The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, November 19, 1904, Image 1

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Wf H - *> | r 1 ti ?-~ ? r?'?KB Cm w. " ?. ' ' ?.'.i-i.i \ff TTVP^'^ar^1..?. ,Lr-.?. . . . -.- 'jr. t - . . ; ! ; - .1 ^ . , | jLJOxxilr Naccpmper : Hii iffl n rTiiwnffi? T***" 'Wf~?' T-nl fji I iltii 1 nl O ? m n I if mm j ..WBKKI-.T L4S0A8T1 U. S. <!.. NOVEMBER in, l?04 J..S1 A L:'LI.Sii J? U ^ ^ fr jr ^ /r ^ /*' >*. sr ^ *>r ^ AT - *. ** ?, >-r ^ ,-r ^ . ? - - ' r WEE JQ A vr* m ^ <K| 0OUR ANT x = ope x fill m x ?4- mill x webnesd* x w|dn ^ We Res v/ {nirifo o ^ AAA M $ to eomc | OUR G LANCASTJb V v\ ~ > **KKX^KK: He who advertises for n wi may get what ho advoitised? f hut he seldom g*ts what ho wai ed. xr. x? m. 3: Jik.. ?*&rt the "; V? hie Kiril Y'a Have Always Bom ?r-6?*mz7professional cahd dr m p crawfokd Ok r C hkov CRAWFORD & BROWN. Physicians and Surgeons, I fcncaster, S. C, Traatmsbt of the aye, nom a t mo* a*pfcisltr. Onlls promptly answerrd day night OfR ? over Crawford Br< Dmi? 9?>?a. PlnftMB:, Xo 17?; R idfuc N<* II and M Baiiaess 23<lucatio PAYS LARGE D1VIDP:NDS YOU ueel a i moMoal business e ueatlon We guarantee saMafaolle Courses of study endorsed as being m ?t practical; U ey hare no superb instruction given se lirst rL,s?. ] other fcosloon willsee* <-Tvr be'ter a ran teg as. R.Wr now and prepr for a hiuraflta ;io*t(l4i. Our gmdua art in demand. bet 11s assist you. 1 bars afcststen hondwda?they ar? [Kgltiosi. Wo offer special rat Maefeat's S. C. Business Colle Columbia, IS. C. Au2.j59, 1904?tf. MACHINERY GMFIfTt EWrmffS A SPEGMiTY. tMAINCD, ILKAS, DINNING MAOHIN* tar, IAW MILL AND WOODWOftKINS MACHlNt AY, DHINQLC AND LATH IMMvnm?n(| v\?nnf MliUi| aloft marino maohin* irt. ropr?p linf GBBES MACHINERY COMPANY, Columbia, S. C, C i ' 5 EGTO 1 ounce i>? A (UAL FALL X i-NING. ? ? J WINTER * INERy, >. X Y AND | ESDAY WIGHT x L ii I i. looi. I pectively y ill ]Ladies 5 and see $ OODS. x 2RMER. CO. ? 7\ ^ f*, SHERIFF'S SALE. or | State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LANCASTER. In the Common^Pleaa. Emma O. Hinaon. .N!a y At be (!iawford. (L TrenUoloi hlasaeliine, and J A. HasHiltine, Mayo Hasheltii;e, Ltda Hardline by tiielr Guardian a*, litem J foster M<>o e Piainttfl-?, against Fannie W, Lanier, Defendant - i ?- " - jut ait ant i w a uc *i cu 111 kilt? huove X stated cause ru-ole by Judge R. C WalU, dated Oct. 26th. 1904. I will Hell ht public auctloi at Lancaster court house on the lld FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER, NEXT, vrilhin lite legal hours ofsalr.tlie Color lowing described lot of land, to wit: :>s. All that piece, parcel or lot of htr.d lying, being as d situate in the Town of Lancaster ( ounty of Lancaster and 'eel .-dale ? f South Carolina, bounded on the Nor^h by lands belonging to the es'.ato of I C ('Union, on 1I11 West by lot of J H irry Ko-tter. on the South by Iiarr Street, on i ho East by alley n way and lot of J F Hunter, said lot f containing two aorea, more on leas L< icuted on the said premises is a two i story ten-room dwelling, also a servant 1 house , ' Teiraaofaale CASH; puro'aaaer to ? ? l*ny for pauers J P HUNTEH I'IJHFostek. SLC. Plul Hiflt's Atty P W. F. LANEY, lu 7 Physician and Surgeon. Ofllls Answered from office in rsar of Fuoderburk Pharmacy CT during the day, and from reslI deuce on Kim utroet at night. Residonco phone, 38. Offioe phone, 118. >QDSY TO LOP I i uvu made arrangement wl, i I !e>:?1e*? of nsnr.ey in New Y->rfc 'Mty, v.lth whom I mtiabm en nrfpitiuteloans l?y Avvt in<?? ?mi iiripiovud cotton f>rm?, 7 per o>-i:t Interest? repayable in annual u.atallnn u<m of teiis No brokerage or com mi a I *on chiug-o ?>iht a rG?wonat>i& fclxtrgo Kir nb*emot oMitJp. R E WYLIE, Aug 81 ?Am, Attorney at Law rhino's no cougti medicine so p ipnlar as Foley's Honey and Tar. It. contains no opiates or poisons and never fails to cnre. Sold by Funderburk Pharmacy. Happenings in the State. I As Chronicled by the Alert Correspondents of The Columbia State. ooonee's trrasurer resigns Wnlhulla, Nov. 15. ?Col. D. A. W'iso and chief Clerk Wilson of the comptroller general's office ^ have I eon here for the past 10 c days checking the accounts in the county troasurcr's'clRce. t Mr. ?J. R. Kay, coanty treasucr t has sent his resignation to Gov. ( Gov ward. I Kay, the retiring treasuer, x has socured a position with the i McNeil Mai bio company and will c enter upon his now riulio* imtne- J dia'ely. ? AN UNUSUAL E8CAPK ? Yorkvillo, Nov. 17. ? A while ' mac named Parish, who was re- " eontly committed to jail from * Fort Mill for stealing $8 from a lady, escaped from the count house 1 oil Monday. IIo was sitting on 1 the bench with the other prisoners and while tho"sheriff and deputies were busily engaged, ho got up and walked out of the coui't .iooui and got away. No blame is at tached to Sheriff Logan The * sheriff has offered a reward of $10 for the capture of Parish, i Special Judges. < Congested courts and special [ Judges are making courts and t court practices too oQmmOn.^The 1 * i feeling of intelligent la 'men will < sjou reach the point of contempt. Lawyers aro to' blame for loftg drawn out cases. If one will ' listen careful to the examination j and cross examination of an immaterial witness, he will hoar an Ksiuunuiug number of uunecssary questions. What the lawyers need j is a school wherein they may learn how to examine and get es- | sentiul facts by a few questions, j At times a truthful man will make j a clear statement of the facts hear- ^ ing on a case and tell all he knows j There will follow a long series of j questions that tend to confuse the witness and obscure the truth. ( Then when loqr lawyers insist on j speaking on a small case involving ^ little money and not touching the ( character of the litigants, it is , very absurd. What is needed if ^ a Judge who will restrict the ^ time alio ved for argument. *lntelligent jurors who are honest , are not influenced by these long | Higuments. The Courts will be { congested as long as present me* ( thods prevail. If we had six- , teen circuits instead of eight the same condition would soon prevail This general appointment of special judges the ysar round tends j to make the office very common i The lawyer who is wrangling in ! a Magistrate's court today and i tomorrow struggling to null soma Mbliud tiger" out of the clutches of tho law,and tho third day gown ed iu the judge's chair does not add dignity to tho court. Theto special judges may bo good and true and able men, but the people look on them as ordinary mortals that may be called Jack orJoo when the gown is laid aside. There is a certain dignity, amounting to awe amongst younger peo-' pie,that Judges should j was so in tho old davs and it i ( ought to bo so today.?Carolina Spartan. Roosevelt Removes Alaskan Officials. nitcd States Marshal Richards is Dismissed and Resignation of Judge M. C. Blown is Aekod For. Washington, Nov. 1G.?l'resilent Roosevelt has removed from ftice Frank II. Richards, United dates marshal for the Nome dislict in Alaska and has requested ho resignation of .fudge Melville 3. Brown, of tho Juneau distiict. Phis action is tho result of the in'esligation of the Alaska judiciary nade recontly by Assistant Attorley General Day. Tho case of Iutlur? Alficd S. Moore is held in .hoyance. The nature of the charges made IVUlnst thfi WtlC tlrO mblic in detail, it being deemed dvisablo not to publish at this ime the repDrt made by .Fudge Day. It is known, however, that he charges involved selfish, if not iorrupt, practices before thollasum courts in ruining claim cases. Charges, from time to time, iuyo been against nearly all the 'ederal officials of Alaska, Gov. 3rady not being exempt, but it is laid that the actiou of president oday finally closes the matters of heso charges, officials of the udninistration being being satisfied hat Gov. Brady, Judge James W ickcrsham of the Yukon district ind other officials involved in hem havo acted in the best inter, ists of the territory. Judge Wickcrsham was reappointed to lay. OA^OIllA. Bear? tha A) -ia Kind Y?u Have Always BCU?> 8igT" ftock flill Farmer Thinks Uo has Caught Heathington's MurM urderer. Special to Charleston Post. Colombia, Nov. 15?J. A. Barber, u farmer near ltock 11 ill .elegraphs the governor that he las canght and holds Sam Brown ivbo murdered Alan P. Heathngton at Meggotts, on Youngs [aland. Barber was referred to Sheriff 3 wens of Colleton county. Tbtri ,a a reward of $500 for tho cap :uro sf Brown. Two hundred iollars aro offered by Gov. ileyward and $300 by Hathington'a father and brother for the apprehension of the negro. Heathington was killed during the summer at his saw mill by Brown, who oacapad. A pos-o joarched with bloodhounds anc avery effort was made to capture the negro, but without success. l t il Itlli A i:uUUH The coughs so prevalent these dayi usually develop before you realia< what has happened. Now the hen thing to do is to take the most reliabl cough cure you onu get. None hettu than Mur ays Horehouod Mulleli and 1 ar. It Is made of the purest in gredlents and can he given to Infant as well as grown people. A novo al else It CUKErJ. You will And It a all druggists 25c a bottle?extra larg bottle. Called to Virginia. Society Hill, Nov. 16.?Rev J. P. Marion, Sr., who for foil years has Woon pastor of the Pret bytcrian church at this place, lof this week for Martinsvillo, Vn having accepted a call to th church there. Dr. Marion ha endeared himself to this eomnm uity and it is with sincere regrc that ho now leaves it. read this 1 A man says he can restore the Russian Ifav will relieve those sinking spells. No | atentyel our low prices for same g -oils. We unfurl to the population of Lancaster, L hig country one of the largest, host assorted ami chan.iise that It has ever been the pleasure of Li possess. No doubt you all know our location. We at Crawford Bros Drug Hfure, you cannot miss u? prices, for we are headquarters here for bargains good goods Mammoth Htock of Gent s Clothing, Youth's, B Ladies Cloaks, Bacques, Jackets and Eaton rtuits styles, all prices. underwear un dei Children's. We ask you specially to allow us partment. We will astonish you 8 mm, Mens furnishing goods, Notions, etc, etc . a full i Childrens and Boys Shoes, which we defy eon any one will sell you for less money than we wit always some woman doesn't tell tlrsl. Bot are great BARGAINS. COMPARE, COMPA are Wo < nly have room to mention a f?'\v of 01 in plain figured. Mens Huits, $15 every wheie Men' Suits $12.50 everywhere el*e. out 4 4 4 4 $10.00 44 44 44 4 4 4 4 $0.00 44 4 4 4 4 44 44 $7.00 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 $5.00 44 44 44 This is only a sample of our low price. Tl quantity. The greatest bargains ever knot overcoats for $11.00. $9.00 overcoats fot for $4.25. : Our Boy's Suits: We'll mention a few o $4 suits at $2.50; $3 suits at $2; $2.50 suit Ladies' Suits. are sold over the Globe at $13 to $15. \Y $6.50 LAD1HS SKIRTS: $3 skirts we sol at $2.50; $3 skirts wo sell at $1.50; $1.25 Impossible to mention all of our style shirts every where 50c, our price 35 cents, without a shirt. HATS ! HATS !! hA Ask to see our Hat Department beforo bu We almost forgot to mention our larg , waists for Ladies. All styles, shades and our bargaius in Ludios waists. The $2 ku $1.50; $1.50 kind elsewhere, our price 9So price 75c. Wo aro not bothered about lot ered about room and they must go. Larg Pants for Everyb $5 pants for $3.50; $4 pants for $2.75; $E i for $1; $1 pants for 70c. Wo have many j lion. AM wo ask is for you to como-and sc y.. 11- ? 1 is )uui money ? worm or your money oaci Yours to ] ; Ma -- Siller Fall NOVEMBER The greatost gathoring of merrymakers e\ lina. I Everybody Welcome, * Star narfftrmfipa of lh? Mwlurnv tr\ jo a t ?.V... ..J 0 ~ . Balloon Aacention and Parachute Loap. tower by a woman enrolopod in flames. ( Daring High Wire and Trapeze Perform* i AUT0M0BIL1 r FIRST IN Tiili SOUTH, $750 I' i lMRTII'IPIT Firemen's Tnnnrnnent $551 m.m VBMVM V V Ml as >?II1 VII Y1717 Military Prize Drill. $250 p Live Stock Show $700 priz ' Knight, Tournament $125 p t Floral Parade, Trades Display, Fool other oatertaining foeturog. Como to Sw e thing freo and a hotpitublo welcome. Thanksgiting Daj Will b >< EXCURSION RATES ON 'LEASE y?has a patent medicine that devised that will get around alienator County aud surround beat selected stocks ofuaer? an castor to hold, occupy or e between the Dispensary aud if you a?o looking for low We reali/.e the drop In cotton a coriespouding drop in our oys' aud Children's clothing. , Hkirts all sbadou, colors and iWEAR .Lo*,i to show you through this de-. | We Iihvc added to our i tjt large stock of Clothing, tail complete line of Ladies, intuition on. We deny that 1 and domuul proof. Time h will tell you that our goods ^4 ThaVs the way to 1% K discover how much lower our prices ir prices. All goods nmrkml else, our prioe $10. price $0.00. " 7.50. " 6.00. " 4.50. " 3.75. icro is style, quality and ,vn in overcoats. $18.00 $5.00; $8.00 overcoats f them. $6 suits at $H.75; s at $1.25. ado, up-to-date, latest denetkiug hauusome. Tbey 0 sell thorn for $8, $7 50. 1 at$4 50; $5 skirts wo sell skirts we sell at 48 cents. s and prices. Neglcgee No excuse for going 11 TC? kii ovj ion uuu |u iv.v;?. I uu at for 50c; $1. hat for 75c. ing. ;o and varied assortment of cuts. Listen at a few of ad everywhere, our price kind olsewhero, our v nriros. hut we are bothe Stock of PANTS. ody. > pants for $t; 91.50 pants [goods that wo cannot men50 and the beauty about us K. [>lcasc. ri mdise k Va^iiioI IGSIIIH "" 22-25. er hold in South (Jaro Kverytliinff Free tree street exhibition* dailj ? High Dire from 90 foot Jhaam Leaping Bicyclist, ?r*, ate, etc. r nil nrp H f\AULO ItlZliS. 50 CMS TO fi. I) prizes offered, rlzes. es. rizes. I nun, r irtwurfci kuii ujiiuj imtor Feitival week. Ev?ry e the Big Day. ALL RAILROADS