The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, June 01, 1898, Image 4

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WY,i KK SM ALL l'OX ! N N L\Y r>L!\K V. e 1 Vw'n] in tlu' Colleo'. ro. Pa1 i -lit ill ( hiee Ke1110vei 1 ami Fmiiiirntion Follows. - ill 1.? Tin- St. Aiwlu'i'ry, May J'.'. !l w:i '' ' l ' i' . 11 j)i>\ v.':i ii.? iru* eonS'i I in Nowl'o ::nt ! |M1 WV WOllM llilVOIIO llloiv ( .!>" yInv :i?ir:Miio a stu he i'd!!.Mi' J K t>i'iii S ! iool'-ia, Mil'. 1 a MH'ltihcr of tin i . tio : class, w':is ia?aiotiiu't'i Sic otti'iuiinir pliyshinii an., norman of tSio lioar-l of -vir.iine c:>o oi \ 11* v, a - mm::; <1 to a tort a I'lc trot ami the room , 1 on-lily riiiiioik'.l. In the ' ?i !>. i it I v !' I a1!',ol ,c ? . -?j i oi this shtto < ! !I of l?-a;lh h:?s <>; ! iv.i > * y i' ill 1 i u\ ? >!; - i f tho wii ) h:i\ ' ' S W ill ! j ' ; l ; \ _ i! A. -fy V\' i I! LK D!('r( I' N t J A V i 11.\ I 1'*. o! v i' l is i il :i:i i Su'ious Ao.:iur> :il M . i . i. ..! to The S ilo V ill..lill' lull, vi i V li !. A c.?i. ! ivi'r ilii" i I oit ocri ill I'liiliii1 (imve ihuroh, r<o miles lid hero, yostor?la\ ri Doe Kllison ami Allot "i"h .slov were cii.:'i.j 1 in the v. o oi' Mr.-, '' Me.' r>'.r ?r. one or tit 11* nei_'hWon * hn iic.l the ?l.iv before; Mi V :i : V y was str i in 11 it* hack f 1. 1 head with till* V 1_J0 of it -i\ % v A i! shoveling dirt i'lotn iij ;v in u st > >.)! 1 j ji'sturo, Mr KJlison, who was nttoinj>tr.. 1 out a root in the <rrave at U? r mi'.? time. MahafToy wjis , v .'i;c<l son.soli ss t?y the blow, Jed! to tlu grotm-l i:i an instant, 1: was car no I to his homo near . where ho remained t:n*??i? eious for t 'iron hours. Dr.s > i ? ; unl W i! ?)f tlr * j*laoo H J!I?JII? < IiM 11'I \ - 111111)0110(1 to ho i of tho unfortunate man, tml Jul '.?-?t evening ho was in a -i >t ioions .state At la-f no - Mint.- ho was stili in n .soi ions ion, and tho result of his To \ oouhl not lotonnliicil. 11?:0' * Dn;"^. "jilf vulun r ' . IJy . ;MJ.. iOli iliiK, IIVinw:tic la1 i'li <>l id IIIn ,! itttditl r, ,,'ijy . ly i* t:ik< n. | or sic'-;iy children u* . U 11i*'t> i i. oj i.ii. iioiiie i i ?\l'KKSSKl> 11EORKT. 'resilient <>t France on the War Country Strictly Neutral. Paris, May 21>. ~-M Faure, at ;Jjb unveiling of tlie monument to he combatants of 1*70 at St iKkenne today, referred in the Crrarso of his speeeh to *ho Hisjpano-American war, expressing t in regrets that the efforts of ,1? ranee an<I the other powers had $ m j.Jed to prevent a conflict. The go resident declared that Franco mAi resolved to maintain the *ri tfUest neutrality, and ho said eo earnestly hoped that the efforts if the neutral powers would aliened in restoring peace. OA0TOXIIA. Kind Yon Haw Always Boigtt AN OPIEIh To M( WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF PITCHER'S CASTORIA," I, DR. SAMUEL PIT! setts, v;is the originator cf i:as borne and does now boa the facsimile signature c ! This is i[ho original "CAS1 the homes cf the Mothers of LOCK CAREFULLY a the hind you have always bo and has the signature per. No one has authority The Centaur Company, of wh, llarch 24, 1898. /? THE C LM *<JH COM PAN V, 7 > ^ 4 v % . / j ii * * u * i /. v ;> c v. e s * I 11 v V T. M \ l>! . :u P:U?Hfi?i"iils will I mi NV* ^ . UUitv -I \> P.M U | tot* i.. o ... s -> t 11111? '! h I r -i - ii < * 11:11;; or i i.lnl J lit-' i .< i i t m:..I Ml ti.?- -x h. . f lit r. Ii F. v\ Yl.l F Ally, til L:i\v. Nov. Ji, 4m. I / V , 1 * " V. * * f 1 ?"' -;4i /I ; tr ry-r?.rj ~ 5 B ft to ,n m m K 4 - r>< " r s JUSF, :\ - 50 ( FT"\f! ~ a #41 ] I jgT By pu) ing your subsyripi the above popular papers at price u^l \ ?k yoi: ix \ nit*-;a If s<>, vu.j can give ibyu irnot to bo duo Doccmlter 1st, uoxt, fo your indebtedness to date, and pa; your .subscription one year in ad vaneo ami get the benefit of abovi prices. . Address all 01 T. S. C 4 - I Ks , f ' . ' I iLETTER t OTHERS. /. ;h" THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO TIIE WORD " CASTORIA," AND ' s(t, AS OUR TRADE MARK. CHER, of Hyannis, Massachu"CASTORIA," the same that wrapper. J TOR1A" which has been used in America for over thirty years, t the wrapper end ceo that it is ^ ? ?" the t of 'r<>?C^L4/i4 wrap- 9-4 from me to use my name except 8.5* fch Chas. H. Fletcher is President. s 1 ^ . jD. J 74 7 MURHAV OTHLLT, NCW VQHA <iin. A\ I <1 I ' nnd tor <^1P ?/' . li'.iU i u uui 0 ? ! 1?" , 7 i n-re* <e .. ! luivil . utile* N?>r''> j . lift >\v ii f<ii' sttloclt 11' wu li l\v?? i*?hiu)(i room t\u?l |>iuxz? * , ;i of lit: waler ? invtnii nt, .VI u> '.t ??j i Ii . i I y ' w A I.I.!l-'()M it r.VltTKK, ' Heal fl-tite A.'oul*. ^ jV H 6'i n?m (Three Times /'ft el/ Week) > cents for one jet ? v? i p rjRr A MAWAiA Si.v fee it /'</if rs Every W'rch ) cents for one >< ' - * n r>rp/p\r rpvr! V T" f lP^ e, jd,y.-M& iliili ij \ n Free lor one rear. W Lion to "I'iik I^<:i> .i:u one year io advance ;s we <piote ulmve. :?_i~4 ?4-a~.2L._j <L, *%J tw wv? < ?C| - VvJ fU M Ml U, ?o Clicap Enough. j The ledger (Semi weekly), The ? l: Now York World - TrYweekly) j and Home and Farm, all three pa- j Krr i | per*, one year for $'2.15. n? Tho Ledger (Semi-weekly), The r'" J Atlanta Constitution (Weekly) ami Home and Farm, all tlneo papers one year for $2.'25. Tho Ix*d?;er (Semi weekly) and Homeand Farm one year forf 1.50 Or, all four paper* one year for #:*.00. . r rders and make rc I ' <" ARTER, M-?S ? / y*. ' , 4 *. .!.// ? ' 'V 4 'A -?* ^ 3>hh ?f \ L .f'i ' 1 , iv "frf? 72k. ' cr * * ^ V w> . . ? . v Procrastination is the thief of lie, and industry is the only licetunn that can eateh up with 11. i One secret of success is con- ' mcy of purpose. lNCASTER AND CHESTER RAILWAY. I TWEEN AND LANCASTER J icilule in elFeet Daily except Suiulax on and alter May 11, 1898. VKSTHOl'Nl) | KAS' BOUND. ? 's. 14 ainl 10. J No's. 6 atiu 17 t M. F M. A .1/. 1* M 1 '? 0 00 Ar Chester Lv 11 Do 7 2-*. '> 5 20 Hielihurg II 4J s in J 5 I'? ltasconihville 11 50 8 2<> F M l ) 5 00 Fort Lawn 12 05 8 40 < i 130 Ly Lancaster Ar 12 35 9 20 Train No lli, Sunday Duly. M. P. M. <i Lv. Lancaster Ar. s .r>.'? {0 l,-orl liiiwn s US ill IlitS'iilllVlliU s lo ltk-hluir? S (H 5i> Ar. Phe-Mcr I.v. 7i'i ?> ,noots :,t <'h ster Willi Southern way Sea Air Lino u <I Curi i nihl Norlli-\V< ?;*>ru Hallway. |<111n? c'm at aticasier wii li the <>lii<> k*r i l.arle>ton. y S|.- ltiKN4 Prt-H , Lai cnater, s. t . I Houth. (I P. \ , 1 vr I: ?, V' I' anil Ami., t.'hcster I p?\ J ? Vw* -V >X49 [' \Mv\i ir tliiyX I sai\ % r. f\n ??wo will .send you any one of su iiscit uns._yo.w_! If you ar? not already a nubiber to Tho Ledger Hubaoribo w and get the benefit of our ibbing rate*. mittauces^to direr, ticanter, H. C.J ? .? * i r . > *. t l ' . V . . I ' . * * . \ * v r-;i witm, A Strange Ilybru . I Peas in the Corn. Twice recently tlie Charleston .\t the risk of being accused of News and Courier lias published repeating we again urge the plantnotices of freaks, or ani nals half iM1r ()f corn Held peas in the corn, ait and hail rabbit, and the notices I'poii ordinary up lands plant be tiave been received with skeptic tween the row, upon very fertile sisni. Hut \Y C Page, of P>eaeh lands sow broadcast at the rat' of Island, this county, has one of two bushels to the acre. The udLheso abnormal creatures. lie dition to the fertility of the soil isscrts that its mother was a do- j,y jjlo erop of peas will more than nestie cat, and its father u rabbit ?i ..? - . mii |m ii.^cn iin 11ini i? 11uivet i ily Wo liuvo no more than oih* i'oci- Iheciv.p if yorn. A heavy crop don, soon and handled tho eroa of peas collects as tnueh nitrogen aire, and it is certain y a slraime !US is ???taimul in twenty tons of .. , stable manure. -?Southern raroolun"r annual to lie classed as a . ,, .. .. . . - . . mer aim Horticulturist. at. It sits ou its haunches just -*>.0**.>:i. . it*. .11 .1 liotnity I.h illtititl Deep. ike a rablut, and iias the unuunu: .. , , ? ,*? v., J I ( Joan lilnml nuMtn n clean sum. uoveiiient of this animal. Its ? niiy n c.iioui it. ( ..*i .iish, l iie<ly, , . ; > mi- .H M 111< ?ih'|> a *.? .a. iij aviit'l' vouches lor its (? h.;:- : . iti ; II the lazy liver and driving ail itnAikon Recorder. imun n.<!ay to . Ot< . > . :? l< l(U| rSTP-lv I n t'avrrm t-. ? lioauly for ten tents. VII <lrug tt' lii'-i atilo."'., lOc, 2oe,uUe. IS.:* *"* "Hi t I 3 fki}/ ? { a <*v. . , ,.. ., 5 Sb&hJ- ! '--cause I t \l cd l...s ha dl v.ithot.t pain. i ?! same for \ . Nc'lhci pain nor a I tor idl'ect s i *; ' i utv c . M v nti .' ? '! :r ! pit an; ; * am! fat .. i I've 11* > '"? < ; " i-.i'1 rmnnTTfTTor nil ' runrli' ? . , , v- ,? , c !i-., t < t. Work. No char:;c for 'x.mtPM! e-riu,alt . ,4 'i T; ^ r '* *\ H y J9\ >?% 'I > * % I - i I I ^ ' ' '' ; ? & 3 V; . i erf \t'... * 1 n -1 J ' f.ANTAST!s. c>\ rivc.c-3rsc-r. r- - - :? rr* - "i.icw:. .'tm ?k*&R 'V' -%v 7 ?- -'- iid3i I This paper anionics, in o !. lection with The Atlanta Weekly Constitututi< n, a new < fler in which everyone may have a chance. -Ci?SEND IN AN ESTIMATE, 0N__^> THE GOTTON CROP SEASON OP 1897-93 CONTEST BEGAN MARCH I-ENDS SEPT. I.'98. TO EiiTtIt THIS CONTEST YOU HU3T SUBSCRIBE mR r^iMtgii IN CONNECTION WITH LjESDGKEJFI, AT THE EXTREMELY (TQ flfl C LOW PRICE OF vdliUU In rnnnprf ion w2?V? tM j r*l ..kk:~? r>-4- !M " ? ....... ?.... wiuui/iuK ivuik-, wc win, n you &enu your guess with the subscription price, forward all for you and thus <^_G!VE YOU A CHANCE AT THE SPLENDID CASll PRIZES APT EXTRAORDINARY OFFER TO OUR SUBCRIBERS! Here II l?, rrml ll ult very carrl'ull) ami lie ?ure you understand Ike (ernist First Asvnriti To ttio au?acrt- Hccon?l Asvnriti To Ilia sub- Tlilrd Award I To the sub? r or ? ii>m fiber* iinming t ie *r mIht ?>r suUicritiers naming scrlber naming llis arrond exact nuntlef or in-nrr-1 to ... , In- esMi-l namkrr at in f'C llr?t nr\t nrureit we will next nearest we will give IT lli? ..Honor pot Iml s wi will II tin i-stun.tle L? rrcelvwl Uie estimate Is rsiwl red glre if the estimate Is re<*ive-l K i ingMar h. _ $2,500 "1 * Vvr<"' S1,500 S1,000 2,000 "Sm1"?*' " ... 1,250 lf,attn?April- 750 1,500 ! . r 500 ir In.ring Ju'y or I ilfS'l 11 During July or TCft If During July or nra August. iw>s ? I iwUll A.ic ist, lira ..._ I August. l*?s . ........ tull SO, THAT THE FIRST THREE MIZES AMOUU TO $5,000 IHJiASK. testes Cnae j r, 1 ] v If the I'XVC.T figures are not given during this coni >UIC ^pwcuiu.y. ,cs, |li? money will paid out to the REAHEkT I (> TIIF. I'"XA(!T figures. Somebody will get the money, it does not go hack to the 'l'he Constitution l>y any means. Those who solve the ptnblrm at the longest range will receive proportionately the highest prizes, as you notice the figures grow less as the time expires nn.l Iwcau^e the nutn er of hales received up lo certain dates, as the time advances, can he known exactly, leaving shorter time and probabilities to figure against. In all three ol the cases submitted it is distinctly understood that, should more than one correct or equally correct estimate be filed in the contest, the amount of the prizes so earned will be divided equally among the correct answers. The prizes are offered in cash. There is no "missing w> d" in lit.-, i pi< .' ,t\ b>r some one lo know ah-.olutely the correct answer, but this is brain v. t-tis brain, skill vt tsus skill, pencil versus pencil, figures versus figures. 1"very man is inlcrt : <1 in the cotton crop, the amount of the crop varies the price and the price of cotton in our territory is the barometer of the people's prosperity, | i?mi On Such a Vital Problem You Ought to Hake Figures. THE CONTEST CLOSES SEPT* 1st The estimate is to he made upon the t. i I'nited States Cotton Crop for 1807-98. the crop that has already been gg'hered a I n iu the to' n'rv as official figures of receipts show it fr> ;n Sept t, t..,7, to < ;>t. 1 i This i- not the crop that is to be plunted this spring, because the figuirs th<-r< rt will not be obtainable until Sept. I, 1899. Itisior the ctop already in and uicrkrird, <> . fi -urcs of wiikIi will lie announced in Septcmlier. Av a guide for making > e-'.n . . . ? ' .ial ir,.:ii > for each of the last teu crops. The conditions under which this last crop was giown and its probable output are elements for you to compute from and t. I aid in the correctness of your present estimate l'he fi( ires given by I album, An v. aider & Co., of New York, are generally received throughout the South as official, and we given an exact copy from their latest edition of 'Cotton !b(ovim#ni *r?/! fc'l.? " - 4 11 ? uv I u KII' ;H3 IVIUUUW); Sra?on AcMplHHld Bale* in crop Sea*on Acre# planted Bale* in crop fl 1887-88 . . . 18,961,897 7.046,833 189-' 93 . . . 18,067,924 6,700,365 188889. . . '9.362,071 6,918,290 1893-94 , , 19,684,000 7,549.817 1889-90. . . 20,171,896 7.311.3*8 is94 '?5 . . , 21,454,000 9,901,251 f( 1890-91. . . 20,809,053 8,6j2,597 189569. , 18,882,000 7.'57.348 1891-92 . . . 20.714,937 9.035.379 >896-97 22.341.000 8,757,964 Ttmir flruren will t>? unnd In dncldlnff thU content. Their Estimate of the Acreage for the Crop of the Seaion of 1897-98 it 23,320,000 Acret. Following Art tht Condition* of tho Contotti lira* pro pus tlTiT a rs award-d 'upntt I'M KXACT nl uitu ip<>> the uarutiar or halra. lha pri<#? olTsrari nadar tna war,ad propoalClan will go ta Ih- naaraal Hllmtlr, Mil If Iba drat prutra air ?t?hn for lha % KA B IWT oottmoto, no on* having aaaag I orf-cUy lha rial rtgur? a. In-n lha aa<-and artwt would raw la tor lha aaanad anaroai aaUmal* and lha third print for lha Iblrd ?r*rt?i r-?iim?i? .. Awmnd <f kim'.nr should submit a oorra-t sotinata la ana dirWon of lha ana than a abort and somauaa should aaad a t-orrael in asma lairr divlaiaa, Ibh laat aaiaaia would taka rank anly among lha awond prima baraasa lha Irn had naaa prortouady ?wardsd la aawaaaaa wha naasad lha ainonni rorrtrfl, In lha for roar parted. Tkibd -Tba aoadlllaa praasdant far wading aa ahails d M OsWaa On h AM M awd naif rati m la mual ha am-ompaoiad hp a roars s.itar rlpWoa Co Tba VMIrCaMhswa If aawC Irsngh ha paiwr pubiiahlng una adrartisrioanl la anoptanra of hi riMMdn| sh?. hs anmdr cf hs asdss iw>| will ha forwarded. Thla aiiiat ha aanl la lha Manlh-al inn-p. Ihslhrtaps ths nsa ay hslstpi tor lha aba. ripdan Yon ennaot saiwrribo anw sad aaad saur nunaw eftnrwwadh aa hsrgnddla? ft aa laartM N owl by s a'd-ni or atharwha aa aot knowing ml lla taawl as lha las ywn ashswihs, aa any nhnp rnawan. artl! asliUa ona lo aand aa ?st'mala atarwagda. rka nilash nan rwm wwh lha aakaarCpdlsa, ar naiad all. la aandlsg raar aal a., ta <y as agrai af Ths < ?.ast>ia?Cwn .ran ads Mm pawn ma and oat on * la larwardlag > oar atnsl. saih a la lha aaamnMws af lha Igiiw sa fw hhndad than and lha aarhalnly af lha farwarding af tha aaUraala dhonld a part? aaad nan lias aha aaMnaada, ha a* aha will ha antuod la n than 01 Iks pms mad nam aklak N nay annum c. pa aa tmr aaah tail sal nMa ?li sant Parnana nay aahrr lha an law aa nan? Una as may wad aaltaHpM i as and wwdaa thd iBh khd asns pan?n nay raaalaa a prina *nh aach of ih* ttrra pupaaChain. Poonrn-In nslini romr anawor Jnac aWW dapr 'I wdwsas tha asnm ad hadh ad athn will ha M*? yonr igarna mry ptala Ifyna want ta taaka WnkM InWp. trtfna MB wnat to r? pool tin nknA an l.ri nadn, wad othar sanartptlana Daw 7 fkhhM wary NtwMn $m ynurawf ar fomr Ithi^lrtll snania fan la an aaUnala ' lahawaill riBMllflflWawi _x f LHSOfrHiR, 1 LA -I > I