The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, November 09, 1904, Image 5

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' !i ?*' op' 'f|p ?''1*! tliv Vii wWu trvl i. i rill in an Takes Burl A^nimt iLc Bolters, But They l av t?a lictd , to ilib Interference. Speeinl to News and Courier. I Greenville, Nov. 5 ?Senator t B. li. Tillman has Ween appealed ' toby friends of J. E. Spoeglo to toll the Democrats of Greenville 1 lw,... * I . . -.1 II ...... C .. ' vuuuiy uun uiuy DUUUIU > m the general election, whether for ! Speegle or for.I. W. Walker, nri'l 1 there was great rejoicing in the ' Speegle ranks when tho senator 1 now in far away Indiana, dropped ' right into the local light hy send- ' ing the following dispatch, which ^ was received yesterday afternoon: ' 'Messrs C. L. Verdin, W. II. Whitmore, W. E. Wright, LI. i'. 11 Bnrbago, W. .J. Brumlctt, Green- ' ville, S. C.: Young's telegram received. The action of tho committee, right or wrong, is final. All Democrats must how to its dr. k cision. If 1 lived in Greenville | I would vote for Speegle. As e fraud was charged and was shown h on both sides, tho committee or 0 derod another primary. Walker \ should voto tho ticket and urge his friends to do so, and ; appeal to tho people ho refors t>>, e to right h i h gi ievance. ' The Democratic primal y should be uhcvo suspicion or the negro will come back into our politics, something we cannot afford. "15 R. Tillman." Just what the olTect of I ho tnes- t sago will be on the situation is a h matter of much speculation. Tie p Speegle people evidently think it j a 13 a winner, lor circulars are al- j o ready being scattered broadcast '-s o\er the city and county bearing I tho Til 1 man telegram, with a sworn <i aflidavit from the local ollicc of 1 tho telegraph couipauy us to its t correctness. v On tho other hand tho Walker c people laugh ut such a long shot i and they say it will havo no effect on tho man who has made up his mind, and that it is too late for Tillman to havo any t weight iii this county. D.J. DISASTROUS WRECKS. 1 Carelessness is responsible for 1 many a railway wreck and the ' same causes are making human 1 wrecks of sufferers from Throat ( and Lung trouble. But since the r advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and ( Colds, even tho worst cases can be cured,and hopless resignation is no longer necessary. Mtr. Lois Dragg of Dorchester, Mass., is ( one of many whose life was saved t by Dr. King's New Discovery. a This great remedy is guaranteed j by Crawford Bros., J. F, Mackey & Co. and Funderburk Phar L marcy, Drrugist. Price 50c, and ' $1.00 Trial bottle free. \ Need Warrants in Arresting. Special to Greonvillo News. c Columbia, Nov. 4. ? An impor- | tant Supreme Court opinion, in uuuiiiou in us local iniuru?i? >v?d y filed today by Justice Ira 13 Jones. | The opinion decides thai arrests f for misdemeanors without war- " rants merely on information arc il ^ legal and that confinement under these circumstances is falso imprisonment. Tho caso caino *up during v the construction of tho Berkley j. building in this city. There wore a number of strikers on the build* ^ ing and W. J. Bailey, the con- t tractor, at 0110 time caused the ( arrest of Martin l'ercival on the t charge of interfering with labor, | and disorderly conduct in front of the building. The cate did not , ' I come up for trial and tho prose? j cutor failed to appear, whereupon . Fercival, through his attorneys, Messrs ,). Q. Marshall and J. S. Midler, entered suit against W. .1 Bailoy and tho Odumbin Iieal Estate and Trust company for $10,000 for fulso imprisonment ' I \ , k?J,0 1 f .i-1 (i r. I" re: uuilion, making ^20,000 in ail i'ho altorucvo for the ccntincor and I he ? onipany, Messrs \bnoy Thomas, entered a deiiuror en the ground that I'oreival lad I-con interfering with labor ind was guilty < f disoi deity conluet over which the city had juris lie?ion and because it appears from the allegations in said cause )f action that the court had the 'ight to determine what was dis)rderly conduct, and if it aubscjueutly came to the conclusion luit on th< testimony adduced the daintifT was not guilty, ncverthoess the defendant iJ not liable for also imprisonment: and the sanfo e-.ult would follow if it turned ml that tho municipal court had io jurisdiction over tho acts comilnincd of. Al'oliucmnn's Testimony, J. N. Patterson, niaht policcuan of Nashua, la., writes, 'Lust winter I had a cold on my tings and tried at least half a dozn advertised cuigh medicines and iad treatment from two physii":ns without gutting any benefit. V friend recommended Foley's ioney ami Tat and two thirds of bottlo cured nie. I consider it lie greatest cough and lung mediinv in tho world 1' Sold by Funuirlc l'harmacy. Yhito Woman And Two Sons Arrested. Mr. II. W. Halloway litis ro| nrned from IMncksburg, whore j e went tit the instant of the com-1 ill-oiler general to investigate an llegoii incendiary tire, October i ! >. The barn .ind contents and ome animals belonging to Mr. Dyer wore burned. As ti result if his investiga' ion Mrs. Nancy Duncan and iter two sons, white enauts, were arrested charged vith the crime and they wore turnid over to tho court.?llecoid, 5th list. A RUNAVVA" BICYCLE. Terminated with an ugly cut on ho leg of J. II. Ornor, Franklin irove, 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors ind remedies for four years, hen Bucklen's ArnicuSilve cured. It's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, it Crawford Bros., J. F. Alack>y & Co. and Funderburk Pbarnacy, Drug Store. )no Hundred Persons Drowned. Bona Algeria, Nov. 4.?A bua Ired persons were drowned last light by thesiukingof the French itcumer Girondo after having been 11 collision with the French steam!i* A. Schiatlino. The Girondo eft Bona with 110 passengers, of vhom 100 were Algerian natives. Anxious Moments. Some of the most anxious hours ?f a mother's life are thoso when ho little ones of the household lave the croup. There is no other nedicino so effective in this terri>le malady as Foley's Iloney and far. Jt is a household favorite or throat and lung troubles, and ,s it contains no opiates or other >oisons, it can be safely given, sold by Funderburk Pharmacy. The Chcstorfield and Lancaster oad, which is operated from Cheaw through Chesterfield to liuby, ins notified the secretary of stato hat at a recent meeting of the >oard of dilectors it was decided o issue bonds on the capital stock if the road. i ho bonds will not xccod $250,000 at the rate of not liore than $7,200 per mile, with ntcresl at 0 per cent per annum Mr. W. F. Stevenson of Cheraw s president of this company.? I'lio State 5 inst. There's no comzh medicine ho popular as Foley's Honey and Tar. Il contains no opiates or poisons md never fails to euro. ?3 Id by Funderburk Pharmacy. Icicpiioae QUI Killed. ] Ut-r iicdy Kound mn Vacant Lot at Cincinnati Cincinnati, Nov. 4-.-?Herri hi y cut and crushed about the lit d the dead Innly of Alum JStoin . > Y a teloj bono operator, 18 years oid was found today in a vacant lot near Spring Grove cemetery at Winston IMace, a suburb. While there are lurge footprints in the trail, where the body was found there is no clue to the supposed slu} or. The iziri left the telephone office .at Cummingsvillo last flight _ - - ami nor body was found jr. tin? lot uour tho cemetery this morn. iug. Her head and faco had . con horribly crushed with a club. No other injuries wore found on the body, except tho wounds on tho head. Toll ig hi Cnuductor Frank Li mi tohl the police that Alma Stein way got on his car last night at Knowlton corner, accompanied by a man. The pair rode to Winston road and got oil. Ho 'said tho man had ftei (juently ridden with Miss Stoin! way. Limio said ho could iudeutity the inun. There is a striking similarity in tho death ot'MissStoinway and that of Louise Mueller, whose inultiiatcd body was found a month ago about half a niilo from where tho body of Miss Stein way was fo u nd, the chief ot detectives is of th opi > nion that the same man committ cd both crimes. DOK SN1 flil^lTvJt OLD HE. It's bhamcfuf when youth fail to show prop r respoct f\?r o.d ago, but just tho contrary is the ase 'of l)r. Kings New Life l'.lls. l'hoy cu* off maladies no n tor j se\er anil irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice; Fever, Joustipation all yield to this perfect Fill. 25c, at Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackoy & Co. and Fuuderburk Pharmacy, Drug Store. D tNGMU (>y \ couOH. Pneumonia, Krlpp, c>M, bronchitis and nearly every oilier dangerous sickness ol this k'.n-l is usua ly liie de velo)mient of a ei ght cough Too many people are laid up and too many at? rrom aiseates where they couiu so ousily knock that first cough In the head. Murray's Horehoum! Mullein and Tar cures cold* M drops the bottom out of a vougM. Every (I.uggbt hp.3 it for 25c a boJUe It member "Murray's and take ru> Other. IteguJar 50c size. TO ( U RE A COUGH The coughs so provalont tl?e3e days usually develop before you realize what line bupperwd. Now tho beat thing to (to in to take the mos reliable cough cure you can ' t None t ct!.* ? tii - ' Mur ays tloi.huid Mu?!mu am! Tar. It is mad of tin purest iouredients ami can he given to iiUaiits ::s well as grown oeople Aoove alj else it ( HUES. You will And it. nt all druggists 2~v. a b ittle ? extra largo bottle. *3 .j." 2. Ill jCa. c **%Ta tfco y/ 1 : ii3V3 Al'.vayS BoUglK The decision of tlio supreme court as to authority of polico officers to arret I for misdemeanor without a warrant need give no uneasiness to municipal officers. \ssociat rlustiee .Jones reiterates former decisions to the effect that for offenses less than u felony a peace officer may not arrest without a warrant unless tho offence is committed in his presence but tho justice qualities this broad rule byjthe assertion that an a-rest may bo made on the ni rival of the oflici r at the >ceno so soon ufter the occurrence that lucre are still evidences of tho disturbance. In the discharge of their (Ullicult and peculiar duties it is frequently neccossary, for tho sako of order and justice, that! police officers shall make immediate arrest for misdemeanors j not committed iu their Pre- ' senco, and so long as those of- j ficers perform thoir duty with j discretion they dun bo certain ! of being sustained by the courts in i.i \ particular cusp.?Tho : fcjtuto, ' !>)<)>}>!w'si l ! nv'iui'i*. Spartan I orNo\ nmt?i r 5 Alt rrjl'-f tr g- d\ cm-etud litre loiii 'iii* .< ii .lone* ami killed J. l\ Young, mi l-'antV little conf? elioti sioi u < ?? Magn liastie.t. litilii uic white men and et>ch has been rtinnii g u re pair simp u few doors from ach other They ore about the same age. Young was a largo. strong man, while Jones is blender and small. So far S3 cm be U anted Young took h'dd of an Italian with a monkey this afternoon and forced hitn to pay a lodging bill due Young's mother. ,Jones called f< i a police-man an i tcportod Young for rough trealni'Mit of the Italian. About 7 o'cl ck Young went to .Jones shop and thoy got into a li :bl and J ones was worsted considerably. A littl? later Junes went into Vai-.i's confectionary and went to the back end of Ibo l'ttle room. Young went in seen i?ft r, apparently to make a purchase. Seeing Jones near the stove, !.e threw his walking s"ick at him. Ho recovered if ami throw it a sncuid time. Jones then ahot him with a pistol, the bill entering the left side, cutting the aortal artery. Death was in-.tanti-.ii eou*. Young's \\ ifi* followed him to Flint's do >r nod wis in trout of it when her husband was shot. There wc?c several witnesses to the tight and the shooliug. far as can he learned there was no quarrel before this avening. CASTOR IA For Infauts and Children. The Kind Yub Have Always Bought <0 jOi. S& "JC C2> XT. X ./V . BmH tho *"? Wild Ywjj ' y,1 81gnaturo / of /-i.^c^sLcX To Our Subscribe-*? We especially re^u.. : G3 our subscrihors, who r.\.? ua roi their paper, to tmy up an pronq t!> as they can. Do not put us ofl for we really need the money due tit. AN Old) TIM 15 REMEDY. Murray's Morcliounil Mu'hdn and Tar has Sr. it the puree?, of d ugs. Ail of which were used *\y our p runt-? and trau bpart?nf?. F is n eombinat oii *i> | u? t g?tlu r that :t cure- \ cough light eir. Nothing i- l?.,"er lot babies i l i? n mod reliable euro f ?: d! ( usei of o iugh<. - fit y. ur dru r .* fori . They ail ii mo ii. G-l a b ib lc now una have )l r sdy ' <><*h on'y 2?0 U b' it rf?exliv; III ge bit ec ? rn;ui.? ".')? s:z , Item-nb. r to as'.; for '.Murray.-" Had 4n!;c no oilier PILES! PILES! PILES! I)r, Williams' Indian I'll Ohitin oji will eu-e ? I.-..I. D eeding,Ul> i rate 1, and Itching Piles frnbsn'hs the tumors, ftl'avs the itching at .nee acts as in.hi11i. e, gives instant relief. I)r. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pr pared oi ly f??r Pi'ea a it itching o! tho private parts and nothing else, ISverybixi. guaranteed. S.?J<1 by druggists sent bv rnnil, for fit)*., and $1 (III )> r box WiblJAMK 'F'G DO , Prop's, Olevebu <1 Ohio Bold by Fiindtrbu.U Pharmacy. o:** u?<- -ISotieo to the Public. 1 will hold nil inquests in the county. Phono to my residence ?* Ul?.. ?... urn e..~ ?i <11 i. 11111 1 (JI Uit) WMUIi needed. J. Montgomery C?i< key, opt. 20?tf Coroner L. C. r-rr ?rr -o -s V* .1 tiC^'iC.O * 1 G-S-0-1S-I-0 I ti v WtJJ 8^3|!1D!l"?J |d3 axi xwvnO $ ? * < ptltJ - AxnviiiC/ ? oi;i 5 aitfi4ij|o ry 'i-or, *,jn | ^ e.**i >/C /Ci'cn V*M 17c;-. 7 ) y ;! rti.75 vk ?iv\ I IiKPpn op^w | A-v?a-Ta-a-B'i X-fS-3-E AM $ M K H O V W S !] CfcMIMMiO T I Tlio Kind "Sou Have Always Boi in uso for over SO years, ha -J? - and lias see All Counterfeits, Imitations an Experiments that triilo with a Infants and Children?Kxperic What is Costoria is a harmless subs til goric, Drops and Soothing Sy contains neither Opium* Mori feubstauco. Its ago is its guar aud allays Fevcrishncss. It c Colic. It relieves Teething Tr and Flatulency. It ossimiint* Stomach and Dowels, giving ] The Children's Panacea?The nE?ft9BiEr?aK? A W- ?.. W..?_ | ^ The Kind You Uavi In Ubq For Ov< Tws O'NTAun toflmiT, rr ?tp*? 'lIsh's French Pi Strictly vegetable, perfectly liarmles RBSULTS. Greatest known female gl * I]TT ~0\ l'swaro of counterfeits isr.d Imitation*. Wfi'J 1 von it 1> fru:-? Initio aUriutture on I 'a t i Bv'ud for Circular to WILLIAMS il#U. CO.. Solo A?c? Sold bv Funderburk Pharmacy. j -jrvrvT^Y7t* ea GJJk* til r'. < ' cr>% e&C&i-: troubles of hah %i1 py A. '4 % i, r^-i, ways on hand^9 g r? VJ | y ?M At afi ?>i "* Manufactured h J * " ! ?MiPY Tn i n&K i hi! 11 I'd !U bun)" | I ? nve ir . ! :-tr.'ao;rcnionb v.'K i t ? lenders of : .< y in Ni-vr York ' Jty, ; n ' i with v.'h'i: . i ,.m li'< 1 lit y v i:itr ?< '.II I ; inouri tl h\ (1 ; f 111 rtgage oil lmp ove-1 olt'i : fO'tR H* 7 ; t*r r ut ii t.*r? ?t?j rep: ah o ' Ml' n i i r.t .Mm l.t ? of j i five iM". No ! r* v<? f.j;o or ct minb Mors 'ohaig i tlnlv ifc.itjO'.iublc j 1 oharpe t'ur h! .--iraef o'titl . u 1-: wyi.ii;, AugHl--6ni. Attome. fit Ij?w I i TXf.nv.r--- -v yr.TrjKzrr.orva.rtL"r^^z^xaet fJ. HARRY FOWL UK. Attorney at l.air, | t LANCASTER, S. V. |o VST c' ; | f' . ?a *.Trr-&::5xzxrwi |i Sll-'.: IHsj ^ ^ &l?j!khlU3 as*; the most fata! of ail diseases. j. EH! r^5? mm cure iaa' IfyLL I $ C'iuran'esd Rsoady j or money refunded. Contains 1 remedies recognized bv eml, nent physicians as the best for r Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. uti )i.oa Li.vr?t \'\>'{ V:*11 tf.s <) > ^.All.v. A v. j vcVrtilii!-- : :j .ft C* Nov 2J, 1U02. j (Daily except Munch, y) , vW TllOlNI). Ijv ljanoudtrr, 0 3u a m 4 00 p ni i l.v Fort i.xcvn, (1 -10 ? nt 4 3'? j> ni : i \,v H v-ct: v|'it? Ct 69 u in 4 4~> p m l.v Hiolibuvg, 7 0rj u in 5 ::o p ni .4 r ''hofl'r-T, 7 ...? i m 5 ? ' p m '1 ^ r Char < i<", fc*o It 9 o' i? ;*.) 7 it) p m \r Ooluiti1 ' > U10 15 > m 1 25 n m Ai Ali Oi'r, r# !, r 4 50 p m Ar Y<ir v'.1 '&^ W 9 35 ? n> r Ors'onm < V|>' !0 SO a iu \r Ji( ti' lr, ? * n, r 2 05 p ?n 5 :t? a nj Vll-.i-. Lv 1/fn ir, o & r?. r 2 SO p m I v " 5 Si' p rr. I.v YorV vJ1!(' " 0 23 p m Lv Atlanta, * u L r 1 00 ;> tt I.v Cohr.Vjl lu, "?? it 6 10 a *> 6 15 pit Lv (Mpirl'.Hp, ]l 0 15 ni.v ( 1 ??- -' 1, 9 30 a '.!i 7 30 p ip Lv #i"lii'tirg. 10 10 a m 7 "4 p to fjv Biiftcomvlllo. 10 20a in 8 (Hi p m Lv Fort I .aw n 10 SO a i>. ^ i p m A i LannuH or. 11 00 a m. ; 30 p oi Arf'nmd n, ' > 1 r5 p-i. CONN K< f H iNF, Ch jilur ? Soul! m, ':7ar?.' ? 0 *nr "nr. A > .all h] Laooaalcr?So nhc:Hallway. A P. JWcjLUHH. fupe'lntctnlpnl, LBJROY 8PBIMM. Prwh Foley's Honey and T&>: ! for children,aaf* /sure. No ophite*. j] 5TB, v light, and which luui V - s borne the sigTv?ti>cr<? c.f been made under liln Kfpervlsion ftince fi? ljoffcnc;-,. > one to deceive you In il ?ro > ,itd endanger Hio health a snco against Ezperlo;wt. i /fs^rn^a b?wj_ * fco S tut? for Coafcor Oil, Pa&ro rups, It Is Pleasant. ??? pliwo nor other Narcotic ante?. It destroys "VTo-. i?iSJ urea Diarrhoea end Wind oubles, cures Constipation >s the Food, regulates iho healthy and natural ?loc?>. Mother's Friend. QRIA ALWAYS ^ature 9 Always Bought 3r 30 Years. at trutrr, nvw rww ?nrr. riodioal Drops s, sure to accomplish DESIRED remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. Ttin po.ulno Is uni cp only in paito-lioard Oar)f ttio boulo. tliiis: ,< ^v, if. Cloreland, Ulxto. ,SE the world's best bnby>v7 a prompt, safe, suro and harmnil sorts of stomach and bowel ffiga lies and children. Keep it rl?you can rely upon it. ^KprJ r.-ojl clcrts, 55c? y lJ.\n\ HASH CO., Maco.nt, O.v. ^7 rw_ [ NOTICE! *o The Taxpayers of Lan= caster County. T:i*< a ri'? ?oe with the 4,st of ti?u c'jjlso to r --'t-y a :j>i?li?s for the ?:\s! year beginning J-ctU-ry 1st, ' "ii (i ?ilo ' * horob* jjlv. ii Mint the *i uj'U'f's (Ho will open fir Ike ollrctloji of tiXva Wlthnot p? malty rotr tbe l6lh day of O "tabs'", 1904 un i (lie S!??: ?li?y of D CMTiuor, IA04. The levy Is m fo'Jowa; H*.ate Tax i ntffls County Ux 4J xtiUs (Jo!i?t'tu jon-.ii school tax I nslllg "j (C'Ut < irtinl; txx [inl oil C A. <' LI Li b >!ula J? JUlHg ToUil 16 J tnl'N Jntftfti on l'(?\vn?h:.|> Honda C & (J It U: Cap* Cretk 4 i Mills GUIs crack A in Die LMcftcxnt Hill t aiiUc oca! School Tux: Van iPyck 2 mflla fjaroittar, U'oluobiK iatt-rest on bomU 9 mills lle&Mi Spring* A mills Oitkhnrst 4 milic Kershuvr 4 ml Is Joutfl X Road* 2 mills Russell Place 2 mllti 'etvl I.evy by Townships mi<1 Dtstiictr. Indian Lund 16 4 mil's Vas VVffk 17} mil's VY? 16} n?Ul? " Van TYjck IT} ne-.Ea ('atie '"*! ?-'? k CO mills " ' Lki^cutM Jfl nil'H " 11 J-iiiM X Ko?d? yi mills ?? Oil's ("retk *>} mi ls ' " J,ancaaiwr 20} twills " .1 X K 21} r?l!lr ^ ) In ford 16} mil's P lat < reek 16} mI'Is t ' ' Kershaw 10} PiesMtnl Hill I'} '* " Kerahsw 211} " Oahbuiht 2*4 " ? IU?lh BprWi^s 21} '? " JX R # } " Rurcel) Place V't*} Cedar Croek 15} J X R 17} " " 44 Ruppei! Plain 17} 44 It-PJinctMlll v, ?*