Horry news. (Conwayboro, S.C.) 1869-1877, August 18, 1871, Image 2

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IIOIUIV NEWS. fI\ A\r. IScaty, lilditor. FRIDAY, AUGUST IS 1 ,71. ' l Ow^wiiiwjtir<?rmiT w"? ?wn?n II'.T.1 iwwiiiWfwj-> n m -*mi? DISTRUT KCIIOOI. TAXRM. Section 20 ol the Amended S< honl Act, passed at the last Session of the Legislature, says: 4'1( the Inhabitants of any School District, at their annual meeting, shall tail to provide lor tin.1 raising ol Mich tax, then the County School Conm sioner of the County in which such District is situated, shall he rc ;uin d tr? withhold from the said District that part of the State appropriation derived from the revenue of the State, and to j apportion and distribute the snm to 1 the other Districts ol the Count y w Ifc'i have complied with the requirements of this Act." The legal voters of the School District ol King's, in Williamsburg Conn- | t v, in meeting assembled, refused i?? low any ad litional Tax to that already levied by t lie State for School nun ecu i i " " * > I this was done at tho instance of Samuel j W. Mansice, a lawyer and v>romincnt ? itizon oi' Williamsburg. Attae.h? ma in j on Mr. Maurice, in the public .lonraals by the II adieuls, have caused hhn to i puncture the bubble; in doing of which be shows clearly, that, at least, ihisj Section of the Act, is unconstitutional, and i hat, every School District through out the St a to, is entitled to their share of tho school fund levied and collected by the State, whether they assess an additional tax or not. Mr. Maurice quotes the 5th Section : of llie X Article of the Constitution, j which says : "The (leneral Assembly shall lew at i each regular Session after tho adopt ion of this Const it at ion, an annual tax on nil taxable property throughout the! J t ?! 11 ?? i '?" * ' * '' i !!!'.- | | i in (ii i nii ?im set 11 ?! -, which tax shall be collected :i> tin* | nunc lime an 1 by tin1 same Agents as tiie (loneral State lew, ami sliall In* i . . 1 paid into tlie Tu usury of the Stale." And lurtlicr says: "The School Tax I shall he distributed among the several ; School Ditriets of the State in proportion to the respective number ot puj ils | attending the l'uhlic Schools." Thus the Constitution (we nse a cap C here, because we must speak of it j with reverence) makes it obligatory on the Legislature to levy a sullicienl tax lor school purposes, and the condition imposing an additional tax, or a fraudulent withholding of the taxes collected foi school purposes i^, as Maurice says t??the Senator of Williamsburg Count y, a direct violation of the Constitution of the State, which ho had bworn to ; | protect and keep inviolate. W e do not believe in levying u tax, | either by School Districts or State, for | | school purposes; the station that (tod designed man for, he will surely till. 'i\> Uvy a tax on the people of 1 t'harleston or Dickens to educate the children of in lolcnl parents in llorrv i . . . : i is unjust, an i tie same rule holds in i District School levies. Is there just iee j j in taxing ihe induct lions laborer to fc< d , ; the idle, thri'tUss man, because unless j : ted he must surely perish ? if there is, ' then there is jm liee in taxing the la- ' v boring class to educate the children of < tnose who are too indolent to labor to aeeomplish the highest purpose God j designed them lor in this world. ^ c CatCl l>(> It. , We have received a circular inviting : i us to join the Yktokia Licaguk, an I give our influance tor woman's rights; , now we arc in favor ol woman's rights, \ when she occupies licr proper [ 1 sphere, clothed in spotless purity,' standing, as it were, between e.u'th M and Heaven, lifting man to God. In \ < this IIolv, Sacred Right, we shall ?i?> j t everything in our power to encourage and protect her. Rut to revert to the Circular; in it ' j we are invited to assist in electing to \ the Presidency of the United States a woman that we were not invited to 1 ludp nominate. <(Rlood"and thunder! do you supose we are coming to the i ' tire after everybody else has warmed? No! No!! we can't do it. The Gov - J eminent is weak enough now. and for . M us to assist*iii making it weaker, will * be no better than watering our own milk, and we can't do it. To join with Theodore Tilton in any 1 i-.OIs.'* I < >?< ? l?/il I <> " i'">" ' 1 ' 1 ... 1*v*i ij?111 ftaaiunir liait'lj. ... n > 1 with the Devil in advance of tune, an 1 we can't do it. We have one Female President, who rules ov.'r our House: with this we are ' I Kitisliod; to ask us to aid in having i iiMoihjr 0110 over us, is unreasonable, ft id wo can't do it. ( Frecdove m iy ho a pleasant doctrine for Homo people, but it has never tinned its ri^ht side up to us yet, and we j, THE i t %', ? - > - . ?n* -V IWH I tilk (?( u 'that < iti ioia: 1> a v. Tho <lny Wfore the rloulion in N. tl>frn:\rd, ol llio Wilmington ?47?/rt In ou^ht out I lis Cook to cfosv; t Ik* nine lion resulting in a deleat, a 1 ladieal i*.?iitor tautali/angly ashs him lor ihat "Cork that e rowed hi*lore day." What a fool ! to want a Code that crows Ik fore day. STATE .ITEMS. W. i?. Carlisle, formerly a billed writer, and at one time eonneeted with the Charleston Court!died at the l.unat i.- A-\'lain, Coin in bin, on the 2d inst, Charles Uruee, of Darlington conn i v, <lied on the 2f? ol .Inly last, aired a ho at 01 years. Ahsaloiu Illy I he, Ksij., ol (Ireenville, ha- I>ee11 ajijiointe I and eonnni -ii.ued as I n '.el Stales Commissioner lor the Dislriel and Circuit Courts ol South < 'ar? lina. ( N low Cii'iion- Cn a i:i.t>'i o\, An- M U'nst 11. The first hale of eollon re- j j eeived line was bought, to-day by 1'. ! ( \ t ... i . ' ... ,w >i ri- cv \ Ill f ? rchls J m I* j toil II 1. 1 I j ' classes as mill.i 1 hip;. Till. ( Je<tl'llt'lo\vit 7Vincravs; 1 ho I I suit wilier is j?|r;ii 1 ua11 y uiaUinp, its way j njt our rivers. I'nloss wo haw heavy 1 rains, and thai too in a short linn-, the ; lice ri'uij must Lo larpa Iv cat short ! , I TIii' Marihoro 7says: NYo hart) i < ' Ii.it I>r. Smith, a practicing; j ! i \ si >> cian, li\ino' a low miles, l'roni floral j C'o!h"'o was shot ami instantly kiihal * i ( on l luirolay, the :{?I instant, a low i hundred yards from iiis ho:,so, when ! rot urniiip from a v is it to a [patient.? j Some suppose that the deed was done , ( hy Low ivy's hand hut the prevailing; opinion is, that it was commit tod l?v a ^ t'v>111i'oiI ina i, with whom the <looior I ha.I had sonic dilliculty at the election ' that day. i N i:\v I n v kntions.?The Lancaster ' I,< <!'jcr says; k l)r. \Y. I. \Y hito of that count v, has j received a patent for a n 'wly in\t n o I lishtrap, and lor his pardon plow;*' li.oj latter has heon favorahlv s nUmi <?i in i * : l,,. I?ni> t;,.; ? > . ^ 11 - ii 111 iii. : > > h i i i i ll V I I i 1 11'.1 1 )i\ also has ]>?-ii?11iia patent l<>r !, another article done. up in latin, the j interpretation <> 1 which wo leave to , M rs Woodhull, our candidate lor ores idont. * The ( rectivillc Jlutirprixr, <_pvos an 1 aeeonnl ol a Mass Meeting ol I lie cili?* ( /.ens of (ireeliville, liehl in the < (don't I loase on Salesduy, to take into |? consideration the enormous lees allow- i e 1 under the 4tX ew Code oi Procedure 1 it Law," recently enacted by the Loo j iM.it tiro ol this St ate. j i Several members of the liar and ! 1 protuinauL citizens were deeidedlv on- 1 posed to the burdensome lees allowed ' by the Xew ('?>de. ' 'he Meeting Kesolved to petition the next Legislature to ntodely, or repeal the objectionable features. | Wo ?sk if this was done how inueb would be left? We know ol some Lawyers whose only practice is embodied in the j lee bill.) * . A ILwmwi, Low-wow?UowttN on i ip: \V Ait Path. ? A grand negro meet- | 1 ng took place on La list o island. The ' t Hon. (V) liigamous iiowen did the p ioiio^s of tbe occasion, an?l was made i kind of \ ottdon idol by his dusky . i hirers. lie made them understand i hat ite inten led to go on the war path ( is a candidate lor Coveinor ol tbe j o State ol South Carolina, which news ,\ as received with shouts ol 4*l>o\ven or tliibnerl" "() let ley people g<d" j iiid other senseless erics. At last a 81 ns!i was made for the new apostle, | ii ,vh<> was hustled oil the platform and n a rid i d betweim two lines of tha A I ica is, \v!?o were anxious to shake i;1mis witii him. Then ensued a scene I j. it for I>;i*.??Ivnix>11i m. Old blind nu'D, , ooihh'ss and tottering, eaiue and put | In'it* hmnH upon him, because tlicy f' iViiiitol to s'?u 'Slis man iW?wt?nt"** wo- | h mn jostled out of lit*- line, pluokc 1 the ! (, u'ui ol Iviwcii's garments and shouted ! ? i i1 \itn rapture, "I tiulmdum, I luehed tin;" ami mothers brought rags and mi' keivk'e. Is, laid them up against heir new lou.nl .Moses, and took them g iway to place on their sick babies.? / t\ hat. a commentary is tins Saturnali- I ^ u seem* on t lie rulers of the once proud 'aimetlo h.ialo. .Men coii\''ieted ol llic 51 voi'.?t i rones are hoisted lit to olio e l>y i park ot howling idiots, and the poo- i\ de ruined by the excesses ot those j( v'.io are no more lit to govern than a . > . 11 i.it'k ol I'Cejee savages. I stems. ? di;atii of mus. vai.i.ammoii am.? '' d rs. Ck L. \ allandigham died on the 1' Doming of the 13th inst. 11 ? ii Nine tenths ofall the school teachers c a .Massachusetts are women. h Tennie C. Olallin publicly announces . ktmuI'a candidate lor Congics.s in tl>o C:\iljiii District, of New York. il An exchange pays* "Chickens are lying all over Kortli Carolina with lie cholera." That is just what happened to Deriaids cock, that crowed before day The pastor af the Baptist church in 'souhridoo, JVlo.j hahiized two young adies I lie other day, and then married >iiO of'lhem right tin re in the churr1 m hie - he li.\d lin e to Irv, ^ ^ * ^ v A - td AM I c^?7T*-*cj~irr' ^ . ? <jmy-js.-.WM , . Jr ; IORllY \V EEKLY J?-W w ? ! > * ?? ?.? % ? i ?j I > K A I? IlKFOlil-: ItATTI.K.? TllO Sj ?l*i 11 "L^? lichl Ii<puf>H<'nn. i)\v loading '.iailical it n organ iu New Knglainl, says: -4 ! he I !i'|>iil>ticar. party is marching to a Uig iM-tln'l lUtoal. Too many Butlors, too many Simon ('amorous, t o mans Mortons ami C Inunt oi>, too much stoalwig ami land grabbing havo killed it; it is dead Indole it goes into 1 initio. I n t kuksi inc.? All exchange has the following: "It may bo interesting to l! osi? who have si nt lor countorleil money, 111 answer lo t ho numerous circulars which llood t!u> country, to learn that a lull list ol the names oi i such F being prepared lor publication, i iio moral characters oi many hitherto >up|>osc? 1 honest persons will probably sutler by being exposed iu all tlioil hideous delormil y." . ' " f | I'm: i in-: 11 on lev x kwh. 1 E iti j? i"t> v?- use jr. t. For the hist lift y years ol the presen century, improvements, have been , increasing and makii g rapid advances | in almost all llie allaiis ol lite. The I .rival inanulacluring spirit, and tinmany discoveries in the arts, science ind inveiitijus; the great interests, that arc taken in all kinds of agriculture, the increasing popularity ol Stale ind Founi y fairs, the Steamboat, which j Fides sniotlily over our lakes and riv rs, the shrill nei thing ol the li >sts of i iron horses," that tire running throtudi .11 ?i... i.... i . > " m mi liinu, :iiiii especially itn: elegant I i-ollege!-, Seminaries, Academies, and : ill thy institutions ol learning, that are spreading throughout and a doming i >tir country, and tin1 t ruths ofthe gos>d, are uuiuistakahh' evidences ol im ! irovemeut. !t is un far led in every diectioii, and whispered in every pass I.; breo/c. Kill, although, so many nij !'ovenuM11s Stive liauu and are still foiug on, the liel la that yet lie uuexliired are houndless. \\ ho eau tell j he great improvements, that, are yet | o he made in the arts and sciences, ?r the many inventions, yet to he discovered and put into practice for the lenelil of lnankiud? Who can calculate the henelits, that si.ail arise from j he proper cultivation ol our soil, or A I > he discoveries, that have thus far been oneealed in Astronomy, (.Jcotuetry ind Minerology, and all the beauties >1 nature, that shall yet. he brought to ight? lint, the fields, reserved for utlire generations; are far greater in O > O n extent, and need stronger and more | esolute minds, to cultivate them, than hose already explored. S. .cesvillc, N. An^. 1 0111, 18V I. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL AND Youtli's Department. ClUTOll IloltliV Xhws; DkauSik?The Sabbath School at Sculah Church, near Little Liver, has i J em 11 y been reo. jrani/A'il, and i* now ouductcd by men, w ho having put 1 heir hands to the plow, are not likely o look back. Air. Thomas Hickman ' ' I < twill Hl.li.vll.il k-' " ' ...... ,/J., mii iin miperiniemiani, | k in) \vil!> .1. C. IJeek, Alfred liennett, i i. S. MoCluin aiul others, hid lair to J an y on the work "decently aiiv 1 in j I rder." j \ 1 have undertaken to rentier all tin* , i ssistanee in my power, to bring into i c uecessful operation the Sunday Schools i this neighborhood. 1>* July 1871. K km km ins it the Sabbath day, to keep a holv?IC\'. xx. 8. It is* not enough ? o hat we abstain front oar daily labor on < Ids holy day, but Go I requires that it A e devoted to his sorviee. \\ e aft! not > spend it in pleasure excut'si ms, tell- i ! ig and hearing long stories, nor are '0 to lounge aw ay the gohh-n hoer> :n Jj lecp, but on this day we should on- i age in the serviee of God, eitlier in ilitireh, Sabbath Sehool, reading the < eriplmvs, prayer, praise, or visiting 1 nd eoinfortino theGilr m-o'i ..rti....... J II There are those who seem to think ;1 li.it if the plow, an I hoe, art* sul- |1 irctl to remain idle, all is well; while m ositive precept and constant example 1 I life inspired writers of llio Bible, say-, ' cing moved by the Holy Spirit, "lie* U'inher t he Sabbath <lay .an-! keep it oly.1' (lod was pleased to make it a ositive duty, and at the same time a leans of grace, in which we have a lanilestalion of his goodness and mer. y, lor his tender mercies are over all is works. Then my dear children and youth, ito whose hands this paper may fall, lienu inber the sabbath (lav, to keep holy." 1J* Till! NASUS V I II. Oh! how 1 love the Sabbath! When the Im.sy wo ok is done, ^ And tho days of care and labor endedono by ono; ... .. !Jj| The Sabbath, dear and poaoeful, Tho Sfcbbatb, edm an 1 utiil, M -'/ -t l ei s in\ ito ufl 131 m x V . ' ?r * ?' w V l, i I II? NEWS, AUG UST ,li w ? wrw.*n?i?hwa?|mmmmmmww^rmmwm . When w < meet to praise un<I worship The < >o?! of (null ami love, ' 1 And we Jeellhe sntiios of Jesus Shine on iu Iron altovc. In His earl hi v courts we listen 1 o t he story of our Kln^, llow lie eaine to earth and died for us 'J hat we ilisprai.se lui^ht siu-t. I . . ... i.ei us ever love oil I* MlVioiir, Lot n- try to <lo I lis w ill, Ami hear within our tronbh'il souu III iilessed " I'eaee, ho still." Lv:\\ passion lot u? uia.si.or, And IPs n.lino on earth onnloss; To the l.iil.hful lie has promise I An eternal iiubl'ath'.s rest. [run t:ik iiounv njavs.] i m: 11 bb. , Death, dreadful, dark and "loomy, < >f lile the fearful #>al, The end of all that's iiioj't.d, And advent ol'the h.'.d. Into the ini.stie luluro To live for woal or woe; 'i hi - solemn, certain exit, All : la :I\ would lui'e^o. I<nt (Jo.P.s neat law is broken, Ilis woi !..s v,e dared to .seau, A11?I death v< till all its terrors 1 - - ded ?>ii sinful man. Down to Ha* rave wo hasten, A t a- tinn? can niovt* ; 'I'liis t! mi. . i universal, (iodh t!'. : i and justice prove. A one can f : e tlit* sentence? iJitt, itnr"..titling faro \Yill n.; i itf tln ii(ii itm\s, A:, i tor ti.o - a prepare, Then It'l us at I with prudoiife, Ami w 1.11 tM 'ii mortal breath, AM, our .Miiiiglity AntItor, To In: tor shield in tloaili. li* Tt.e pi)rase " A bail will have to tin (Its- j UM'ti lit j w. l?;ob)'rt Fluid is killing oil all such | ;-i.oig cxi'.c-.oiis. liaU odo.a vitn'l sum 1 bo lore ' it. Mi:, r. 1'. T<?.\ i.k'.x Nkw < >rmei: a.\j> Sai.k IJooM .. Wo arc happy to info, in our mailers their ol laf(|ii.u.itaiiff| Mr. I'. I'. Toale, while toiiii uiiug tils -Mauiiliflory ol I toora, Sashes I :|iml.s, ( ; f., o.i llo.li>eck> Win if, <liarlf>ton s. ' ? h ts ope i lot I .i liaielsomo ollifo anil extensive sales rooms at .No. lu llaxnn Slrcl, w } i" i? t 'uf \ will Hint it more conve uiont local, on him who:i they visit, tla: city. The Sales I Itoonis cxteuil to .No. lio I iuckney St root, I w here thee i.-> auulher entrance. Semi ami get a new and exlemled pri-'e list ol latest | .,t\los, olf. See advertisement. Bt>eJ>iliiv 3'.niacin I ion ikdh re- ;!t from the lack of abilit y to convert I I he lootl into out liueuit. How necessary, I then, I'm those snlleriug I tun these alarming, symptoms to innne I /.e!> re at to a remedy | that w ill strengthen the st? much ami digestive o.gans. i or, as soon as this ilc.si.ah1e object has boon accomplished the health improves, and th' patient resumes hi.- usual porsonMap- i pe: ?ranee. Ilostctt \s .Stomach hitter, have attained a world-wide popularity in s tch oases, ami have hocn proven the best ami safest moans of removing constipation, toning the j stoimieh, giving energy t > Lite liver, and rcliov-l iug every * vmptoni of iiervoii.-.Mes< ,,..! .t sii?u of ^j?i is. Its cheering ami henelicial effects are highly spoken of I?y thousands, who owe to it their restoration to health. No re- 1 Rotative in the annals of medicine has attained tlx* same p >puhiri!\ in tin' short space of time I it has Iteen heloie the puldie, or has won the , hi gh endorsements accorded Io this excellent tonie. Many other preparations, ptirpTtlng ' i?> he correctives and restoratives, have keen < ntroilneed, and have perishetl one by one, j 1 while the popularity ol Ho.stetter's Stomach | [Jitterseontinttes to inerestse, and is now ie- , o-'ini/e 1 as a standard household niedieim*. I he slice ss which attends the use of the I'it- ( ers evi nee* at once its virt ties i n id I eases of do. 1 i tilily at, 1 disease of the stomach. Certificates, dmost w ithout number, have been puh'ished, | 1 ittestini: its truly miraculous power in reniov- ' i nn these painful and fearful diseases. Ami at l his lime it s'ems idle to do more than call at- ' en! ion to the great remedy of the age, in order \ > awaken public attention to its excellence. i t is the only preparation of the kind that is 1 * cli therefore worthy |_C HBHf ^ (; i pid Immigrt BP the "Son1 li Carolina ?S'tat< PP^ () N ( KK'l'S, a t flu* Aoaden for the purpose of raising a fi '.^K\ss<>ciatiou for homes of N ort lu ' < u ? o > i I K l. Hci-S IN SOUTII CAROLINA.--< '? mIi.iiii. < o-ner. I .Jolniso 11 I lav;i I>liii S. Preston, Hon. W. I). Sin t-rnor .1. li. 'tiamiiiiu, lion. .J. li. ! awarded to tlie 1 ieUel Holders >1 xm', IS71, at the Academy >d } <'! 11 M^H?Se;iso!! Tickets of Atlin : B i..< 11 di 11 : Peed and ' \ i ! i < < H Hftioiial 1 auk of-tho Republic, No : e\* rr r\ s\ a a **> hsh?p> tj)yuu,UUU 1. Bir.v of Music (MhU'losion, S. eo situati-d coi'ik r nl Kim' a:icl Maiitol nl^HHFo lo the finest l?uiliMu? ami ntojl \ali vamctl at 2nd. ('.ill?Cash 3*1. (lilt?Cash 4til. (.ill?Cash Oth. (>ill?Cash 20 Gifts?Cash car 25 (lilts?Cash car 350 (lifts?Cash car 250 (lilts? Cash car 500 (lifts?C'asli cat 1200 Gills? Cash oat 2,404 (lifts, amount o IUITLKH, (311 A DWI A UESTS SO I'll! CAllOLIMA LAM) A Gcncn Joiin ( () S 1871. ikjwmm ii i i? 11 ?i iii ii n in i ii mm 1 "UTif^?iMii iwm ? n< CON8U M PTION, Its Ouro aiul Its Preventive, BY J, H. SCIIENOK, M. D. \ J asv ;i hiiniH'.i being Jii? jmfM'il nwny, for .1. n Iiuki1 (iratli I ft * wnv iiu oilier reiuuu ili:in the neglect of known ami ludis|mliiii|y proven iitc.iii^ ?>f t um. Tliui*e near iimi lirsti' u> l.uniij anil iir>- sleeping the drc.tiulwii h I mulier into \A lili'It It fit I lliMV film I i ii.lfiniii I 1>QC. .lOMI'.i'H l~. S^'ESEO.M'It'JS simi'M; I hka I MI;>Ti and rivalled themselves of hi* weiiderfnl clllcaoioiis medicines, they would not Imve I'llenl>r ""I'luuM'k hastu hu o? n case provnl thai wherever siiiJkieni vilitlil) remain*. iliut vitality, hv in? tni'illi'iuo anil Ins direction 'of their u>e, i?> qui' k' lo'il into healthful vigor. In tlii" 'ui 'mmiI there is uo'liiiiR rgumi>tiioiis To '.In* fit (h of tin' invalid is made no represell tut ion I lilt l is not a thousand Linus bubslantiatiMl to llvn g hiuI visible works. Tilt* I'lu-nry of tin* dire tiy I>i* Mcheuck's medicines Is us simple us it is in.Killing. Its plulo-opli V rei| inri ? ii o ai^oinon i. it is bolt assuring, self cou voicing. The f"i a wood Tonic nut! Mandrake I'fM" nre the llrcl two Weapons Willi which tin? citadel of llie ma lady i? assailed. Two-lliirds of the cases of i onsninjiiioii 01 giuaic in dispcpitiu and a tuno11 <iially ilisofdi red 11 v r W11 Ii i his condition tIih li'oiH'tiial I ii iii's "sympathize" Willi the stomach. Tliey respond In tin nn"t<ific uciion of the liter. Here llii'in comes 'tie culminating result, ainl the si to ?g hi, wiili all lis ui-1 resting symptoms, ot t orsi MI?TIO.\, The Mandrake Pills are composed of one of N ? i ii re s in >1)1 i'si gift* ilie- I'odoph 11u in Pel t < t inn 1 hey possess all I ho hl.od-scarchiiig, alicraiive properties ot ? iloiuel, Lul unlike co.omc'i, ilicy "I.KA VK NO STINO llKIll Nit," The w< i k of cure is now beg ning. 1 he viti tied \ 111 ucou - iieposl 111 Mil' Oo w els iiud in 111 it 11111 11 Miry can il am j.-cted The livei, like a cloik, is wound up. ll.-nuiikra Iron, us torpidity. The stoma ii :u Ik res ji.insi \ i v, itinl the patient begins to f 1 ill it III' is getting, III last, ki*i?i*i.y <js' troii> iss.ooi*. The S hwshI Toi.ie, in conjunction with tlii Pill#, t)i I monies a u it lie? lull hi lev w nli tl.u food I'll v lilicinon Ik m w pi ogressiug without its previous torture,. Digest oil becomes pa nless. ami (lie en m |g seen to In* at. Iiniul. There Is lio mom tlatiili'iiit", iii, exai-vrbniiou ol ll.e sioiuticli, A 11 tippi'lili seta in. Now i oiiit's the iti cnlcet 11 loud P nrider ? v? r > et given by nti in> til^' iit tnilier io suiii ring man. Si-Hen. ll's Pli 1 lininic Syrup cOilnS in to perform Us f ii ni't ions a in I to hasten at i! * omplete I In* cure It enters at oiM't'iijioii 11< work. Nature ouuiot be i'liealed. Ii eolii-eiK and ripei.s llie impaired nil I diseased po|*iions ol timings In the I n'mot gathering*, it prepare*. i lit-in tor expectoration, and iii a very short tune the malady n> i.u iiuisheil the I'ot ten liti'oi.e tli.it it occupied is reunvited and made new. and 'lie patient, in all tin* dignity ol regained vigor, steps forth to nj y the manhood or the womanhood that wn?. ai * r.\ * 2? as i.o?r. The second lh'ng h, l lie patients mlist st.s >' in a warm room until 'hey get v. >11, it i> almi .- t im? possible iii preient takii"r (' !il ' Iumi ti e lun are diseased, hut it inu-i l?e prevented or a core cannot be elficted. Flesh nil a no riding till, especially in this sect |. n id t hv conn It y ,ti l be fall and winter season, are all wrong. P hysl.-ia us wlio rei oiutiiend t kia I eon me lose t heir pa i n t s 11 their lin gs are nadly diseased, anil yet, bici'se they are in the liou-e they must not s,l ouwu quiet; tln*y iniist walk about the room as niU'h ami as I ist as the strength will bear, to g.-t up a good eireul ilion ol hloo I. Tli pato ms insist ke> p III good spirit?be dele) mined to get well. This has a great deal to do ivuli the appetite, and is the gi eat poll,I to ga in. To despair of cure after such evidence of its possibility in the worst c scs, ami morale et lainty in all othi rs, is si* lul I'r S- henek's personal statement to the Facnl'y of his own euro was in | these mod est words: ",M i ny years rvo 1 was in the last stage of , on- I Kiimpt urn; ontlned to my bed, and at onetime | physicians thought that 1 could not live a week, liiei, liltO a di'O v,,ii)g man eat. lung at straws, 1 Ileal <1 lit and out < in d the prepai a t ions whi h i now oIf. r to the public, and they made a prifeet cure of me It memed tome tn.ii I (mill teel thein jentrate my whole system, l'hey soon ii pent d tlm matter in my li.ngs, .and 1 would I spit up n. ore I hail a pin i ot olio ns I v J eliow mat lei' ) every morning lor a long lime As soon as Inat began to subside my rough, ! fi'Ver , pain and Itiglil sweats nil began to lea.e | me, ii tut inv appetite became so great that it was j Willi dlllil'lilly lli.lL 1 could Keep Iroiii eating too 1 iii tic Ii 1 soon gamed my strength, and have glowing llesli ever since." "l whs w? iglied shortly after iny recovorey" ad>!...? I lu. !?-. ' im-ii iixiKinu one :i int'ie skeleton j my weight was only nh.e'y-sovcii pounds my present, weight i-' two hundred ami iwenty-tlve (2'2A) pounds and lor jours 1 have enjo\oil uuiuter ru pied heal' h . Dr. Sehenck has discontinued. his proffs&irna) visits to New York and Host.ni. He or his sou Dr. J. H. Sehenck, .lr. si ill coiiliium to see patients at their ollke No la Nottli Sixth street I'liiiadelphia evefy Satnril iy fioinO A. M. toll |?. M, Tim e wlio wish u ih> rough examination wii li tlio Hespi riunoier will be < hi rued The Kespitoineter deelares the ex el eoiulilion of the I uuga and p > licuts euu rendily learn whulher tliev are enrahl or not. The directions for the medicines nro adopted to tho iutell geaeeeyen of i child. Follow these directions and kind Nature will do the rest, ex(vp'iiitf that iu some cases the Aland rake IMIe are lo t>e taken iu increased doses; the three medicines need no other accompaniments thin Hie ample uistruelioi s that uei ompaiiy them First c reate appetite. Of returning health hunger is the most welcome symptom. When it comes us it will come let the despairing at once he ol good eheer flood tilood at once follows the cough loosens, the night sweat is abated, pi a short time both of these morbid symptoms arc cone forever. Dr. Nchenck's medicines are constantly kept ia lens of thonsdiids of families. As it laxative or purgative the A1, itultake Fills are a slaiidarec irep iration wlnle the pulmonic Syrup as a. curet >f coughs and colds may be retarded as a prophy acterlc ngnins*. consnmptlon in any of its foping; price of the Pulmonic Syrup Neawecd Tonic '',.1in bottle or %7..V) a halt dozen. HIiinikala ills ?.1 cents :i box For sale by all diuggists and Wlioli sale agent, .IN(). F. llKNltY, No.^ 'olloge Place, Xi'\v York f "it. 000 CN AWAY! 'c/moTufA'^i ition Association Agile nilmal ami Mechanical Society,'' will ty of Music, Charleston, S. C\, commencing mil to enable emigrants lo settle upon lantis M ti and Kuropcan farmers and others, in tlio it ion tilit her and support for tlio first year. iiMtoral Wade 1 lampion, lion. li. F. 1' try, tiod, I Ion. Ai instead Hurt, I Ion .lames ( lieslipson, Andrew .Simonds, Es<p, lion. CI. A. < 'atiipludl. 01 tlio Series of Concerts to Commence on dusic, Cliailesion, tS. (!., on wliicli day the ission, and no more, al $5 each >1' '1 it 1c to Academy of Music, w ill be doposiw York. W GIFTS. >1 to build $2-"K),ooO, having an annual renand nails; tlio building being about "J;'0 feet '.streets, in 11 it* contra of the city, uiul well table proper!} in Charleston; * 9",n noo on,ooo 25,000 0,000 5.000 1 *l>000 25,000 1 o0? 12,500 j1 05,000 1 50 12,500 J1 - > 12,500 ",l 10... 12,500 $500,000 OK, GARY & CO., \D IM M Id i: A TlO^tfiSO < /. 1TIOX. S. (J. 1 . .......Iinr .vmrw m-w mm .. ? 1 >sC\v A (I vori isci iici it.?, 11-\l.R. . R A J W AY'S BEADY REUSE Cares the Worst Pains IN FIIOMONK rOTWBNTV MINl'TKS x T u r (INK HOl'lt after ipadlnz this udver* J.x ii t'nifiii uei'd any one snITVr with pain. Railway's Keuly Ki'lli'f l? tivurn for every pain. Jt wo* iln> first tiini Is tlm uvi v i* via hkmki?y tint installtly stops the most excrueiallmt pains, atlavs inflammations, anil cures coni'estlons. whr' ther of the Ijiiiik*, Stomach, Rowels, or other elands or orKans, by one application. In from one to twenty tniiiner, no mat i< * ho a* violent or excruciating the pain, ttie rlmnmati tied rtd'icu, infirm, eripplert, nervous, neni.iU' c, or prostrated with disease, may sutler, Radw.e, 1j .. . . i . i*--i '* * 1 iw.imj iinu'l will IlllUI'll lllsllllkl t'tllil1. 111 limn milt ion of 11 Ki liiuvs. lii!laiiiipu?i?>n of llto I'liidtW, luilamni.'ilion <?l' tjie Buwoln. '< ioil t f llio I ill 11,, Sure Throat, Dill/hull l icalliing. I'nlpifalion of I he Ilrait, 11\ -I erics (-roup, I dpi lie. a. ' uiarrh, lttlki<".i/.A. J Inatl.whc. Tooliiai'he. N oural. ia, lilanunat ism, ('(>1(1 ('lulls, \giio ( hills. The application of the 1 {<?:*< 1 >' fi Ii? f H? t!i<> part ! t>r pu is \% tithe pain or 'dllUculty exiits \vill 1* \ allord e so and com lor I. Twenty drop? in lull* a tumbler of wyter will, in it few moments, cure t Stun ps, Spasms, Soar Sirnmcli, lleitrtbnrn, Sick lieiulaelie, IHirrhea, 1 lysenlery, <'olic, Wind in the Dowels, aipi all internal pains. Travelers should always carry n bottle of Had. ' waj's Ready Relief with ilietn. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from chang" I of water. It is hpltrr than Freiu.li 11 randy or ; Hitlers as a stimulant. FKYKK AM) Afil'K. I Fever and Axuecnred for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agon I 111 the world 'It it will core Fever and Ague, a^J nil other M tlarlous, liuons. Scarlet, T\ phoW^ Y to low, and oilier Kevefs (aided by had way's Flllo) so quick im Radwai's Ready Relief, 'fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTY! STI'tOVt; AND lU'HK lUCH HI,OOI)__ IN('IM'iASF, OK KliKSlI AND WKldl i ' CI.KAK SKI N AND 1JKAI' 1 1 IT I. ( DM. 1 l.KXION Sl'XTKEI) TO AM.. 1)11. I! Alt WAY'S fS:ii*v5i;>:irll li:i n E5 <'><>* \ era 1 Hits insult' lilt' most astonishing runs ; so ijnifk, so l: \ 11 i < I a if tin* chhurts llie llody undergoes under the inllatnuo of this I ruiy Wonderful .Yedie'me, that every day an increase in Flesh and Weight is seen and frit. TIIK fiSlFiAT Iilill01> KU KIvRIH I'very drop of the Sarsapirilllan resolvent iom muulcaie.- through the llloxi, Sweni, t'rui> , nd n'bei llui.lsainl iuh es of the svt-leni llie vigor of life, for n lepairs llie wast. sol the '-o ly with new and sound malt rial Si rot n! <, Si phi I is. < 'ons nut'.? lion, (I laiuitilar disease, I'ieei.s in llie throat, IMouth '1 umors. Nodes in I tie (I lands and oOo r pari-ot ilir system. Sore Kyes, Nlrumorji.s i -? charges from the Fairs, em"' the worst lorn s of Skin disen-es. 101 opt ons, Fe\er Sores, Se l.l M?- "t King Worm Salt Rheum, Frysipe'as, Acne, i'- > c Spots. Worms in the Flesh, 1 amors, ('hi r- in the Womb and all weakening and painf .1 discharges, Night Sweats, loss of Sperm ami a 1 ^ wastes ot the life principle, are wilbin llie ci , C live r onre of this wonder of Alod. ro < m ai and a few days use will prove iii any person ii.-inK ^ it I'm either of these lor am of disease its pote.t povvor to curf th'tn * I It the patient, ?l tit" becoming reduced by the wastes ami decomposition 'bat is i on t; n ?m 11> pro- * jrressinjr succeeds ia arrcslitiK these wastes ami repairs the eam? with ntat? rial made in m healthy blood? and ibis the SAIISAlMllll I.I \ ??' will a nd does seen re?a fine is oei lain ; f <r when nin e ibis remedy commences its work o' purilieutioii, and sn needs in diminishing toe loss . f wastes, iis repairs will tie rapid, snd eveiy da. the patient will feel liinnelf irrowli.tr belter d stronger, the food digest ing better, appetite in proving, and llesli and we'pht im reusing. Nnl only docs the .S;irs;ij?ai'iHi;iii llcsolw-nt exeell all lii.own remedial atrenls in 11? < ni'< Chronic, Scrofulous, ('(institutional, and ? 1.1 i diseases ; but it is tin- only positive cure for K1 UNHY AND liLADDKli COMl'LAl N TS, * I'rinary, and Womb dise; pes,(1 rave l. Diabetes, I Ifnpsy, Siopp n?e of Water, I in on I inence of I'ritie, llrighi's Disease, AIbiiminaria and ill a; I cases where there are brick dust deposits, or ti e water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substneta like the white of an ejjir; or threadp like Mini i silk, or there Is a morbid, c'ark, bilious a|> pear nice, and white bone dust depo-its, m. I when there is a prifkinir, burning sensation when passing water, ami pain in tile small of tint Duck and uionc the l.oins. DR. R A I) W A Y'S IN'rlci'l 1VR perfectly taetolpes.^i'Rm tly coated with sweet ltuin,|>nr)fe,re?iilHii4pjpurify, cle in>?and >1. iminli en. Hadw.iv.s Piiis, for the cure of ill dieoi < 1 -r^ of the Stomach. Idver, Ifoweia, Ivl'liir\?, Hi.older, Nervous 1 Ureases, llcud'Che, Cutistipitiou, Cost i venese, Indigestion, Dt sjippsia. Hiliotisrr 8 lit lions Fever, Lii 11'iiniPution of the 1 tow el**. !'i! -i nnd till Hertinfenien l? of tlie Internal \!se>c;i. Warranted to ellVrt a positive cure Purely N etnble, containing no mercury, minerals or ih te(prions ilruys. (?I>.?er ve the fol'o win / svtn p torn a resit It inR I rovi I >l<*ordert? of t lie >1 i,- est I ve Orgniu: (Joust pillion, Inward Pile-, Fullness of tint Flood in tins Head. Avidity of t lie Stomach, Nn'tsea, Heartburn, lU-unst < f Ft vd, Ful.ne's r Weight in t l?e Stoinaeh, Sour Kr.tr tat ions, Fin 1.11 A or Fluttaring at the Pit of the Ftonnich, Sa.htuiuc of the Head II nrried ml Hillietill HreatlitnR A few doses ?>f K iiiway's Pills will flee the .->* ti ta from all the above named .> -rders. Pro 1 . 2.'i ceti is per. Itox. Sold P..V I rt:;isi.. Head "False And True. ' Set <1 one letter-st imp to Undway .It Co., No. 87 Maiden Kane, New York Information worth thousands will be seat you. A (Ut'HAT OFFER Only $3. for $11. in Value. I nlil (In; first ??I" X<ivoiuber ,11 it i "*1 I'nl and artistic Cluonio. "Ssn"! s'te a'reffy." Size. Id n 17 after Lillio M*. Spencer, retail ^ price, $8.00; will be sent by mail securely done ii)), post free, as a premium to every yearly subscriber to Dcmnrcst's Illustrated Magazine, ano mbhsbok or acknowledged tbe most ]>ractical, useful, ori ;ii in I Parlor Magazine. ' Is'nt. JSlie i'i .'tty," is a beautiful Clin ino, a splendid Parlor Picture, and a \ amiable work of art, it is biirblv ifinisbed, innuiitcd nut! var?;-h...i i Iiioiit n, .1111 n ul l li jftlil'C l/IIOI Illii 'h Ii ' ' <'J and together with I umoim-i's Monthly, affords an <>|?|)or(iUiily f?<r 1 In* investment of Three Dollars such ? " /"<<;/ occur (ii/afn. Do not fail to subset i'. < for uDkmohi:st'? Maoazimo," atxl you will never bo willing to 1h) without it. It will m l only toaoli you how to dress, how to cook, how to make over your children's clothes. Hut it will make you better wiser, happier. Women, everywhere find it exactly what they want. In, fact, it is the most complete Ladies Magazine, now published?Husbands, Fathers, Ill-others and Lovers subscribe for it, and present, i' itT?< the beautiful ( hromo, ' It, n't- She 1'ii tl;'.'^^^ will make tlyes sparkle with delight ami faction, and prove a monthly remii^^^JN "ll good taste and kind feeling. Address, w. .ji;n n1 n <ts i)k 838 i>l'oad|jj^| Specimen -