The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, December 10, 1904, Image 4

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Powers Gr;;:;'i.r v?v . ' Hellas littn I'v.i.v iiicd l'-.r Alleged Complicity ;i. l At?Hassiuation Of Gov. G obf 1. Frankfort, Ky., l)oc. 0.? Crtlo') l'owors former aeorcttiry <>f state, was today granted a new trial bv tho Kentucky nntnliule J ? ?J 1 I court. Powers Wild charged with complicity in the assnssinat ion of Gov. Goelwl. On the first trial he was convicted und given h lit sentence. The second trial re suited in conviction and scnten. c of death. The pt inc'4 lc grounds ue-JgneJ by Judge Parker in the main opinion granting a new trial \ve*?>: Because of improper rouia: ks made l>v tho late attorney fur the commonwealth, T. 0. Campbell because sentence was pnss:d within two days after tho jury rendered its verdict, and because the court refused to grant further time to the defendant's attorneys to file reasons for a n< \v trial. WEVOLU HON IMiN E i !. A sure sign of approaching revolt ami serious tri ide in vournys te-m is nervo-.iMtess, a or stomach upsets. Electric Hitter's will ipiie' lv < i mber tl.o troub " in '."!!! iii ever 1 i!s to tone t; 4 -!> n:i ,K it?o v bowel?, h'. i!:ito i.'vor, \ud clarift'.v i.; u u ni ii?. . n sypten. - i.i tuiii . darh aim il the list! ii u t- l): :I Of \ Uli !? under it >fm.-hip^ si thv r ugh effeetiv ness. Kleetric Hitters? is only 50c, and tLfit is returned if it don't give \ rfectsutisfaet'.on Guaranteed by Crawford Pros , .J. F. Maokey Co and Funderburk Pharmacy Don't Sell Now Says \Y. P. Brown. Now Orleans, Doc 5.?W. P. Brown, the great Cotton king, has iasuod an address over his signature to the planters, merchants and bankers of tho South, in which ho urges that those having cotton refuse to sell at prices at oresent. maintaininc* thnf tho ? *?. cent decline in price is un warren ted. lie contends that the balance of this year's c-op should bung not less than 10 cents at tho ports and says that the only way to bring this price is for tho farmers to hold, tho merchants not to force what they have on the markets, and for tho banks to stand by the merchants and not force them to sell. II.. ..,1. no uvtwiiia iui iuu siiku or argument that the drop 1- 12,000,000. yet he does not believe the crop will 1)0 that Urge,and argues that consumption will he at lea^t 11,500,000, leaving a small ^inanity to go into the null reserves. Ho urges all who arc interested in the South and the South's pro-8 perity to stand pat and refuse to give away cotton at prices now prevailing. A FRIGHTENED HOUSE. Running like n .d down the street dumping the < cupar;t.--, or a hundred accident - ire i r day occurrence-, it beh v? - eveivbody t" l a . o a .v dve handv jii 1 i Bucklen'.-j . Outs, S- e- .... id- , disappear (J'li '< I. 1 ! .ill. effect. 25c, at t 1 1 ( , . J. F. Ma'.'kcy Sc ( ! Ftmd burk Pharmacy. ? Wanted it () ! An h<>rest reliable man w > < , i fuirv . bond to represent m i 1/uu n '< We have a tine l>ti ines. it heady established by our - nt.. Mr. J. W. Cook an i Mr. J. C Small. Yon can mak' money with us if you uiv the ri-jht man Ca l or address The Singer Mfg O o., Charlotte, N. ('. - -To CcU<?ni ?.t # - ? ?iUVt ; & C/.i.?! U ria) > V li.v.11 K\Jliuli^O H Complains Oi i ho Munnor c< in \Vhic'a Ginuers' Ko- ti p its Ai v Issued. h' ? ii Char. sion, Doc. t> ?Tho Char- u lestor. oxchuu^o t. ?!ay adopted 8' Hi j'ig resolutions* and e sent a copy to tho cliicf *luti>ti- b ciun for manufacture, census bu- a rouu: 1 ' iio-olve-.l, Thut it is the sense il this c x c Ii a n g c that h , t.;o method adopted this your hy tho census bureau in Usuiu^ tho report of c ill011 tinned in instnla;t nt. instead of in suni total, iif done in sniu huietui in previous 1 years, has been a terious detriment to the c itlon trade tins sea- , son, unscttin^ tho market values of spot cotton and creating erroneous impronBt'ius as to tho timil outcome of the cotton ginned. And it is further rc*olvod that tLo chief statistician of the ccnsuu bu- J renu be ies, oetiuily asked and g re act:Led to issue ail fut re to- \ ports of tho cotton ginned in a [ monthly form in i's entirety, as (J \vu?: hi* manner ??1 doing same in } i .0 previ u? season. (Signed) ''Thnddtaiu Street. < Sucretr.ry ftoudof Directors. mm- -QglHI I - - J A Timely Topic 1 At this sc.-!- ?n < 1 cough and c c Id it i we!! to ! . n ?\v that FoIe\ 's s Uouuy and !';o is greatest throat n;d It : :t(.d\. it cures a : uic :ly . r. ! j r v-. a i -ulU from ? t i ad. t . . l.y Fonder Int k ^ i'!;- i inacy. Situ i!i n at .\iukden. Mu, I'll, 1> c. C ~ Everything tiow in .. a.- {11- : sp 'Ci of a ? i< ma. !liio* , ?? r . i u rtrpo SCalt Ua - jl .a id. During liio !i. i N I t iug below i -u uviiCtth m liioRuss' n I lo.-a wu-j2i>ni' n killed aud 123\voun y ed including two oilicers. SeventoenJapancsfi prisoners wore taken 8 8 one of whom committed suicide. $ o * SAY V'8" t When you've got a bad cough just say "jMUHRAY'S" If a druggist given you anything hut Murray'u lime tiound, Mullein and Tar you're not getting the best and surest cough roiti 7 edy. .Make him nive you Murray's ^ Acta quicker and y> u gat u 5Uo size 11 bottle for 25c. h Every druggist hah it c ^ rfj| a -v/va r i i.-' dictmont was found for John c Reid father of Guy Iteid, and tf Harriet Butler, tuolber of John B.itlor. ? - ?-?> ??? ? in immrnmuumummmamm?mmmm \ S30ldd IVIOBdS I IV ino 03C010 3Q Ol C3GS3Ud AVH MDMOd 3SUOH JO MOOI6 V o s 'viqwmoo \ 'Auediuo^ touiqoew saqqjr) J UtfON31VO TVIOU3IAJIAIOO * SOUVT V UC fi j SV11V QK!V AUtflG13iiOOd ii nnjasr, onv anosoNVH v 1SOQ T1V JO 33HJ 1 noA iicuj |;tm oaa puo *||Ei9U| I 0 Iit/VA JO osn neA a ? 3 N I H O V IN U >; to pu|>| *OljA,\ Buncos cn 0)NM H so6t ONiyno ; 1 M3HX 3UOI3B 3 WVN MOO 9AVH Ol [ AH3MIHOVIAJ > I NI 031S3U31NI 33V XNVM 3M A I, I 1 t - ' " Notice \h ho;eby given that ths p health of the people of this county in . in imminent dangei and must be taken care of. Ji bun been decided lliut every preenu'ion be taken u? prevent pjolo: g?d o;tse* of | iieuruonia, grippe, ,, > f. The heat thing to do Is to give a ^ good cough mixture as soon as the it CO mil feitiK!'. (Jet M I'UHA V'd HOKE HOUM), M1'J, 1.15! N and TAB 1 Only a holtlo, /vt all druggists. d A Speedy Trial. ^ A Thomson, (in., Dec fi.?After the examination of three or four j witnesses the jury this morning ^ rendered a verdict of guilty in the case of John Roller and Guy Roid, both colored, charged with the murder of Mr Had G Story. Judge Hammond sentenced them to he bunged on Tuesday, Dec. 27. There was no trouble us had b ? is previously feared. No in- bi Gave Uirth I'n Triplets ,, ' b< i;-.l In (>:' :caviIlo Now*' Atuloiv m, Dec. 5.?Mrs. T. C. [arris, living at tho Anderbon It ttoii mills, today guv? birth to , ? &)] ipleD, till boys. The infant* ^ vertigo three ami a lid. pounds 1 weight aid are for* u w ?Ovl a id tin nttondiog physician i) s they will all live. The moth- ^ r is doing linciy and the bus- ^ md an 1 father is doing as well j s could lie expected. Mrs. j lurri - i onl\ 17 yours old and , . . , b ins is lirst venturo in motherood. ? f( CASTOR!A : For Infants and Children. n fhc Kind Yen Kayo Always Bought ? EonriJ thD //,y^ry_^' Signature cf <^i<zSc/Ys /-CCC&/u/l^ \\ \\ O ^ .... k in- flumes isurueo uund. jj b Nashville, IVnn., Dec 6.- Dr c 'nines D. Barbce, u louder in outlieru Methodism, is doud at g| lis homo here aged 72 years. Dr in bee win for a number of years ^ me of the agents of the Southern | dcthoJisl Publishing houso. p toughs, Colds ami Constipation. ,, Pew people realize when Ink- j, 112 cough mediciue other than Foey's lloney and Tar, that they ontuin opiates which are con- ^ tiputing besides unsafe, particu- A w for children Foley's Hooey i, nd Fur contains no opiates, is safe nd sure will not constipate, i iold by Funderburk Pharmacy. ^ Georgia Banker Disappears. t c Macon, Ga., Doc G.?Muro \V. u 'utter, a young man who is cash- H t r of bunks at Dayisboro, Glen-; rood and Helena, Ga., his mys-:,.. orioiisly disappeared, and bis I looks which have been checked up ' ly an expert show a eln riage of otr.ethiug liko $15,000. It is aid that the amount may exceed >20,000 upon further iuvostiga- ^ ion. n a STRAIGHT FACTB. C A whola tut of fancy i liranen can t>? *' riltton about remedies, 'nit it takes nets to prove any tiling? good a might j; e n And the gtmngt al fact you c\er _ ten: d is that Tntinopi iue is ilie heat urd for piles on the market It^uroa J hsoiuteiy. Ha-> a lu-allng, soothing ftVct from the start. All druggists have it for $1 00 a |ar. ink for Thunopliiin, and don't dare -ko a aabatltute. ??^ - II ?ISO acres,5 horse farm open oi ood buildings, about 50 acres T( i woods, two pastures wired in ai > in i>o sold its a whole or dtv p eil into two tracts. About 7 o miles Northeast of town. A argan. Call on 1'. S. Carter, ^ tgent - The Ledger, Tho Atlanta oitrnal, Semi weekly, and Tho b onthern Cultivator, all three no year for #2., but in list bo aid for in advance. Trespass Notice. " All persona are hereby notified that ^ iir lands in the vicinity of Jone>' X ,oads, in Cedar Creek township. tiave ^ pen posted und tlio law will he en for* >d against ar,y and all persons hum ig, tiding, or in any ether way J espacing upon tluui. T PCaskey, .1 ft Ca I'.ey, ? J K ' '?Kkey, a J H K rk. n Kev UH, 1004. 1 m * V r.rA'ja >xmor.-... - /in . umm Trespass Notice: ii Ail pern'.]-- ere n titled that our inds -Hunt-* u. <Ji is C;e. U lownehlp avehaen p" at* d as mpiiie i by law ud that the law wiil be e- foro?'i rulngf any and all persons hnnth.y hiii(??rwi m o'.ii i'nv,!) trn,?fcfc.*" ig upon ill in W link nr. \V p St<-gn?'r, W II A, !e < ' I, M : M :l< UX, w W ' Hliikon y Bf T I; ]! . ?!, c< J ll M?'.tf inu-?, i"f j a Ww n < O -Moc i??-' r. BI II K Willi dm el W II II Uurtoir, Kov. JW? '2iI04 lit)* Jki l ii i ?n?i i ii tqut'i l'o I he iA-xns TYsgccly Fort Wt-rlh/IVx, Dec. 1 ?Tlx quo' to the tragedy, 1 (11%L com 10 livoi of Sicilian Molvinnev lafather and n hired man outhcil urn tiur Alv&r&du TucmImi line today. I. M. Willintix* bo tired liio filial ahotshttrricitdtM imsilf in h:s home und d? tie< 10 officers. Ho scat word to hi aughtor, the widowed hride o ie man ho had killed, that if six id not come to him ho would kil or. In four and trembling sir eut to the house. There sh )uud hor father armed with a ri a and in a frenzy of rage. Th fiiecrs .vero afraid to (ire into th 0UB9 for fear of killing som ictnber of W i11 iisuis.' famitv fhom he held pris morn there t liiehl hun. All night the officer rutched from the MeKinnoy home 'hrre lay tho bodies of the me iilcd by Williams. Finally Wi seated himself by a window it rifle across h:s knees, and, I < fining duwsy, his head droppe n bis breast and be slept Ai in ing herself that her fathei wn siet'p me wiilowtd bride ?tol coin th? house mid lied to Ih onto where, hor husband* bod ly. As soon as the posse loiur. il Williams was alone they opei d tiro on him. lie was not sloi i it Fiuully his shot ra id and tho sheriif entering th ou-e bund Williams 1 ji* on th oor with a bullet through hi ram. - -?? ?*? -mj ? -' port KYom tlio itcform School J.G. (jrluck, Superintendent Limit) town, W. Va., writes: *' Al ?r trying all other advertise nugh medicine wo liavc divided t >e Foley's IIoih'V and Tar exolu ivo'\ in tho West Vir<ji.iia lie i n School. 1 find i* the mo: tV e'ivo and a><s 1 :t? !y harml h iiio ij> Fuodei'burk P.i - r'n ir. Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given tha'c en it 3:h day of I'ctvni1 cr 190-1, the node lyned as Guardian for Willie nr.i h and M e Eon Smith wl lake ber float rtlurn and celtk-mcr r.d make application *.o tin* Probat loiirt f>r Lancaster oouuty for a flni inch ?rg - as ueh Guardian. Mary E Smi'li, Ooa dian, fov do 1904 ?1m Susineisa 33duc PAYS LA UG E 01VI DEN DS ! YOU need a pra'diiuil t>nwlue#B t*? cation \V" gnurtoisaiisfne(<?i loUHwek of study iiidofctfd aa being *! i .-at practical; tl hav? im xu|K?i:) nut auction given in first <*U?* N ther bur* i ny*,> n dlcges <*'l'<r tie ler n< a?toe* !2-lor now and )r*,*:;j .r a .ucralivrt <?i.i n. Our utnduah rr In doni iml bet us u-wist y n w fiv? m<.**I*?I e:l ?(l\f?v hj'? i osnioi.a. AVe oh'cr special rate MacfttU'sS. C llnine^ C0IU3 Columbia, S C. lug. 29, 1901?tf. PROFESSION Ati I'ARD. >k M P Urawfokd I)r It Hkow CRAWFORD it 11 ROWN. Physicians and Surgeon*. I.tmuaster, H. C, Tr?atmer t of t)> eye, ! ose an iroa aepcolaltv. Culls prom p i > answered day < Iglit. Offlce over Crawford Bro rug Store. Plion ea: Office, No 176; U ideno< log II and 36. ILEsi PILES! PILES! l)r. Williams' Indian Pile OinM.iai ,ill ?-u e P. i" l. II e< dinu.lllceimtc>i n<i I ((! If g l'ih ? If si! ? >r!?<? the li >ors h' hy? ihe i>< in?c :;i < m-e id * iMi' I i G. h v h ??** ! ill r?* ii-l". i? Villi'!11 v' I ii<!i l1: i I I r p ? d ??i 1.? t? i' 1 * i s u ' i'ehi :.g i tie i ri aV ji* t and "'h i 11 o:ki , y t y i? A i ?.r . I ' ' i ' i' i i-l I i III? I I- wnl >! r Alio, ? li I Hi; j; ; i>' x ' M % M ? 'F'' (> i'ii>|i'H, <'l vi-!? Oil <? He 1:1 ?.y K.'lllll >1 IV i .1 lU ? '.> TA. ?*? -.VA?v 5 C.,V?WS MONEY TO LOAN I have mu.ln arrangement w . inhere of money In New Y??ru ' 'it> itli wlintii T ihii n!>'etonogo'! teloai iCIKlil >>' fl l'f nio: (:'n^O o.HltlJi:OVP )ttou I' i ium k: 7 p< r c nt fwer pnyali eii uiiimi i '? s'all i.t < VH is ) ' I' >'< ' 'fcl? 1,1 lj! on o>iorpf*ii Ou;v i- oanlil f r n-I: ' ! ' II F. WY IK, AlK3J ?0n) AUwiiir- at I.*' ! tBfSSrn^l?:>^SBSSilS^S3S ' 1311 ' Tho Kind You Have Always I u In uso for over 30 years, ] T sonal I o Allow ! All Counterfeits, Imitations L, Hxpcrimcut3 that trifle witl InfYvnts and Children?Expc ; What is C e Costoria is a harmless 8ub? 0 goric, Drops end Soothing contains neither Opium, M< ? substance. Its ago is its gru ii nntl allays Fcverlslmcss. It ? Colic. It relieves Teething: 1 and Flatulency. It assimih '? Stomach and Dowels, fjivinj a Tho Children's X'anace*?Tli CENU8NE CA.S1 3 jS$ Ber*ra tho : CzL&Ti ' The Kind You Ha i5n Use For O TWC OCNTAUW eOMMNV, TT M< miHBHHBIHKEZZSBSHiiBHBESS b e lyon's FrensSi Pi Strictly vegetable, perfectly b.arr.i I RtSlJLT.'t . Greatest laiowu k-ma f*fl!sT!'iS5 Rew:m? of counterfeits nml If'::.Mo: i- vHUilU'.il ton >Til* lmlis (cnutnro > ;< (.li 1 < Bca?l for Circular t-j WILLIAM a Mt\i. LO., ?olo A, j Sold by Fuuderburk Pharmac; 0 ie r if I) li rs W <! Il.tvrer? 5 BOWERS' BROS. it * Builders and Contractors ii I<uml>3 , at1 ki ill- r >: rale. Drts-ilnvt ?i.?i -i^'- liin; s.l s?lsort not ten T- i iu d work ami or >11 work a spec* ? ia'ty. 4a^*Glve US your onlere, 1 BOtVERS BROS. I Near Dopot. i Foby. 23. If ir : Go t<> the n LANCASTER uiARBLE k 0 AND GRANITE WORKS, For Good Work and Low Price-* A>.& r? *:?J & J- pa Biro 51 blli LANCASTER, S C. 6 s .? v% . y * - J. E. RUTLED8E, Dentist, s Lancaster, S. C. Working mi credit doesn't pay, and my terms from this time henceforth arouhictly cash. Set?.. onnbV'. P lt terohi I*:I ling $1. 50 1 Viodjam Filling 75 ct?. x'eiin*ni F'lling 75 et RUIlBiU plate, \ Full upper set of t?-oih $12.00 ?) lTpper ami lower s-t ?25 50 $ 3^"* these prices ate stiietly ?i?r cash. No wot k done cxcopt v for csli or good Koeurity. ! J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist. . y.;.? . r VM" r ;yJ. 1TARR Y FOSTIC H, >* ./ft tommy at Law, L.VNCASTKii, 8. <\ f i t&r ot no * n fTj)ecU1tj ' I - in-... .ah n n i~ R or. i.v& * ' the mo?t I; ruling &al?e !r* !> ? world ! 1 ' ' . . f ??M?JHI.Wlygjjfi*. HK V rSjH' j .' -?? * Sought, caitl TrhicT^ 1~\> i.- - .'!ias borno tlio d.yn^r-:,v - ' as been xqimIo under Td * Bupcrvlcton r?nca its.' t . 110 ouo to deedvo yrn ; . ? . -, and "Jnst-n8.jf.Txi'' < : l and oudan^cr tlio ! ;: ?vrlcnco against Erpc.r-lJC&i*.r.>'>? ASTORIA ititute for Cftsfc? Oi], Syrups* It is Pleasant, Ifc orpliino nor oilier Jfartxrtto arantee. It der.'.roys Woraw cures Diarrhoea and Y7isiv.\ Troubles, cures C'oyiPtlpfifcicm xtcs the Food, regulates tho Z healthy and iiatn.?cl flS^c^s ie Mother's Friend* rORIA ALWAYS Signature " "!in ve Always Bought ver 30 Yeara (JRRAY STRCtr. NEW YORK CITY. W grioioal Drops less, rtiro to necompUsh DESIRiSD io lomciiy. I'ricc, ^1 50 per bottle. ns. Tl?i? Rooulna Is put up only in rasle-ho?f<l Of !< of t!;o houtu. tluu: s' V^T. ??BOBtS. Clot ulaud, OtilOr Y' EASE??t ho tvorlcl^r^ieTt'bRby^^f -is a prompt, safo, sure anil harmfor all sorts of stomach nnd bowel \ mbies and children. Keep it al- 5fy?l nl you can rely open it . " 1 ftood c>z?v>rf stor?Hi^, "5c. \ by DABY LPVSK CO., Macon, (i.v. *3/ ^ jui-g?' t'*Cv:,.L'A - .-^11 ,. .. , mm oisEASES ST"V.-- -.:'. '."4rsa f) are the most fatal of all disFOLEY'S iSUEfij or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by eminent physicians as ths wsf for Kidney and Bladdzf tfoublas. r^ioa ?* i orv-s^wr *<**-. xk r .rrtf^?aanw?M3iv? LUWASTEr AND CHESTER RAILWAY. r> '<1 - In * ?l ot Nov G. 19 4. ('Dally except Buinlnj ) vVF TBODI-D. >,v T. . x7 15ft m 3 45 p ni I,; Fort ?*n, 7 34 a in 4 15 p m I,v mmv. vi h*. 7 44 * in 4 .4.) p m I,t itinliburg, 7 5(1 n in 4 4^ p m A ' < iu-?*vr, H 15 ft m 5 15 p in r ? Onr:oH?, Bo It 9 55 a m 7 10 p m A: ' ;nn'.b'ra Bo Till 50 * in 1 05 y ai A " V- rlt v1,('f&N \V 9 IS ft in r n'a w 1(1 58 ft in r 1. t ir. < ?i, r J 12 p nn A A iu?;i. Ml, r 4 55 p m ? AH rBcURJ;. T, v r * 11 a . u a 1, r 1 00 p ra > v ;*n p u A n, r 8 06 p ni I .v ;l n ?. " 6 uo p na l,v V ?rV \ it " 6 50 p ni i ,v i Ko It 6 10 h in 035 p m Lv ( hml iUp, Bo It 6 15 f.ui ? Lv t liAAtei, 10 0.0 a in 8 SO p 1)1 l,v /i!i. lii uiy, 10 40 a in 8 54 p m T.v 'bi-eoimll'e, 10"<1 i in 9 o0 j> m ! > Fori ?> 1\ TV : I 11 00 ;l 111 9 11pm Ai LmioiM'er, 114 On in 9 80 pm , nAVT\fi.i/i'rir/w? < I HUM3, Clict-tt r-Snii t:t r;i, -ecli'.ard anJ ar liiu*. ?fc S???i!>wvstt j i railways. s ;:>CuaU"l -Si>U.h.'. . 11 ii v ay. v l? Vc U:?! :. .last rralllo n gr ' T' Rl, \ : 1 : ?if>. r t i <1 '111 Man v j ISolico to thu 1'uotic. 1 will In Id <vM iuqii' al-> in tlm j county I'hui.u to my reanionco | ,it l'ien-ant Hill for n o when j mr (h cl. Mo l;j nn.M \ Cu key, opt. 30?If Coroner la. 0. ?' i?t/? ?A i/? I ni lit lU&y IU LCI. On 22d day <;? N -v. 1904, i\l 11 o'clock a m., 1 will | let !?i tlj 1? >vv ? iospon'-i )le t?i?Ij der t:>o >n i t?i build n brul^o ! acros i V \ ,n (nock. on the new road, ni-it: 10. 10. fr'tr^u* r.'s pine*, L A. L'ci r) , Count; Supervisor, i f t A t