The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, November 26, 1904, Image 4

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KL'ltVIYKI) LOSS OF I.I NC. Truo Story olOp'Tatitm l ei lorried on ti. >V. Ferris, Special to Notti unil Courier Salada, November 25.?A moat remarkable ^example of modern surgical skill is to bo found in the person of Mr Hnwun) W Ferri-?, (if Batesburg, who to-day in living and in apparent good health notwithstanding that the whole of his right long is entire !y gone and portions of seven ribs have been removed as the result of an operation he underwent some time ago at Hohnoniann Hospital in the city of Philadelphia. Mr. Ferris is a young man of 30 years. Ho was horn in Ver mont and his father is a native of Connecticut. lie is the son of the Rev. Jabez Ferris, now pastor of the Baptist Church at Batesburg, and who formerly served the Camden Baptist Church for a number of years. The younger Mr. Ferris is already tired of the publicity which has been given to his illness and the marvellous operation which he underwent, yet in a short per. eonal interview with your correspondent he chatted freely and pleasantly. He is a young man of pleasing manners, wvll edu j cated and has travelled consider- J ably. He at one time served as' a reporter for one of the l'hila delphia papers and was after-j wards connected with a publish ltig house in that city. lie has many friends and acquaintances iu South Carolina, and is quite . well known, especially in the. eastern part of the State?around Camden. Speaking of the operation performed on him he said some "fairy tales" had been ''woven iu." Ua further said that the! operation performed on him was nothing new in the North. Trior to his illnesshe was working with a publishing house in Thiladel I phia. After his usual vacation i spent in Georgia he returned to the North in April. After the! first day spent in the office ho went out on the street without an overcoat. As soon as the cold 1 Kir BirucK mm ne said lie felt it go through him and pneumonia soon followed. That was in lf)03. After being treated for some time without any apparent relief lie went to the fiohncmann llospital. Here, despite all the medical skill and treatment, his case gradually grew worse. At last it was deemed necessary for his right lung to be tapped. To do this it was necessary to remove portions of two ribs. This was done and from time to time quarts, even gallons, of water were removed. Time went on and his case grew worse instead of better. Finally as a last resort the surgeons determinad to peform an "Eastlander operation." "This operation." said U- C II J mi. reiiiH, consisted in cutting and removing portions of seven ribs and not seven ribs in their entirety, as has been published in the press of the country, and, after that, the removal of the right lung, which was found to be almost a mass of corruption." The patient was kept alivo in the meantime by saline solutions injected in the arm. lie now experiences very little, if any, inconvenience from the operation, gave some soreness over the wound made in his side. Ilia appetite is good and ;he has about regained his normal weight. When asked for a statement il. , * * huuui, me miraculous operation he had undergone Mr. Ferris laughed and remarked : "There was very little to it," and added that he was "extremaly tired of the publicity it had received already." Although born and reared for the most part in the North and New England, at that, Mr. Ferris if fond of his adopted home and, like all other New Englanders, when they come South and learn something of the real situation, he feels, and did not hesitate to , ay so, "that if the people of the i North k now more about the negro J: n? he really is they won!'! have !?>r^ ( > a v n' vi1 ? ; m and leaVv th s' mi v *" *{jo much mooter negro pr?? t-> the only pontile on earth who can solve it?I lie people of tho South." A UUNAWAV B1UYCLK. Terminated with an ugl v cut on the leg of ,1. 11. Orner, Franklin Grove, III. It developed a stubhorn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years, then Bticklen's ArnicaS live cured It's just as good for Burn-!, Scalds, Skin Kruptions and Piles. 25e, at Crawford Bros., .1. K. Mackey & Co. and Fundorbar k Pharmacy, Drug Store. IVII KICK NO \ II OlJll/r Til K AUK. ltesult of K. V. MiJIard's Researches in Egypt. K. V. Millard, who is now making his homo i 11 this city, has been lor several years at tidying the archaeology of Egypt. For the last year until his recent return Noah was the gioatest King this world has ever seen. 11 o was the greatest of the Egyptian Pharaohs, not excepting Kameses the Great. "Noah was a millionaire. The Biblical account of the llootl gives no clew as to where Noah lived or where his ship carpenters were at work (or 120 years constructing the ark. Noah was GOO years j old when the llooil came. It is evident thai he must have been a millionaire and a man of great, authority. He built the ark at his own expense. Such a boat in these times would cost more than half a million dollars, lie must have been in a position to lorco vast multitudes to work lor him. regardless ol' their interest in him or in his work, or of their own personal inclinations. ' Noali huil! the great pyramid during the earlier pail of the i fourth Egyptian dynasty, ami not I more than 1,200 years after God had expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. 1 have often sat on the shady side ot this stupendous pyramid and pondered on all possible methods of transporting and lifting the vast blocks of limestone to such dizzy heights. I was impressed with the thought presented in Genesis that there were giants in those ancient days. If Noah's sire and intellectual powers were proportioned, as his age, to ours, then in brain and brawn and stature he, too, must have been a giant. "God had those prehistoric giants erect those mighty pyramids, palaces and temples in tho valley of the Nile, and cover the palaces and temples with hieroglyphics to testify tor Him as signs and witnesses to the truthfulness of Bible history. This was done in the Valley ol tho Nile because there only were all natural conditions favorable for their preservation. "The IIolv l-tonlr /?f H<? brews and the Stone Bible of Egypt have both been miracu lously presetved. In that same land of Egypt was once the largest city ever built by man. It was called in ancient days No Amen. We call it Thebes. It was named No (or Noah) in hon ~~ DlSA-slKOUS NVKECKS: Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the game causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung trouble. Hut since the advent of Dr.King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst cases can be cured,and hopless resignation is no . longer necessary. Mrs Lois Dragg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery This great remedy is guaranteed by Crawford Pros., .1. F, Muck?y & Co. and Funderburk Phar marcy, Drrugist. Price 50c, and jfl.00 Trial bottle free. < or of its founder and ruling IMin- | raoh and of the go 1 of Truth,j wli ,m ' mo Kgvptians r i 1 >tl Anion. ' ) . t 1 his city of N > Anion was *>- I miles long ami 10 miles broad. The Holy Bible refers !o it, as the [ city ol N >. 4 The doing? was specially s! - - ! ignated as Mho tl ?od ol Kay pi,' ' becauso tho principal characters 1 connected With the ev'ent lived J tlicro and boom o the world's ( civilization centered there N e | Amos, 8th chapter, 8l!i vol e, < and 9th chapter, 5:!i ver.-e ! Noah's home was tiio capital ol 1 the earth. Noah built the mighty pyramid, I lie Sphinx, ami the | vast Tempi" of Ivarnak. They | stand today as witnesses that ? Clod's Iloly Hook is an aulhori'a- ' live, correct and inspired book." I ? Indianapolis News. ? IJANOKR OF A ( OUQH. ? l>neuinonin, gripp, eo!?l, bronchitis and nearly every other dangerous sickness ??t lliis kind isusua-ly ihe de vehement of a sight cough Too many people are laid up ami loo many , <1 e from diseales where Ihoy cuiul po , easily knoek lhat Itrsl cough in tne ' head. Murray's Horehnuud Mullein 1 ami Tar eures colds J l drops the hoi- . torn out of a onigh. Every d u,?gi? basil for "Joe a boille ttemeinle ' 'Murray's and take 110 oilier. Rrgu i a ">0,? ei/.e | /)oe$N' r liKsnou t old miis. i It's shameftif when youth fail to j J show proper respect for o.d age, but just Ih3 contrary is the case | of Dr. Kings New Life Pills. IThey cu* oil maladies no niaher ' sever and irrespective of old ago 'Dyspepsia, .Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this porfcel Pill. 23c, at Crawford Bros., .1 F. Mackey & Co. and Fundcrbui U ; Pharmacy, Drug Store. Hisses When He Kills. ' The Filipino," said a young! Philadelphia!! whose term oi service in the army has expired and 1 j who is glad to got back home, ! "is a curious mixture of the hu-1 ! man being and the reptile I, j think, however, thai Iheroptilej predominates. The Filipino will crawl noislessly on his stomach just as a snake can, and must of tho human attributes are lacking in his make up. But the thing that impressed mo most was the snake-like hiss that ho invariably emits before he strikes. This seems to bo just as instinctive with itim as it is with a snake. , There is a sharp undrawn breath i in.u comes as a warning and gives a man a second's lime to drop flat, or to throw up an arm if the antagonist is within striking distance with a knife. That hiss, though, is not restricted to the Filipinos, I am told that it is characteristic of all Oiientials.1' ?Fhiladelpliia Record. PILES! PILESTPILES! T)r, Williams' Indian l'ite Ointm-nt will I'li'ft Blind, Hint-diiiff,Ulcerated, and Itching Piles I; absorb* the tu mors, allays the itching at onco, acts as aoouitl. e, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pr pared only for Piles anil itching of the private parts and nothing eis#, Kvery box i* guaranteed. Noid l>y druggists. ?ent hv tnail, for 5Qe, end $1 DO per box WllihlAMH v 'F'O CO , Prop's, Cleveland, Ohio. Hold by Pnnderhurk Phurmmy. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought i Bears the Sj/f . - ' fcignaturo of TO CUKK \ < OUtlH The coughs ?o prevalent these day? usually develop before you realize what lis- happened. Now the beat thing to do 11 t.. iiik.j the mosi reliable ( cougii euro you can g* t None better than Mur ays Itorelmu'id Mullein 1 nnd T?". It is made < f the i ureet in- | gredhnts and ean he given to infants as well as grown oeople Above fti| l! < l!lll.'-J v .. r.. i i? - I *'%/ ??? I WII V? | I iliMl it at nil <li '_!)( . ?ex i ra large botllw. Tax Notice. i Notice is hereby (jivtii that the time within wiihh Town i.ixes can be p ii ' whhont penally ex- | pires on Nov 30 h instant. Th? tax books are now open at- the office ?>f C. I>. J-m.-s, K?q., Town 1 Treasurer. Il'not pail on or be- ' fore above Mate, executions will issue for taxes with costs and penalties. R. K WYLlR, Nov. 21, 1904 Mayor. 1 I I I HI 11 Ml II II I .Harried Fifty i'cais. I have 1 earned that Mr. W. II ITut'.dorlitn k ami vile, 111!< .1e, ami Mr U.' I'-i.. a\ a ilf, of li! <elc Creel; Ohorci , a..he onlv married peop!?? ;n Od Store Tuwnahip, (wo<der how naiiv in I lie county,) who ? ;:vc icon married lilfy ,v?mv, or v ho were married at liio benit.ninj: of he eivil war. How he.aiMlui it S to ! < O two oM poop I o who IlilVC tolped each ot h?-r !v ar t he siorm >[ li'e so lone, s'iil living and ovin,'? each other jnat iiS four!I \ with the wrinkled brow an 1 -iiv lair as thoy oi l when tnev st > ? ) Ln the lonh ' > youth's hope inil sweetness, and promised to Move am! cherish" as loin: :v aolh should live. Tims-' two pair ::l old lovers have our conirat ulatiom; and our In artiest wishes for Mi on to 'j o ! inuiy peaceful, happy years 'or-t'er acre el, na i atlerw :rds live i? :ether in I lie sweet bev >o I ? In re ove can never end ?D id. v Cor res pen lent ol Citizen. Anxious Moments. Some of the most anxious hours >f ii mother's life are those when ho little ones of the household lave the croup. I here is no other nedicine so effective in this terrible malady as Foley's Iloney and far It is a household favorite for throat and lun<; troubles, an i is it eontuins no opiates or olhtr poisons, it can be safely oiven. Sold by Fonderhurk Fhumacy, Queen of the Home. The queen who ? ?fs upon the throne of home, or owned and Bcepterod as none other ever coo be, is mother. H<?r enthronement is complete, her reign mi rivalled, and the moral issues ol her empire arc eternal. "Her children arise up and call her blessed." Rebellious, ar. times, is the subjects of her government may be, she rules them with marvelous pa'.iouc, \ winning ton ilernesa and undyr.g lov Sim o presents and divine trtitli, thai it reprndue s itself in the happiest d veiopment of childhood, character and iife. Her memory is sacred while she lives, and becomes a perpetual inspiration, even when the bright flowers bloom above her sleeping dust. Scotland, with he.r well known reverence for motherhood, insists that "an ounce of moth is worth a pound of clergy." The ancient, orator bestowed a flattering compliment upon the homes of J toman mothers when'he said, "The empire is at. the tire-ide." Who can think of the influence a mother wields in the hnVno, arid not he impressed with its far reaching results! Mchtmmed expressed a great truth when he said "Paradise is at the, feet of mothers." There j>? one vision that never fades from the soul and that is the vision of mother and home. No man in all his weary wanderings, over goes out beyond I lie overshadowing arch of home. I,. L him stand on the surf beaten coast, of the Atlantic, or roam over the western wilds, and every dash of tho wave and murmur of tho breeze will wliis per "Home, sweet hom?." Set him down amid the glaciers ol the north, and even there tin ught of home, too warm to l>o chilled by tho eternal fronts, will float m upon him. Let him rove thiough the green, waving groves and over I ho sunny slopes of t he > out h, at d in the smite of (he soft skies, and in the kiss of too balmy breeze, home will live wgMr>. ^ Foley's Honey and Tar always stops the cough and heals the lungs. Refuse substitutes. Sold by FunderburU Pharmacy. ? Oft. <S".? Prepared t<> <lo the Work 1 have put in a gas dine engine wun which 10 run my sa.najre n?.o Innc mill, and mn now heller prepared than ever to nervoiho pu die with tho l?e ??. tnifti t<? h;? ;? nI. 1 have ui-o Mi inched lo tity ??:?j?i? a woo 1 fHw, and can raw and -jdit your wood on very ahort nolice, in your own yard Call me np~nmrko! phono 43, I tMdentco 56 2f S P. lilsekmm. Foley's Money ami la,' for children,suit ,sure. No opiate*. c?> > Xi1 ?I mhi mm a * The Kind You Ilnvo Always Bouj In uso for over 30 years, lias ? and lias I Zuno! All Counterfeits, Imitations and Experiments tliat triflo with an Infants and Children?Experien What is CA Cnstoria is a harmless substitu gorlc, Drops luul Soothing Syri contains neither Opium, Morpl substance. Its ago is its guarai ami allays Feverishncss. It cu Colic. It relieves Teething Troi antl Flatulency. It assimilates Stomach and Bowels, giving In The Children's Panacea?The 31 GENUINE CASTC The Kind You Hare In Use For Ovei BR. ;** R lyon's rrencn rer Strictly vegetable, perfcctl}' harmless, RUirULT.S". Greatest known female re PflliTEHF Hnwaroof ctinn'orfclls r.n<l Imitation*. T UMU IIUW ton Willi Aljinat ure on side ?f Bend for Circular to WILLIAMS Mfti. CO., Bulo Agents, Sold by Fnnderburk Pharmacy. ? '"' t-r' v#, ' li-'D. H r? BOWERS'BROS, "r ?Li Builders aii'J Contractors ca Lunilxv, ul' itio'Js. for sale. Jjrts?invr 'el Motrhin^ At short g | MOti'.O ? T r:.<'l work end -?T'.i> work *aj?ec? in'ty. i qj? jjjy .Jivr US vaur orders, BOWERS BROS. ^ Near Depot. Ki Feby 23 I GU) to the L' LANCASTER MARBLE i v7\!> ,.v GRANITE WORKS. IS ' l.v For Goinl Work und Low Prices a 2 ~ A&ii?nii t' >v t J % < i* fl $ J J LANC A S I'KH, S C. ?,? A J. E. RUTLERGE, Dentist, ^ l.v Lancaster, S. C. ^ Lv !,v vv orumg <?n credit cIocpjh't pay, !'v and my terms from this time ^'r heneof<?rt!i arestiiotlv cn?h. B?'. a.-oniibi": Prices, t a ?old Filling $1.50 1 \misI,:juti Filling 75 ei.?. ? I Cement K'I ling 75 ot i ncnuKu PLATR, Full upper vet of tee'li $12.00 Upper and lower s?t $25 50 Those priceB are strictly ' for email. No work done except for cash or good security. J. E. RIITLEBGE. Dentist. J. IIAIWYFOHTKJi. ./Hlornen <t-l Law, LANCASTER S. (\ gCy odee c> i ii vpoelolly* *ci ~WT > 4tc.' ? I't 'i % A ra M E R & A 5, V g tho most h snlinq 9?lvc !r? 0 v.orlrt ' I i irn i ???>nJ. WHillilM III U II II* m flit, and vKJcJi ixw ?v*c*l bom? tbo lg-nntnv^ i?r ?on mndo tinder bis ?*>r> jrvision Bine? lta inter,-f ono to deceive 7*11 in t^^A, . "uusr-Rs-pfooo " ikv? n?.-> <1 endanger tho hcr<it? oS co against Kxpcrf?**;^ STOREA ito for Castor Oil, Pn?r?> ups. It is Pleasant. It duo lior other Narcotic? itcc. It destroys Tfoiina res Diarrhoea and Wind nblcs, cures Constipation tho Food, regulates tho jaltliy and natural slev*n [other's FricmU )RIA ALWAYS Always Bought r 30 Years, TRKCT. NKW YORK CITY. iodical Drops . sure to accomplish DE5IHBD mcdy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. ho craulnc i* Mil nj> only In pa*t*-boert Csri lio bottle. tlm>>: rt riff Tf-iim ClCTuliiud, Ohio. TPTO* * " ? = ?w ^ K the world's best haby*"^^ prompt, safe, suro and linrin- JL II sorts of stomach and bowel mjk s and children. Keep it r.l- 8K9 -von can rely upon it. wJ 3 id flrufj uteres, 25c. BA!JY i'ASR CO., Ma cox, oa. / BOB^X JZStTCrtntto _V? flfePSISEISES '* e the most fatal of all dissas. ?*3 EVSQ RSBfiEY CURE It l t,:aX t d 6u&untaed Rmndy money refunded. Contains tnediee recognized by amint physicians as the oest for >dney and Bladder troubles* PRICE 50c. and $1.00. -ax . :-y< r# *- I^AI i?r4fse^-.i , NGA S'iEV. AND r fj ESTER flM!:0' A 5 . v* Af}V ol Nov 2i>. 19: 2. (Dally exempt Sur:d?* ) VK'-THCrM). I .u ica?t< i, 7 15 n in 3 45 p m Fi?rt i ami, 7 ,1U m 4 15 p ni I!44i'<)ii #ille 7 44 * in 4 3(1 p m RIcMibjiTR. 7 50 a in 1 4? p in i trcariT, H 15 a ni 5 15 p in ? 1 ar'oit?. So '? 9 55 a in 7 10 p m i 'oltiiiihl* S i 111 1 5ft m in 1 05 Yol * \ ',<'&N SV 9 43 k in OkHli.n * <'N VV Id 38 a in I<? in ?r. ? * is, r 2 12 p ?i Atlanta. i? a I, r 4 55 p in KArtrUv UNI#. A t mnta, a a 1, r 1 00 p m I j* n ir, c & n, r 3 05 p in Oftxtotdn " 0 00 p in Yn.'k ylil? " 0 50 p in I'oUimbla, So II 0 1ft a in 633 pm < harlotte, So II 6 15 cm Chaaiei, 10 00 it in 8 3ft p m ffk-lihur?, 10 40 m hi 8 54 p in I'.aacotnvillo, 1050am ftftft p in Foi l Lawn 11 00 a in ft 11 p ni 1 j'tiicav er, 114 0 a hi ft 3ft p ra CONNECTIONS. "Iir*tpr?Southern, Seaboard and r Una A Norlb wilder?- rail way a. jHiiCttnter?Houiher* IlaP*. ay. A P JlfoLURIC, .4?ist Trafllo mgr rp.OY SPKiNiirv >i,i * t and Traill". Mmcuci' Nolicft to 1lio Public. I will hold all inquest* in the nnty. Plume lo my resoicnco Pleasant Hill for mc when *-tlril !. MoAtg-mttM \ Cft.kcv, pi. 2<>?1f Coroner L C. Bridge to Let. ()t: Tu'^iS'iv, 2'2d dn\ cf Nov. n4, iit 11 o'clock a to., 1 wijl to the lowed iospoii>i >ln hid1* the colli'>?ct lo build a I'l l I'JJO r .?! Wfirbaw (;i(K'k i>o ihu u> w id, iifiii E. L. F?TsZii? .r.'s pli-ce, V ? i i. ! i ci i y. County Supervisor,