The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 24, 1869, Image 1

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* ? (Sirs ft rfTTcr jf-j> * Cl~:..I " S i^"'1* " T7~' i ^ n ! it rr t t?? --j - j - ---^ - - _ - - ., . .. ? .. ... ... BT'W. AULfiE AW!) tflfeH \VlLsbjC " '" ABBEVILLE. S. C., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 24, 18(59. VOLUME XVTI?mo ** v-r:U- -i? -" ' ""V" ~=_? EMPORIUM OF FASHION. Fall and ^ Winter, 18GQ?Sppcialties.? ; Drj Goods and Milli^eiy, /;\ ' '* ^ ^ J Messks, Fowr.T.n' iv afcDoxAr.b arc now bettor prepared to show the Ladies of Abbeville District a handsome stock of Dry Woods than ever before. Tho Jjadios aro especially Invite^ "to % examino their stock before buying They M ill always strive to keep goods suited t(T the' tftsta ol' the '"Ladies of our District, In tho Dress Good* Do1])artment they have beautiful plain, striped and plaid Poplins, DcLaues, Km press Cloths, Keps, Flannels, iMiux, etc., lilaek Alpacas. Opera Flanuol, DeDugua ami bilks. They have a lull stock ol" House Furnishing Goods in H'aukfts, (jounterpanos,, Sheetings, Towel fugs, CSirtjiliVjfliaje* rials, Shades, Tattle J)an)ftsUs-,'l)iiyif>r?f, Long (.Mollis, Napkins. Doylas, LinXMifi, Carpeting*, an<l Wall Papering. Also. Hosiery, Gloves, Ilrnids, Tapes, 3laukcivhiul? ami everything . in \\ Jiilo Goods. In tlie Gentlemen's Furnishing l)eparluK'Ut they have u Hph-ndid linn <>P (Mollis,1 ('as>luieres, Corduroys, deans, Kerseys, iaJiuwla, Collars, t'tills, Cravals, [Jose, Suspenders, Shirt Fronts, <Moves, (Shirts, and l>ta v.vrs. Ahhevllle can hoast of as fine a -Vi tiJniuk\v ilnase a* uny in in the Siuto^bt" Soutli ('uroliim?in -fact, as lino as any in any city, .North or *iij'itIt. Tin- stock will compare with any l.Vtail House in Charleston, Baltimore (ir -New York. The Ladies can have no }>!ea lor MMtiiin^ oil lor their millinery any longer, (br^Mcssrs. Fowler & McDonald can s>hpw as pretty yood-s, as line ?oo.JjS.. as Ktylish jjonrls as can be Ibimd in Baltimore j or -\tw York. And. besides, they| c:tu-|?rove tlieir prices to be from -7> lo TVft per cent. lower than city prices. They have every ?t \ le ol' lint and Bonnet that is out. Sliouid any new ami novel style make its appearance in New York, they have arrangement* l'v which to iret it immciliately, hence there is no necessity lor the Ladies of Abbeville to pay city prices when they can do better al home. Airs. Sassard ha* had e^pcrienyij, both in .liurope and America. ami, "We think, has the confidence of every Lady of taste in- Abbeville. Sh? is assisted by Mrs. J no. A. Wier whose j^ood taste and.skill in, this Department Is well known to the Ladies of Abbeville, and will always he pleased to see her friends at the .Kmporimn of of Fashion. Airs. .Sassard and Airs. *> jot *v;U lake pleasure to hIhmv (l?e Ladies, Flowers, Feather*, Bridal Wreaths, Plumes, Birds, Ornaments, i'ibbons, Sashes, Curls. Switches. Chignous, Embroidered and B ruidtd Yokoa and Bands, fekirla, ^('o*+et?, Pads, Breast Protectors, Buttons, Trimmings, Traces. Edgings,' Cloaks, Shawls, Nubias, Hoods, Fur Capes and Muffs, Breakfast Shawls, Collars, Cuffs, Chemisette, Necklaces, Shall and tiold Beads, cut and uncut Velvets, Satins. Silks." trimmed and iti)trimmed Pattornx fur all kind*- of Indies' and Misses' (J arm cuts from E* Butterick & C&. and Madame Demorest. of New York, lJouehes, Hetts, Illusion*, etc., etc. They pay particular attention Uo tho getting up /of Bridal Bonnets, Veils, etc.: a?4 j-H-o-niptjy Attend to all orders from a distance. Salesmen in 19ry floods Department ?Jas. W. Fowler, W. T. Mclioiiald, Marshall P. DeBruhl. Millinery Department?Mrs. Sas eard and M?*s. uier. By adhering strictly to the cash tcm they arc enabled to sell fine gjfids M reasonablo prices. VALUABLE LANDS j For sale in Albcvtflc. /mportat to Lund Jjuyns. ACRE lot in Gr*enmaiil wiMi fio<? in.|?r??Vfinfiit?i; ;jrt rori>M iii; |tri|*ifi>il i forest?Urge voiiiij _<>rclianl. Tlii^ pl;<? e enn lie bought low, nh (lift 'aviitr Inia '6 in* f,n- it. . Two lfi ncre l'?t? oirrft-In st.tfef, IYi" minx- vil ! lasfC?. w?ll iiliprovi-d.?' I '|"h !o'i>,tiear fl-potAdji-i'n'Ty'lor;.'!|>orii(?n ol' j.iuh iit fbr^pi. ?oiii.-tiiu "iui? f.0,11 oO Ij aoii-s. One t.Tl?-t ? ( KOO Acres, known ?s \Vlii'?*UV!; :;ot) ?eics in f<n- | e<l| 60 Uiies piiine IjoMutiis; "ell iuijirov.-^. and con'ains ?n cs?'<*'lent sloie tibu'se, nail .good me-caniite n?.d. " X On? firm on Salmi* ?iv?-r. of 3j0 aere*. 12 ? In,- fn.e<M< 20 a( :< . ? in m-w l>o'torn?, 100 hi-i-^h cf ? )*)> : ] ? fi?H for ?'4iliiiii nM umlei'(ooil coaifoituiily inipiowd for t".iim.lq. Kxcellent f*'ils on Ilie rjyer uiij w< 11 adajitid to mai-liine,y' Out form ndj.iiuins Ilie nl>ov* on Tin-key c<e>?k of 4 '?(> Qi't*'. 10D acres iipiniid CO i*<:rw I'ooj |ioil#m?, Iwiainte in original for est mni pin erf, fencing good, and good leu nt liMWr't.--* : ; y. t .J On# fftrm or-1 *92 \ acrr?. jn JtykefidJ, fite depots vnlion. oi:? Ji:iid (. orn H o 4 aeros, trees in good ; condition. fftUt nW? in well lmn???il:IT I One farm of oUU acres, in i lent timiiT. One.f'lio of 9ft0ji?ciTBV il? ^Lh'^ill?ron Cotoivm week. 100 uretiubaiw>?*%?olJ Juipr.>V'''l .'oM??y;>nl?. . , , , On? fun a a1 3(H) 2i>?*# ,.oixV^4)14Mi;teK* f ei i.?r cot ion ljuwl l%5 ucre* ^?X ?uj?p?(j?r boiloms?iinf{it? iwmrtflfou? ^ j3 One firm f l>00(H*r.-?, c>? , sanpe creek, anpe/ior imnrovemenli'lor' fesiiioiice ; land I'or leinis apply 14 Luiul <Joiifpf?nyV it CffMiwoofi, J. T. PAUKK,? FAU, OPENING FOR 1869! A rP -r A?.' * Miw| . . j?-*% * i.'j.iif rut: ^15 I 9. JL A M. I* KIMABD'8 coi-cmota. a. c.: HJ_ >, : :h ! f r .'if I. i; " . .'rl* I m unm, "Wje Jmv,e just received, ayd lYave reafyr for. examination. -'ilia1, largest nnd ino?f ?iVr,d''ti^r 0t?e|( MtitjL 1*1 w ,)ij^lt,eou?Uiii,g of eve^l^iug ^evuiiiipg.I9 9, ifefy Ck>odg E?tkbMih?ie^t. 50 . A .'I y.^,4 ' " '0 CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS/0*' Wtffl&OW fiTHApfe#,' &fc. OdtfcWfcfs ?o osctfi^voifD^'^irf^ Hi at ft' if inf>4rtfcl? iWWah?nfcf ton ftel/rea. We guarantea Mtiafaaiion-N/C^ '?s^ui,w' .o;xn#?fgrJu >r n isi i INTEREST PAID ON ; * > Certificates of Deposit. .0 j ./ ')7n .vL ^The Carolina National Bank. ?OK? COLCMItlA, SOUTH CAROLINA. > BY resolution oi 'In* !5'nr<l ??f I)iroc^ tors of llti-t Hmk, (J'-rntiiinn-s. of ll<'|iu>iL will l?? issiiwl, ilrnnint; inic'icsl ni lltfc riile of SKYKK I'EII CM!VI' i'i-n !** '? die lor it I lute for moi.ey in tlm Slate ol JSotiili Carolina, for unuts deposited in litis manner, to r?*m-?iti not te?s than thirty <mys, payable on <ieinnnJ after Utl days no ice. ' 1 Tli** Capil il S'?>ck of tlii- U ?nk i? no?r' $123 500, aii'l MUilmiiiy luis lu*eii irrani**?l lu iiK'ieiM) it t?? U?? mm ?4 4>'<400.000, Tlievt|evur>iy p D?|?oi?UorSu is. gitucatitreij, y <lie lull jmyau-ni of tl>ir> (S pitMrSi"? l<v Hinl by (i<e XaOiitlation aod pjtl<>-lif<l input t? of its condition w lieii?vt-r rfqutr <1 l>? iiitt Coiit|>;ol the*National i'liinrin'y Bui' an. Tin* I?alik deals in Kxi-liniiyo, GoM Hinl Silver (Join, ai.d XaM??n..| ami ?> ? ? >Soi:u? 11 geneiallv. D- pusns itj-e'ved in Com hi Cuii'-nrv, mil p>iil in the tsauie. | When iiHon'?l is pied, ii will he in k ml. j IVimjiis having fii?.d 'o invent, are ri'R[ ptriltilly invited to coiri-?poii?l with ilic | i'nt-i.N iit or C ollier ou tlie .t?nland i in -ko m 11 invent Ration tlie v iimy se<* piop? er ti> satisfy" themselves o' the Ktletv and pio-liiclivciiess cf an investment in i:s i-tf:o<-k. Tilts Carolina Kh'ioi al Bank lias pur. Hrust'.l for its ti-e the building he1oiiuin<; III ll?M lillhL* I l.? ? ? C'-lumttiii, i* liit-.h it v ill occupy lttv.ftOuii. as | ti e rrete??fi?ry ?lt emiton* mirl irt?pn.vt?cu>n,*'[ will liVlnadr. (jic'Ht will lie l.tkeit in j ilu*rwiisiiuc'ioit o iin-V-Mul', wliicli will l>e Iniiie mill hn Hroti*; as g-;inaie ?inl iiotj chii iimke if, nff?ir?ling every po*siLle fcecu* iuy to its contents. Do A Uf> tiF DtKF.DTORS. I>. D CIIILOS I'le^Jfiil, KDWAK1) UOI'K .rbllN PKESTMN: Jit, JHt J W. l'Al.'KKK, II. O' JK," J. <; lilMi:KS. W. B (Il'I.lCK., ' D ?; 3.- JM " 4 - > "^r j THfc KMrn:.. . * ' * . r?? * /.. > * n, ? :? rI",l*R introduction M>?ir L ins rumeiil. we n*?rt* ti< xuiiSe; TWSe tVlariliuc i? slowly bat eurely Ik? coming Oh lu-Ccttany <o (lie lumily circle it* m<y. ?? lift* e:irtlilv | cis-e^ioii, ami lit* lime wi I colli)' when Hie tit :ul of h f:nhi 1 a' wlio Jim-s , Itnnifli when alile, Ilmi rye jiointid ufrfilte, ( will lie oi-nI \c the I?Miittiie Anylum. Ulm would dfinuiid tfiat Ins wif? or daughter ttliou'd stilclt. etilch, ull (be live l?'iif? diiv, wlnn ill .-re u mi iii*tr?nu?-iit iliut diim ih>mime woi k ill au lioui t In eig(il lioui'n w> rk KfWii HrtV^d ! Wlint It* do witli Miem? My |i<-i-(i]r will H'*' 'nzy, SiU? W'bmi i??-oi.l? i Iiuve co'liins? to do -iiit-y lo at mmi-tnini; j wrong. t-ays iiiiii'Iil'I'. Is limt x fuci ? We <lo ' not li> li?v? 111?l- a well <lireiM?*d mind w ill d<? ' gfnei at k inul?-r ordinary iitll'-eiioe*. BeMow I on*- ot I!>e liuure ii|>on tlie ( trd'-ii nu-i 'i\vj|| i." ii?i|iniva..i)ue healili ij.ucn Hie. ; for at-?>iii?'ir; to clm-km*, <lueL?, iur Uv*! ?! ?: h<M * V<-t |"i?"liiul'Ril exliil i( <h?;iu hi 11>?* i.ext F . r ; lei op? aj-eiit upon | ilitt nriniiil Uiui its sn|i|>ly of i mi k mid lniM?-f; im'lu<le a / ? rhn-p, iliev | 1 will repay \ our Undue** wt It et-l w. rmili of f. elitijj I>u i Unit iii ? i?nipituiti<l by lint?it <]i?nyienable newsaiiy ? kuii, knit, knit ! ? Screw up _\>'ur mid ?.ount ?h?* 6-it?die<?. Count i lie r?iw#l Tlit luhy ?-ii"?. mid 3-011 : eiiuiit ntft'n. Ah iu?*, i? I wav only till ?>IJifll till*. (ill il filler Imttr lit pv 'Ollld i iii'. I Cru** hihI Fo'ir ui-til ilie L>ml 1 iii|? i* ov?-r. : 'Fond Memory,* and every piece of lifiulit wile ' k?*ep? up tlie fiettul Mule tiufit Hie di?rnint? , t\ id -nuc eotua* on mid if y<?i da not ttarn tli<-11 I \?u luu-l Iju How to piovcul ? 1 liis ? W f \vi 1 t "11 \ uu in a lew word* KUV A ll/.NKiEV FAMILY KMTTEfi. Giv.- it nn li'int-. 'Twill knit eveiythin^; Unit ?ver Iir? |??-en knit, iumI y<>a yet nf<|?i?iiif*-il it I will n>4. tu 111:1113' mine. tli- inncliiue i:nd ! you *\j|i-*** ii) 1*1 it, cm prrlorrn ti1* 1 r'uiii.-e. jj.-vot?? 1 iie ivMCiiiiiiug lioirr.tipinii^il nml uifiitul iiii-t rui'i'mn " "IVnr out ?lietil* ?i:<i put init'pifcu' fioni I lie "knit. I if, ?nd if s:ili>f.n:tion 1 dui-s not fftL'it in tlie liu??ni ot your laiudy nd <iti tlie eoles of llicir feet, 'twill iw/cr | *raiti* HL'-'in. Cull m.d nre the ii>? in o(ie I l ulion on S.ilc D-iy in LKcmiljei- at Abbeville | Court ll??use*-ir < 1? 1 tt JAS. W. THOMAS. ! ? ' ' ' ' .Age^it. N<?v 12, 18<50?;2??if iti -7 {.; OFFICE OF THE < ' A Dickson Fertilizer Company. ' AonrnetH, On.,N<>*. !2th. 1809. HAVING U IuhkI HF?>' ,Nu. i PERUVIAN C;UANvO, ht>iI ft hope now of being ai.le lo keep up the supply, w* reduce ilie price of 1 DICKSON'StflMPOlIND in Si*M-FA/e (to5) Dollars "per Too of 2 t)dO lbs. lor jyujli.' | ,v f, Ai-d ntv-liiriA liH; Viioximltin i -'la^A in . fc75 hh*J ln^ tijipWiv^d' (Sljf A?*- | 1 rep tuKii-. Drny?ji0f ?u Vli. CH6e*. 00 i | I'bkT?n Cowp'mixl *J??u will] j It Fim u( Clntr^J al Buy D?, po? tn1 SotiMi CrtrfttfMi, m '*xHi*n<ju for C<?u7?r Seed, :/t fl?^ ! inte/of1" TOO gf j Ci?iiipiMiu?l for ifi, )-u*lie!* (&) I eiU'll) of !i;i?rs lor^Mfd ftlso fiufilli-br C..Wili&, fliC; Dwfmher 8, 1869, 82?if -- - * *4-' t!'? l' ? ; .1 * A ,,*}*.*?> ,^.be A rf,i W,^ 'AJfomi $ *?'/} /?Cfa a)?y>l? tfw ftvi) io v> 3< ', w?otf> l#n. "^n :t! ?Ui V:<.UJ ^a n& ;?tq hn* rr*jnrr> ,i ALSX. *, USS/"*u;"K'lJ I?>U\I 'irffrt'Ki I |W i;'.lniT?:(imil.?. mil Cttvft?i) jydrtrottg Knginwar, r' Office?Sumter St, '^t^ien'^Bref &* 'hifwv'6 *i--?n ,* r ,?r .*??I FRESH ARRIVALS AT Fi'iln inn i; m DON'T FORGET THE PLACI s " tliu Sign of I lie EMPORIUM OF FASHION Da Itli Y'S CA It MIX AT! V E. EXCEL i.knt fur B il'ic* ; Poinsh to hi ?k< soup; Iii-liijo. IJorax, B.?y Ituin, Hitlers, l'liilomkcii. Benzine. Cllloiodine IJlisl*?rinTissue, Cliamoise SLins, J lad wa\V llc-olvHiit, Il?-ady Rwlinf and J'ills Mini h i|juu>jiiiil oilier articles?.<11 liayiuy iliUuit-Jit naii;vs. _L?ot ennnMy_UM;ful to j>crOQ8 who llittfli n?.dd of llifcin. Woman's Best Friend. IHiAPKIELIVS IJK<;ULA LOIL, loi sail' Oy W. T. rEN MOV. 1'iirc oO } ! l'ut'1^. Call anil gel a circular lr<?i', loarn of itf niHii .? tioni llic testimony ol lliuto wlitj have Used it. Heinitsli's Queen's Delight. THE Crowning CJ'.nry of M>-dic<tie and wonder ol rciciiue, lor salt: bv W T. PENNEY. Price $1 00 per to'ilo. Darby's Prophylactic Fluid. TlIK mu4 pow.-iiui ilisintorianl known Cuits ISui > \mid UuiiiiMtjr S"r*-<, removes Si a ins nod <lf8l roys all uud Vege. table Poisious, for >; !* bv , : - W. T. PENNEY. Trice CO ocnt*. - - . . . .. ""Lit. M1 LLKli'S HOUSEHOLD BLESSING For sale fit fcl.00 per buttle, l.y W. T. PEXNEY. Xxveni'ier 1 '2. 1 KG!) ? *20 ?if Notice to Pefsona Sr>fFArir?or with Asthma. KlililG N i> f??uu?l in * " ylmlitn* . purr, " Vi*r Leidy's Blooa An ("Xi'ililuul iuLlU ill tvli'rh in Isilri? o?lr?..| i?f r-?r?n|iuriitu. 'J ln-v liare l?**entinted im<l (ou nil good I'V prr-on* line. Call iii<I h few boxes ami fry them. Price 25c |>er box. Fur sale. l>v W. T. rKXNF.V. Nov. 2G. 1S<?9, 31?ll a The Beat Estate Ahram ITaddon, deceased, "\T7ILT, be *obl bj' lh<* Kvecu ors of the VV Will of I he suit! ili co-is-eil, on Sale D iy iuJ >n i ?ry. viz: Three Hundred and Thirty Acres, more or less, L\in-f fviiliiii tour iiiiLs ol AWHwille iii . - -?i ---- - ? * - ? HMJ'Iirilg- liitKJR ol WlllMlll 11 ill, W. 15. K- ihhiib ?n . other i>n tbe nee h-I necessary oul-UtiiMiiigs. Th? K<le will (akt* jjlace Hi Al?l?$*ille C=?ti*i Houi* on Sule l>.?y in he'njr the 3 I day of ;lie month, and llif hif>lie*i bidder will lie the puri'liHsur. The juiivlutsttr will l>e required to give ? I?oiiil mnl :i|>|>roved security, Hid h mortof the pri'ini-g* to secure the |>?y(iient'of the parclia*fl tnotn?v,- mid |>?y for nil nece?saiy papem,- including Haaip?&o Jas. C? Stevenson,) t - >i < . ?, v Jixtr's. A. J. McKee,) ;J Dec. 8, 1809. 33, 3t ^ INCORPORATED 1859. <m^mm 3. T. BOZEMAN, Pres't. .ft.%WWf %>w UontinftO* nf/oin*t lost or dumriye by fire on all kinds of-, <adfqyatsrr*f<s. . Autt'iliCHrirttf Gii?M; au. gvtiry. ^oml? nent point in tLe Southern Siaief*, to whom' . Replication#: <*?r irwuwaucB an| lii lundt*. . Af>plv to> . f | i- / <i-.V { ZtXV'.C, DuPre. Agt. ; A-j- aa 1 onn at f ? V|?'/ ?9, 'ioi)V, i a . $25.00 Reward! "EfOgfTQtt. Jf T. t Ui i .< ? >' , w'J .< r' i ? IfV.yA 4 ND:W que*?ion*?-kHl, for tire rccov <z " V'- 6E0R0E MoCALLA. No*?fofc4i^ ?if3 k . ,_ - * Mirfl ?.|1 a4l 1?? < <? I III <' ) ' Vi "' * t *11111, at u toPyi^f pt}1^! ,t' I . to *J;.ijm 4|K^-C J-AM'R'o ?^I:.-j1 j;*'/" l> /^(E^iTAIN .Jiqu* npti ArronpU, tatfbhc&f t^'^t^EW?Wor.r?r9K':B. ffejh'ttFd Sn the h?d<tw at th*iMudrrt4tti*d#nrni4iw >jP?nito 4?nMMn?Q^?g?bi do^weJJ'.H ,;.JS2s,pW&c | *bT*W,l!^^fiio..o0 b,^ vj( c,,, er ,oa?r >t 33?I ? THE IMMIGRATION QUESTION. To tlio Public of South Carolina. | The immigration of an industri1 ? >>us white population into our State 2 is now universally aeknowledgod as the true corner-stone of future prosperity. The undersigned, having completed his arrangements to furnish good aud reliable laborers, . would be glad to have the planters ' and other patriotic gentlemen geu4 erally, co-operate with him, und rej spect fully calls attention to the fol, j lowing programme, as already part> j ly indicated in the correspondence published in the Charleston papers several weeks ago, viz : TO TIIE EDITOR OF TIIE NEWS. | A lew days :>go I received a letter ! from Mr. Ferlow, our former Slate I agent of immigration for the Scan? , di..avian countries, in which lie inI forms me that early in this mouth I he will leave Malmo, in Sweden, to | arrive in Charleston about the 23d, i when he would be happy to meet i planters that desire to make con! ? j tracts for European labor, at any I convenient pluce. It would, perhaps, be interesting to a number of your readers to peruse Mr. Ferlow's letter, and if the country papers would generally copy it, some good might result. Yours, respectfully, JOHN A. WAUENER. \f\T.Vf* 1 O 1 Qil(\ ..... w wvwv. i J- ?*. 1UUC. ! 7b Cft?. ./o/m yl. )V?yc??cr, Charleston, 8. C. : Djjar Sir?In the supposition that you are still interesting yourself in blilialf of immigration to our ' State, I hope you will call attention 1 to the following; {Since I left Charleston I have de! voted most of my time to the imiuii ? ration question, and 1 am, there - nflent better able to know - '?> ortlor that gjer agent toi steamboat companies.I great deal of delay, dii'd trouble, 1 have now obtained tlie agency of the Cunard line?tlie best steamboat line running from Liverpool to New York. This company lias deposited | vviih tJie Swedish Government ?15, i 000 in gold as a security for theior1 warding of the immigrants in | conformity with the Swedish emij gration laws. I am now in possession of a license as agent for the forwarding of immigrants to transatlantic harbors, and 1 shall do my best in trying to make the immigrants go to South Carolina. We have, in Sweden, a great number, of people who are unable to pay their tvholc passage to America, and they v.uiuitiku inu uiicia ui some nircu or ; four land companies in Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Lower Canada, which pay half of their passage?about $25 iu gold. Wisconsin got about one thousand immigrants last spring in this wa3*. When these immigrants arrive at ! their place of destination, they have ! to worlc on lhf? InnrU r?f tl 1A /?Amno t -- y*?>" -- ?'Y .j?nics at a fixed price , and then receive some acres of land in. waggs. If something similar could be Arranged, I have no doubt that I could send out a number of immigrants every fall. My proposition would be as follows : IC'i farmer wishes'tQ get a number of hands, he deposits, at the ti?MmkesK%!a^^ion|Kv|^ , aiiyJijki&er in^Ol)in-Xudiouj twenty* : five dollars in gold, or he may bind himself to pay*"amount on the I ? ? " - I demand ot the banker for each h&ijf(? male or female, above twelve yedrfe, ami halfamount for children under: twelve years. t The: requjsitions, with a duplicate, are sent to ,: me,(>n<Loi*3cii by the banker'. The \ duplicate 1 the firman Liv1 erpool, who are to forward the imis notified by ,tl*p iu-i^lfa^. tho i mi^'igran U,ei)j?^c<J havve l^iff I^vJ erppol ^or C^iarl^ston^ )ie ,\}u|L ibt ward tVc?apipput Jleposited for f]fc immigrants in question Ho the older . of the firrttifl question'. iThe jriffti'J 1 tejr ,\^U J|e_, uiug ,^9, Qthi;^k i than, that the.veasel with hie people I should eh down, and that htj trtaV I ti'Jdk&'As.' 'it -A?i-U*i - f-1 vn I ;Wr.i .,;A, ooiitract pbvjuW iUe dwyn upubo-. ; tweon the emriowrftnti bis people* &$? mft ^ each person, male or fenmlo^flaftlL . feeItt^TBgeApetbesides \j m$> WP, for a garden, how many hour* ?f :tba 1 f.* .?f.t>.* .* x ,I.IIU .VW :5 -If. (n*?! .*1 day the laboing man must work and the kind of work, farm work 01 any oilier, and what kind of worl; the females are wanted lor, kitchen work or any other, or all. The wages will be the first yeai so much besides the money paid in advance. The contract mnst not be for any longer space of time than from the arrival of the immigrants on the plantation to tho 31st De comber the same vcar. Tf o ini. migrant arrives iu the spring; or in the next year, it' tbe immigrant arrives in the fall or late year. The laborer must bo received in Charleston, and puss freo of charge to the ! plantation or tho place of destination. If the people engaged do not do what they contract to do, tho employers have a right to dismiss theni at any time; and if the employe! does not come up to his contract, the people will have a right to }uit him. The immigrant does not receive any of his wages before he has been in the service three months. If you make the above known to the people of South Caroliua, and you think I shall meet with success, I may count on at least two hundred immigrants the coming year. ] shall myself arrive in Charleston the latter part of November, but only to remain there ten or twelve days, as my business prevents mc from anj' longer absence. Yours, rospcctfullv, W. J. FEU LOW. #4#^ Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. MY. Trumbull, from the Senate Judiciary Committee, lias reported a bill, j as a substitute lor one olio red by Sumi tier and referred to tbe Committee, in relation to the appellate jurisdiction ol l ho Supreme Court. Air Trumbull's bill shows a naked and bare-faced attempt on the part ol | Congress to destroy the Judiciary as a eo-ordinate branch of the Government. ~ <.f the most alarming of the -' s of Congress j ther The I j IIK'UUh.. I | to concentrate I mcnl in Cong. i. | boM and' serious inrouu j rights Hud; .powers of the Execuw. I and have passed law a imposing restrictions upon the Judicial Department ! wholly at varianee with their eonsli| tutional rights. ! The Constitution wisely divided the ! powers of Government. It confers | upon the Legislative department the , power of making the laws; upon the | Judiciary the power of interpreting | the laws thus made, and upon the Execative in devolved the duty of enforcing them. This beautiful and wise system Congress seems determined to overthrow. The Radical majority claim that they ure the Government; that tliej' have the right, not only to enact, but to declare and enforce the i laws, over the whole of the immense / j territory embraced intlioStates of the ! Union. Wo cannot believe that the Supreme Court will submit to this unauthorized and unconstitutional interference by j Congress with their plain and ac| knowledged rights. If th? Court i should determine to uphold their con' stitutionul prerogatives, it will be quite j impossible for Congress to enforce | obedience, unless tho Executive should join in the erauule against the Judi| ciary. This, perhaps, Gen. Grant j would readily do, unless ho should become alarmed at tho rash action of ; Congress and fear & like absorption by that body of the Executive power. Tho real caaefefor alarm, however, at last, is in the fact that ft statesman of tho position and ability of Mr. Trumbull should eyen havo seriously considered such a hill. Jn tho bettor days of. the liepublio no trinn would have permitted oven a suspicion to rest on . him of a willingness to destroy this ' I...i.,.c 4 i:h. i.. ' . uuiTiiuiv MA ^ 114vifii;a11 jiuui.v^r?uujvision of tUo po>vo?*8 of. (iovornment amon ( throo distinct nod iiidepoodont branches.' Tlris tbyolntiohftrj' proposition is tii6 Vbiiijfc an^^uoncb of tl>c whole scries of ni'ia&ures adopted by ; the Jlririiftfefc m thc'il- legislation towhrd t! j b^$o nf h 6k'n State's. On6 ttncphfitiuy iiontvl pi)up(ivVnt lift-s fovcgd tli(? adoption. of;4W)(iiliqK, lyitil tbo Govtsrnmcitf bra drifted far from ;the moorings of tlie ^Constitution' "And is now ;6n'the jtav^'ixpcdiWc^;. 'vVhcre i?W WttRWfc A9 .P*^^ wisdom to foroc&Ut. j: rt?*:?i y/ .) .in.ri We are not without hope that this bilk'lft noti pass. Soeolj^hore is onoiigh- ofc patriotism i Add good sense Jpfp fQ''Conffroeat 4q {tare >the 43overnm?ut firofp the fearftpl effects of such c hivr.*~{Chr*,hiclt <6 tiStqliuelr . > :. p >r La:X miili < -...! - I _;i ... It is a poor practirtdi'fo ,:defrem}vflp. ou borrowing VOW* neighbors rakes ' fmm^t^and Jdfcaaalavof irrtglem^t* iq ilufyibjg add ffarveet tauie. it ?;'> i : iiwD vrq v?r.tb c) Jo;: i-ovUm -roS ! / >^:*Vr u* roni (lie linftMo Express] ( "Yurrup." i Mahk Twain's Vis-a-vis with a Naiisty Family ! Ilavc you ever seen a family ot j. fools just I aek froin Europe?or Yurrup,as tliey pronounce it? They never talk to you, of courso, being strangers, but they talk to each other and ai you till you arc pretty nearly distracted with their clatter: till you are 1 sick of their ocean experiences; their mispronounced foreign names; their 1 dukes and emperors: thoir trifl?% ventures ; their pointless reminiscence s till you are sick of tlicir imbecile faces and their relentless clack, and wish it had pleased Providence to leave the , clapper out of tlu-ir empty skulls. I traveled with such a family one i eternal day, from New York to Jlos. ton, last week. They had spent just a year in ' Yurrup." and were returning home to ]>o*ton. Papa said little, ?md looked bored?he had simply been down to New Yo"k to receive and cart home his cargo of traveled imbecility. Sister Angclitie, aged 23, 1 sister Augusta, aged 25, and brother Charles, aged 3.3, did the conversational drivel, and mamma purred and 1 admired, and threw in some help r. when occasion offered, in the way of i remembering some French barber's? , j I should say somo French Count's? > j name, when tlicy pretended to have . forgotten it. They occupied the parlor of the drawing-room car, and for twelve hours sat opposite to them ?was their vis-a ri*, they would have said, in their eharming French way. Augusta?'-Plague tliatnaliHly (nasty) stcamei'! J've the headache yet. she rolled so the fifth day out." Angclinc?"And well you may. 1 never saw Mich a nahsty old tub. I never want to go in the Villede Paris ' again. Why didn't we go over to London and come in (he Scotia?" A ng?" we were fools!" ! fl fervently endorse that sent imcni]. I -\ngO?' (.illstiO, wliat r>m?lo f'nunt j Caskowhisky drive oil' looking ho blur j that lasl Thursday in Pairy? (_Paris, she meant.) Ah own up, now!" Aug?''.Now, Angie, how you talk! I told the nahsty creature I would not receive his attentions an}* longer. * ' the old duke his father kept bor' !i'in and his two million ' 'dm oft* with j . i you get this ! Ange?"You, Cholly, *?.. j Cheap! Well, how could I help j There wo were, tied up in Switzerj land?just down from Mon B ong j (Mont Blanc, doubtless) couldn,t bu} | anything in those nahsty shops so far i away from Fairy. I hail to put up I with that slimpsy forty-dollar rag; j but, bless yon, I couldn't go naked!" Chorus?"Ive-he-he" j Aug?-"Guess who I was thinking j of. Those ignorant persons wo saw I first in l'ome and aitcrwards in YonI ice?those " | Ange?"Oh,- ha-ha-hn! It was so j funny! Papa one of them called the Santa delta Spiggiola the Santa delta Spizziolal lla-ha-ha! And she thought it, was Canova tliat did Micheal Augolo's Mosesl Onty think of j it! Canova a sculpture and the Moses a picture! I thought L should die! I ! thought I should did I" ?'iia-in T lot. I o o ! then* sec by the way I laughed, that ' they'd made fools of themselves, because they blushed and sneaked oft'." [Papa laughed faintly, but not with ihc easy grace of a man who was cer| tain he knew what ho was laughing about. Aug?""Why Chollv! Where did you get those nahsty Beaumarchais gloves? Well, I wouldn't, if I wero you." ' Mamma?fWlth nplifted hands.} "Beaumarchais, my son!' | Ango?"Beaumarehuis! Why how ! can youf Nobody in Pairy wears ! those Oahsty things but the commonest people." '"'Charles?"They; are arum lot, but then Tom Blcnncfhassct gave .cm to ' me?he wanted to do something or '! other to curry favor, I s'pOse," Ange?"Tom Blennehasset." 1 . Ayg ? "Tym Bjemiorhagsety" , ^laintni)?'Tom . ^Blonncrhasset! I A iwl llfli'n ?*Aii Kitnn o ocnni .?#! * I ? i*%* ??* v j vu uvvn Hilll <} , M,K. 'V Pappa?[suddenly interested.] ^ "Itcayen, what has the spn of an honored, and hopoYablc. old ^iond boon (ioing?'!' ; R .! V . Chorus?:"l}oing! Why, hip father ' hu^ indorsed himself bankrupt, lor ( fppnd^tjtiat's what thrift ft ttor!" f nji&PS?W# Pteu? j'fti filial i Aye/yvous quel^ue chose no bon, en vq tro pocho, mon chop? frere? Excuse k mo for speaking French, for to tell the truth, I havn't spoken English BO ltmg ttiptf U'fc&thei- dreadfb 1 ? wkWfird. Wish 'we Were bflck fn?' ^P>^P~^,e8t \ votlfe d^si>o: aus^/ 'rfw^ pas, mos aw,! .. ;I rH.!f# i * And from that moment they lapsed in ints barbarous French and kept it uj^ sn for an hour?hesitating, gasping for sc words, stumbling head over heels dt through ail verbs and partieiplo, h< \ floundering among adjectives, work- tl - ing miracles of villainous pronuncia <Ii lion?aud neither ono of them, by any chanco understanding what 1 tb another was driving at. 1 D 3?y that time some now comers had fo entered the car, and bo they lapsed gi into Kuglish again and fell to holding al everything American up to scorn and contumely in order that they might thus let those new eomerH know that they were just home from ''Yurrup." I "i liey Kept up this littlo game nil tho \vajr to Hoston?and if ever I can learn when their funeral takes place, ^ I shall lay aside every other pleasure and attend it. To uso their pet and . best beloved phrase, the}' were a m "nashty" family of American snobs, ^ and there ought to be a law against allowing such lo go lo Europe and ^1, misrepresent the nation. It will take , _ ft I these insects five years, now, to get done turning up their noses at everything American and making damaso ging comparisons between their own country aud "Yurrup." ^ . The Abuse of the Franking Privilege. oi tt The franking privilege enjoyed by Congress has long been justly inveighed against by the entiro newspaper press of the country. Tho system in itself would not be so bad or so con- P1 J " ueinnaiory, nowcvcr, were it not that " it loads to such abuses as has drawn J1, upon it universal odium. In his ex- ^ eel lent message to Congress and to U the country President Grant assures the people of an administration of economy and retrenchment in all the P departments of the government under his especial charge. It is to he hoped that Congress will keep step with the Executive in this eourso of retrench- % ? sl ment and economy, and that the first earuest of its good intentions in this regard will V?c to abolish the 1'ranUing 11 privilege altogether, or institute a re- n form in the present system which will " render impossible the frauds upon the Post Office Department, to which it is now notoriousl}* subject. 'C rriir> nliiun nf < Im ^ _ ~ v. U..V Iiaaguin: so far that not even tlio semblance of the autograph of a Representative or a Senator is necessary to frank letters m ,r> the most distant parts of the U11- 68 ,,r*??diingt'oji not one person P1 ^feps a letter w tho ed staiuj,., autographs, \vhic?. . term of their offices and tor ter they are dead?of which there have been instances. Not only mail ^ bags of letters arc thus fraudulently transmitted through the Post Office, Cfl but tons of Congressional reports and documents and such heavy matter, ^ that is never read, but which involves w ttC the Post Office Department in great expense and encumbers the mails and often retards their prompt transmis- I* sion from point to point. u< Congress, perhaps for want offl w little good advice in the matter, has te hitherto persistently and contumaciously refused to abolish their privilego of franking letters and Congres- 'e! sional documents, notwithstanding all Wl the abuses which we have pointed out as attaching thereto, and which havo never been denied as existing. Now us we propose once more that the privi- be lege bo uboliuhed, but not without of- wi fering a substitute in its place. Here g?" it is. Let there be a law passed grant- te< ing to members of Congress while en- ac gaged in their Congressional duties an postage stamps for all proper and nec- tw essary purposes, the Postmaster Gen- gr oral to keep a record of the amount of stamps thus contributed by his de- yii partment, designating tho quantity ve allowed to each Representative and gr Senator. It" Congress is imbued with mi any of the political wisdom of Gener- re al Grant, who first in his own udmin- at; istration of affuirs promises economy ro and retrenchment and recommends fif the same much needed policy to the legislative branch of the government, w il will surely move in the matter and 8t act at once upon oujr suggestion. fe . \yith our suggestion the economists flj| and reformers iu Congress cau one* r0 more direct their cffoi?s to the xemo- jj, val of the abuses of tfoe franking priv- Cfl ilege. The opponents to the change must be fow, as opposition to such a or F*UV( JliVlWUIW TVU1U <10- gjj auredly briug down on members the obloquy and odium of their CQOfclifcu ' enta. Tbo cbango which we here propose in the flunking spstem wqald embrace 4* all the dopartmonts pf thf government, as civil A&d military. . Th& cheek to Ml Tl audit* and extravaj^VdW'tif tatfmp- re propri&tiOQ of pos^^ ' istAMfp? wontd be lie jn the feet,. ifefttmaeter ar General in hi& animal report- to the eo Aresident for?ttbrnls*ioo to ^Congress er ' ftp*} the'o^qpt^ WcmJd be r6quir?d to at '.yrfr.Mr.'xr- *r ''< \ ' / ( A*. JL. 1 " /? Ut/, akc a return of the amount of stamps ipplicd to each Senator and Ileprcntativc. In the same way ho would jsignato the amount, consumed by tho jads of the various departments, and iU8 would bo insured not only a re pug nf fIia ni?rtDA?* ** VOVH l> uuuhl'8 oi 1110 anking privilege, but would show o extent to which the Post Office epartmcnt would be entitled to credit r its share in the performance of tho eat work of tho government.?Htrd. Fi.owkrs in Winter.?Thero is no >od reason why thj winter should ) the sepulcher of all the beauties id charms of summer. Wo keep tho uits and vegetables of summer rough tho win tor: why not tho nvers, too? They arc as beautiful January as July; nay, they aro ore beautiful, for they seem to bo ossoms on a tomb; they area typo ' life that survives and flourishes in ie midst of death. It docs not require hot house or a conservatory to prcrvo them. An ordinary family om will sufllco. If it looks to tho >uth, so as to allow the slanting rays "the winter's sun to stream in at the indows, all the hotter. Tho touch * these slanting rays will remind them their familiar summer, and causo lem to smile with a beauty and :ightness scarcely inferior to the raanco they exhibit in the bowery onth of Jnuc. They require attcnon, and it is useless to attempt to reserve them- through tho rigorous inti?u Af 1- * * 1 * * .. bwou* Luia utuiuuc wunont Dcmg reparcd to give Ihcm this attention, hey nood to be rogularly vratered, ud tliat the temperature of the room here they are kept should be mainlined pretty equally. If tho fire is crmittcd to go out for twelve honrs uring a severe spell of weathor, they rill hardly survive it. If the room is eated by a stove, there should bo a cssol of water kept constantly on the Love, to moisten the atmosphere with apor, and provent tho air from becom?g too dry and withering. 'J his is v. jeasuro that tho health of plants reuire no lens than the health of per^ >ns , for the former absorb moisture oni the air through the pores of their aves, and wither if such moisture is onung. with such precautions as lese, geraniums, roses, fuchsias, vcr)na8 and other simple plants may he ade to brighten the duties and darkt winter with their beauty, and irairt to the dwelling a pleasant air hich nothing el9e can give. " ^Pfs&test Yiel^ af on fie' T. t 44 H WTT.l o.?An Engbnto .. icking or his seed wheat with utmost ire, and planting a grain in a place , intervals of a foot each way, proiced 1G2 bushels of wheat to the :re." Such a yield, though enormous, and trhape never before realized, ought >t to be regarded as incredible. Wo member reading a well authenticad statement, before tho war, 196 ishels of corn to tho acre being own in Kentucky, a growth not the 58 marvelous than tho ono given of heat. Not tho least wonderful part of tho count is the small quantity of seed ed to produce the result. The numr of plants, standing at a foot each i}', was 43,560. Supposing every ain to have been sound when planA, the quantity required to plant an re would not have exceeded threo d a half pounds, there being bcrsen turnlvA on/1 *i WM%? ?UIA wuu i/uuuauiiu ains to the pound. At this rate every plant should have elded about 2,600 grains?Bay senty 'stalks or ears, averaging ibrty ftinsj^o the ear. Perhaps every faror hastseen bunches of wheat, appautly coming from a single grain, anding in a rich spot and having om to spread, containing forty or ly stalks, and bearing laj?ga ears. Now we have only to an ire of ground occupied euch alkft, having a plenty of manure to od on, to be convinced that it is posjJe to obtain something like the crop presented in the above extract, it, perhaps, our readers will say it is aier to figure this out than to reach oy naru KnocKa, to which we navo dy ito reply; let thom try it ou a i*tl softie, say a square in the garni; or even * square rod. Kr Peabody's will is not yet probad The oonUnta are .substantially follows: Of property in England be balance is divided among His xty Kusseu jind 4,wo other .nephew e made re|id?ftry leg*efv ?Hi airo npowtrcd to settle ftf* ofUto p**>i>ty in Altaeri^a, ' wfeftfri? /'fcteimated between $750,000 and *l,#,00fc '* -ai '%?' J ]>> -4