The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, September 04, 1922, Image 1

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m Abbeville Press and Banner ! . . || Established 1844. $2.00 Year. Tri-Weekly Abbeville, S. C., Monday, September 4, 1922 Single Copies. Five Cents. 78th Year. ? & CITY SCHOOLS OPEN SEPT. f BOTH WHITE AND COLORED WILL OPEN AT 9 O'CLOCK FRIDAY MORNING.?LIST OF TEXT BOOKS TO BE USED AND ASSIGNMENT OF TEACHERS The City schools of Abbeville, botl white and colored will open at 9:0( a. m. Friday, September 8. Thp rvunnulsorv attendance law re quires the regular attendance of all children between the ages of 8 and 14. There is also a state law which requires successful vaccination againsl small pox of every child who is enrolled in the public schools of the state. This law was strictly enforcec last fall, so with the exception ol pupils who have moved to Abbeville since that time, pupils entering the first grade will be the only ones tc be vaccinated. It is advised thai these beginners be vaccinated al once so that a probability of sore arm3 will we removed before the lit tie folk begin their first school work AH girls entering the first grade will report to bke room in Mrs. W D. Barksdale's home used last ses' sion. while the boys will come tc the graded school. This arrangement will be changed as soon as the nev high school is completed, which cer tainly will not be later than Janu ary 1. All last year's first grade that were promoted will come to the gradec school building as will all othei grades through the fifth. The third grade at the Abbevillt M ill tfrill Ai?niimr f Va natt XTJL 1 Lk tJVifVVl TT 111 VVWW|/J blib UV II classroom recently fitted up in th? old auditorium of the Mill school building and the first grade will oc cupy one of the down stairs rooms in that building. It is hoped that all of the text books to be used will be in stock a Speed's by opening date. A grea many are already in stock and pa trons are urged to purchase th< books as soon as they are certain o the grades in which their childrei will be. All those pupils who noli promotion cards know that they wil be promoted. .Those who were con ditioned have been notified of th< results of their special examinations Colored Schools. The lines set two years ago to de termine which children will atteni each of the three colored school remain as they were. In the ease of the Poplar Grov school the following arrangement i necessary because of increased en rollment: Grades 1 and 2 and th teachers of these grades will not r? port ta Poplar Grove until 12:30 j m. and will begin school at 12:45 j m. Grades 3 and 4 with their teacli ers will be dismissed at 12:45 unt 4 p. m. The third and fourth grade from 9 a. m. until 12:45 p. m. Thi arrangement applies only to Popla Grove -School. The hours and pre gram at Grace Mission and Harris burg remain as they have been. Vaccination will be enforce a. 1 SUltwj ill me CUIU1 eu stuuui aa nc as in the white schools. Teachers. The following1 assignment c teachers will be made: First grades Misses Rosabel Brown, Kathlee Boyl.ston and Iola Saye; secon grades: Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Miss< Mary Anderson and Rachel McMa: ter; third grades: Misses May Rol ertson, Ruth Howie and Mrs. Ros Morse; fourth grades: Misses Jar Hough and Mary Hill; fifth grad< Misses Eunice Felkel, Annie Thoma Julia Williams; sixth grades: Missi Jimmie Crowley and Lucy Littl< seventh grades: Misses Annie Hi and Ila Wright. Supt. J. D. Ful Principal A. R. Hafner, F. E. Han son. Jr., Misses Edna Bradley ar A!ph:t Bolt will teach in the hig school. Tuition. The board of trustees have d (Continued on Page Four) FRANK B. DuPRE BURIED HERE SATURDAY Body Reached Abbeville Frida; i Night and Interment Wai At Long Cane Cemetery ( The body of Frank B. DuPre wh< was hanged in Atlanta at 2:0' ' o'clock Friday for the killing of Irb; C. Walker, a Pinkerton detective ) arrived in Abbeville Friday nigh over the Seaboard Air Line at 1.2' o'clock and was met at the statioi ^ by a large number of friends of thi I family and relatives of the deceased The body was accompanied fron Atlanta by his father, Frank DuPre I a brother, Joe DuPre, Mr. and Mrs I J. E. Peek, Mrs. C. T. Osborn am Rev. C. J Tyler of Sandersville, Ga The remains were carried to th< home of his aunt, Mrs. J. C. Cox, 01 Lemon street. During the morninj hours a constant stream of peopl I called. The floral tributes from At . lanta were many and beautiful. / C ' 1--1J -4. 4.1.., snore service was neiu ai, tuc h\jin I | Saturday at 1 o'clock by Rev. H. I Weeks of the Baptist church, as sisted by Rev. C. J. Tyler, an evange I list of the North Georgia Confer ence. The Baptist choir sang "Near er My God to Thee," and "Jesu Lover of My Soul." By special re [ quest Miss Fanny Stark and Mia Vic Howie sang a duet: "My Moth ers' Prayers Have Followed Me." The burial was at Long Cane cem ^ etery. His grave was by the side o: his mother, who died three years ago She was Miss Nannie Schroeder, an< married Frank DuPre of Charleston He and one son, Joe DuPre, survive I Joe DuPre was stationed at Archan > I j gel, Russia, during the war, and wa: released from the U. S. Navy to tr: to help his brother Frank when hi got into this trouble. 'r Frank B. DuPre was 19 years ol< the 16th of August. His face wa: I calm in death. After the simple ser vice at the cemetery, the new madi grave was covered with flowers an< no sign of earth could be seen. Attending the funeral from a dis ^ tance were the following: Mr. ani j. Mrs. J. E. Peek, Frank DuPre, th father, Joe DuPre, the brother, o Atlanta; Mrs. W. R. Hatcher o ^ Townville; Mrs. G. E. Martin of A1 1 lanta; J. A. Schroeder of Spencei ^ N C., Mrs. Raymond Owen of Chai j leston, Rev. C. J. Tyler and Mrs. C T. Osborn of Atlanta e I. COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS The Court of General Sessions cor * vened this morning with Judge Hayn s F. Rice, of Aiken, presiding. Solic: tor handed up a number of ir e dictments, which the Judge explaine s to the grand jury, instructing thei "{to proceed to the consideration c ei these indictments, and indicating ths he would charge them later with r< gard to their general duties. Mo: of the indictments handed up had t l~ do with violation of the liquc il1 11 laws. s Only one case was tried during tfc s morning, that of The State vs D. I r Barton, 'changed with assaitt an battery with intent to kill. Barto it is charged drove an automobi! while intoxicated, striking Mr. W. 1 ^ Boyd. Not being present he wi ^ tried in his absence and found euill of simple assault and battery. The grand jury returned a tri ' bill against Adams Carwford To Craw-ford and Mariah Ware charge ^ with transporting liquor. Ada Craw-ford is on trial as we go 1 ;s press. s3 (a FIRST BALE OF COTTON le The first bale of cotton was ginm c and sold on the streets of Abbevil * I ?s this morning for 24 cents. The co a; ton was raised on the farm of Owe 1] Speed by Jim Sampbell and was so pt to C. D. Jackson, local cotton buye i- and graded as strict middling. Th id is the first bale of this year's cott( rft to be offered on the market, and tl fact that it brought 24 cents is e cuuraging. Owen Speed bought tl e- McFall land near the city some yea _ ago, and has a model up-to-da '(GERMANY GRANTED "A ' RELIEF SHE ASKED ^ EFFECT OF DECISION TAKES Off 1 REPARATION QUESTION OUT < Y OF HANDS OF COMMISSION ? MAKES IT MATTER OF NE- , t GOTIATION. 1 7 1 Paris, Sept. 2.?The French cabi- < 0 net today simply "took cognizance" of " of the decision of the reparations wic 1 on the German moratorium ques' tion, -neither approving nor disap^ proving it. It specifically reserved P01 however, "entire liberty of action" S?^ in case later developments made les: other action necessary *ra i i The cabinet held that inasmuch * as no moratorium had been granted roa of Germany it could only "recognize" , r til 6 i the situation but it insisted that a Sei . conference should be called, attend? anc ed by "all the allies without excep- , ^ ten tion" at which the questions of interafllied <M>ts and reparations , for _ should be fully considered. ^ Premier Poincare was won over s to the settlement yesterday only af- nej - ter the definite statement had been str s circulated in allied circles that indo- ^r? I 3 ? v.. H?i*AnAA oiMinct - ]/eilUt3Hli dtliun uy i laavv Germany at the present juncture tej. - would be construed in London gtT f and Rome as nullification of the j . treaty as Versailles. , ^ 1 The first effect of the decision is r0 to take the reparations question out pa| of the hands of the commission for mjj " the present and to make it a mat- the 5 ter for (negotiation direotly between Juc P the Berlin and Brussells govern- we: 2 ments. ing Belgium is left to determine what try guarantees she deems necessary to nai s acceptance of the short term notes. ellj .OLamU 4-*rrrzx rf>Ann+TlM "fflll to I OUVU1U MAC vnv VWM..V. ? agree on the necessary guarantees, in Germany is then required to deposit ?f an unfixed sum of gold with some des ^ foreign bank approved by Belgium. It is said, however, that a speedy 63* agreement will be reached as Herr sar ^ Schroeder, the German spokesman, ing yesterday virtually promised M. De- un [ lacroix, the Belgian representative. ^01 ' that Gemmany would give any et^ , guarantees demanded. ' of The decision also anticipates an > I pa: allied conference in the near future en at Which a reduction of the indemnity to about fifty 'billion gold marks m? and the settlement by cancellation i- of the interallied debts will be under ar( e taken. jg l" The reparations commission prom op l" ises to consider at a later date Ger^ rnany's request for a moratorium of th< n several years duration. This will be he taken up after a new scheme for inj lt radical reform of Germany's finan- pr ces, including the one presented to ge the Berlin government. ha o , The relief granted at the present time is for the purpose of giving the m' commission time in which to com- ca 16 plete the new scheme of reform and ^ r\-P /1QWV- st; ^ uermany uie ui ing it out. n wile *. C. 0. OWENS HAS ACCIDENT m is m . 0. Owens had his hand badly sti mashed in the elevator at the Cotton de e Mill last Friday and lost one of his Ni ^ fingers, the others being badly mashed. Mr. Owens has been at the sh Abbeville Mill for a long time, and is pc known and liked by everyone. He is U a member of Hatch's Band, and d( beats the base drum. la of >d COI. ROCHE ATTENDS FUNCTION fi le - pi it- Col Pat Roche was one of the .*n guests of honor at a dinner given n< Id | yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. ol r, Wilson, of Watts, to their son and his rj lis associates, who have been engaged b< >n during the summer in the office of ai tie the county Highway engineer. Col gi n- Roche was invited he advises, to add th he j dignity and character to the assemb- or rsllage. He says it was the "elegant- pi te'est' dinner he has attended in a long b< time. ish ITORNEY GENERAL PREPARES CASE icials of Government Collecting Complaints of Alleged Disorders o Be Used in Asking For Peruanent Injunction. Men Coming Sack, Says Executives. Chicago, Sept. 3?The beginning the tenth week of the countryle strike of the railway shopmen ind 5,500 United States marshals bolized to uphold the drastic ternary injunction obtained by the rernment on Friday to prevent law> violence and keep the nation's nsportation machine running. ?rom Chicago, as a center of rail d activities, was directed the work enforcing the injunction, pending hearing to make it permanent on )tember 11. A mass of complaints i allegations of conspiracy and atapts to ruin property and jeoplize life were being collected today the use of Attorney General ugherty in support of his applican to make the injunction permait. It will not be alleged that the ikers are guilty in most of the outiaks of violence reported, but the rernment, it was said, will mainn that actions of the strikers and ike leaders caused the violence. Sxtra forces of deputies have been 3rn in by United States Marshal bert R. Levy and are being dis;ched to railroad shops and terlals to watch for acts forbidden by ! order handed down by Federal A 4-V\ Anconrl ?n?l+Q lge TT ilTVCI 3UI1. XX Uiiuuouuu fiiivu re prepared in the federal -build and sent to all parts of the counfor service on the labor leaders j ned in the injunction. B. M. Jew-1 , head of the shopmen, could notj found and it was reported he was I the East. John Scott, secretary the shopmen, remained at his sk ^t the union headquarters. 'I haven't violated any law," he I d. "This organization never did J iction violence. But we are go-j : to carry on the work of the1 ion without fear or tremor, and I n't believe the injunction is intend to restrain us from so doing." Meanwhile three different pictures conditions in railroads were inted by Western executives, govlment officials and union leaders. "We are moving the business; our in are coming back to work in incasing numbers, general conditions 2 steadily improving and the strike broken," was the consensus of inion of the executives. Federal officials engaged compiling e lists of acts of violence for the aring on making permanent the junction, pointed to the petition esented in court by the attorney neral, in which he declared that If the locomotivves in the country d been tampered with and that jre than 1,000 mail trains had been ncelled. Union officials reiterated previous itements that if the strike continu! the railways would be paralyzed thin 30 days. In connection with the appointent during the past two days of arshals and deputies, the following atute was cited by officials of the apartment of justice, being Section umber 788: "The marshals and their deputies all have in each state the same >wer in executing the laws of the nited States as sheriffs and their ;puties in such state may have by w in executing the laws thereof." Still further explaining the power the chitf executive, federal of:ials quoted a decision by the su eme court, as follows: "So if the president or the attor?y General is advised that the mails : the United States, possibly car'ing treasure, are liable to be robid and the mail carriers assaulted id murdered in any particular reon if the country, who can doubt ic authority of the president or of le of the executive departments to ovide a sufficient guard whether it > liv cnlfJiors nf the armv or bv mar lals of the United States." PROF. LUECO GUNTER | DIED AT HIS HOME I Friday Night After Long Illness. Was Graduate of University and Furman Professor. Greenville, Sept. 2.?Prof Lueco < Gunter, for the past two years head of the department of education at Furman and formerly professor of pegagogy at the University of South Carolina, died at his home here this afternoon shortly after 3 o'clock after having been unconscious since Monday. With him at the time of j his death were Dr. W. J. McGloth- < lin, presiident of Furman, Prof. H. T. Cox, dean of Furman, and 'two sister, Mrs. Arthur Boyde, of Wagener and Mrs. E. W. Able of Saluda. j Professor Gunter alias 43 years ( of age. He was a native of Wagener having been born near that place March, 11. 1879. He attended the common school in Aiken county, attended high school at JJlackville, then was a student at the University of South Carolina, beinggraduafoH T* A /Iaotoa Wo A member of the Baptist church at . the age of 15. Following his graduation he became superintendent of Beaufort high school. Three years , later he became superintendent of the schools at Rock Hill, After this he was supervisor of rural schools for the state of South Carolina, re- , maining in this position unt'l about two years ago when he became head of the department of education at tFurman. During his stay in Columbia he taugh pedagogy in the University of South Carolna. NEGRO FIREMAN KILLED .Tnlfp Rrirlcrp. a necro fireman on I the Seaboard Air Line was crushed to death this morning about 10 o'clock in the round house .it the shops. Bridges was wiping lis engine from inside, and leaning out of the window when caught between the engine and one of the pillars of the round house. He was instantly killed. Bridges was an Abbeville negro, and had been employed as a fireman by the Seaboard for many years. He was a regular fireman for 1 Engineer 0. L. Jackson, and was in the wreck some months ago at Long Cane trestle with Mr. Jackson, when one freight ran into another at the siding. He jumped into a bbriar patch on the side of the road, and while injured he was not beyond repair. He made a cash settlement with the road recently and had purchased a new automobile. Bridges was about 65 years old and lived on the poor house road. An inmioot woe hold at 1 ;30 this after noon over the body, and the verdict of the Jury was: "We find that the said Jake Bridges came to his death by having his head (Crushed betweenj a, concrete column and engine, while same was being brought out of the round house, caused by his own carelessness." MISS GANN TAKES REST Miss Gann closed the local Western Union telegraph office this morning, bought a pint of ice cream, and went home to take a much deserved day of rest. The office was opened again this afternoon at four o'clock. CLARENCE ALLEN AT HOSPITAL Clarence Allen is at the Abbeville Hospital this afternoon and will bbe operated on soon for appendicitis. Mr. Allen is a brother of "Pitcher Allen' so well known in Abbeville among: the base ball fans. ' MR. C. C. WALLACE HERE Mr. C. C. Wallace was in Ab-1 hcville several days last week look ing after the shipping of his household goods to Kinards where he is now making his home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace lived here for over a year and had rooms at the house of Mr. C. A. Haigler on North Main street. SOHON ESTIMATE I IS 10,575,000 BALES J iOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA SHOW LOWEST CONDITION REPORTS?YIELD FOR STATE ESTIMATED AT 687,000 BALES. , || COTTON CONDITION 57. Washington, Sept. 1*?A reduc;ion of 874,000 bales of this year since the forecast of a month ago Was shown in the department of agriculture's September cotton report issued today forecasting the tota4 crop at 10,575,000 bales. The condition of the crop declined 13.8 points ^ during August as compared with an average decline of 7.7 points in | the previous ten years, the condition having been 57.0 per cent of normal on Ausrust 25 compared with 70.8 on July 25. This year's cotton crop was fore- * ij cast today at 10.-575,000 ibales by the department of agriculture being ,i its estimate on the condition of the J crop on August 25 which was 57.0 1 per cent., 145.2 pounds per acre. j There was a decline of 13.8 points in the condition during August. The condition of the crop on Aug 4 25 and the forecast of production by states follow. Virginia, condition 68, forecast, 23 000 bales. North Carolina. 63 and 750.00(X. South Carolina, 46 and 687,00. Georgia. 44 and 968,000. ?i .% n i n 4 AAA Monaa, ou ana Z4,uuu. Alabama. 60 and 826.000. Mississippi 60 and 1,003,000. ''j3 (Louisiana. 60 and 414.000. Texas, 59 and 3,644,000. 'J Arkanses 63 and 9 9i000.. ' Jj Tennessee. 65 and 278.000. Missouri. 70 and 76.000. Oklahoma. 53 and 786.000. 'California. 91 andl30.000. Arizona. 87 and 55.000. New1 Mexico. 85 and 21.000. California forecast includes 79,- /. 000 bales from Lower California which are not included in United ;4 States total. . . ? In a special report, in response to a senate resolution the department of agriculture announced the acreage of cotton abandoned between June 25 and August 25 amounted to 367,000 acres or 1.1 per cent of -j the area in cultivation June 25 leav34,4j5.000 aavs in cultivation on August 25. "As the condition figure of the regular September 1 cotton report is affected by the acreage abandonment," said the department's state lIIClll) 1IVI auuiwvuai uwuuwivu ,o| the abandonment here shown need be made from the present forecast J of 10.575,000. bales based upon the August 25 condition figure an th? acreage in cultivation on June 25, oo-. The cotton acreage abandoned between June, 25 and August, 25. and the acreage remaining in cultivation August 25 by states was announced as follows. Virginia 2.000 abandoned and 49,00 in cultivation. North Carolina, 14.000 and 1.-. 587..000 South Carolina 33.000 and 2,197, , 000. ' } Georgia 124.000 and 4.005.000. Florida, 4,000 and 118,000. Alabama 12.000 and 2.983.000. Mississippi 22.000 and 3.178.000. Louisiana, 24,000 and 1,287,000. Texas 62.000 and 2.833.000 Tennessee 5.000 and 814.000. Missouri 0.3 per cent and 156.000. Oklahoma 43.000 and 2.797.000. Califirnia none and 210.000. Arizona, none and 105.000. I New Mexico 2.000 and 44.000. . NO COTTON MARKET Today is labor day and a rational holiday. There was no cotton market; but Owen Speed was able to sell a bale on the local market for 24 cents. \ ; J