Horry news. (Conwayboro, S.C.) 1869-1877, September 08, 1871, Image 2

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W^7 ' + \ lion in wvs. ~~ T. AV. I Jeaty, Eaitor. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 1S7J A M.xl. l Traolior. M'c clip the following item-from tlio . Charleston Daily i\\ ics: "A 1'ORGKR IVkOOXJ^D.?J. II. Si- , monsoiK comiettil of hi tori no- m . - ts " ' '*^1 note iii the name of Lieutenant-Governor Kansu r, lias heen pardoned 1?y Governor Scott, and u ns yesterday re Tensed from the jail in this eity, where lie was con lined, lie was tried 1 > lore dudge Piatt, at the October tei m ol 3 870, and having been convieted was sentenced to one year's imprisonment villi hard labor in the IYi;ite:. i ay. This jynteiico was eoiuniuted in the* j following December to the same mm in the jail ol this county, on condition | td his acting as a teacher in the prom Ling school at this institution, a lull (description ol* which was given ine time ago in the X::\vs," AY o do not vecojlect the deac i?j li a aT ll is promising school as given l>\ the Yi ics, hut wc have a vivid reeol - * " ' l lection of J. JI. Simonson ; lie t...; ght >r d d what is termed hero, h ; </ y) '.ool^ in f his count y about a yc;ir ??/<? in the jneighborhood <d' Cool ring iSimoiison i ccipne ambitious i?? b? .School Comm xsionor; lie called on u at ourolliee to preliminarily disco th> matter; his nauseating presence, and wo-hegQjio : ppenrnnec, was that of a polo cat that had lost its musk, and i had not the wherewith to proton m j defend itself. Vet, UiD man has hcii placed, hy the highest authority in il.i ; Mate, a teacher over an utifor: nnat< people who through ignorance had , Committed crime. Heavens! what a comment on the morals of our Mate! A 1'orgei pardoned from the pciiiuu tiary on condition that he should skill coin jets to ho move successful in'imitating the signature of the Lieutenant (Governor than lie had been; in otl ei >vords, they were to come out m?>r. accomplished scoundrels. Yet nlt< r nil, we dare say, Mr. Simonson but embodies the moral character of many of our public school teachers. "Wlun h the incorrigible I)r. Hoggs? 11011. iJ. K. Ferry has prepared a most inti resting history of CJrccnville j and incidents of events connected wiih j 1 tu> ? m ly sialic incut of that section Oi Eolith Carolina, which is to l>e publish* ' ed ii: the Greenville Knte,'prise. Ex-Gov. Perry has a fancy for treasuring up the reminisio history ol Nmth Carolina; his biographien! sketches ol the past, great men of tin fsiate, are not only interesting, hut are worthy to ho t rcasnrcd up in out school libraries, as a model of chaste and easy fl ev of laugu ge ; an incentive to the Aspiring youth to imitate the example ? I ? - 1 * <>i uioso, who, l>y I heir own efforts, meiit;tlly ami physically, raised ihemHelves to a po.Mti >n, that South Carolina has been, ami ever will be proud ol their memory. We lioj? this with oilier historie avritingsol tin Kv-tlo- , will he placed in book form, but we advise our readers to subscribe lor the Greenville ftuterprise, an excel cut paper, in which this historic sketch of the up gouuiia will be published. Ni:v. i i \? * fi 3;.t? i-> I s. Mocks, being dull in the City; tie , >, next to the last excitement, is the finding, in the Hudson River R. R. Depot, the nude body ol a livo foot woman packed in a two foot eight inch trunk, , checked for Chicago. The body of* the y< ting woman has 1 been identified as a Paterson f\ .1 i ( ? \- / girl, of good family and parentage. \ltor wailing through three columns of each Daily issi o of the New Yorl fitaVs sensation articles, for a we* k on this puhjeel; here it is abbreviate *1. ! An accomplished young lady of Pater son N. J. had been se luccd by a young , ' man named Conklin, * f the same town, who induced her to trust herself to the i 1 care of one I>r. Rosiuwig ol N. Y.,? the Dr. put her in the trunk, and on j' receipt of the news, Conklin, shot and , , k lie 1 himself. Rosiuwig is locked np ; in the 'J cunhs*, from which place lit ;( may \i?w the fac simile of Ifa man's gallows, wiiereupon it is doubt fin if he is ever hung. , The sensation articles of the Suns t arc most amazingly like those that 1 11 4i'<l to HIIII/VI!' ill ill" ...I. ... . ,,, , v; 1/t/am >VI1C!J 1! | , ran the block mail Hue,. ? - ; ' - -- i jMica in Wauialla,?We learn from ' the Deutsche Zeitung that mien has i been discovered in (he vicinity of ;<! \ lull 1?, and many persons are now en- 1 gago 1 in gathering i(. Some muk? i( 1 roni lour to ("it dollars at this work. ? ! > ('/t a f. ha > hj A e io*. I MioaiH commojdj called isinglass-! ^ Jr in a scale, or crystal, frequently |( found in rotten or decaying granite v ? tr / ? ' . ? ?' ** ?- - *?" Til HI i' " *'? ??? rock. It i< used it place of f'ul tamps, ami various otic, i purposes; Ileal dots nol exj?:ii? 1 or cold contract it ; iicttcc, its value on or gin s ;rad< 'Voin sand, and condonation-. Wo lnivc tlio mica, or isinglass in tliis < oiuit v, l>ut not in snfltc'u nt <jn u.titics to make it pr? iilaMc t ? mi \ !t is quite plentiful ahoul the mi-mial springs near Cowfoid ("1 arch ; in l';ici it crops out on the suriaec < f nil 1:h.<'?- , in what we t< rm vol 1 en, < ml r< maker*stone; rcmrally it is a snl stratum, f ut wl ere\ ( r found. u dieatos a for t ilit y of soil. SitticCu v r?i IV i ! milt (it<? ?i. We tal e the fo'lowing, wo suppose hurlt-vquc, (1< ini uiiicalii n from the i liarlestoi) ('<)i/ritry lln u< h the (\mrirr asserts it came from Y> ilmington. We are yhid to know that, there is at least, one nohle soul in Wilmington that ree< heel a that, the l'hv ici.ins of I"1 ;.r'ieston, the nurse"., and even the eiti/i ns, | ? riled their life for the safety of l he-1 r e it i/.< ns when they were in the direst extremity. Will Norfolk, let urn t he same I hanks. 7h --? : ! n compliance wit h Hoard ej Health I lnivwiih enclose copy Sanitary Ie y tihuliWe feel that in this way only can we repay ( liarUston for In r kindness in 18G2.? When C'ha) luton culls upon us for in lp we* will see tli.I Susannah re^ . . ,i . 1 . i... '....II . r? | ? \ ?I M 11? \ \ r I I I V I i 1 I I . 1 . in dear hi voiir (iLci ii'Mt servant, J AS. f. j i KM i 'I i I LI,, Sen etary |?i*.i tern Snuilttry fict/tthtf oni# / ' /<//*<i.-fn <1 b Iitj< n\l (if Health, 1! ,:. n f. > ft < i, A. (' Our sister City ?f Charleston licii g now (lm<atcuo(l wit U an i \Mcudod yisi taiioiiot Vcliot" lYver, ami being desirous <?1 retnil.ii*ls in |>arl the kind? ncss rendered lout- by her in 1802, we herewith publish 11.? following orders. urgiiig one c iii/.cns by even feeling of * , patriotism and fraternity to slvu lly adhere to tlienr, 1. Any person or persona coming1 Irotn Charleston hilht'r must be escor? ittd by a guard of n? gro police to the disinfect iti<? grounds, placed in the 'nine bed pit pared tor them, and thuR kept tor hours. 2 1'api I*-; and letters arriving, must he carried to an air-tight apartment and thoroughly fumigated. It is e\poelid of i'osollice clerks that they wash themselves with turpentine before leaving the olliee, so as to avoid alt dang* r ot intbciion. They are r.lso request* *1 to chow rosin as ft further sat egai; rd. ;i. All t elegrnphie eommunicat i*-n between the two cities must cease.-Some ol our deepest thinkers say that elegrnms carry contagion. I. All roods coming from Charleston mu t he dragged through thw-Capc Kear Kivor until all danger of conta gion has passed away. r>. No Physic ian, Druggist orXurse, 111 list (Mi any account leave hero for Charleston?wo may need them here. Wilmington must he kept healthy at all hazards. 0. Wo earnestly hog that the citizens without regard to gen lor, ('(dolor condition, will at once procure the "anti febrile habiliment1' fully endorsed by all our best M. J Cs. 1 ids habili iiu nt is made by applying to the pi ron a g-ood eoat tar, and then shaking feathers liberally over that. If this dres- is worti a.ssiduonsly there is no danger. 7. ! 1 Doctors should find a ease of lever iu its early stages amongst us to prevent its spread tin y will at o: ee drown the patient in the Cape Fear Kivcr. <>ur In alili must be preserved at all hazards. s. Wo again ask the clergy to pray for Wilmington* As it might he flying in the lace of IYo\idinee to pray I'm* ('liardost on, we respectfully suggest silence on t hat pi?int. 11 It' "nlir ^ i si i I i i 1 i ' e 1 w u 1. I iinn.l Iii l| , w e w ill u.-e the most st/vnuons I 11. its 1>? obtain the necessary tin c from Savannah lor Ii -v. I?y order of tin* Hoard of Health. JAMES r. l.'KMt'lllfJ,, Secret n y, 'pro lent ' A Su ilie S.avu miserable, 1111:111 sneak, has hih 11 i i, uir 1 ah s ou 1 oi school j in fact, ivlin I'viT it was, had 110 Left or sense I an to give the editor ol the: i lillshoro A*. < (?rdi r ;v full account o( t he 1 veunigs 1 enjiat.011 ol mail) ol the good citizens >I I'to' tow n ; an 1 thai individual s ur.s 1^ up a^ follows : "Si hrbt I'oi.in tans. ? In every' "lUlitry town in the South thr:e are I (all ered just about., this time in the veiling (a o'clock) a group of some even or eight men and t hey arc sit ting 1 u t he - hade making figures in t he sand, I alking politics. These fe|lows for the mis! part do all the t hinking and talk* 1 g lor the country chap out yonder in lis shirt sleeves sweating like a bull in I hard at work, 'J hey get up all the neetings, nominate and talk .about who's the man,'and spend the evening u chewing tobacco, taking drinks, , v hit fling sticks, and talking neighbor 1 ,i_ 1 - o ^ . . * -' iiium jin >\imi ;in ownr pontics M ckutnc |>?*11(ics t li.it nuinnU-rf ironi ueh soni'ci'R ;in this js bound to be mill allli v, In/v, sellbh, and uiihelieivouh. A hut tin- people want is nc^ so much ; lk <?n the hjtocIs'tbat the State find ounty too goin?r to the devil, ^ut they \ uMl tIn so toll* ws on the Mnet.s to t * % . { fw , - . l ? v IOBRY WEEKLY M ' i pilch ii?t4> woik with themselves an<1 ( try ami keep the Slate and county [ from goinjy there." TIM: COII.KMK OK J'mysi IANS..-IO Wilmington, N. t hnvo held ?\ meet- i in*:, sunl discussed the subject as to the contusion of yellow fever; ? the opinion M'C 1 S Itl ll Vi> ??! #.? I - - - I" > 1IHIV"! III. II till1 IV\ it D not contagious where local causes do i.ot exist, lull they recommended thai a stricI quarantine bo enforced. [kok *j hi: liouny m:\vu. ] ^ ?'ll<av I'l'vor J it tiifirloHlon. Si range and unaccountable as well as mysterious, are the actions and conduct of the Council and Medical Departments of the city. On the 18th of August, Dr. Hobby Health Ollieer reports eighteen deaths, and under the same report the Courier says, "wo have conversed with acvcial prominent physicians ami the health oi flic city was never hotter." . In the face of all (his, on the twentyfifth of Auyuat the Medical Society met in "learned assembly," and decided ! that yellow fever actually existed on the twenty- seventh of .Inly. Now the cily of Charleston pays Dr. I-ebby a round ruin to attend to his business as I lealtl? Oflioir, and the cit y also pays several ) liysieiuns to attend her Hospitals. Can it be possible, that with all 11 is array oi Medical talent, that i Mi vsieians, who have a large outdoor practice, who have lived among yellow 'ever a whole life lime, are yet unable lo distinguish its existence for a whole month? Shade# of I Huge, and Frost! . All utie respect, and v< iteration h>i the opinions of I)ii \ son,Mile.sand ( llhsohn! j Has tbo disease assumed such masked i symptoms, that the city cannot find a ' physician capable qf a diagnosis? The Medical Society now assures i the dear public thai they do not "arraign" an)7 one, and for "Prudential reasons," the "true name" was "eon OvSllcd" Ac. In Clod's name, what "prudential" reason should govern a medical man !o withhold a ,/bef Irom any one, where wealth, prosperity, happiness, yea, all, even health is in .Jeopardy? They Fay,'they are "happy to state," and the ' panic stricken" are advised to ' leave the city." Shame on them; shame on a prolession once nohle; yet, i if w country doctor should deceive his patients, and the public; w hen an opi-! 1 j demic exists how our city brothers , laugh ! i We make no pretentions to great t skill, nor of ever having visited Ku- < rope's great schools ; hut we do say, that a more conglomerated compound of st range fancies and unprofessional ( ideas scarcely exists, than the "piper" i read hy the "society," and that there j I is a criminal negligence on the part of n the Health Olliecrnnd Medical Depart- 1 ment of the ."Old City," and we "ar~ 1 1 raign" them sit the public bar. t riior.K j [ roii tin: n >unv Niavx.] E Sine the trnnsjn os-dnn and Hilt of our first P parent-', < Jod 1ms made it I ho Imperii ivo duty ' of ever> one, to labor in some way. "In the ( swe:if of thy face shall thou oat bread, tilt thou H return unto tin* ground," And not withstand* 1 ing, tho different kinds ol'Iabop are von numorn is. and ,d! do not require to be performed ' with the bauds or by physical power, yet, It is * hy 1 ibor of some, kind; that \vc al 1 live In the world. We are conscious, that, there are 0 many, who do not labor as they should, for ' wo should all have an honorable oeeupafton, j an 1 diligently pursue, the same; laboring If ( necessary with the hands, which, the wisest, 0 and host men of all ages have not considered v disreputable. We know there, has; and proba- k my suit exists a certain class wlioregard labor, ni least manual labor, as degrading : but, such an opinion eon exist only among the Ignorant ' and proud, such as think much hotter of Miom* selves than outers think of them ? a class that i are drones and would be no loss if they should t cease to e-.lst in tlio world. It Is by labor and 1 the blef-'.iaas of a kind l'rovldence, that we are enabled to live prosperously and to he | useful to ourselves and others; and it makos < no difference what our occupation may l?e, I whatsoever good work we may undertake, la*. f bor of s un'1 s> t i> indispensable to Its accent- ? plisiunent. And all persons, wbobavoanivod t tA any degree of exe dloneo, and havo been J lights and benefactors to their raeo. owe their success an I usefiiln \ss to diligent and litdo- t fatigablo labor whloh ultimately will aceont- * jdlsb almost anything within human power. * And we shouhl hope not only to realize tentporal hut spiritual Messing* frmn it ; knowing i that we are fulfilling the destiny of our raoe, ' and that all blessings, both temporal and spir- t it yal in this wot hi, are obtained by means of f labor, and w ithout it the world could not long- l! exist; famine, pestilence, ignorance and law- 1 loss barbarism would prevail, and certain dost ruction would bo t he inevitable conscr|nonco. i i.eoMvllle, N. Alice. 81, 1871. S t r .. .win .1 ! S STATIC ITEMS. I ti On Saturday, as a negro. named Hoad, who ho. 1 hoen convict m1 of hog-slen'ing in two ^ cast s, was being opnduete.d to jail by the con- j / stable, M,\ Albert Weeks, the negro broke . p au ay and nitCinp'erl to escape. lie was re- '' i wkV >. i:\VS, SEPTEMBER < Heatedly ordered to halt, an<l on his reftislng to obey, was (ired on. At the second :Ja>t lie fell. The verdict of (lie Coroner's jury was, that the s.ti.l heed ?.-fiae to his death by a pistol shot In t.'?? ha al-. of Albert Weeks, in tlie olljelal di eha:,.* of his duty. Mr. \'? ?.ekswas held to I ;iil in the sunt of .fl'iXM),?Siunt. / AVjCS. 4 , The Mai ion Star, says: A negro, on the plantation of Mr. A. Ik Ilmagan, Mar'boro county, recently met his death by falling from a tree whi h 1: aaaeiuled iu pursuit of a coon. [What a fool ! to climb a tree to meet 1 is death, and afier all. hud to c<>:n down to a dead lovcj. Dkatij Axi> Hi: Aim i.ss HoEi3F.ttr.~On Monday night a Mr. JS.tbith, who used to kepp a small store in King strei t near Tradd, died. JI is wife had boon ill for some Lima, hut is now convalescent. Whi.e tic family were in this condition, with no one to attend to thoii nHairs, a heartless robbery of evrythliie valuable was perpetrated in the dwelling oi the tintbrtunalc n.;ui. Over four hundred dollars* wpvtli of jewel, y was thus stolen, and upotj the death of the proprietor some iutnidedr wont to look at his watch to see the hour of his death, when the \v;ileh, with a gold chain* was appropriated, A valuable l ine was also stolen from the very hand ol the dead man. Little care had been taken of these things, and the diabolical tlieieves found no one to oppose (Item. None of tbe articles have been recovered.? A< it's. l'on mi: Watkuek.?A now side wheel steamer, called the /.s/'.s, designed to run on the Wateree river, !*?. anived at JSmilhville j yesterday, fcShp was purchas *d at Norfolk, . ami is Ixdng taken to her destination by C'apt. Ijcnunorman of this city,? Star. (iovcrupr Scot t has ollered a row ard of $b00 in each ease for the apprehonsh n of the murderer ol iiiid Lewis, killed near Chester on the 1 blh instant, and of Hen ' lioinas, or Hon llaii, killed i i New beery county, on too 22d instant. Tiuo UreeuvU'.e K.itorprise says: *11 i. A. i>. Wallace is now in (Jreenville, s p, in at llio'M tnsion I Ions*. Co oi.cl \ si . ? fas ex-j bi'oited vi i. in c and ability in Co , es3 in looking to tbe interest of his District, ail i wil) siclivelv aid any application of t he cit izens for tin; c.ection of a Courthouse. or other public Improvem ents having any just claims on the attention of Congress.'1 HEWS ITEMS. Says the Raleigh. (X. (h) Sctiliwl: Tli^ first annual fair of the Western North Carolina Agrleullural and Mechanical Association will lie I.eM hi Salisbury on October 10th, anil eontlnue foni ?J lys. (Jon. lien v A. Wi <o, of Vn., (Jen. Wade Hampton, of S. C., (Jen. /. B* \'anee,of N. an 1 other distingushe 1 yen Heincn arc expected to he present. Look ol'T fou Coin n:t<rt;rrs ? The Wilmington Siftr s iy-: k'Now o nmtorfeit lif v cent pieces have put it an app -aranee on t ho >.1 roots, ami merchants mil others will ?h> well to look sharp for thorn They can with little trouble be easily detected . \r they dllVcr from tho genuine, both in the oxture ot the paper and execution. Tho 'ounle!foils are on thinner; n 1 poorer paper. Hid lack the hair lines that mark the origin.> Is." atlanta. (?i, august 80. The archives of tho State road were to-dav urned over to aoommittoe of ei iy.rus. 'I Ids let Ion was the result of a series . f pros icutions or the last, sev .ral days, during which the late ludllor, treasurer, general tiekct. agent, master neohanlc and several merchants, have been icld to hail to answer for frauds on the treasury, The road Is the ex duslve property of ho State, and has been managed by the Remhiieau p irtv of Georgia, Lopisvii.t.k. August 80. Tho fourth floor of Whitney, Brown Sc Co.*' gain and warehouse fell in to-dav, killing two I ilack and one white man. The building was rushed to the cellar. Two p'omiuent Main f pi'.o! moiwdtn ot a ti> aha Ll?vi*f a IiBa #1..% r.4 .. . .1 . I \>1 ili> i\< IV 1?I\?M " )>>|U Hill BHWI >y tho concussion. w 7he Outl<in?.?We had tlic pleasure of a iw minute's c >n c.saijon with Adjt, (?cn. onnati, in our < fl\'0,on Monday last. We wore gratified t o learn from him that verything was working well at the front, and hat he was hopeful of terminating "this long Impute" in a very short time, ion. (Ionium is deeply in cartes* in this matr, and If properly supported by the clllxeus. no doubt of cite of s a Messing j Oils' i! lit I 9 lOgleet. t he u^H hese pre<-j^| ulo, the iiV ||p?*^ Ofth Is p 11 (p t h vthey he so ihy use th(|^BW? a much ehate'o i^^^^HHaSHnggl^p'd'' aiathletic f<dl<to act t'^BQ^^S^^^Hrinore than people Ionic, the upon ^^^^^^^f^Kninds, the t In art^^RH^^^^^ntomaeli >tiinil^^gen^HB it rttmont streH Weinsaiid I n vigor del i.'Ut s h;tv,^HBBB^^F<'1'. ? o n s 111 < Hiuittteinn, iu tvaline it. hut they lavCnll perished^j^^BBTtcmp'', or heen left nr in the rear. lr^BrDCon the great medical uceess of the present century, and it is quite crtnin that no proprietary medicine iu tliis ountry is as widely known, or as generally iso.d. Ton lightning presses, riming incessantly Sundays excepted,) the whole year through arely supply the Memaml for the Illustrate Jnianae, in which the nature ami uses of th , o pa rati on are set forth, the circulation nor eing over eight millions a year. % 3, 1871, Spaoial Notico. TilE CALSAN I) (HUE OK COVSU M1lTI< N'l l.i p. in.:u\ < aiw of C'onsunijitloi la onmi iedment oi tl.o dlKntlvu oig'm'- Tin1 (I i; m i n i lit I'lcdiKif dt (It lei t i i.tiltli ti n fttMii ilat'Oti. Jty iiMdmllutiOii 1 mean tint , ro (e?n by u liicb tin* nutriment of the fool 1? onv. ridl In to I'loid, and tin ?c?* into the solids ol lb tidy I'? ?# ( n? with digestion thus i repaired, liftvli i' Hi* liyhU'j* i j e 1 ? posit ion to pulmonary di>i um oi I bey ink* cold, vili be very llnblt io liavi < oi mn | iion of the I,iit>fr.*< in tome of it; bm 1 t <>U1 that it will be impossible t' (ur> any ?a-? ol ('oinutni iton without ilrst r. s<oi i> 11 (ii ii <* i it i>d lealthy nsslmtlulion. 1 be very lire' 'ling to be done is m let ton |if > torn < i nn I owe Is 1'?otn nil diseased 11 i cu ix! sbpio,which i> cuigginx these omiii.i tp lha< ibe\ (ti iioi | rlorm their inactions, m.ii tin n r> n?e up oil r>*ioie the liver to a healthy Htftlpii. For 11)1* perposo the loieilnod ht si remedy is Si hen k's Alandr k* 1 'ills. These IM'le cie hi thee oinac-h m il low tie of .'ill tlm Uend Mini inorb ii eiiuie that o- c |is tiff dltoi so dull dec t m 'h who!.- sje'Min. They will clear oiu i he iiv ro )' diso > at bt.e ill t lorn tic mi mill'tot toere and roue** it up o a iieiv and lie i<til iU'ttoii by winch natui .l and healthy I lie is SetTi'l I'll riie stomach, bowels, end liver am thus . cleansed t?.V tho i|v,i (j( Si'lli'i cit1' M i mlr ik<* Til's; | i'ii ilierrt ri'iunliifi in ihQ >'01101 li ail pxcr>s ol acl'i, the organ in 1 < ( id tiuci the appetite poor ? In the ijiwe o the lac'eals an weak, .ml 1 <j >111 im. strong) and support. It i> 111 a conditt ti like tho* II ill S in tick's Se 1 wed I Tonic prov-sio b-* the most \ nlu'itil limed ?\er discovered- It is ii I).;ili:?. and itme w 111 uentiul'/e -ill exoos 1 ol :i? nl, making tne stomach sweet ti'-d fresh. it : will jrive permanent 1 ne 10 thin important organ 1 iinJ create a pood, In fti ty appetite, and prepare j tne system for ihc ll> st process of a goo.l digestion, and ultl nii'eiy m Uo k*o I. Iirtilthy, Iving blood. After tin* pmpirriory trea nient, what remit u> 'o cure u oat cases of eu sumption 1 - the free an.1 per ervermg use Ol fsben. k's Pulmonic Syrup. The 1'uiu onlc yrup nour i-in-H the tyitsig. parties tne tilwd, and is ii'iidily absorbed into me elrcuiutio*, ami 1 hence distributed to the diseased inn rs. There ii ripens a I morbid 111 liters. whelnei in the form of ah *e> sseti or lUbeiC'.t'S, and then a^8ist> Nature to expel .ail the diseased matter, in 1I10 form of fri e expectoration, when once it ripens. It in then by 1 'e . re it he ui 1 * and pnritying properties 01 Sci e ic 0 T11 in Mile Syrup, 1 at all ulcers an I cavities are Item on up sound, and my piticut is 1 u red. 1'ne essential thing to he done in curiae Consumption i- to c t up iiko > I app t te and a good Iites ion, so 1I1 it ihe ho ty win <row 11 Mesh and get strong. It .1 person h is diseased lm.es,?a civity or ilbSOefe 8 there,-tliec \ity OintlOU heal, tlie m liter cannot 1 ipeu, so lop* a<? the system is eio \ ptr Wha is ii"ci'vi! y t> cure Is a ROW oi lier of ill ion good 1 ppeli tea goo 1 pui r 11 ioii , 1 in od v to glow in llo.-h and gel fat; ihen Nature is helped, tue cavities will heat, the muiter v.iil r 1 pen and no thrown o t'a d m large ipi tulittes, nit toe p rsou regain li a in and sin ngt h. This is the frue and Oniy plan to cure Consumption, and It a poison is \?ry bad, 11 the lungs are not no I ire . d'struye , or even i o e luug Is entirely g.ini , M in.-re 1* o. . ugh v|t .illy lull in the other to I. t 1 p there is hopeI 11 .v seen 111 my persons cured with o ly one oiiini tunc, live and e Joy lue o .1 goo i o d ge 1 Ins is W.i it Sea lick's Alod C ilea will do IO Ctlle Coiikuin iiion Tney wiii clean out IM? ttoni it b ?Wi Mini 'id sir >ngthen it, cpi up a good dlg< sfi mi, till I gi \ e iNnmi ,. |ho ftssi-1 iiiOO flho needs to clear tin.';iyt ni ot all lit- uCoiee Hint Is 1" the ihugt, a ii never tho |i rin may i.e. It t*- important that while using SohPiick's MeOi l ies, ca n Should le exerolned not to take Cold. Keep in <lo ra hi c > 11 a id >1 in p '< |;e ther. i void nlit air and take onl-doot c eiciso iil.v in a cental sad warm sunshine. I v i>h ii ilistui' My n d? rstoo 1 that when 1 r< < omei d ? potent io he careful in r* par.I to taking ? old' while using mv d> dfeines 1 no so for a special reason A nian who has hnt partly recoveru i from theeit'eois el a had iolil is I if more II ib e to a relapse than one wuo has been entirely cured and it is precisely the same In regard to cusiitnpt ton. So In tic is the lanes ar not perfeet I liealn poo so long Is there imminent danger of a full return of the disease, Jh noe It Is iltat I so strenously caution pulntonnry pitients against expo-tug themsetv? s to an atmosphere thiti- mi' geniil and pleasant, Confirmed (Vu-ntnptl v? s lungs are a mass of sores, wliicli the j Imt change of atru-'splmre will inllame. The secret ot my sticee-s with my Medicines consists in tin ability to &uhdtit* inflamattoii inee i\d of pro okiiic it, as tiian> of tee faculty do, i\ u in. flam, d lung cannot, with safety to the path nt, lie exposed t > the bitting blasts of Winter or i)ju chilling winds of Spring or Autumn. It should tie caret u|i v shielded from all irritating ihfluences The utmost can lion unould be observed in litis pirticulur as without it a cure under almost an> elrenni-taces is an impossibility, The person shoo hi be kept on a wh ileeom and uutrious dt t, and nil the Medicines louun ueii nntill the body lia-restored ton the natural quantity of flesh and strength. 1 was myself'ctired by this treatment of Oousiimpitou, and have lived to got f it and liiany ihis many years, with one lung mostly gone ? 1 have cured* thousands since, ami very many have be ii cured by tins trea meiji w.iom I have never seen. About the First*.f October I expect to. tak~ pos-t'g>ion of my new budding, at the s'or Ii ast Ooruer of Sixth and Arch Streets, wh 're J shall he pleased to give advtou to all wno in iy require it Full tilteotions accompani all my liemodics, S3 that a person in auv part of ihe world a i he icaddy cured by a strict observance of tue s one. .1 U S JllF.NOK, M. 1) 1'luladelphia. Wholesale agent, J NO, F. HKNKV, No. 8 College I'la.'o, Now York City. THE GREAT It EM ED X! I \ AltBY'S PltOFli YLACT1C FLUID, \ J I'oi sale by M. H BKaT Y D.in'i Kokunt that now is the time to plant, Turnips?a fresh supply of Seeil of every variety, tor sale at the j St ore of M. 1J. JHSATY. | $500 TO BE (TI V TJU>SOUTH Land and Immigi Under the auspices tlie "South Carolina .S'ta give it SF.KIV'N OF CONCERTS, at the Ae.uk , lor ihe purpose of raising a isnciatiou for homes of N ort rolinn, and for their transput [yfiham, (icuoral Johnson I In nor .1. Ij. Manning, Hon. <1. 1 ?H :iw:i 1 ''" 1 to tilt' ticket 1 loliIi* HP^M>clohor, 1871, tit the Academy of ^flr^wmg Commences. 150,000 Season Tickets of Adi All premiums, including Deed and Certlficat tod with (lie National ltank of the Kepubllc, > $500,000 : 1 st Gift, Academy of Music Charleston, S. i tal of about $20,000 from Opera House, Stort by 00, and situated corner of King and Marl known to lie the finest building and most v valued at 2nd. Gift?Cash 3d. Gift?Cash 4th. C.ilt?Cash , 5ih, Gilt?('ash '25 Gifts? Cash ft 25 Gifts?Gash oi 350 Gifts ? Cash oi 250 Gilts?Cash c 500 Gifts?Cash c 1250 Gifts?Cash o 2,404 (lifts, amount o HITTLE1L, (Ml A DW A (} HSTS SO VTJ1 i'AliO US A LAST? C( nc , Join, (lone COMMISSION i:TiS A A I) M'i', (Jenoral A. 11.right, ot Georgia Gonral Bradley T. JohnsonfVirglnia. m ^H t .art* SilM pmmmmmtmm ? ? m'.. mihhw^?n,.w>t^ j r R* fi. R; j RADWflY S READY RELIEF 'l ( I MI.N I'll i: WOHST l'AI\N, | IN* Fit O M ON K ro T W K N T Y M1X I :T K > N~" t 1" (INK JIOI'R tiller reading thin itdverux uuMit need any one stillVr with pain. K uIwiij 'h l(e:?il> l??*il? f i- ni ur>> f ?r every prfln. It wis the Hrtt Riul Is the onv imin h km kin tint , Instantly elop? the most ?-\cinoltitln>r pains, ?tlI lavs tnflutmuut tons. anil I'un'.s i .?... j Hut of 1I18 Ettnjrs Stomach, ltfiwe|?, or other ' I glands or organs, h.v one application i In from one to twenty mimics, no mat If r ho'.v i j violent or excruciating the p un, the rheumatic, - bed-ridden, Infirm, crippled, nervous, muralgle, . or pro*-1 ra led \vi ' dn-e.a m>, 1 :> \ >n tt'er, Haiiwii) 's 4 Heady //el Iff Will -i ft- 'Wl u m?i i cum*. Iiillainmation of tlm lnoys. lnllaninuttion of the Lhuhler. luflnunnatkm of the Uowols. , ('uPui'Mtion of tlie Lungs, Sore Throat, 1 iHieult lirouihhig. 1 'illpit ;it ion of llio Heartily stales, Croup, Dipihora. ( atari li, influenza, i Headache. Toothache. Neuralgia, Ehcunmtism. Cold Chills, Ague Chills. The application of the Uoiidi Ifelief 'o the part or parts win re the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will, In a feit itiCim ills, cure I'ramps, Spasms, S|?pr Stomach, Heaithitrn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind In the linwels, and nil ino ruaI p Ins. Traicl'T- s' otiid always carry a hot tie of Hadwny's lteady It -) i?-1 villi them, A few drops fa Wilier will pieyent tykin as or |< 11119 fioin 1 lumen of water it is better than French ltruudy oy Hitters a? a stimulant. n:\ Ku a:4i) A<;n$. < Fever ami Ague cureiirfor fifty cents There la not a remedial agent in the worn! that will cirs Fevfir and ^gue, and all other M ilarlous, Mil* Ons, Scarlet, T> phonl, Yei|o\v, ami other revefa ( 'ided by It ulw: y's I'ills) no quick as Had way'a Heady Relief. Vifty cents per bottle, HEALTH I BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE CK'II Hi,(KM)-. . INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT < CLEAR SKIN AND BEAU I 1 IT'I. (O.NL PLEXION SECURED TO ALE. DR. R DA WAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent ; 11 us mmlo l ho most i?sti lll iwll 1 II If '> M IV..1 . - : "rt v "' v" > so quick, bo rapid are the changes the Body undergoes undt r the iiillu eneo of this truly Wonderful Medicine, that every d^u an increase in Flesh and Weight is seen and felt. TinnatEAi' lti.Koa i'l'itii is:u. Every drop of tiro Sarsap rilllnn resolvent cotn; uuuicntes through ilo* lllood, Swp.ii, Urine, und i o'het fluids and juleps or the system lite vigor of I life, for it repairs tin- wustesof the tody with new ; tin I s ui d muterial Seroful i, Sy phi I is (?ou"umi?* i loir, Olnndular disease, u leers in the tliroift, | Moti tli. Tumors, Nodes in the (Hands and other | parts of th? system, Sore Eves, Struinorons dtsI (barges front iho ! '. irs, mid the worst lories of j Skin diseases, Eruptions. K? ter Kurt's, Scald llend 1 King Worm Sot Khouin, Erysipelas, Acne, Mack I Spots. Worms in the f lesh, l'i mors, ('oncers in ilie Womb and tt I weakening and painful discharges, .Night Sweats, loss of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the etira, ' tive range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry* ! and a lew days use will prove to any person using I it for either of these forum of disease its poteut powor to cure them, i If the patient, (tail** becoming redi vd by the | wastes and decomposition ?hat is con' potally pro* ' grossing succeeds In arresting these wastes and | repairs the same with material made from healthy blood?and this the MAU.V4 i\% HI 1.1,1 \ .\T will and does ? > ?>r> ?-;i cure Is certain j lor when ouce this remedy commences its work of purifl* cRiiou, and sure nils in diminishing ine loss of | wastes, its repairs will ha rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing betier and | stronger, the food digesting better, appetite im, j proving, and t'.esh and weight Increasing, .Ndt truly tint s the Nr^pftjrarilHan Iioxolvont Wt ex (.ell all known remedial agents in the cure of ('hronto, Bert 1 il i Dot it tutionnl, and Skin es btl Oilly positive cure |'o| ?r|? Kidney and Bladder Complaints, fl lTrinnry, and Womb di Reuses, (ji tvcl, I)iabetc8. < |>ropsy, Stoppuf ol it or, I tinence of t", t'rine, ilright'a l)iseti*e, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick dual deposits, or the i water is tliiek, clouny, mixed witli substances (H like the white ol an egg, or threads like white i f, or thero i- a morbid, tnrk, bilious up* pearance, and white bone dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when pai ing water, and pain In tho small of tiki | Hack and along the l.otns. DR. RADWAY'S M PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS 1 perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum,purge,regulate, purity, elo.iuMJiind strengthen Kurt way, 8 Kills, for tin* euro of nil disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Dowels, Kidney*, Pladrler. Nervous Diseases, Ilead iche, (onsilpntion, Costivenees, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, biliousness, Dillons Fever, Inflammation of the bowel*, Piles and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. ! Warranted to etl'ect a positive cure. Purely \ eg. j etable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. A few doses of Ittulwny's Pills will free <he ays. ' tent from all th** ah' vti tnrned niaorders. Price, 2Acents pre. bo\. So id by Druggists. K ul "False And True " Send one letter-stamp t ltadwuy <.V Co., No. t7 Maiden Lane, New York L'.furmntion worth thousands will he sent you. To oo UN AWAY! ' CfJMQLJ.Nti' 'ation Association to Agricultural anil Mechanical Society," will (tny ?!" Music, Charleston, S. cofrtlnencing fun<l to enable emigrants to settle upon lands hern and European fanners and others, in tho tation thither and suppoit for the lirsL year. -(lenorai Wade Hampton, Hon. b. F. I'arry, igood, Hon. Anustcad Hurt, I Ion,lames ('bust-. impson, Andrew Sinionds, Esq., lion. G. A, l?. Campbell. rs of tho Series of Concerts to Oommonee on ~ Music, Charleston, ti. ('., on which day tho Mr nission, and no more, at $5 each o of '1 die to Academy of Music, will be deposis'uw York. A IN GIFTS. cost to build $'230,000, having an annual renand nails; the building being about '230 feet ict streels, in the centre of lb" city, and will ftluable property in Charleston; 250,000 100,000 *25,000 1 0.000 5,000 ach *1,000 25,000 ach 500 12,500 ach 100 35,000 * ach 50 12,500 M ach 25 12,500 ach 10 ,,.12,500 ?500,000 K'K. GABY k ^ rVy[ i;li \ I Ioy ASSOCIATE n, >ral M. C. Butler, ^ , ick. Ksq., Charleston, St C. i?l M. W. Gm v. ) kit I OF' 1)11 A H'TKG : C< I inclB. II. TlutlrtRO of youth Carolina Hon. Ilogcr A. l'ryor of New York 1 *