Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 13, 1922, Image 1

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VOL. 87 ?DGEFIELD, S. C., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, 1922. " No. 44; JOHNSTON LETTER. Observe Education Week. Mr. Brooke Leaves. Death of Mrs, Broadwater. En tertain at Bridge. Education Week was well observed hy the high school, the 10th and 11th grades emphasizing it. In the 11th grade pupils had essay work, and most excellent articles were prepar ed, among the topics being "The fu ture citizen, the boy and the girl of today." The best ones were judged and read at chapel The 10th grade, taught by Jliss Dessie Dean, con tributed a set of 10 volumes to the school library, this being done by a contribution on the part of each pu pil. During the week the pupils were on the qui vive for grammatical er rors made in the ;grade, each trying to get the longest list, for a special mark given for this. This was really an aid, and a good feature to be con tinued, and one pupil had much fun. Rev. Foster of Columbia preached Sunday morning at the Baptist church, the theme of iris discourse be ing "And they prayed." His message was a beautiful one and illustrated .what prayer can da. We all know that when the knees, finger tips and brain ;get into a combination great things ?will result for God. .Mrs. Nick Broadwater died sudden ly at her home near town on last ?Wednesday afternoon. She had not neen well for two or three days,-but was not confined to "her bed, her death coming while sitting in a chair in her home. Mrs. Broadwater was a lovable Christian woman, and was held in warm esteem by all the com munity. And during lier active days was .a force for great good. It was a pleasure to be in her home for she was very hospitable, and one always . left with pleasant memories. She was very musical, and for one of her age j it was femsrkablerto hear her^Iay^ -the piano, and sing also. The burial services were conducted on Thursday afternoon at Harmony cemetery and were attended by a concourse of friends and relatives. Besides the ihushand is left three children, a married daughter, who resides in North Carolina and two sons, Messrs. Tandy and Newton Broadwater. Mrs. Jack A. Lott has been quite ill at her home in Greenwood, but her condition is BOW much improved, her many friends here will be glad to learn. On Wednesday evening at the Methodist church there will be a un ion prayer meeting service, the top ic to be "Tuberculosis and why we must fight it." The program will be in charge of Mrs. Olin Eidson and Mrs. J. H. White. Those from here who attended the State U. D. C. convention in Green wood last week were Mrs. O. D. Black, state registrar, and Miss Clara Sawyer and Mrs. J. H. White. Messrs. Jim and David Strother who have been residing near town are now living in the Howard house. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Brooke and family left on last Friday afternoon for their new home in Lake City, 3. C. They had intended leaving the last week in November but owing to the illness of his little daughter, they were detained. Mr. Brooke had been pastor here for about six and a half years and was held in love and esteem by all, and it was a matter of much regret that he decided to enter into another field of labor, his resignation coming as quite a surprise to. the ma jority of his charge/Not only in his own church was he beloved but the churches of Rocky Creek, Ward and Ebenezar were warmly attached to him, as he had served there as pastor also. He did a splendid work here, and will be greatly missed. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Tarrant and little son have been for a visit in the home of Mr. W. M. Wright. Mrs. M. D. Lyon, Jr., has gone to Meeting Street to remain through the holidays in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Allen. Mrs. H. W. Crouch, Mrs. L. S. Maxwell and Mrs. James Halford are at home from Mullins, being accom panied by Mrs. Grace Crouch, who will spend a while here. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. L. S. Maxwell entertained the bridge club, the gaest of honor Being Mrs. Grace Crouch. The rooms were prettily dec orated in cut flowers and decorations of the Christmas season. The score cards had pictures of Santa Claus, whose full pack ?seemefl to 3ge holding something for the players. His best gift, a set of colored linen handker chiefs, fell to Miss Fr-inces Turner, for making the highest score, and Mrs. James Tompkins was presented v?th. the consolation, a piece of hand . embroidery. There wens several visi tors present, and in cutting for this prize Mrs. Alexander was the win ner. The favors were miniature San-' ta Clauses. A delicious frozen salad' course was served. Mrs. W. A. Bradfield of Clinton, and Mrs. Jim HiH of Rock Hill, have, arrived to spend the holidays here in . the home pf their father, Mr. W. S. Mobley. Miss Lillian Mobley is at home from a short visit to her sister, Miss Ella Mobley in Columbia. Miss Mary B. Poppenheim, of Charleston is spending this week with her cousins, Messrs. William and Joseph Bouknight. The needs at the Connie Maxwell Orphanage are great, and Mr. Jami son is appealing for aid, so on Sunday morning at the Baptist ?hurch, the collection of the Sunday s.chool class es will be donated to this cause. On Sunday past the superintendent an nounced that he hoped over $100 would be raised. On Friday afternoon Mrs. .3. Neil Lott .entertained with a ''beautiful re ception at her home, ""Myrtle Lodge," this being in honor of 1er niece, Mrs. James Lptt, of Americas, Ga., a re cent birde. The interior was -beauti ful in its decorations of the approach ing season, and the soft gray walls made a lonely background, and shaded ( lights and many candles gave a soft glow. There were two calling hours, , 3:30 and 4 SO, and a large party had the pleasure .of meeJLi^ , during the .afternoon. Block cream and cake were served in the dining room and the decorations in there ! were most artistic. The hostess was . assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Cal- : houn Kammer, and several others, in entertaining and directing the ; guests about the rooms. During the past week Mrs. Frank Warren, Jr., had a pleasant house- < party, the members being some of > her relatives who haye come south to spend part of the winter in Florida. ) Mrs. J. W. Hardy spent the past i week in Savannah and was present at 1 the golden wedding celebration of Mr, and Mrs. Pink Hardy, The affair < was a most happy one, and there were present all the children and grand children and many warm friends. , The New Century .club and library , association will conduct a bazaar on ( Friday of this week, there being , twelve attractive booths. The amount ? made will be equally divided between ( the Johnston High School and the . town library. ] Mrs. Dorn has returned to Spar- > tanburg after a visit to her daughter, ( Mrs. J. A. Dobey. j Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lewis are now , domiciled in the dwelling owned-by Mrs. Ann Mobley. 1 'Mrs. Fred Parker has been sick . during the past week. Mrs. W. S, Mobley has also been . sick, but is now much improved. j The friends of Mr. Wallace Wright will be happy to know that after being most critically ill for two ' weeks, there has been a change in his condition and the physicians hold out hope for his recovery. U. D. C. Bazaar. Sale of beautiful Christmas gifts. , Hand colored and engraved Christ- , mas cards. Blotters and folders. , Pictures that are real works of art. 1 Sale opens at 10 o'clock on Fri day 15 th, and continues through Saturday the 16th, at the home of Mrs. Agatha A. Woodson. Proceeds to he given the Daughters of the ; Confederacy. Buy your Christmas ? cards from the ladies in charge. . ? Say Merry Christmas and a Happy . New Year to your wife with a brand :aew Ford car. Maybe it is what she , needs most. YONGE MOTOR COMPANY. Young People's Service at th? Baptist Church. The B. Y. P, V. at the Baptist church is ene cf the most enthusiast: tic departments of the church active it?es, and cn Sunday evening they/ held a public meeting which, took the-'i place of the regular service. An excellent program was carri?cf;! out, and in spite of the cold weather'; the attendance was good. Miss Ruth Lyon, as president of j the Senior Bi Y. P. U. presided ove|l the meeting, and explained the pur-; pose of the B. Y. P. U., which fsj training for service, and Elizabeth^ Johnson was pianist. A hymn was . sung and William Strom offered th? prayer. Lucy Scurry sang a melodious vo cal selection in her clear, swieet voice and Lillian Pattison conducted a Bi- ; ble Quiz, and emphasized the B. Y. P. U. Manual which gives the Bible Readings and central thoi^ghts i?r? each day. Her explanation and dein^ onstration of the quiz was a very,, splendid evidence of the excellence^ of the plan, and of the benefit to be' derived from it. The B. Y. JP. U. is divided into two groups with captains of each, and on this occasion, Miss Sarah Lyon, as captain of one group announced the numbers and made a very enlighten ing talk on the subject of the^ even ing, and read ?the Bible reading -for the day. While the offering was being taken Elizabeth Johnson played Schubert's "Serenade" as an offertory. The first talk was made by Gladys Lawton on a "Regenerated Chkcch Membership." Lillian Pattison's sub ject was "A Consecrated Church Membership." Elizabeth Lott talked on "Chaxeh Members Have Equali Privileges," or as she enlarged on it/ a democratic church membership. Rev.-A. T. Allen discussed' &e?B??to? Responsibilities." Isabelle Byrd, who has a notably ?weet voice talked about "Church Members Twice Blessed." All these talks were full of good thought, and were clearly and forcibly expressed and this service of the B. Y. P. U. is full of meaning for the future. The organization of the Senior and Junior B. Y. P. U. has been fostered and encouraged by Rev. and Mrs. A. r. Allen since their coming to Edge field, and should have the sympathet ic cooperation of the old as well as the young. Car of Seed Potatoes to Arrive Soon. The car of seed potatoes is expect ed to arrive in Edgefield about De cember 22nd. These potatoes were contracted for in October at the time tvhen the market was at the bottom. They have been inspected by U. S. Government agents as to grade and package. They are bought direct from E. H. Doyle, Caribou, Me., grower. The Edgefield Produce Exchange can deliver them to the planters for $4.00 per sack and arrangements have been made with the Edgefield Warehouse Company to unload and store them until planting time. There will be no additional cost for this storage as it is paid by the Exchange. This price is cheaper than the jobbers are offer ing them in Augusta. Place your order at once with Ma ror Collett, secretary of the Ex change. The cash for same must be paid when the car arrives. The Edgefield Produce Exchange is an organization to buy and sell farm products for the farmers. It has a very small capital and in order to handle this car of sieed potatoes they must be taken up upon arrival. Seed potatoes are sold in car lots for cash only. It will mean a saving of about one dollar a sack to the planter and besides you will gev, good seed. Lived But Few Hours. A little son was born to Mjr. and Mrs. Frank Reese Saturday morning and its little life became extinct about noon. Mr. Reese came home from Charleston Friday night to be with his family a few days and re turned to his duties with the Express Company in Charleston Monday. Mr. Reese is making a fine record with the Express Company. t Old Deerfte?d, Massachusetts A Relic of Antiquity. f^ear Advertiser :' .It is the little remote places in Nei England that keep the traditions o W past, tiny towns off the great hig ways, where one can fairly breathe i ?he" atmosphere, lavender, from ol fashioned gardens. I visited such ?own this afternoon, Old Deeffielc ??Venteen miles from Northamptoi Sj^ere .1 a theosophist, or. a devc ?pB'/of some other modern cult, pight -believe that I had been a pior. |^r. in .some previous incarnation, an fl$&-in -this life I was looking for th t3d swordssor spinning wheels that had ased long since and lost a while fflr it is my delight to wander throug '^iraiirt old museums and histori houses. ^ Northampton has a building de looted to different historical organd? zatinns. I went in the other day t ?ree a museum which I understooi $?as there. After mach searching found the janitor who seemed to hav inore interest in the relics than any -lane else. The few treasures were ii jaloom deep in dust, but I manage? j$b'-;see through the dirt and since th< idea of germs has never bothered mt greatly, I thought ?he accumulate) !gnst on things might act as a preser yative. The janitor had a deepe: Jrnowledge of things ancient, than hi iimrbed vocabulary and missing teetl enabled him to tell me of, but he sai< .'that of all the places of inheres about here, Old Deerfield was th? most picturesque. I took him at hil TOord, ?and later went to see it. .. Now, I often prefer to go on these excursions alone, for when aloire, ] can keep my mind on the subjects al ihand, while if I am with someone, ] am compelled to discuss modem dress, the latest movie, which greatlj ?^ends my sense of allegiance to th? past, and keeps me jumping from th? ?7;^- century fpb^ck ,to,j the twenti not tell them that they are distinct^ out of place with ntiquity. So with a good grace I bade my room-mate farewell, as she started to the Har vard-Yale football game at New Ha ven, and while she was rooting for Yale, I was reading verses on ancient tombstones by the light of a moun tain sunset. I alighted from the car at what the conductor declared was a town, but I saw nothing but a long, long trail of a street awinding, bordered with trees, and one wee country store not much bigger than a doll's house. Across from that was the post office, and that indeed was all. I am con vinced that the town writes and re ceives letters, but I am not at all sure that it eats, as any healthy town should. It must veritably live upon sweet memories of a long and re spectable past. On Main street, there were twen ty-one pre-Revolutionary houses, and the little town was built about 1665. In 1704 the Indians massacred a great many of the people and burned near ly all of the houses. It was very un kind of the Indians, not to say wick ed, since the inhabitants seem never to have had the courage to replace the necessary business places. But the New England mind works in a mysterious way. I do not pretend to understand it. Perhaps they all at Deerfield have well filled cellars, and no doubt the Thanksgiving tables will be top heavy with savory viands. It .was so bitter cold when I first arrived and the attractions seemed so few, that I couldn't decide whether to catch a car in half an hour, or wait two hours for a later one. To keep from having to think out this momen tous problem I walked into the little church, built in 1673, and began writing down long names and per-, plexing dates as a nucleus to my af ternoon's endeavor. A gentleman came in and asked if he could show me anything. I always introduce my self, not by name, but by state. I haven't done anything to make my name deserving of notice, but my state has achieved much, so I said "I am from South Carolina." He said that he was from Georgia, and there by should hang a tale, but thus we spoke, and parted. It is sad, but true, that the longer one stays out of the South, the less interested he becomes in any Southerner in the abstract. On leaving the South for the first time it is necessary only to know that an in dividual is from Dixie, but later there must be some tie that binds, or he is no more to yon than a Yankee. It is not that one loses a love for his na tive heath, hut that one requires a personal interest, and a mutual con geniality for friendship, i I went next to the Museum Mem orial Hall, and found it locked, though the card on the outside dis tinctly stated that the building was open till five o'clock. I often do things iby halves and this time I neglected to read another card wiich directed me to a caretaker in The Red Cottage. Now where that was I knew not, and since I have known my conception of red to differ greatly from other people's, I looked Sometime before I discovered a small structure near the museum. I knock ed . with the old fashioned knocker, and there stood before me a New England spinster. They are like no othei-s in the world. When I get to he an old maid I am coming back down South to live. They are lovely there. In the South one grows old graceful ly. This individual looked at me, as though on some cold morning she had sternly frowned and her frown had frozen. But she would open the museum for me, and T rather wondered if there is any blessing of fered for those who are persecuted for learning's sake, as there is for those wiio are persecuted for the sake of righteousness. She opened the door, and took her seat immedi ately inside it. I waited for her to follow me about, and in sweetly soothing tones tell me. of the "Bloody Brook" massacre, as I was accus tomed, to have people tell me of in teresting incidents. She reminded seated however, and I had to depend on my own ihte?lig?nce to explain things when I had much rather have depended upon hers, THe building was locked because of i?k?t ? 'rVvelMion', ^nlrl^^s7 wa^w^ the Pilgrim Fathers were always so stern and severe. The Pilgrim Fathers were always cold, poor things, and couldn't use up spare energy in smiling. Someone has said that the Pilgrim Fathers get all the sympathy, but that it was the Pilgrim Mothers who deserved the credit. They had to put up with the cold and privation, but what is infinitely worse, the Pil grim Fathers as well. I should think that to these shiver ing people the fire and brimstone of which they preached, as a punish ment in the after life, should have lost much of its terror. Their only heating facilities were cavernous fire places that insured their being well roasted on one side and cold on the other. I suppose the family lived in front of these open ovens and revolved in succession, i The other places of interest were two old houses known as the Hitch cock House and the Williams House. The latter had been the home of one Rev. John Williams, long ago pastor of the town church I spoke of. He left Old Deerfield and went to the French and Indian wars, and in his absence his congregation built this home for him. At present it is one of the dormitories in the Deerfield Aca demy, an exclusive boy's preparatory school. The old place had been en tirely renovated. The front door, however, was still intact, and this particular doorway is the oldest or namental one in this country. Two crosses were carved at the .bottom to keep away the witches. I should think the people would have had ex citement enough in keeping the In dians away without conjuring up im aginary woes and accusing their next door neighbors of being in league with Satan in order to prove their theory of witchcraft. In this same house was a secret stairway leading from the first floor, a beautifully furnished suite to the second floor of the boys' dormitory. One stepped from soft carpeted stairs through this narrow trap door to a narrower board stairway. This was one of their safe guards against the Indians. The building was put to gether with harfd made nails. One of the boys from the fitting school showed me through the place. What a contrast between an early minister's home with its protections against Indians and witches and this modern school. If the boys had been Concordia Lodge's Turkey Supper. Friday night the spacious hall of Concordia Lodge was crowded with Masons, 'their wives, sweethearts and a few invited friends,- the occasion being the feast which is given annual ly by the members of th? Lodge. However, the turkey supper which was served Friday night surpasses all previous Masonic feasts. The menu, was more elaborate and it was fault lessly prepared and served on three tables extending the full length of' the hall. Comfortable seats -were pro vided for all present. Major W. A. Collett served as toastmaster and in an informal manner that was alto gether commendable called lipon a number of gentlemen present to make, three minute speeches , announcing, that anyone who dar?d to exceed that limit would be called down. Among; those who were called upon for im promptu speeches were J. 0: Shep pard, W.. W, Fuller, J. L. Mims, T. A. Hightower, P. B. Mayson, Frank Hug gins, W. E. Lott, John Mims, L. W.. Cheatham and W. ?. Tatum, Jr. These outbursts of "wit and wisdom'*' .brought to a close this very delight ful occasion, one that will he a source of pleasant memories for some time to come to all who were pres-, ent. V Many Influenza Victims. The wave of influenza that is sweeping through the county has struck Edgefield a broadside blow but up to this time, we are pleased to re port, there have been but few cases-, of serious illness among the many victims. The unwelcome disease is no. respecter of persons, as the members ; ?.pf: the county's official family have/ been included in the list of vid;imsJ. First Auditor J. R. Timmerman and: hisxentire family were stricken, next County Attorney T. B. Greneker be came a. victim, next1 Treasurer .J. L. tire family were stricken and the last, to succumb thus far has been "Uncle : Billy" Kinnaird, the popular and capable judge of probate. We hope the other members of the county's official family will escape. How about a brand new Ford for a Christmas present for your wife? YONCE MOTOR COMPANY. there then their rah! rahs! would.'-, have drowned the Indians' war whoops. They would doubtless have . invited the witches to their Hallow e'en parties while the forefathers clasped their hands and denounced?, the perverse and headstrong gene ration. I stayed in the town until the pur ple shadows were long upon the hills and at five o'clock I boarded the car again, homeward bound. From Northampton to Old Deer field the car made such uneven prog ress that I was afraid at any moment it might change its mind and refuse to go. I had an uncomfortable feeling all the time as though I wanted to do something to keep it in a good humor It did much better on the return trip, however. Then it reminded me of our horse, Rex, when he finds himself rounding.Turner's corner. He imme diately quickens his speed. Some day I shall put our buggy, of which' I am exceedingly fond, in a museum,, though not for several years yet. I shall label it "a relic of the eight eenth century mode of transporta tion in the S?uth, the last vehicle of its kind in use." But I shall give it to the museum with the express un derstanding that I am4o have the privilege of taking it out on gala oc casions and riding in it for old times' sake. Once in Edgefield I said "whoa" in getting out of a car, much to my com panion's dismay, no ?ou?bt, but not to mine. I am an old fogy. It is the only thing I really pride* myself on. You see old fogys are getting sa scarce that it is great fun to he one, and to be in a class by one's self where there is little danger of having the individuality duplicated. P. S. This article was written in Northampton some time before my return to Boston, and I have left it just as I wrote it. FLORENCE MIMS. 25 St. Stephens St 1 Boston, Mass.