The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, November 16, 1904, Image 4

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(CONTINUED FUOM t*t 1'AGK). I do uot thiuk ho was present at ; the trial, for Judge l'urdy very properly requested that all persons not officers of the Court or witnesses in the case retire and nearly every persou in tho Court room did so. I do uot know Mr. Gordon, bul 1 do not think that ho, being a minister, would have remained uuder such circumstances. It is true that the defendant was not represented by eauueel of hie own chooeiBg, but he was ably dp reaaea oy >v. Li. i'rantham.of the Camden Bar, wno was rcquosted by Judge Purdy to reprosent him. Mr. Tranihara, in tho absence of witnesses, should have moved for a continuauce or appealed before ten days expired. Mr. Ivoels's aftidavit brings out no new evidence. It was brought out by witnesses for tho State that Mrs. Langley did cot tell her husband of tho outrage until Monday afttr it was committed on Friday before. I think I testified myself that Langley worked with Aaron after he he kuew it. Tho reason of it is apparent. He expected to got a crowd aud lynch him. Unless I am badly mistakeu that was the object of his visit to Mr. Keels. S. J. Ammous testified that '"he knows" that Langley worced vitii Aaron several days after Aaron committed the crime. That would bo no new faot. I was t'uero all th" time from Monday eviiing, shortly after Mrs. Langley told it, until Langley killed himself and I ever 6aw Sam Ammous until I returned from notifying some of the neighbors of Langley's death, when I saw him sitting by the dead body. So he could only know it by hearsay. A& for his other statement, I had as good opportunity as S. J. Amnions for hearing such reports. I was all over the neighborhood and I never heard of such a thing until after the negro was arrested, and I don't believe Sam Amnions did either. truesdel's statement. But the moat extraordinary, to me, of all the affidavits it that of J. J. B. Trueadal, eomnealy known aa MPoa" Trueadal.? "Pea" aayt he knows of his own knowledge that Aaron did not commit a rape on Mrs. Langley. I do not know how he could possibly know this, unless he was present at the time, and I hardly think he was. I think "Pos" bases his affidavit on a statement said to have been made by Aaron on his way to Camden to the effect that he had been intimate with Mrs. Langley, but that ho paid her $20. This was sworn to by one of the witnesses for the State, but was denied by Aarou when on the etani, who |said that he never had any intercourse with her by force or otherwise. I was with "Pos" before and after the arrest and I never heard him say --eoat Q6 Knew tnat Blie bad intercourse with the negro," On the contrary, he seemed anxious to have him arrested and convicted. If he believes Aaron is not guilty of the crime for which he stands charged, why does he ay in his affidavit that he ought to be sent to the penitentiary for life ? Ordinarily people do not ask that innocent persons be imprisonsd for life. I 6ay if he is guilty let h>m bo hung, if ho is not guilty of the rapo for which he Btands charged let him go free. Again, if Mr. Truesdel did know of bis own knowledge that Mrs* Langley was carrying on a criminal intrigue with Aaron1 V \\ iliiums, wh > did ho and his family continue to visit :it Mrs. Langley's, an I know of my own knowledge the? did Y Why permit his family to visit on terms of friendship and equality one whom he must have considered worse than a common prostitute. One i? forced to the conclusion that there is something wrong about this affidavit. Truesdel know all this mouths before the trial; he heard the evidence; was present whou the jury brought in its verdict; he heard the sentence passed which, so far I as he kuow, consigned Aaron to his doom, yet he never raised his vo'co once in protest. Deliver me from such a man if I ever get in trouble. But if what he says were true it brings out uo new evidence. Now, Mr. Editor, I have discussed at 9ome length all these affidavits, and where is the new evidence on which they base their hopes for a new trial ?? There is absolutely nothing in them on which to base the claim of "after discovered evidence," and I am forced to the conclusion that Gov. Hey ward did not examine the evidence, as brought out at the trial, or that ho simply exercised the prerogative for which he has becomo somewhat famous. Now, in conclusion, I wish to sty a few words about Mrs. Laogley. I have known her for '25 years, have knowu her since she was a litt'e child. I have kLowu her longer than those who are trying to traduce her, and I have never known aught against her. Iler health for some years past has not been good.? She has spent several months in a hospital since she was married and this constant drain on them kept them poor; but I tako pleasure in testifying that the relations between her aud her husband were most pleasant.? Her family is one of the best in Lancaster county. She has a number of brothers who are among our staunchest citizens. They have not said anything until now, relying on the court and fully believing that her honor ^ould be vindicated then, M it hu been. lint today we have the spectacle in South Carolina, noted for her chival^us protection of her women, of ministers of the (Tonnal ta.kin<? tha IahH in n?fi. o ? - ? r% w ? w - tioaiog the governor to show mercy to a black brute, convicted of that crime which of all others excites the indignation cf the men of South Carolina, and trying to reopsn the whole case and drag her once again into the court room, there to recite once again the pitiful story of her wrongs to a jury of her countrymen and make one more appeal to them for that justice which it seems some of her white couu trymen would deny tier, "Uod save the mark." (Signed.) H. E. Coffey. Lancaster, Nov. 8, 1904. DANGER OF A COUGH. Pneumonia, gripp, old, bronchitis and nearly every other dangerous sickness of this kind is usually the de velopment of a slight cough. Too many people are laid up and too many dse from diseates where they could so easily knock that first cougli in the head. Murray's Horehound Mullein and Tar cures colds. It drops the hot torn out Of a t,ongh. Every druggist has it for 25c a bottle Itememher "Murray's and take no other. Regular 60c size. PILES! PILES! PILES! Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointmont ...;ii ....... it lint) Itlpoilini/ IT li'cra f (>>l uuri Itching Piles It absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, acts us anon lib e, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared only for Piles and itching of the private parts and nothing else, Rvery h<>x i? guaranteed Sold by druggids. dent by mail, for 60c, and $1 00 pvr box W1DLIAMH V'F'G CO., Prop's, (Cleveland, Ohio Held by Fnnderburk pharmacy. : The f-r?ulh is occupy'.ng h lit' strip ?>f Di-mncrutiu teraitory u ! by herself it ml the fcerritoryA qun ing Republicans are ev? u hi lie nexing portions of that, but tl is- south is not in n position to de ds pair or bo nut. H)os<>uth makt ar lie? political tights on principl r- but her iudut.trial con'ests hai ee become tot* vniiod ar.1 iinporttn in- to be iiifluiicoil by the fortunes t as politics. It the country prosq e ill ths south prospers with it; it tl i a county suffers disasters, the soul is now utile to hear its share of tl trouble. She can stand as mu< tariff, more of it in fact, tin can the people of the Wos Each year she is producing mo ur of hor necessities and ncr monc ecj crop is the biggest in the world 3w ?The Stato. ne , , ve S CASTOR IA er For Infants and Children. -ai The Kind Ydu Hava Alwavs Bnucrj Ne^.-o L >?o B ub L'g6. Spre-M ? , .1,,, ?ie. Spartunburg, Nov. 10. Negro o a in 0(1 John Brock, whi attempting to board a moving pi aenger train in the Southern yar this afternoon, fell and the c wheel passed over his legs, sc\ ering the left leg below the kn and mashed vhe right foot- Ai putation of both members w necessary. The Negro st alive; he may recover. He wat "tourist" heating a ride. NO 1 A SICK DAY SINCE. "1 was taken sovorely sick wi kidney trouble. I tried ull medicines, noue of which reliev mo. One day! saw an ad of yo Electric Bitters and determm to try that. After taking a f< doses I felt relieved and soon the after was entirely cured, and ha not seen a sick day since. Neijj bora of mine have been cured" Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liv and Kidney trouble and Gcnoi Debility." This is what B. Bass of Freuiont, N. C. wr:t< Only 50, at Craw ford Bros., J. Mac soy & Co. and Fundeibu Pharmacy Druggist. 'Squire" BaJcs Reduced R-iu ks. The Slate,, 11th lost. I ho following official comm uicatioo was directed to the si reta-y of the State yesterday I Gov. D. C. Hey ward -'Pen take notice that on this day t co r m's-on of W 'a d (j. b^ a no!?>} ib ie fo ikn S ?le Sou b Orolius, Nvr- d. ly revo'? and en'.er the same upon your oruds pceordin^'y." Tom iu'd nates the have pnd ru! io the n n-l ojiTia of 4 Sqp'ce*' B > of F -rt M!:l town^ip, Y'. Cconly. Ba ,ps c'aivut to h? married not less than 365 coup a year for the last several yoai ?nd bis conduct had become i torioue in Mecklengburg count N. (\, and in York County. J deed his reputation bad spread al and couples came to him from d tant counties. APollceman's Testimony, J. N. Patterson, nipffit poln man of Nashua, la., writ* "East winter I had a cold on r lungs and tried at least half a d< en advertised cough medicines a had treatment from two phy Oinno mtfk/\nf <*niiino* unn Uam*! viuuo ?? liUUUt UUUOI A friend recommended Folei Honey and Tar and two thirds a bottle cured me. I consider the greatest cough and lung rae< cine in the world." Sold by Ft burk Pharmacy. Many a firm man is oalj silent partner. No man despises industry? his wife's relatives. DOESN'T RE9PEOT OLD AG It's shamefuf when youth fail show proper respect for o.d ag but just the contrary is the ca of Dr. Kings New Life Pill They cut off maladies no matt sever and irrespective of old ag Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Co stipation all yield to this perfc Pill. 25c, at Crawford Bros., i F. Mackey & Co. andFunderbui Pharmacy, Drug Store. Tko man who borrows mom to buy a doe: is the limit. As a rule men do things becau they need the money. A RUNAWA"'' BICYCLE. Terminated with an ngly cut c the leg of J. B. Orner, Frunkl Grove, 111. It devoloped a stut born ulcer unyielding to docto and remedies for four year then Bucklen's ArnicaSilve cure< It's just as good for Burns, Scald Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25 at Crawford Bros., J. F. Macl ey & Co. and Funderbark Pha maoy, Drug Store. Nearly every great achieveme of humanity was evolved from crank's theory. ^ Signature of rk When a girl begins to clip t P "hints to luuiaewivo?" from t I () papers it indicates which way t gentle zeph) rs arc blowing. ANOLO T1 M IS RIS M101) V . Mu.rnj's llorehound Mullein a ' * Tar baa iu it the pure*, of d~ugs. J ty ?tf which were lined '?y our pnrei and gran IpareutM I in a com bill tion so put together that it eurei i ^ cough right off Nothing is hotter babies It is a mod leiiahle care !& ? all cases of C 'Uglis. ?sk your dru.g for ! . They all have it. Get. a hot ' ' now auu have it ready 'o<ta on p,{ 25 c a bottle?extra I a-go ho'tie rcuular 6(?c siz *, ltementi-r to ask l > ?- *Alurraya" und 'alee no oilier Fire at Timmonsvillo. t.> o Special to the State. Timmonsville, Nov. 10.?J. 1 IK Hewett'g barn was burned horo i vo j night soon after dusk. No cm for the conflagration has boon t ' signed. Thirty head ef hof COO bushels of corn and 2,0 pounds of butter were bt'rnc , The loss whs about $1,000. tar 18~ TO ( URE A "OUGH 'Die coughs *o prevalent these du usually develop before you real! whai ha- happen*, d. Now the b thing to ?1<? is to take the mos. rollhl ce- cough coie you can gf t. None bet B8 thau Mur ays lIoieli?u-ul Mulle ^ ' and Tar. It is made of the purest I ny ^redieuts and can he given to infai 3Z- as well as grown oeople Anove _j else It CUKES. You will flod It . all druggists. 2-5c u bottle?extra lai '81- bottle. it. 'if 0? The average man would be or it -?? of the opportunity di- pose as a retired captain of indi in- try on half-pay. Auxious'M omenta. H Some of the most anxious hoi; of a mother's life are those wh in the little ones of the housebc have the croup. There is no otli medicine so effectivo in this ter g ble malady as Foley's Honey a * Tar. It is a household favor 1? for throat and lung troubles, a le* as it contains no opiates or oth 8e poisons, it can be safely give '8* Sold by Funderburk Pharmacy, er ? >e* When a man calls his wife ^ angel she always imagines that j is schening to avoid buying h rk a new bonnet. Many an author's heaviost li eraty work consists of uu effort >y sell what be has written. m DISASTROUS WRECKS Carelessness is responsible f many a railway wreck and tl same causes are making hutm n wrecks of sufferers from Thro io and Lung trouble. But siaco tl V- advent of Dr.King's New Discos rs ery for Consumption, Coughs or a. Colds, even the worst cases can I d. cured,and hopless resignation is r a, longer necessary. Mrs Lo c, Dragg of Dorchester, Mass , k- cne of many whoso life was sav< ir? by Dr. King's New Discover This great remedy is guarantee by Crawford Bros., J. F, Mac! ot ey & Co. and Funderburk Phai i ? marcy, Drrugist. Price 50c, ar $1.00 Trial bottle free. -% I Mill WBaraHMflMMMM |>ll| WW le II c gjiiiwiiii) _ I AVcgelable Pre pa ration For As- Pgj u slinilating the Food andRegula ,h ting thf Stomachs andBowels of - ij ?n Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful- |>v t ness and Rest.Con tains neither H Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. M re Not narcotic. j ^ afOU I*-SAMUEL FTTCIOR i^p Anwt* <W* * 1? i MjcAmna* I , ?.i AtMusJm- I 'i: AaimS-ft + 1 ;.f. ^SmSwu!(? i v HfnpSemd- i ilJ li A perfect Remedy for ConsUpa- 8 III Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea |fi ? Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- TO ness and Loss of Sleep, ? Facsimile Signature of j ' he NEW YORK. || EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. , VII it* ia- - ? - ?? for DR? K25 ?p?v ft mm Pi |( m wm v B U H H W M K) 1 i!y Strictly vegetable, perfectly lmrtn J? RESULTS. Greatest known fems OHtlTinil Be waro of counterfeits and I ml tatlo wftUllUn ton with fnc-slmilo ulirnatoro on *1 Bend for Circular to WiLdjiAaic liaii. CO.,2ii3 A Sold by Funderburk Pharmac id. *"* " * fi' D. H )\vpra VV Q. B>>wer? BOWERS' BROS. IX Builders and Contractors Lumbu , ail Ui ?H. for sale, j PrtHsing ant! MaU'hitivr nt rhort ,j|( notice Turned work and work uapet? ;; ia/ty. a|. 44^'l!vy UH your or?l*?ra. ; BOWERS BROS. Near Depot. Fehy. 28. 19t?4. Z Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE AN 1 ? GRANITE WORKS, ild For Good Work and l.ow Prices IL i. lisNinch, LANCASTER, S. O. nd v'.>rr?nyo?1 ier ? J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, on Lancaster, S. C. be er Working on credit doosn't pay, and my terms from this time henceforth are stiictly cash. | Hea onabl? Prices*. Gold Filling $11.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement F' I ling 75 ct [)r RUBBER PLATE, J? Full upper sot of teeth $ 12.00 Upper and lower set $25.60 These prices are strictly 16 for cusb. No work done except r~ for cash or good security. >? J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist. io is J.HARRY FOSTER. Attorney at law, h1 LANCASTER, 8. t\ Ic- ttST o'Vrtl >n H *p??Uln ,d AflNEB & A E- V E the most ti eating salve in ? w orlrt mmmmmammmmmi For Infants and Children. rhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears jy Jfv In hjf' Use \* For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tmf ocntaum wmmrr. ?i* omr. eriodical Drops less, sure to accomplish DE5IRED ilc remedy. Price, $1.SO per bottle. ns. The no.nlne Is pu? op only In pasta-board te do of the bottle, thus: ,T miJ scats. Clare land. Ohio. y!ASE the world's best baby1^^ is a prompt, safe, sure and harm- A ar all sorts of stomach and bowel Jmtk tbies and children. Keep it al[ you can rely upon it. ^ood dru{( stores, 25c. NK by BAITY EASE CO., Maooh, Oa, w KIDNEY DISEASES *' arc the most fata! of all diseases. FOLEY'S SMEW , or money refunded. remedies recognized by eminent physicians as the iatt for i Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c and $1.00. LANCASTER AN 1 CUEK1ER KAIL W A T rvhotlu'*- In effdO! Nov 2'J, 19l>2. (Pallyexcept Sunday) W KSTjrtwUN I). lj\ ran caster, 6 30 a m 4 00 p m Lv Fori l.awn, 6 40am 4 30 pm Lv Bitscoiiville, 6 59 am 445 pm I t, UUI.Ki<rn n lie - ? t ? V AtiVMUII'^l X,,J W III O V/1) p YU Ar Chester, 7 30 am 6 80 p in Ar Ohar'otte, Ho R 9 55 a uo 7 10 p m Ar <Columbia, Ho RIO 15 a m 1 25 a qj A l Atlanta, tui 1, r 4 50 pm Ar Y?>r.:v',C&N W93ia m Ar (4a8tonla.CN W io 80 a m Ar Leuciir, c A n, r 2 06 p vi 6 00 a m BArtTHt'UNb Lv Con lv, c & n,r 2 30 p m l.v OaHtonia " 6 3Upm Lv York ville 6 28 |? m Lv At lanta. 8 a 1, r 100pm Lv Columbia, Ho H 6 10 a in 6 16 pm Lv Charlotte, So R 6 15 am Lv Cheetei, 9 80 a in 7 30 p m Lv Aichhurg, 10 10 am 7 54 pm Lv Raacomvllle, 10 20 am 8 00 pm Lv Fort Lawn 10 30 a m 8 11pm Ar Lancaster, II 00 am 8 30 pm Ar Camden, Ho Ry 1 65 pm CONNECTIONS. Cheater?Southern, j*'onboard and Car Una A Northweeten railways. Lancaster?Sou i her/- Railway. A P A/ft LURK. Hupeilnteudent, LEUOY SPRI.NO.;. Fi.w?i leiit Notice to the Public. 1 will bold all inquests in the county. Phone to my rcHtdenco at Pleasant Hill for me when needed. J. Montgomery Ca-key, pt. 20?tf Coroner L. O. Bridge to Let On Tuesday, 22d dnv of Not. 1904, at 11 o'clock a in., I will let to the lowest lOflponsiiile bidder the contract to build a bridge across Wiixlmw Creek on the new road, near E. E. Ferguson's pl?ce, L ,1. Perry, County Supervisor,