The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 29, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PA6M JTWU Cistaolished 1644. THE PRESS AND BANNER ABBEVILLE, S. C. The Press and Banner Companj Published Tri-Weekly Monday, Wednesday and Friday Entered as second-class matter i post office in Abbeville, S. C, Terms of Subscription: One Year $2.C Six Months $1.( ?* If IV. r inree Monim AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATIO Foreign Advertising Repress tath FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1922 DR. L. T. HILL. When oae has reached the hilltc in the way of life and starts towan the setting sun, while the shadov lengthen behind him, he needs lear if he has not already learned, that i life nothing is worth while excej service. He serves only who helj the cause of truth, righteousnes justiee and humanity, and the thre first are included in the last. Pos 5 ^ ?j Am lion ooes avi sauaiy anu iuuui; not enrich, and only in that feelin that in a feeble way and in spite c oUr frailties we may have dor something to make others better, 1 help them along the way, or that vf have relieved suffering and brougl hope to the distressed, may we fin satisfaction And there is no profession nc calling which calls for more consi" ent service to others, more exactin and ceaseless service, more of th hardships of human life, more insigl into the dark places in the lives c others, with a correspondingly grea' er opportunity to help, than being country doctor. One who takes u the practice of medicine in a cour try town, or in a rural sectio*, i he be a man of human sympathy an God-fea*i?g life, literally consecrat< hie life, and in the end lays it dowi to help others. Dr. L. T. Hill was a retiring mai He w&9 modest $nd timid even t nr>?4nltr unnifrvi blic yVLUV Vi. W*??g M?w?.v . Those who did not know him we may have believed that he was n< cardial* but he was. He was kin< gentle as a woman, fond of the s< ci?ty of his friends, loyal to tb right, anxious to serve, sympatheti towards the poor and the distresse< ready to be used in the cause of hi manity, and it was fitting that h should be called, as he often expres.' ed the hope that he would be, wit the harness of his profession 01 ready until the end to answer th * nexx cajL A 5iVi5i6N 6F OPiNteN. The Spartanburg Journal think that the judges of the state, an particularly the judges of the Sx preme Court, should immediately uj on his inauguration, inform Goveri or McLeod just what they will do t< wards helping him enforce the law of the state, and that the Governc should see that the judges do the; duty in this respect. The Columbi State thinks that much ills ma come from the attempt of the Goi ernor to interfere with the court and that paper advises the Governc * J ? 14V to nave notmrig w uu wnu mc v.. matter. The Governor, so far as we ha\ read in the columns of the Press ar Banner, has asked neither of the: guardians of the public interest f< advice. There are numbers of men every community who vrould attem] to build new homes, or to build i addition to one side or the other < the town, or do some other cor mendable act, if it were not for tl idlers who always hang around, u solicited of course, to give advii Tinw nrrvnosed SChen could be improved upon, and wl find mistakes in every move that made. There are a good many new papers in Georgia which remind i of these advisers. We think perhaps the people i South Carolina elected Mr. McLei I They expected him, of course, to , advice now and then when in d< sfrom such disinterested advisers r: Abbeville Press and Banner, Saluda Standard, The Edgefield vertiser, and The Easley Progi but they at the same time expe him to steer clear of those advi who think they are wiser than man Who is selected by the peopl SoWebody, it does not matter now who it was, said that in a m ^ tude of counsellors there is wis<i or words to the same effect, but _ person who said it had in mind < N those counsellors whose advise ro sought. DRUNKS TO SEE SELVES AS OTHERS SEE TU Des Moines, la., Dec. 27.?Joh P Hammond, chief of police, annoi ed today that every drunken i who is brought into police headq' n, ters hereafter will have his pic* n taken. ^ When the offender has bee sober again he will be presei 18 with a picture of himself, so thai may know just how he looked w >e he was brought to jail. j_ Hammond hopes this "picl cure" will be a potent weapon fgainst drunkenness, g ? The above scheme appeals to ie as having "saving force." We th a though, that the scheme can be Pg proved on. How about having a ^ j fure for the movies representing jacta, doings, contortions, and ol ^ movements of the next man gets drunk in Abbeville. Putting ?r picture on the screen at the ? nesday night's prayer-meeting w< get out a good crowd, that is, if iprayer-meexing were pruyewjr #u 0 i i tised in the Press and Banner, it I ? ,fj FINANCIAL STATEMENT k! a I In order to inform the public p the financial status of the ( ; schools, the treasurer of the A1 l~ i ville Board of Trustees submits 'C I 11 j following report of income and d! peases pertaining to the city scho sal EXPENDITURES ,J (Sept. 1 to Jan. 1.) | Salaries, 34 teackers (white j and colored) $11,19$ I Janitors 20( ^'Upkeep of Buildings , 35 s. Fuel 144 11 Supplies (crayone, erasers, floor oil, disinfectant, report cards j etc.) ? 17 i ' Insurance Premium ? 21< >_ Lights and Water 24 ie ic Income 11,995 j, Rec'd from Co. Treas... 12,5(X Estimated Expeotet for Rem ait 7- . or Suuob. ** Salaries 13,43' h Bills Payable (Lab. supplies, coal if reports, certificates, toilets, janitors) 1,20( Estimated Income ? 14,635 Special tax, 3 mill tax* H. S. aid, etc. 14,974 a Estimated bal. July 1, '23 3S( d ~ ^ DISTINGUISHED EDUCATOI Dr. J. W. Thomson of Winth x" College is in the city visiting r tives. Dr. Thomson is alwayB i T3 corned to his old home and am |r the people where he laid the fc 1 dation for his distinguis career as an educator. Like g y liquor, as Col. Bill Wilson, w< T~ put it, he improves with age. s, K Samuel Vauclain, head of Baldwin Locomotive works, st work at 7 a. m. 'e ; id HONOR ROLL 3e OF RIDGE SCH< in First grade?James Ne-i pt Clark Bradshaw, Gaines Morrov in Second grade?Raymond Wal jf Allie Waters, Eloise Manning, n- Third grade?.Junior Bradsl le Jack Clinkscalos, Joseph CI n- scales. ce Fourth grade?Mittio Wa1 le Alvin Hutchison. 10 Fifth grade?Casey Morrow, is old Bradshaw, Roberta Hutchi 'a- Ollie Waters. us Seventh grade?Virginia Tut Flora Turner, Katherine Hutc of son, Bryant Hutchinson, Wil ad J Turner, James Waters, H< ask | BACK HOME )ubt | as Hon. Hubert Cox, who has beei The making his home in Columbia foj Ad- the past year or two, has returnee ress, to Abbeville and will practice hii cted profession here. iHe is a graduate o: isers the University Law School. Mr the Cox is already in Aibbeviile and Mr e. Cox will arrive later. They wil just make their home with Mrs. Jenni< ulti- Cox on North Main street for th< lom, present. the only HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS is Mr. C. A. Haigler has had all hi) children home for the Christmas holidays and has. enjoyed the pleas ures of such a reunion. Mr. C. A HaigleT came from Atlanta, Dr. anc w Mrs. W. C. Reedy and little son oi n u _ Maiden, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Wistas line- c Harmon of McCormick and Missel man Helen and Emmie Haigler of Chi ture cora co^e&e were home *or th( week. The six month old grandson ome William Reedy, was decidedly the ited ?TUe9t ^e occasion and receivec . jjg a warm welcome. hen AT HOME ture _____ a" Mr. and Mrs. Doyle HendricTu returned today from their honey moon trip and are at the home oi us Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Barksdale, They will begin house keeping l " shortly in the apartments of Mrs Pic" T. J. Raycroft. the ther *ho SICK PEOPLE the ^' The flu epidemic knocked tht r. frolic out of Christmas for th? >uld family of W. H. Ladshaw, or ^er Hickory Height. The whole familji has been sick, seven being in bed at one time. Mr. Ladshaw is one oi the "Highway" men. SEEING THE SICK of Mrs. Annie Geer of Belton, \Mr. )QP. and Mrs. Whitlock of Greenville the and Mr. Eugene Geer of Charleston spent (Sunday in the city with Mr, ols I * Luther Emerson who has been at the hospital here sin<jp he suffered a broken leg some time ago. A WINTHROP GIRL ).00 5.75 ^ gQ Mss Gladys Edwards, the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Ed. wards, is at home from Winthrop . ^ College for the holidays and has enI 00 all the pleasures of the seaj'2j son. Miss Edwards is making a record for herself in her studies. 2.48 FROM CHARLOTTE. ).O0' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cheatham and Miss Narietta Chatham have beer j Q2 J*?1"? tkis week spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Cheatham on North Main street. Mr. Cheatham j qq is still engaged in the moving pic tore business in Charlotte but he j 02 lflc S *? ?** back to the old 1*ome .town occasionally. tm in?nuraa- . { 00 MISS ANNIE HAY CANTT 1.98 - ~ Winnsboro, Dec. 27.?The entire ^ commanity was shocked to learn of the death of Miss Annie Hay Gantt, Lrop which occurred at her home yesterela day morning at 10 o'clock. She had arel.lbeen sick for several weeks but the ong 'seriousness of her condition had not ,un-jbeen realized. She has been teaching ^edjin the public schools of Clinton un>00(j til about Thanksgiving, when she re>uld ! signed to see if a complete rest would !not improve her health. She was the j third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Longstreet Gantt and was bom in WinnsartSiboro, where she has always made hei .home. She was graduated at Winjthrop college in the class of 1915 |She was a young woman who has al JOLways been noted for her many no ^le traits of character. At Winthrof >on, she was the president of the Studenl v. j Government association, and verj ;er?, prominent in the Y. W. C. A. wort I in college. She was a member of St law, John's Episcopal church and was ? ink- member of the church choir. She hai [always taken a most active part ii ters, all church work. Her many lovabh .traits and noble Christian charactei HaT have endeared her to a host o: arm friends, whose svmrtathy goes out t< i her family in their deep bereavement Tier,! She is survived by her father ant :hin- mother, Mr. and Mr9. Longstree liam Gantt, and three sisters, Mrs. Ernessnry Ferguson of Richmond, Va., Mrs. J M- Lylea of Winnsboro and Miss Ju SPANISH VETERANS ARE FULLY ORGANIZED i r State Department Come* Into ExUt- S 1 ence, Headed By Jones?Fire D 9 Past? in South Carolina. u t I Columbia, Dec. 27.?In response h 3 to a call issued by Fingel C. Black of s 1 Columbia, the United Spanish War i] s Veterans, department of South Car- > olina, has been duly organized. c Comrade Black pysided and after n reading his commission from the ^ commander in chief proceeded with t the organization of the department. " 5 It being found that four camps were 3 represented?Columbia, Abbeville, a - Charleston and Union?election of ^ . officers was proceeded with, and the I following was the result: Department f commander, Wilie Jones of Colum- n nbia; senior vice commander, Henry d 3 T. Thompson of Florence; junior t) - vice commander, Hugh G. Taylor of i< i Charleston. n , The department commander com- tl ; pleted the official organization of the I department by the appointment of t] the following officers: Macbeth -o Young, Union, department chief of v staff; Pingal C. Black; Columbia, de- a partment adjutant; W. H. Butler, .Charleston, assistant department ad- Sj 5 jutant; Dr. F. M. Durham, Columbia, ^ | department quartermaster; G. Cullen j( ' Sullivan, Andereon, department in-1 j, ' spector; John Gary Evans, Spartan- c, ' burg, department judge advocate; ' Dr. J. A. Hayne, Columbia, department surgeon; the Rev. P. A. Murray, Walterboro, department chaplain; J. S. Cochran, Abbeville, department patriotic instructor; R. B. s Cheatham, Abbeville, department > marshal; Claude E. Sawyer, Aiken, ( department historiaa; E. T. Whiting, r! Charleston. deDartment district in I' spector. ' The following resolution was adopted: "That this department goes on record as favoring boards of medical examiners composed of medjical officers who have served in some , i war of our country." ij The following was also adopted as t a resolution: "That this department ,'goes on record as approving the ; movement to have veterans of the [ Spanish war put upon the same footing as the veteraaa of other wars as regards hospitalisation and disability compensation." A motion was adopted to send a , ; MASTER'S SALE ' ' The State of Sooth Carolina, 1 COUNTY OP ' ABBEVILLE. 1 ^ Court of Common Pleas. ' I The Farmers Bank of Iva, Plaintiff, against J. 31. Nelson and others, Defendants. . By authority of a Decree of Sale I I by the Court of Common Pleas fdr ? l bbeville County, is ?ald ' State, | 1 : lade in the above stated ease, I wiil j ' *er for sale, at PubJie Outcry, at a 1 Abbeville C. H., S. C., en Salesday \ in January, A. D. 1623 within the g 1 legal hottM ofsale the fallowing des- | 1 cribed land, to Wit: AH that tradt &r | parcel of land situate. Tying and be- S ing in Diamond Hill Township, ASbe- [3 ville County, fn the State aforeaand, E containing Forty-two and one-fourth (42%) Acres, more ot less, and ' bounded by lands of J. J. McKee on ;| i the South, J. E. Purdy on the West; jj C. H. Hall on the East, being the |j same tract conveyed to J. M. Nel- If i 1? OCT CT#i11 |J I'suii uy v/. u. umu ,| ' Terms of Sale?Cash. Purchaser ]l > to pay for stamps and papers. THOS. P. THOMSON, Master A. C. S. C. !l If i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, || COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE Court of Common Pleas. Ex Parte, Ruby Wilson and the minors War- jf dine Wilson and Aria Wilson, by it their guardian ad litem, J. L. Per- jf rin, Petitioners. Petition for Homestead in Personal ;j Property. ||{ Notice is hereby given to all per-, f | sons concerned that Mrs. Ruby Wil-|f! ison, wife of E. H. Wilson, and the j] infants, Wardine Wilson and Aris j? Wilson, children of the said E. H. || Wilson, have applied to me to have jf :he Homestead Exemption allowed t\ c by law set off to them in the personal If f| property of E. H. Wilson, deceased, ?j > husband of Ruby Wilson and Father j, of Wardine Wilson and Aris Wilson. 1 1 Dated the 5th day of December, j t 1922, and published once a week for : t four weeks in the Abbeville Pres?! and Banner, published at Abbeville, AT THE HOSPITAL Mrs. Ellen Norwood, who is stfll ick, has bee* taken to the Memorial hospital and is beginning to mprove slowly. Mrs. Norwood, as jbrarian, has been most faithful to ,er work and the patrons of the Intituticn miss her and regret her llr?8s. opy of above rek?lutions to all the members of congress from South Carolina. It was farther resolved that fie officers of this department communicate with the officers of the othr departments in the United Stated nd ascertain from them what action, any, they have already taken along tiis line. The state executive committee Enounced that there were now five uly organized camps in the state, tie recently organized camp at Un>n making the fifth. The only camp ot represented at this meeting was lie one at Spartanburg. The committee further annoweed iat new camps are now in process f organization at Anderson, Greenille, Orangeburg, Sumter and severI other points in the state. All Spanish war veterans in the tate not now members of the organ:ation are strongly urged to either >in existing camps or write the adatant relative to the forming of new amps. mlEBMaL TftOUSKMHlft | f -i ... -V * The *ld<Wr popular Ttsialitfliie 1/ la? orswdwtton, Bb* it w <Wpa aatnaaenlel MltctMiia tad diil<|y . U?# pmenntl of to*raitrtl* tt md aMIlty, And It cto ba irlll JpfeftM, and pleaag therAfi^fc Tba pracram featUrad bf 6w ?B* )le wark, character soncs, cornafc aof? The Tftrlooa program galecttocft classic, humorous and serious lo chan ?eas such variety of appeal and such 1 [ COMMUNIT ! SATURDAY, i 7:30 ADMISSION.. .. SOUTHERN RA: Will Sell Rounc VARIOUS WW TICKETS October 1st, 1922 I Round trip winter touri October 1, 1022, to April cities on Southern llailvva in Florida and oilier Soutl Cuba. Tickets good retur Stopovers will be perir either going or returning tickets on application to < For detailed inforraatior call on nearest Southern address | R. ( I District F Sp; i The Spanish protectorate 2a Hcroecto has a population of abovt 40ft, 000 pereoas. \ Caret Malaria, CUflt aad VVlf Fever, Dengue or Bilioa* Ferer. ? ZWVX8ZWM V, VMM Hi *, ? i V* t ^ i| SAVE TIME, TROUBLE AND 1 i|: MONEY! t : i I ;i Why should you spend *on- ' \ ey buying , Shoes fo?.( jqur \ ;i: Tires? A shoe will cut tHroflgh 1 j, ! in a few days and will Mov. a ; !; hole through your tube and you ; 1 will hare to buy another shoe I j> ;i| and repair your tube and still 5 ; I' you have no tire. Yovi can have ? ; your tire vulcanized for the g j ; cost of 2 or 3 shoe 3 and you ? ;!' have a tire, and save time, < ; ! trouble and money. ' ; j ALL WORK GUARANTEED, j : A j HAVE THEM VULCANIZED j | i AT . . ( i ji CLIFTON SPROUSE'S PLACE j ;; City Garage, Abbeville, S. C. | ^ V PROFESSIONAL CARD V V Phoae, Office 363*2 K V Residence 313-3 V V H. CURTIS FENNEL V V WSNTIST. V | V Office orer Speed's Store. V H IB MjM^^HRjKY^BNB8^H^Hfiflll|HMB /'^| H JH^k ; - j^H *AL* quart IT. { , 8 Mi ftttartet 1? nat onljta actablertgc- . B oft ?9 iteily vartW ywfrdUi illtfr&lt H *1% axcapOonal, both u t? I Ij ItiKM that fr?re Is a company wPch B iMwirw will contfirt of aelo ?Ml ?*r> 9 , Mtttags and Xotta-cornrt-Bimd twa ; of the Troubadours an p*pftii? jpd Leber. SeMon docs a male quartet jp*>3- H Ifb standards aa da ths Proll(rtfct& ^ Y BUILDING | I DECEMBER 30 ' IM .. 75 Cents, g I Trip Tickets To 11 4TER RESORTS / H ON SALE | jH| o April 30th, 1923. Hj ist tickets are on sale daily \HHB 30, 1023, from- principal flni f in winfor lern State?. Also Havana] ^BHME ning until June 15, 1023. littcU at any and all poinjP^|T i within the final limit or M A 3onductor. ^ 1, Pullman reservations, etc. h Railway ticket agent or [H 1 COTNER, . H HI 'assenger Agent, I < irtanburg, S. C. \ H