Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 22, 1922, Image 1

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?0t?tb fox-tina VOL. 87 EDGEFIE?.D, S. C., WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 1922. No. 41. JOHNSTON LETT?R. Very Successful Revival Meet ing Regret Over Mr. Kel lar's Departure. New Sign for Library. The revival at the Baptist cliurch which has been in progress for two weeks, closed on last Friday evening, jand the meeting was a great success in every respect. Rev. Mr. Fuller who labored so faithfully in present ing the gospel, was a magnetic, ear nest and forceful speaker and won many for the Lord. There were more than twenty-five additions to the church, by profession and by letter, and the entire membership was truly revived, for greater love and service far the Master and His kingdom. Cooperation helped to make the meeting a great one. The merchants all closed their stores for the morn ing services, and the high school at tended in a body, and it was an in spiring sight to see these young peo ple enter and be so impressed, wbich they manifested. The Alaho (Sun shine) chorus was wonderful and tho impressions made on these young minds will continue to bear fruit The gospel is sung as well as preached, so Mr. Hoffman was a great force here, too, for good. In appreciation of the services of Rev. Fuller, a very substantial purse was presented him, and a good sum was also given the singer. Rev. David Kellar who has been pastor of the Methodist church for four years, will soon leave for his new charge at Woodruff. The pastor now of Woodruff, Rev. W. M. Ow ings, will come here. It is a matter of deep regret to everyone that Mr. Kellar is moved to another field for service for he was beloved, not only by his own flock, but by everyone in. the town and community where he la bored. The sweetest fellowship exist ed between his church and the others. dkr^he?d'm^rrgV . esteem but his good wife, and family . also. The prayers of all will follow them and the wish that their lines might fall in pleasant places. On Sunday morning at the Baptist church the Sunrise prayer meeting will be held. This will be Victory Sunday in the great 75 Million Campaign, and it is hoped that all the churches concerned will meet in prayer at this morning hour. It was suggested that those attending be there by 6:30 o'clock. The town library now has a very attractive sign out to mark its place and call the attention of all to the opening days-Wednesdays and Sat urdays. The dues are only $1.00 a year and if it is not convenient to be a member, a fee of only 10 cents per month is required to read as many j books as one may desire. Every month new books come in, and there are magazines as well. Miss Clara Sawyer and Mrs. Joe Cox went to St. George on Saturday to attend the Western district meet ing of the South Carolina Federated clubs. Mrs. J. A. Lott and Mrs. Taylor Goodwin of Greenwood have been visiting here with relatives. Miss Vera Derrick and Miss Olivia Pardue have been visitors here. Miss Connie Crouch, who is teach ing at Philippi, spent the week-end here with her aunt, Mrs. Pender. Mrs. Martha Dorn has returned to Spartanburg after a visit to relatives. Miss Mary Waters has returned to Augusta and resumed her work after a week's stay with the homefolks. Miss Owdom, one of the High School teachers spent last week-end at her home at St. George, and she arranged a house party while at home. Several of the teachers accom panied her, Misses Antoinette Denny, Veda Barre, Aycock and Gilliam. Mrs. P. N. Lott attended the state W. M. S. convention which was held in Columbia during the past week, and gave a very comprehensive and interesting report pf. the great work that had been done during the year by the women of the state. The re port was made on Monday afternoon at the Baptist church, all of the cir cles coming together to hear this. Mrs. J. A. Dobey has been sick but is now much better. The friends of Mrs. Lily Sale An drews will be glad to know that she can soon be out -with her friends again. Miss Fulton, one of- the teachers of Connie Maxwell orphanage spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. W. S. Brooke. . Mr. Hansford Rhoden and family are now domiciled in the Johnson house. Mr. Johnson and his family have gone to Palmetto farm, near Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clarke and Mrs. W, J. McGarity of Aiken were visitors here on Sunday. Mrs. Noah Lybrand has the sym pathy of all in the death of her moth er which occurred last week. The fu neral was at Vaucluse, which was at tended by Mr. and Mrs. Lybri.nd and other relatives who reside near here. On the farm of Mr. J. W. Hardy has lived for many years, a faithful negro, who had reached an advanced age. He was a good trusted mi tn, hav ing been in the employ here for years and was of the ante bellum period, few of which now live. This old ne gro had come into town and while riding home in a wagon, he died sud denly. The dear "old mammy and uncle" have always been dear to the hearts of all "their folks." A Birthday Surprise. On Thursday, October 2<5, Mrs. Lucinda Dorn celebrated her birth day when she gave her children a de lightful dinner of everything that was good to eat. After feasting on these good things, a huge dish of home made fudge with walnuts was served. It was a beautiful sunshiny day, and all decided to take a stroll out on the creek, as autumn gives her bril liant colors and a farewell to the beautiful trees. The scenery of au tumn makes one sad, but it is very pretty indeed. Some gathered wal nuts and berries while the little grandchildren played on the banks. ;v J <w^h?t^dayr^Er?' Dorri's children 1 planned among themselves to surprise their mother, so on Sunday the 29th following, they all gathered, the old er being Mr. J. T. Dorn of Green wood, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Manly from Ware Shoals, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Wal ker, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Timmer man, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dorn from Pleasant Lane, eleven grandchildren and her sister, Mrs. Sophie Pardue. The children all brought her presents, and baskets filled with everything imaginable to eat, and a b.rthday cake, on which were placed sixty three green, white and red candles, and decorated with asparagus fern and dainty flowers. After enjoying themselves all the morning in this happy family reunion the time for dinner came, the long ta ble was prepared in the yardr and the beautiful birthday cake took its place in the center of the table surround ed by a wonderful menu of fresh oys ters, baked and fried chicken, salads, potato chips, sandwiches, roast beef, pickles and pies and cakes of many varieties.' When everything was ready a prayer of thanks was made by Mrs. Dorn, and everybody was bountifully helped. When all had been served the table still groaned beneath the load which remained. Soon all the good things had been put away and the family grouped themselves on the lawn and front porch. Everyone had had a royal good time and spend a joyful day. So they bade goodbye with the hope to meet again and wished for their mother many happy returns of her birth day. Orphanage Work Day. Next Saturday, November 25th, has been set apart by the Baptists of Edgefield as Work Day for the Con nie Maxwell Orphanage. It is earnest ly hoped that all of the members of the church as well as of the Sunday school-young and old-will engage in some kind of definite work and de vote the proceeds to this worthy in stitution, which is takng care of the orphan children, of Baptist lathers and mothers. If it should hap;?en so that any cannot work, let them give an amount equivalent to a day'? earn ings and let everybody bring their contribution to Sunday schcol on Sunday morning. November Civic League Meet* in g Held on Monday Afternoon. The November Civic League meet ing held at the Library Monday af j ternoon was opened by the Lord's Prayer, repeated in unison by the members standing, Mrs. J. G. Hoi; land presiding. Mrs. M. B. Tucker, secretary, read the minutes of tijie last meeting, which were approved:; Miss Ethel DeLoach, treasurer, made a good report, over one hundred and-, seventeen dollars having been abscV; lutely cleared above all expenses of the recent splendid Community Fair..; Willow Brook and thev Catholic; cemeteries will be put in good order at once, and lit is urgently requested that the plot owners keep up their squares as tho League cannot contin ue to carry the stupendous burden of. tile upkeep alone. It is planned in the spring to have the cemeteries' again thoroughly cleaned.. It was decided to have the Decemr ber metineg a social one, at which the public generally is given a most cordial invitation to participate. It wll be in the nature of a house warm ing for the Civic League Community. House, the hour? and details to be published later. A silver offering will be received, the money to go to the very pressing need for new books--. a need which the Library has to meet in some way at once. This will be an opportunity for the townspeople to gather in the Library, see how cozy it already is, and enjoy a social hour> during which the League will serve refreshments. The date, with all oth er details, will be published in the near future, and the League hopes that the building will be thronged." with callers. It was agreed to invite Mrs. Daisy Smith Edgerton, of th"e; Forestry Department, wi" o is in South; Carolina, and the guest of GovernfflS and Mrs. Harvey, at the . Executive Mansion, to come to Edgefield. f^r o public meeting, to. which', the'. - public* is invited. This will be held in the Court House, the date to be announc ed later. Mrs. Edgerton, a niece of Gen. Irvine C. Walker, a former of ficer in the Federation of Women's Clubs in South Carolina, has been in the Forestry Department at Wash ington for twelve years and has ac quired a reputation for the excellence of her work in the way of editorial writings and instructon among the schools of the city of Washington. Edgefield has a treat in store if the ?League perfects plans for Mrs. Ed gerton's visit, and it is hoped a com plete announcement of the meeting in the Court House can soon be made. Great plans for a fair for 1923 ?have already been commenced. The flower entries will include cosmos ?among the new list, and enquiries are being made as to seeds of the wonderful new varieties which are featuring gorgeous yellow and orchid shades, as well as pure white, and double flowers, the outer leaves be ing the old six or eight flat cosmos leaves, while in the center is a double flower resembling the double aster, the shades being all the delicate as ter shades. Get in line for the cosmos race ! A publicity campaign to get wo men all over the county interesetd in competing for the prizes will be conducted. Mrs. D. L. Dunovant, Sr., staited the ball rolling by saying that she was going to enter a col lection of canned fruits, preserves and pickles, and would offer her col lection as a prize for the best col lection of such items- sent in. This will be worth a great deal to the winner, for in it she will receive new ideas for her future canning season. Lists of prizes offered will be pub lished during the year, as an incen tive to make this fair a splendid suc cess. At the conclusion of the business, the enthusiastic meeting was ad journed. Trespass Notice. Notice is hereby given that hunt ing and all manner of trespassing upon my land is prohibited and the law will be enforced against all per lons who fail to heed this notice. This is meant for everybody, without any exception. Mrs. M. J. NORRIS. 11-22 Miss Florence Mims Hears ] Stanley Ress Fisher at Smith College. Dear Advertiser: The Bible says there is a time laugh and a time to weep. It.doej say anything, as I remember, ab a time to act, but I suppose then jrach a time. ' On Sunday afternoon, I atten rthe Smith College vesper service, sine main auditorium, John Gr ?Hall. It is a magnificent struct ?with an enormous seating capac ^Tiere were many students pres land some of the townspeople. : The speaker of the occasion A |Dr. Stanley Ross Fisher, a clergyn Sf Wellesley. It was announced ti pe would speak upon the subject the "Henry Jewett Repertory Cc jj&ny. Dr. Fisher is a great friend ?the company and an admirer of ? peculiar type of intellectual play &hat they do. I Now I had never known of a cl Skyman taking his text from the $>le. and speaking on the theatre. T Sj a day of fast growth, however, iaany ways, along the line of edui Mon, and politics, and religion, gell. lt ?Religi?n itself doesn't grow. Tl is as solid \ and unchangeable, t principles of it, as God Himself. E lian's attitude toward it is impn fpgV man's conception of it is broi &dng, man's adaptation of it in 1 fitjaily life is slowly reforming t |orld. f|-There are many more creeds th there used to be, but that is not a b ?gn. It shows that more people a ??biking, and religion is after all, Sling of reason, for we are creatur (g.: reason, and therein is a part, i$ast of our divinity. M Some of the Henry Jewett pla c%s were present at the service ai djpubtless at least half of that va .gathering, . perhaps all, had bei ^the .theatre sometime during tl .preceding week. To the pipe organ processional great choir of college girls came singing a hymn. Two men walked upon the pla form and I thought that one must 1 the president of Smith College, tl other the clergyman. One was a tal elegant looking person with schola ly face and a scholarly bearing. I di oided that he was the president. Th other was a kind looking elderly ma whom I thought must be the clergy man. That learned man in a gres black robe rose and started to speal and I listened for a few minute waiting for him to introduce the oth er man, but he didn't. I really wa quite satisfied, however, with the ad dress, so charming was the man an< so eloquent his words. He talked o many things and finally of Boston am of the Henry Jewett Repertory Com pany, which he said was the onl; repertory company in this countr; that was successful. This indeed wa the clergyman. I had a lofty feeling about him a: though he were an independen thinker, as though he might be on? of that admirable type who think; for himself, and thinks so clearly thal other men follow him instinctively It is' said of Alice Freeman Raini er, a former president of Welleslej College, that when she was offered the high honor of the presidency ol the institution, she drove out into the country with her buggy and horse and communed with herself. She didn't go in and talk to gray haired professors and ask them what they would do, but she found the best ad vice in her own heart. So I felt that this minister spoke from his own personal convictions, not to be different, or to be contrary, but to praise the praiseworthy. He said that on one occasion he was invited to attend a conference of men who had a big industrial prob lem to solve. He was called in to give his views on capital and labor. Where should he turn for constructive ideas? He had seen the Henry Jewett Play ers in Galsworthy's play, "Strife." This deals with the labor problems in England. He got a copy of the play, reread it, and went to the gathering with a vision and an inspiration from literature. In this play he found, he said, justice, fair play, right and beapty portrayed. Perhaps in oher I words he found the golden rule, which is the only law that will ?solve any knotty problems or difficulties between man and mari. As I remember his subject it was "Stewardship of Labor." He spoke of many things but out of them all he drew one great conclusion, the idea of service in one capacity or another. He spoke of St. Francis of Assizi and how he had left friends , and home, and a life of luxury to be a servant of God. Today there are saints he said, great men who know how to use their wealth as a trust from God. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and Edward Filene are quite as much saints as St. Francis. Edward Filene is the owner of a large department store in Boston. He gives a -great deal of his money away and has his store organized for the convenience and happiness of all his employees. They are treated as individuals and not as cogs in a machine. It is not a halo, or a robe, or even three hundred years of worship that make a saint, but humane ideas to ward mankind and an appreciation of them. He spoke of different ways of serving and suggested the theatre to that great crowd of splendid col lege women as a worth while career for many of them. Perhaps no state in the union has had so great a change in its views in recent years toward everything in general and re ligion in particular as Massachusetts. Being the home or*the first settlers it was naturally the first in Puritanic conservatism. The city of Boston is filled with extremists. Some people still cling to the old ideas of long faced spirituality and other have lost their reason in fanaticism. One has but to go to an old cemetery in the very heart of the city to see carved upon the grave stones skulls with wings and skulls "and cross bones, a dream forecast of a future life. A small boy would be told that no mat ter how deep the snow or how bitter the winter-air he wcmld^otHste'T'rji'd going to or coming from church. In contrast to the early Massachu setts parsons was Mr. Fisher. And in contrast to them, too, are all the sane high minded men who are in the ministerial profession today. Per haps if I summed up my thought in a few sentences I would say that this is a time when all the good forces of the world need to join hands. The church with the best in the drama, the college with the church, and so on. Today the problems are too big for any one group to solve. There is no room for antagonism, only a need for broadminded coop eration between all forces that tend for the uplift of humanity at home and abroad. FLORENCE MIMS. 14 Henshaw Ave. Northampton, Mass. Dinner for Mrs. Ella Tompkins. The friends of Mrs. Ella Tompkins were pleased to receive an invitation to a dining on Tuesday, celebrating her birthday. Mrs. W. C. Tompkins had prepared an elaborate dinner and what is better, an atmosphere of good fellowship. Some loving gifts were brought and these dear friends enjoyed the festive occasion together as they brought to mind many reminiscences of early and later days. The following were the invited guests: Mrs. Frank Warren, Mrs. Ma mie Warren, Mrs. Kate Mims, Mrs. Pamela Holland, Mrs. DeLoach, Mrs. Sadie Hill, Mrs. Annie Walker, Mrs. Sallie Morrall. Mrs. Mary Norris and Mrs. Kate Cheatham. Episcopal Bazaar. The Episcopal Bazaars need no recommendations to the public. The one this year, to be held on Saturday, December 2nd, in the Court House, bids fair to eclipse all previous ones. A delicious dinner will be served for fifty (50) cents, a variety of cakes, charlotte russe and candies, extra. There will be a splendid fancy work booth, at which shoppers can make their Christmas purchases. One unique item in this booth will be some black mammy dolls, white tur baned, wearing snowy kerchiefs and golden ear bobs. An absoult? repro duction of the beloved mammies of the South, whose historic fame has spread to be now world renowned. RED OAK GROVE. Minstrel a Success. Teachers Commended. People Are Urged to Attend Sun Hay School. The beautiful sunshine on Monday* morning seems to me, to bring cheer for the week. Those of rather super stitious nature believe that however Monday is, so will be the week. When a child our mother use to help us over our fretful ways by saying- "Now let's be pleasant on Monday so as to have a pleasant week. . The Sunday school at Flat Rock is still without a superintendent. The school on last Sunday was conducted by Mr. W. A. Dow, the teacher of the adult Bible class, wjio left the continuance of the school-to a vbte, to which the entire body rose. The minstrel was considered by many who are good authority as be ing a credit to experienced talent. While the attendance was smaller than was anticipated, we feel very grateful for the success. And o'ur* teachers are commended not only for their untiring efforts but for the diversion of spirits made thus by the mingling together of the older ones, who need to step aside occasionally from the old routine. And, again, when we recall the splendid behavior of the entire evening, we are wont to repeat, success to Flat Rock-min strel. Mr. Oscar Timmerman as Mr, Cleveland, the presiding officer, took the blue ribbon as a typical comedian and Miss Kathlene Kenrick bears the laurels as being most homely. On next Sunday we hope to see a good attendance at Red Oak Grove as we usually are forced into winter quarters on account of bad roads at this season. When only once a month preach, if one happens to miss a ser vice it mear.s two months without hearing a sermon,and -how^bad-Vit " T?lill y^is^iec'?use'^e best of "us need spiritual encouragement. For that one reason country Sunday schools should not bi; permitted to drift into winter quarters, as it frequently is the case. We enjoyed the report from the annual meeting in Columbia of the W. M. U. in last week's Advertiser. There is much grain sowing in this section. Nothing can attain to success on a farm more than to have some thing growing all the time. Most the housewives have taken advantage of the ideal season and have spring-like gardens. Our efficient and faithful mail car rier, Mr. Morgan Reese, who had his arm broken several weeks ago by cranking his oar, has been advised by the government to have his arm treat ed, as it is not improving as it should. This entire section deeply mourns the departureof Mrs. Lizzie Prince, and extends to the family profound sympathy in their sorrow, commend ing them to the grace of an Ali-wise Father, who never makes a mistake, but chasteneih those whom He lbv eth. Edgefield Teams Victorious. Friday afternoon the girls' basket ball team and the boys' football team of our high school, zeecmpanied by a number of friends, hied themselves to McCormick to engage the high school teams of that town in contests. In the game between thc basket ball teams the Edgefield girls won by a score of 20 to 18. The game' was clean and spirited from the first. Miss Alice Prescott, who is one of the best players w?s the star of. the game. Hurrah for our Edgefield girls! Immediately following the basket ball victory, our boys won ' a signal victory over the McCormick football team in a score of 57 to 0. The game was rather slow on account of. the rough condition of the field. Of the nine touchdowns made by Edgefield Wright secured five. The two pearns were about evenly matched in weight but our boys had no trouble, in gain ing and were forced to punt only once. After the third quarter started the second string boys went ,|m: for Edgefield and McCormick made only the first down secured during the game. The "scrubs"-Jield. McCormick scoreless and secured two touch downs themselves by the use of sev eral well executed forward passes.