The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, January 04, 1905, Image 2

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CART tiR, :m a ^KflKiaL?1J i lili w .JMfclTv*0?A*-JgQ* rftSpHD >VKD3I HSDA Y AN 1) SAT!T*;i>A V WEDNESDAY, .1A N U A11Y 4, 1905. " ?= : d SVBSUiaL' IION $1 60 l'K?? VE Ml ^ ' ' . C Ttit> superintfudcntM of city schools in South Carolina have de- ^ chirc 1 for compulsory education. " 1-rom TDCir persona' experience t they recognised the necessity for j compulsory school a tit laroe. Ye ^ f ** how much greater I tlie need > f nch a rystem ifi the country. It' lio county superiiit hflonts and l.e < < u^cientii'Us leiwhoi ; i the cl.nohs of tho'counuv felt free to ... , i \ * sxprc^a thesr view , what an euro ! m* r.j ju nl there would be for a1 <Vbte:n wh h wonld take till the .lnhlreri into lb public tel. . Y;. ?The Ktato. . I ?*X ?? flu* rtiirye Story < f a Uat and ti Dispensary Fhitk. t To the Ldllor of rhc State: . .? t * One of llnylaiid'- 'kit ps was j nuzzled to know how t'.e apple | got iulo the dump!!; :: jonie of - us American sovereign.-!. am ntix* , ' ? 10US hy II II ' <1 i ( : ynii.v 4 --.'v.. Bil ?r Brook, ' \ t.n .. i.. < , .;I! (' i ::?n n . <. i . , .. j. .. iitui.K ir >. i'ii < iiD i1 i lot i: - . mi uVut : week : C)f ' ; ' Hoot ' 'ii, i . ' v * ' , fU\IU* . ' lie < . IiiU . i h . VI died 4r . >' ' . Ill ' ? i. ! si u<! i ! i his t:iii ' turr ' t . ' i-k. \Y( ;! 'i a or iirout' . . 1< lUtJI'a. ... it ? . o \ ,*?r\ mnoh 1 *>l' Iho cause c. i n ; i a... t. ' . , lo by adoptinc* the 4- 'i-r'-n; Jh rin-T ; . . Exclusively and buying t\\< uimu.-jc rn each flask. .1 11 T \ !oi. Eaatover, SC., Dec 30, U'O-l ,L j j A While .Man Lynched by uu' , Arkansas Mob. < Memphis, Tenn., Dec *1.?A , special to tho Commercial-Appeal from Newport, Ark., buys that Louis Allwhile, the alleged criminal assailant ami m irderer of Mrs Rachel Kinkunuon and hor daughter, was lynched today at the scene of tho crime by a mob ol 700 men. : Newton, th 10-ycnr-old son of Allwbitc, tin ]: .on'. I arts scry to his father's tillo ol crime, was -not molcated b> the Jaii stormers. , Mrs Rachel Kiukannoit and her daughter, Mr* Aineii ,'r. luin, ( woro waylaid, i !? ;u murdered on Christ 1113 in : , im.. They were hurrying to the bed- j Bidq of the latter*.- hi .baud, when Allwhile aid hi;- von, uocord- ( ing to the conf< ton of the hoy, aiet them, dragged the is men to a nearby ravine .on! n urdered both. , Tho younger Ali'vhile testified lliat lie am! h:> father threw the (iodic- of M 1K'nha:: non into the river and w<?u!d have made the a 1 rio disposition of t'ie dil d v ' iL v, i) , 'itei: , . i t ; . r> vc a ; i <':i- rowing th VTi \ <: i oad. Mkn'ifionV body has riot! beet, found. Death of li. 8. Vuux. . ' Charleston, Dec. 2b. ? ihhvurd S Vfiux, ; r h'-:.i of the Canw; n ; Oil .Mil!- and ( < new lmnk at Camden died todey fttthat place, fl^ed y>(>. Mr. Vi. .. -< on: il*' 1 m^PP^^Mcfuulcd crack players froin the1 r North and West. \\ in (he St8.t6. Chronicled by the Alert Correspondents of 1 lie Columbia Slate. A TEltKIUI.fc ACCIDENTEasly, Jan. 1. - On lust thura!ny afternoon littio Waverly Voiuh, son of Mr. James A? .''.ouch, was playing with his fathr's shot gun wlun it was discharged, tlio lond entering the right ) e of his sister, Amber Crouch, filling off one side of her bund. >entb was ulmost instantaneous. iVavci ly'is S y ars old, while bis '.-tol- was 13. PI I I) or MM'KJAW". E -J; \ , Jar. ! Mr. Tiue Lesley vas 'urucd . .. I'd iday afternoon it /.;< a church ah nit four miles out li of Eibley. About two <s ago he attempted to scare u at trotn under the bed with the ?utt end of his gun. The gun was lifch irgod and the load entered .he left leg below the knee. His ;ig' t hand received a small por ion of the load. After days of lento sutVoting ho died. The immediate cause ol' his death was Itn k j aw. .Mr. Lesley was about 30 years dd a d leaves a wife and two hild I'M. WlllTI WAN FINKI). <' .rh-t in, !)c>. 'is ? hi the! '( (ill tod y h >rdoi iJet,hi * ' I ? iiiiii iily 1. uivy C . ai? lie i.i t?, .1 upon a young .nan, C. Idunnpsoii who < Hrdc.y afternoon vi.,( ^ed down oil.- | t\ uoent a small 12 year I 1 girl, .Mary Hudson. Thomp* son was drunk and ploadod igoorc ? l his ie L, but Recorder Jery tiicl not .-a hi to thi^ik that bis . ci u; was justilicalion for bis id, . r ho shows mm no clemency m j ?; ":ug eentaaco. .fudge Jer-. :y oruws the line closely against ill ofl'enders against women and hildren, as was evidenced sonic .lino a when he lined a traveling nan $'J0 who, while under the inlucneo of liquor, followed a young woman on tho sheets. The recorder holds that a man is responsible for his acts and ho must lot liquor alone if he cannot use it without committing acta of this kind. Hester's Weekly Statement. New Orleans, Dec 30.?Socre! u y i-Jester's weekly cotton statement, issued today allows for the 30 days of Decern her a decrease under last year of 32,000 bales and an increase over the earn? period yeai before lust of 210,000. F< r the 121 days of the soasoD that have elapsed the aggregate is ahead of the same days of last year 1,003,000 bales, and ahead of the same days year beforo lust 1,270,000 bales. including Blocks left over ut ports and interior towns from the lust crop and the number of bales brought into sight lima far from ihe new crop, the supply to date is 8,088,027 against 7,030,767 for the simio period Inst. year. - ? - Killed Brother and Self. Atlanta, (la., Dee JjO . ? A pc-cml to Tho Constitution from ()/ irk, Ala., hj?yv: A d mblo tragedy occurred at .uid ho City in tho "a. tfiii j art of I lib county tod ay. Arch Pope and Jaa&e Pope* irothor , had t 1 < ato? 1 diacusaion tud <11 agrc: moot orcr uiine fence ind ti e former allot and Instantly iiilcl hi brother with ^ pi-tol. Archl'npc then went h^Aic and :ommitted miici lo l>* taking irychnino. I 'he Popes arc among moat prominent and proaperiuk jifroplc of douthouatern Ala. iftimi! liovh men leave familioa. \ Port Arthur Surrenders, i v Conditions of (ien Nogi Accepted by (Jen Stoesse^?Terms Not Known. Tokio, ?Jhu 2 10 p m.?The text of Gen Nogi's telegram an nouncing the capitulation of tbe Russian forces at Port Arthnr is as follows: "Tbe plonipotentiarie? of both parties concluded thou* negotiations today at 4.30 o'clock. The Russian commissioners accepted on the whole the conditions stip-J ulntud hv us and consented to I capitulate. Tho document has ' been prepared and signatures are now beiug ullixed. Simultaneous ly with tho conclusion of negotiations both armies suspended hos- ! tililics. It is expected tho Japan esc army, will enter the city of Port Arthur tomorrow. " Port Arthur, whoso hills havo | for months run red with the blood of the bravest of two warlike nation*, has at last succumbed to tho fierce tonucity of tho Japanese attack. Gen Stoessol, moat stub-! b.rn in carrying out the.will of his sovereign, has seen the advanco of tho besieging army gain in momentum and energy until .to hold out longer would have been a ctime against humanity. The conditions of tho surrender ars 1 not vet known, hut in all quarters ; anticipated that they aro such as an honorable soldioi may accept * from a brave and victorious enemy. At 0.45 o'clock last night the < I commissioners completed the signing of iho capitulation agreement. ! tfoih armies had susponded hos| tililics live hours earlier. The ; city of Port Arthur will bo occu' pied by the Japanese today, i Tho authorities at 8t Petersburg, in tho absence of direct official now from Gob Stoessel that Port Arthur has surrendered, have ' not permitted the news to become public umipoior isicnoias ib in llio south of Russia, unci bis ruinintern uro for ^the time being in tbo dark na to what dispatches have boon sent to him fram the front. Tokio wae the scene of lejoic.. ing people of all ranks finding in the outcome compeasation for all tho sacrifice of life and money that was entailed in the tan months siege. To what extent the fall of Port Aithurwill rnako for a reatoralion of poace is an open cpiestion. n m ' : I Ginnors' Meeting at Atlanta. Atlunta, Dec 30' ?At a meeting of a number of ginnera of Gcoigia and Alabama beie two vice presidents wore nuQ.ed for", Georgia to attend the next con-j vention of cotton gmners to be held in Dallas, Toxas. President J A Taylor, of the National GinneiV Association, wus prosent at the meeting and made an address urging ginners to retaining formation regarding cotton produced. Among other things be saic*:' "The government roport of the cotton crop is totally incorrect. Theso reports are as far wrong as anything I know. Many ginnord did not count their bales correctly, often udding ninny hundred bales more than tboy hud in reality ginned. In many instance* tho num-i her of hales ginned was guessed J at. I have come to the conclusion! that I and tho othor ginners were j chumps for giving out tho repoits | When the saloons closed at 3 o'clock Saturday night in Chur-i 1 lotto, it was to stay closed for two years ut leust. Charlotte is noW , dry. 10 saloons went out of husi noss that night. w AT.CH $100 INcoi if*. V?B? # *n> "\ For the nea ^oing to Right and 1 Clothing, S -W' >s Our object in cut is to benefit the tn goods for the least stock as much as p we are going to re changes in stock b part of building an are at pr'Cs6ht. This will be an i as we have at i to make/such 1 in order to ma W e mean business we ask is for 3 our stock and convinced. thai Sii tat at On 3 V ? ? ? i ' i? ' i 'J' 1.1 * f ? t 5 J P. before ' get the best s one mont OOW <1 TTT AlVI^TT" PARONAdtrA^ ARE, AiSiiF^t i \ m i iiiyuiu ui??i] ? Lanc, i o [j x . ' . . |I%M6W?MA [XKXKXK <# ?t 30 days i sla-iigfliteir Left on dry m YflAUVLAl ting prices Tor file idc by giving then ; money. Also to ossible by the 1st pair our building y: moving/dry goin id groceries where > ?<S i (tIIU M riOAI mmensc jod to 'mrv * A iresent and think ri^#^iijbnt?f tt> the kc the goods walk in what we say [{Qu to come and cur prices and you b what jyw say is tri '.. ' ^ ' Yf fihsivr) nis*) m f pkis^e^tl vradiifl ulvantu^e, for rem ii is a very short|lii i 9iflM in* a -vim*. srG EVERYONE B FOR ^Yoiirs to set * > 8SJE6 S_ G ? f ^ 4 \, . * ' ; ** we are prices OTBES goods, r ill j next month i the best reduce our of J an., as and make is, in lower dry goods 11 ' t , d to move r o 9 9 9 it best -jjjuhlie abou. and all inspect will be le. . '* n .V- * * FMw / v.r ^ds and ember WJ me. \ :i vnu PAS1T J*. Jk- JL MORE, WE *Te, " r'. .'J t