The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, December 03, 1904, Image 5

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' V A Urcss. A V /, - u 1 ; li ('outur A '?<!'.* i v Nt^ro t-> (i > i i KiM inin?i :iin! 1 ? i vu .1 uiiicious ' iy. ( i , i ^it.i M o- i, ;.. ? t : : i.i? e . . .e sio i of \ he N ; ; . < ' i in i ( oni'vr i-i e t tli* A, M. K. Y.'u n t 'hutv . . . : i i; : -t inn niH', Di li i (I. \Y. (. 'In.i ?ii :n u!c :: . ! l; < 1 in_ a Mi t '.v j ; t : > . v : * 'An tiic "in j'.i ..: :_i < 15;. titnos is ti>o Oil' 1 I 0 '!! ' i! i< ii of i ho o poi: iail.- ;.: ! ;ii tuvK w' i -it llll ;ir. - -. i M ' in? r.i i .ii.- !; fort ;ni' 'M in n ni iV r !i ! \ii.i I i \ ,i ( I . ill : . I; . \ ton Wl'lo .: . . i *: ' 11 *.4 . oil l ot wet'll pen s w :;u ! in pence ' !' > i . n ; ?*i mill< d to o'> i v? u I v.,or m a ii c of | rosperi , ,i;r i;i ; - , i , jK c daily in til i iimI i".J >1 , thin nt ?in> i .ii ; ( ! r! ii m uili >1. 1 ii ivn v i e ire f small fami: s ; :il'' ' ill, w'.ii hive 1mid rfVii. it i : l- ai. I h ive left ntnl u i . i a x 'i v us Six of fisjlit i c >' I on, h it: i i lli3 p ;n 1 \v> ii, t "if : -t. Our people III ' s i. ?.r : ; n.l acquiring i t ' at?> in *''iuio of Uio plnecs 1 ! avo ti ivoio 1, us nover ie i t ' !i ln-tor\ of tlio race. ?. o uM induct more of them til 0 i i u*ins> us renters or 1 i: iiso small farms rulhor ' in tlm (own and cities ? ,i noil i, it would result in lit \ i. 1 ie* iup;s to on; race I I :t!vi ed!y wtiou 1 >a\ t at i i .in >ro than a more n.aj < "In.; Southern States, and 1 i ul 1 !> ii -i few eonmuioi1 ies t _'. r civil:/, si bind, the i i iii;4 and clt'-re_ ?.t in no .v bus mid will c . i. t<> have the good will of t If: i 1' C itizons As t o v . - t..o fi' ling good will si.ah lr* b./i.vd 1 - hail ripen into Id-Im: ship, h p ;uls more up( :. the negro than upon anyone else. b i been in certain fjuai -s '.i ri oi 1 hinted in oihors, that the triumph - i' lYesid. l. Roosevelt, che charm .n < / lho open door and tl < i t r > oi' ilie tpiuro deal, will I'iioi !l. i ' r > to become int't'. nl . d l.i. .( , never before. Ah.'e I tint 1 cm speak for e\v.;. iiiiv'd'goi;? negro and say that th u : it'ior truth nor sense i i su hi . siont1 think 1 an. it u- j e -idunity to say U. < Ye: i ' I should l>o nioro 1 adit i .s t . t one ft rward ' . i i the hietory '. j i: * - t and near to el e crucial crtt ore t.f the race." i h ; in god that, t lie negro i . < a.- to ii 1 s?*i IiI 1 he - Hi;, iu, and ho saul ;i i (m'-1 do8 ? much to ..;-iry < 1 tho race. i .. UOUS WKIv'KS. - n - i i ponsihlo for . n\ iv.ii way wreck and the :amaking human ...:: > rs from 1 hroat i/. ' But since tho : i>Kind's New Discov? '<ui umption, Coughs and ' o . . i . i tlx; w.?rst cases can '?o ,>.(? resignation is no ( ; i i >'irv. Mrs Ijois . v ? r. !. > \ r, Mass., ia . ! v !k?o life was saved D I\ ir /*.-> New Discovery t .i.< !y is guaranteed y < : , .1 )?ro.?., .). F, Mack?\ iv ( i niiil I-unil-rliiirk IMiar v, i )r: !. 1 'rice 50c, and > 1 " ' i:i I )tVle i'i : O. ~.'Z J.'?.. . I*S BWJgM \ Hi .'.j s t, i cough nif dicino so p >|ii; u !i I (>!? y *s I loivy and Tar. ] i nuil o1 ' ? i pi at( . [ poi ons i'.r ! n v ! .Hi. i.) cum hold by Fiindorliuvk Timrmucy. ! !!io twiners' Report. A p.?> 111i ii! Colt >i? Alan Discus m*s the Chop Outlook Ami The Hear Ktitiinate. (Mi ir'ntte Obsei voa. A pioiuiiitMt cotton man pave f.dlnwtnp statement yostorday to i!n Observer, by wny of comment on the pinners' report. "In view of tie fact tlmt this years ration crop is 30 days carli r in p do* of time, and a pood \ TCi'iitapo ivtter i i weather conditions than last year, it is somewhat a?lonishinp that so n.nny peoplt ia f ire vtstinp the size of t i-> crop should so couiplotoly lose -iplit of fact that this years pinners' report, up to Nov. 14th which is just cominp to hand, should ho compared w'th last years ginuer-*' report <tf December 13th in toad of comparing it with Nov. J I'll 1903. On Doc. 13th 1903 i' :e ginners report showed that rib nit 93 p~r cotit. of tho crop hr? \ been ginned, this left emly 7 per ee'it of the crop to be ginned from Dee. n.bcr 13th forward "Should the ginners report for N"Vember 14th approximate 10,* 00(1,000 telles it would coiipare with 93 p r cent or December 13 la*t ycir, on account of the fact as *t.ite 1 ab ?ve,that we are 30days earlier this year than last year, an 1 should 10,000,000 represent 93 p t coot, of tins year's crop, 10,752,000 I) a 1 e s would rcJ present the entire crop, or lOOpor j cent tk.V maximum bear estimate | ,vIiifl? is h m l to- lay,represents tho outlook as indicating 12,478j 000 hales, and this same authority missed the crop estimate l ist year 1.744 000 hales, and if wo deduct this la'ter amount from the f rviu:r Hi* crop indicated by t'ne best audio ily would lie 10, ' i 734,000 b lies. NOl' A SICK DAY SINCE. "1 was taken severely sick with | kidney trouble. I tried all of j medicines, none of which relieved me. One dayl saw an ad of your Electric Hitlers and determined to try that. After taking a few dose- i felt relieved and soon theio aftir was entirely cared, and have not seen a sick day since. Neigh I i ors of miiio havo been cured of I Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver :tikI Ividney trouble and General nobility." This is what B. F. ; Bass of Fremont, N. C. writes. Only 50, at Crawford Bros., J. F. ' Mac'ioy A Co. and Fundeiburk | Pharmacy Druggist. ' Poor Yield of Cotton Damaged by Hail. , Clover cor. Yorkvillo Enquirer : It will be remorabored that there was considerable speculation a9 to what was the best course to pursue by the victims j of the hail storm which visited 11 ~^ ~ ~ ~ f - ? i-*i inia scuiiuu last j ulie ; wiiBiuor it would pay best to plow up the cotton and replant, plant soiiio other crop, or cultivate the portion left?bare stalks. The majority, if not all, pursued the latter plan. Of course it-will never lie known what would have licon bast, but it is certain . now that all were heavy losers , by reason of the storm as the j following results show : Mr. A. 1> Ourrenco had two croppers, | one in the storm belt and the 1 oth< r outside, both working onehorse crops within a half mile j of each other. The one damap! od by hail gathered two bales 'of cotton, and ho is through, while tho other has had thirteen ginned and will have anothor. Mr. Robert Turner, on his one horso crop in tho storm strip, harvested 200 pounds of seed cotton; Mi. Joe Matthows made practically nothing, while J. Mi 3/ui'h has gathered about tlin e bales where he should havej j had eight or ten. I fn Hid Premises of Hats and Mice liero is a farmer's mode of fiddin;; his premises of rats and mice: "If you will sprinkle sulphur on your burn Hour and through your corn as you gather it, there will not a rat or mouse bother it. 1 have doue this ..ovoral vests and have novor boon bothered with rats or mice about my barn. In stacking hay or oats, sprinkle on the ground and a little through each loud and tny word for it, rats or mice can't stay there. A pound will bo sufficient to preserve a largo barn of corn, and. it is goo 1 for stock and will not hurt the corn for bread." CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears the ^ signature 01 4-CC^A^K Notice of Discharge. Notice i.s hereby given that on ihe 26th day of I'tcciubur 1004, the under si. ii'm! as Gu r.iian for Willie 1> Smi hand M pp e I.on Smith will make her ti ai return and aetthni nt a! il make application w> iho Probate (,\>ur? l'?r I.uncatter county for a final diseh ?g a-? audi Guardian. Mary K Smith, Ouaxlian Nov 2b' lOOt?1 m W. F. LANEY , Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered from office in rear of Fnnderhurk Pharmacy during the day, and from residence on Elm btroet at night. liesideDce phono, 38 Office phono, 118. PROFESSIONAL CARD I)K M P ( huwfomd DR R C Drown (.'R WVFOIID & BROWN Phjvioiu' ? ami Sua^eone. 1 it.k'Wdw, S C. 1'ie't-' iif t ?'p the rye ??<? : il Hum i j' Ok <'alia pA>iup>V uuhtftf <i di.y or ni^ht- Ofliee over ' rawiint. H ob. D. ug St<* o, Phooe<: OlTlee, No 176; R iilwots No?. 11 and 36. Iwiiill fill I I VBIW ' TILL CH' From now until then, six days oui M 01 By trading with US. We mentii vinco the m 2,000 yards heavy 10c Outing 2,500 44 better grade 44 56-inch heavy all wool Ladies Extra heavy-weight skirting Yard-wido Taffeta Silk tc .c u wear guar. 44 44 genuine Peau de Soie, w Everything else ill dress fabrico at Mercerized Pu Just the thing to make the Thank< the yard; Napkins and Doy'ies to dozen 50c. Negligee Shirts and on these. Ladies and gentlemen. Underwear Pro A garment to tho very best. Wt Health undarwear for men The and clothing we have ever shown and see them. You will buy if y< t < ri *ilt' 11 uoes YY1 Wo nro headquai tors for Shoos, can suit you and SAVE jou mo if you wear ; ? Wo could mention hundreds c will not permit. Come to soe us. whcthor you buy or not. If you money. Funder 1 I Nino College Professors Sat ? n Coroner's .lory at ('lem on. Pickens, Nv 25). ftoio-i: r | Pdls ? IS, who I) old ill) inq-ios'. Hi Clein??on college last ThuiMlMy over ihe !? ? ly of the bizeinore { hoy is of the opinion that i: is inc only rot in.-o in tin* hi>t<?i \ . f t?ie Statu when tiioo co h :?<* I roC-*80i'8 sat on :i jury ZPOESN'i KK-l'K'M DLl) < E. It's sbutnefuf when youth full to show prop r respect for o d a^e, I but jiot iho contrary is the ease of Dr. Kings New Life Pills They cu* ofT maladies no mallei sever and irrespective of old age Dyspepsia, .Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perl\ cl Pill. 25c, at Crawford Pros., .! F. Mackey & Co. and Fundei l?u. k Pharmacy, Drug Store. izztssaszazmmrssri?nu! Bu&anoBn SduOiUo^j PAYS L A RG E 1)1 VI DEN L)S ! YOU ne<*l a ; d* "* >? Imismomi ? I IIi* 11 M -U \Vi< tf>I 4l>.? 1 V ' I* i U' '-.' ?'l ( 'Oli ' C- 1< K'U'l#1 .nM IJ.S b lU'.wr i>''.<% *<?; h'H '< i.i "in v 1 t-ri IVJ ftV* . * M li >t N"^r fc . l ? u ?itv T '- t- (<r ilV .V?. t E .., *! now -in I :>r.""v i, '< I it -U ?' ?ti?i- \v ii. ()> y si !r, 'el ,<r i ilV -i ? ?1 i.i'! ui ?v . t .i h j Ir.iv- n->l?i?i hii . iL'ji >? b? i -i ! |>i>v.?i i! h We offer special rates Macfu it's S. C Itn i??o ?- Colle^f C.-l'unh! i, S O Au^i. 21), 11)04 ?if *i r-rc.T.v^^?r.^3Laaa9.?iiaKK"se???w?ii3 PILES! .PILES! PILES! Dr. Williams' Italian I'ileOot-m i ! will < u*e II i?? 1. Ii Hnliiijr.U! j ami Ilohlng 1*iI -? ! ?i.? ). * (he i ; mors al'avH the i?ei Ins' ?' < nf ? I as a <> il.i e. g v. m ?s ? mi r- l? i)i. ' WiiliatUH' I mil ? t'i <>: or, at !* I | pr pal'? il <?' I v r >r Plt.-s a il lh bingo' f ' the private p .rf. ni ) ?. m . <> Every b x t gn-r.m?ei| -..i?| ?1iiig.ti-ts qe.-n t > mail i r oh s . ,! fl ho p r hiix W 1.1,1 > AS T?'(J m CO . rMp'o, Olt vrU'ii!, Oho C Kohl by Kiuultrl u.U urina . . B 4 s MONEY TO LOIN I hav? n .M'b* ai ra :l* -"ool wi, i emle.-s ,i" > < y in N? w Y r ;> | w 1 li \vh >SJ1 I til .Ii I'hilUgi'l 1 ' ' !b> i'U'i<I by li st til i 11'a <i liiji ovr . | eoiott f no*, a' 7 . i f c lit t I-- s -i repayab'C li aa.iu l m nan lit- ?>l" , live jeits No br tUe age or commi t-ion el.nig il On'v teaao lubl'^ charge Ibr abatrro? of ml It K WY IK. AllK 31 ?Gat Altorne u? 1,hw R 1ST MAS ! : of each week, yon can save ^ ^ E Y < on below just a few items to conoat skeptical. at^ 7i Cents " H " K i* Cloth 48 44 98 44 i GO 44 i inteed 08 44 orth $ 1.25 00 41 proportionate prices, ire Table Linen egiving turkey taste belter at .50c. match. We have just received 30 are cutting the price just in half HI h >m lti 1-Jj < >n<H > carry the celebrated Wright's . y nicest and biggest line of overcoats Wo wont, in nti >n prices Come )U count values of anything. thout Saying' i SHOES. 1 )f other things; but time am! space We are always giad to woo you buy wo guarantee to sivo you Yours, Kte., tmrk Co.;. t SaBpg^wui^^ &; MftMHiihian f * CASTQS14 : AVfcgetable Preparation lor As- j similating the Food andRegiila- ;J] _ ting the Stomachs and Dowel3 of ? tj q ? ? fc Promotes Digcslion.Checrful- ^ ness and Rest.Contains neillier Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. ? | Kot Karcotic . QfOMDr&WUELPtrCJIER /Inu&a Scrti " v jr i Six Senna* 1 Ij T* /iotArlle Js&'" j Stniff Sned * i j -' { SrSS?*jaa, / 'ft I llctrp Se?d - 1 V r/mrud .fi/Mr j J ttfhUry/wi flavor: / ? A perfecl Remedy for Conslipn- [ Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- u ncss and Loss or Sleep. .#1 \ Foe Simile Signature oF NEW'YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ^ ^ Tun o u y Uls^S^ B h\ Strictly vegetable, perfectly liarmle. ki2sul.t.*. Urc; kuowu foiiiaio j 'AsiTSnM Unwaroof ?unt.'i ">i!r. find imtI:-.t! tiiv. PR^ 1 Iwii ton wit'i :.i - mhi . rittnatura on biilo o end for Circular lo WILLIAMS Alfc'U. CO.. 8olO A^ut Sold bv Funderhurk Pharmacy. i * J> H -VHP3 W (? I,?rt( -i r BOWERS' i>R0S. . f ? o. iailders ami Contractors e :.u b ? . h>'. ki i < <i ! i * it.r >1 i i ;l > hol t js i I l' inn'. ?i. ttti I < : wori; a ppe' ? ?cif~ ilv.? U -% y > n ? BOWERS B80S. I V?.?.. rj ol>y. 23. !!)<;!. :u> to it- L LANCASTER IA3BLi \ >* i > ,, GRANITE WORKS, j: or Go!?i| Work and Low Prices <1 m Aim ft 4 >\ C - {!? v -"4 9 *.V 3.'~ - ;3 ) LANCA SI I'K, S 0. A J. E. RUTLEOuE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. f; j Working on credit doesjpj pity, na niv terms irotn ilnstiaio enct'f.>rtii arestiictlv e>i>li. oii'ibl Fi jr.iA, old Filling $1.50 Filling \ Cement F'ilin;* 75 ct IlUBBKll PLATE, nil upper sot of leelh $12.00 ppor and lower h t $25 50 JrjgT" These prices nre strictly m )V cash. No work done except 1 t - >r cmhii or pooo security. j ( J. E. RUTLEDGE. Dentist. I * : pcog4w:ewa: jp?k. ti phi u.>f mw I J. 11AHit r FOSTER. Attorney at Laiv, ^ LANCASTKU, 8. C t\( sap" o .etr 0:1 j spirt til y ?t n { A pn r" . , r MdbOI^WO " ' lOw. *' .ho most treating 8?sl?o lr> ?- > wori?? tmr \z- MjBKiflB 'or Infants and Children. ! ! miw wucw h. -jnwuk , .1 lis Kind You Have Always Beisgh? Sears tiie / . * A { 'v . Signature If VP J^jPor Over Hi iill t:... c'lvnur. suhmry, i;?,vvc.;t citt. eL-i ti.-aV:.- j rioioii Lrcips j, Btiro to accomplish r>*iI5"-II*TID csucdj'. Price, i.1.50 per bottle. Tins cCNtilno ts i?ut up only In paste-board Carf UlO bollio, M|'<b: 4. Clcveluud, Olilo. ^ ^ r'yt * SE the world's best bnbyN^y a prompt,safe, sure and harm- y*K all sorts of stomach and bowel t ies and children. Keep it rl?you can rely upon it. 1 sod druji ctores, 25c. (fe RABY KASTC CO., Macon, Ga. T ' : ? ... X.L _ i f 1.1 / ?i ? uie uiosi xatai oj au ctsases. -Jll CV'O H0"EY CUIE Is a iMX K d Guaranteed Remedy r money -refunded. Contains ;medics recognized by cmicnt physicians as the best for [idney and Bladder troubles, PRICiT ?3c> tved 5J.C& , \ a ?r> rilFSTEH p A >,1 , . V ^ t ' i . i 11 . - ov C I') 4 (' 'H 1.'. r ?i ) Tii?)l I v ' ti>> ii-l* !, , 7 15 ;i m M 4 . j? m v For art'ii, 7 Hi i\ m 4 I i |) m v i v i 1.: 7 41 i hi 4 M ) ni v Itlclilui'g, 7 50 a in 4 4"> p m ('lu-Ht' r, M 15 a ni 6 15 p m ? i !*.r ? c o ll 0 55 a i.i 7 10 |? m f (' lunil' a fH) Rll 60 a m 1 05 u ai r V. r v'.< AN W 9 IS ? in I < > a' i u u 10 <15 ? in p I.- in ir. < r 2 12 p m V ..1 . I r.r. zi ? Ail ii * ? ? ** |? 111 .. 5 I i-v u.. f v ^ in a. h a I, r 1 (trf) p m v I/? n I.' , ( A ii, r 3 06 p in v i? ?8t i'?? 4* 0 (to j) in v V " iHe " 6 51 |> m v (Villi' ilil.*, So K 0 1 <? ;i tn (133 p m v ( hul l >Mf?, H<? C I:i v < In s.! i, 10 no a in S 30 [i in v lis-.', 10 40 it iii ?S "4 p ni \ H i ic.tin v lilt*. 100 ii in ooo p m v F o! liuwn II oo i to oil p m r '. loi* i-% r, II I 0 \ i t 0 30 p m '>NtX y\ ko. tl ( I ! ' ' i ll noil 'V . , .1 11 v\ .**. i :i>.i !i K i v iiy. U k 10 .1 fcl I > irtlo .. yr ' l j t. . till 'I. . ; < r Psotico lo tl-o Public. I will hold till iiuju sN i i (ho unity. JNiono lo my r-Hidctioe Pleasant Hill for me when l)C<h (!. . !. Montgomery ' a ki'Vi ept. 20?tf Coroner I j. C\ Bridge to Let, OteTu- - day, 22d <Jn> of N <v. KM, at 11 o'clock n ip., I will I to tlm lowst iesponWiilc I>i?! : the co;il.; act to build a brid..o ii'i H8 vVitxhnw < reck on the ti \v >Mi!, n?ai ii,. I,. 1<\r. ijs'u. b pi. o.f, Ij >1. l\'i i'j , County Supervisor. , <1 ?*