The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, December 07, 1904, Image 2

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\ . t( U ?V l'i ? . iv I i V +\V - [In(] WE GR1 I*- U JiJ STC L;jr L HE l IB VIei moi Is bul! I B WL 1 ** 1 ? ^ 4, Tlfc (rder To Reduce S 1ANUARY Flf I ARE OF EE RING EAT BARGAINS PARTMENTS O] )RE. % ?? A tttitAt fl t? ???4 4* f V lew's $5.00 Suits $? 4 7.00 " < 10.00 : oy's Suits for 5o cei i's 6.oo Overcoats 4 ?e can certainly i ley on anything yoi 7 . e sure and come to RESPECTF1 ? art us. a ni a ii Hahai LUNsOT mm i Jil JMJL JSASl Jffis Vrth"^lalitv, / K T~Z % (^2ttWtS ""11 ' X Mill?!! I II I pprt I 1 tock By J ?8T I : 1 SOME Jl IN ALL 1 I? (triU $1 ? %>? j >* V THEM J *.00 M 1.00 J| f.5o ji i#^t. S3, t.OO. save you $1 a want to J j see us. - J ULLY. Jj ilfcl'i \ \ t.' # . O.. DECEMBER 7, 1904 1 TRIPLE TRAGEDY ? IN LUNATIC'S HOME. V, Madison James Kills Wife And Brothe=in=Iaw m an Was Himself Killed. t vr Throe of Sheriff's Poase Wounded bu in An All Day Fight With w Desperate Man, Who ^ Waa Finally Killed. gl y< ki Special to the State. Hartavillo, Dec. 3. ? Madison j T ' u times, ii iarmer living about five i miles from this place in the Kelf o | leytown eection, shot and killed ^ I his wife last night, murdered hie ^ brother-in-law, Mr. Sid Kelley I thie morning about 0 o'clock and ^ I was himself shot to death about 4 ^ lo'ciock this afternoon after an all I day tight by a Sheriff's posse. I .James is a man about 50 years 1 old and heretofore a peaceable, I inoffensive man. ? ! Two years ago he was sent to ^ I the asylum at Columbia and had . 1 been discharged and returned 1 home only about seveu weeks H?- 1 | Nothing is known of the event* Heading up to the killing of his I wifo Inst night, except that James had threatened to kill his wife's ( I mother yesterday afteinoon. 1 I Why this threat did not impress , i her son, Mr. Sid Kelloy, who is a I very fearless and careful man, is I not known. At all events he shot his wife to deah in the ear'y part of last night and the other in- 1 mates ofc .the house, bis wifo's ' mother and his two half-grown {children, tied at once. ] CALLED TO WINDOW. Hast night Mr. Kelley went to the house and called James to the ( window and said to him that he ( was not armed and not to shoot | him. He then asked James .if he realized what he had done and ' | when James replied yes, that he had killed Queen, Mr. Kelley told him that he was coming into the house. James warned him that 15/ i " ' 1 I lie namv IU up wuuiu ue SQOl. j All night Mr. Kelley tried to in duce James to come out and sur- . render and guaranteed him protection. To all of these efforts ^ James replied that be would not ^ come and said he would shoot anyone who Qattempted to come in. Early this morning Mr. Kelley sent word to Hartsville for several of his friends 'to come up and advise and aid him and went again to induce Jamef to come out. He went up to a window with his gun over his shoulder and smoking a cigar and engaged James in conversation and finally induced him to band him out a $10 bill he had gotten frem Mrs. Kelley Friday. He hoped to grab bis hand when he handed out the money and hold him but failed to do so. Kelley Finally told James ho was coming iDto the house anyhow, and turned to step down backwards off a box on which he was standing. As he turned off James shot him in the neck, tearing out a large part of the side of (he neck and killing , him instantly. Mr. Kelley was 1 smoking at the time and his body fell backward, his gun across it ACTED WITH COOLNESS. James would allow no one to approuch the place at all and aoted with the itmost deliberation and judgment in defending him If and waging his unequal bat- w i for the next eight hours. lie tli \h armed with a shot gnn and so enly of shells, but fortunately tli ith nothing but small ?hot am- tb unitien. ShorifT Scarborough id a largo posse soon surrounded c( e house anil trioil in every way ni get possession of James. Lie 11 ould listen to no overtures for n irreniler and shot all who catne o ithin range, wounding Mr. W. . Sumner and young Mr. See- w ms of this plaoe and anotlier b eung man whoso name is not a nown. Sheriff Scarborough tl arrowly oscaped being killed for i! amos shot at him twice as the icriff opened tho front door and e nly missed him n few ieches. 1 heriff Scarborough went in the I ouse twice and to the door of tho r 00111 J nines was in and begged t in) to surrender and promised < 3 protect him with his own lif? f necessary. lie got no answer < xcept a volley through tho door li nd the sheriff had(to go about 1 ;etting his man in a more careful oanner. It was thought that i ho man might be wounded [^nnd niluced to surrender but he fought 1 vith such coolness and daring ,hat it was soon seen he would lave to bo shot to doath to capure him. This even took sohio , .ime for .James was secreted in tho ffiimney placa where he emerged it intervales to shoot at anyone who approached within rango. The whole end of tho house- in which the despcrato man wad barricaded was shot to pieecs bv the posse of 30C or more men present and James was wonndod man/ times before ho was at last killed. SECURED KKAG GUNS. Deputies came to Hartsviffc and secured some of tho Ki ng guns lU- 1 l ? hum niu iuuhi umiiury company to help shell him out and firearms if every description wero in constant use at the place all day. A perfect fusillade was kept up at ill times till he was finally killed. The wounded men of the posse ire not at all seriously wounded. Mr. Kelley was one of the most prosperous men of bis neiphboraood and a man who eicGrUd inaong his people a most excellent influence for good. Everyone hero feels it a loss to the section that helms boon killed for a bigger hearted, more honest man it would be hard to find. Neighbors insist that James was not crazy whon he murdered his COTTON STIL w??? vsmm -WriMMMMOT To moet this decline wo aro goin our goods. For tho next Twonty days wo ai lie moro goods for the money than t?r. We are offering <1 15.00 Suits at $3.98; $7,50 su $12.50 and $15.00 suits at $9.00 $2.98 and up to $10.00 ones. Pan to $3.50, worth $0.05. Heavies guaranteed, at 6c yard. Just recoived caso yards for 75c. Only 10 yards to t cent undershirts at 38c. Two for and 35 cont vests for 19c por gnrmt left at 25 cents. Wo ftill have on hand a few shot need Snoes. Don't miss the*o bar*, twenty days. YOl Funded P. S. 10c bottle^Sowing M Cotton 5c and a hundred otho'* whin ' \ < v - > ? >?-?. % "V*. * ' f'' psgamBr Ls7TBL18llED.?8fi2 ife and her brother. They say sit he was angry with Kolley for nding hini to tho asylum and 10 murders followed as a result of lis. liis actions today from all acnwts were remarkably deliberate id hie tight for eight hcurs rouirkably well conducted for a inn who was temporarily bereft f mind. No one will ever know, of course, dint the true state of affairs was, ut tho more charitnbly inclinod ro disposed naturally to believo bat he was madly insane through Lull. Thore can bo no doubt, howver, that Mr. Kelloy believed dm iusaue when ho approached dm this morning or else ha would lot hate acted in a way so foreign o his usually careful, if fearless, Imposition. There was much excitement tolay and mon catno from miles iround and participated in the lattlo at the house. The coroner is now holding the nquest. Mr. lvelley leaves a mother, vit'o and seven children. VV. E. A NOLI) T1M E H E M E D V. Murray's Horehound Mullein and Tar has in It the purest of drugs. All of which were used by our parents ami grand-parents. I Is a combination so put together that It cures.a cough right ofT. Nothing Is batter for babies 11 is a most reliable cura for all cases of ooughs. Ask your druggist for It. They all have It. Get a bottle now and have it ready. Costs only 2oo a bottla?extra large bottles? regular 60c slza, Ketnenber to ask for 'Murravs" and take no other. Mob Takes Nrgro From Captors. Columbus, vjrft., Doc. 3.?A special from Seule, Ala., to The Enquirer-Sun says that William Vaughn, colored, who is charged with robbing, murdering and creniating in her homo his wife's grandmother, and who later made a sensational escapo from the deputy sheriff, was captured today near the scene of his alleged crimo. Tho negro had a bullet wound in his loft arm, which was inflicted hy the deputy sheriff when he oscapeil. The capture was made by a white man and two negroes After his capture Vaughn was tfiien from his captors by parties in the community and his present whereabouts is unknown to the officers. It is stated that thoro was imminent danger of mob violence when the negro was captured. L DECLINING" g to Knifo deeper tho prices on re going to otter tho trading pubthoy ever saw before in Lnncasluring this time its at $5,98; $10.00 suits at $7.50 Hud $10.00, $5.00 Overcoats its from 50c per pair, worth 75c, I weight yd wido Sheeting, weight Klcacn to go during this sale 10 ho customer. 50 dozen mens' 50 75 cents. 20 dozen Ladion' 25 jilt. A few of those 50c Shirts :s. Price them, yoh'll buy if you jains. They only hold good for IKS FOK TKADE, Tl mi* k co. ncbiiio Oil 5c. 10 balle Sowing gs to numerous to mention.