The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, November 19, 1904, Image 4

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Killed and Injured on the Railroads. Railroad Commission Issues Slatemont Showing th Number < f Casualties in the Fiscal Year. The railroad commission has completed the tabulation of the em ployss and passengers killed b\ the railroads in the State for the year ending; June 30, 1904. The figures are as follows: Employes. Killed. in l j u reci. Atlantic Coaat Lino fi 40 Carolina & N. W 0 7 0. & \V C 0 40 Hampton & hrunchville 0 2 N W of S C 0 1 Seaboard 0 50 Southern 0 82 Southern, Carolina div 5 55 l'aisengors. Atlantic Coast Line 0 15 C. & H W 0 1 c. & w. c. r t Hampton A: branchvillo 2 2 Seaboard 0 14 Southern 0 14 Southern, CarolinaDiv 2 58 1 Total killed and injured, including trespassers and ail others, as follows: InKillel. jured ' Atlantic Cnu<si Line 18 22 C & \Y C oil1 Conway <? Seashore 1 0 CN&L 1 i 1 Georgetown ^western 0 1 ' Lancaster and Chesterfield 2 4 ' N W of SC 0 1 c Seaboard U 74 ' Southern 20 110 * Southern,Carolina div 20 14(5 ^ The item last enumerated includes the Fishing Creek disaster in August, 1903. ^ DOE8NT RESPECT OLD AGE. h It's shamefuf when youth fail to !l show proper respect for o.d age, 1 but just the contrary is tho case * of Dr. Kings New Life Pills. ' They cut off maladies no matter 11 sever and irrespective of old age. l> Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Con- 11 stipation all yield to this perfect Pill. 25c, at Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackey & Co. and Fuuderburk Pharmacy, Drug Store. ? X PoorPbilip Maltry Strangled Him- w self tl it The State, 17th inst. p Philip Maltry, the proprietor of ^ tho Wricht.H hntol hnrhAr iliAn ? ??w- * ?? strangled himself to darth some ei time Tuosday night. T The Orst intimation tlmt any st odo had of the awful occurence p. was whon the dead man's wifo at went into his room yesterday w morning to awaken him. He had d< been in ill heath for several years^and lately was despondent. Mrs. Maltry found him with a t . . i ar heavy string about his neck in which was a piece of wood. lie had strangled himself by twisting di the Wood around in ihn utrinnr of- " ... m ter the manner in which a physi- i11 ' J to cian twists an improvised tour In nivuet in order to chock the flow J of blood from a severee artery. DISASTROUS WRECKS k 81 Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the lt same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung trouble. Rut snico the advent of Dr.King's New Discov- i^j cry for Consumption, Coughs and m Colds, oven the worst cases can be m cured,and kopleas resignation is no [/ longer necessary. Mis Lois U] Dragg of Dorchester, Mass., is (j( one of many whose life was saved ,,f by Dr. King's New Discovery. I1( This creat reined* i? rrnwm?itr.n<1 m J a, t)( by Crawford ]?ro?., ,1. K, Mack y & Co. and Funderburk Phar ,tI marcy, Drrugiat. Prico 50c, and f> $1.00 Trial bottle free. j> The One Day Cold Cure u Kortnott'e Chocolate* I^Mativt Quiaiae t?u ' cold In the head and sore throat. Children tafc' I '| then like c&ud/. Attempted l? Kill Mother ami Sister. Demented Negro Takes His Life After 'I'orriblo Struggle.?He_ liev.'d Mad Dog Pursued Him. Olar, Nov. 15. -Sum Trotti, a negro about li?> year* old, e ?mmitted suicide hero yesterday bv shooting himself in t'no stomach with a shotgun Tho cause scorns to have been temporary aberration of the mind Trotti was alone 111 his mother's room when she heard him make a statement about his gun. Going into the room she found him laughing with the weapon in his hands. Seeing that something 1 was wrong with him she caught i her son and linall} succeeded in scouring possession of tho gun. The boy g'abiud a lire iron and i tried to kill his mother, but a i young slater interfered, lie then < turned upon the lister, biting her severely. Freeing himself ho t an out of the house, going to a neigh? r* r> r* bor's about Moo yards away. He ' atked a wo nun there to let him ' have her husband's gun to kill a ( log which hi 1 lollowod him and ' A'liieh lie thought was uiad. She s told him she did not have tho gun, i tint seeing it in a corner lie pick- t 3d it up, looked at the woman and $ aughed. He then walked out of lie door with the weapon, do- s il orately placed the muzzle to * lis stomach and pulled the trigger 1 he load passing entirely through n lis body. .lust then his mother r lame up. Ho drew a knife from t lis pocket and would hare cut hit i .iroat had he not been prevented, f] ['he negro died shortly afterwards, u ? uo ? A RUN AW A r BICYULIS t Terminated with an ugly cut on r lie leg of .). B. Orner, Franklin hove, HI. It devolopcd a stuborn ulcer un\ ielding to doctors nd remedies for lour years, ben Rucklou's AmieaS live cured . ^ t's jnst as good for Burns, Scalds, , [kin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, u t Crawford Bros.. .1. F. Mark- . y & vJo. and Fundorbark Phur- j iacy, Drug btore. ^ ft: The Fall River Strike. p S Fall River, Mass., Noy. 15.? he Fall River print cloth mills ere reopened again today to give y le striking operatives an opportun y to return, but few of the cor- . orarion had better luck than on esterday. A number of mills ^ ore unable to keep their machin y running and soon shut down. * . . p ho mill managers, it is under- * ood, will puruie the prosent nlicy for u day or two, and lould their effort fail, the plants ill bo closed again for an injfinite period. 1 m _ ei DANGER OF A C OUGH. r< c( Pneumonia, gripp, Cold, bronchitis id nearly every other dangerous tl Bkne8H of IhU kind la usually the de dopment of a ?l:ght cough. Too any people are laid up and too many e from diseases where they could so sily knock that first cough In the in ';icl. Murray's Horehound Mullein :<i Tar cures colds 11 drops the hot Wl m out of n cough. ISverv d.uggist X it for Hoc a bo! tie It member Murray's and take no other. Regit- it r 60o size. Tito Japanese deny that Kuro- 1 i is doad, and even if lh? litis- U' ans did make tho world believe , they could'nt fool Ivuroki. ^ NO 1' A SICK DAY SINCE. c! C( "I was taken severely sick with idney trouble. I tried all of rt edicines, nouc of which relieved Cl o. One davl saw tin arl nf vnnr tl loot l ie lii11 era und determined 8t i try that. After taking a few H( >ses I felt relieved and soon theie 'ter whs entirely cured, und have >t ween u hick day wince. Neigh- 8l )1H of mine have heen cured of ftl heumatism, Neuralgia, Liver ^ id Kidney trouble and General ebility." This is what H. F. ni iths of Fremont, N. C. writes. P' fdy 50, at Crawford Bros., /. K, ackoy tte Co. and Fundei bnrk larmacy Druggist. *!< Took Stand Against 0ov= eminent Ownership. President Smith of tho Railway Commissioners Says 4'Let the Railroads Com hi no.'' Birmingham, Ala., Nov. !5.? President .John V. Smith in his annual address before the National Association of Railway Com mis* sioners, which met here today, too . strong grounds sguinst the government ownership (?f ?*ailroads, saying that a political party with the patronage offered by the railroads and the appoint lient oi over a million of employes could not only perpetuate itself in pow er hut in a few years could build a monarchy and our ^boasted free institutions would' become a 1 nigh.1 ^ in?r stock of nations ' finvniMimnni supervision reasonably and justly id ministered and not government iwnerthip, ho SAid, was, to his mind, the solution of the probem of railroad combinations. "Let the railroads combine," he speaker continued, "and cointine until every mile is under ine vast system, and I have suf icient e o n ti d onee in mirrovcrnment to believe that under u-oper supervision those comtunaions could ho ran do a b!ossin?r indead of n curse to our nation. "It might also bo said with louio degree of truth that if our dates and natioual leaders in lolitlcs would cease their wild ind unmeaning rnntings against ailaoads, combines and trusts, urn their attention to a set ions ind a conscientious study of this [uestion along broad and statcsunnliko lines, a remeey would oon lie found that would conserve he interest of the public and the ailro.iis as well. Anxious Moments. Some of the most anxious hours f a mother's life are those when lio little ones of the household uvo the croup. There is no other ledicine so elective in this terrile malady as Foley's Honey and ur. It is a household favorite 3r throat and lung troubles, aQd s it contains no opiates or other oisous, it can ho safely given, old by Funderburk Pharmacy. War On Bad Fertilizers. peciftl To Ch&rlotle Observer. Columbia, S. (J. Nev. 15.?At mooting hero to-day the board f trustees of Cleinson College )ok up the matter of indictments gainst a number ox fertizler com* anies tor violation of the new utilizer law as to guaranted unlity. Many of these goods ave beon found deficient and a umber of indictments have becD utered in the courts and still oth rs are to be asked. There were jpresentutivea of nine fertilizer mcerns before the board asking lat tivo suits bo droppe I because f all alleged defects in the atue, the contenti >u beig that the lire violations had,for 10 most part, been technical, ho board refused to do this, but win agreed to contiuuo the promt prosecutions until there is report from the committee, ppointed from lbs board to) ask the uext Legislature to inner construe mu now lavy. dditional indictments are to be itored against llio furiilizsr con?rns as fast as practicable. J'ho iquest of representatives of ?< v* *al companies under indictinout iat present prosecutions nol pros'd was refused and the board id> declined to stop tiis iss ?inijof :her warrants. Additional injectors were autlioriz d to-day id more chemists were employed keep up with samples sent in y the inspectors so that the f?rers mayt>o aljlo <> net what they ty for 1 ho Clomson trustees ivo tho matter in charge, ah tlie i tiliz"|- tax goes to that inatitu[>n. I w.i Safes Bio wn Open Monroe Journal. With the favorite iootrmiK'ni o - the modi'i'i) burglar, robber smus'it'd the d< ?or of I wo safes u W iugulo Sum.lay night and i i-let I ?-< their contents. One xvus the |)o-' office sife r.nd the other hclonooi i to On!en & lYrrv, the pn^'flici I being kept in the stoiu ot thii . firm. Over $200 in mouey aou st s ttjus taken from postollicv. satv.a u . *11 the papers front the other one ' but no inouoy. : AN OLD TIME It 15MJODV [j Mu r;\\s HoirMcu id Mu ein .*> ? Tar hu? tu ii l!?-* |?nrr-? ot it-ugs A ft which wi ie used '\j our p-r. or ami araiii! pare.!r t is a coiut.ii.a ' tion so jut t ?: ttur 111-t -l cur *i , cough right i If. Nothing i* b*' ei (<. balms 11 is a most rctinmu tur? f>? all case* of c- ughs. ? ck y? ur nru .gls for i'. They all have it. (jLd a hni?l< now ami have it r?s?ty : o?;s o; t 2oe a hnMla??*Ip? i? ?-* l><. t -? r<.uuUr 5'>c h?z.\ KhiikmiIm r to s *<> 'Murray*" aii?I take no oth-. r. Al'oIleeutaiiVs Testimony* J. N. Pntterson, niaht police man of Nashua, la., writes "l/sst winter I had a cold on in; lungs and tried at Fast half a do/ en advertised cough medicines am bar! treatment from two phyei ci-.n? without getting any benefit A friend recommended Foley h Honey and Tar and two thirds < : u hot;l* cured me. I consider i the greatest cough and lung medi cine in the world." Sold hy Fun tuirk Pharmacy. Buy Land. A business man front the uppei part of the State was in Charier-tor. this tveek and was asked by The News ?nd Courier what was tilt best investment a person in this State could make now. His reply was: "Buy land anywhere in South Carolina and you won't go wrong That in the more popular count iei?those with the best railroad, school and othericilities - is to ba preferred, of course, for increase of values will be most rapid but real estate anywhere in the State is bound to *;lin\v .a steady gain from now on. The waste places will bo teclaimed and in demand. Why ? Because the Southern States have Imd granted them in perpetuity, the contract for clothing the world, and we have th? people, the paraphernalia and the experience to do it ? the n?gro, the mules and a knowledge of the cotton plant ! Buy dirt. No matter if it is high. IPs going-to be higher. Bur <*n a rasing of the market. I firmly believe that ours is the best country in the world? natural advantages only considered. Wo are not the most prosperous commercially, not the most intelligent at present, and we will never tie the most pros perons of nil sections until wo improve our opportunities. Wo are behind in the race for several reasons. Some wo can remedy and others without remedy should he without regret. Waim climates conduce to indolence, cold and rugged surroundings to activity. Events in the past which wo failed in control ing may have conspired to retard our progress, but a generation has passed since then and we should ho up an <1 dug all over South Carolina " CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Pnarc tho ^0 Signature of PILES! PILES! PILES! Dr. Wii.iu'i s' I >tlihn Pi!? ().si ni. .i will cti e iti I II < ( <!in*,Hi.*." mo I hikI T ton I g I'I!c"? r. ti I: h >r)i<< th<* tu mors* ihp iiobiug at <.iu-p not* e. g.V'x ir<?tMit relief. I>r. Willbrr *' IndltM I'i.e Ointment Is pr p-?r* (I <>' ly fI'roM it; (I iii hii^ of he private pirt-i m.d nothing o so, ISvi-ry box i g i-.r*tnt? ?il rrol.i by iiug-t t?. so >: !?' itisil, for Wc. mil J| mi i) r bnx VV MljA'Irt 'F'G wt> Wop'.*, <"i- \> ?r <1, O iio nt?Ul by Fniiilprbiirk rbuirinn. y. S8SB5^aSB#Hi 1 ^4 HI : If AVcgefable Preparation for As Is 3 similating ihcFoodandUc^iiIa- -W 1 tmgU\c Stomachs and Bcv,els of l& J^0? ?? p Sig Promotes Digeslion.Chcerfuf- .5$ [ nocc flrtrl T)(^t?|- alive I "j'i uvwiouiiv/ iu,oi.vuihuiiid ii^Hirer Opium.Morplime nor Mineral. fjg ( >Tox "N/VRC otic . Prttpr afOtdLrSAMUZLPtTCItta r Scrtl - . Jjqj , Atx.Smtur * J & ' toxh,IU.Utt- I I Anitt ,W - I J? A ] i-l |\ ' wv,rw- I 'M 11 ; ; ; J A perfect Remedy forConslipn- V:! B \5 Ron, Sour Stomach .Diarrhoea <3 B uf Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- "! tt pJ ncss and Loss OF SLEE1> 'M \_J? ?. Facsimile Signature oF f | f EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ^ ^ jg THS ; ?? mil mi i ii ??? dr. i? g ea lyon's French Pent Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sui I RtfSULT.'r. greatest known female rcmc ' PflilTlOM nowarc of conntrrfeits an<l Imitations. Thotj wftu ? 7!i ton wiiii f.t.-slniiio iliinature on side of thu ( Bend for Circular to Wli.Ll Ails MFU. CO.. Solo A.-euts. Clc } Sold by Kundorhurk Pharmacy. medieino^ Jga 13* D. it/Wt-18 W (? Dower* flf' ? ^ BOWERS' BROS. ? Sire I Builders and Contractors cases I.U ?;!?*' , :ii It i it - :ni Mile. jj^kgjj IirtSsiiii' .miiI U.i'c.lifn** at rtiort h*?*Pi not i. u Wi Turned worUund cr< ii work uspeo tarty. Of im ti?f~(dive US your orders. BOWERS BROS. Z Near Daunt. Ktrln Fel>y CX. 1001. ? \ 4 J - LANC Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE A. IV "i * J LiV Ln GRANITE WORKS, I J;;* For Good Work nrvi Low PricG* ^1 ' k I V-V' A P J ) 1 V? 4 3. * i > in fi 0 r (4m LANC VSI'Klt, S. C. *r ' | / A'l J. E. RUTLEOGE, Dentist, [\l ?J Lv Y<? I i C t1 ! < V ('?>! Lancaster, S. C. lv< h 7 Lv Lli lv n\i Working on credit doesn't pay, |-v find my terino from tiii* time 1 '^'r ( henceforth are strictly cash. _ I ' m v a. > o n a bio JP r i c e g. if?? ' 'i i. Gold Filling *1.50 ; '^lf Vn??l>ffim Filling 75 c?*. LiJVIM) Ccuiept F'liing 75 et Pr ( Runusu PLATE, Ku l upper set of (eo'h $12.00 ^ w Uppor and lower set $25 50 j |30Thfsn pricea am nti'iotly j *n (j>( for cash. No vtork done except ; , for c?sh or good security. i ^ J. E. RUTLEDGE. Dentist. amimmmmwmm . - . ?.. v.... JlIAltltY FOSTl'IB. O > Attorn nif id Lmv, h i to LA N< VSTKR, S. <\ ,\vr tii liZT ?* " " " peeiil'y* crops . ^ road, ( o r V' v i' / n, a ? v *- i, ? l . iho most r voting snivo lr> * ? \Aorl<* _ I > ? ~ Infants and Children. Kind Yoy Have Jways Bough's irs the / ? | nature M* in Use for Over rhjrty tears ocerTAUR companv. new von* crrv. [licai Srops 0 to accomplish DESIRED fly. l'ricc, $1/50 per bottle. rnntne Ir put tsp only in pnsto-bonr<1 tfajt ix.ttlo, .thus: -* ->" *volaud. Ohio. *y. * i , -the world's best btihy*iij ipt, safe, pure and harm- . ts of stoinach and bowel AaA 1 children. Keep it rl- . can rely upon it. Irvft stores, 25c. 0Ot? ' , Y IS ASF, CO., Ma cox,OA. 111 PISfllB the most fatal of all dis| CVJfl KIDNEY C'JREIII ?b E $ Buargnteed Remedy oney refunded. Contains dies recognized by unlphysicians as the best for ey and Bladder troubles* PRICE 50c. and $1.00. 1A ST E H A N i Vff&Bl F.R ft ? rr ?u a , ttaiu ? n ? ' ' - j " miu'.e iu eflVnl Ko,y,l2J. 1902. (l aiiv?xco|?t Kut.d ?) A KS'I r t'UJ* i . ' up&mI**!, . 7 loa in ?>15?p m r' ! 7 34 ft in 4 15 p m ?;-r? rj Ijv 7 14 :? m 4 30 p (n y.but'g, 7 5o ft hi 4 4* p m ocr, H 15 i in 5 15 p ?r r'o II 9 55 a in 7 10 p m UIVi'lift V) nil 50 ft 111 1, 05 ft Ml rt v','. "&M W 9 43 a m ili.aia l'> V1? 10 83 ? in i. ir. a n, r S 12 p *i viU ? ft !, r 4 55 p in . i KlJ : L:N1/. lauta. 8 ft 1, r 1 00 j) m i ir, c A u, r 8 05 p in ni<>:i!a " ? 00 p nv r* yIHe " (j 59 J> m tiinbia, So R 0 10 a in f}3> pip nrlotte, So II 6 15 sin i?aiet, 10 0o i in s 30" p m OiOurg, 10 40 a in 8 54 p in tonmvllle, 1050 s m 9 00pm rl Lawn 11 00 a in 9llpm iPftiter, 114 0 a in 9 30 p m CONN KCTIONK. tor?Houllif rn, ^eatxinrd and i- & Noi ?h wesipr rail-ft ay ?i. aatrr- 8otnher.* llftllT ay. ** P AScLURK, .4-st rra'llo mgr Y A) HI NMl.?:d rrefll'J M -". i <?r Notice to the Public. ill hold *11 inmvst* i*> the Phone to my n *idr wso a?ant Hill for me wheo 1. . M onlg.duerT 2:'i?if Coroner L. 0. ?*? ? ?>- - ? Bridge to Let. Totality, 22d dn? of N .v. r,t II o'clock n m., I will the low-M i08j)oti>iii](! I.idK CCIiiMirl to build hi i l^e ft \ r! ft iv ( 'Ock Oil lie II.' w car E. E. F?raunor.'8 |-l c>, L ,1. Per rv. Count) Supervisor.