The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 10, 1869, Image 2

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J . ?* ?* ???~ * * S JW?|J? ?. I.'WW?Wjhi< ly ^fmu W-JI1IJ1 f fffri a BSirj~7?. .Abbeville,- "Sr" \v. a. lf,i:. UiSiVo:^-^ " ' '~ ~ T*tr-r-_r=r TETIMS?T/iytP Dollnrs n y?nr ii> nilvtmrc JST* f?t> >iUb?cri?tiou? Nk?;n for n ahorter %tWC thub aix months. jj-J? _j,V. xfrgr-c Pcce^to 10,18Q9.. . The Accounts of the Abbeville Banner. Ojnr'fricpijB w?U bear in mind tliat vrfc Jjarp no coutrol over the accounts due' tjio '" office. They aro ft1ae property of tho former, proprie' tor, ?Tr- % TV. Farrow. We bought *>n1y lie material, and good-will, and nuliscriptiou list. LIDj: & WILSON. Kotice to onr Patrons, All nni-unna \rlin n ro i n rl ?>lil i?.-1 r\ r> in? > &ii wvi*w ' . . r v vv.** wv v ? ? office for subscription or: advertising, are requested to mnko payment at, an early daj\ The crops aro being, KQ.ld. and wo suppose.that qui; friends will find it very CQn.vepient to pay now The money copld not como to ut> ut n more acceptablp time. "Short credit* inuke long friendships." LEE & WILSOX. < > JPBSSLDENT'S MESSAQJE. The Antrnal Messngo of President Grant when coin paved with the vo. fciminous Messages of sonic of his predecessors, is a brief document. It presents a concise reviow of tho vaa-ied domestic interests and foreign relations whieh form tho subjects of congressional legislation, nnd sets forth its conclusions distinctly and decidecWy. I-t is moderate in tone, AAiiinnrat.irn i ti T\nlinv rn/1 i 11 n*n think bo generally acceptable. We annox a ekort synopsis of its leading pouitions: Tho President congratulates the county upon tho enjoyment, of peacn and tho-blessings of" freedom, wilLga territory capabte of supporting a population of BQfr.OOO-.OOQ, afid r^ch in all tho elements of mineral and agricultural wealth-*irpon abundant harVMt*j and an overflowing revenue. On the swbjoct of reconstruction, he pnyB: "Seveu States which passed ordinances of secession have been fully restored to their places in tho Union ; tho eighth, Georgia, held an election at which she ratifh-d her constitution, republican in forna, elected a Governor, uwtnbors of Congress, a State Legislature, and other officers required. The Governor was installed ; the T *.i.i a. J i n * . 11 *t juugiMature moi apa peri'jrmcu :i;i irjo acta thoii required of thorn by the TJe' onstruetfoo <iets of Congress! 8nbaeqaently, however,-irt violation of the , constitution* whl&i* t-tffcy hnd jnst ratified, as since tho Snprcrinc Court df the'Stirt>e,''t(he3T fttnsoftted the colored ntembofe of the legislature, and admitted {to seat? ftortie ' nie'irtbers wiiab iMo disqualified \by- tbe third tana* of tho JiTotirt^nith-ariiOndrtient. u srlicbe which they'themselves had contributed to ratify. TTndet4 tli^ dfratanstencea I would submit 'to yb# wliother i* would not bo winef, witboii^ delay, to onact a law authorizing the Go vera or of Gepj^jji^o .convene the members orijjjnalJy ejpetod to the I/agislature, requiring "pa'ch- to take tkx) oath pte'scrtbcd by tho IJc?6?tftfuetiou acts, and bono' to bo" admit4?? k IV a <?n f AnTi/riVvlii * t*A 4 Vki% *? buu TW AM\s niv i-uw yu n>? dlauBo qr the Fcmrtcopth amond<? jfaout." , He recommends the admission of Virginia Wo the "Union, and express-, os the bopo that the recent elqctiops in Mississippi and Texas will bo iblTowe4 by much legislative nctiou, as. Will elope the work of restoration* by tho admission of thpeo Stages. , < . Ho recommend such legislation as will secRjre a gradual return to specie paymepte, And put an immediate stop tp fluctuations in the currency. The method he afcya to seoure tli6 former of these results ^r? as numerous as speculators on pplUieal eoonomy. . To secure the latter he pees but one way, and that is to authorize tho treasury to redeem its own paper at a fixed price, wheufiyfiC.oPl'Cfitinted, aud to withhold fron} circulation all currency so fcde-'jtned until sold again for sdW*i ' V ? / : , "With tegnrfl to the public debt, the President raggests the propriety of iivaiiig ujr ?no Dunuo X71 IUO . \ruvcrnracnt, whefl they become dtie, And re placing.them with new bortdB,bcArmg' ?ft.i?tei?#t not exceeding 4J pep cent.' . Si g?o?jfrpMrod? the postponement I ?f * of t?o.ltwa on thfl ?uM j<}P> jOfjj^e'^rUT find inUrral^aiuifcion upUl eeflau^if of Oongrosa; j Mgjfetrta tho re-, BorCbifhrdttfiifs file r6a uctf^nr '^}ttwj1 taxes and enstoms from to $80,000*000 At eon, and to be annually iTffJuped oe the J *f wmfwi i!o?:t&e OOuntyAiro.developed; f.k):;Fl z-.J'Oi)' t ^i-Pv^ . ;i %fr. .*? #?* *trwBg\*, ^ > Utes-j Jhe .$roued lihf tc tho^a^^^^^Voonfl^t eelrto iceT iat th j -enforced nowevor unpleaaant tnedbty vmay be. &:?, * ^ \ V-? \ V\ u. JIMII laumam jub.w.ii.wwww ! tTTiTi To^ifv^To ATVtfhhia' oV:mir [tlio IVcbulent .^urae* tlio ^xtf?in< j&fOnnn-vvV^U hi\s be?o tuUan by4*1( ( Senate jn the rejection of the John | son Clarendon treaty, uyd $xpr*8$et: J b on 8e !?, in aw a.y. regiwd mg o rm | friendliness of Great Britain in oni Strtigglo for existence," which -will npt . by very palatablo to British *ttt%*$rtien anrl people. The present j tiiuo i*e thinks i? Tiirt Tery'fttfOfnbU : tp the adjustm^t yf^tbetsy. UU^jences land ho rccouiiucnds its postpone I VIlv'UU In regard to tlic Frern-h ocean ca I ble company,' vhicb exelusiv* ici^hta, cj?JU?i? off the United Slat* fio;ii_i;OmpctHVtti upon the Miards o France, tho President i*ccoinmcijdi 1 Irgblalion '"'to protect tho rights o 1 tho citiatn&of the United States aim tUo sovereigiitj* of the nation ngainH sueh an assumption." The principal |?y\vcrs havo boot : invited to empower their rvpreseqta tivee at Washington to agree upoi uniform regulations /'or tho proteetiot jinu comfort of cmigrMit passengers Xhe.IJ resident eulogizes tho gooc 'effect of horue manufactures, and ur 'gos the necessity of looking to. . nev markets for the sulo of our surplui ! products,; advising that China an' ! Japan receive eepeciid attention. A : the eanie time, tlio President advisei | such legislation as will forever pre !clud? the enslavement of tho Chines< upon our soil. Tho President urgently reeom mends the total repeal of tho Tenure oi'-ofliec law, arid advibes thai the In dians be placed in large reservations with ample protection, with the hop< that they may be induced to set. uy in timo territorial governments o ' '-heir own. A liberal policy toward tho navy is ! recommended, as is also the total abo I lition of the franking privilege. J\ i liberal appropriation to tho Agricultural Bureau is strongly advised, an*, it is stated that the salaries of mr.n; !of the imnortiint, ollicors of tho. crnmcnt arc wholly inadequate? among these oflieors are the .fustictof the Supremo Court. ?<s?? The Senatorial Election. "We publish elsewhoro tho report o the Senate Committee. The positioi assumed by the C'ommitteo is that tin election should bo pronounced mil and void, because of illegal conduct ii the County Canvassers in not rcject ing tho voto at Calhoun's Mills. Bu Wrifhi t hn Phnivmin orlnii'fo - > """"w tho decision of the Comity Board isflna and that- as " 110 covruption is chargc< the committee cannot go behind thcii report." !But is it not doing"so to tak< testimony as to matters which cam< properly before the County Cativas sers, and upon which the}- have passct judgement? If tho County Canvas scrs' judgment is linal, Col. Cothrai is entitled to his seat. Hut no, Col Cothran is a Democrat and not onh Beverly., but tho Repnblicai party, is willing "to fcainp outsido o the GoilStirutiofi" t'o oxclude him But say they, the "Republicans hav< a majority in Abbcvi le, and it is im possible for a Democrat to carry a fail eloction. YTe take issue?wo denj tho allegation?We .coplrovort tin | charge. P>ut why hold Election at all ii it io iv/ uv JJIvjun"j(ju 11r ui:IL wiy A'popular election in Al?t?cvTTlo ii tfio'* merest' faro'e, if'tbo cliC-ission o the 73oard. of'County Cajiyassers is t( be otcrrtiWdlH tbat tray.' In.fjitun Jet us-have no election a tall. Let tli< Republicans select their men. Thai wotild bo as fair as tho present pro cceding. , ' h*. sale day. " . ' *? W* . 4 t: 4. r There wn<* a larg6 attendance o our ftjlloV-chizens On Monday last In gplttfof tho present ananialotfs p< Iftical condition, oat* people are Iiopc fill and active, and are putting fort! every c.vergy to build up their ruinec fortunes, property is bringing gooc prices, and homesteads io Abbevilh are constantly rising in value. The following sales wcro mado 01 Monday: " l5y tho Clerk, 31. McDonald: Dstato of Alexander Hunter, Tra&l of 171 acres, price $1025, purchase] Snm'l Hunter ,- also tract of 298 acret prico $1150, samo purchaser. "D ? tin.- ft -it rw i. ? - * x>j- >rm. x'rooatQ Judge: Estato of B. Boyd, tradt o'f 96 acrbs pried $210,' purchaser A. J Weed. Estrito of Alcxahd^r Mrirtio, 204 acres, S80d, purchaser Jiim'69 Carl He also 110 acrcB $800, purchaser II. J Loin ax. ' * Estate *U. B. INiokles, 249 acres $2830; parch aser James ^ieTf^s, ajec 232*acres 1900,- purchaser J. L?. MpCoW ; also 213 acres $2500, purcfiasot J. Alf McCord.' ' ' ' : > II. S. dasori, Sh'ffr, ' ' Tract of L. B. Guil!;beau, 11,0 fccref pHco $300, purchaser A. (jiiTHif/ead 'Tra'ct of Slla'8I*ay, 100 acrds, pricc 8825, purchaser *T- F. HrpLtt'ot Jtyb.'X)- 'AAa'tioi1 288 acrq^ prtc^f $3^' jjtttfchiiseV' MVs- Vii alley. , iixiMii Ji!^ . c -J-'iii i'.: ;J .', ? ??. Wo direct atteirUfto.J^ \fertisoment of Messrs. J. M. Hudson 4 Co., wlnrgfg OlWftlujj. at Oraves CroBg j^o^ds, a cheap an^jW^H .select ?mmatt?pj?>. imsth-jsm *hm y ?!p?8 ?1 W 'h'j'.y^t Mil flfjiniuJin i Tu Edgefield on the Mb Monday in Sauuary, Judflo (Jrt, presiding. ct? ? mm in tt nn?*Twi? i | ni m hi m flKSMMflfcaftflKiSWl .- *j AiiiV LKOISL^TVTISi * 1 ' '.* ?A , Tbo proceedings1 of the Legislature . during th? past Aveok, present po xnatt tcrs of very special interest. j of Tito AbUeviH* Election cobo has A [ been recommitted to tbe Senate Com tl; [ | mUtee, attd there it promises to Yc main w i j buried. O J ; . 4? . | The election for tho vacancy in the oi j Supreme ?each Chtised by the r?flig- b< t uatiou of JLIoge hfl? uot yet come ofi". at . Judge Orr and \Yhippec (colored) tl seen* to be the prominent candidates, tl - Tho frjeuds of \?lri]>per favor uu ear- ol i ly ehidiop, and through their ioflu- is * enc? a Jjesolution ^nttfed tho House ', hi M /i ?: it. r,i. - * - - -1 J ? - * i - - I ^ bllU HU IU?V. ?? lUWUtty Ul VICO- j Jll y lion. The Senate amended tho reno-jp: ] lution by appointing; the 21st inst. t and to reebueilo differences a commit-jit teei ef conference has been appointed, i o' Many important questions arc await- j T i ing decision by tho Supreme Court, j tl i and which will be deferred. until theiii Court i* full. (l i It is proposed to create au addition- t< . al Circuit composed of Beaufort, s and the adjoining counties. p 1 A bill to provide for the better pro-1 Li lection of the holders of insurance I u 4 i I policies in the State ha? been intro- si duced. It provides that insurance b companies must * deposit with the o - Comptroller General, in bouds aud c stocks of the State, a sum equal to $50,000. Agents of companies organ! j ized in o^iier States or foreign coun> tvies U'.ust deposit tho saino amount, f It bus created quite a stir among the] | agouts of insuranco companies. It is 3! a sr-licmc to cnbuncc the value of the L jStnte bonds, but seoras entirely inefflI /-iionf f n nvlnnil tvvaI n/?t Iau 4*% #l>r? *" VJVIIV tV V.WVI4U VbVVbiVli cV/ HIV IIIi surcd. f A bill is ponding providing for Iho payment of tl o priuci) a", and interestB of the bonds and Slocks of tho State, in coin. Bills have been passed to regulate ibe manner of selling lands at public sale; to amend the law relative to tho f recording of mortgages and bills. 1 A bill (by Corbin) to protect the ? rights of persons lawfully in posscsI >ion of Innds and tenements, and a bill (by AYimbush) to prevent official misconduct by county officers, have t both paRsed. r Tho Judiciary Committoe rccomj mended that Hie salary of the Judges j of the Supreme Court and tho Judges S r of the First Circuit bo $5000. They a also recommended that tho bill to pre^ vent the arrest of Stato constables do not pass. , Cain <jave notice that ho -would ini ? ,, ... irouuoc a mil to protect mo depositors of savings and trust companies, and secure the same by tho institution do' positing BOunrillcB with the Statu Treasurer, the securities to be State j. bonds and stocks. - 'In the Senate, a corjeurreut x'osolui' tion from the iToufie,. requesting the Land Corittnissioner' to report the ^ \ quantity of land purchased with the Ii \ two hundred thousand dollars, author- tl ized at last session to bo issued; also," \\ " the cost of tlic land, on what condi- n ? tions pur.fhased, and how it has been 1 ^ disposed "o^xvlierft Kuch l#nd3 are sit- p ^ aatcd, and what was the cost of tho jj ^ respective tracts, wps amended 60 as w \ to require the report on or before the 6rst of January next, and agreed to. ^ \ The Judiciary Committee reported!,.. upon Section thirteen of a bill to re- * vise, simplify and abridge the rules of 1 practice, pleadings' and forms of the ai courts of the' Slato," reeoinpiending that{bartcfmi'of the Supremo Court ^ bfr held every year?0110 in Charles- ri ** ton, ono in Columbia, one in Sumter ond oue in Greeiivlllc. The argument, ^ 5 used in is.upport of this recommcnda- t( " tion states that a3 tlio now code will ^ 1 be new to the people of the State, it u< | is therefore Subject to various con-' 0j 1 structions in the Circuit Courts, an<J ai i as tbo Supreme Co^rt must eventually )v determine nil questions jn order to ** 1 lmvo a aniforruity of praeUco through- 4l out thp State, it should ho more aeees- $( . .Bible to. ihe. people. . it ^ A hearing was held by the Judioia- ^ ry Committee of both Houses in joint ^ ' session, on*Saturday morning, upon a ; BrlPprovidingthat all sales under orders or decrees in equity shall be riSade ? by thefJherHfs of the several Counties. A vigorous Contest is now' golfig oh ^ betwteen the Clfc'rks and Shc/iffs, each : rogarding the profits and fee's of these 1 nales as ftho proper chnpltriYi'entfl of ' their offices. * On Saturday pibt-bing 01 f cx-Chfcn cellar' Carroll made fin argu' laent before iho Committees irt Javor 0 ; of the BfrerHfo' 6olnmittee will " hold ^irfothir easpioh vrhcti' Attorneys ' OenerM Ohatnb^rlaitl will nirfkO an arghmetit in faVOr of the Clel'ks, ftft'er' _ wb!<5h the-GbmWiltee toiUv- rdjf>6rt to ?! ! *h? ttttf lTotlsW. < : ' ; ' ' c . . , . / ! b tAvr iikt& t 9 t. ?r-; ><" W 1 LJ .) JJJ* I-" ' *?i('S 1 ' *' M ; Qipcu^a OP Pa^.TEtt.-r-Xhe r^arjous ^ ; Circle^ 9^ Pra^o? in ,th? .ftititriets^ac- r* / cording'to pf-qv^us appoinUnent,, as- p) ; somjWed. h^ro yv .Cflnyflntiop- oa.W?d- V 1 hewlqy.I^{ W. Lela*)d. was 7J " Alopt^d Pr?8tdoi^*nd. B^A* . Jj>wv | Esq., Secretary*. There has boon 9 , good attendance and ilia has c(. P^QV^ A yejjr : ia^roetiflf , 'Aij^ iC'oqvttit^e ^sfetipg ,o? $^ I" P/?&r. ty,, J???^y,:r*rtd ' Dr, I. Branch, have been apjoj#te4 V. i 40. attend the Methodist quarterly I 0,}; a), j?d or 64ioRo ?i:' ^ h* i .?oMn3 ??!? im^<y?4er/ etiJ a&>? . ?iT?yi si?mk W MBfctf <* ??-; ?a & ^rict Fair at that place. Ther ? 1 ve*y Urge attendance and a very ai highly creditable exhibition. * ,P< \ For the AbbeiiUe Proas and Banoa. to THJE HTBLip. The following 19 the list* of numbci-s * the Exd^utivq, ^ommiitteo ot' tin bbeville Agricultural Society. I icro uro anj^ amongst tho numbe. ho cannot and will not 1001k for the Lqefij iey will plqaso. Both'/ me a,t jce, tliat other appointments may ; made. One Society in a Gxed fuet id must- be progressive. To ensnre ?is end much depends upon the will, 10 energy, aud it 110 jd bo the purse, f the Executive Committee; hence it nccctjanry that audi a committee jould be competed of citwene, who re willing occasionally to eacrilice rivatu interests for the public weal. '1*1.? T." ' ? ^i.x<.-.uuiivu committee will meet i tho Secretary's Ollioe at eleven clock on thf morning of tho first uoKday iu January ; and to prevent ic necessity of calling another meet >g during the j'eur, it is urgently ro nested thut every number inteuaing i serve will be prcsont. In tho next issue of tho Pros*, 1 roposo publishing aschemo by which lie Society may bo firmly established pou a mouied basin, and whicl i-hcmo I respectfully ask the memers of tho Committeo to reflect up n, and if they approve of it, to cir ulato it iu their respective sections EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. JAMES M. LATIMER, JOHN K. BROWN LEE, SAM'L Y. HESTER, ED. CALHOUN, D. M. RODGERS, PETER GTTLT/RBEAU, M. O. McCASLAN, CATLET COR LEY, .T. H. WIDEMAN, M. C. TAGGART, J. D. G A ILLARl), R. A. GRIFFIN, D M. ROI)GERSv AV. T. HENDERSON, A. M. AIIvEN, G. W. HODGES, "W. B. McGHEK, G. MATTISON, JAMES PRATT, c. n vr.T.Tc: W. J. SMITH, W. ir. PARKER, lr. McD. MI IjLER, H. W. LAW SOX, "With tho following officers of"th< ociety : I>. "W. Aiken, President. C. T. Haskell, vicc-Prcsidcnt. F. A. Connor, Treasurer. J. S. Cothran, Cor. Secretary. W. A.'Tjoo, Rec. Secretary. D. WYATT AIKEN, President. Death of W. K. Tolbert . . a . j "SVc rectivcJ. ^he par&culara ,.o 10 killing of Tplbert, shortly uRei le publication Of our last issue information having been given t( ie State Constabulary, that h< fould attend a wedding in tin eighborhood of ; Greenwood, or 'hu rsdflj* night of the past week, i arty of fonr headed by Jerry IIol nsliead, eurrouftdcd the house here Tolbert was, and affycted ai ntrance. Tolbert's pistol mister, re, aud so did .llolliuskead'pv olbert - then fired, striking llolnshead successively in the sid< nd thigh. One of the parly then iOt< Tolbevt through the heart, tolliushcad's wounds aro not sc0Ua ; : : New Firm. ?;Wo direct attentiou > tho advertisement of the diaepluon of co-partnership .of .the fivm.ol artier & Thomson, and the continence of the business by the new firm P Parker & Lee. These gontlem6r re .boiih medical practitioners nod ill give thoir supervision to the busigss. They solicit a continuance oi )6 p?6t liberal patronago bestowed pon the lAto firm of Pnrkor & Thorn>n, and will sparo no offort: to merit . With them. will bo found Mr. oJ^rtN. Wh?te;who will bo glad -to m hie friends from. Lowudesville. ivo them a call. Card.?Tho undersigned would ike this pnblife method of returning is thanks to Mrs. llinton, Pov. Mr. lack, James Bailey, Efrq., Mr. Rob ts, and others, for kindness arid aspitality extended to him on the scasionof his recent wounding in tho rest of W. K. Tolbert. on tho night * Thursday, the 2d inst. Jerry Hollinsheap. December 9, 1869. *' ) ' !&' i t' ' ' . ; J ?.... ^ P$SrCall al . Parker ?fc Loe's Drng lore and get tho " Danco of Modern Te," a modest little volume, whiib -gea the moral and .scriptural. argu* eut agaipsj. jdanfiing ,in ayy apil ul| ' its pii^sps.' Call and.get the book, id be couvhjee^, or if eatisficd aliady oil-that point, at any rate eupj y yoaVself with arguments strong id cooslnaive fOtf the faith which >u.,ho)d. .Parents, .instructors f>{ />lll onrl ort>t. tfkft Knnlr V0, See atfver^iswnont in another tjumff of ltfesjM*/ Wilcox, Gibbs A o., Tnpprtqxp and Dcftlovs in Guanos. :?^Brs. Jflo.r Knox & Co. aro their jents at thia place.' , . T'J V'jO* ** ' n" - ~'A>:UI L?: i (ri Ij "!3 , ? 'iff ill Wm Qaatfiifcto , J^nt^ S&wir eitatocxO fcubJft a-jyrlj L*< i*l40<iBri ^fthJjPa!Jl BUIJj? o/(l Liii kMiMJmft'unf iulIMil., iy, proceedings eo far are nurm>rtant. -, . . v State Auditor's Rktort.?The following is a synopsis from the report of Mr Rmbon Tomlinson : _ Toe total amount reeeivod on oc- | count of taxes for fiscal year 1869, t( J October 31,, I8G9, inclusive, is $1,028. >90.98. Of this amount, according t? ho returns received up to the writing ' of this report, $58,123 was paid on au count of Poll Tax, and 8982,600.08 for Jmrposes of State Government. Tho n l?o1L Taxes of Orangeburg, liiehl^nd ^ und Charleston not yet l'ully collect- & cd. L After reviewing the former tax laws tt of tho State, the Auditor says: The ?> jreal property of the State is estimat- e I cd at $7(3.125,021, n in At.d the peri.Konal at 838, 82S, 410, flaking u to,11al of' $I14,95!1,'1G7. "But," hays the J Auditor, "it is genera! admmittod, 1 ^ 1 believe, oveu by those most opposed ' to the present Government, that the ^ . irottl estate and personal property of i j the State would be below their true I viiluo at $200,000,000." i "The Stato Board of Equalization ; j was called together and found the property returns as jibove staled, t. . jTho duty imposed upon the Board by " r! the law in as clear and explicit as ? ' j any other duty under it. That duty j 8 r J was to raise the real property of thc.s< j several counties to what they believed jC ' j to be its triie vahio. This they ?lid. | ^ 1 II has been asserted that this increase | t was made in order to raise the amount j of revenue needed by the State, b Such is not the case. The revenue j r? " could havo been raised as readily by increasing tho per centum of taxa. tion; and the clamor which would have ensued in that event would havo j ~ > ceii no groater. The Stato Board I ' was aware that this increase wnild; boar heavily upon some individuals,! ::nd hence felt the responsibility rest- \ ingnponthem; but they were also ? aware that if no increase was made in tne ualuation, an increase would have to be made in the rate, and this would not only he oppressive upon individuals, but upon counties, as compared;^ with other counties. It has been as-j sorted that this board is a monstrous' anomaly, and that it ought not to bo permitted to exist. Similar Boards exist in all tho States, where this s) storn nf tflwitlftn ** * !*#* operation found to ho admirable incentives toward securing l'uir and ) equal assessment in tlie various lo,,ol,J communities. The people in the different counties of this State will see see to it in any future assessment of their real property that, very little work shall he left for the State Board v of Equalization." 18?T?Thc advertisement of Messrs. Riley & Jordan J3ro., Greet.wood, i, of which wc made a notice in ouri I ; last, appears in another column, j These gentlemen have a fino stock,!, and our friends will do well to call.'] i Pee advertisement of the sale of the personal estate of Col. James M. Perrin, deceased, at his late residence in Abbeville village, , 011 the 2D inst. . g Sec advertisement of Mr. T. \V. McMillan, to those wanting Brick. fi Ufe^.'Sce advertisement of the sale ot' Wm. O. Parsley, on sale day in January, at Abbeville C. If. ?^? * Bc^See advertisement of the sale * of the real estate of Abram Iladi don, deceased, on sale day in Janui ary, at Abbeville C. II. ; Brick! Brick! I PE.RSONS wishing Brick can l>e supplied by tlio undersigned, one milo bolow tlio Viiloge, and at a reasonable price. jj t. w. McMillan. Doc. 10, 18C9, 33, 3t I ' NOTICE, ~j Important Sale * ON the 29ih infit., at. the lnle residenne [l oi Col. JAMES M. PEIllllN, u I deceased, at lite Village of Abbeville I will sell tbe Personal Estate of the'deft ceased reniHining in ibe House anl 011 the I lot, consisting of a Piano, Household Fnriitnre, Carpets, Beds, Plate, J And many other things. jt3T Terms made ltr?own on day of sale. THOS. C. PERRIN, j Executor. Dec. 9. 18G9. 33, St Farmers ! Increase your Crops and improve your ? I.anJu by using 1 PHOENIX GUANO, . .. - ? iIU|iuiwu i?v us mr?ci irom iuo I'Jboouiz Islands " bouth Pacific Ocean. Wilcox, Gibbs & Co.'s J MANIPULATED GUANO, Prepared at Savannah, Ga., and Charleston, 8. 0., whi-ih lias proved in tho soil tho best Manure in use. Guano, Salt anil Plaster Csmponnil,. : AIbo prepared at Savannah and Charleeton, for Rale fur cash or on time by WILCOX, GIBBS & CO. ^ 1 . IMPORTERS & DEALERS IK . #a GUANOS, 1 , . 99 BAY STREET, BAVAHNA i^G-A.'-., , Pl t\ 15AST BAY 8T.'t f H A RLt^TON. 8. 0. for rl4l 1BROAD STRBET, AtHJUtfTA. GA. * #1 i Wir further .information, '8' CTMoW or.wluoiiJa#to^WflferN;a-; publisTied t>y, W.. Q. Mofcltirphy. ? Co., ?t.-A.U- Di ^U Md^KV.DMk, <3ijj ?* thb-low'jpftfebf ~ WPft'W"*-;'? vii 1 u? JJSfO. XNOX *. v Abbeville/S. 0. ' Dee. 10, >1869> 33, 4m ?' 1 Drug Store at Ab SFew Firm of (SUCCESSORS TO PA A/1R. J. A. THOMSON having ill the Drug Store lately co Thomson, the business will be ice. By close attention to hnsine onnge given the linn ot Parker & fliei?nt servicos of Mr. R. N. Wi xpeet to tiud one of the Firm alw DR. E. PARKER, Decwnbor 10, 1809, 33, tf Fo the peoplo of & ?ici r m. HxrosoiTX^or^u" f . in Iliui vicinity to their well SC wivwl froii? tbe city of Charleston. ron> u ral?, Fluids, 1'. p':n8, IIo^i-My, Glov? b, wi-s Muslins, Blown and Bleached Hoi jys, Cii>siineres, Tweeds nnd Lonuulotli* 'amir, Ji?isins, II*r<l ware. Crockery mid Ve also liavo a splendid lot of Saddles a \V?? purchased our Goods since the fall r wo ran afford to Mill much clioit|>cr tl mo t<elli:t<j Goods f?>r a nuinbeo of yen .-a*oiniblis as anybody. To prove ihu trui December 10, 18C9, 33, It Horn OHEEjSTT r^vFFER to thfir friends. customers and Si<-ek of Goodb they' have ever bi ilcto liue of WWW < Our Lady fiienJs would do well I Srcss ficods' Trim SHAWLS, &C? &C., line of tho We would remind our Gentlemen frieri vo liave on Land a full line of Cassimeres, Tv Also a good READY-MADE CLOTHE Our 8inck or ITaRDWAKE, WOOI tY is >inpi(Mo in every line. liOO ?EATIIEli, ihe Lest calf skins in low JEDSTEADS?cheap. We eiil? keep a Siar, Coffee, Tea, Mola We invite our friends and iLe pub ic g o give satisfaction both in tna price and < 1J. S. All persons indebted to us i eitle their accounts at one**. Riley 4 Diccfnber 10, 1^69, 38, if ' BLUE CRASS SEEN, AT Parker & Lee's. Dec 10, 1869, 33. if ^tlMONDS' Liver Regulator, ^ Dr. J. Bradford's Female Regulator ixle Grouse, Ht PARKER & LEE'S. Dec 10, 18G9, 33, It V? CiLIX B;?rk and Pro!; xide of Tron, 'eiro. Phosphorated Ctdasaya Baik will Bisinulli, lasBarij & Co.'s Cod Liver Oil, pure, "ine Willow Clntrconl, )r. Groves Magnetic Plaster, icAlhsler ? U iitmem, ew DavidV Plaster, >allerps Magical Pain Extractor, pice JLiiticTB, at PARKER & LEE'S. Dec 10, I860, 34, if IANGE OINTMENT, for Bop AT Parker & Lee's. Dec 10, 33, tr TIihbI) and Spring Lancets, laic Catheters, Silver. AT Parker & Lee's. Dpremfcpr 10 83 if DANCE OF MODERN LIFE," AT PARKER & LEE'S. Deo eO, 33, if IIIST MUD, pRi:sn CURRANTS, Fresh Rasins, Currauts, Cheeso, Fire Crackers, sold at PlPITTJtl lr T.T?T7?a J. lllkAVJUAV IV KJ. Doc 10, I860, 33, 2t nrTHKREAS ."Lorenzo p. Kennedy j\ haa made suit to toe, to grant m Letters- of Admihistration of the Eite of Isaac C. Kennedy, deceased, late of id county. These are, therefore, to cite and monish l and singular the kindred aud creditors the said Isaac C. Kennedy, dec'd, that ey be .and .appear before me. in the ourt of Probate," to be held at Abbeville , H; on- Friday 24ih D*c. fnit, after lblioatjpu befeof/; At 11 o'clock in the refioon, |lo ilfow c?us$, if any thoy have, l?y: the said Administration should >?6t be ti?teU,'.> ' ;r? 'fjtyw ~V' : " . * Givep <^nd<3r n>y hand* tfci*8tb day of ?c#r?ber. Am? Domini I860, Tublisbed oii the 8th <Jay pf December, I89,VW'fhe yeaf df'AtHerican lnaeafefajpfr I UuC . WM. HILL, j. p. A.O. [L. a.] Dec. 10, 1880, 38?2t 1 2. - irr " 1 '-'JS?: bevillc Court House. Parker & Lee, i, .RKER & THOMSON.) ; ^ [JjJ sold, to Dr. J. J. T/ETC, his interest 1 inducted uuder tbo name of Parker | IJ s continued in the name of Parker &i ss they bo^ie to retain the liberal pa-| Thomson. They h'.-ive secured the IITE and in addition customers may ?? ays present. 11 DR. J. J. LEE. II ravas' Cross Eoads avt& If inity. respectfully call tito attention of tbo people lected ?>'? cheap Htcick of Goods just i-ii?tr ill Kngiisli Mini American 1'iiiils, HalKniltroi(U*ries, Braids Bull on v, J aeonet unci! inc'spuiiP, Alabama Siripns, O-tnalnirj*-", Ivor- I , Su^ar, Coffee, Cliecs?\ Molasses^ Miek;?rid, j|" Tilt-* arc, BuuU aud Shoes, llalH au?J C.ip3. , nd Brid't'P. 0,1 in cotton, and cotton goods, and consequent- , inn those who purchased curlier. Wo hnv? *"* rt?, hikI i 1jink wc can buy and tell goods as ~th of all we ?nv give u* a call. JL J. M. HUDSON & CO. w sal ililM: VOODi S. C., w of the pubic generally, one of the LARGEST 1 >uglit, consihliiig it) ol a fuli and com il < Kill 0 cnll on us before puichwsing their lvi Oi jnings, Hats, CSIoa&s, as we have a complete above goods. "J id3 that wo h:ive not ignored their wants, a? ' rui I reeds, and Jeans. 1 lino of cheap t;( vG, GENTS' HATS, Assr t. ? )ENWARE. CROCKERY, and SADDLE- il1 TS and SHOES in almost end less variety. 10 n ? French. Good assortment COTTAGE , f.ill line of Family Groceries, such as m, Bacon, Lard, &c, k enernlly 1.0 give us a call, pledging ourselves quality of goods. li*a fiuriiuwllv * ?? n 11 m ' a rl t y? /? a r? .> f.v ? . 1 - 1 ..v, w... .v.j... iu vw.1io iui ttihu aim j q Co: Sc Jordan Bros. . * ~ salejf realWtk- ~ BY order of tlio Court of Probnte for Abbeville Comity, I will sell by I'ublre Aiir.lion nn SuL !")??? in T............ in I iifxt, tho ' J U Real Estate of Nathaniel Cobb, deceased, Consiating of a tract of 1:m?] in snid Conn | \ ty, containing Til REli HUNDRED! ACRES, more or less, Ij 1 *ion John's and , JoIiiifoiiV creeks, anil bounded by lands of { B Y. Martin, Samuel Lomax ami other*. ~ This tract may bo sold in two parcels. i And also a HOUSE AND LOT? the lot contains four itcres, tnore or less, and tho Ilouse is a comfortable building situa let in the corporation of the town of Abbrville, on the Cnmbrid^e Road, adjoining the Iota of Jubn Ilaibcrfcon and Gnntge Sv'an. Terms. ?Twelve months crodit, inter J est troin d?t?\ Bond and security, wiib a mortgage of ihe premises, and the costs to lie n.iid in rn?l? H. S. CASON, S. A. C. f Dee. 4, 1800. 33?3t. The Heal Estate Fo Abram Haddon, deceased, "TTTILL be *old by the Execu'ors pf ibe VV Will of ihe said deceased, on Salt Day inJanu iry. next, viz: Three Hundred and ThirtyAcres, more or less, Lying within four niilr8 of Abbeville Court IIi>u??e, adjoining lands of William Ol Hill, W. li. R? mans ?in t oiher>?-on the I |iiuiiurL"< me Jin ueueBsnry oui-uumiings. Tl?e wale will lak? place at Abbeville Court [jotir* on Sale D>?y in January, next _. being llm 3>l day of iho month, and thv 1 highest bidder will be the purchaser. The purchaser will be required to giro n I3ond and approved security, and a mort- Ha gage of tho pieiniscs to accuse the pay- _ ment of .the purchase money, nnd pay for J) sdl neetssary papers, including ttamps ?feu Jas. C. Stevenson,) f Extr's. , A. J. McKee,) 1 Deo. 8, 1809. 33. 3t Of N.. A. Ed*nid9, Administrator vf. Narcissa Pur; 1 jy, Amanda Johnson and others. 1 IN THE PR OB A TR CO UR T. ? By Order of tie Court of Prolate 11: ^ WILL sell, on Sale Day in January. W< next, ot public outcry nt ' Abbeville Bfi> (Jcurt House tbeReal Estate of the late Tbi Wm. 0. Purseley, Consisting: of the K?rr Tract, containing ( ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ? ONE ACRES, more or .less, on Calhoun's Creek, bounded by lands'. of Estate of . Jimm Williams, Nancy Knox and others. 1 Abo. the remainder in feaon the Home an< Ti act (after the death of the widow, the ,< said Narcissi! PuYsley) said tract contains ' Two Hundred and Eighteen Acres, more or; lew,*' on' waters of Onlbon*1* Oeeky, 1 bounded by lands of Estate of James ' t Williams, James Pursley and others, Bri Trtms Cash.? .0 pg n.i S. 0A80N, tlari S. A. C. Dec. 10, 1869, S3?3t. < LOOK FOR Till! .AST COLUMN on tiie DITORliL Pffl! . r ' i in wmm KOW HAVE THEIR . til & WINTER STOCK COMPLETE, ami they ex pec. t to keep it J in tliis condition dining the Benson, e are continually brdveint; GOODS, and ircely ever pet out of lending article*, e keep ? GENERAL ASSORTMENT, J invite tbo attention of tliu public lo r Stock, assured of our ubility to supply 5 waut6 of all who mav favor us with a I. Wo specially invite the attention of th? dies lo our Stock of >RESS GOODS, liich, although considerably depleted by ei, instill quite full and desirable. Wo Keep coui-tantly on hand a l*rge nsiment of HOOP SKIRTo AND CORSETS, OSIERY AND GLOVES. e would keep our lady friendB in mind our FRENCH ALEXANDER'S KID GLOVE. ese Gloves need no recorr.mnndalion to ).-?u who have tiied them. To thof? 10 have not tried thein wo would sugsi ihey huv o?o pair, and we hio i>fied they wsll never Hlierwards buy h d (/love of any other manufacture, ir block of DRY GOODS ncrally is immunity large and \v?-ll-a?Porliti all iis* diOVrcnt departments. Our rpose '3 lo Bel I "IEST-CLASS GOODS, :ol) n? will do good service aud give lire Satisfaction. A grenl many of ?ur xlomera need not ho advined llial it is accordance ?iili the vcouomy l-uy a go?.?l iirticiu of uuy thing. We respectfully invite every ou? in need nriiins9 M Ulld f nhv p?JtFarij?lion, to call and examine r Uitmselves. WHITE BROTHER. . >%> Jid October 29, 1809, 27 ? Gt A LARGE STOCK OF EAM-S1ADE CLOTH ISC, . l'OU SALE I;Y \THITE BROTHERS. October 29, 18(59,27?Ot A FULL SUPPLY OF THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, JUST RECEIVED. ... AMONG THEM THE CELEBRATED Don Carlo's Hat, >r sale bv WHITE BROTHERS. October 2D, 1869, 27?tf WHITE BROTHERS 7FER for pule the largest stock 6f BOOTS AND SHOES ey ever brought to this market. Sand-Sewed Water Proof Boots, nd-Sewed Creole Congress Gaiters, HEN'S WAX BROGANS, MEN'S BALMORALS, <* Miles' j^adies' Shoes. all styles and-sizes. Misses' and Children's Shoes, Dctober 29, 1809, 27?Ct BLANKETS 1 BLANKET&M i ' ' ' i4 All Wool?Bed Blntikela, *10x?: All 3ol?Bed Blanket*.- Common Wbita mket8, Common Grey. Blapkels. b above lor sale by ' "WHITE BROTHERS. Dctober 29,1860, 27?8t > FURS ! FURS t / ' , ' White Bi others have a lot of Fur Cup** I Mufft, which they offer for tAlecbup. Dctober 20, 1809, 27r~6i, /. <.: ?, 11 1 ' ? SADDL&R Y /' SADDLE AT/'} . Saddle* of vaHous pntttfro*. Ri^?A^ 5 i - . f. For?tt'-|? " " . ?. WHITE BROTHERS, 5cU>l? 29, 1809,27?9t * d