The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, November 02, 1904, Image 1

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1 ? . . * -1 1 \ ' ^ ^."11 "^fll> H K* f t'*?KS^8BB5S?5SS^^^"^"""T^mT . L" I. ,. .. .. ^^^^^^TCiS3CSS?513BiBW^ft3KflBBBBB50CI!T^SI!ll[^PCIBPlC^!l^3EC!C^ZZI3CC^ZIKS?Zj??Mi?S?iZIIX32XZPPBIfflyBBBBi^3M^^^^Ktf Tgfe la^Wa^OiJlTgR. | AMmH&lKnjmfnr: n Hi n n nil i if 111 fUUtrnj TT 1 %pTli.fHi ?i II. I -- | ^ J ^jfigBEnBBl *? ;'.. t-^vv EKKIjY ^B=^=a ? L A N C A S~T E K. S. O.. NOVEMBK^^2^I904 ===^"B*aBBBS=aBBa"'BBBa'^Sa^S^^^^SE^^8^^'*^ ^ . 1 "tMT '^sT I u *** '? - " ' 5 WEB X x ?d a^ik V OUR ANN i -> OPE X FfLL AN % MILL1 V. WEPRESDA\ % WEDNI ^ filiiliiLm S) ? million F $ WeRes] X invite a to come X OUR G< %LANCASTE X rftwrfiviOAi AL i AKit Dr M P Crawford Dr It C Rrow CHAW FORI) A P.HOVVN. Physicians and Surgeon*. Lancaster, H. C, Treatment of llie eye. nose an kino?*. a eprciall v. Calls promptly answered day c night Office over Crawford Bm>i D. ug Bloro. Phones: Office, X" 178; It Idence Nil. 11 and 18 Business Educatior PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS! YOU nee l a practical business ed unfit ion We guarantee satisfaction Course* of study endorsed as being ill tn ?t practical; tl cy have no aupcrio Instruction given in llrat olaa-. N other business college-* r.-r he'ter nil vauUci EJofer i|o\y and pfepar >?r a lucrative p?*lii'-h. Our gruduatc are in demand Let us aa*i*t y -u, w have assisted hundreds?they are i . positions. Wo offer special rate Mftcfe*t's S, D- Business Colleg Columbia, S. C. Aug. 29, 1904?tf. mi?i?i i Lancaster and chestei railway bftbedulr 1 n effect Nov 2t?. (Dally except Hnnd?.> ) \V KH1HU11N J). biV l.aucaster, Q 30a in tOOpu liv Port Laivn, Q 40 a in 4 SO p n Lv Uuftoonville, 6 6U a in 4 45 p n Lv Rlchbutg, 7 05 a in ft 00 p r, At Cheater, 7 30 a m ft So p u Ar Char'otle, Ho It 0 55 a m 7 10 p u Ar ColumlUa Ho R10 15 am 1 'in a n A i Atlanta, a a I, r 4 ft() p m Ar YurXv'.C&N W 9 35 a tu A r Uantonla.CN vv 10 30 a m Ar Leu*>ir, c <* n, r 2 05 p m 6 00 a r KASTBfUNL. [.v Len Ir, c A u.r 2 30 p n L.v Gaston la 14 5 30 p r Lv Yorkville 44 6 23 p c Lv Atlanta, a a 1, r 1 00 p n Lv Columbia, So It ft 10 a ui ft 15 pc Lv Charlotte, So It 6 1ft am Lv Cht'Htei, 9 30 a m 7 HO p r Ly flichhurjc 10 10 a m 7 54 p n Lv llaaooinvllle, 1020ani 8 00 p n Lv Port Lawn 10 36 am 8 11 .p r Ar Lancaster, II 00 a m 8 30 p n Ar Camden, Ho By 1 56 pm CONNECTIONS. Chester?Southern, Seaboard an Car Una & Northwestern railways. Lancaster?Sou I hern Railway. A P 3/cLUflK, Supeilntendeni LB BOY SPRINGS. President. r X-. Til J/ ^ ^ ^ ;EG TO xX 0 ounce j>o x r y j UAL FALL y u NING ? t J WINTER X? [wrn.. ?. ^T >cixy, x; f AND X: SPAY NIGHT v? 1, 1ML | pectively 6 11 Ladies x and see $ i OODS. $! X; X; o . HHI DISEASES 1 are the most fatal of all dis- 1 eases. i cm cv'c kidney cure ii i 1 rULCI u fiuarantiidRentdj r > or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi- 1' *" i nent physicians as the best for ? Kidney and Bladder trouble*. 1 PRICE 50c. and $1.00. f ' a Go to the \ I LANCASTER MARBLE 1 0 ATVI> t 1 GRANITE WORKS, ? * For Good Work ami Low Prices e A. J. McNinch, ! LANCASTER, S. C. c R I J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, 1 i Lancaster, S. C. ' a " Working on credit doesn't pay, u ii iiuu my terms irom this time r Q bencoforth aro stt ictly cash. \ u Beasonablo Prices. Q Gold Filling $1.50, j Amalgam Filling 75 cts. q Cement Filling 75 ct n fi ? RUBBER PT.ATE, o Full upper wet of teeth $12.00 e Upper and lower set $25.50 a ii JjgT" These prices are strictly j 11 for cash. No work done except u for cash or good security. V VI ntititv wv J. t. KllLtUUt, Dentist. b BARKER a/tLVE 8 tho rr?OEt t--salino vvcrM l? The One Day Oold Cure. i Kermott's Chocolates laxative Quinine lot I cold In the head and tore throat. Children tak? f them like candr. ' Happenings in ine state. .t Chronicled by the Alert Correspondents of Tho Columbia State. " , FELL riOM TUB FOURTH FLOOR. Spartanburg, Oct. 28. ? As a 3?ult of a peculiar accident Mr.' ames Walker, an operative at ie Spat tan mills, lost his life in 30 mill build'ng. The young man 1 ad quit work for tho day and bout the noon hour he went to ie spinning room on tho fourth oor of tho building to put his veralls up in a kind of attic there, 'here is a steep ladder running up > this attic, and the distance rom there to the cement floor beoath is about 35 feet. In some lannor tho unfortunate young iau lost his balance and f?dl, is skull being fractured by bo contact with the flooring. CHILD MET HORKIRLE DEATH. Leeaville, Oct. 29.?While >ulchering yesterday Mr. L. P. iteadmun's little 3 year-old child ell into a tub of boiling water id diod from the effects of the culd this morning. IAVES TW O FROM DE ATH"Our little daughter had an aU oost fatal attack of whooping ;ough and bronchitis," writes drs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk 4. Y., "but, when all other rem-, dies failed, we saved her life vith Dr. King'8 New Discovery. )ur niece, who had consumption an advanced stage, also used his wonderful medicine and todiy. he is perfectly well." Desperate hroat and lung disoases yield to )r. Kings New Discovery as to no Ibor medicine on earth, lnfallble for Coughs and Colds. 50c nd $1.00 bottles guaranteed by Crawford Bros., J. F. Vlackoy A Jo., and Funderburk Pharmacy. Jrial bottles free. ^armors Effect AnOrganization In Columbia. Farmers of this State met in Coumbia Wednesday evening to conider ways and moans by whioh tc mprove the cotton situation, dore than Ta hundred were in .ttendance from various parts of heState,and all seemed thoroughy intent upon promoting the inerests of the cotton growers and he South. The meeting was called to order )y W. B, Harris, of Anderson ind E. D. Smith of Lee, who itated that the object of the gathering was to formulate sjme )lan for controlling the price of :otton. N. C. Murray, of Texas, was ^resent and spoke to the farmers, tie is a representative of the farmer's Co operative and Educational Association of Texas, ie advoQatedathe establishment of i secret organization and ware, louse system, similar to that in rogue in Texas. Most present, however, oppossd his idea, and it was rejected. Numerous addresses were made, he purport of all being a plea to ix a standard price for cotton. A peimanont organization was ffected with K. D. Smith, of Lee, a president, and John Cantey, of tershaw, as secrotary. ?Every voter should hunt up lis registration ticket and have I t certain and ready for November th. Foley's Money an* Tar or children,smfc,sure. No oplntek. a England And Russia Reach An Agreement All dangor of War Han been Av orted.?To Arbitrate Disputed Points. Details of tho'agreoment betwen Raseia and Great Britain upon a mode of settlement of the questions arising out of the firing upon British trawlers in the North sea by the Russian Second Pacific squadron wore supplied by premier Balfoui'jin a speech delivered before the National Union of Conservative Clubs at Southampton last ni^ht. The ascertainment of the Hague peace conference will be through jhe coroner's inquest at Hull, an investigation by British board of trade and the examination of officers of Russian ships which tired upon the fisher men. In his speech Mr. Balfour ridiculed the official explanation of Admiral liogostvsnsky, but praised the spirit in which the Russian emperor and government had mot! the crisis. The prevailing feeling j is bf belief that/there:!no longeri seemSgto be^danger ofi^war between the^nations t Mondon, Oct*?28.?All danger of war between Russia and Great Britain has been averted and the si ttlomcnt of tho only points in dispute regarding the attack by the Russian Second Pacific. squadon on British trawlers Oct. 21 has been referred to an international commission under I the Haguo convention. \ LOVE LETTER Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes: "1 suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured me. It's the best Salve on earth. 25c at Craw<ford Bros., J. F. Mackey & Co,, and Funderburk PharmacyDrug, Stores. Twelve Prisoners Escape from Jail. Taldosta, Ga , Oct. 28.?Early tonight 12 negroes in jail on felony charges effected their escape by cutting through three steel bars and picking a bole in the wall | of the building. It is believed a saw was passed in to the prisoners by friends on the outside. Bloodhounds have been*f sent for and the trail will be taken by a posse as soon^as thn?dogs arrive. AN OLD TIMS REMEDY". Murray's Horehound Mullein and Tar has In It the purest of drugs. All of which were used by our parents and grand-parents. It Is a combination so put together that It cures a cough right off. Nothlug Is batter for babies It is a most reliable cure for ! all cases of coughs. Ask your druggist for it. They all have it. Get a bottle now and have it ready Costs only 25c a bottle?extra large bottles? regular 60c size, Remenber to nek for ''Murrays" and take no other. Greenville Firm Gets The College Contract. Theconract for the'work on the building for the new Columbia college at Hyatt Jfark has been awarded to Grady & Jordan, contractors of Greenville. Much of the material is now on the ground and t (Construction will commence at an early debtee, The buildings will be ready for occupancy by next fall.?The State To Have Hearing. Men Arrested For Lynching Make A Move.?Magistrate McCoy, of Berkley to Hoar tho Caso. Columbia Record. 1 The attorneys for the mon now < in the stute penitentiary under arrest on tho charge of being itii- i plicated iu theEutawvillelynching have demanded a hearing before Magistrate McCoy, in Berkley County. The mon havo been in tho ponitentiary now for about two woeks, and it was ex pectod that they would make some move toward securing their release about this time. The hoaring is under Section 24 of tho criminal statutes which relates to i the hearing of persons under ar rest for a capital crime and it u evident that the attorneys expect that a prima facie case cannot be made out by the State at the hearing. At a hearing of this kind it will be necessary for the state to I put up Edwa-^s who will bo used as state's witness'and it is thought that the attorneys for tho defense are counting on tho whole amount f evidence which the state has against the men boing put out and in this way the plan of defense may be laid. Of course it is not known how much evidence the solicitor has tn the case nor how much the detective who worked oa it _ for some time has secured, but the law makes it doubly hard for the state to hold one suspected of a crime by making tho whole burden of proof rest upon tho stato even at a preliminary. GovernorReyward has sinco tho arres. of the men turned the whole matter over to the solicitor of the circuit Mr. P. T. Hilderbrand, as the case is now for the courts and juries to decide on and he of course, does not know of the plans for trial. As he; was instrumental in tho employment of a detective on the]*case he is naturally interested in the outcome and he is watching the case with interest. TO CUREA COUOH The ooughs bo prevalent these days usually develop before you realise what has happened. Now the West thing to do la to take the most reliable cough cure you can get. None better than Murraya Horehound Mullein and Tar. It is made of the purest ingredients and cau be given to infants la well as grown people. Above ai| j|M TI rTTDwa TT? ??n * J ? vunuo. 1UU Will llUU 11 HI all druggists. 25o a bottle?extra large bottle. Legal Hanging Charlotte N. C.,Oct. 38.?Ben Clark, colored, was legal1 y executed at Shelby, N. C., this afternoon for the murder of Chief of Police B. E. llararick, on Augnst 27th. The officer was shot in the jail and the negro seriously wounded by another officer. The execution was private, but 3,000 people surrounded the jail. OASVOniA. gMn tk* ^Tha Kind You Have Always Bought In the neighborhood of ninety per cent of the whiskey sold by the dispensary is carried awav hv ~ --J ?J negroes; but that much of that actually bought by negroes is for white poople there is no question. Hut few whites seem disposed to buy liquor direct from the dispensary. They prcsar to get it through negroes.?Yorkville Enquirer. A Mining Disaster. rbirty to Sixty Men Lost Their Livoa.?Explosion in Colorado. Trinidad, Colo., Oct. 29.? b'rom 30 to 60 men lost their lires in a terrific explosion which Dccurrsd at mino No. 3 of the Rocky Mountain Fuel and Iron company at Tercio, 30 miles west of Trinidad this afternoon. The exact number of dead may never be known, as the mine is burning and in all likelihood the bodies will be consumed. The mine in which ths accident accurred em ploys 80 men and it is believed that at least 60 were in the mine at the time. "Tho explosion, which resembled avolcanic eruption,causod the wildest excitement. Men, women and children rushed to the mouth of the tunnel and women whoso husbands were in the mine had to be brought away by miners to prevent their being killed by deadly fumes coming from the mouth of tho tunnel." Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds and prevents pneumonia. Take no substitutes. Sold by Funderhurk Pharmacy. Hoster's Weekly Statement. New Orleans, Oct. 28.?Secretary Hester's weekly cotton statement issued today shows for the 28days ofOctober an increase over last year of 449,000, and an in* crease the same period year before last of 390,000. For the 58 days of the season that have elapsed the'aggregate is ahead of the same days ^ of wlast year 1,061,000 and ahead of*the same days year before last 495,000. The amountjbrought into sight during tho past week has been 544,980 bales against 492,424 for the same seven days last year and 454,639 year before last. Including stocks left over at ports and interior towns from tha Inof nw/%???/J ?- -- ?- ~ ^ 1 1 imv biuj^ auu iu? uuiuuor oi Dates bi ought into sight thus far from the new crop, the supply to date is 3,687,097 against 2,632,410 for the same period last year. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of C The vicar of little Hutton, England, does not like makers of tombstones to cut their name* on the stones, but allows them to do so on stones] placed in his graveyard if they pay $2,50 for the advertisement. A german decorator was so fond of reading his Bible in Working hnnra ttiof ?w v.. ? ?a.M* %uw AVI vumu it away from him, and found between the leaves a large amount of gold leaf. The man4had4been stealing regularly. OA.STOT1IA. Bear* the A ^8 Kind You Haffl Always Bo'Jgtft ' To Our Subscribers We especially request erase of our subscribers, who owe us to? their paper, to pay up as promptly they can. Do not put us off for we really need the money du* U?.