The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, January 04, 1905, Image 3

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^UeaLMatttrs |? mkv. j. m. we ite. c( ? * i' Sabbath. ?r> dPMPMMIMF; Uvi and 4th Sabbath. 11 m. j.( Hill. 2d nud 4th tiabbath, ?" ~ c< When you want Candy, p (then you think of Candy t> When you go to bet Candy * get ?t u yf BBta " Mackoiii. " ^ IJ ? 250 acres in Cedar Creek ^ township. Price $750. ? cash. ^ ?6 8-8 cents is the lop for coU ? ton. ?Cloud has finished taking ? stock and is offering big induce- 81 meets to bargain seekers. See ? his adv in this issne. a a ?The Methodist congregation ^ here is highly pleaded with its new pastor. Rev R E Turnipeeed, who preached for them for the ^ first time last Sunday morning. ^ G ?Msgistrate W M Games turned over to the county treasurer $50 Monday, fines collected by ^ him for the past quarter. ^ ? Mr B Lindsay, who moved J from here to Rock Hill some ti years ngo, will move his family H back to this place this week. Tkey will occupy one of the Jones cottages in Plast End. Q ?Mr L J T Bailey of Hart f( County, Georgia, spent the hoii- b days with his brothor, Mr W J b Bailey, of this oounty. ei ? On December fi6tb Mr Edge- g worth Sowell, son of Mr and Mrs. it W R Bowell, end Miss Annie jt Colo, daughter of Mr and Mrs A C Cole, were married at the Bap- p tist parsonage- by the Rev Dr Rice A at Kershaw. it ? The new pipe organ for the ^ Presbyterian church at this place, ^ recently purchased froua theEstey h Organ Co., of-Philadelphia, was erected the paet week by Mr ON C( Bucklen, an agent of the com. $ pany. VVe congratulate our Pres 'l byterian brothren on their new a' purchase. ? Mr Roht Neal, son of Mr ^ and Mrs J M Neal, and Miss Ber- 8 tha Floyd, daughter of Mr and N Mrs K S Floyd were happily married by Notary Public J W ^ Hamol at h's residence at Kershaw, Dec 29, 1904. - m C ?The firraers of the Dixie section will meet next Saturday at P 1 p m , to take steps relative to c> the cotton situation. The farmers w of Gills Creek townships and also bi of Cane Creek townships have called umeetiDg at this place at 1 o'clock p. m. the same day. It 01 is needless for us to urge upon the pi farmers the importance of attend- m ing these meetings. Every farm. p. ?r in the countv should he heart and soul in this organization. bC ?There has been lots of mar- - , ing around this week. Mr W H ^ Langloy has] moved to his own heme on Elm street whieh he had ^ rented out the past yezr. Mr M r< E Jordan has moved ioto the ^ "loung" cottage whieh was vacat ^ ed by Mr Langley, and Mr ED J( Tillman nas moved to the Jordan house which was recently parchased from Mr Jordan by Mr J L Tillman, Br. Mr J F Helms p has moved to the J D Taylor 0| nUntntinn At (Viivifilla. which n I ? >. ' ? u ho recently purchased, and Mr p John E Blaeltmon has moved to A the Helm* place in West End, ^ which w? h recently purchased by q him. Mr C J Henry will ocoapy \ the "Gregory" cottage and Mr E B JSistrrewill move to the "With- C erv xxa^gdCatlage opposite the Q *** ** x r< ^ ^tov#r a iJttmoved to a o ?age near the depot. Mr.W j ' ? Taylor occupies the Plyler cot, | tage vacated b) Mr Cook. 4 \ There will be servioea in the It p'acop&l church next Sunday i 11 o'clock a. in. and 4 p. m., d< inducted by Rev. H. C. Mazyck. w ?Mrs B C Aahcraft of Mod. >e, N. C., is the guest of her >usins, the Misses Miller' at this *8 lace. ?Mr W B Cauthan can now rl e found in the grooerj of the L< ^ LCo., and Mr E j Sistare in the n' n rocery of the H?ath-Jones Co. Ir j ? Cly burn is with the Wilams-Hughes Co. ?Fork HU1 Camp WOW will ?( teat next Saturday at 2 p m. lereaftor the regular meetings of lis camp will be held on Satur- te ay before the 3d Sunday in each d lonth. ?Snpt of Education A O Row11 tnrued over the office to his accessor, Mr W M Moore, last aturaay. Mr Howell hue made splendid officer and we bespeak w worthy successor to birn in Mr T Lonroe, / q( ?Mr. Walter Rough, son of ^ lr. and Mrs. A. R. Hough, and * [iss Lillian Bell, of the Camp e' 'reek section, were married Dec* & mber the 24, 1904. 61 ?Married, on Saturday Jany. , 1906, by Magistrate- W. M. tC arnes, Mr. Geo* W. Threatt of " efferson, S. O., and Miss Ger- ^ 'tide Horn, daughter of Mr. J. ~ i. Horn of Tradesvill*. rj, ?Waddell, the 13 months old ai ?n of Mr. and Mrs. j. T. Hunter ^ f the Douglas section, was painilly scalded on Christmas eve n y falling backwards into a pot of w oiling water and but for the presoce of Mr. Hunter, who quickly p t abbed the child up and tore off tt s clothes the little fellow's in- P iries would have been serious. ?The numbers drawing tho ftl rizes offered by the Heath B & 1 Co are: No 406 draws the $60;1 C( i gold; No 1945 draws the $25;' ti 091, $10; $772, $10; 166#, $6 ei liss Irene Swaringen was the h older of No 1945 and received a! 12 ie $25 in gold. Banks Reed, ^ al, held No 2779 and received ftl 10. The holders of the other o! icky numbers have not yet been C pertained. B( rc ?Married, at the home of the l ride's parents, at Kershaw, 8 C., uoday, /any 1, 1905, by Rabbi no f Schter of Columbia, Mr laador ai leyer of this place, and Miaa u iionie Hirech, daughter of Mr *D ad Mrs L Hirsoh of Kershaw. m inly members of the family were b< reaent. Mr and Mrs Meyer h< ime up on Monday evening and ill make their home with their D( rother-tn-la-v, MrL jacobson. J*1 bj ?The old jas H Massey home n< a the Fitzpatrick <(Massey aa laee," was burned ea?ly Monday torning last. It was not occuted at the time but John John- , >n, col., had moved his farming ar plements, a quantity of peas b( id all his belongings (except his th ousehold effects, into it on|Satur* ay before and left his wagon at 01 le door expecting to move the 1st of bis effects into It on Mon? q ay. No one reaehed the burning' to nilding in. time to save even at ihnaon's wagon. The fire is jj1 lougbt to bare bean of iocen iary origin. lo3 Married on the 25th day of T1 December, 1904, at the home th f the bride's mother, Mrs. 06 eroraia Catoe, Mr. G, Franklin aile, son of the late H. J. ffaile, ^ nd Mtss MitchelCatoe, the only nj aughter of the late John G . er atoe. The attendants were: fr. Samttel Maddox with Mies ?obio r aile, and Mr/ Ernest * atoe with Miss Lola Mungo.? 'jjj tuite a large number of fiends j nd relatives were present and or tie ocossion was a real pleasant L. nd to all. Mr. W. F. Eetridge, m rotary Public, officiated. " Foley's Honey <nt Tar h w children ^Miction. No opltte*.' ar ?ins From tire Kershaw lira. ?Tho Haile Gold Mino closcc1 iwn and gttvo the employees ?. ook's holiday. \ ?Mrs. E C Bnsington is visit- t g her mother at Jefferson, who, I quite ill. f\ ? Mr. H. V. Mango was mar- I ed to Miss Mattis Linglo, of * tarshville, N C., Wednesday J ight December 28, 1904, by 8 ev. Mr. Marsh. I ? We learned yesterday of th? c sath of Mr. D. G. Lamer, which ( I :curred at his home near Beaver reek church the night before.? * e was buried yesterday aftor- * ion at Beaver Creek church af 1 ir funeral services by Kov. j. T. J endy. The Farmers' Convention. An interesting convention of ' 18 farmers of Lancaster county * as held here Friday, Dec. 23rd. J he object of the meeting was to insider the cotton situation.? 1 very township in the county v as ropresented by,three duly 1 ected delegates and there were * number of other farmeis prosit. a Mr. Geo. W. Jones was called 1 > the chair and Mr. J. M. Yoder * as elected vice presidout. The t ermanent officers elected were : 1 'r. T. J. Strait, president, au'J x eorge W. Jones, secretary.? , he organization is to be known s the Cotton Planters' Proteove Association. The following preamble and ^solutions, offered by Mr. Jones, ere unanimously adopted : Whereas, at the present low ^ rice of cotton the farming bluest of Lancaster couuty cannot ' rosper, and, 1 Whereas, wo in Convention * isombled, desire to relieve this i irions situation, do resolve : t First, that we earnestly re immeud that the fanners ( iroughout Lancaster cauuty, ' ich township thereof, and at as > lauy places in each township l 3 may be convenient, do organ;e a Protective Cotton Associaon, for the purpose of adopting ad carrying out the resolutions f the State flnmrantinn ..f tlm otton Growers' Protective Asiciation, and the resolutions ' jcentiy adopted at Shreveport, * ouisiana. \ Second, that the resolutions 4 tentioned in the first clause ^ Dove provide for a reduction in le cotton acreage for tbe ensuig year of 25 per cent, antl for V reduction iu the use of com* g ercial fertilizers of 25peroent. n >th of which provisions we 1 jreby endorse. Third, that we hold the cotton g jw in our hands for sixty days, iless advised to the contrary * 7 the Association, or unless 0 icessity demands an earlier >le. * o Fourth, that we believe thai ie .late Government report of ft e present cotton crop is gross- 1 inaccurate and far too high, 8 id think that ten cent9 should a 1 the ruling price forjcotton at is time. Fifth, that we discontinue the istom of furnishing the Govern- [ ent with fchft oinnar#' i?ann?^ n "Ku'vol ilieving as we do, that the overnment reports of the cot* j n crop, through this source, e being manipulated to our in* ry; that we are now in a posi* 1 on which, it not oouuteracted 8 r organization, will cause us to v se sixty millions of dollars.? hat we contend, advisedly, that j ie Government report of Domber 3, 1904, was made up of ? e most flagrant errors. Wo ' ould urge that after this prosit crop nojmore reports be furshed the reporters of the Gov nmant '' Kershaw cor. The State*;?At meeting ofAbney lodge. No. [1, A, F. m ., the following oflire Were publicly installed by W. Hamel: Dr. L. T. Gregy, W. m. ; J. R. Hayes, S. W. ; , A. Baker, J. W.; R. L. Blackon, treasurer; R, A. Dobson, cretary ; Dr. W. 0. Twitty, S. , , , W. F. Cook, J. D.; \V. W. | orton anci Henry Hirscb, stewds; J. W. Holden, tiler. * 4 - t .* ?. A ,. jxl. Tiit "Old 8ubsc ib t." Nowspipei men have no mora deusutit experience thao the ua? uial vi^t (rf tho "old subscriber.' le is us certain to come as tbo vioter is to roll around and when lis genial face lights up I lie door, tay and be says "howdy-do," 'on know it means a dollar and \ bulf for liia own subscription and irobably another for his brother >ut West. Tlio now subscriber is lomelitnes u doubtful quantity, )Ut God bless tho old. After hey have como in regularly tor ifteen years and thou fail, you nuy know that they have been gathered to their fathers. ? Ex. A Deserved Compliment. "We ho pa the next time the Ion. .1. E. McDonald conies to >rebide over our Court, that it vill be as a regular Circuit.Judge, io it not only an utile lawyer, >nt a pleasant gentleman, and vould he an ornament to the 3ench."--Aikou Journal and.Benew. * 'l'hc *lahle lawyer" and "pleatHit rront Ia?? ..? J Ml ^UIIllMIUIIil IU1UI ll'U III ilil> icld Court in Barnwell and we c:in my, without the least flattery hut our Aiken coutemporary ox resees the sentimcuts of the Harnveil Hut. ? New Sentinel. Mr. Waddell Succeed a Dr. Richurdson as lvlitor of the Advocute. Spartanburg, Dec. 'J'J.? The publishing Couiuiileo of theSouth>rn Chri tinn Advocate met thin veiling in the Advocate oilice and tccepte 1 lha re- igai tioaof l)r. \V. II. Richuidm)n us editor. Rov. J. II. W'udd* il was eleeteil editor ind Uov. \V. A. Rogers assistant alitor of tho Advocato. Mr. Waddell ht^i been assistant alitor, tilling tl. it p -iliou along vith that ot publish There vill lie uo change 111 tin.' p dioy of he paper. Charlotte l'olicernan Killed Charlotte, N C., Jan 1.?Rural 'oliceman S F Cole of Belmont 'ark, u snhnt'h of this city, wus hot and killed by a negro named Vill Springs, near a negro church 1 B Nabors, a machinist and )ole's son-in-law, was shot but he extent of his injuries is not et known. Springs became en;aged in a quarrel with another gro who went for tho officer. ^bo latter diew his pistol And rdered the negro's "bunds up." iprings put up one bund find with be other drew ins pistol and fired n Nftbors, who fell. . Ho then hot Cole through the neck, the fficer dying in three " minutes, labors regained consciousness in few minutes and tired on the egro, who first fell and then re;ained his feet and escaped. NEW .lVERY AND SALE STABLE VVe have oponed up, at tho EliQtt & Crawford old stand, Sale nd Livery Stablos und are proved to soil stock cheaper than ay body, for cash, or on time vith good paper*. tdgTCall and see OUR STOCK e^oro buying. Satisfaction guaranteed. / V i. LIVERY! LIVERY! With brand now vo hielos and good fresh horsoswo are ftrhi tared to aivo i -- r> * ~ the best Suti?fac? tioo in tho livery business. - - Yery Respectfully, n o o r e & SoweH. )ec. 1, 1904. WI1 5*3^ . & I want your wj want your wants i to me. If you want Fai If you want Cr< If you want Ch If you waut^Glt in fact, if you w tiling- in these lin Celerygan Bread always fre Yuurs' J B. With JT Making a in our business and in order to r?3uc< 1st., offer to the purchasing public Pants also all Winter fabrics AT COS we mean business when we say COS' an elegant iino of Dry Goods, Shoes, and Ilats, and will undersell any one Come and See an sell " Our Clothing and Pants comprise a Boys Clothing from 75c to $3.00 { 63.00 to $10.00 per suit. This is nc a lifetime for the purchasing public ol RI fflcCardell and To Bargair 1 Wo have just finished taking sto heavy winter goods that we are anxio them off we w.ill make a special price DRESS Gl 5 pieces of fine all wool mixed goods, f ug out prieefl2} cents. 3 pl-'ces f Asl?iaiuU68 inobes wide, ac I pieces Zilmliito, 40 inches wide, sold We !i iv?5 many otberjlieavy goods thi JACKE We have a few Jaokets loft and are \ make you aepecal price on tbem. W! $3 00 Furs, Oloslug out p*lce ?250 " " * 2 00 ft* 11 u 11 1 25 11 14 41 CL(0T To those who are in need of a Bill'} or without seeing our line as we have cut th< you to reap the benefit of It. SHflFS SHOES ullULu UlluLu ono more shoe cui of them. E. E. ( in Masonic Building, At * ' / %? ints and^iu jv? supplied come ticy Groceries, jckery, ina ware, iss ware, rant most anyes, come to me. d]jBrede Steam sh. Mackorefl. View OF Change 0 our stock we willQaaftil Keby our entire line of ClotKtaf mi# 3T. We have'a~?ew line ud T, wo mean it. We also here Notions, Gents* Furnishings else in town. ? id satisfyly oupf. ,11 the styles in nediam goote. >er suit. Mens* salts frsft ? humbug, but is the efcnq?ie0 ! Lancaster,County. iSPECTFDLLY, Allison Bros. i Ceekers t t ck and find that we have lots of us to sell and in order to get on them. JUPO I 6 lathes wide, sold for 91 .19. CUe rid for 60o. Closing oat pries H ets for 40 cents. Closing oat ptlte 2Be it we will make special priest on, IS rery anxious to sell them tad wil FURS I mm 109 <is? ? HING Overooat, You can't affWd to bay ) price oa all of them, ens we went iltleas Fitting Bhoei. Dorothy Dodd my a pSlr of them and we will feaTe stumer to be addod to our long llat p.nends of Alos^ "v ^ M)V,C ? oMrber who died * few .t A ? J *. " AU#?nn S .s, *