Horry news. (Conwayboro, S.C.) 1869-1877, March 31, 1877, Image 4

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PAINT GLOBE Bite Lead m Hiiei Taint Co. CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000. Thct* Paltita art mixed, ready for v?r, any hadu or color, and sol.I In soy 'juauntlcA from Out (jusrl to a Parrel. ^ ' 00 ^CU i Thraa Pal nit are tmdo of Pure Whit" Trail, 74iic and I .heard Oil, hold iti tolutlon a (I ready J for vac-; arc *111* third cheaper and w ill ls?t thrco j atlinn ftu ua ?*????'' *?-? 5525 H E W&1D! will he )>atd for every ouuci' of adulteration found iii then). Tltotiranda of hotiaea and tome of tl\i? fluent vtllaa in America arc (minted wltli ! thuae I'aintH. Ncild for T< atinvoulal* of nunc, alao for Hainpla Color* and I'rirc I.lata, to the GLOBE MIXED PAINT CO., orricr ? 76 Cortlandt St., Kcw Yorfc, . U'OttKSi Car. MORGAN GV^iuhgtcNSTS., JERSEY CITY ' iRTRt heed THE . 7! i s Words of Advice, rii-H f UTT'S PII.I.S i TL'T'i"!} TJ ' SI* KC T P I! I. I, V ottered ??>' 11.1.1.s TUTT'S W'. II. l'UTT, M.t>., for many |>| !,(, / I mi' i'T'o rr.ri Demonstrator of Anatomy to th? Medical Colletce of Heorcin. 'I'llIrIv years' experience In Til I > practice o'f medicine. toed liar with I II.I.S 'i'UTT'S fifteen year.' tCJl of TuttV rill*. PI I.LH Tl'TT'.iinil tho thou'and of testimonials PI 1.1.H TU 1'T'S Klvu'ii of their efficacy. warrant mo |> 11,|,?? i I'PT'rt In ?avInii that they vi lli positively 1*11,1 h ' 'Ml r*.*u euro all diseases I It at result from a,,,, ,'a ...J.?i,," dl*oa<cd liver. Thejr arc not rro- '!'[' * di p I .'. oiunicuded for all the III* t hat afflict | J |'J'j ft. rl 3 liiiiiiaiiltv, luit for Dvspepsla. .latin- I ILLS #J" t" r I" 3 dice. Coiist I nation, Pile*. 8k In lit*- I* 11.1. S J5 I'T'Seatc. Dillons t'olle, Itlienir.al I on. I'll,I,H I" TT'.t Pulpit*!Ion of the lleart. Kidney pf[,1,3 'It ! I \S VMectlo i -mcmnlo Complaints. Ae.. , ( | | s H i, ail of which result front a drranjje- ... I i..'. maul of the Liver, no mod I clue ha 1 J, J , j, I J.!-!.-., ever proven ?.? niece fill n* ID!.' 'J''1; 1 ijjn .ifrrh veoj.iaihk i.iveic pills *?T i l*\S PILLS. I'll, 1.1 VI I T'S j ; I l'h.1,1 i 'it TV* ! Tl'TTM I" l,J,? | PI l.i.S j ! i u rT'.t : era; bit ic iiiIajjuiik. pii.is i l UTTm ! : PII.I.S I Tl'Tl \S I'll.l.S | ' TI'ITm i TI'TT\1 1TM.U : I'll.l.S irrr.? i kkqi'ius s > > uano/. or ; rn.i.s irrn ; lift. ; I'n.i.s I lyrrji i rn.i.s flrlTTT'f : I'll.l.S 'i PIT'S TI'TT'H I'IMA : I'l 1,1.H mjit's ; \r;"* "puvi.y vmiki'.\r.r.?:.| rn.i.s . 'j r ! r s ; ... , pills 1 i c rr * ; pii.ls nT's Tr.-f.M ris.*.* i i n.i.s ( 1P I T'S VYVXU OKi.-r. oit naimi. : pills ?prr a ,? ats. \ : iti.1.1 ' 1 I'T l".i ; v ..| PII.LS > ta r r'" rn.i.? i MITT'S i Tim 1IBMANO run Tl'rr'S: I'l r, 1.1 riMT'A I'll,I,S |? not co'ilii' l to tl>l?i PILLS ' 1 II I'T H iiiitr*. Put to fcll p*rl? I'll. I. i i rt'lT'.H ioflne ?orM. : I'll.l.S i TUTS : I'll.l.S 1 tut r n ; ; 1*1 l.l.h Tl'TI .1 i APLKAR UKAD.r!-?tl.-limt.?,: PILLS TI'TT M ; ? ?.?. ! lli^Ott Ion. Noll 11(1 llftp,; I'll.l.S | Tl'TTM i liiio> nitt *piflt?, fltio mip.-lllc, I'll.l.S TP'ITM -urn pom* of lit? rooiiltt of the; I'll.l.S TTTT'S ; tun of TUT I".S PILLS. i I'll.l.S UTT'S : I'll.l.S i TI'TT'S i : I'll.l.S ! TPTT'S i AS A VAMII.Y MKD1CIKK: I'll.l.S SITPT'S i TUI'T'S I'll.l.S AUK TIIKj I'll.l.S 1 TCTl'.S MKST?1'EBFKOTLY UAIOl. | I'll.l.S i I'TT'S : I,KM. : I'll.l.S fUTI'S j I'll.l.S UTT'S : I'll.l.S rVTr'h i HOLD ?''VEUTWlir.RK. I'll.l.S TPV S i PRICK, TWKN1 V-IIVK CT9. \ I'll.l.S TU.f'S i i FILLS TUTT'9 : ill.l.S ' H'rr.S : PRIN'OIPM, OFFI1 K : I'll,I S < TIITrn : IS UIIIIIUY NI RKBT, i I'll.l.S I TPrrs N?;w Yoitu. pii.i.s l'UTT'* i ... : PILLS DR. EXPECTORANT. I This unriva'etf preparation has per- ( formed some ot me most astonishing 1 cures t!i*i ar> recorded in the annals of 1 history. Patients suffering for rears from ? the various diseases of the Lungs, alter I trying different remedies, spending thou- < sands of dollars in traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use of a few bottles, ? entirely recovered their health. > "WOtt'T 00 TO FL083DV | Nsw York. August 00.187X D K. TUTTl i>i*i SirWh>? Is Alkon, tsst nriitor, I two* you* 1 "Vspootorsnt tor ray OOUgb. rni l vail i'.of ruoro boaaAl 1 t.-ora 't ihin is; thing I #*or took. I am so wall thst I iflintt * ^lltxpoS co Vs riorids noxt winter as I lntsndad ; lesowl' S V>:t:*s. by sxprsss. for soma I er v 1U ivi'or'. t LrncD cuaiuifo. < \\'F.AltIN<i l'AKl'rt nil), 133 Was'Thirty-flvjt 3iroc. .1 tlio Mw.tisnlsm Imfl lit er* Hi the fii>rr>i<!I c! 1 Boston, Jsnnsry 11, 117S. *sy Itunnlnn:. .1 ' I'* ''/"mto rsoommondod tho ol t)I8i.'i,k5fl.'4 M v t ' ' iNl' . nu for diaftasas of tholnng* m i. for C'<?ari?n or A f aid to wy knarMadgo miny J >, hIJii*'-'r 1 ' ri rv -T rar pstlo-ita with tha hup- ! WniK?V 81sch cOwh,r* uiho'tyht ooo- , tt o iNThl NSIt; M 1-sJ Is'tot plii# th? Ctpjo'.smu 'iniW w PH'-VI N- r." M-- n- H. 3JPUAOVJ.n.v. 1 ,-ciyMACiUN lu- y highly of D-. Tutt1-! *tT'rk-.TO'SSI '.o;? ['' V I lV(5**#?r hnmantty i *.1 * ttltll vs oaarslxy kn?\u< Cum* T Ivi: AC.r-NTS wanted In leer *, Lno w-t represented. ri< y .>,1 \ for prices, nivl snmplfS ,n i'.io ItOM! , er call Js'^son, GifZ^? 30 U'don Cqnt 3 ,^?25 ! )C\ Wadilugton Ctreat, Bcito g H'j? a rS-f , 7*3 in i rnr.ftrM A^Csfc ~ ' - ?% ~i |?41 Btatd Direct, O'jicap.oi 111. ? p '> / * 3* ' 141 ^ 21 Booth 5th Btratf - D X i 17Mew IloBtgoffl0-J fit., San 1. jn^^h, ?.'>?? <k '-ip-?* ? "J"11?" ** ,\ w i ? r?P'. : '^'^Vrcnt- 5- nSi.W t? ' ? A-!**[jwr ig^Tst M1fc f 1 ? ^ ?jkf ffijYsi'*'** C""~" j! V%W ifi bga-Tt. .:?.,Miry ! rr ?f 1 * cowjprmoif. I") V^JV^ LU)Y I> OOJ*?t4? omrorM of *r?"? Flwtf H pN *K'<?kj /*>!? EJOLI.AB8. !* ?? I ftlft'U A ?'S. ;?0?r,ll fctf.J l! I n }'1\ /?ev\ 709 Uroikba a^neo lt? oirtor k, FWftM ?a1 Ut.1 Sit-'' i*'"* _ -or l? ?b?m?rict Wl?f?f"P?r'J IM _a'' kK# * " *T5:rt < ?rl *1*4 11 ' ^W^V?VaSi'Sf V W-'JiTSU.. ' i| ' ta,, ?n<1 Irtmf"?? f larj'K T 'PV ' U? -r?, A, /? f 1 -M. w^r, u y^r1l riv^u ? fcitoUkUuiof ?-.. ; 3 rv*'oi (^?/ul r.-xxTrx*vmr~? f " i?i<lf. I'OQI* M* , I inyiii(#iliCS6Wfl$Wfi*Kv,<fcLy 1 llfcLaBkilLa^ ndto ?., '. ,,.,^,....,-1^ AlwtmM' t THE HC jl ?.. 1 MR. IIAYED'S HUCKSTERING. THE ('A 1WNET'S NEWEST INVENTION <TUK IlUTHKIt DELAY. Chamberlain and Hampton to be Heard In Person by Hie President? Hayes's Jnlis.Fared Policy in Delation to Lou. Liana. Wasiiinctov, March 23.?The Cabim l decided lliis iikiiii.iio to summon Hampton ami Chamberlain to present their rival elaims II the I'resident in Washington. The delay is u enrp'T hair triumph. Instead ol a majority merely, Sherman this time carried the y\ hole Cabinet with him. It was the i ill |> I essiou ol Hampton's lliends thai lie would refuse to route, Init an inlet view held ;his evening with Hayes by M. C. Ifuller and Judge Mnekey apjicars to have moddied this opinion No authoritative despaleh has been leeeiied IT?tin 11 i iii dtlling the day. J.ike all Cabinet meetings held on this subject that ol this morning was long, lasting all the loreiiooii. Less di.ision existed than on the Louisiana | ie*iion, all imiigh mie, and it is thought three, members of the Cabinet tavorid the iinmediatn withdrawal ol tbe troops. It was partially' agreed yesterday not to send a eoiniui-simi. To reach a plump' deeisioii, the discussion ihi* morning led to the conclusion thai no tlililllial existed in Smith Carolina to deride vv liieh contest nil u as (Jovernor. With llie Chiel .Justice dead the Sit pietnc Court is in d, and some derisions helow 1'ilifliet with t he general fill 11 lit o> judicial opinion, yvhnh rtgai'ils; I I ;i III pi oil as llnti III or. I lir pletext ' s slender. Tin C'.lhinM, lloWtVil', ! ncei pi 11. CI a nib" i lain and 1I am pi mi iilr U'tlU'M, no| to I In* I *! ? >i?i? n!, 'Mil i<? piii i In ir case* ini >! till' hainls ?>l M'liic : il>il? r. |i is 11??- j Wl'iM miss toll ipj.'liu. ( I* < 1111 ? * l Iain's Jn? ! In inn! I ri?*i h i h nif to hi. I;.- up si cnutiii'Ssioii In It'V I i >nn|?!?<li's ellillii'i'S I I itm-ivl iriill \ 1111 ( *i 1*1 ?*! |i? olcsst-il sill anxious in ill mission I.? n?si^ii lit- qui Sl lull I : ' III1 S.l I t* i'||||H ? II iii i :i 111 licl i? I li v l'\ <li i :il |n >\\ it. I V.o t irnli \ ill I in v i?111 H ?I?-t-j? 1 < < 1 <> final :i11 XIM Sl ,*|t ' II ii I lion' y, I'll ;i 1 li tin- I i'm i| i.s, mil iiptiniinn i 1m- stir us iiuo si w > l? ?-ii!< il in tt iri11111 111? <i( t is-ion iii i li?* oi lo vs in j li u < r: kxkc i i ivk mansion, ji \y ami ino'lon, mm oil v.m, is77. tj Stii: 1 ii in i it* i ustt'il Ity Mi?' I "i ?*.-?i?1?* i it Jo nilij; to \ our alluntloti his purpose to lako in 0 consult*, ution ihc position o( nllaits in Smith 1 iirolina. willi a vimv ot *! ;? ? mining iln; oiirsa w liiiii, uinim t In* ('oust itut inn an<J law s >1 lln? Unlii-tl Stales, it may he his thiiv to take in icfereiiee to tin- situation in I lint Mat'', is In' finals it upon Rueeecuiitg to tho 1 n-si itnicy It. woiilu give tin* I it'*?i?l**i11 pieal |>l?'asnr?? tu oonti r w it h >nil in peivon. ifyuu -hull find it cntiM niinit to visit Wasl iigiou, .mil shall concur with him in thinking such a i-oiifnt'iK'r Ilia readiest and hi-st ino-'c of |. hieing yoiil" view s as lo I la* political sit uai h n in vnin Stale l.eioie hi*n. lie woiini givatly pieflM tills (HlCI'l enlnlml lli'ill (HI < ! dpi UlOII and inln.niatlou in any other method nl asrci I ul 11 y yniir vlciVs upon Hie pnscnt condition anil immediate piot>|eel <?t r oldie inler sis in hmiili (J; inliua. 11 ums'his of weight vs it li Villi s!i(iiil<t (iisi'oiuago this inurse, the I i esidciil will la* {{lad to icceive any column ideation from \i?u ii> u riling, nr through any ilellgaie |hmessing jnur cuididence. 11 at wilt oiivev to lit in yoi'i view s nl the iui]>e(lhueuis In the peaceful ami orderly organization nl a -i11 _Ji ami 111iiii>|?iite*I Mate tinvtimiuenl in Sunt li t a nlina, and nt the l*est ineihods id i einuv ing i he 111. It is t lie * ;ii nest desire id I lieI'lesidei.t to tie able input a:i end as speedily is possible in all appeauuiee id intervention nt' >lie military authority id the United Slates in the |HilMiea) dei angenieiil s whleh altect the liuve tiniei.t and aileet the people id tiontli I ai'olina- In this desire the i lesidenl eanuot loiilit lie truly represents the p.il. lolie leeling d" the great li.-dy of the penpie ofthe t niteil Stales. It is iinpi ssilile H at the prutra led llsordCi in the I'lOiuestie (inv criiiiienl nl any Mate ea i, or slinind, evei tail to lie a matter t lively i Merest and solicitude In t -e peuiiie t the. whole co in i it i y. in lul l Iterance nl the uronipt ami sate execution ot this general purpose, hv invites a lull i-oinintinie.i'anii nf your opinions nn the whole stnje t in such lie nl i he piiiposed lin iiis as seems to you most useful, m uireeiiini ofthe t lesidenl. t tiave addiisse-t to I he lion. H ale Hampton i duplicate of this iflter. i am, very iexpect lul.y, your obedient servant, \\ . K line Kits, 1 11vale heel etuiy. To the lion. Daniel II. Chamhci lain. A ilesji it eh was lei'i I \ ci| ff-m lanV. I I . I ! i iiini|>i?'ii i ins v\vnilig, my lug I I :iI lit* I lm<l m ?*u a |?r?? i* |11 hi l he Idtcr nhli'i-STil i<> him, hiii. Ik* gaic* no cluc III Ills UlUlU lnllH. The Louisiana OmninisHion is noi lit VOIlMl.lt III I'll. No lllir* lull (iov, liiuiv!* Iiiin formally aiwpt?*il. A n|niri crnlitril Sloughi'm with :i jiomi? lion. TIuh Is a riiisinki*. It is siiiil ilii?* evening that l-Jov. i'aluivr oi Illi11'>iS has tiwil nth ri ll II |II)?III?I||, Till' full oomplvuiviit ul oaineM Mill not hi* known *iul11 tomorrow, li is mil pioli.ihii* ilnti. ilit* coniiniKsioii ran a* art lit*toiv Tiii'siluy uvxt. li citnuol bvifin ih lahoiM in Ni-w Oi'lvans until April it iii not li.u'ly u? got through ui.iMn* 1*1 ll O It III' IIUMI 11. It Will villi l>inli>l^vlhigg ilvoht ivk, by mailing i viani ly;.4,il.iy i*h knoMM," nan I hi* liovi iniiishr^ l'ai*k:tr<!'M light to thv himI majority tu r by iluw thoiiH?y* iii* will not 1 ? ''h* I'tvMilvnj??\M i*X pilvii J y tl?iirsJ^?l.1* klllogg | u mini niuinell t?? retli'oOW 'mH I Ko*t?*r iiiuI MuiiiifWft, ""P"'| mill !)?.< t-liiI?DH to speak lioin kiioVtt!^ j mill sigln, ''sign* il hm ngiv. m? in itt>x! it iih'IiiIh'I'm limn Louiniumi ai><t oilier JS? >ii t horn Sin I in would eonse tiltibu*tei'<ng mul ) itli] to iluyvf'ti inHiigurmioii thu troop* would be removed. Hayes never promised un j In-lore iho iiiHngurmioii. llo linn promised Dollpiiu nih? e. Hi- h is left?11 ed m< i, wiUioiiv in*Iliji! promise I A M il his I|?>ll iI'lllillil lleeiied coUlill li? ' ii:?*e. lie too* Mopped that Iidw. lie! n Mill op, II ??! il Onrgaili. The Nli-hD? i^gitilatuio telegraphed twouy, )RKY WEEKLY u?kii?if it would be wis? f?>r that body to elect Senators. (iibson, Kllis and Levy telegraphed back that it would be by no means wise to take such a step. It is believed, however, that the whole nntter is under conHnlwuton and confeienee this ev ming. Nmt?? are anguine of a tiivorable and final result in Louisiana. Senator (lordon fairly expressed tlit* average feeling in saying 11 iw evening that lie bad ceased to give ad vice. lie neither sent despatches nor received them, lie did, not like the situation, hut it was too la'o ' >> talk nboiit it . The Cotton Planter's Outlook. The cot'on crop of 1875 was 4,000,. Odd bales. C)i? (lie 1st o( .January last the erop ol 1 x7(? was estimated by i In* knowing ones to lie at least .'ft t.ooo bales less than t lie erop of I 875. I luring .1 a una tv there was a sln.it reeuipt, ' which seetifd to eonfitni their view,, nod eolton stifle.led a little in price, j llm in February there were 4 1.mm li iles more 'orwarded to our ports than ! in.) ati'ia rv, and liei.ee the reckon tell us that in all probability the crop o| i 187(1 will prove fully as large, it not | larger than that of 1875. From September I, 1875 to February 'J 8. 1870, there were forwarded ' a 405.000 ha'es. From l-t September, I s 71 , to Fe? rnarv '28, 1877. there weiv rec ived :>l our ports 0,401 oo() hales I biting Maieh, ls'70, 852.000 hales w.ce reeeived Were we ealleil upon to 'guess" Iron) these data, we would say the crop of IS70 would exceed that ot 1875 Mow much of it will reach tin* inaunfactnieis core Sep bnibcr I, Ic77, no one cut now foivt, II. W e all know t ll'>t 'or I hu past e V? ;ix * c*??1 it'll lets l> i ti ifi'M11 tl 111 \ devtinjiiij in | i i? ? . XV hilst lite 111 : i M11 ;l?- i II H- ot i'o|loti jrood* :t 11 < I the proline I i >1. ? ! col mi |i:i?4 I een - l? :i<111 \ <>11 t!i?* ilM'IX 'ISC 1 )tl1 illlf tl)?< pH-l yi".ll I I 1* i 111;imifart 11? ? it* had ;i sutlcil ol stock | ? I ft II11, III] IJl lis o| I'lltloll JOimls Wi'lC [ Vt'l \ low Hi Jtlico, h'ilCtolH lo;t?V losses li'i'iiusc 11 if \ I tat I bought co'inii on :i declining liinrkct, iiimI, with a heavy stipjdy <*i? hand, wire ('I t in | it I lei I io :i :lnul;l(,i lire fur :i -iill I :i 111 ti tf ii i ix lift. Ai! 111 i -x c.otiili1 it'll ol llii ijr?. 1111\v vcr. luis cliiiHiji'tl, lor tliis ii< en in n l:i t ci| slock o| (Ti-oils Ic,is been tli jio.'iil nl( both in the Kuro|t('tin and American iiiiiimhii toiies, w hether at a Iocs ?ir protir. ii i* not our purpose now to \ cut ii re tin o|tii.ion, alol doubtless most ol i Io to linxe been consumed one way und another, so that (lie manti laei nreiN ( nter tipoti a new y? iif with their -helves empty, I he supply small, i he demand j^oml, notion low, ami cotton tiitods mlvai einti in juice il tin re be no war in ICnrone this year, xv hieb lie saoeK tell lis there will '.,..1 11...... .. ;ti t i t i ? ...... ...... n ill I | * * I * '?, illMI II I ' I I I k II' sideuiial muddle, w lil *I appeals In 11 >1 \ i* Ik I'll settled I. ?t* lilt* tit* X I I <?11 * veals, giv?s iif* nt? 11*? .111?11*, it seems elear t? iim ili-.il (lit* entlon inaiiulac I hi t i k uiav mnieipnle a prosperous year. Can we s;ty tin* same lor I lit* cot ion planter? Observation, judgment and expelienee leueb ns it is inti a outlier ol \ ital ctiiici'i n in tin* individual plant, r w lii-t Is**!* i In* erop is Imir, live, six, oi i*ti millioi.H ol bali*s. ll there is a largo emp rot Ion w ill ilonl.l less be low, ami i ai'It planter w ill ieeei\e less lii bis i r??|>. I>11i il In* is out oi <li*l?l In* will liml i bat money will buy bun as litany m-cess:iri< s as tin* greater amount w ulil. w Uii-li In* would leuli/e by si-Ping hi* I'i'tlon at a higher priee in i on*" queiiro i>l general erop being small. ii the general erop is small eiilliiii i?oes up, :it.<I everything thai the Inrnmr shmihl feel eompelleil to buy goi-s up with it, ami hence lie ilii i It- bet 11*i* oil*. 11 ii i ii 11 in s coinern the i ml i \ blital plan! or whether lie is growing a huge el'iip ol Ciillnii In I lie exelusio.i every* thing else. The cot ton eiop should l>e i : xi I lor l lie iiei'i ssai y supplies I hat eaiuiot be grown at Inane, loi si'ho.ils, ebiireh purposes ami the annual taxes ami lie* residue should be a I net surplus lor inYi s> ineiil. Are i lie larnmrs pitehiug the present crop with this i<lea in their mind-? II.. 11it11' tney sown wheat enough t?? soeitiv diem ilifir bread? Will tlit-v Duy molasses nexi year, or lire lin y going to plant sorghum iml itiiikt* their own syrup nml h;?v? seed ami lothler enough in winter their >|ofk lings iiml thy ertltle upon? Have* limy sown tiV It:?>l *i\'e stores of u:\ts 11? die mule so dial stimuli! ihov I'ail in a earn emo > tlu-y will not lie obliged to cultivale j litis ami die mxi e.rop on bought coin, ! whieh is sure to make poor mules? ' Has eaeli one a )>1 tt I lit) It upon w hich j to plant peas to make hay enough to w inter his miteli et?\v? m xt w inter, ami by this means make his own butter ami drink his own milk? Or has eaeli one begun already to round up those beaulii.il etiiloi; beds, ami lt> enlelllale bow tlillliv ??t those I I .. I . I . .. ! I I - II . - i ? - Hint** in* n hi roii oiii iii xi i'Hiif J^ntsiii itlinxil) in ii??t more ili'r.?'|iUve than a |tn>H|tiiino lotion iio|?# Wo nay, llu ll, In Willi* ol it. CotImi will ilntiU* Iomi In inn a tfiunl jirioo next Kail, Imii * mil iiviiil you not liiiiii, il you l?a\ iNjmnm' il lor nil other neeeKsa* j 1'**"? ^VKih will In** iMjuully hh liii?li? prion. I.WvA'JT AllilN, \U A/clou and Courts% m//< mst Kiiohi?n>^o is^Tonir. I hi* is a iiaiitV 01 enlightened llOclM* , Llilll'H'loli in llui col'lliTMou*' >.ii I loniiitalion <> our |^o\i*i'ii- i HJtMii. I Iio |iiii|)Io aio lilt to iJiii.Jv j I and tut fur t o iijfciuyir, ami thai Uuy 1 , ,* v j ,4* \X</ ?TO * >?.<*, A,v ? NEWS: MAltCI ' in si y net wisely it is necessary that they bo well informed. Kvery individual li :?i i? increases public tfain. I'pnn the hesillli ol the people is based i the proKpc i it v n' a nation, by it every value is increased, every joy enhanced. Health is cs-cuiial to the HceomplishI rneiit ol everv purpos'-j while sickness towards the best intentions and htlliest ' aims. I'nto us are eommitted impnr|t:inl I < :? 11It 11 ests, which we hold uoi merely in our o\\ t. behalt but t??I* the henvlit ol others. Ill order that we may be able to disehsittie the ob'i^atinus ol our t itist ccsli i p and thus prove worthy ol our yt minus coin mission, it is hercsv.tr v thai we sMldy the art ol preserx ino health and prnhmtiiiiy lite. It is >il pa ra mount i in port at.ee to t vol v person not only to understand the means tor the preservation health, but sibo to know what remedies should lie employed lot' I lie si I le \ I at ion ol llie eommoii ailments ol h!e Noi that we would advise everv man under sill oiii nnistanees to siltempt to be Ins own physician but we entreat biin to a< quire sti ||i. |( n | kuow leiloe ol Ills system and the laws that govern it, that he mav br prepared |.? take care ol 11iitist-11' properly, ami thereby prevent sickness and pmlono lite. In no I text Inn k will the people find the subjects ol piiystolouy and h\yiciio, or i he seiene*' ol li,e alul the art ol presei vino health, more sctein ilieally di-cussed or more plainly taiiyut than in " The People's ('oiuuion Sense .Med leal Advisci," by l?. \ . Pierce, M. 1)., o' I > u 11:11 o, X. \ ]| is a volume ol over nine hundred I a rye pays, illus tinted I?t over two liuudicd ami tiohi V two en ^ra * in os and col tired plates, i* cb i? a n 11 v bound in cloth and t?i 11, and i- sent, post paid, to if y address by : be author at the low price ol one 'nihil am! ll'tv cents a copy. Nearly one hi ndrt d thousand t onics hue already lieeii :iini i ho nreaei t edition, w hi. ii i> revised and ruling d .it111 iii? !*? ? >?ciallv adapted to the wants ill tin* family, i* si lling \er\ rapidly. ii 1 reals nl nil tin; <*? 111ii t r i diseases :t11 i i la ir innnlii s, :is wi ll :\?nl .-in iti'iny, |>i?ysioloov. iivgii'iii', i mi i n 111 i ini | >ci".i nun t s, ami many other topics <>l jjl'eat interest in all people, and is iralv a hat it* author styles it, m'di. ii c simpllth il '' ('7) ?www?w mwmmm wmrnnmcmmwrr^mmnmmmm ??>f >?? i offer til k 1iois1c v news, press .1.. ami material, lor sale. preference am! advantages will lie jjiven a purchaser inleniliae l<> conlinoe its puuicalh n in the counly. other business is my icasnti far wishing in sell. T. W. PEATY. Liver. Stomach. Blood" in a noi/leoled son-const plant, alnmsl as common as lie dandelion nl the in adow, dr. .1. m. (iii'svoj.nr has found t 0 oasis ol a sure ami seaichiaj; lieinedy lor i us'nses <t ! lie i.ivi i!. s'll'lm vi'll v v 11 111 null It swiii* ti> l?? Natiue's medicine lor ailments I.i llt'M' OIC'IMS. lis ell'rtCt S a I'D tilt* wonder an<l ilftiulii of all \\ tin sou them. Di. (iiosvcnor has given this Ia name which will ho easily remembered an<l which suits it. I lo calls il I 5 VI 15 A IT). ONE HO'I I I.I "1 l.ivci.iiu ciues Constipation, ia> matter how bad. ONE DOT'l LE restores a good appetite. ONI- T< > FIVE DOTTLES an: warranted i to cure Liver < ouiplaint, 'I *> o To MX IJOT'1 I.E.3 eiuos the stub* hoi nest Dyspepsia. ONE 'l'O J- Ut'D DOTTLES cure .launilice. 'I 11 liEE TO FIVE IIOTTSES cure .Scrofula. ONE 1JOT ELF. euies IMIIiousncss?war- J rnuod. ONE I'O MX r.l'TTLKS cura l'evei and Ague. ONE 1JOTTLK eiirot all Dlolehes. ON E I.O i l l.K eiues SicK lleada he. ONE I O'l'I l.E cures lie>:lc vMn.-3? ONETOT11KEE DoTTI ES cuio (ieneral Debility. IWiiTOMX DOTTI,KS cure the worst lot III of Dlood 11IIIII* >1S. ONFLOTTLE ernes Indigestion. ONE D< M'. en es I lean thine. ONE oOSK cures hour Stomach. ONE DOlTl.E cures IEmIs, l'ustiiles and Dimples, '1 1ID.FF TO MX DOTTI.KS euro Enlarged hpleen. ??N D. DOTTF.D. cures a Toipid Diver. O.N E'1 O FIVE J.O I'TDEh cuiu Dlieuniatisui. ONE DOTTLE oiues Erysipelas. ONE TO 'lliKEK DO'1'1 l.l'.h J'urify Ihe Dlood. ONE TO TllrtEE DOTTLES cure Female Ailments. ONE TO 'MlDEE DOTTLES euro any 1. in.I ..I * .1 I "" ""J J"'" ' "*>} 'I ILiveiaid is warranted to iM/riot-m those CI II08. It acts dhcttly iip??ii the Liver and Stomaoli, it ml tlnongh tin; i n upon tin- blood. It is tlio boat medicine ever Introduced in the linntiy. c;itosvi:N'oirs mvkkaid is a Itemedy lor ti t* mil.ion. it is iiim tied in I'M'iy household. Almost everybody is troii- : bled witli m ino Kind ol Liver, Momuch or Ulood tiiseuso, widi'li if neglected wi.l end fatally. '1 lie Livi-iald biiilits np and restores tbo w hole system, and "makes a new man" ot the slek and suflc.ili^r. Make the liou lielotc it is too late. Live.aid will cuio jolt. While using Liverant eat all yutt want of tbn best >nti can gel. (iiosvenor's i.ivcr.ild is sold by at least one respcelaUlu l>iitj:i;ist In eve.y t-.wn in large | hott.es, itt one dollar each, Six boti.es lor j live dollars IHaoovercd and prepared by 1)11. .J M. CKOSVUNOM, Ta k Place, New Yoi U. j I .VI.N. \ PT/ASTTJI ' PAIN. XIIATWli.l. UlU') PAIN.! 1'AlN. llM. tiltonVKNoll's . l-.t.t A Nol# v.V K IAIN, fol.fs 1'I.As.itlt w il p .*iiivu y cure, lAiN. remove ami ledevo a.I lot ins of Paint 1'AiN . I'roiu a Miteli in the side to the worn, 1'AlN. Kind ?d irbetini.oiMit. it is the onyI AlN. I iasver in the wo.Id that, will do tins. I AlN. Ask your iJitiggiai lor the ?-uv. j.uio, | 1 AlN. dyne/' or semi -b cents to J. .M.J 1 AlN (iitsvei.or. Ion i',>07, New lt-ik i'NiN clly, i o a I'm I .Ntiup o 'J he laVKIIl vi. turn I oi:? s I l.AsTKlf, l? v l)y 1 >l<. l'J. NOiiluN, Couwaywuto, v5. an l.'J J* /* L 31, 1877. : AMERICAN and FOREIGN PATENTS C1L.MOUKA CO., Successois to Chlinpan. Iloxiucr A ( ??., St lifitois. Patents produced in all I'oMiiti ifs. NO FKIvS IV ADVANCE. No ch.iign unless the patent is gianled. No j tees tor makiiur preliminary examinations, j N addjthnal lees tor obtaining ami condnctj inn a rehearing. Py a recent decision of the < omuiissioiier AIil< rejected applications may i be ie\ived. special attention given to Interleieuco Oases before (lie Patent Ollice, Extensions be I'm o Congress, Infringement .Suits in ; ilillerent .States, ami all litigation appertain, iug to Inventions or I'atents. Setid stamp to i (iilinoie a: Co. Ibr pamphlet of sixty pages. : LAND CASES, LAND WARRANTS and SCRIP. Contested band Cases produced before the j l". IS. Cenoral Land (tllieo and Departinenl jot tItu I'leiior. Iiivatc I.and < lainis, MINIM! and PIJK-EM1 TJO\ Claims, and I It'M i.S'l'LAl) .ises j (tended to Laud ! .St rip in JO, ?'-<>, and H O acre pieces for sale. 1 his scrip is assignable, an 1 can be located in I he name ol tin' pmehasei upon any l.ovei iiiiient land subject to pi ivale entry, at $t.'Jo pei aeie. It is of eiptai vaulu with County I,and W'auanls. ."end stamp to Ciluioro A ( o. for pani]ililel ol 1 nstt action. AR3EAB3 OF PAY and BOUNTY. OITK'I i:s, NOI.DII US, III..] .SAll.OliS ?.r the late war or their heirs, am in many eases entitled to money from I lie (.ovei niiient ol which they have no knowledge. White full j histoi \ of set v iee, and state amount of pay and bounty iccivrd Enclose stamp to (.11.MoliK tV ? '(?., and a full ieplv, alter exainluntiuii, w iil no given you free, PENSIONS. All OFFICERS, SOLDI KISS, and SAI I.ORS wounded, i upliireil, or injured in the late war, liowcvci slightly, can obtain a pension by addiessing t it LAD lit K A CD. Cases pioSeeulcd by lilL.MOHE A C< >. lielore t he Supi eine ('unit of llie I nit cl States i lit* t hi i el (. latins, ami tin- Soul hern ( luitns I ColllllM.vdon. Kavli tlepni t incut of our biistucvs is conducted in <i septuale bureau, undo. charge of tin* same experienced parlies employed by the old lit m. I i oil i pi id to lit lot i to all business uulitis!*'d to KllAiOllK ?l- CO. ii tliiis secured. We desire lo win success by deserving it. Address (illAlOlJIl *!? CO., WAS1I INtlTON, I). C. IS1!>. 1ST 7 THE AMERICAN FARMER. The rionccrnl' American Farm Journa fcOMl), UI'.I.lAI1I.K, PKOUKKSfelYE. Cm Tally edited, a,id having the aid of a large. num1" r nl eonrespondents eiuiiienl in it. the irsjMtetivo departments of Kir ill indiis'.ry, or u ill, in the coming volume, under I lie same coiit. ol of fbr ueai ly a third of a century, continue devoted lo tlie cause of agricultural improvement. Sulwcription $1.50 a your. To clubs of live or 111011% $1 only cadi. EI?" i > person sending ten or more names at ti em h wi.l leecivt one extra .copy l-ree. Alt postage ptepatd h^ us. Auon ss, SAMTKI. SANDS & SON, Publishers American Parmer, No. 1) North Sheet, il.ilt imiirc Mil. Or, ilio Amkiucan Pakmkic and ih* ll<t|{|{Y X K\VS Will III! (llll)llftl lO^t'llit!,- itlltl si'iit to any address, lor cash in advance. WHAT PAYS? IT I'A YS cu-rv Man ti far. nrer, Merchant, Me mime. Inveiiitir Farmer. or Pio't felon aliiim il. lo Keep lit formed on all tlio improve, >'i*iii? ni'il ?iihihicries of the n^e. I T I'AYS i',nt load oi every family to introduce I nlo hie household a newspaper Ml it is iiislruc* II Ve, ot e III I toilers a las It! lor luveslittitl on .I'nl promotes iliniiuht anil i-ncO 11 races o s tis< sunt a out! 'lo- mem tiers. 'THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN , M llli'll I.US' Ill'i-I. pn till-||. -I U'fKIl lor III' I "Si i In 11 y'Oiie j en rs. iloes IniH. loan i-Meiii h?\oud lll.ilol any oilier puhlten ilot , mi Mel it is the only w* elity paper pnhlislied In llie I'niieil Siaiie devoted lo iMaiili f ic I ll res, Me i lot tiles, Int en ii.-ns ami New I.Mscovenes in Hie Ai ls ami Science-, I; e: \ niitnher is profusely illustrated ami i s contents emhrare the latest tail most interest it.u information periaiiinitf i" ihe (n Misiriai, Me. i ni.ual, m i! Scieniiitc Progress < I ti e World lies, lipllons, Willi ltiet ll ll IIII 1mi|!I!IV||.|"M, ot .New 1 II v en I ions, N?w 1 III p". men IS, New processes, anil Improved I ml iisi ries ot nil In ml*; 1'i-lnl Notes, Uet'-IJI'-s SlllftJefo lolls an* Advice, hy Praeileai Writers, for W ork ami Kmpmyirs, in all the virions ir s, lormhif a cotnpleie repertory of .New In* en moiis an.l Pi-covei it's -1 oni iinii-jr a wo-kl. reit>r not on y o| Mm progress of the Indus1 ri ti ans in mil own country, hni a so ui all New I Itt'tiv. l ies III d Inventions In every branch 01 fcniMliee* li-?f, Al e, hill ICS, ami Science anr-md 'I n k S"'l K > ll l' ic . \ >i H Klc* ,s iias het'n ; lie lor. most oi ail inn nt 111 .1 pn I. Ilea i lo. s t'-r I h- past t Ii 11 ty oile t >-aiS. 11 IS ilie oitle I, la i n? s I, cheapest, and hest weekly 11 ?* *.- J -t t ?* ? paper tleVoted (O filial meilntt, Mechanics, f .'lo in is l r > New luveli lions, **ciei..-e and Industrial Progress, ptii.liaa id in the World. Tne practical receipts are well worth ten times lite suh-i-ripuon price And lor the shop nun house will save in tny limes llie cost ol suoscnp tlOII, Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics, liiis infer*, 1 iivenloi s, Manufactures, t nt-misis, i.ovt rs oi Nii-m. , and People ol alt Professions, will linil the s-iniric AmkkIcsn iis.-iiii to ilo-m n slim, lit i..i ve a placi in i-vi'ij Filrnly, l.inriry, > l i. 11 y , I Milt e, ami (Joitii lie if Ko a.a -in every P.-adii-K itnoiii, t olii'K." .tun School. A new vot* ti i: i coin ii dices J nun i') It i, I *7/. A v car's niiii-ht rs cm I nil WJ pain s ami Several II Iintlr. il I'ii.s r.t v ior s Ti.misanos of volumes me prese, \t-.i lor InndioK and reference. j Tel ins, d ill) I ll's uiol Yll c> llts a y e.tc |,y mall in- I eiumii* |Hi?liiK**. I souu ii I IU tyllilj*. . spool.il I'llltllilN (t IVIII |? l/llili r.lleS rt'lil Iron Mi,|( i ii|nr? iitlll i il mi receipt vi| 10 cents, ,\I ly On li .0 of ml News lli'ulvis, i I In roiiiieoifou Willi tin? oiin riKio AM. HUMS, Me*, b U/WVAiUW* .?IU*? SI CU. nrw M...ICI/,.?IS I ii| A n i*i KM il iiiiU f'umiln ! *'nleum, uml have tnts mrm ft esinnimiiiiiciii hi llie villi-III. iWori" lu li fifty llions.iii l 11(1,I III I I lions ii.iVt OeI-li imule lor i i?l?uis iiirou#h tutor llgi-ni'y . f ill" l>Hr*Ob'.llllfll on 'he host terms, MoilolS nt .New 111 V" ii I IOIiS lull Munich's I'X IiIi moil ilnii nlVivo III-? A S|I??0I II notice is III lie In III.. rioiKMir.c Ami:hiis> of ml liivi'iilnms f.iictiie.i Ihlini.il till, iliii in), v. ?i li Ills inline mill l os i (U'lnl'Ul l lie fill II 11*0. f.llei.lS III I- ulleii Snlii |u p ri oi sliuiv, in porsou ittlriicieil to in-* iiiveuI liiil liv rlli'li Oolite. A I .ill.|i|i ii t. i Oil lulu iii ^ lull ilir*c ioiis.oiii five f lu* Mi-ioniiiio Oiii.-ri C i ii llt'lVI met* lti>' K, il VOiUlliO tMiiil II iii cloili t I tl Kill, OOl-liliilliK lliv r.lli'Ul I,|?I?(U Ileus oi till* I*. M.. Hl.lt I Vi * IUir.ll llig* lit itiM inline ,1 ii.o\cumins frice i.iiriii., ,\.i,in -s I or ilii- i'ii|i' i, or colli or ti id b fulfil,e, ill ( iN iv. Ai 1,'l.i. N7 I ins l?oW, iirW \ mK. iil'iiucii Hill -, t'i|-. t. .V 111, hl.| e til UK loll, 1> U. llw 'ai. 'all. ,'?" ',v ' vt,f> :'K' ?'vi rv i Nk nil III II I |lf 'J IIS 111 OK* Ve lull isil I y W W V " i lios'i wilt ii in is iii s oil ii r. ?. ly i i .ki n it o t ii iioii^r* i il i) ri<lii i i lu- il* OWII uiCill I ! *?, 11 i Vo lu ro i>i lu rX|) tin lieu-. Itns in* e | u* sini iiini no inr.iiue. W * iiii'ii, .inn ?} > iii il i iris i|.i is v v.l ? ii-u i. w Will I It a' *a I > It oil il Oil Jl els O.I lilt Ires, 1 In" UllsllieeS J> Ij lit*Iter li. 1.1 in lu in. t*|-e, We Wllli i iXI)-ili? Ul 81 Ifiliii > Oil fill-Ill il ,i Ji.e. Wif rt hi ' ?ei* f-'i-iio-ls .ill>1 iiii i li i>.im. li.eir sw?j8*ttVl u-iiMliu i?, Hint ii.I clussts m nr.it i I I flt Win K ill llu . elll*iiul wiili- i-, t?-,T out f. Noll I* i lil* l liie lion'I il-l.y ,i,l mi ns Isci & 0**.| Aukui\a, M.n.-.u. loiiivitui mmatmm Death to Hard Times*! ?|f DOWN WITH HIGH PKIO^ll WE T AKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUJ I ci'i- to (lie citizen.". of Horry LlintAr i ar?* now ixvnjniim our <i?mm ?lUoi;s NEW STORK, whom we 11;?\.iixl sliall keep con. Bluntly on liaml a well selected stock, aud general assortment of I)RY GOODS, IIATS AND CAPS, BOOTS ! x\'D SH'^S, HARDWARE, POT WAP.S^fl j TABLE CLTLARY, CROCKERV, DRUGS I AND MEDICINES, AC., AC. - I "V We make the Cirocery trade a speciality and shall at ail times have oa hand n com pletc stork. -qH Wo have now on hand DRY HALTED BACON SIDES, DRY SALVED BACON SHOULDERS FORK, FISII, BUTTER, LAUD, TEA, COFFEK, |" SUGAR, MOLASSES, V SYliUP, FLOUR Y I "t all grail ys, from the best family hi Midi n Our advantages of receiving goods from KM New Voi I., I.<on, 1'liiluc'elphia and Haiti- ^^M more, by v? saeis coining out lor itimocr gives us a choice ol inaikels, and at very low ,'wS heights, which will enable lis to sell our '^E a; p. i.e.-, that will meet the demands of BUCK & 1W.KT i. Btieksvillc, S. C., July lib, lb'iti. Storage and Shipping, ? /Mil V lOW VV.VlM.ViriWTCW rt, H I . .. >1 ?tiUi 11V/UUU AO *> v vv n v_/ completed. it Is huge, recure ami 4| wull voittiluted, Wo .in* now pre pare J to ra ccive, store, forward l>y boats and flats oil Mm $$ lUvcr. or ship by vessel or steamer leaving A our wharves, nil goods, wares or produce eu- v trusted to us. j| ?>in charges for storage, forwarding and J& shipping, we guarantee %> iII l>u satisfactory to the parlies interested. HU( Iv a MEATY Hueksvi'ile, S. C. jnly 20?tt C #ev \\r r. & JoifN I hi \V . BARNES, Mann- 1 JP/Tlfieinrers of Ha un Its' Patent ] root Power Machinery H \ ~X_ tf&s Scroll Sow etc, ' The only foot power ranfc7 ohinery without dead centers, $l,r?tK) to $g,oo<) per year i' f made using these machines. (| V/j...Miller, Sellings (hove. Pa., say*: "Sixty dollars ($00) |>er month made with tnyjf ii-liiiie alter working ten bonis per dav al irifftdo will do." VV. 11. H arrison, I .nuke, Ark., says: "Sawed out six dollais ($ ?) worth ol brackets the (iirst three hours after if was sec up." Say what you lead lids in and send for 48 page illustrated caialugue, f ee. Address, \V. F. & JOHN BARNES, Roekford, Winnebago County, III. uov 4 :J(K QUICK RELIEF FROM ^ PAIN. DR. GROSVENOR'S mr c a r s i c i n For us Plaster. Tiik Qi kkkst, Sri:i:sr, Sapust, CiiSAr- | ESI' ami .M'>>r ('oNVICNIK.VT CUitK OK % PAIN KVKIi lUSL'OVKItVD. No more greasy, thtliy, evil smelling com* pounds ?no in.>. e poultices?110 more dUappoint incut? NO MOitcl l'AIN! (i 1 usvenor'a Pupsiei 11 i'orus Plaster cures a I.uinu Hack, Nock or si.lo in liaif an hour. lii'osvonoi- s Capsiciu P01 us Plaster cures IthuiiiMHlic Pains in a single night. (ii osvenor's C/.tpsioiu Porus Plaster banish S every iorm ot pant Alt' iMpidily ol ligh ulng. 0Q. irosveuor's t'apsiciu ttmtt Plaster com* biles <di Lite advantages ot lite best Porus P.usiei ever made, won the wonderful (juallties of intpsiciu. it i.t no 31 cat natural remedy for ull kinds of iOCal Una sealed pain. lb-, cheapest iiia.ucine in the world. A singe 1 'taster does I lie work, looavenoi j Capsicui Porus Plaster is tho onl) genuine. I.iku no other kind with a paril.) sin.1.at name. llns article cu.es; 01 be.s may uot, ivuiueiuber the uamo?ijioo? Velio, s. ?' " Ml by Druy&ist# At i") cMuin, or aeui. bjr in,ill, |MKyaivl| to Any aUUtcim, ou rucviyl uif I'ViVX'. I'iifcFAUItl* OHUV 0Y J. JA. littUoVliiNUK, If. D. U ftrk i'Uou ?, y. oct H-Om.