Horry news. (Conwayboro, S.C.) 1869-1877, August 12, 1876, Image 1

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V * 0 tTUTTI (TiiT; Y* smZ :*rin tciirii 3 | livery Saturday .Homing* T W. BEATY, Editor. ONI: YBM:, : *'2.00 Si* Months, *1.00 All c?>mmin?l? nUoiis iciiillu^ losi i vc |>v!villi> iMtvrVM. mil l)W vllliruutl lor u? IttlVCI'iiM'DXUU. ^ ? ^ " " Professional & Business Cards n. J.%i- jouN.-vm f' P. QrATTI.KIlAl M. JOHNSONS 5 QUATTLEBAUM, ATTOlLNMYSaikl UOSKLUKS AT LAW Conwayboto, S, C. I OS. T. WA J.bit, y f t fj ' J Attorney at; Law and SOLICITOR IN KQU1TY, > W ill lUiiCtlcp in Hiq tomu of Mation, Horry ami (jt'urcetowii, Oaivo ai U(>N W/VYlJOItO, S. V. Nov la, lt?7 |*lf. r p l4*. OILLEKl'lK, Atfcrnay and Counselor at Law Will pivp jirorfijit attention to all J>usilien. cut rusted to his cure. i i COX WAV 11 QUO, S. Li I i.i.o, 2, 4871. _ _ , A "A-* concdonn G o a$g m rhi <$i*xM o it h 3nt, nor errs wiiarf; \ CJ1AKL liSTOX, S. C. Naval &Lorns, liioG, Option, ami CuMiernl ! 'induce. QjT" ltd* In Ilo'rrjf ran 'l"pcn>1 upon //r'ti.iif the host pi'(Vc,v for Mktval Storn* ami a/I /YoVace sltlj>pe,l lo me/or naUi hi (hit market apr 1~?, *?< tl MNOI.AR &. JIAHT, / ] w Commission Merchants, \51 FRONT street, NEW YI UK. Libcial advances made on consignments Naval Stores, Cotton, <?'< . >7^ Qi'tlcrs receive Pronint Attention, I.' iiexccjRiouublu references given North and South. J. It. Tar.Alt J. II. Hart. ot' N. C. of S. C j ) . willi .wis, J r? A I. tw? i k l CKN KH AI j M HljCMAN I)IZK, MANrPACTriliSR <)F S AVAL JSTOIIES COM.MISSION- MK11C1IANT. A N1? FORWARDING AGENT. l"ty Special attention given to tire buying ami selling of Toll 'iiiubev. II I LL Cii KEN, S. (J. .1. C. IJOOZMK WITH EDMONS T.BROWN, i wiioi.i:sai.iv i?i:aijkii ix MI;N AND DOVS' 8Ba(*f Caps iV 81i'aw <hOO(1S, Al.fo ( Ladies Misses and C'.|?ldren%s Hats, . No. *1:1 IIav.M: ST. ' ( UAUlJiSTOy, ?j. C. { (ipponUv C/inrlc-nt on Jlotcl. ' iiov IS. II'. < s:D),r, 1 ;| ,63s.DO. < Z l Liverpool & London & Globe 1 Insurance Oo. \ Total Assets $30,511,638.00 L J. M. JollNbUX, Marion. S. (' ' C. J'. QUATTLEIVAI M, ? AsL Agent, Conway Ixco, S. (J. i\'h I J-tf. Encourage Homo People and ? Homo Enterprise. __ m : (i Ge,o. S. Cacket,K J. 'a'V ' C - - ClI'A U L Kstf'Ow; A'. "C. , t i c * li rp I IIKONI.V noon, SA.SIIANI) BUNT) n Factory owned ami managed bv a Carolinian y in this City. All work guaranteed. Terms - Cash. * ? ? ^ Always on liand n large Stock of Doors, a Siisb, Blinds, Mouldings, brackets, Scroll ami TltritAil W'^rb ,.<* / ' 1 C 11 \'( ? \'? v>%?i> ?M-r?ri ijit Mi||? * m.i.vn, While Leads, ami Tenders' 11 irdware. Dres* (1 sod Lumber and I'looruig deli1.ered in any Jh?i | ion of this State* march ll-ly. si P ? A B 0 DT HO U 8 E, !,' < (IliN'KC or LOCUST AJS? NINTH .SIS." i! PHILADELPHIA, PA. ? Convenient to all place^of amusement arflff car linen in tin? city. No 'charges to and IVoni ,l the <'entonnial ground*. ? Col. Watson, ietor of Ua? Hknuy IIousk, Cincinnati tor the pant twenty yeAri, and present proprietor, lias loosed tlio house 4, for a term of years, ami has newly furnished ami li'.tod it throughout. He will koep a C strictly liret-olose houao. and lias accommoda- ,, tion for o<?0 tiuents. Terms only fcl per day. p Col. Wutfon is n native of Virginia, ami ?> probably the only llotol Proprietor in l'hila- ( ^ctplda front the South. | may -7 < .% . * mnnmm --v . j?>r . m *- '?r iMN jroo*;*'- "" TTtf 1? JL VJ* 1 r - , >.?. ?rj {* *> .. . _ * * -M ... (bootvoiu 0*j1o ?O* .,,... ..... - ?? ? - YOT. 8. cow ' '? ' .u " " V"1 11 From Um? Koran. When quiet in a daihened mom A form lie-, out.| ami chill, To ulioin the solemn \nlco of Death lias whispered "IVmv, V still!'' They who survive will linger imur, y Ami iuk, with an\ion.s mlilif, V How much gold 'he dv^d mm lias, x ^ J'Wl^ikhri* h^r^l^T^!.''' ^ Tho angel vifi i willi ^li .w i >)^s 1* l^nVii.iJSrromul tko lx d, C Still bending vuLh inquiring look Abpro the silent ueud, Ih.-inulltls, '-What was llie lito ho lod'.'" Aud scans the rocoi'd <>'?n: What ticaMin- has lie now in Il.nven, tVhat good deeds sent in tine;'" n OIJU It A 1)1X I.KTl'Klt. rmcsTA iVs oni'irc mivlmioimi.is i.ivint. E\i'i?N.sV:.s ? i:ui'> v aon, j;vim i ;ss Wk-?M |? ')| vil I ' > i'1 s. AMI A.HlitK.\lliM II11C OQJH >?i ?5r - \r : s'^r* : i tr^T^ii * - ~PIIM ? SCHOOL i: \T!> Ml MI VS (T ' dim-? l in: ti:jk;;s 6y nshjncas. * f s* [Tioni Oar 0\v>i < 'ortC4>p<p.i lent,) Ni:\v Yo.uk., August 1, 187t>. Some enterpri.-ing reporter o!" a 8tiitiyUe.il turn ol mind lias been dovoting himself to an investigation ol theco?lol living in New York at the I present lime in comparison with that of n few years since and has presented the result of his labors in two columns of the Trlyunc. As to the derails ol his rep >it it heolouiy be said that ihoy are copious, caretnl and prolyiblv correct ; but the writer's conclusions, which may be brolly given, are in. t /resting, lie finds that the New Yorker call now eat and drink, and be clothed and housed about *2."> per cent cheaper than he paid lor correspond- i jngcommodities in is7!7;and 1 presumo li\ie per rentage ol decline in tiio pri a* of absolute uertessilics throughout the country has not been very different, ligt our stai.ii ian fails to .see that our people generally have reaped any j I 1. ?ll ! J < I - ' 11 ... . ......... .? i . minimi; uwill llliS l.'lll, and concludes therefrom tli.it America-as genc.ruily, and dwellers in ihii eity 111 particular, aio improvident 11ml extravagantly inclined. He finds by Actual impiiry that people u ! 1 o in pre vious years bought SO cent tea anil ('? loll tr Hour 11ml found tliem satislac- j lory, now scorn to piirehso tbo panic ; Article at its reduced price ami save lie difference, but insist on paying the )U1 figures lor a better nrliele. In the same paper is louml an inter sting comparison of our past ami )resent facilities for education in irivate institutions, only in this ease lie com Irast is a (V itennia! one, re a ling back to 177d, when, as we are told, his city ami I'hiladelphia had each usl two schools, where 1 ho youth of he period were thrashed into a knowl* dgeofllte polite accomplishments-ueh as dancing, fencing, lYeiich ami he like. Now Mich schools arc a lions ml lor one and in all graifee from the iudcigurten to tlie classical college Iter thorough instructi >n on every * nbieel and to m mi v >!? #> o 'J The most signiiiccin lenitive ol litis . onlvnst is .t it.xi relniin<;- lo llu; condi- 1 ior? of fetnnlo education. It; tlie ro- j nrds ui '7(? we see nothing to show 1 liat much attention was paid to tlit; i ubjccL beyond instructing litem how < a conrtspy and how to walk gracefully I luough a minuet. Now, ihis oily lone has more young ladies, seim- : a lies ijian lite whole United Colonics j 1 : 1 ould iiavo boasted in those days- and I liese avo of a high character which ! ' I or I ore faille r? never dreamed ol. A i I itc specimen of these modern cstub j f shmcuts, and ihe most proininemt one . \ Now York, is Airs. Ibmcdici'H tor ' oung ladie?, on Front-Second street, c ar Fifth Av cmuo, one of the oldest | mi moat perfectly appointed in the 1 ouutry. Its location on Aim-ray Hill, i '' lie ceni.ro ot' the city's wealth and ' { afinemont is peculiarly happy, its , access is ureal, and its recoid iuc roachablo. lly h system, the result 1 f ihirl.v venrs ev noii'inte in the u-m k , of! era a thorough educalirit. to pfipiU f all app.'b and ib warmly endorsi'il by ur loading clergymen. The coming endemic year of this school com. leeces on the 28th'ol September. Awl now* Inning referred to the x 1st11?jr conditions of living and eduntioo, it in only fail to complete our ;lauc*> at iho atntu* ol tho metropolis >y ft few Words oil its business and mnsPmeuft. \Vlth regard to the >nucr I am happy to say thai the ol 1 : ::: ..: ^._.. :? Wntf at v. .A U 1 llilcM KT J \ 1 VYISORO, S. C., SATI ? ... . ... . saw about its being a long lane, etc., ?iv(s Kiimt promise ol exemplification I in the couiiiijx season's trade. M mv ! i4 i <? I I lie best prophets on this subject uro ol the opinion that llio "bottom' 1 which our merchants, struggling in n son of financial distress, tenrcd had ! lallon out, is still then; and that wo i shall soon stand on it. A comparison J j ol the failures tor the first halt" of this j your with a similar period ol 1S7A ; | shows a decided improvement in ' ' average stability, an I tin; presence al- i ' ready ol many Fall buyers prices n 1 ' more cheerful look to staple lines than ; ' has been seen in scverad seasons, A ' I further indication ol'faith in the future I 1 i is the success o| the two mammoth trade sales of woolen poods which have 1 j taken place within a week, and which ! ; ryjduosi some $ biMKhOdt), despite the j l-K'W piVeX'S. A presidenti.fl campaign ' in.ikes, proveib>ally, an oil year in ' bi.simos; hut when tjii.t <?i piestion : is t il' the conntrv'slnim"), we may eon- 1 liilowtiv look lor a steadier utul more I ttiliKluolory slate ol coiuin.-ivu liian 1 , for three years past.. At Wailaek'M "The Mighty Dollar" 1 Si ill iclitins i t h gasp ami al the 6th ' Avenue "Phiue" is only forced oil l?y i the approach ol Sot horn's engagement j 1 is Lord 1 Jiiinlioary. Jvirly in August j ljooth's will reopen nmler .J-.nvit A 1 Palmer, with what, these gentlemen 1 propose to inukb their greatest man- 1 agonal achievement thus inr, namely ' tho production ol the spectacle "Sar- v danapnlua" on a (male never helore witnessed in America. Ami when 1 these gentlemen in ikes so nm|nalilie<l * a promise as that, we shall certainly |( sto something startling. I'M*?. \l>i:i.i inA, .1 uly 20. ' For lovers of the horrilde t he gralest attraction ol the Imposition lies at the! ^ soul II ciul o! tin.' .Main I > it i 11 i t n IT. 1 f t re 1 ' I ? in llu; lYru\ imi department, is display- j oJ a collection that would make the! ^ imuiir.iie.s of the Pyramids or of I lie i i Roman eonvi ids turn in ill ir tomns I it llicy could lmt know ol it. The " (J Kgvplian mummies are commonly sup- I w j ^, posed Io Iake us buck into t lie antiquity j ol man lurllier than any oliier exi-ding ' I i relies, hut 1 am Sold that I iiese samples ! . ol llio tribes ol the Incas from the I s Peruvian mounds, dispute this claim , ( to pve-eininet'ce o! age, many ol then; 1 living shown to have l! mrished, in a less dilapi lalcd condition, nearly lorty j Centennials ago. Side by side with ' these unparalleled veterans who have 1 . In I'obiiohhed with Adaiu and Itve, lor j , M" aught i know, lie in states, numerous > . t! mortal remains ol Hie Anrae.diiaus, a i . ti set of comparatively frisky youths ol only some lilteeii hundred summers. u I riin I say, however, that I see very iuue.li to choose between them in the ^ way ol personal attractions. All ol , them sceni to have lost a good deal " c; 111 KIII.'H I IlliV vl :!l'l ml I . i ! I 11/? It-. Mm 1 ~ rrj ! tM hunting gi oiuls. I ndeed, most of I In m !?:?vci lost -every! king but their heads, j wliich afeai ranged .round oji shelves .. i * IK like jr] i?s j US in a d l\tg stole lo the j -o. ' ? if | ordinary observer hardiy lonk worth d, saving. Tiu' lares have a uniformly ! j 111?!; a j > j?y expression, possibly owing to j [he fact ol their skins being black, |"| racked and ilruwn over the bones ol , ol In; skull as tightly as a drumhead. ^ I'lio mouths are usually slightly open iinl stulIVd lull ol cotton?evidently jj n sonic way connected with the em>alining process ? which perhaps u>! Is j 1,1 u at 11 t hing to the ?X pi ess ion ol set lh d ( nelaneholy just tneni i >ned. The hair j wi s in.almost i very ease perfectly pi'v jla lOrved. Many tilings about the more perfect j >f these luuinui'ks betray the existence ( ? lin ing these ancient i.iees el believers 111d traditions similar to those ol the re: > resell.I Aimucan Indians. With nany ol them weia4 disinterred various 11 tides provided lor the convenience >1 the (leeeaped oil his or her trip to |, "regions ol t he sun," as they dos- wi liked their li u :ii abode. Among ap; ntides of litis iiftlnre hero idiown arc ... "'i i NVi i copper spoon, with Severn I j us-loublless lillud with looil and drink? a in I'd wood knitting ncebles with the ( u" vomen and war clubs with the war- j an iors. Little did the illustrious do- j t()( inried dream, When making ail ill est* ; . irrangoiucnt lor I heir post, morU'in J ouilorl, that .alter decade# td centuries , an heir niorlal coal would he disturbed tei n its peaceful reposo and forced to j ih oin in the festivities ot an upstart i lalion ? that those. liintiiioh eyeballs] vhieli turned toward the Sun god ho-.|gw ore History was, would he compelled lit o look upoi. the erlohrai ion <d' a paltry *'( jenlury! lint such : i lite. "1 11A nix. :-o ? ? ? y . -C V -rn 0TT* Mr m i - . -X. - ? * *1t%k Y w \ %v ! J -1_ x":<i 1 ' i n lent 'I ourmil. J It D A V. AUG UST I I'lli: IllFKld l,TIKS IN Tin: MAY. ' \ ('Iieiiibivluiii Kailirid on tin* Hamburg Hint--!li? ii tiof Mope till for ill Fill tire of liis Parly. ('on mhi a, S. 0., J ill v . \ 1^70. To the Editor of the A*. 1 In lho JJcroUl ol Monday last, you idvisu (.ioveruor Ciiuudu il.iin lo iv lid a regiment of negro -.ailiiia to Hamburg Lo hunt down the men 11ii y ol ibo recent inuidcrt) ll r *, rather ,hun rail for aid ironi the United Siatis. There are oiiu or two things a ilio way, which i think will prevent ?ur cool and cautious governor Irom '"ollowing your advice: 1. We have no ri ghncnt o( militia, fiicro are about torly of them on paler, with lull complements ol m gio h.i j*>r-generals, brigadier*, &e. There ire not 5d() unilonuod militiamen in ho St at*;. J. They would not go li wo had a 'cgiim-nt, it called upon. Tho rillo lubs ol Aniken and IMgeliehl arc vet. runs ol the late war, thoroughly dialed, and tvck'es ; and not a corporal's juafd ot negroes would answer a call o arms. The advent of a negro roginimont Marching a<> linst wliile men would 3 D yaku up the riotous element in evc?ry anility ol the State. Soot I tried it in 5*70, and soon had to disarm Ids mili* in to save IIn ir lives, 4. There is not a dollar in the Stale re.usury to pay lor iransportation, sub* isteneo, ammunition, ifee. The liter* :hauts and hanks would not tiu-*t the >lalo u dollar lor this or any other ui i pose, 5. The truth is, that there are not ibo\e 5,000 while men in this State vho vote the republican ticket. \o;iiii!*t these and the negroes .are landerl GO,0t)0 voters, possessing all lie money, all the land, and nearly all he intelligence and courage. Coventor Chamberlain has so lar piiucd l lie lespcet ? I oil people that he an salely rely on the execution ol varrnnls should anv he issued rwono J ------ - "o ho leaders ol tho i.ii?l. Even (Joiiern) hitler will surrender himself lo lhe henlV if the coroner's jury ^h<>111< 1 1 m licalc Itiin as loader. The whites rill lit shrewd enough I?> prevent the si; of I'tiui11 < 1 Sl;.L<\s troops: ll re ublieaii ascendancy is lo he maintain <1 in this statu it must ho hy other jeans than force. II we irv that we hull he beaten. t.Ve e:in pri vent i:i- j iuiidulioii only hy presenting a stilte j cki t which will disarm the had clclent i t the democrats and give them ! o excuse for arming against it. ll !ovi rnor C'hauiheilain is renominated y the ropuldieuin, with a icasonable lir Releeiion for lie1 other ollices, we in have a peaceful election and an r * I 'I ioniums majority. That is our only ape. The county Government of I'algi Id has been ill the hands of the inroes ever since 180S. It was rcently laraetcri/. 'I in an ollic: d report in >?le t Judge .M u ki y,a republican circuit dge, as "a hlol upon civ ili/.alion." It is had four county Measurers, each whom has been a defaulter. Ow r 30,0(0 has been stolen outright and much more under thin devices, ad il had reasonably decent treatcnt at tlie hands ol republican rulers ,. / ..I'nl I .... 1;.. - .. i : -' V/ I ' V I W \ I I I i I I I 1 1^ W t I UK Ul I;i; Iv i baa a lair proportion, w ntld ve been able to ehec'.< the turbulent d \vu4ced. 1 he oily 1 avbulon t untie- in lite State have raftered in e name way. The civil power ?. > nut, spooled because it is not respectable. | >vonior t 'ham bci bun's ndiniiost rani is the only btake in a long period misrule. 1 have little hope that lie 11 bo accepted by the parly to run j ain. We appear to he on the down- 1 ?rd road, And that lends directly to 1 tale like that ot Mississippi. Xo I e can save us but ouisil.es, and we e too blind to-sou our only chance or [> reckless to accept it. fcrtaoh negro mjigogiu'S aa JMWtUt nn<i \v'upper, il such while ones as I?oivii), l'ali'hoii and Moses, will probably ride u parly lo ilic <lev<l. ,S. " Thiii's ihu uiiiiu building," said a i lidc at the ccniciuiial lo a greenhorn >ni ijic* L'inu 'l'iee stale the olher ?!?y. lolly!" ivpliel the loyal sou ot Elaine, kiiowcil our I?.?ys would put up UK'lhioL* fine." i ?tV?4T - - > w *-? N * V y s jig V ^ L% IS7(5 NO. '> I. A TILDE1T AEOLITIOHI5T. I , T11K( OI.UUi:i> M VN'Ssri^'I i i i km np APVJSI.S. Cnvsins M. Cloy, of Kentucky, on the Si11?nation ?\VIi<? lhihbcl the Creedmen's Rank?Who are (ho Real Frit .id ? of the Colored People# 1 ho following extract. from the cori esp<anion;:e ?>! the I<i)uis\ illc ('oiinoi Journal, rop.arling a 1 Vtnooi at io barhccuc at I lariauUhnrg, Kentucky, on the 21kI. lost., cuMnun instinctive | matter lor the colored people ol this State: At '2 l*. A!, the crowd again nsuan hied, mul the chairman, in a hcnutitul | eulogy oil the lite ut l!io lion, . Capstan .M. (lay, welcoming him hack to 11, ? I Jcinocral :c rank-, in' induced i liiin to lli?? audience *i ** oiK' asking the I )emoeraey to permit him lier.retmt li j to labor in the ranso of relorui. Mr. i Clay said it was his first oppoituuily ; of speaking to a I Vmorratic. audience : in Kentucky since tin* war. ll.? wonhl I toll t!it? colon* i people, as h * had told ; them in tin* South, that tin* IV norm's j were tluir if il 11 lends; that tiirn* was | no more danger ol thrir bring rr i nI slaved when tin y rainr into power than their was ol his Icing rusiavrd; thai in all his trawls he had nexrr nu.i a kingld man, who w uitcd d ivory rrstorrd. I lr ad vised t In* colore*! in in, a 11 r r the most o trrlnl reflection, to support, t lie nominees ot the St. Louis Con vent ion as the best they could do, ami to assist Kentucky in '.living a maj oily ol Irom -ft),000 to (30,00 ho* dm plat! nan ot honesty and reform. Ilo claimed slid to bean old .Ieihisimian Democrat, and he iinloiHcd the Deinoerae.y ol I ?7t> as hi? did that ol I7iti, because 1.0 believed in tin* j?copie governing themselves. .Jelter.soii was right, and die parly in power ate wrong. lie j was more prepared to-day than ever to stand by the Cuiisn utio:i as it I was and a- il is, mid to appt tl to the I manliness and honesty o'. the Ainmican people to stand up for tin or liberties in ISVO. 'I'.'k < nlv sale ground is where our talhcrs placed it. Wo owe npial allegiance to the Slate and National governments. I II is guile as unconstitutional to go lor ceuiraliz ition as it is to tako up arms against tin* government, lie agreed with Mr. Caldwell that there was no l uioii party but the Democrat- I j hi p i. ty, .1 imI that all must !"?\v look | lo ii lor t!i(! safety ol our country. As to licancu, lie was a hard money man, hut proposed to leave all minor money issues lor a Ijuslineiit alter the great (piesiioiis ol leloi'in were settled, lie did not go hack upon the (Irueloy platform. tiieely ran upon ihe.Jellersoman platform ?e<pial rights to all men -ami the iart ??i our indorsing ii, raised the Democracy Iioiu l.lie slough into which it had lallen, lie would impress upon the colored in- 11 that the Democrats were not their enemies. D.d you or your professed Ii lends?? the !iepnl/lieans -plunder the freedmen's Uuieatl. Did not the colored peopl-*, the colored property-holders of (Mississippi, who assembled with arms buckled upon them to hear spem .lies, who recogni/ -d ike laet that tiieii suhsistencu him! tlieir lite ties impended upon the success of tin- planters and their protec ion, 10 ieemed that Slated Ah, they have ban ned who arc their real friends. The present rulers w mled in absolute nation j th?-y intend to perpetuate tin ir p >wei:; they are no', sati-linl with ! increasing their ofli i.s 1 s an I salaries, 1 lull aie actually robbing lb 1 people; : . and I ha', alter lliu mo-si. earnest l ellee ! . : t ... . * * lion, in; j) i\;m Willie eO 11 Liu: most curi .i)>t uv?vcriiiii'111 on ? irtii; ;111< 1 liiiL I there was no limit in t!u i/ uudaeity 1 iim! robbery. We must li i\ c a change 1 ' ol in I c* I s, lor then *'i, ?1.\ i ion ol the j*' ('iin-.u; utioii. \\ ouiil you lake Mr. Hayes I'M u re I w nil i i ' I'aeii you ' Would but a-k lor anuth i' leliu ol Giantism. lie (tie: sjii- vkt'j") wm .ii iavor o ' free Ilade, We Ii;lJ trie 1 for a Into- , ' dreil years to pay taxes upon articles ! ' e.oalrary to the eonsi.ilulioii. We had ' been a v 111111 lor a century; we u?u-?l 1 . lit: weaned in 1 - - 71J, lor \y o are oil j . eiioiielt now. lie wanted free Ira le 1 lor ul! the | rollouts <?i Hie count ry. t lie was tired ol InritYan i taKcs. 1'urO- j' alter lie was lor K- ntnuky liist, lor the Southern end W esiern Slates m .\L, anil then i! there Was anything lull ul 1 him, it was lor his whole country. (Tremendous applause.] Ho was lor \ i an entiie change--a 'J ;! leu change. 1 (Here 'ull<>wed an eloijneiit tribute to ' (iovei nor Tihieu, and his o.il'aiit stand against t?>mc of bis own j>?11 v and ;i ' li?.si d! Now \ pi k thieves \\ 11<>111 In? ( compelled to disgorge :ib >tif. tjtd,()00,- 1 000.) lie iWon continued; IIendriuks is 1 iiM hil ling ill Indiana as .Jaeks.jll Wib Hi j ' 1\-imossro, tisi'l iii Wis WmnWlo j*t dgi.lent. tWo M. Louis convention ha 1 ? ?ieled wisely and Wad pni the West men 1 to iWe Ironi, and We Wad '.Linked Ins ^ lied that W? liad boon permitted to ' 11\ o lo see this day, when the 11Wellies ot the people were about to Wo re established by the election of those rep- 1 | . V * ' I ) M \ i I ^ 'b ib J i il ltr I W ' i> VI'HiO flit fl St, IU 1 ! < , I > I : sic ? I Ill -i'Hti ?'I ? i i ?Vlil cniiSti'lltC .1 r?C|iiWr : i <?i v jil.'iy tyi?v lev* lh.?? Ml ill' It -A ! I/I C i'l .l I fo?'a 1 .1 S'JN 41 0? i Mill I i.r;-. H<?1 ice , Jff't'. iN'.ltll ' il'l'l I- IIMI'I mI l|?M<*l*1 |HM?. nolle ol uic' S'11lull) iVi'O. A lil '-i.tl ili-.eoiiMf v\ill niiti'<4 t*? lluwn wlio***' julvort ii'Mi -'itU .iir to bo kept in t'tr tlneo months oi longer. ??? i ! ? |Uin _ j, mi?H ? wmmm roscntalivejt of relorm, economy and honesty, TiMrn ami Ilendricks. i The distinguished statesman wo* lister.cI to with the most piolound attention by those who havo ulliliatcd . with him herutoloro, ami it is prudiot' e l that many will stuml by him in his return to that- party which so warmly welcomed him back to day. iMii'ou i 111 nu: i o.ti ui r n:i: on this S'I'Ai: OK M l \ IHS I N bOl'ISLiX.i. I'mhnhilit) that lite President will br. ( ensure,I lor the (Jourso lis I'ur.siivul? I n en v In hie Itecnnl ,?i liis I'M*, I oliveI in Casey ami Marshal Packard. "W.v?nn>jiiTos, ,Juty 27.?The r aimer, ol tlio Special C'oinmiiiv" on Louisiar <. Altai i s promise;; t > be a tump n tni.tuio . Will probably be the only report., ?so lar as is now known, which will dm brought tnto tlio House to openly and directly consuro-tho Pic a le?l. Tho committee iind that the Now C1 rleans Custom House has been corrupti ly managed by Collector Casey, the President's brother in-law; that these abuses wore louini to be so glae11?l; two years ago by an investigation that thr removal ol Casey was virtually rccommemlcd. and that under tho pressure then made he did actually j lender his resignation, which the I'res idem lelused to accept, and thereby declined to interfere with tho terrible maladministration ot ad'airs, which continued to "row worse in the history ot iraud and corruption in federal and State mailers in Louiaiiina. Und Casey been removed or Inn n situation accepted, some lelorui tni^ht have boon made in tho Customliosue, hut the President stood in the way ot this, as lie has in other similar instances, and the committee believe thai ho richly deserves censure. Tiiu evidence is conclusive as to the abuse* I j in tho Customhouse, hut it is tally ! equalled hy tho truuds practised by I'm led .States Marshal Packard, tho prOh'Mlt 1 li'puhlica i undid ?ie lor Ciov | ouioi' el bouisian i. I'm k nil appointed d -puty marshals ami paid ilium .in 'violation of lav/, and his otherwise need l is ollico to carry Ins elections. Till) I ailed Sltttort District Attorney's cilice the committee tied to bq, ho tar as tho testimony goes, o very wellmanaged ollico, und will not ho included in Ino recommendations which lira committee will rop u t in the cases ot Liu collector and marshal. Wh?n i '?? report comes into the Houses tins supporters of O r:\ii tism will probably make some demonstration in ?uj?p >rt ol the resident ami against the .report, but the committee will undoubtedly be sustained. Foolish Habits. He. H ill cnumurates several practices of the cureless public, winch urn soiih limes as daugeioiu as they aro foolish. Walking along t ho street with -tlnj point ol an umbrela sticking oat beyond, uu lor the arm or over tlu shoulder. l'?y mi I lunly stopping to <peak to a friend, or other Cause, a person walking in the rear Iwid hi4 brain penetrated through the ey;, an me ol our streets, ami died in a lew lays. Po cany a long pencil in tho .vent. >r outside coat pocket. Not long since u eh rk in Ne.v York loll, and 1ms ung cord.tr pencil s?? pierced r.u .iu?pmcaui artery that it had to be out mvvn Irom the tBp of ilie should r to prevent his bleeding to death, \\vtfi * ii.ree mom ids illness. To lake c.n icise, or walk for the health when every step is a drag, and li^lliiw in Jj? n To gillie nvu a glass of Col I \V?Lcf, on getting up iu tho murniug w 11 In > h I any looling of thirst, under Liu impression ol the hcallh-gi\iiig iiatiue ol iu washing out ipialitics. ? To oil uown at llio lublu ami ' Jura#' y<mi sell' to eat, when there is not only i<> unpotito, hut a decided aversion to bod. To lake a glass of soda, or toddy, >r s.m gareo, or mint drop on a summer lay, under the belief that it is sa for mil belter than a glass of water. To puimuaUu yourself that you ato lestroying one unpleasant odor bv in reducing a stronger one; lliut is to weeu-n your unwashed peisuu and pirniculs by enveloping yourself iu lie Iuiuca ol musk, cologne or >oso vatcr; the Lest peilutuo being a clean -km and well-washed clothing. Next to ? diary the most <ii ik*lt king lo keep is a lead pencil.