The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 14, 1870, Image 1

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L.L.. ' " '' -gaa^-'- -I- 'i'TOJi. i III- ? THE ABBEVILLE PRESS AND BANNER. BY W. A. LEE AND HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., FRIDAY. JANUARY 14, 1S70. vnrnvrr wrr ? ~ FRESH ARRIVALS | ; > 1 ? AT PllY'S DRUG STORE! DON'T FORGET THE PLACE At the Sign of the EMPORIUM OP FASHION. DARBY'S CARMINATIVE. EXCELlknt for B il'ica; Polish io ni=ike Roan : Homr Rmn Bitler*, Philotoken, Benzine, Chlorodine, Blistering Tissue, Chamoise Skins, Rati way's Resolvent, R?*ady Relief and Pills ami a thousand other articles?jII having different names, but equally useful to perons who have need of them. * i Woman's Best Friend. BRADFIELD'S REGULATOR, for ale i>y W. T. PENNEY. Price $1.50 per bottle. Call and get a circular frne, learn of its nierit.j from the testimony of those who have used it. Heinitsh's Queen's Deliglit. THE Crowninc Glory of Medicine and wouder of euicnce, lor sale by W. T. PENNEY. Price $1 00 per bottle. Darby's Prophylactic Fluid. THE most powerful disinfectant known Cures Burn <, and Running Sorex, remove* Stains and destroys all Animal aud Vege. table- Poisions, for side by \V. T. PENNEY. Price 50 c??nt*. Dli. MILLER'S HOUSEHOLD BLESSING For sale at $1.00 per bottle, by W. T. PENNEY. November 12, 18C9?20?if Notice to Persons Suffering with Asthma. A SOVEREIGN remedy is found in the Green Mountain Asthma euro, prepared by Dr. J. II. Guilil, Rupert, Yer wont, sud for Bale by W. T. PENNEY. PnV* A9 nn i\a*> ALSO.J Leidy's Blood Pills. Ad excel!? '. form in which to litke extrxct of ?ar??|iurilJN. They have i>cen tested and found good l>y percona la-re. C^ll and get a few boxes and try tbem. Price 25c per box. -For sale by W. T. PENNEY. Nov. 26, 1869, 31?tf GREENWOOD MALE and FEMALE INSTITUTE. Greenwood, S. CUndor tbo charge of JAS. L. LESLY, Principal, W. P. McKellar, A. M. Ass't. MRS. BELLE WOODHURST, Instructress in Primary Department. MBS. FANNIE GILT.AM, Instructress in Music. TIIE Board of Trustoea lake pleasure in announcing to tin* public the orgunizition of this Institution on a jiernia nent basis, with a full and able corps of Tetcliers. The Exercises will begin on th? 2d MONDAY iu January next. Boarding tuny be had in the best families at from $12.00 to $15 00 per month. For farther particulurs address W. K. BLAKE, Sec, Board of Trustees. Dec. 17, 1869, 34, tf DENTISTRY W1L G. lABDLAW, 11)., D. D. 8.! Office over Dr. Parker's Drug Store. ^ Abbeville C. H., 8. C. February 26, 1869, 44, tf Phoenix Iron Works, Columbia, S. C., WsitS & Kind, Propriete ALL kind* of Mill Cub tings, {Saw acd Grist, Roiling* for Houms, Gardena, Grave Yards Sugar M lie, Boiler*, Machine Work* and Agricultural Implements manufactured. We nauufacture the Brooks Revolving Cotton Press. Orders ara no I i? i??rl ?n<( ?? cbaap termi. M. "GOLDSJiiTHr" Oct. 29, 1869, )2m] M. KIND $2*?.?0 Reward! ?' "*' ?* ' I ^ i ff - ' iii >. jv? t /s ' ' y i ? ',. AND bo question* aaked, for the recovr my-- J#-'-*'- ttOUD WATCH and CHAIN, lartop Monday eyeniBg, at Abbeville C. II. Apply at the Mahthall Hoost. #0-. & feK1-5IA> > .a . GEORGE, Mc^CA^A. NofwnhM^fl, 18M^tl?r^ * j?o.l 71/07 lo torr'A srli sW Btantlh>|g^^41bla0Wa^ Sl^ ikiiimrflj t .'; * ? ,Ti - ' to;?; ,i i a* f ' 1 . i . . .. E,. .. COTTON SEED. Bushels "Dickson's Se*3v./v>7 led" warranted genuine COTTON SEED, for ealo by TROWBRIDGE & CO. Dec. 31, 1869, 36-tf TROWBRIDGE & CO. ARE now preparod to furnish tho following Fertilizers: Peruvian Guano, Baugh's Haw Bono Phosphate, Rhode's Super Phos. of Lime, Soluble Pacific Guano, Whiteloek'H Vegetator, Compound Acid Phosphate. All of which will be sold at manufacturer's Prices, freight addod. WHANN'S Rawbone Super-Phosphate of Lime. The Great Fertilizer for Cotton and all Crops! HAVING boon appointed Sole Agent for the abovo Fertilizer, for this State 1 take great pleasure in recommending it as being 0110 of the best manures for cotton and all crops. It having been thoroughly tested side by side with the first class fertilizers, proved itself to be the best in holding the fruit and in the yield. The planters and far mo I'd generally are res pcetfully solicited to give it a trial. I will be moat happy to fill all orders entrusted to me at this place and promptly execute the same. E. COWAN. Doc. 31, 1SCS, 3G?tf DISSOLUTION OF~ Copartnership. HUE co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned in the name of "Jno. Kpox & Co.," has this day been dissolved by nut-1 tual consent. JNO. KNOX. J. J. CUNNINGHAM. Dec 24,1869, 35- tf Wando and Etiwan FERTILIZERS. Agency at Augusta, Ga. WE have now a supply of the?e cele. brated Fertilizer?. Experience ha* proven tln-m superior to P?-ruviaii Guano for the climate?they sustain and do not hum up the plant in a long drought. Having for their base the famous Phos piiatic matter and manufactured by our own citizen* of wdUknown integrity, I their purity and value is guaranteed. Stovall & Rowland, Agents, Augusta, Ga. Dec. 24. 1869, 35?Ira bacon; LARD, corn, lW/ll AMiVlUrtJlSUO 9 VbVi Hbds c. r. sides, I1I1DS. PKIME SHOULDERS. Cn-ks Sugar Cured riAMS. Tierces Leaf LARD, Mu?covado, Clayed, Cuba, and S. II. molasses, New OrlcnitP, Silver Drip aud B?e Ilive SYRUT. 75 Barrd* FLOUR, assorted. 100 Sack* Liverpool SALT, MEAL, HOMINY and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, With a full flpporiment of everything in the GROCEUY LINE. Besides, nAT8, CAPS. SHOES. OSNA BURGS. HOMESPUNS. TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY. SPADES. SHOV ELS, AXES and HARDWARE generally, for sale at the loweM figures by Norwood, DuPre & Co. Dec. 81, 1869, 86, tf FREE TICKET To The Show ! r ! i . - '.'.I ' ! 1 ' ' Hi ALL peraont indebted to the ftnbscriber will "do well" to call and settle or tbey will receifff * free ticket to the eliow which opened, iby the "E?Squire" or iue Tillage. . gg t : y April 3D, i8Sy,T, it naiih sftf. /^PRTAIN Voub mid'Ac*?nntt. bei?i)gh>t y to tbo fiiMi of Dr. Iti K. Greatly, ctoc'd, is?,*! tipd?n4gMd /jr <olt .tad**. ; ? \i iz .iv u, # .. '<? ' ? . Premium List Constitution and Officei of the Aaaeville Agricultural Society 1870. Field Crops. For tlie greatest produc.ion of cottoi on ono aero of land, with tho mod of preparation, amount and kind < manure US'd, variety of cotton, tim of planting, mode of cultivation an cost of production. The measure mcnt of land and weight of cotton t be vouched for by affidavit $1( For tho greatest production of cottoi on five acres of land with tho mod of preparation, amount and kind c manuro used, variety of cotton /? ?i .mm ui jiuinimg, mocio of ctiltiva tion, and cost of production. Th measurement of hind and weight c cotton to be vouched for by affidavit $15 For the greatest production of cottoi on ten acres, with the modo c preparation, amount and kind c manuro used, variety of cotton time of planting, mode of cullivatioi and cost of production. Tho meat: uremcnt of land and weight of cot ton to bo vouched for by affidavit 92(1 For the greatest production of con on one aero of upland, same requi sition as above, $1C For the greatest production of con ^ _ H " on uvu acres 01 upland same requi Bi lions as above 81G For the greatest production of con on one acre of bottom land sunn requisitions as above, SIC For the greatest production of con on five acres bottom land same req uisitions as above, $15 For the greatest production of whea on one acre of upland, same requi sit ions as above ?10 For the greatest production of barloj on one acre, same requisitions a above, $10 For the greatest production of rye 01 one acre, same requisitions as above $10 For tho greatest production of oati I on one acre, same reouisitions m above, 610 For tho best bushel of wheat, rye oats, or barley, each, $5 Best bushel of sweet potatoes, 83 Best bushel of Irish potatoes, 83 I Best bushel of field peas, with sample in tho hull, ;..$3 Best bushel of ground peas, 83 Best bushel of turnips. 93 Best barrel of flour, 85 Beet half bushel of carrots, 82 Best peck of onions, 82 Best half doxen cabbage heads, 82 Boat half bushel of mangel wurzel, 82 Two largest pumpkins, 81 Best half bushel of buckwheat, 82 Half dozen stalks of cotton with tlu greatest number of bolls, 82 Best bale of cotton not less than 401 | jjuuuuh, ?10 2d beet bulo of cotton not less thai 400 pounds, 85 Beat bale of wool, not less than 10( pounds, $10 Best bale of native hay, not less tluir 300 pounds, $5 Beat bale of clover hay, not less that 300 pounds, $5 Best bale of curcd pea vines $5 Beat half bushel of grass seed, witl a bundle of the grass, 82 Best bushel of rough riec, with j sheaf, 83 Horses. j Best stallion open to the world,...810 j Best stallion 3 years old and upwards I District raised, $10 Best stallion 2 years old, Districl I J I raiseu, 85 J Best gelding 3 years old and upwards District raised, $10 Best gelding 2 years old, District raised ?! Best Filly 2 years old, District raised 8? Best 1 j'ear old colt, horse or filly District iaised, ; & Best mare and colt, both raised in th< District, $1( Best mare and colt, colt foaled in th( District, $? Best colt, District raised, Best pair of carriage horses open t< the world, 81< Best pair of carriage horses, Districi raised, $1< 2d best pair carriage horses, Districi raised, * Best pair car lage mares, Districi VAioa/1 ' *movuj { < *i< 2d best pair ( ^riage mares, Distric raised, ....$5 Bent single buggy horee, open to th< world, $1< Best saddle horse open to the world * ,J1< #est saddle pony,, not oyot, 14; hand high, to be ridden by a boy.........81 Beat fct^^, h9^,,pttUlot raised, fl< 2d beat buggy horse, District raised ? ... ...f. ; rtj Jacks. and Mules. f,Vi Z Beat Jack standing in the DistriH .i.'. , ' $| Best male raided in the District,...?$1 feest mule Syears old, raised in f th Best male 2 years old, raised in th Bast mule 1' yfcai?fe>ld, raited -in th h?' " ? | .v'u.-'h: *!h / XV .! v l t4 s lioBt mulo colt,..., $S Beat pair carriage mules 88 c Cattle. Best Devon bull, ovor 3 years old,...88 Best Devon bull 3 years old, 85 Best Devon bull 2 years old 85 jJ Best Devon bull 1 year old, 85 Best Dovoa cow over three years old, ? 88 Best Devon heifor, 3 years old, 85 Best Devon heifer, 2 years old, 85 j Best Devon heifer one year old, 85 Ayrcshires?saruo promiums as for Devous ^ Durliams?same premiums as for Dovons. Grades?Open to So. Ca. c Same premiums as for Dcvons. In this class are included all uattle known as common stock. ' For the best milch cow, to bo milked n on the ground, 85 Best yoke of oxon, 85 1 Best fatted beef, $5 [\ Sheep?Open to So. Ca. .. Bc>-t Mori no buck, $3 Boat Merino ewe nnd lamb, ?3 Cotswold?same premiums as for l_ Merinos. ? South Downs?s?mo premiums as for i_ Merinos. i_ Grades, same premiums as for Merinos. 1 Swine?Open to So. Ca. Best Essex boar. S3 Best Essex sow, $2 1 c Best |mil* of |Essex pigs, $3 Best Berkshire boar ?-1 Best Berkshire ?ow. 3 Best pair of Berkshire pigs*. 3 Best Chester County hoar, 3 ' Best Choster County sow, 3 Best pair of Chester County pigs,...3 Best Suffolk boar, 3 Best Suffolk sow, 3 f Best pair of Suffold pigs.. 3 J Best gi ade boar, 3 Best grade sow, 3 Best pair of grade pigs, 3 S ' Poultry. * Best pair of turkeys, |1.50 5 Best pair of ducks 1 50 * Bc?t pair of geese 1.50 ' Best pair of fowls 1-50 ' I Best pair of game fowls 1.50 Best coop of fowls 1.50 > Manufactures Wood, Tin, and Iron. Best Wardrobe, Side-board, or Bureau, cacb made in the District, Medal. Best half dozen split bottom chairs, Medal Best well bucket, ironed, Medal. Best tub, pail and piggin, Medal. Best half dozen brooms, Medal. Best family carriage, Silver Medal. * Best buggy, with or without top, Silver Medal. A. D!1 r 1 * j j ^ uwtao nngun, oiiver iueuui, | j Best 2 horso wagon, Silver Medal. Beat 1 horse wagon, Silver Medal. Best ox yoke, $2 [ Best 1 horse cart, 2 Best wheel barrow, 2 Best cotton drill, raedal. Best 2 horse turning plow, 3 Best subsoil plow, 3 BcBt collection of plough moulds, rned! al. Best single horse plow stock, 83 , Best club axe, 2 " Best hatchet, 2 Best broad axe, 2 Best grain cradle, 3 Best collection of tin ware, 3. Best half dozen hampers 3 liest bow baskets, 2 t Leather?of District Manufacture. ' Best 3 Bides solo leather, medal. t Best 3 sides upper leather, medal, j Best 3 sides harness leather, Medal. Best 3 sides calf, goat, and sheep skins, } modal. Best pair carriago harness, silver ^ medal. j Best pair of buggy harness, silver > medab j Best Gentleman's saddle, silver medal. > Best riding bridle, $2 t Best set wagon harness?4 horso 3 > Best set wagon harnoss?2 horse 3 ) Best set of plough gear complete,...2 t Best 6 blind bridles for plantation,...2 > Best 6 brogans, 2 t Best pair of dress boots, 3 > Best pair of water proof boots, 3 t Best pair of dress shoes, 2 } Domestic Manufactures-of the \ District. 3 Best pair woolon blankets,..j v$2 j Boat 10 yards kerseys, 2 Best 10 yards woolon carpeting, 2 j Beat 6 yards woolen jeans,.,.. 2 s Best cotton and shuck matresses.*....2 - Best 6 wool hats,. ...........2 ^ Beit 6 shuck eollar8r....................2 * Best counterpane woolen and cotton 2 ? Best vest patterns, woolen And silk,..2 Be*-t G woolen sooki,^.....,.............2 Best 6 pair, cotton Books,. .2 '? Best half dozen cotton plough lines, 2 ^' Best fly bru bis....... 3....................... 2 Best 5 Tailoring?Open to tho -....j; . -'JW S Best specimen Of eewing sHk,........*3 .W.Vjsj'.-'V# H.-iiv -.1 , r; '. * .. 4%' * 3cst made geutloman's suil, cloth, medal. Patch, Crotchet and Needle Work. Boat patch work quilt, Bilk, 3 Best patch work quilt, cotton, 3 i 2d best patch work quilt, silk, 3 2 best patch work quilt, cotton, 31 Best imitation Marseilcs quilt, 3 Best raised work quilt, 3 Bost silk comfort, 3 Best worsted comfort, 3 Best velvet comfort, 3 Best cotton comfort, 3 Best piano covor, 3 Best Ottomau and foot stovo covei*, each 3 Best worked collar, 3 Best worked handkerchief, 3 j 9.1 !...? ' 1 ' " uvjou wunvi'u uanoKercinct, 3 j Best pair of undersloevcB, 3 Best infant's dross, 3 Best Chemisette, 3 Best Petticoat, 3 Best pair candlc mats. 3 | Best crocket shawl, 3 I Best epecimcn of needle work, 3 Wax, Hair and Shell Work. Best collection of wax work, 2 Best collection of hair work 2 Best collection of shell work, 2 Painting. Best oil painting, medal. Best painting in water colors, $2 ! Best Grecian painting, 2 j Best Crayon drawing, 2 jicst spccimcn of penciling, 2 Best specimen of graining, 2 Household Department. Best jar of lard not less than 10 lbs. uicdal Best jar of butter, not less than 10 lbs. medal. Best Carolina Cheese, medal. Best domestic soap, not less than 10 lbs. medal. Best toilet soap, not less than 3 lbs, Medal. Best jar of preserves, jam or bottle of catsup, each, medal. . Best lialf bushel of dried apples, Peaches or Quinces, each, modal. Best can hermetically sealed fruit, medal. Best gallon Chinese syrup, medal. Beet two sides of bacon, from District raised hogs, 3 Best cooked ham, 3 n~~?. I ijcdu npui'iuicD corn ucet, 3 Best specimen dried beef, 3 Best loaf wheat bread, 2 2d beat loaf of wheat bread, 2 Best loaf of corn bread, 2 Best pound cake 3 Best sponge cako, 3 Best honey, not less than 10 lbs 3 Best collection of vegetables, 3 Best boquet of roses, 2 Best molasses or sugar candy, 2 Best crystalized fruit,....- 2 Native "Wines, Apples, &c. Best bottle of grape wine $3 Best bottle of blackberry wine 3 Best bottlo of muBCadino wino 3 Best bottle of grape brandy 3 Best specimon of table apples, 1 dozen as a sample 3 Best drum of Native Figs 3 Special Premiums. For the greatest commendable variety of products grown and exhibited by any one planter, including stock and field crops, and other articlos $20 For tho greatest net income to the hand, vouched for by tho employer, the premium to be awarded the frcedman?a silver watch. Articles not Enumerated. As many articles of merit in the various departments of labor, &c., which are not specially provided for in t.Ko T.%?* " ... ...V J.1VU1IUUI -uIOI, lUtiy uu prcsontod for exhibition and premiums, a Committee on Miscellaneous Articles will be appointed to examine and re port upon, and award premiums upon all such articles worthy of premiums. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Section 1. The officers of this Socioty shall bo a President, yice-Presidenfc, Treasurer, Corresponding and Recording Secretaries, who shall be elected by tho Society at its regular annually meeting, and who, together with twelve members, to be appointed by the President, shall constitute an Executive Committee, v any five of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. Bar TT Th? ?<IW?viviiv oiictu prv side at All meetings of the Society and the Executive Committee, And; award all prominms in aeoordaoce with the decision of the various committees.(i . Sao. IIIV. The Vice^Preaidqnt ^MJ preside in the absenco^of $he dent, and in the absenoe of both President and -k Yk^President a; pressing officer shall be eleoted;by.. theJEicqcutive Cpmpattee. of which^eahiU^qfc be neoefsarily p member.^. ajtSfiaa< S^IT.^Ihe ^^toaSfcget^. hall keep a reoord of the proceedings '&h m : *i - ' . \ membora' names classified as annual, life and porpctnal; supply the nocessary books and stationary to tlio Elxocutivo Coiinmitteo, and superintend the nrinfinr?V oil ~2 ? J 1? vi Ull U1UUUI I VIJUU't'U LU Uf published. It shall bo the duty of tho Corresponding Secretary to assist tho! Recording Secretary, and to conduct all correspondence abroad. Sec. Y. Tho Treasurer shall roc.eivo all feos and monies, disburse nothing except upon an order of tho Presiding Officer, and shall mako an annual report to tho Society of his receipts and expenditures, and tho financial coudition of tho Society. Sec. VI. Tho Kxecutivo Commit too shall appoint tho timo of holding i the annual fairs, call spocial moctings of tho Society, and publish such rules and regulations as are to bo obsorvod during Fair week. This Committee shall assemble at the call of the President. ARTICLE II. Section' I. Any person may become an annual moubcr to this Society by paying two dollars; a life member by paying ten dollars, and a perpetual member by paying twenty dollars. Sec. II. Annual membership entitles the member to free access to the Fair Grounds during the Fair AVeek, and to exhibit articles free of charge life membership confers tho same privileges upon tho member and his wife and perpetual membership confers the same upon tho member, his wife and his minor children. Sec. III. An}' person not a member shall paj- one dollar upon each article exhibited and twenty-five cents admittance each day during the continuance of the Fair. ARTICLE III. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a majority of the members present at any regular meeting of tho Society, notice of which alteration or amendment must bo served upon tho Executive Committee, at least thirty days before any regular or called meeting of the Societ}'. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. President?D. W. Aiken. Vice President?C. T. Haskell. Treasurer?F. A. Connor. Corresponding Secretary?J. S. Cothran. Recording Secretary?W. A. Lee. Executive Committee.?A. M. Aiken, R. A. Griffin, M. C. Taggart, D. M. Ro;ors, J. M. Lati-mer, G. M. Mattison, G. M. Hodges, G. McD. Miller, W. H. Parker, and W. Joel Smith, II. TV. Lawson, James iiogcrs, jr., W. T. Ilciiderson, C. A. Ellis, James Pratt, I. D. Guillard, J. F. Calhoun, P. L. Guillcbcau, James IT. Wideman, James A. Rccd, M. B. McGhee, Cat Corley, J. E. Brownlee, Samuel Y. Hester. The Rural Carolinian.?Colonel D. Wyatt Aiken, one of the leading planters of this State, has become associated with Mesrs. Walker, Evans & Cogswell as joint proprietor of this valuable agricultural monthly. In his notice announcing the connection, Colonel Aiken says: "In thus unitiner mj'solf with the enterprising firm of Mesre. Walker, Evans &Cogswell, more than a single motive will of course be laid at my door; but chief amongst the inducements isau earnest desire to lend a helping hand to develop and publish i the developments of our beloved South. Whatever of agricultural advantages I may have gained after a practical plantation oxperienco of near twenty years, shall bo given to the Rural for the bo ?efit of others." Messrs. Walker, Evans & Cogswell stato that Colonel Aiken "will dovote his time to travelling through tho Southern States gathering pratieal information from all sections for the benefit of our readers, enlisting corres puuuuuis, esiaonsmng agencies and extending our subscription list." The January number of The Rural Carolinian has intrinsic merit raroly equalled, and must secure a favorable consideration for the new firm. Among the contents we especially notice the articles on Fish Culture, Liebig and Agricultural Chomistry, Facts and Figures for Farmers, Agriculture of Russia, the Sea Island Cotton Question, and The Culture of the Olive?all of which are first-class articles of practical-interest, and evidently written by men thorughly conversant with the subjects of whioh they treat. The illustrations of this number are numerous and handsome, and in appearance, as well as iripontents, the January number of T&e"'Kuril Carqliniabcah~lMrly challenge comparison with liny other agricultural iqagaziue, North or SotlW;"Ll The revival reported in the college, k$ Oberlin yaaplfod 'p iorit'ertfibn of tofefte Hundred lb ootf tfatitoMi' " r. <-5!X?nsfl.I r.i moo&mi .?s:d it ,\ys. * r , ' % - , ? ? . . '4 f V/JJ The Richest Prince. From tqk German o? Keener. Onoc in Worms' old Kaiser palac?, Many a German monarch sate, Of bis riches each one vaunting, Aud liic glorios of his state. "Rich" outspoke the lordly Saxon, "Is that glorious land uf mine; Many a vein among her mountains Bright with silver ore doth shine." "On the Rhine is ever plenty." Cried tlia Count of Pnlisiine; "In the valleys corn field waving, On the hills tlie noble vine." ?*> v,.n-;ot COIlVeniS,'' LouU stud. Bavaria's laid ; "These on* mine ; I fair no rival While auy la :ds cau these affoid '* Answered Eberhard the Bearded? We its in berg's loved lord was he? ''Small my cities, and my inountaius Void of silver hoards inay be; Yet one priceless gem lies hid den Deep amid iny forest grav; On the breast of every liegeman Fearless in my head uuy lay. C'ied Bavarian then, and Saxon , And the I'algrave of the Hhinc? "Bearded Count, that land U peerless | Whieb h:is jewel isueli as thine." ! Erskino College of the Endowment Fund. The Rev. "W. K. lie. phill, the energetic and efficient agent is now canvassing our District ill lif'li'ilP <Kr> J Endowment Fund of Erskine College. Tho College is located in our midst and is known by reputation to all of our citizens. It has been in successft 1 operation for nearly t hirty years, and can exhibit a past record of which she may well be proud. Ilcr graduates are scattered throughout the length and breadth of the South, are bearing their full share of labor and responsibility. "Tho Faculty of tho College at prosent consists of Rev. R. C. Giier, I). I)., President; Rev. J. F. Prcssly, D. D., Professor of Greek ; Rev. J. N. Young, Professor of Mathematics ; W. S. Lowry, Esq., Professor of Latin ; W. Hood, Esq., (late State Treasurer) Professor of Ilistory and Belles Lettres?all experienced teachers, and all Southern men. "The Endowment Fund secured for the Colleges before the war, was in a great measure lost by that disastrous conflict. The Agent for the College, is now attempting to obtain an endowment for a limited time, and earnestly appeals to tho friends of Education and of the South to lend a helping hand. "Those who subscribe and pay twenty dollars per year, for fivo years, will bo entitled to send one son or ward (white) free of tuition, for tho said five years; or five students for. one j'ear, by paying up tho whole subscription. Donations to tho Endowment Fund, I Iftrca or nmnll will lm I O ? <v ceiveil. TLo South needs loarned men to fill important stations, and if she does not sustain her own institutions for tho benefit of her own sons, she must send them to tho North to be trailed, or she must abandon tho education of her own boos and import learned men from tho North to bo our judges and statesmen, our lawyers, physicians, editors, professors and ministers. There aro students at Erskine at present from North and Soutn Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas " Send up your subscription or donation to the Agent at Due West. S. C., if ho does not favor you with a call. Mr. Hemphill is also Agent for tho salo of certain valuabio and interesting books. Among them a Polyglot copy of tho Holy Biblo, substantially bound, containing various find imnnr. o 1 tant tables, of mcasuro, and "chronology," a new geographical and historical indox, exhibiting at one view a'l that is interesting in geography and history in the Holy Scriptures," an "Index and Dictionary of the Bible," a "concordance of tho Scriptures and a "photograph album" sufficient to contain sixteen Photographs of tho family, or friends. AlsOj Mr. II. is Agent for the "Night scenes of the Bible," by Kev Dr. Marsh, in plain or splendid binding, on beautiful rose-tint paper, enriched and ornamented by twelve superb engravings, representing the scenes described. The stylo of the Author is fine?the matter good. Tho Book is bought by the rich and tho poor. Mr. Hemphill is Agent also for "Scones and incidents in the life of the Apostle Paul, viewed as illustrating the nature and influence of the ; christian religion, by the Bev, Albert Barnes." : Mr, Barnes is well known- by his . ' 'notes" on the Gospels, ap4 other por5^; tions of tho Scriptures, so much in Sabbath schools. His "Scenes, andji Incidents in tha life of Paul" ^ < last work, "loft as a legacy of light ; Ana iovo to ms minion reasons." Tie I bc^^B^iten npin *W | tuinrfftflne Steel PortAlif- oFlhie : tbor, ^ith^twehty fonr^lftitrifQon^,*': some of theift ' iit&el'' fcritfr** vlng*. *-- a,?-*-jx 'A Yz* ****' 'Vhbce.W^wld^S tW*khy tyifalnfct.&fc &j?n -hhd triumphs of .71 .tWjt8?C 1" l%A'j \jvdl a?' iujD a v ii?in * ??cr u i ii i the Great Apostle would do well (o sceuro this last work of the distinguished "Expositor." In addition to the above works. Mr. Homphill is also the agent of a valuable book for farmers? how to mako the farm pay. To most of our readers the I?ev. Mr. Hemphill is too well known to jnoed a word of commendation from us. To all olso wo would commend him as an estinmblo christian gentleman, who needs only to be known to be appreciated. Our best wishes go with him in his work. Living Writers of llio South. There is probably not a man iti the Southern Slates belter qualified for presenting to the reading public what the South has to show in letters, than Professor James "Wood Davidson, of South Carolina, whoso careful and well considered work on living Southern writers has just appeared from the l'ress of Carleton. llimsclf the master of a puro style, with a pure taste, cultivated l>y liberal study, and a judgment free from prejudice, he was admirably qualified for the tas k lie assumed, and has discharged it well. While by the very nature of the case lie was tempted to magnify his subject, he has been betrayed into nn Pnlortt^^ " ?- 1 " uv luiouuiv j)Lill5U.,<) JUKI lllUCll Ot his criticism is remarkable for it.-} nice discrimination. As an example of the spirit of fairness which marks liis volume, we may oito his treatment of the much vexed quesj tion of the authorship of the war ! lyric of "All Quiet along the Potomac to-night," which no one can now pretend to belie 'C was written by the Southern soldier who claimed it as his original production, Mr. Davidson has made out a long list of Southern writers?the number extends to two hundred and forty-one?some of whom are 1 11 * uuruiy cnntiea to literary consideration at all, but it cannot be denied that be has done a real service to the country by his pains-taking examination of the whole iield. Many readers of the North will bo surprised to know how large a part of the current literature of the day is the work.of Southern men and women. Perhaps no three writer^ of fiction in the United States have so many readers and admirers (wo say this as fact, and apart altogether from their literary merits) a.s Mrs. Terhune (Marion Ilarland), Mrs. E. D. E.N". Southwortb. and Mrs. Augusta J. Wilson, ?iceEvaue, 3*et is is not generally known that all three are Southern by birth. We note somo trival errors in proper names, as of Miss Crane (now Mrs. Scemullcr), author of "Emily Chester," improperly given as Grain; and we mark some omissions, as that of Professor Scheie De Vere, of the University of Virginia,^ a prolific writer and translator, and that of John C. McCa'ue, now a clergyman in Delaware, and there may be others. But these errata. and omissz may bo corrected and supplied in a second cditiou, for which we cannot doubt there will be a demand.?New York Eoenivg Post. ' i . ; J ? ? 1 ( Large Pay and Little Work. ?At the last session of the Legislature, three Commissioners were* appoiuted to codify the laws of this' State. These Commissioners are Corbiu, and Montgomery and Wliipper, tha first two white, the latter a negro. They have finished their Code and presented it for tho consideration of the present Legislature. A correspondent of tha Chronicle and Sentinel gives the subjoined account of how the work' has been done: 1 " ' The code is said by our best law'-'* yers, who have compared it* with the codo of New York," tcr^'be a copy of the latter, almost fcomblete. The divisions, humberg,yana arrangement throughout Ve'|tioT8ame and as to language.-word for word the same ajmpat thropgh, the only departrii'e toeing* where'feomo local legislation tequired. the variation ot ' /prase here and ..there. Now for this work. ,the Act allows then} J$8>6Q(} each , per- an^m, ;or i!0|6pO?!H jyesy V besides ^fer reas- > oipu^ble expeus^a Qrcle^psUervjceB books, -it priftt ing. oiS WtionKTy? d Jttul s tiers# n$t\**fl?odjtex?$W>flG annual ifl- tk* dtoJec dfco to ob^sH *. &\v>8i.ate $16y69Q. fc<3>6 niiioveriho o SFew YeoHi rcode- with *' lug the eban?es^ ftadthoa * &if>f i the whole uff, cftilW bo done for Nth**** tb<m$lS;600, <Sne VWft flrippiSii?0 ' e,': J ot** h?4i0t<f ^./v it .ux^T ni iitl adl X.^V.ilL v.'vrfj iilviu. . f ' v !;; : . a