The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 26, 1869, Image 2

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V'Y> !_ S? v-/* fc.. ^TV. A. LEE, EDITOJR> TERMS?Three Dollara a ye^r in advance . No Suhsuritiliojia taken for a shorter time lliau six inoutlid. *. I . . .L.. . 1 .".'I .UJJiL J' ' 11 L > Friday, November 26, 1869. The Accounts of the Abbeville Banxxcr* Our friends will bear iu mind thnt wo lmve no control over the accounts duo tho "Banuev" office. They are tho properly of tho former proprie o? Mi* AV \\r rnrrnw Wh linnirlil only the material, and good-will, and subscription list. LEE & WILSON. WHITHER ARE WE DRIFTING? The Radical Meeting on Saturday. Disgraceful Proceedings. Hoge an Incendiary. To a candid sobcr-sidcd enquirer, we would dosire to furnish no elcarcr exhibition or more conclusive proof of what Radicalism is actually doing, or the greater evils which it threatens to accomplish, than is furnished by the disgraceful proceedings of the meet? c??i i rr* i * VII ^UlrUlUUJ. lUKliJg UUVUI1 of tlio excllcment of a circus exhibition, to superadd to tho usual attractions of a .Radical demonstration, the leaders of the party succeeded in collecting here one of tho largest and we must say the most riotous, disorderly and drunken crowds of blacks which has ever appeared on the streets of Abbeville. "We have had Radical meetings here before, but thev were comparatively quiet awl orderly, because tho orators of the occasion made some show of conservatism, deprecated a collision of races, and advised the blacks to deport themselves orderly when here, and to disperse early and quietly to their homes. Was any such advice given to the meeting on Saturday? On] tho contrary, was not everything done by intemperance of language and deed to provoke a collision of races? Wlien free-born Anglo-Saxons are arrestod by their late slaves at the beck ol aonie wonkl-be official, who disgraces the function ho usurps, and violates the law ho pvotends to enforce, wo may well wonder at tlie moderation which tamely submits. That moderation wo may commend, but cannot anticipate. We are but men. and wlieu to tho usual provocations which lead to violence, arc super-added tho antagonisms of raco and condition, wc may well wondor that wo cscape the natural and legitimato conecqucuces of scenes like those of Saturday. It may be that wo owe our cscape to tho fact there wero but lil'teen or twenty of "the Bolid men'' of the District present on tho occasion. Or it may be that had tho stalwart sons of Abbeville been preseul in force, as at our lato Fair, tho demonstration of Saturday would not have occurred. If so, it would have provoked a collision. Docs Radicalism. seek such a result ? Hitherto it it? _ liao ucillWU iVi JL1U9 U UilUII^C (JOIHC over tlic spirit of its dreams ?" But have the blacks no right to assemble ? Shall Mr. Iloge not address a meeting of his constituents? "VVc are willing to concodo both. Admit that ho has been elected to Congress ?concede that he has a constituency. Do the blacks alone form that constituency? Shall the whites he excluded from thoir meetings? or if prosont be debarred from addressing a civil interrogatory to tho speaker, under pain of arrest as a malefactor? JJoastcd right of frw speech! Boasted land of liberty! Yet it was for the exercise, of this first privilege of American citizenship, that two of our most respected citizens wero arrested on Saturday?And two others for an unfounded charge of having done so? arrested by negroes?with oaths and maledictions?confined for hours nnder guard?and as they were arrested without cause, so discharged without apology or reparation! What reparation could atone for wounded honor or violated personal liberty ? What are the facts ? "A plain, :?i i i " iiutiuiiiouuu tuiu b^jcukm nero "trumpet tongucd"?more effective than labored argument, passionate appeal, or withering invective. "With . .flaunting banners waving before their oyes, an excitable crowd of blacks, paaB into the Court House, filling pvery nook and cornor, so that further ingress and egress were equally impossible. There were scarcely more than a do*en Whites present including our worthy Sheriff, Clerk and County Clork, Mr. Hog? is the Orator of the Day, and harangues np^VlA l?Vk A* TCTa J * VU UUU IUUU1 ^UCDllUUf JUO Mill) ine laborer that one-third of the crop is not enough for him. Capt. i. N. Cochran, who is standing near the door addresses a civil question to the sponsor?"Tell these colored people "what a "nigger" is worth in money? money wages being paid in my section.'', Uogo evades the question, and appeals to the passions of his audience by denouncing the word "nigger," as. a term of apprsbrium. Capt. Cochran disuvows the use of the term in an offensive sense, but Hoge refuses to hold any further colloquy. Maj. Johnson, near by, says In an undertone, "why surely nigger means a H ick man." Their "offence bath this extent no more." Sulliv-an (tho lale^ member clect) the Chairman of ihc titeeting orders their arrest,' ftnd im-" mediately followed n sceno of the wildoBt confusion. Pandemonium let loose?cries of "kill him, kill, kill him," from an excited crowd convuls.ed with all tho agonies of a cause-. loss panic. All nmdc for the door,! somo over the heads of their lesa( fortunato comrades, al! except a very' tow (including tlio orator of the day, | wliom a reflex current landed safely J behind tho door of ono of the jury : rooms.) Messrs. Cochran, Johnson, Gray and Carter wero immediately arrested, (the two last though present in the meeting had not opened their months) were arrestod without warrant?wer? arrested, if upon any pretended charge at all, for doing what ei*er3" citizen has a right to do ?attending a ! popular meeting, and observing the | rulos of legitimate discussion. Their persons wore violated, and their lives limporrilod without tho shadow of justification or excuse. Is this a frco country, or arc the ! boasted rights of American citizenship a myth! Have we rights of persons and property protected by 'law??and if so shall these men go I free? Shall law-makers beeomo lawI hroftkors irith imnnnifv I 1 "V | Is Mr. Hogo responsible for the arrests ? They were made in his behalf and with his implied sanction if nor by his express authority. lie assumed control over tho prisoners. The}' were discharged by his authority. "Upon what meat doth this Cn>sar feed, that he hath grown so fat?" j?or who hath vouchsafed this immunity to him, that ho should break through "the cobwebs of the law ?" The Guffixs Again.?We extract the following from a letter received from an esteemed citizen of Cokesbury : "Tho law is ignored, and vengcance appealed to by those claiming to be jlaw-makors fbr Abbeville. On last I XlondaV, When tho train ni?rivnr? of Hodges from Abbovillo, Air. Pcm Guffin, recently elected to tho Legislature, got out of tho cars accompanied by a company of armed negroes and essayed a speech somewhat to ithis effect: "I stand upon the soil where the Hon. 13. F. Randolph pour ed out his lifo's blood and we intend to have revenge for it. The first liepublican killed in this county every leading Democrat shall be killed and their houses burned down over them." This was apparently addressed to somo dozen whito men who were standing near. Here, Mr. Editor, is an appeal to the passions of tho igno-1 aani, colored people to set abide law, i and tako matters into their own 1 hands. This is the counsel of aso- j called lawmaker. Will ho bo sustained by those in authority? Thcj colored people as a class arc misrepre-1 scntcd by this fellow, for they are j really better citizens than he, and he certainly docs not pretend to represent the whito people. It .seems to be a bid for the votes of tho colored people at the next election, but from all I can learn ho will fuil to get any respectable people of that class to sustain him. Tho other Mr. Guffln " ** 1 - f* rt nuu viaiuio tuo HL'ut oi oenator, to which ho was not elected, Bcaled his devotion to the fair sex by kissing two of them on the platform just beforo the train left. This, however, is a matter of taste, and I am unable to say which was most degraded by it, or which waa most honored." Riot in Dewberry.?Wo learn from the Newberry Herald, that that town has of late expericncod a taste of Radical lawlessness- Tim says : "Our peaccablo town was made on Wednesday night laet the scone of a most disgraceful riot. A band of lawless, stupid leaguers, after an adjourned meeting, in which they had had the assistance of sundry carpetbaggers, sallied out with a large drum and many of them armed with pistols shot guns, Ac:, paraded tho streets until long after midnight, making night hideous with yolls, shouts, firing of weapons, and offensive language. Ollfi f'.il.i7fin'o u iiv/udu WU3 DU'UCK WllD tlio contents of a discharged gun, whether accieentally or not, it is impossible to say, the window glass broken, and his family disturbed and driven from their beds in wild alarm. Notwithstanding tho grievous character of this riot, no interference was made on tho part of our citizens." ? M&e "We had the pleasure on yestertorday of. meeting Col. Aiken, the honored President of our District Agricultnral Society, and the onergetic Secretary of the Stato Agricultural Society, and hearing a report from him of the great Fair at Macon, Ga., to which he was appointed a special delo^ate by the State Society. He gives a glowing account of the great j exhibition, which in spite of some | drawbacks, far exceeded expectation, and in the mechanical departments especially was worthy of all praise. The Executive Committee he thinks, j mmf Viatta rn?I!?n/l -? A"" "" ??v?u?vu sumo fou,uu ovor &nd above expenses. Th? Secretary himself drawa an annual salary of $3,000, bedides salaries paid to two assistants. Tbi). Society is "a fixed fact"?a great institution. -?a See advertisement of George McCalla for the' recovery of gold watcb and chain. ' ft to .OfcNfikAh itAmpton's Address ?1i'ho address of Jjlejier&l UUunp, ton before the Macon Fair is is worthy Qf the head and heart of the illustrious chieftain? elevated in tone, hopeful in spirit, wise ip counsel?practical, suggestive?-Sustained throughout, and closing with a peroration, which glows with "thoughts that breathe, and words that burn." He offers a stirring ploa in behalf of white immigration?the diversity of labor ?the establishment of Agricultural schools and colleges. He tells his countrymen not to desert the old "altars and firesides," but to lend every energy to the redemption of our common country. lie bids them foster negro labor, and thus utilize aud control it. lie urges the necessity of improved tillage and thorough culture. He concludes with theso noblo sentiments : "Dedicate yourselves to tho service of your State, and aid in advancing her in the noble career she is entering. March on bravely in the lino duty points out, Bboulder to shoulder, as you used to do amid the roar of battle. Resort to no vi< - lcnce to redress public wrongs, but seek to remedy them by peaceful ageuciea. Ilelp each other along the path of life ; extend the kindly hand of charity to your disabled comrades, aud forget not the widows and orphans of your dead brothers. For myself, I ask you to keep a place for me in your hearts as I shall do for you in mine, and believe that I utter no idle phrase when I say that I pray God to keep and bless you I Guffin Threatens iuuubEit and Arson.?Ono of tho most reliable gentlemen of Ninety Six writes ur that "Gufiin," (wo suppose the "Senator elect") "made some heavy threats iia 1\A nocoml <lAwn ..V | UUUVU uvn II tuu uiut'l UUV. lie said that for the next negro that was killed in the neighborhood, he would burn ever}' gin-house and dwelling for ten miles square, and hang eight of the roost prominent Democrats. IIo said it publicly on the platform at this place. This is pretty heavy." So say \ve. Yet this man claims to be Senator, and aspires to a law-maker for the people of Abbej ville. ' O judgment ihou art fled to brutish beasts, Aud mm have lost their reasou." "Will Governor Scott endorse the sentiments, and commend tho discreet policy of his protege ? Will tho Repul> lican accept them as a true exponent of tho principles and policy of the dominant party ? "Will "tho Honorable Senator" himself dare avow them before an assembly of his constituents?or in any decent company of civilized men ? He who would counccl murder and arson is fit to associate only with cut-throats and outlaws. Death of an Esteemed Citizen. "We regret to announce the death oi Mr. John Taggart, an old and high esteemed citizen, which occurred after a short illness, at his residence in this village, on Sunday last, the 21 inat. Tho deceased was born in this villago in January, 1801, and was henco in tha 69th year of his age. He was the son of Mr. Moses Taggart, long tho Ordinary of the District, and served himself for one torm,as sheriff of Abbeville, having been elected to that offico in 1835. With the exception of a short absence, bis life wad spent in Abbeville village; and here he was universally esteemed, for tho high integrity of his character, and the rare kindness and affability of his temper. Ho was a member of the Espicopal Church here from its foundation; his last moments were cheered by the consolations of the Chrtstain faith. Ho leaves a large circle of Relatives to mourn his loss. The Mills House, Charleston, S. C.?This well-known House having been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished has been opened for the roception of guests under the superintendence of J. Parkor, Proprietor. A first class I/ivery Stable is also attached tho House, and carriages for tho convevancA nf thmmbitow *?jii ?r r " " "* be in attendance at all tho steamboat and railroad trains. The past reputation of the Ilouse will doubtless be well sustained, and we woold commend It to tho patronage of our travelling friends. 1?- Two of onr citizens were brought np to onr Village on Wednesday last uoder arrest?one as implicated in the recent disturbance at Calhonn'ft mi 11b nnrl tlio n'lio- ?J ? ? WV vwuv& UUUOI charge for simple assault and battery, j Why Is it necessary to drag our citizens away from their homes in this way ? Even if the warrants are i?saed by the x&agistrate here, why are they not returned to the nearest magistrate, where ball is accessible? The evil calls loudly for remedy. Gin-Hous* Burnt.?-"We regret to learn that the gin-house of Dr. "W. IL. Anderson, of Greenwood, was consumed by fire on laat Sunday night, together with a quantity of cotton and wheat the property of himseU and neighbors.. His lose is estimated at $1600, and his neighbors at 41000. It was the work ef an incendiary. ( ' The Govern*?^ ^wwge. * .. i ' Wo commend to the peru9al of onr readers tho Annual'Message'of Govornor Scott?always an interesting document on nocoant of tho nubjoots of which it treats, and tho facts which it embodies, whether or not we gninsay its conclusions or disapprove its suggestions. Tho mcssago is a long one, discusses many topics, and will repay perusal. Wo havo made an extra effort to give our readers an cany cuiuon, wuicn wo Know they will appreciate. i t5?r~ Sec advertisemonr of Messrs McDonald, Norwood & Co. in anoth-l er column. Tlicse gentlemen are constantly receiving additions to their large stock of groceries, hardware cutlcry, and staple dry goods, which they are selling at reasonable rates. Call and examine. BdS? See advertisement of Messrs EI. W. Lawson & Co. These gentlemen make stoves, tin ware and lamps each a specialty, and challenge competition in the variety of their styles, the excellence and the cheapness of their wares. They have also a choice miscellaneous stock, which they are selling low. Give them a call and judge for yourselves. We havo no advices as to the probable result of the contested election case from Abbeville. Tfoo credentials of Col. Cothran have been referred to tho Committee on Elections. Wo see that affidavits in regard to tho "outrages" committed by the Democrats at Calhouns' Mills, in Abbcvillo county, during the last olec'?n were referred to tho Committoe on jcjicctions. ? Do You "Wast Healthf And VVno Doxn Nort?If no, be advised, use I)r. Tutt's San>aparilca find Queen's Dt light, the great alterative and blood pu>ifk>r. Thero is no mystery about tiie universal succws that attends its use. It is the finest selection of tonic, antibilious, anti scorbutic, aperient and purifying l!vibf>, Roots and B-itks that ever ?ulered into any rmdical compoun-l. This voluablc preparation is for sn'e by l'srker A Thomeou snd W. T. Feccey, Drug gists, Abheville, S. C. Kovamber 19, 18tJ9, 30?2t MARRIAGES. MARRIED, on Tuesday overling, the 9th November, by the Rev. D. McNeil Turner, D. D., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. THOMAS P. QUARLES, and Mrs MARY T. McDONALD, eldest daughter of Col. Thomas Thomson, all of Abbevillo. The above was accompanied by a delicious slico of tho wedding cako, for which we roturn our thanks, and extend our best wishes to the hannv pair. May "all thinirs fair and ^ bright" bo theirs, ai d the future more than realize all the blissful anticipations of "Love's young dream*" MARRIED, on the evening of the 18th inst.. at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. W. D. Beverly and Rev. A. Rico, the Rev. , W. A. KING-, of Anderson District, and Miss PERRIE M. PRATT, daughter of Robt. Pratt, of Abbeville District, Markets. Abdcvilli, S, C , Not. 2P, I8C?. Cotton, 22 a 22? ; Bacon, 22} a 22. Butter, 96 a 80 ; Egg'. 16 u 20. Beef, 8 a 12; Flour $10 a 18 per bbL Fodder, 11.20 a $1 80 ; Corn, $1.75 a 2.00 ; Barley, $2.15 a 8.00; Oat*. 90c a $1.26. New You, November 24.?Go'd, 26f Cotton fiim. at 24} a 2-4 J. 7 P. M.?Cctton opened very firm, bat closed heavy and in favor of buyer?. Charleston. November 24.?Cotton quiet and easier; sales 460 bales?middlings 24 a 24}; receipts, 1,184. Augusta, November 24?Cotton market quiet bat firmer; sales, 450 balas; reoeipts 84u bales? middlings, 28} Livupool, November 24?Noon.?Cottor steady?uplands Jlf; Orleansllf. Evening?Cotton quiet?uplands 11J a 11|. JAPANEZE SWITCHES! 4 Dozen, assorted colors, received to-day, 25th November, at the Emporium of Fashion. $25.00 Reward! AND no qutsiionft atlced, for the recov-* try of a GOLD WATCH and CHAIN, loet on Monday evening, Hi Abbeville C. H. Apply at the Mareball House. GEORGE McCALLA. November 28, 1809, 81?*.f Notice to Persons Suffering with Asthma.. A SOVEREIGN remedy i? found id tbe Green Moontnin vlathma cure, prepered by Dr, J. U. Guild, Rupert, Vermont, and for Bale bj ' W. T. PENNEY. Ptiee $2.00 per bottle. ALSO.' Leidy'a Blood Pill*. Aa excallant form io wblebte take attract of raraaparilla. They baa* baan tacted and found good by persons bera. Call ami gat a few box* and try tbatn. P/ioa 25c. per box. For sala by T. PENNltir. "Nor. IB, 1869, 81?If 25c. 26c. 2Se. 25c. 25c. TWO emm Vatr York lfilb Loogolotb al II taiti) bt tba ptaoa. Jtov t, Il-ir ft; c. SHIVER. McDonald, No Arc constantly adding to ow g%O< HARDWARE . STAPLE DR1 IN the grocery line we liave bn Fisli in barrels, half barrels Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Rice, and car of all grades $10 to $14 per b Dairy, Meal and Grist received v XT A TO in XIXXJL1JU Guns, Cow Bells, Drawing ] Balances, Locks in variety, Slate rare Osnaburgs, white and check bleached, Linsoys, Towels, Pri Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and stock of Crockery. November 2G, 1809, 31?if STOVES S ALL DESIRING A GOO] II. W. LAV WnO Iirvq one of iho largest and fi 8'oek comprises tlio COLUMBIA FIRE SIDE, tlio GOOD SAMARITAN CITY, and many oilier kinds. Tliej have also always on hand a large TIN ? of every ntyle and ihe be?t varielie?. T excelled, if it can he equaled in lheUp-Ci ?d MISCELLANEOUS STOCK, KOIIC tal. All of which will be sold Cbcap. Call II. "V November, 26 1869, 31?tf NOTICE. n 0-0 OUR friends and customers are earnest ly requested to come nnd make im mediate payments on their accounts, tb store being want of its money. PaTker & Thomson, Nor. 24, 1869, 31? tf Tho State of South Carolina ABBEVILLE COURTY, In ibe Court of Probate. John C. Seal, and Elizabeth his wife, am &'tatira Waller. TB. Nancy Waller, Parthea A. Waller and others. Petition to sell land in Partition. IT appearing to my catisfacrion that Paithen* A. Waller (widow) and Su *an Ann, Willie Statira, Mary Elizabeth McDonald, arid Guilford L. Children Wal ler, deceased, reside beyond the limits o iuib stale (10 wii) in the Sla e or Florida, Oa motion of Perrin and Colli ran peti tioneia for Solicitor?. It is ordered tlia lb# Mid defendants do appear in mj ofHc at Abbeville l ourt Home, within fort; day# from publication hnreof, or the sai< petition will be taken pro confesso and tb Court will proceed to make final decere thereiu. WILLIAM IIILL, j; P. A. C. Nov. 26, 1869,31 ?Ot VALUABLE PROPERTY FOE SALE. BY ORDER Quarterly Conference, Ab beville circuit. Tliat bouse And lo known as the Methodiot parsonage, in tin town of Abbeville will be sold At publii ?ale, Sale day next, in front of the Cour Houae, to the highest bidder. Terms a sale one half tho purchase money to h paid in cash, the other half a credit c twelve months with iotereat from day c ate, the purchaser to give a mortgage o the premises to. secure the pay meat. Nov. 5, 1860, 28?4t PORK. AND SAUSAGES ' . # . ' I./ . KEPT oo' hand and for aale at all hour of tbe day.gire as a call.. MAYS A BURNS. . tfoV.1*' 19*9, 28?8ua. . ALEX. Y.LEE, Architect, Civil and Hydraulic Engines Oftogk?Sumter St. Between Laurel i Blaading. Oolatfibia, S. C. ... Oat 22, 1809,28?8m 7? . , . ^ . \*N iyi>jjrrmMiii ? r rwood & Co., i tlieir already large stock |i A.ND CUTLERY,' I GOODS, &C. 1 icon, Sides, Shoulders and Mams, and kits, Salt, Bagging and Ties, ined goods iu great variety, Flour arrel, Cheese Factory and English veckly. WARE. [Ctiives, I lames, Hatchets, Spring s, Coilee Mills, &c., &c. CM0B8. ed, Shirtings, "bleached and unnts, Jeans, Kerseys, Ready-made shoes. Also a large and complete MATTHEW McDONALT, JAS. A. NORWOOD, WM. H. PARKER. a re ft a us on a i nsif J.F.RATHBONE. AtBANY. N.Y. I tffov bssh xrssk fa a LUR a* ; ^iuves! | 0 STOVE SHOULD GO TO FSON fg CO. net n*rortments in the U] -Countrr. Their V COOK I KG STOVE, the ORIENTAL, the I, the LOYAL COOKING, the FOREST lot of f AMU, heir assortment of LAMPS i? not to be O'intry. In addition tbey keep a well-select>NS aud, many articles useful and ornamenand examine. V. LAWSON & CO. iDAI/CD DnDTCD p. nn unixs-n, runitnobuui , Grocers and Mrs in Mul ? NO 207 15ROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. THE OLD established House of BAKER & ROWLALD, being dissolved, the under * signed have associated themsolven together unf aer the name and style of BAKER, PORTER & CO for tho transaction of a GENERAL GROCERY and COMMISSION BUSINESS, at their Store No. 267 Broad Street, where w?* j shall take great pleasure in seeing our many patrons and frien?ls,and offering tbtm n seltctioo from ourlaige stock of Grooerios, Bagging Rope, Ties, Salt, Bacon and Provisions. And permit us to assure them that oar former rcputalion for having the finest qcalily of goods, we shall ever endeavor to maiQtuin CHARLES BAKER, JOHN C. PORTER, LEWIS F. GOODRICH, Augusta, Ga.. Sept. 17 1869 v. I?2m. nb. r 4 (InriinififpaiAD^ j SALE. V T^Y-porroiesion of ihe Judge of Probate P I will sell by public auction at Ab6 buville C. II., on Snleday in Deoerober 8 next, various ooles due the estate of Benjamin Taibert, dec'd, for ca&b : ibis procedure is intended to be done in order tbat tbe Estate of llio said Benjamin Talbert may be finally settled. J. B. TALBERT, Adm'r. Nov. 13 1809. 30?11 AGENTS WANTED. Agents wanted, $70 to $200 per month, male and female, to I aell the celebrated and original Common Pros* e pftmily Sewing Machine, improved and perfeMn : ilwi 11 hem. fell, stitch. Imp.W hinit , I p'd embroider in a mod superior mariner. it,rice only $15. For simplicity aud durabil* ' _y it ho* no lival. Do not hoy from any e urties selling machine* under (be an me name >f us onrc, unless Having a Certificate of Agency ,1 signed by us, as ihey tire worthless Cast Iron , Machine*. For Circulars and Terms, apply to " or addrcu, H. CRAWFORD A CO., 413 Che?out St? Philadelphia, Pa. 1 Not la, 1869, 29, tf ASSIGNEE'S BALK. Ia the matter of ) W.H.LAWT01T, >Ia Bankruptcy. ' Bankrupt. J BY Tirtne of an order to me directed issQ9 ipe ont of the District Court of the United Dk.t? IA. AL. - * ft *? ft 11 ukmb mr wa iiitiucv 01 oouvn Carolina, 1 WIU sell at publio auction on TO BSD AY 80, NOVEMBER init., at 'he. residence oi Hev. W. H, LAWTON, near Ninety Si*, thft personal estate ?f Mid DankVrpt, conflating of 1 Pianao Forte, 1 Gold Waioh, 1 Rise Double Barrel Shot Gun, I Fine Rifle, and sundry nates and account* and other articles belonging la-1|?# - estate of said Bankrupt. i TERMS GASH. Sale to commence aft 13 *1 o'clock M. R. H. WARDLAW, Abbeville, 9. C., Aseijrnee. - November I*, M8tf, R0?*t I' ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. I In Tuesday, 7th December next, "WE will sell at the rcsiJencc of Thos. i? Uemminger, the personal property of !< Dr. James Morrow, Deceased, CONSISTING OF Library, Bed And Bftdding* 1 Silver Plate, 1 1 Gold Watch. 1 Horse Wagon, And otber articles. t Terms Cash. ROBT McCRAVEN, ( Administrator. \ JEANETTE MORROW, \ Administratrix. ? November 19, 1865, 30?tf c FINAL SETTLEMENT.; NOTICE is hereby given that a final settlement of tho ostate of j T. YV. Gaines dee'd, will bo mado in tho office of tho Probate Judge at 1 Abbcvillo C. 11., on Thursday tho 16th a day of Dee. next. W. A. GAINES, Administrator. Nov. 6, 1869, 6t ^ r&ESH ARRIVALS AT PENNEY'S DRUG STORE! DON'T FORGET THE PLACE I 1 At the Sigo of the ] EMPORIUM OF FASHION.' DALBY'S CARMINATIVE, EXCELlknt for Bahies; Potash to make I soap ; Indigo, Borax, Bay Rum, Hosteller's ' Bitters, Philotokeu,. Benzine, Chlorodine. Blistering Tissue, Chainoisu Skins, Hh?1 way's Resolvent, Heady Relief and Pill*, and a thousand other article*?.ill having different naroes, but equally useful to petsons who have need of them. "Woman's Best Friend. BRADFIELD'S REGULATOR, for sale by W. T. PENNEY. Price $1.50 p'jr botile. Call and get h circular free, learn of iu nteriu from the testimony of those who have used it. Heinitsh's Queen's Delight. ' THE Crowning Glory of Medicine utid wonder of science, lot Rule bv W. T. PENNEY. Price $1 00 per bo'.ile. Parley's Prophylactic Fluid. iun< most povfHr.lul disinfectant known Curta Burn.),and Running Sores, removes Sihiiih mid destroys all Anin*al and Yege. table Poisions, for salt* by . \V. T. PENNEY. ! Price 50 cent*. DR. MILLER'S HOUSEHOLD BLESSING For sale at $1.00 per bottle, by W. T. PENNEY. November 12, 1809?29?tf CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. Window Shades, MATTING, RUGS, MATS, CRUMB CLOTHS Curtain Goods, Tassels, &c. Cornices and Bands, Wall Papers, Borders and Fire Screens We are nov offering Tor sale a Isrg?, and choice stock ol the above goods. CF* NEW KOQDS ch< aper than ever. O" Orders promptly filled. JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER, 206 Broad St., Augusta, Oa , P. S. A large stock ol Groceries on first oor. Oct. 29, 18C9 27?3m. E. P. CLAYTON & CO. COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchant*. -A.TTGTTST.A., G^l. , JST Advances mads on Cotton in Bagging and Rope and Supplies iuruUbed. Augnst 27, 1869?18?3m Executors Sale. i ] WILL be sold at Abbeville C. H. on sale day in December next, for cash, tie tract of land in Abbeville Counto on Long Cane and Curlt^il Creek, containing FOUR HUNDRED and EIGHTY acrea more or less bounded by lands of Enoch Nelson, Jacob Miller aod , others, known as the HOME PLACE of George J. Cannon dvc'd. THOS. THOMSON, Executor. Nov. 12 1669, 29?4t JUL 5. J&JKJtUti, MGTONXKB, \ Abbeville s. c. WILL attend Sale# ic town or country. Charge# reasonable. Nor. 12,1869, 29, tf \KUi Pond and Channel I Oysters. I n i r . Sapplei hj quantities to nit parch ami*. Order* frim all iiaite *f tile Interior (olioited. Wet. MoOrady, Agent, P. O. S8? 1 Charleston. 8. C. . i |V *efcrdme~*?Ka Adger * Co.. Bon. J. B. | Ca?pbflir.'?n. eti /. Ravenal, David Jennie**, ."stfassfiw^asft?*'a ^ i ?l M li II I?11 I'll 'II T LOOK FOR Tffi ' .AST COLUMN oisr ttie mm mi i 111 RWIIK ii mi u UIIUIUIJKU KOW HAVE THEIR ' ALL & IB STOCK COMPLETE, and they expect to ke?p il ia this condition during the Ben?o?* iVo are continually ordering GOODS, ami cnruely ever pet out of leading artiolM. >Ve keep a GENERAL ASSORTMENT, md invite the Attention of the public to >ur Stock, ns*ured of our ability to supply he waats of all who inny favor us with * sail. Wo specially invito the attention of Indies to our Stock of DRESS GOODS. ilVhich, although considerably depleted bj ale*, is still quite full and desirable. We keep constantly on hand a larga asortment of IIOOP SKIRT3 AND CORSETS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. SVe would keep our lady frieuds in miad )f our genuine rnrvpiT 4 T nv ? KID GLOVE, rbese Gloves need no recommendation to iliose who havo tried them. To thos* who Lave not tried them we W4>uld ?ug-. jest that they buy one pair, and we ar? ;atir>.fled they will never afterwards buy ft Kid Glove of auy other manufacture Our stock of DRY GOODS generally is unsually large and well-attorlcd in all its different departments. Our purpoBe >s to sell FIRST-CLASS GOODS, Such B9 will do good servica and giv? entire BatisfHCiion. A great many of our customers need- not be advised that it ift id accordance with the strictest economy to huy a good article of any thing. We Respectfully invite every one ia D??d mn or -i?? - --> ' L n?r u^njiuuu, iu coil UUU CXKIDIBO' for themselves. ( " WHITE BROTHER. ; k;' October 29, 18G9, 27 ?Gt A LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTBING, FOR SALE. BY WHITE BROTHERS. October 29, 1809,27?6t A FULL SUPPLY OF Tiir i a TroT I ML LAItdl STYLES OP 4JISFFS HATS, JUST RECEIVED. AMONG THEM THE CELEBRATED Don Carlo*? Hat, por Bole by WHITE BROTHERS. October 29, I860, 27?tf WHITE BROTHERS OFFER for sale the largest stock of BOOTS AND SHOES rhey ever brought to this market. Hand-Sewed Water Proof Boot* Sand-Sewed Creole Congress Galt*r?, MEN'S WAX BR0GAN8, MEN'S BALMORALS, Miles* j^adies' Shoes. Of all styles and sizes. Hisses' and Children's Shoes, October 29, 1809, 27?6t BLANKETS! BLANKETS 1! 11x4 All Wool?Bed Blankets, 10x4 AH Wool?Bed Blanket*, Common Wkiie Blankets, Common Grey BljmkeU. rhe above for ??le by WHITE BROTHERS. October 20,1860, 27?01 ? ? . 1 . "A ? FURS ! FURS f ! ' White Brothers lotof Far Cftpet md Muffs, which they offer for i&leebesp. October 20,1800, 2V-*-0t , " iiiu.i < i ). BADDLBRY ! SADPLERTt! 8sddlee of various p*U?ro?.. ' '''' Bridto, BujrgJ and Cartlsgs' Hsnkil?. ' '' SrtC-S? v i : WHITE BROTHER / M OMobsr 20,18Q0,.27?*1 WJ/ < m 1z"'' ' % *