The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, October 29, 1904, Image 1

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? ^ S'S^^SSSSSHS^^^T'" " ' I j"?' ' J^W? "TO Ml**??. f n - -g . * >:U" v; ?M.W EbKLY. LANOA6T E 44r- S. O.. OUTOBEB 29, 1904 ESTABLISHED Hfi2 I . ?S ^ "^V ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ | WE B] X<xJ An?no X Q OUR ANN! X - OPEP X FILL ANJ X MILLIP X WEDNESDAY x WEDNE 0 WeResp % invite al V \f "v A ?r - ( / v.: ? .j ^ f, y>. i JJANGASTEI :X: *s' PR0KE1SI0N AL CAKO Dli M I' f.'KAWPOKD I)li II (! RltoWX URaWFOKD & BROWN Phyalclana and Surgeon*. Uanoanter, S. C, Treatment of ibo eye. t on* a>.d thro*- a *pf oiall v. Call* prorup'iy answered 'lay or night Ofttco over Crawford Bros Di ug Hlore. Phone#: Office, No 176; Be idencea Noa. 11 und 10. Business Education PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS ! YOU need a i rac.lieiP bnsiners ed ueUion W<? guarantee satisf.suticn. t.'nurae* ofBiudy endorsed us beirnr 'lie in ?t practical; tl oy have- no snperio t? IUAtiMr.tlnn given is first oh:s*>. No other btiflnuM e liege< f.-r he'ter advant?e"?. 15 iter now and prepare for a lucrative :<akin. Our graduates arein demand Let uy m.-i.-t y ti wc liave uAsiale-i hundreds?lhey are in positions. Wo offer special rates Mncfeit's S. C Business College Columbia, 8. C. Aug. 29, 1904?tf. ~~ L \NCASTE?. AND CHESTER RAILWAY ttiiht-duie in effect Nov2'J, 1902. (Dailyexcept Hundaj ) >V EST BOUND. liV i i, nana in 4 00 |. iu Ijv Fort i nrt'ti, ? 49 a m 4 3 > p rw liV fVlMIO iviiIm, 6 59 a m 4 45 p in IjV tlicllburg, 7 05 a, m 5 00 p in At (Ouster, 7 HO a til 6 HO p m Ar tlhar olio, So It 9 55 a ni 7 10 p m Ai (Jnlumbla RIO 15 a in 1 25 a in A i Atliinth,8 a I, r 4 50 p ni Ar YnrfcvM'&N W 9 85 a m Ar (\ 10 30 a m Ar li^noii, c \ n, r 2 05 p a 8 oo n in K vl'tU UN O Lv ban li, c A n r 2 30 p in l.v <4 ihIoii'u " 6 80 p ni Lv Y<?rt? i ille " 8 23 p in Lv At laiitn, n u 1 r i oo inpi Lv Uobini ;i i, -I It 0 10 i in 5 15 p Hi Lv I'll ?rl ?'t. t > It o 15 mi |?V : ll - ? I, 0 3 >:? 111 7 30 p UI J.v /ZMtbtnv, 1<?1, m 7 "4 p iii IjV ??. . ill i 0, 1" -0 in H 00 p in .Lv F.?i t ; ni' ii 10 80 . in s l * p n. Ar TiUiifas *m\ II 00 : i A 80 p in ArCttiml , S, Ky 1 oo piri CON N IV T IONS. ( luster?-O n' < in, r-eabr nnl ami i ar una Mortliwcstcrr railways. v Lancaster?Kouihcrii Hall v. ay. A P. jlAiLUUK. rtu|>e?lnttfii(!eiil, LKROY riPKINOS. Preaniom ^ . ^ ^Try ^ TV ^ I j EG TO I y unce j>e, ? XB JAL FALL y J UNG = ?; WINTER *< Ov. b? y? / ' * w , AND X* SPAY NIGHT '' 1, 111. |j iectively 0 < 1 % 1! ^ ( v Sev ^ _ ^, J\ *Y.\ # V r, Si CJ " ^ MAJ?J><&0 \* 1 i< IMKR. CO. 'X'1' X ^ "<4. ^yKIDNEY DISEASES: ere the most fatal of all diseases. j* Ffl| CV'O KIDNEY CURE It I j uLfcl 0 Buaranteid Remedy w or money refunded. Contains L" remedies recognized by eminent physicians as the best for P Kidney and Bladder troubles, ti PRICE 50c. tod $1.00. Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE . V IN I > " GRANITE WORKS, v For (Jon,! WnrL iin/I I L> n ? ? ww ? t*uu JUW ?Y JL 1 1CC^ A. J. McNinch, LANCASTER, S. C. ' a o J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, tr, Lancaster, S. C. " Working on credit doesn't pay, ^ und my terms from this ti.m henceforth arostiictly cash. u': Hear onablc Prices, Gold Filling $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. n Cement F'llinr? 75 o.t RUBHFR PLATE, si Fu.I upper set of tooth $12.0< < \Jppor und lower set $25 5;! it rheao prices arc striotl li for cnsli. No work done except j,, for c.ish or good security. . J. E. RITLEDGE, Dentist. jssaxraaameammuizaBBmBBta^ V fiarHEB SALVE the most fc sating salve lr ? world V m uappemngs in ibe State. s Chronicled by the Alert Cc respondents of The Columbu Stale. MR. J. C. KDWARDS. Saluda, Oct. 24.? Mr. J. ( dwards, a member-elect for tl suae of representatives from th mnty, died at his home ne are this morning. He has bet 1 for more than six weeks. CLARENCE THKAILKILL GUILTY Saluda, Oct. 24.?At midnig aturday night the jury in t ist against Clarence Thrailki latged with tho murder of Be mien B. Burton, returned a vt ict of manslaughter. The tr: aa begun on Friday morning a 10 case was given to the ju aturday afternoon at 5.30. j mil as the verdict was render otice of motion for a now tr as given. This motion will rgued Monday morning at t pening of court. It is perhaps unparalleled io history of criminal prosocuti utt conviction has beeu obtain i every case tried, but such no roord made this week at t ida. OLD TIME DARKEY DEAD. ilock Hill, Oct. 24. ? Di ? iMiams. uu old time darkc iiown sometimes as Dick Lai ud Diek iiackctt, dropped de i]is morning. Williams was ype of the before the war bo MVimtiiinl delighted to toll vents and people of his young ays. lie was for years not >r his musical talent and no dan 'ii8 complete without Williai nd his violin. tie also tang ancing and boasted of the nu ers of "white folks" who h rained under him. When t ftithquake visited this aecti sveral years ago Williams ( lared it to be a warning and Ifl own his fiddle. No amount ersuasion could induce him ike it up again. R. W. O NEVILLE WILL ACOE PRESIDENCY OF CLINTON COI LEGE. Yorkville, Oct. 24.?After t lorning service at the First Pri yteiiau church yesterday, Rc V iS XI It i. v*. xiovuie, me pastor, 8 onnced that he had accepted t residency of the Presbyteri ollege at Clinton. He did n tate when he would leave for I ow home, but the probability' lat it will he in the near futui >r. Neville 1ms been ' pastor ic church at this place for nil r ten years and is highly esteei 1 here and it is with regret th is congregation gives him u to has the host wishes of tl immunity for success and happ, OS* in his now homo and field uty. 'n i inn many friends of The Sta j.iicG nt tho escape it had from is istrous firo on Saturday nig id sincerely trust that the dan jo that was done will not amou > much. Had tho estahlishme sen destroyed it would ha ecu a very serious loss not on ) tho owners, hut to Colnml ml the Stuto goneraliy. Yoi illo vends congratulations ai est wishes for a long existence r> St at A Ufhirtk !. ' , .in wuicomo a! til'iuhlo visitor horo. Physician Suicides N - . > r- Tragic End To Domestic Quarrels i Over Religion.?Sad Af- jJ Fair In Sumter. Special to The State, Sumter, Oct. 24.?Dr. Telburg ^ Qofman committed suicide |this . morning about 9 o'clock at his G 118 residence, 124 south Main street P shooting the leftside and 00 top of his head off with a breach- ^ loading shotgun. P He did the deed while standing, ^ placing the muzzle of the gun near B' 'ht the corner of the left eye and n he pulling the trigger with his right 11 thumb He was found on his ^ ?n- back, his head near the wall and * >r- the gun lying aorose his body. 0 Brains were spattered against b the wall and ceiling end pieces of 81 rV skull were found on the floor. ^ Coroner Flowers hold an in- 1' e(i quest at 10.30 o'clock and the ial jury rendered a verdict that the ^ i)e deceived camo to his death by a ^ h? gunshot wound inflicted by his 8 own hand, in It ia stated that the direct cause jn on of the suicide was a quarrel with ^ ed his wife, whom he beat this mor- u is ning. The couple had not lived *( peaceably togethet since their mar c riage. On one occasion, several 8 monthp ago, ho heat hi > wife un- ^ mprrif ill I v_ur? mimV, a^ U ? 4 11 h iuuv/u ou iuni ouu umi ed iu -mother pbycinn who wont to ^ ,w Hotman and told him .that the ^ ' J ' 4.1 Lla next time such a thing occurred 11 0(j be ppold be exposed and pun- ^ , u ished. P It i9 believed that when he b repeated tho act thie morning ho n ,er preferred death rather than exed posure. d ce The servants state that they had not been on peacoablo terms for ^ ,j)t several days; that they quarreled 11 m_ yeste'-day, and it was renewed at a ad the breakfast table this morning ^ liQ Mrs. Hofman left the table for ^ ou the parlor, stating that she 8 u - - L jc ffoum pacK up and loave on tbe u ^ next train. He followed her to * the parlor, and a moment later 0 grabbed her by the shoulders and * beat her head against the wall (! and door facing. He then went * outside and locked her inside, but PT she escaped through a window opening on the piazza to a neigb. ^ bors house a few feet away,scream he ing and blood streaming down ^ 08- her face. When the doctor reg >v. turned and found her gone he ^ in- shot himself. Some think that it ^ he was his purpose to first kill her. ^ an Ha wfll man ?1? * UH.U vi voijf viuioui ^ lot- temper when aroused and it waa lis all done in a moment of insane J is madness. ^ o. Many rumors are in circulation ^ of as to why they disagreed, religion t?o being givon by some, but the j m- whole trouble seems to have been ^ at uncongoniftlity, different teraperp. amenta and tastes. ii*. S WEST YO FRO -I DEA.TR of "Our little daughter had an al? 5 most fatal attack of whooping tc cough and bronchitis," writes e n Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk ^ N. Y., "but, when all othor rem- I edies failed, we saved her lif? * with Dr. King'8 New Discovery. L nt Our niece, who bad consumption ^ nt in an advanced stage, also used ve this wonderful medicine and tod ly . she is perfectly well." Desperate 7 throat and lung diseases yield to i ,,ft Dr. Kings New Discovery as to no \ k other medieine on earth. Infall- < nd ihle for Coughs and Colds. 50c 1 nf and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by j . Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackey A i n( jCo., and Funderburk Pharmacy. * I Trial bottles free. \ egro Politician Lynched lu Virginia. 1 ill Guard Overpowered By Mob of Six Men.?TroubleWas Near Norfolk. 1 f Norfolk, Va., Oct. 24.? 1 eorgc w. Blount a nogro pro- ' rietor of a fieh and oyster ehop 1 the suburbs of Berkley, was I iken early this morning from tho 1 olice station, There he was con, 1 ned, by four masked mou and 1 hot to death, while two other 1 tasked men kept the policemen ' i charge on the station and mem- I ers of the tovyu fire department 1 'ho were ii^ffce station oflico covred with revolvers. Blount had 1 een arrested Saturday night for , triking T. D. Holloman, a llcrksy policeman, in the face with a ghied lamp, burning him. The )fticer had gone to Blount's place 3 arrest another nogro and Mount refused the officer perm ision to outer. , Tho attack on the station was 1 lade when but one officor was on i uty and he was compelled to give J p the keys at the point of a pisal. The mob seized Blount and j arried him into Hardy's field, a ! hort distance away, where he ms beaten to death with some lunt instrument and thon snot 'ho ineb dispersed and the authordes declare they know none of ^ he participants. Blount had | een for many years v negro re- : ublican loader, and at one time eld a position in the Norfolk ( avy yard. W 1*7 T? .. I i ??. ?*. xvuutuisou, a lumber | ealer and a resident of Berkley Did Mayer Allen of that place to.ay that he witnessed the kill- ^ ng from his bed room window ( nd thatBlounts screams awakened lim. Four masked men, he said j iad Binut io the middle of the , treet and were clubbing his , iead. Three of the men became ( Tightened at their victim's cries , nd fled, but the other, whom { lobertson believes was white, , Irew a pistol and shot Blount , hrough the back of his head. Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, 1 trk., writes, "For 12 years I 1 offered from Yellow Janndioe. ' consulted a number of physicians 1 ind tried all sorts of medicine, I >ut got no relief. Then I began he use of Electric Bitters and teel 1 hat 1 am now cured of a disease hat had me in its grasp for twelve rears." If you want a reliable , no/llnin/\ * 1 Tr "* uvu>v/iuu iui xjiver ana ivuiney ' rouble, stomach disorder or gen* iral debility, get Electric Bitters. ;uaranteed by Crawford Bros., F. F. Mackey & Co. and Fundei>urk Pharmacy. Loss to Winthrop College. Withrop College Rock Hill, Oct. 15. ?Winthrop collego has sustain* id a great loss in the death of Miss knna Teresa Lichtenwangon of Cnoxville, wno died of heart ailure on Sunday, October 23, kfter a painful illness of two veeks. TO CURE A COUGH The coughs so prevalent these <lav? isually develop before you realize vhat has happened. Now the best hing to do la to take the most reliable tough cure you can get. None betto than Murraya Horehound Mullein ind Tar. It is made of the purest ingredients and can hcgivan to infante la well a* grown people. Above all dae It CITRER. You will And it at ill druggists. 25c a bottle?extra large oottle. The Hnntsville Lynching rho United States Grand Jur} Indicts Sevornl Persons. llun'svillo Ala., Oct. 24.?Tho JnitedStates grand Jury has made i report to Judge Jonos covoring .ho lynching of IIorac^Maplcs.and ixpressed opinion that if Maples aad not been a negro ho would not lave been taken from jail and ynehed. Tho grand jury indicted jevoral alleged members of the nob. Tho report says that soinethingmust be dono to put a stop to lynching in the south nod that all good citizens should welcome anything that may have that effect whether from the State or federal court. Judge Jones thanked the jury and says he is willing to havo S5.000,000 of peop'e pasH on the righteousnessof tho grand jury's action. AN OLD TIME REMEDY. Murray's Horehound Mullein and Tar has in it the purest of drug*. All of which were used by our parsnta und grand-parents. It is a combination so put together that it cures a cough right oil". Nothing is bstter for babies. it is a most reliable cur* for til 1 cases of coughs. Ask your druggist lor it. They all have it. (Jot a bottle now aud have it ready. Costs only ?5c a bottla?extra large bottlea? regular 50c size, Kemenber to ask for Murraya" and take no other. ? mrn-m - Summary of Cotton Ginned. Washington Oct. 25.?A bulletin issued today by the census bureau gives a summar y of the report on cotton ginned in tho United States in the present year up to October 18. The report 1-'-- J ' ' ;u*oia i/uu CUUUIIOM,UUU ouOWS 1110 total of 426.883 running bales, as igainst 299,669 running bales reported from thosamo counties lui ;he same period last year. The lountis covered are in tho States of Alabama, Arkansas, ^Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Georgia makes the largest showing with 34 counties and 196,744 bales, is against 117,139 bales last year. The number of ginneries from which reports were received is 2, 111, as against 2,342 for 1903. A. comparative statement for 1903 shows that up to October 18 of that year a total of 3,839,627 bales had been ginned. The total number of counties from which ginning was reported in 1903 was 812, and the number of gin-* aeries 27,723. DANGER OF A COUGH. Pneumonia, grlpp, cold, bronchitis* and nearly every other dangerous sickness of this kind is usually the de velopment of a slight cough Too ruany people are laid up and too many die from diseates where they could so easily knock that first cough in the head. Murray's Horehound Mullein and Tar cures colds. It drops the hot* torn out of a tough. Every druggist has it for 25c a bo!tie Remember "Murray's and take no other. Regu~ lite "A/1 aJirt U*i UVW OI t*X3 . Two Shot Noar Aiken By Unkno *n Parties. Aiken Oct. 25.?On Saturday night about 8 o'clock some one shot into the store of Mr. C. H. Woodward at Montmorenci. Threo shots were fired with a pistoland as a result, the ten year old daughter of Mary Roof, colored, is said to bo dying with a bullet through her abdomen, and a colored man named Jim Knight: is shot through tho calf of the leg. The One Day Oeld Cure. Kermott'a Chocolate* UMtlrt Qelnfaa lot cold In the head and tore throat CUldree UM them like ??n<r.