajt/tfMoCbfj/U hii ? ? D< No aane man ever forgets those th vho owo him money. ' 1*7 Charlotte City irng Co, ' * ______ Medical Dispensary for the Hty?To 8upply Legitimate Demands for Whiskey. In order that aleholle llquere r medioiaal purposes may be ehLned in Charlotte without stele* >n of the law, the friends of pro bition in the city are drafting a II providing for a medical dlansary to ba called "The Chartte City Druj Store." The bill, which will be fer irded to Senator Dale for iatroiction#into the Legislature, pro. des that a dispensary thall be in without profit; that liquors all be sold from it only upon e prescription of a practicing lysician in good standing; that ines shall bo sold to the churches r the sacraments; that drags all be kept in stock for the bent of the poor ef the city under escription of the oity phytislan; at it shall be ooatrolled by three mmissioners to be appoiated for ran of one, two and three years r the Legislature, the vacanoies they occur to be filled by the ard of Aldermen. The belief ia tbat this institution 11 help to make prohibiten ef~ 3tive in that imperative and eesaary demands for liquor may i supolied under eolor of the law id resort to blind tigers will net erefore have excuse.?Charlotte bserver. A VERY CLOSE CALL "I stuck to my engine, alouarh every joint ashed and cry nerve was ranked With .in," writes O. W. Bellamy, a comotive fireman, of Burlington, wa. '<1 was weak and sele^ thout any appetite and ill rot wd. As 1 was about ?. I arot a hntfla *# tters, and after taking it, X fldt well as I erar did in my I!fb.M eak, sickly, ran down peoplo ways gain new Ufa, itraijtl d vigor from thair sat. Try em. Satisfaction guaranteed tf awford Bros., J. F. Kaakey 4 o., and Fundarbark ftir. 'ice 0Octa. >xas to Taka Care of all Surplno Cotton. lew Orleans, Jan. S.-K 8. Fat* s, prasideat of tha Texaa Cation rowers' Association, wko arrivhere today says tkat Taxas is spared to taka cara af afir bale her surplna cotton. This was na on a basis of 9 par aant. Ad* nee of |20 par bala will bo teada every bala af snrplas aotton In >xas and tha Territerles will bo ken on this basis, bo aattos sat the priee goes to. This boo ten arranged for tbftt purpose." r. Peters issned a note of wor?g to cotten-growers to boll on to eir surplus stoek, whisk bo sold e spinners were now *7??? acquire. STRAIGHT FACTS. A whole lot of fauoy phrases Oka tfe rltten about remedies, hat M kko ;ts to prove any thin#? pood ekwtflbt 5ts. And the strongest feet yoa area ard is that Tannopillne Is the best re for piles on the market. 7t mro solutely. Has a healing, ennHiIng ect from tha start, ? AlldrugfUU have it far tt AO ? Ur. fl Ask tot TannaplUne ka a aabstltotfe. nt (I White friends of AImp ? negro barber who died a fow seks ago at Anderson, bare eeted a handsome monument to b memory. Johnson waeo atouob omocrat and stood manfully by e whites in the perilous days el 6.