The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, July 28, 1852, Image 3

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ffe#~ The following very sensible iirticle I We find in one of our favorite exchanges, the New York Sachem. It deserves publicity : u Amono Oiiikr Lkoal Kkkoums there 4s ono that we would strictly insist ui>on? , llie abolition of imprisonment of witnesses, for the incarceration of a man simply for , the reason that ho was a casu;d spectator ] ttf" another's iniquity is a satire upon reason | and a fnockci'y \?p?ai jtistice, deleterious to , the course of pure judgment as it is re- j pulsive to common sense. How stands | ttio ease with a man cognir.aut to the commission of u crime, will lie voluntarily j step forward to aid the administration of , junice when In* is immured within a , dungeon, while the otlender is rioting tit ( large upon bail ; on the contrary, ho seeks ( <every possible means to elude the vig- j nance ot me omeers, on the alert to catch ^ and imprison an lionest man, with the " same alacrity tliey would arrest a felon. When the sight of crime la-comes criminal J and the act of vision ensures participation , in oflence*, how much more safe will it , be (or all upright men to close their eyes ?ml p.-rmit the criminai in fact to revel witli free impunity. As unwise, as tyrannic, the law, obliging a witness to be recog- , nized, or incarcerated, should la- abolished or rendered nugatory?let man bo pun- | ished for his own transgressions and not ( for those of his neighlHir. Hut how remedy theevil ? 1W a speedy administration of justice, by destroying the formality of a ] grand jury, an absurdity whose functions can be transferred to the examining ma- ( gistratc, and further by lessening the tedium- of. a preliminary eviujiiuanoli. A stranger, however YtBspo^tabli* at home, may heroin a crowded city, unknown to men of wealth, laj unable to. obtain hail (or his apjiearance as a witnesain the trial of some important cause ; that man may lay in prison and n?t : his business mav l?c ruined; his w ife and children buried ere the trial Call ls> calb-il nn iiu'ii-.if t/. ,1... - " ?? f* vexatious procrastinations <>f co'irt and counsel. The witness has served nf !oi-t one |w>rtion of the tertll of punishment l>v right appertaining to the criminal. Ie-t a man be incarcerated hv a foreign g. ?veniment, be it oven for a d.iv, on the suspicion of guilt, and the full mouthed press l?rawis in vindicative spleen, hut l>y our own law, a citizen of our land may breathe the noxious air of a prison house for years from no crime of his own commission. If witnesses are to bo detained let them ho treated with humane consideration and not to a felon's fate, ashy the existing laws they most assuredly are." The Cavalla Messenger?Africa. \V e are indebted to Col. (J. F. Townes, for Vol. 1 No. 1, of a little shoot bearing the al>ove title. It was inclosed in a long and interesting letter, written by Miss Martha Williford, to her friend and christian sister, the late Mr-. E A. Tow lies, whose recent and untimely death we have so recently announced. The Cavalla Mexarnf/er, lias for it* motives the very appropriate words, "Ethiopia shall soon at retch out her hands to find." The .Ve.txtmjrr is edited by the Missionaries stationed at Cavalla, Mis.* Willifoni being one of them, and in the Jebo language.? Miss Willifoni indicates in |a-ncil marks the articles written hyuierself iu tho Jebo. When wo rcHoct' that our fair towns woman was but recently among ua and as profoundly ignorant of the Jel*> people and their language ha mav be. and that in the lapse of about two years she has found her way U> Africa, as u dfvotc*! an.I self-sacrificing Missionary of ber Lord and Master, Anil has become an Editress of a paper in the language of the- Jebn, we not only f?el that alio confers honor on (Jreenville, but that she gives character to her sex, *nd merits and, as we humbly hope, receives the approving smiles of heaven. It was not our good fortune to have the personal acquaintance of Miss Willi* ford, but she is represented to us, by those who know her well, as one of the most amiable, pious and gifted ladies our Town and District have known.?Oremvillt Montaiaecr. The next Ooveroor. It is beginning to be a matter of some interest who will be our next chief magistrate. Both the low and middle country I have made nominations, in every way worthy of the distinguished port, and we > desire to present the claims of the up-countrv. No feelings merely sectional could induce us to do so, did wo not regard the Hon. Dftniel Wallace equal in every reaped with the other distinguished gentlemen who have already been spoken of in connection with tho office. We know of no man in South Carolina wlib is possessed of higher qnslifications for this exalted station than the honorable gentleman referred to. lie hns filled, in succession, almost every office, both civ. il and nplitAry, within the gift of the k a.-.~ ? i it liuill U1C IU 111^111-^1, t'ACrpi tho one in- mieethxii, and ha* as yet found no limit to his capacity to discharge their duties in tlie most distinguished manner, as Magistrate, Commissioner in Fruity, ?nefnl>sr of tho Legislature, and a representative in Congress and Fn all the grades f . of military, from tl?e lowest to that of Major-Ocncral, ho has cotno up to the mark of tho perfect officer. Possessing an accurate knowledge of the details of office, he has, at the same time, a mind comprehensive enough to grapple with its most intricate and important duties. Were it not from the fact that our members in the federal legislature are utterly powerless, we would feel much hesitation lit withdrawingliim fro u a position which he Is so eminently fitted to accupy;but the time has eome when South Carolina needs her distinguished sons'at home. As they cannot accomplish anything in bringing hack the Federal Government to its pristine purity, we should at least employ them in promoting the prosperity and elevating the character of our own beloved commonwealth. We make this nomination without the knowledge of Gen. Wallace, but with a frill conviction of the importance of tho office, and of hie fitness to discharge its responsible duties.?LauretuviUe Herald. t Mm. Waasna has positively declined to as sept the mission to England, and it is now gseartsd that Mr. Crittenden will be appointed la place of Mr. Abbott Lawrence. * The Loved and Lost. The Journal of Commerce furnishes its readers with the following affecting sketch. It is a picture in real Jifc?a vision of truth. A lady was riding, some years since, through Connecticut, in her father's car- ' riage, when they were brought to a stop My liy a woman coining from a cottage, near \ which they passed, and beckoning to them. My I i - ? 1 ' 1 ii.... un-n-, n ?oiw mm is caning nun j,?( mournfully, but, oh, how lovingly, back to ^ arms that vearn to embrace hitn. !?.' 11< , tic Sir An oM lady cnmplaning of Ac dreadful state of a certain town, olisorvew that little children wlio could neither walk nor s|H?ak, ran about the street cursing .. and swearing. tj0 Kossutii.?The New York I'ont of Thursday afternoon. 15th inst-nt, says: The distinguished Hungarian left in the Africa on Wednesday, secretly, in order to avoid notoriety on his arrival in England, lie was accompanied by his wife,Col.Count Iiethlcn, nnd XIr. Gnegg, a German Demo- n of this city. His pisaige was taken in j, the name of another, in order that his do* p rture might not be known. Dr. Thomas B. Williams.?It becomes ? our melancholy duty to record the death of ' I)r. Thomas B. Williams, one of our most worthy nnd estimable citizens. He died at his residence near this place. Tuesday evening. He had Wen in feeble health for some time.? (JreencUle Patriot. ^ It nftutilJ be universally known?for it is stritly true?that indigestion is the par- no ent of a large projiortion of the fatal dis- nt eases. Dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera morbus, liver complaint, and many other diseases enumerated in the city inspector's * i.i? ._i i a ? wiv-Mv citx?iogu?j 01 ucains, urc f*ener:ui'<i by indigestion alone. Think of thai ?1 yspeptiea 1 think of it all who suffer from disordered stomach's, ami if yon are willing to bo guided by ml vice, founded njK>n exjxcrience, resort at once (don't delay a ,Zt day) to Hoofland's German Hitters pre- ? pared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, which, as th an alterative, curative, ami invigorsir* lej stands alone and onapproached. General 11 repot, 120 Arch street. We have tried jn them? Hitters and know that they are ex- n, cellent for the diseases specified nlnrve.? Philtuirlphut City Item. 23 COMMERCIAL. lie LATEST DATES. ? From Ijvf.rpool July 10. From IIavkk July 0. ^ From Havana July 1A. From Charleston July 24. The Markets. ^ . . - ? HI t-ll AHLF.STOS, July 23. COTTOS ? The market, during the first few day* of the cur ln' rent week, continued to wear an unsettled "u aspect, but subsequently prices assumed co Koine degree of regularity, and the market, 7 may be aaid to have been "t??dy and firm at 0 the aubjoined quotations. The receipts since our last reach 1026 bales, and the sales 86 in the same time 2826 bales, at prices ranging from 7$ to IIJ cents. We quote ordinary to good ordinary, 7| a 9$; middling, 9$ ^ a 9|; good middling, 10a 10$; middling fair and fair, 10|a II; and folly fair, ll$c. la CottTimiA, July 29?Cottow?We have not the least change to notice in the price of cotton to-day and our former quotations f,i| have been Aailly maintained. 45 bales were ur sold, at prices ranging from 8 to 10$ cents. (}j MR. EDITOR:?I'lease announce J. R CON NELL, Esq., as a Candidate for Tax Collector, and oblige MANY VOTERS. nm me rvm ugni ami siopping ills y lorscs, Mr, '1' ?waited iier approach. As she came nearer, her face appeared in- My .elligvtit and attractive, hut melancholy | withal, ami her eye was rcstlen* and ro- My ring; hut aa she reached the side of the j amage, and laid her hand on the window w jilge, she gazed with intense earnestness ' r nto the dice of the lady, and asked, "Have you seen William, any where!" Startling as the porxitnly of a deranged ' [sison must liav Ikh-ii, the lady had sulli ient presence of mind to assure her that ' die had not seen William, ami the poor watcher hv the roadside turned away Up with a sigh. ^ Yeas had passed, and the incident was Oh si most forgotten, when, a few weeks ago, 1 the same lady, now the wife of a lawyer Stj in this city, was riding through Fulton i street, in llrooklyn. A loud cry attracted hei attention, and looking at the sidewalk, she saw a woman with streaming hair and wild eye riming down the street, screaming?"Willy, Willy, Willy," in a ? voice that seemed, as she described it to he, C so unutterably mournful and thrilling, " that it must reach the car of him she cal- led, unless that ear was sealed in the j silence of death. \V Was this the same person she had met pa long ago in Connecticut I and had her o, poor wandering brain Imvii seaiceing all these years for the bov she loved?and searching all in vain ? Who was he? and 1 where oil tiie hroad earth had he kept himself out of the reach of that wild love? She had asked a million of |>vrsoiis if they ele ii id seen him, and imne knew him. She hud called hill) in the forest, ill the crowded city, hi the dav and in the night, now TI hopefully, now mournfully, and always he d t had answered imt. Or was he, perchance, jn heyoial answering, and did theioiee reach him in that laud whence he might lot rotilt* lit !??? lo.ieoe.o. .I. l.L - --..I ?!?1 - M |M| IVIM l, IIUtMHI III li VII III'* XUII yearn towards herf Mayhap, if so it l?c, ;iri< 1 ho strive harl ... ?mayhap, some pleasant erening. when she sits alone, mill murmurs liis u am'' in ' accents of unchanging affection. ' ?> I tn tv grunt to liim utterance in tones that will reach lier \v. rtio!?! heart, ami then?how i; -pring luck through th lonesome years, ' ami wtili the vigorous freshness ami Iteautv of youth ami youthful lovo, go forth to "h meet liitn? < >r, us these lines will in one day go further than she can in a thousaml, if William he anywhere on the earth, and K. his conscience tells him he is wandering of from a heart lie owes allegiance to, let an him know when he reads this that there is ringing all through the world, now here. ????IM?j??tagsaawaa??e-g?-i [For the Ledger. The Oldi Oak Tree. /vi a .mi I think of the " Old Oak Tree," Sa,e p"* J iVhile hero I wander in strange lands, solutions ion I have wont with friends to be, *n 'bo 1 n friendship's truest social bands. struction < father, ofiimes brought to mind. Court Ho iVIiile riding to and fro I be; 'bo sehcin mother, too, I think 1 find, other advi rVhen I think of tho "Old Oak True." our 'and, roughly t brothers there I've sported with, BOj|f njfort n days I love to think of now? tlie transp sisters, too, I've dandled there, !ind hy thi ienenth the old oak's wido spread bough? nection wi uncles, aunts and cousins, too, work, to t There I've met and played with ye, are jnvitW days I hail with pleasure true) well as n the shade of the "old oak tree." to the fur . , . ,, Result* fl still there stands the "old oak tree, ^ . jj. Majestic, and as green as ever Qn t||u fir> on the spot, the writer T? purpose ol iVill ne'er forget?no, never! never! ^ ^ 1 neighbors' boys there we have been, work [n days and hours we'll no more see, II, as vou p iss by think of him ' "t!"] With whom you s:it 'neath the old oak /"V * 1 land, Koi tree. ry ? ? * otatc, UQ(1 s.. or L C. F. Coli.ecr, N. C., Julv 2t)th, are ,nv,.U'1. eipate in l P EC I AT NOTICES. addressed and resohl lif The friends of GEORGE McC. Spir|u>d, ai ITIlERSl'OON, Esij., announce him asa'f mpokc in t ndidale to represent this District in the tionH uf natc of the next Legislature. meeting t be uccomi -tf" The friends of WM. MoKENNA HUm!SS o) Iiounee him as a c andidate to represent ,nianiinmi s District in the Senate, at the ensuing |tCHiilutio ?tion. The Pre Ml, pimtmd iii r- i nnaiiimou Mil. bull Oil:?Please announce Col. ... .. ... ............ ... .. moved th: IOMAS \V. IILhV as a suitable cundl- .... , ..... . . ... published !? to n present th:s I list net in the senate, ;. ... . i .. tirst Mon ill- next I.eirisl: ture, and oblige ... MANY VOTKRS. ( In-raw, a :-tf The fHends of Dr. \V. c. Cat:tiif.n *? oti^niot MMinoe him to the citizens of L-.ncastcr adjourned strict s a e.-.ndidate to represent them in JAM House of Representatives in the next p ( gisl tore. J. (,'. Si Mil. EDITOR?Please announce Mr.l'.T. immono us a Candidate for the House of ||||| || -presentative* in the next Ijcgishture, and lige MANY VOTERS. lm MR. EDITOR?Please announeo Mr. T. Milt Curetux as a Candidate for the House a/f* ^ Representatives in the next Ia-gislaturc. ^ rci" .1 oblige MANY VOTERS. ^'cm-nd can be.nee 1-iT The friends of MARTIN' 1*. CRAW- ?iTA 1*1 >111), Esq., nnnounee him as a candidate to IIA TS resent the District of l.incaster in the CKlii use of Representatives at the onsuing j g ction for Members of the legislature. . J-fT The friends of J. A. STEWMAN l)R iiounee him as a Candidate for the office Clerk of the Court, at the ensuing Elcc,n. Hchoo MR. EDITOR:?Plwise announce Mr. My pood) B. BLACK MON, n? a candidate for Clerk suit. 11 el the Court at the next election, and oblige or to npp MANY VOTKIiS. \??mry therefore ZA7~ K. G. BILLINGS is annouunccd as niy^no^* candidate for the offico of Clerk of the jjftd cxan ?urt at the next election, by elsewhere MANY FRIENDS Si SUPPORTERS. Also No. 1) SI MR. EDITOR:?Please announce JOHN Seainstrei ADAMS ns a suitable candidate for to the tin erk of'he Court, at the next election, and *hort tiim lige MANY VOTERS. .,<adLt'8 tiling tine take greai Uf The friends of William Robinsox and still l nounce him as a candidate for the office of von?and erk of the Court nt the next election. they are t tnnore, a The friends of I*. T. MOBLEY an- Woods unco him ns a Candidate for Tax Collector Jin the next election. tf 16 MR. EDITOR?Please annonnee Cnpt. A. Gillespie as a Candidate for Tax Col- Cure Toil tor of Lancaster District, and oblige ,nX shice MANY VOTERS. generous troin then ' I>een cngii The undersigned have been author d by the Eumenear Society, to announce the public that the Annual Oration before I I AVI d two literary Societies of Davidson Col- ? ,m' ;e will be delivered on the evening of the p,jg|jc j th of August, immediately preceding the Goods or y of Commencement, by the Rev. 11 M. er for cn diner, of Columbia, S. C. country. J. A. ALLISON, ) m>' *took J. S. HARRIS, >Committee. vv.*.. L L PARKS, S * Davidson College, July 9th, 1852.. u N. B.?Other Editors are respectfully so- J[ ited to ropy the above notice. TiFINC 1..... H Bad XECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Chaki.istos, 8. C? 3d June, 186J. at unueunll) JI7HEREA8, information Jinn reached and on a ' thin Department, that one SA.MUEL heretofor UFF, otherwise called SAMUEL A. A. J [MJG11, (who was convicted of negro steal. J. R Land sentenced to be hanged, but was Plenum evnentiy pardoned by the Governor, on ndition of his leaving the Ntate, never to rM turn.) has violated the condition of his parn, and is now within the limits of the State. Now, be it known, that, in order that the UJa6 ntenoe of the Court may bo csrriod out ninst tho said SAMUEL HUFF, otherwise llod AMUEL A. HOUGH, I, JOHN II. .flfov 1 BANS, Governor in and over the State of w >uth Carolina, do issue this, my proclama- ? ?n, ottering a reward of ONE HUNDRED vious to DLLAR8, for his delivery at the Charles- ?" the bi u Jail. atreryre Said SAMUEL HUFF is about thirty will now am of age, five feet, eight or ton inches on the m* j. J L _ .if. ?i a.. ..II t. ..I |fn, ?*ri rompiexiun, win vw:^e, mparts ng- , e and has the appearance of bad health. 1 Wool, H ven under 017 hand and the Seal of the Boga ?n< State of South Carolina, this Uiinl day of far prico June, in the year of our Lord ono tliou*. and eight hundred end fifty.two. N. B.? By the (torevBor, 4- H> MKANS. \y requea Bsnjamir PeBBT, Secretary of State. I am in w July 94 96 Bcllair Bail Road Meeting. SHERE L .it I > Y VIRTUE C i?cllng held in the Court House on cj from jud, Inst, the following Report and Ro- Columbia, I will Were adopted: + House, on the Fir opinion of this Meeting, the con- ^opcrtv^viz^' ^ )f a Rail Roml from lanmstcr THREE ACR use to some point connecting us in less, containing t o of roads in this State, amongst l1 underburk Mine mtages, by enhancing the price of by "he s.aidU| quickening industry,and more tho- under Scnton a leveloping the resources of our Whim,and ether < ung greauy increased lacinues tor 111 r,'H ana appurti ortation of our produce to market, n,n(^ thereunto ntt . , , . the property ot Al owing us into more intimate con- of fon^n Attacll itli other portions of the State, is a of Evan Threat, he accomplishment of which, we MeManus, vs. Ale I by every motive of self-interest, Conditions Cas by every sentiment of patrioti*,,, WlCa8tl.,Cour1 thcrance of which, therefore, he it July 12, 1 /, That a meeting of the citizens strict be held in tho Court House I it Monday in August next, for the Wltlllllj il. f adopting such measures as may ic accomplishment of this great OUR " Quirk Sales 11, That Delegates and citizens HAIL E Districts of Chester, Fairfield,Rich- "VI ONT UE.V shaw, and Chesterfield, in this -*.? - the attcnt I also from Union County, N. MVir^nnding com 1 to attend said meeting and parti- , A , one door south o ts deliberations. tl?.v enn I'm.I > ?. port and Resolutions of the Com- Medicines, Paint ving been read, J. W. Cooke,Esq., Perfumery*. Iau the meeting in favor of the report Colored Paints itlons?his remarks were brief, but ? inc Envelopes ai * 0 .? . ?i \\7?ii* i ltij' Tobacco ad to the point. Mr Williams also Aj;ythin in (llir avor of the Preamble ami Resold- ordered for custoi the Committee, urging upon the All the above he great importance of the work to ''based mostly ft dished, the entire practicability and than tlu same ar . . . . , ln this place. Ca f tin; enterprise; and moved the puffin#. s adoption of the Preamble and J"-gT Our Soda ns offered by the Committee. ration, ami we art amble and Kesolutions Having been A'Jo^ihvavsi sly adopted, Mr. William* tli n LaneastcrviUe, it the Report and Resolutions lie in the Dincaster ledger until the n III |l I pnr day in August next, and that the O.llJljLuiIll Winsboro, Columbia, Camden, md Charlotte papers be requested ion of Mr. Williams the meeting m i inrn r MAnNhdV KS 1*. CROCKETT, Chairman, /ji, ^ _ 'rawfurd, j secretaries. N|ANUF ECKEST? < CARRIAGE AN - - It R IDLES, M> OODS & GROCERIES. )() 1)V [LLL bTOHK, fTMIE Subseri :s South of Lancaster C. H. 1 II arness Est TORE IS NOW OPEN, AN1) nu'r,.>' occupied' ;ly for the accommodation of Cus- caeriage shop, ci 1 have a tine stock of Goods, and House on l)unta|: assortment; ladies and gentlemen inform the eiti/.i oniinodatcd to almost any article of roundinh country, FANCY RKY iiOODs t-arr> \hu Ian __ " mis branches ; lia \ BOOTS d-SHOES, ORO- ririK.c ?? the 1 JES, HARDWARE CUT- would respect RY, CROCKERY, SAD- ft? line; >LERY, CONFECT- tenth*,, to lmsinc. ION ARIES, the 1?est material, was * MEDICINES, t'|l'K'tjSll?,Pr',! (Mineral and Patent:) Call and exam I IIooLn Stationery. 1 can sell llarnw _ ness line ns low, Bonucts AO, &* ., be bought in Clia i are all new, and well selected to asses, andean b? sold low for cash f?b -JG roved custonieis on short time.? -- produce taken in exchange, and I q * TYTfcT T1 eernestly solicit a share of public 1 i. Persons wishing anything in Tlwf.a will find it to their interest to call ^s. A TUP lino my stock hoforo purchasing 5 peetfull -I have a fine lot of Likely (young this District am nves for s de; and among the num- removed front 1 t rati* Cook, House Servant and stand formerly ss, which I will sell in proportion m(.tt whero liei ICS, for cash or approved paper on Saddle and liar l*. .. . i i- - can il you u ifili really to buy sonic- j ''"'V, ""V,"',",? ' i and nice. M vault' or clerk will j ' udding SatMIei 1 pleasure in exhibiting our goods, " W1 Harm freator pleasure in packing up for and will sell as 1 what will please you still bettor,! elsewhere, ruly Southern, purchased in Bui- 1'lease call an Southern city. ELI C. BISHOP. t . rille, Iuincnster Dist., 3 ' cas 1 ' ie 30, 185a. $ 131 tf. ~ ~, NOTICE. fi \ E NG DISPOSED OF MY STOCK " d " Dry Goods and Groceries to J. E. In Hi , I take this method of returning A\7" D. POR ru thanks to the public for the f\ # the cilizt patronage which 1 have received ding country, tin n during the spaee of time I have ted himself in thi iged in business. ; ry OI, t|u, above T. K. CURETON, Jn. branches in NG PURCHASED THE EN- NeatllC stock of Goods belonging to T. and at the same ox, Jr., 1 feci?ts.xised to say to the THE LA T am prepared to sell either Dry Groceries as low, on time, or low- Gutting sh, than any merchant in the tip Alonrne A. C. Gome gentlemen and CXaillilie before purcur.sing elsewhere. ? , n ? n . MISCK1 tfOTICE. Item per i ANXIOUS TO CLOSE THE Hanging Rc inesa ns noon as practicable, wo sons r attention of tin: public to the now 'IlTILb TUR] selected stock of Goods on hand f v lis at Mou lit Hill, S. C? which may be had on day, the 13tli An ' accommodating terms for cash, will be formed at credit to punctual customers, as addresses will Ike. All neighboring ( CAltTHEN, I Executor and vited to attend. . J. BECKHAM, ij Executrix. lly order< it Hill P. 0? June 30. 31 4t jly 14 93 4t] IIOII 'T&K aper Than Ever, tn qbediknc AT BELLAIE, 8. C. * Z'S till'I 'HE SUBSCRIBER, pany .Muster Ore: 'ishing to reduce his stock, (tSn a Major in the U f SUMMER GOODS, pre- vacancy occastoi purchasing his Fall supplies, will Lieut. Col. II. K stance of Summer Goods on hand The Captains riuced prices, those in want of goods chargod with the have an opportunity to purchase R. R. PI r>st advantageous terms. An early I*ncastcr C. 11 icited.ns Bargains may bo expected. Ikies, Beeswax, Tallow, Feathers, BEEF 1 Usksrn in exchange, sod s rpuE SUBSC allowed for each. I _ ? i t CHARLES P. EVANS, VUla^e oJ TuJI -Those indebted to me ore earnest- week, ail the ser ted to Settle as early as possible, aa monthly. 'ant of Money. C. P. E. COUSi , S.C., July 14. 91 tt July 14, 1869. ET'S SALE. , i Mill I )F AN ORDER OBTAIN- uuuilii I jo Frost, nt Chambers, in sell nt Lancaster Court NQ1 st Monday in August next, lours of sale, the following A ^L PERSONS I -TV of any character ES OF LAND, more or I,,.on Beekhwn, Esq., 1; he Gold Mine, called the friet, deceased, are n< , adjoining lands of Uriah 8,11,10 legally attested, h was leased for a 1 Tin of re<iuested to settle Inmi Uriah Funderburk, to Alex- or ilso a Gold Mine Mill, a A. J. Gold Mine machinery, fix- v . inanccs, situated thereon, I'casatlt Mill I.O.L ached; all levied upon as May 4th, 1852, lexander Senton, by virtue Southern Stai iment, at the separate suits I four times in weekh 11 ill n Tliro'it ttntl I I 11111, I t>l L....I I V: 11 I) (I * ...VM., MUM ; riniJwm iiiii9 J ? xnnder Senton. h. | in L.a i ii ^MES ADAMS. i j0|,? Richardson, t House, ,> S. L. 1>. | VH Ho2. { July 1-1 3t Jnnics M. Richardson, Thomas Richardson, \d mediums. ? ?r=i^r.-.r- _ i Mary Alien, MOTTO IS Cyruu A.Allen & wife and Short Profits." It appearing to my ' above named detenus lV- 1 W J T T Y limits of this State iPECTEUDI Y INVITE m?ti?n of Moore,solii ion of LnncastcrviJIe, and tl,u* tho aaid defend;, itrv to their or domur ,w l'ic Hill lienp Drug Mor?\ on. or ^for? t.he ,st d .. T . . , ,,A , othenvise judgment f J. Adams Store where ,)rdcml ajfuin8t tw.h ? dl selected stock of Drugs, JAMES II. W Oils, I)ye Stutls and ,S| ' V?1 1 i')U h r?v^ 1 r Commissioner's()fli? and Pencils, PufTs &e. ,^nwi8U.r, C. S. C id Note I niter, I me ( hew- M o4tl ,852 I Cigars, always on hand. ? line, not on hand, will be iners at the shortest notice. M I 0 fl |? I f articles having been pur- 1W 1 U 1/ L Ij li >r cash, will be sold lower ? - tide has usually been sold /-? a m a fX> D II and see that this is no ?JX W -?> On Jlnii i Fountain is now in ope- (/t jew rods Svulh , ' prepared to aecommodate , ith Soda Water, Syrups, Wim ''lhabove nai tn hand. ' JkUL been much en S. C., April 28. 3mo. in thorough repair ???and is now prepare ,tailoring,&c. my that the Public s ^ ted in a stvle not cxi LUVAL. the 11 j> country. >! JIAHNES8 ! ! Lam-aster, Fob 12 "I TTO^M A C . ACTURKR OF rFSSRS (I F 1 I) WAGON HARM'SS, A1 tor. and JAM! tUTF.NGALKS, MKDI- ?>rly one of tho pronr , TRUNKS, WIlIl'S, Ilotol, Charleston, h.i lo^in? to a well regulated ll<a" ..K'' . F..v.v M?nt? respectfully solicit fr " . the travelling public i bor, having removed his ronage. We pledge ubiishuieiit to tho shop for- quests of tho Ilotol ?y Emmons &. Button rsa dation unsurpassed bj mo lot below tho Court KEN'i street, would respectfully Charleston, May 1!) ins of Ivmeavtor and surthat he is now prepared to ESTI loss business in all its van- rpAKKN L',> fiY ving had a borough c.ype- ] ||t his rpsi(1(.m.0 business, the siibscnber , ,H Fon| TWQ M lly solicit the custom <Jray M?lo, tho othei bo,.Iff want ef any- xvit,i m:irks on hi.s shf ; and hopes by a strict atss, and working nothing but ] to share at least a portion PATTA^ ronage. All work warran- L'/LAUi paired at short notice. /"10TT0N GINS O line, and be conviheed that V>/ struetion, and of ?s or anything in the liar- $2 per Saw, made , according to quality, as can Subscriber. Also, \\ rleston. Machines and 1 lorsc * 1). A. BUTTON. Old Gins f.ilthftilly Cm 3 thankfully received a. ! &L HARNESS '""""den, S. (\, A,, blishment. ^ [J ][ \ ] SUIbSCKIliKll RES- tm mm y informs the citizens of ?T 1 elsewhere, that he has 1 ' lis former stand to the old P," FOUNF ocettpied bv F. K. 11 rum- AtX 'm lI?uso, at al ' i : .i ? upon those who may s prepared to carry on the s'u ,.r Ap, ness business in all its va- ... such as Covering and BjiUlCJWtCI* ?i ?, wliioh ho will warrant; SONS OF T -ss, Riding Uridles, Ac., Holds Its Regular1 low as onn be purchased Tonipenince llnll evi at 8 o'clock, d examine for yourselves. June 16. 19 ,, w. THUBLi ? ATTORNEY AT ] -p f> f\ r'"F) rp T TOR IN ?j y ft ft if ft 4"""" unroC, i%. C. j-#f- OFFICE, C TICK, respectfully informs imiiPD I ns of Monroe and surroun- IjLA 111 1jll it he has |H-rin.?nentlv h?ca- _ _j, j, p R gQjj * place., where he will ear- |J for Rt||l business in all its various fwr cagh or c>xohang( 1st July next. ss and Style, iiasseltinb time have a due regard to May 13 kst fashions. WANTED 11 a An iv l.r> or 1<? yean< ticc to the l'rinting r i i v 1? it ii v p08*?***"8 n k?<k1 Kni li U 1 11 111 v II I) I disposed to leam, m . _ tion by applying as a IA NC e notice. FOR; ?k Divtton, Ho. 81 H JUT ITPSL RK(iA- < * ?* "V*** 6 lt..tlw.l f'>ti ..n Vri. I gust next. The procession T? 110 o rlock, A. Mi Several % /\/\/v I PS III deliver,,! on that occasion. ,] ( )( H ) for ^kl hvwions are reapcctfully 111- 7 10 cur! [>f !). (}? VV. P. JOHN USSRKY, R. 8. WHEA' on 31st Rcg't, 8. 0. M. 1>KRK<)NS VVI8I - , . , 1_ above article*, c Ox Election. ity manufactured by :e to an ordkr emi- , ? .. . Brigadier General ('hnndlor, Ivineariter C. If. Jn >e held at the different com- U ?unda, on the 31at July for iJaCOll pper Bnttallion to fill the lAOR SALE BY tied by the promotion of T 11 HAS8EI . Price. " of the Upper Bnttallion nro i P ARTIOXJX extension of this Order. nr. ____ HOE, Col. Slat RegWf. W? n0W i ,j?iv hm 18aa. jj r- HANDBILL, ( '! BEEP!!! ?!?*! nmviru win run mS aDfiM , JSSl TTiini runleef to the citizens of thi* Bach a* Blanks, Roe< tdaya and Friday* of each leU, Ac., and on ten won?payment to be made done in ,h<J 8u kRT & HAS8ELTINE. BUnks of 8t a printed at short n< 1 4 mtices. liver co3iplaint, JAUNDICE,DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR irrj-R nervous debility, diseases ivats* of the kidneys, IAVING DEMANDS and all or prxde against Si. diseases arU tite of Lancaster Dis- siso irom a disor. otified to present the deked Liver or Sroand all indebted are macii, such as Constipalediately either by eash tion, Inward Piles, Fullness, ok Bi.ood to the, Acidity or fllTI'llt-'V ?J V ?? V au i lilt OTU.1IAI 11. IxilstA, 11EAKT-HURR, Qualified Executor. Disgust for Food, fullness, ok weight nncaster Dist., j 3m in the stomach, souk eructations, sinking (14 ok fluttering at the pit of the stoixlanl will please copy mach' or t,ie "eau' hurried, , and forward bill to ASI> wrfiuui.t breathing, flutterin<! at the he art, choking or suf ? locating sensations whin in a (trustor District. lying posture, dimness of vision', dots ok tt eds elfore the Bill for ,, *icnr. account evers and dull pain in the head.deficikniintl ' relief and CY 0R AT,ON< Veli.owness of the so-fortll and fcyes4"AlN in the side, back, che8t, limbs, &c., sudden flushes of heat, burkj?no i!,,i 1n the flesh, constant imaginings of ' . , evil and great depression of spirits, Call satisfaction tliatall the be cflecutollv enred by nts reside without the HOLLAND'S It is ordered, on CLE BRA TEI}" HERMAN itor tor complainants, nrwTisDa mts do answer, plead, , . in above case, on or .... fkepared by ay of September, 1852. pro confosso, will be AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, ind nil of them. 1-0 AkcIi Street, Philadelphia. rITIIEKSP(X)X, Their power over the aborc diseases it not C. E. L. J>. excelled?if equalled ?by any other preparei (ion in the Tailed States, as the cures attest, in (| v many rases after skillful physicians had failed. ^ May 26 3ni. 16 These Hitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in thu I IT it a n o rectification of diseases of the Liver and 1 ft rJ (I I li lesser glands, exorcising the most searching ** 11 11 w I U i powers in weakness and affections of the ??' digestive organs, they uret withal, safe ccrA. HOUSE. tal" pleasant. ^ READ AM) HE CONVINCED. ll.Ktreet, From the " Boston Bee." >f the Court House.) The editor said, Dec. 22d, Hied House lcis 42*^- ^r- H'fiuiuVs Celebrated Herman Hitters I t i " i ' Wir for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, ijarged and put liHL n..? ; v ... rali:... :. mill fliriiivluxl I Yjnj^i.oio, V/...WI..U ... Iirnvun ui'imiiy, l* i . . ..' I deservedly one ul the most popular incdi?1 to accomodate all cincil of lhc d;iy. T|u.?e Bitters have hocn e it a call. J no suli- used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow >usts hut will simply says he lias himself received an effectual and liall bo aeeonmioda- permanent cure of Liver Complaint from Iho rolled by any House jwo of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient eon\ j j \SSELTINK stantly gains strength and vigor?a fact worthy of great consideration. They are pleasant in taste and smell, and can he used by - persons with the most delicate stomachs ** U with safety, under any circumstances. Wo KENNEDY, of Clies- ari> spooking from cx|icrience, and to the IS M. HURST, form- ?HHctcd we adv ise their use. ietors of the Planters' "Scott's Weekly," one of the best Litcrive leased the Ani<>? ar>' papers published, said, Aug. 2o : ic-stref.t, and would " 'Jr- Hnfland's Herman Hitlers, mnnu faeoni their friends and lured by l)r. Jackson, are now recommended ii portion of their pat- ''Y 8?"ie of die most prominent members of ourselves that the ''ie faculty as an artielc of mneh eftieney in will receive accomnio- cascs of female. weakness. As swell is the f any in the city. case, we would advise all mothers to obtain VEDY &. UURST. a bottle, and thus save themselves much Qqi 15 sickness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to LAYS. their health, as we know from experience. THE SUBSCRIBER 5^.^ Un Ui"'" Wc*k .tfjM" ?"? ,?i,? of MORE EVIDENCE. UEhS?Olio an Iron T|IC n0?. f. 1). Hinclinc, Mayor of tho r n Gray Colt, City of Camden, N. J., says: ulder. " lloon.ami's German bittr.ns.?We i. M. If iiljEKNER. have seen many nattering notices of this .. ~ medicine, and the source from which they N (l llNiS eatne induced us to make inquiry respecting F SUPERIOR CON- lts '"frits. From inquiry we were pcrsua' the. host material at <'e'' ,u usc nn^ must sa>' vvc found it speind warranted hv the c'tu" ',l nc,'on upon diseases of the liver ^heat Fans Thrashing digestive organs, and the powerful influMtlU ' once it exerts upon nervous prostration is repaired. All orders rea">' surprising. It culms and strengthens id punctually attended the "erves, bringing them into a state of roll. j. Met 'it Might. pohl>< "inking sleep refreshing, ril 14,1852. lO.Hni. "If this medicine, was more generally used, _!? we are satisfied there would be loss sickness P V i \T C as from the stomach, liver, and nervous sysj A tf , tern the great majority of real and iuingimif ? fM rv diseases emanate. Have them in a nealX X ll ' '''l condition, and you can bid defiance l>? ' ' epidemics generally. This extraordinary ) AT THE CAT/1W- medicine we would advise our friends who 1 times, ready to wait are at all indisposed to give it a trial?it will need his sendees as a recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in ?If every family. No other medicine can provi*ioil,\o. 30, d,,*e .T"1' evidences of merit." ' t ' Evidence upon evidence has been receivEMPERAXCE, ed (like the foregoing) from all seetiojis of Weekly Meetings at the the Union, the last three years, the strongly Saturday Evening, est testimony in its favor, is, that there is ^ I. II. BL.UR, more of it used in the practice of the rcguR. S. Inr Physicians o f Philadelphia, than all other - - nostrums combined, a fact that can easily he )\V (./ASTON, established, and fully proving that a scientific AW AND SOLICI preparation will meet with their oniet ap-pnrfTTV prov'ai when presented even in this form. ? v v Thnt this medicine will cure Liver Comn hancaster. Kershaw , , . , ? . , t. *. . plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt afoig Districts. ^ us directed. It acts specifically AM DEN, S. C._#| upon the stomach and liver; it is preferable ? II imitmt iT? to calomel in ?// bilious diseases?the ellect LM I 11LR ! ! lH immediate. They can ho administered to p avi, iiadvtcoo female or infant with safety and reliable benr,, AND HARNESS , 3 ~ _ i cut at any time. 1 j .. ' | , j"10 ow.PncC9 Ijouk well to the marks of the genuine. d lor 1 lides previous to They hftVO |h(J writ(on ^^ature of C. M. '#.11 .pivo . JACKSON upon tlie wrapper, and his name ' ' e ' blown in the bottle, without which then are 3inr? 11 J _ spurious. in i,i,| imni \r Por sale Wholesale and Retail at the llMiAMAlliLY. GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, i'lVK LAD ABOUT No. U20 Arch street, one door below Sixth, jf ago, as an Appren- PMsdelphia; and by respectable dealers Business. One who gvneraUy Uirough V?e country, glish education, and is PRICKS RKD UCKD. lay have a good aitua- To enable all closes of invalids to enjoy bovg. the advantages of their great restorative powSALE. Single Bottle 75 Cents. , Iri, , " vvmuix A,ho' f,,r ],y HAILE & TW1TTV, . I' ,, f A(?)N Lancaster, C. 11. . wiV. J". "?,d ,ow Wholesale Agents for N. C., S. C., Oeo., * immediately HA VILA \D, /M KRAL, CV, ? bailey. Charleston, ?>'. C. July 14 23 cow ly LON FOR SALE 1X)\V A NEW AN1) VAUJABIjE IWK)K ! yy LIFE OF ROBERT EMMETT, STON & MASSEY. The Celebrated Irish Patriot and Martyr. P r * V'O With hit Speeches, cf-c. at no an Appendix, L F :1 Jn. containing valuable portioitx of Irish HisJING ANY OF T1IE loru, by John W. liurke. an I ave a superior qoal- ^TMlIS work is one of the inost readnbiw implying to JL biographies ever offered to the Amoril'ETER JACOBS. ; can reader, nnd will b?' hailed with ioy by ly 7 3J -It. every adniiror of the distinguished but iff -? fated subject. Sc Liird, Besides the life of Robert Emmett, it gives a minute detail of the various insurnjt|t, ? ir-iVM ructions and outbreaks of the Irish in attempting to free thuiuselves from English bonr ?* arrvrnTOTi dagc. Also the life of Theobald Wolfe 'I'one.the trial of Mitchell,O'Brien, Moagher ftd to do all kind# Of and their cum patriots. . iiiiiui &u?; woiKconwius ?OH pages* beautifully iHM/IV w l.'AKU hound in Munlin. l'rice only one Dollar. fWWilWW 2# ' ^ order for the Book win be promptly "I" I KJ ?! Attended. liberal deduction made to agents who will Hell tbe work for ue. For sale by sipts, Postern, Pamph- Booksellers g? n< mil v. Addreaa n* aa cheap as oan bo W. BURKB, CaaartlkSi fit. ite or elsewhere. Wood Wanted, kinds always on hah J, |JV)R WHICH CASH WILL BE itice. I JT given. A