The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 01, 1869, Image 4

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I N V M. A Ctof Cmittttattcot w\ \iv\ ?n.oii?n\ V tl \vo? the lumbal of hrtbt tin\o?. OKU well-Cfetahb*bod bongos were fWUit?it oil ar?MUid; Uo Wonder tbrn tkat tbo Hiuullor concerns were fait* ly swallowed op in the crashes ?r.v 1ti$ oh in tl 10 l?u?inosR'\vorUI. Xo wonder that Harry Tyndall pat in hi* othee with pule face and ' derailing eyes at the Kpeetie Uuiii?i which staled at him from nojrrentlj distance. Tie ha<l weathered the I, storms of three brief yenr.? - ho had; boon hoped to weather this; but:, the loss of a thousnud dollar* held I by u friend deprived him of the menus of making a payment in tbree days, ntid he feit that all J was indeed lost, lor his efforts to j negotiato n loan in the present state of the money market liadi, l>een worse than useless. j The prospect before him was not a cneering one. Tt is rather hard: 1 to begin life over again at thirty, I especially when one has reached i that age after years of poverty, toil i and self-excrticn. Iii Lis younger days. Harry Tyndall had known \vhnt it \va- to go sujtj L-rloss to bed, { and rise in the morning with 110u prospect of breakfast save as he j earned it in tho streets, lie had! known want in the eruelcst, most!E savage form?he had battled its j ^ grim legions, and risen to indcpen-'( donee, and now, at the threshold ofi ^ . a higher life, ho was hurled back with just a glimpse of the enchant- t ed grounds withiu. r Ashe sat confronting the heap ^ of papers on his desk, the ofliccdoor opened, and a lady entered. 1 Mechanically Harry ro=e and pla- t eed a chair; but as the lady threw back her veil, ho oxolnimod in cm*. 1 ' ?> " ? itl prise: j "Misa Berwick!" j "pardon my intrusion, Mr. Tyn-;t dall," said the motst musical of i ^ voices. "I have heeu on the upper; a floor looking for the oflice of G raves j H & Waldron, and was told that they',, were on this floor. I wish to give't Mr. Waldron this packsige. May!c I ask you to deliver it ? I will re- a main hero. Of all things I dislike j to lose myself in these dark halls ., Hunting for oflices," Harry took tho packages with t alacrity?was gone hut a moment, ^ and on his return found Miss I>or-| j wick standing by tho window idly! looking down the strcot. She turn-1B ed at his entrance, thanked liim!? I with a smile and a how, and then I ( took her bright presence out of the!g room, ana Harry was left to his' y jncditaiions. j c - may as well givo it up. I have r not a friend wlio could help me in' (l this strait," lie muttered, after a ^ half-hour's deep thought. "I will i, inako an assignment, go into bank-1 c ruptcy, and then go to Jlie farL "Woat whoro toil is better requited." j} And as ho spoke, lie rose to his vt~ j- ? " *vui, ma VJc*s iUUlUg. iiC WaSj^ vaguely conccious of some dark1 ^ objoctat bis feet, stooped carelessly to lift *it, and saw that it was a pocket-book. Leather and rather tho worse for wear; but very plethoric. He sat dowu again and j Opened it. There were various ^ compartments, but all of themempty save one. That contained ten i onc-liundred dollar bills. , Just the sum that would save him from ruiu. If it wero his be # *<sould pay' that note falling due, sell off his stock and seek a situa- ^ 4ion until the panic wero past! lie looked tho pocket-book again. jThero was no name, no clue to the . owner, yet he felt that it must of "^coiitse, belong to Clara Berwick. I SbeHvfls tho only person who bad been in his olttco that morning, It was ft terrible temptation to Harry'/?ad his visitor boon any other than Clara Berwick, it is hard to say whether conscience or inclina'tfbn1 Would have prevailed; as it \vJi8, conscienfco tvon the day, and hh rtllt nftn- * ' "" T> w?/v? UUV (I&WCI -J11D3 1C1C* 1 6he was not to be found, howev- 3 er, Harry concluded she had 1 Bone'hd^'e. 60/thither lio bent ( ^irTs etepB. ^Jara was an heiress, e ppmothing a ^clle too. Sbe 1 ,fcaa not classical^ beautiful, but ' Bhewas young afll^i a ?00a fig- J lire, clear'' #>Jnplexioi^^ank gray 1 eyeg, and very abundai3s^r) all < of'which g(kxl points she matlt^o t fttost of,' as eydry daughter of c .rig JatQund to do. She came down i in response t <K Harry's ring, having ' B^eh him coming tip the walk, and looked quite surprised,. v&ough she endeavored to conceal it 1 When Hftrjy showed her. thfc lp?ko44H^d laughed a merry peal of laughter. /.r?a ' "? ?' *"?" ? "vtjurt.jar. TyndalI,"aho cried, , "you most think I have poor taste i drew ouj; a.- dainty |>urple-velvet j purse with a gold chain. : 1 in m?ofL1 ? ' * v \ " ft Y1t?> -Vrtolt U 'm.uiily it A tnhtty Mm ic*|K>ttittit> WfV tVtlhoM^W "Wlml nUrtll t itowUb it V tittiil I Wry lit ivM"p1cxH)\ ll\Vliy? Koi*|? h> of cniu<*i\" its pntn1o<l Mips llorwlok? whit a l>ii#lit Mttilo; ntui *ht> Renlctl liet\ self tin* boIiI) itutl ho.yfittt to litlk of Hoini'lliiny tl*ok Nio mul lluny l?;t?l ofU'it iiu?l in society,J Kni 11linii hit\iti? lotD.ul lw*t?1 mi? 'vt viwivu uj'vii n\;i hofore, and when l:o rose iVom hi;* t'lwir to go Mie said: "Really, Mr. Tyndall, t ought to lie gvatelVd to llio owner of that po?_-ki.>!<, since it gaiucd mc the pleasure of a call. AT ay I hope that you will repeat it some time when you have no stray articles to dispone oi Harry blushed, murmured something about the pleasure being oti his tide, and hurried away "0 dear!'' lie said to himself, "she actually believes that T trump-j I'd up that story ol' the pocket-l>o lor an excuse to call on ii'.-i. Wealth privileges her to '?< Mr.; : ! Lincnt. But, 0, if I only dajvdt.ii use it." If. Ilarry Ty11 cln 11 did not advertise! .!so lost poeket-boolc, and when, hree days later, his note fell due,' ic paid it, and was a free man. It is not necessary to recount the. mccossive steps in temptation which inally led to the lirst dishonest act, >f a hitherto spotless life. Ilowj he pocket-book came there lie' :ould not even guess; but it wasj here, it just supplied his neods, liej ippropriatcd it, and was henceforth' nanded a thief in his own eyes. The iuoccss was a gradual one. \gc-3 it soemed to liim from the imc the gentleman who held his tote entered his office, until lie Irew it from his safe and handed : t over to liim. lie had already j [eci'Jed to use it, yet ho asked fori imc. It could not be granted, j linutes crowded with the sharpest .ml bitterest agony of his life pas-' od. He thought of a bright, j nocking face, and a voice sweeter, han a siren's; great beads of per-j piration fell from his brow, and in nothcr moment the canceled note, :iy upon the table beforo him; hiaj toiiv/1 ? ao anu iiu UU3 3UVUU, i Those months of financial (lis-J ress wliicli followed were safely 1 ided over, and tlien he devoted 7 I liinself to his business with a mclnclioly dosperation Lorn of coneious guilt, lie went little into ociety, and espec; ./ did ho avoid j )lara Bcrwiek, who, with a perver-j ity of mocking mischief, tortured j Limjwitli allusions to the lost pock-j t-bock whenever sho chanced to ncet him. She was so thoroughly; ;ood-naturcd about it, so utterly, areless and triflinn\ ltf r-nnl/1 lot accusc her of malice ; yet, his >\vn conscience being his sharpest j ccuscr, he imagined knowledge of! lis guilt when there was hone. lie did not conceal from liimself, hat the desire to remain in Miss Berwick's sphere was the principal ;ause of his rash act; yet, now hat he was still where he could neet lief, he shrunk from making in avowal of his feelings, lie dared lot approach her with his love. llf> nromnrl +r? TiimonlP ? ?1 *1"''11a j hat lie was strong enough to withstand the temptation, although lie cnew ho had yielded to a lesser >ne. But, disguise the fact as we may, ve are creatures of circumstance. Wo say "I will not do so and so," ind, lo! in a month or year we lave done those very things; and t has beeomo a matter-of-course hat we should have done so. We oudly condemn the thief, the murlerer, the suicide ; but human naure is the same the world over. Jnder the same combination ofi iircurastaiiccs, we would have done! precisely as they did; for how ;ould we prevent it ? By the will ? low many of U9 will that such irid such things shall not he ! Yet, vhen did humaii will rise triumihant over the grading and inex)rable'laws of creation?over those item, xinqielding ambitions of law vhich-.we call circumstance? Even as, in spite of his will,, iarry Tyndall had appropriated vhat was not his; so, also, in spite >f that same will, ho was at last hrown into just duch circumstances ad forced from his lips a declaration of love to Clara, though he tretOjlcd as he made it. Clara arched her brows a moment m Lwntnnrlnrl onmwd/i '?? I' , A V.vouxm oui^wvo 1 ^ she had not known hia struggles all along), tbfiiu her. old merry, mocking smile iWjod o\$fjher ^yoe,. and some banking words 95iejojiep% but t?ey *er*unap^k^n; for there was earaettness enough and enough of i?assion and pain ill Ills face t6subdue Jier.] He scarcely knew what fth&'feald, bttt fca; went'away feottng as if his bead wouldetrike the stars, because CJara loved ftiflacfn4 would jnarry? ' > A I . I bwl i\s no \tnlhoit *\ot\g, he thought, of tho fM)ekot-l>noix? mnl tit* ?o?t'iny <Ho?t t\wnyk Why whould ho, n cotutunn thief, ti\}oi?*e h?crt\M?Mn: <lof fhl** color*, 1<^ hml WtUi t\ good WomnhV lionit ? Ditt ho ?t>u*t f?hiy tho v?I lover; ntui |ho ?li?l so, lorgotting, when withj hor, hi* own unworlhinc^s. S<>ino-| j 1 linos ho thought to toll hor nil; jngnltt ho shrunk ftN>m horsooin niul tho loss of her loapoot. Hut ono iluv, when they were together, nftcr u short wlonrebe-j twecn the, Chim fluid, suddenly: j j "Harry, did ^ou over lind outj -who'C purso that was thnt you, J fonttil in your ofltee?" j Tic turned pnlo ns (lcaih. "Was his siu about to find him out nt Inst ? u"No," ho said, huskily. "Was there uo cluc to tho ownOf "Xone at all." "Have you it yet, Harry? "Well, I should lileo to see it. Will you go and get it?" "I liave it here," he said. Like many irimiimls, lm had nev-i er parted with the witness of his j crime. riara took it in her hand?. ('Xo\v, Harry," said she, "1 iiavej a confession to make. I don't! mind telling you that I full in love with 3rou at first sight, and that j when I learned from my lawyer that you were on the verge of ruin, j and that so small a sum would save: you, I was grieyed (or your sillier-' ings, hut rejoiced to think I might help you." Ifere she opened the purse, slipped the penknife between two compartments, and drew out a .1. ~ i i -i * ?> lll<JU tMJ<J liilllUL'U to Ilarry, who read it: "Use this money to take up that outstanding debt. A Friend." lie looked at her smiling lace, and a light broke in upon him. So, it was your purse, alter all ?" "No, ITarry, it was not my purse, 1 I found the old thing in the garret; i but it was my money. Tell me, >. did it save you ?" i "Yes, O yes! And all these years I have borne about a needless p burden, and morning, noon, andj' night called myself a thief, and;1 dared not tell you of my love be?! cause ot it. Ah ! what have I not 1 suffered ?" "And I ain the cause of it all," ' ' i cried Clara, throwing her arms around his neck, with a burst of tears. \"Can you forgive me?" J ... ? \r Qrgivo you :" saicl Harry, fondly. "I would go through twice as much to save you a single pang! And, at last, I can hold up ray head among men with a clear conscience." "Of course you can ! Don't you remember, I told you at the time to use it ? You might have known it was all right." ''Yes, I might; hut I did not. It would have saved me much sorrow if I had. However, I do not regret it now." Something about Hogs, Hero is something seasonable?a hot weather cooler in the s'napo of a readable article from the Cincinnati Commercial: I beg 3'our readers not to be alarmed. I am not going to writo a polished letter, although the heading may indicate that much. The hog is considered, for example, a Clthv beast; when, as tho fact is, ho is tho neatest creature, naturally, in animated nature. Poor hoggy. is troubled with fleas. He understands fleas, and has a way of getting rid of them that gave rise to tho slaudor respecting his proclivities for dirt. Hoggy rolls iu the mud. The flea finds himself plus tcrcd up. Soon as tho mud is dry hoggy rubs off mud and flea together, Give your hog a clean pen, with plenty of fresh water to wash in, and ho will put to uhamo the neatest housekeeper. Again, ho is charged with being a voracious feeder, and not nice as to his food. But wo must remember, liko Cardinal Wolsoy, ho is a beast of "unbounded stomach," and not always a s<juare meal to* fill it with. Consult hoggy's nature, and fcod him well, ar.d you will find him as nice as the i^oBt finished, epicure that frcqtrente the St. Nicholas. 15very on o, a naturalist J mean, Who has eyes looking out of his, heart as woll as brain, who has watched a pig in an orchard, realizes this. At first tho animal gorgoa himself with fruit ; after.a.tinje he gets choiey, listens to the newly droppod fruit, and has his favorito trqer. mt - . - - . jl no Biraugeet fact connected with my subject is bis taBto for snakes. H?ggy regards snakes as a delicacy, aad makes no -difference between the harmless and the .poisonous- sort. When I first canjo to }?$pk-a-chock the valley abounded in eopper-heads and rattlesnakes. The - hogs have; cleared them Out. 1$) is anjusing to watoh Mr. Hog at this sort of jt meal, Wfcea te^if'fluf iioftls'tio. >irt -ft lively trot. * Ilia oxp*essive countenance says plainly, "Here is the first delioaoy of the season/' He. takes tive indignant snake about the m^tifo witk biff/Of* ? in ifiiii lioof HlMlml'y r?h \\w brtch ??P Iho toiftlte, ho enmitchci* eating In llto iuosl lUUboitito Ami hutine** IiItv> tnntmci\ Thr huoUo vom??ii? irate*, ho hIMUoa wickedly ul ii*?' goninmml. II?gj?y %vluk?, and ?;i'unli, and continue* hii meal until Mn l?ve'? tlr.>t lover ami lu*>t domestic i trouble Iu\h di appear* ?l. t iirust U|nm it although tVoquontlv laugh* 'I ;it. I'?r my opinion, that the liojf has u Very tWpres-ive eounte nance*? at loiHt, it ii eniml l?? till tin einoliot.H and motitul processes t-> which piggy Is nubjeeted. If ?>n?* will study it. he will find an intense seriousness, ami an eye to witness It, a1* it were. JT?' looks up from under his cars with an expression that f-iivs, "Come, now, no nonsense." I doubt whether a ho;;* is cupaMo uf a j'?ko. | It is the hog trait, shared with somol of our neighbor*, to bo capable of fun J A drunken hog, however, is very j entertaining. 1 once paw a pen fulli in this condition. The distiller had,) through mistake, turned out a ijuanU-j ty of whiskey. Tho hogs drunk, us j all hogs do, to excess, and acted very! like their-dignitlcd and pretentious; superiors. They were frisky and senseless. Tliey would lean against ? aeh other ami squeal. Then they would run and striking a root or . ! stone, would turn somersaults, in the j most comical manner. I observed j one follow leaning, in .>ilcnee, against; tho fence. He hail an intensely sol- j emn expression. <;]joo!c at that old i chap," cried the distiller, "a letlin' on j he ain't drunk." This sumo distiller was troubled byj a poor wretch who, hanging about j the distillery, would steal enough! whiskey to get drunk on. One day the distiller found him in this condition, and exasperated bo3*ond enduroncc, rolled tho poor creature out find, pouring a bucket of slop over him, called up the hogs. The hungry swine went to work eating the slop ( oil' the clothes. The poor fellow, unable to help himself, but aware that ' the hogs were in the garden," would feebly wave his hand and mutter, ' shoo, shoo, thick 'em, Towscr, thick 'em." The hogs unmindful of the | remonstrance, would insert their snouts under tho helpless inebriate, and turn him with a "flop" really comical. TllOV n;it. nif !>;< -j "" o V ivnivr1, ttnd wore proceeding to take bites out of his Lo'ly, when tlio distiller interre red and rescued tlio victim. Ever after those liogd would take iifler the drunken fellow the moment j he appeared in sight. The strangest ; part of it, however, is tho fact, that j other awiuo took it up and also chased j Ihe drunken man. It seemed as if the distiller's hogs had narrated the cireumstance to tho other hogs, and they had talked tho thing over.? Rural New Yorker. .Fetcr Mark Rogct, the author, died in London on the 17th, aged DO years. CfflZESS' SIVMS BAKU O F SOUTH CAROLINA. Office Bank Building, Abbovillo C. II. > > Deposits of $1.00 and uowards Received. Interest allowed at the rate of Six Per Cent. per annum, compounded every Six Months. PRINCIPAL and Interest, or any part thereof, may bo withdrawn at any time?the Dank reserving the right (though it will be rarely exercised) to demand fourteen days' notice if the amount is under 81,000 ; twenty days if over 81,000 and under 85,000, or thirty daVs if ovor 85,000. OFFICERS. WADE HAMPTON, Pre8ident. JOliN li. PALMEIl, Vice-President. THOMAS E. GREGG, Cashier. D. L. WARDLAW, Assistant Cashier. 33I"RECTOiR6. WADK HAMPTON, Columbia. "WILLIAM MARTIN, Columbia. P. W. M.M ASTER, Columbia. A. C, II ASK ELL, Columbia. J. P. THOMAS. Columbia. E. II. I1EIN1TS1I. Columbia. JOHN B. PALMER, Columbia. TUOMAS E. GREGG, Columbia. J. ELI GREGG, Marion. G. T. SCOTT, Newberry. s': VV. fr. MAYfiS, Nowborry, B. II. RUTLICDGE, Charlton. DANIEL RAVE3JEL, J R.r Charleston Mechanics, Laborers, Clerks, Widows,' Orphans and others may hero deposit their savings and draw n liberal rate of interest thereon. Planters, Professional Men and Trustees wishing to draw interest on their funda until they require them for busitiors or other imrposcp. Parents desiring to set apart small sums for their children, and if *i ?i? ?* ' married woman ana minors (whose ueposiln can only be withdrawn by. thmnselves, orv in esse of death, by their le/ial representatives,) wiahiifg to lay a*id& fuuda lor luture use, ara . here afforded an opportunity t>f depositing their meaus where iliey will rapidly aocurnuJa|.e, and at the Bxrr.e lime, ba subject to withdrawal when needed. Sept. 10, I960, 20-^ly Charlotte 6s South Carolina and Columbia 6 Augusta R. R. Co. PterinrE2TDXMT8 oppice, _ y . - . CotoKin*. 4pr(J 10, 1869. . , ^ r' .qotna .intra. - ' Leave CfranitaTilla, S? 0.. at m?;146 a m " Colombia, 8. at...... .2.00 p m j 4rriv^.at?HarjoUetK. O.,.., 8.16 p m t oofciMa aoiKB. LeariCharlottf. N. O. 8.48 a m " ' Colombia, & ..12.10 a ?Q arrive at <Jranii?vllle, 8. C. 4.10 p ra Tbroogfc Tiekelta oil r?ala for the principal poibtr North tri& 8oj}th. Baggage ehftek?4l 1 through. OIom continuous sseaeoiioaa mad* J North and Seutbv Paaaangera raaeh Augusta ' 4 45 pm. OAF BP BOUKNIOHT. ISM. 4?it :|#apanat?sd<at. . WANTED. 1,000 YARDS Counry V><" 1 Uomrxpmi \T tlx4 I'tnpofiutu I-'OW I.Kit \ Mi l)ONAI.r>. Ahj'msI 1:5, ISC'.), 10? If PETER BRENNER, IMA NO MAKER \N1) Aqcnt for tlie H;ilu of Tlie <A*lo bntud I'iiunn 2viutitiretl b Ulmkerintj tfc S.mir , Cioo. Sici-k it Co Win. Ktnibu it Co., nml othcis. AIk< I'arlor and Ciurcli Organ*, and denier i r?!i of Musical IiiRtrunu-nts", Suing Si-. 3*22 Hrond St rr?*f, opposite 1'lHiitun II. ? !, AUGUSTA, CJA. M iv 28, 18G9, 5?If ME TICKEl To The Show ALL persons indebted to llio subscribe will "do well" to cull and settle, r, tiuy will receive a free ticket to the slioi wbicb will bo opuued by tbo''E?Squire of the village. J. J. GUNNINGHAM. A j>ril .'10, 1800, 1, tf FISH. BLLS Mackerel, 1-2 Blls Rhi? Fisl l_?j_ ?? ?' 1.-2 ? While I-4 " ' 1-2 " Picklel Ilcrririr Iviis, 41 Boxes smoked " " Cud, " llaliibut, On hand and for sale by J. KNOX & Co., May 7, 18(19, 2?tf Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Col lars and Saddle Bags. |7?R 8-tlc by JL' J. KNOX & Co May 7, 1809, 2 ? tf Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Lard Cheese Pepper, Spice, Indigo. FOR Bale by J. KNOX is Co., May 7, 1SG9, 2?tf COM. PEAS, BACON aMFLQBB 850 bushels prime white corn. 50 hnslieln planting peas. 5000 llis prime rlean rib bnoon si.Ics. 10 t> imls extra Family an.1 sup. Flour. Fresh meal and grits ree'd every week, ust received and for sale by McDOXALD NORWOOD & CO. June 25 18C9 9?if I'll 0 CK1CR V, GLASS WA Itl HAKDWAliE and POCKET CUTLF.ilY 170R side by 1 J. KNOX Co., May 7. 18C9. 2?tf OLD BOURBON WE have for sale at 'Ninety-Six, ! (J., a superior article of puro ISou bon Whiskey, nmde at Athland Distiller Lexington, Ky. JAMES ROGERS, Jr. & BROS. Mf?y 21, 4?if. BA CON. CR. SIDES, SHOULDERS, CAN V ASS ED HAMS, VENISON, &c Just received by J KNOX & Co., May 7, 1809, 2 ?tf LEATHER. Hemlock upper, oak tan french cal skins. harness lining skins, &c., Just re :eived by J KNOX &CoM May Y, 8 fl?tf,l 26 rmurfno t a wr UVf AKJIJL X JL ECONOMY COMBINED, hy stopping at the C7?i\ TRAL IIOTJfL, (Shiver House, Plain Streql, Columbia, 6. C., where th Faro is as at any liouso in ti e city, t $2.50 for tho first day, and $2.00 for ever day after the first. Believe no lying report that my houa es closed for such is not (he case. D. 13. CLAYTON, Proprietor. July 2, I860, 10, 3m NICKERSON HOUSE eOLTJMBlA. s. c, FIR?T -CLASS HOTEL $3.00 PER DAY. ?M. A.:/ WRIGHT . n#vlng Assumed Ilia management of thi House, reapectully eoliciu a share of pnbli ^atrouage. FJlEli OMNIBUS U and from tb Nov. 6,1808, 28?8in DENTISTRY . ,i ? Wfi. C. WABDLAf, El, D.D. S Offica ovar Dr. PMkw'a Drug Btora. j Abbeville C. H? 8. C. February 26, 1869, 44, if NOTICE! v ? ?.? vvrt .. > CERTAIN Note? and Aceonnta, baloBgini Vj to tba Estate of Dr. X. E. FteWy, ira in ftfaa ban da of t?a uodarairoed for col eclio'o. Patliea oonoarptd would do wall t< ha?d tfefe aotip*;-.'! \ >. ! i . rTjIro-THOMBOS 4 FAIR.,-. VpT?^Xmi*^r4t :r ?i.! i -V ^ Y ' L.j V I 4T ' r- -? NOTICE. -41* I) U V (f (V I S T. C0KE3BURY, S. C., iXTOUUl Ui l?if fri???i-1? iinl llio pit ? f T Ou\l In' l?ns ju?l r't'lvi'l ?? full liicht of tlic very li*sl ; DRUGS, PAINTS, OIL :, Tarnishes, Djt Ms, Slap, ?! Extracts. Perfumr?* PAPER, ENVELOPES, jHAIR DIES AMD RESTORATIVES -| T11E BEST QUALITY\ \ Atnl nil article* usua'ly lieptby Drt'gR ; which lie tilf'.TJ on the most reasmahle i? ] " , hi* wlmlc stnek lieim; j'int selected tiy DIl. jo. Baltimore ami New Yi I lit u'Mi'i-ni to hiit very complete bIoi:| } I'i-iws ami Chemiculs, he kivpa constat n Busily of the very beet qualities of , BRANDY, MR AND Willi | Fur the eu-lt, and f;.mily use, being rec< I mended :u:?l te.'te-l by slie physicians get) ! ally, Physicians' prescriptions and u)l j ders filled with ixactin-39, und any nit called for not oti huud promptly ordered. J Thankful '-t the very liberal pntronuge - , ftowod lift.. h; in iluiinir the past ytar | hope* l>y the most strict attention, Id mot ( | continuance of the same, promising to I | constantly a supply of ull articles needed : the iiuVlta (rt-neruily. J. j Respectfully,' J. F. T0WNSi.N0, Feb 12. lscn, 42?If NOTICE, j A LL persons having d< mauds cgai ,, I X A. the late John II. Wilson decern j will present cr pics of their demands p : perly probated to the undersigned, as s aR ( ftnt'Ai.tMtl R. E. BOWIE, L. C. WILSON", Administrators May 7, 18G3, 2?tf - CARRIAGE m M{ skexof. ^ ^ CHARLES CO: 1>KPrCTKUU.Y informs the jmblie V lie is niv|?ur>>d 1o liuil.l to order, III G1IQ* find LIGHT HOOK AW AYS, Mid ?< ull kinds of oAUKlAOH and WAGON WC at -liort nol ici; rind on n-upoiiuMe terms. - i;ew woik wtiTHotcd for twelve mouth*. ? February 25. ISii'J, 44, tf IQHN A. TALMAllG MAGISTRATE. ajbi^VTLX/E G. i /OFFICE formerly oco.nnir/1 1>? T1 -J I ? a \_J boii & .Fa.r, noxt to W. A. r- & <! y April 23d 1869, 52?tf > J, C. NOLAND, ACT r* SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKE c siATm-Tva t v Harness ani Triis Bejaire ALSO, FURNITURE repaired mid rec covered. Cano Seats nut iu Chi All work done neatly, and- on ^roas * O o torm*. [June 4, 18G9, 6, tf Shoes, Hats, Calico's, Pa Stuff, Osnabnrgs, Shirtingi and Factory Tarn. ' TT^OR. saloW JP J. KNOX k Co, . May 1, 1809, 2?tf ; WOOL! WOOLIJ WOOL xQo uignoat iaariiei Jfrioos r y . PAIP *0R 3 WQQl, 1 IN 5 EXCHANGE FOR- * GOO It THF wool must bo free from bnr? and fori mailer. Will be taken oltber waahec unwashed* MILLER & ROBERTSO Jane 5,1868, 0, tf ' ?mi ' CANS, OYSTERS, TOMATO\ and CORN, &ARDfyESti>'jQM v - J .. LSSy PEPPER-SAUCE) 2 and MUBTARDi ' ? TyO^giUby^ .1 . I? klj.i-rx J. KNOX A Co. : MHJ 7, -VJT/..7' .v.. 8? ,72 ;ft . .'3 A :' m "ktfPn BEN *W. <J. Hli'l At tho Bi BROAD STREET, Mi,| >rt- Is TIIK PLACE TO IlllY Ctll-AP, PL ht S, BRANDIES, WHISK! Alos, Fori IN' CONNECTION 'S' LARGE RECTIFYING AX rpllE only EstiiMiRlnncnt of lhat 1 OF 1 nothing but l'uro juid Umilliliter IMPORTERS OF FORE! i?'b, f0 w},icl) tlioy wonU1 call tlio nMcnlioit '"y| jail wlio will favor them with their patrc ,rj; in tho f^ulh. ' ?' "YV". C ,Uy HEWITT'S GLOB I] 1ICJ NT ay 28. 1800, 8?3m Y CHEAP i'SPRIMGAND! gouAitt.: il a PI I _ Will sell the followi TR\ s SPRING P01 ro mmrnm .. WHITB AUPAfifiJ s*. mm suits cas i\ ;il WHITE DUCK PANTS Aft WHITE A LARGE STC General Prim, Velocipedes, Alpine, Fe! jo- ~ leshosh, * c U T ] R^dgera and Wostenlx Ej "Pans! Fans! Fans Paras< QUARLES, _J May 7, 1760. 2t .on. ROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Lee HP TT i~\ LX H_ J.J. ?3. Is now receiving supplies of the full Sugar, Coffee and MolasBt3. B.icon, Sides, Shoulders aud llams, Laid, best kettle, linkers, Spiders, Ovens and Tote, A large lot of extra Cover.", Brooms, Buckets and Tubs, Cast nnd l'low Si eel, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Iron, all sizes, 100 sacks Liverpool Salt; I 25 bbU. Elour, T ATTAmrr a xixtytm&ts tt Best selection, from Collins' Axe*, Long Handle Shovels Shot Guns, Leather and Shoe Finding with manv oilier articles useles to tuer Persons indebted are required t josls shou'd be added to their accoui J WILL bo resorted to, if settlement is mm Fob 19, 1809, 43?tf 1 THE A: f CARRtAl ? SEAL, SIGN PEOPI . rpHE subscriber* would respectfully J_ skillful workmen, and all tbe nece 1 I RT A runs HTTfiflT Ccs K xtrv ntlnA> . .0.1* 1/ avju; ne?9. All new work- warranted for twelve i for GASH, which we make to tbe pur PAINTING AND TK Particular attention will be given to the giea, and all contact* faithfully oarriec * SMITH ] sign I or We Have in onr employ an efficient - We have * Patent Tire-Shrink fact a?eurr?cj without outtiog, makm| without damaging the wbeof in tbe ieai would do well to remember that one-be by outtingaud shrinking in the u?ual w where thia machine je uaed. k CONSTAHT NEW BUGGIES of tb.e'bert material Walnnt and Drpp Bhicjlt Cpffio8. ^)|)< appointed Cme, and peraonal attention j H.jr ??. I?f9,fzrjf. r:,r ' T i:?!% , ' .. ; ~7 RIMPEITLI! It A T V1TT & CO., g Sign No. 262, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. J AND t'N ADULTERATED LUjUoiU*, SUCU IES, RUMS, Gil WINES tarn. "Ril.tfire. WITH TU13 HOUSE IS A D REFlNjLNTr IS8T ABLIS11MENT, kind, in the Southern Stnli-.l^ w.,,flr? ^ejr mak? ated Liquors. Tliey are also IGN LiaUORS AND CIGARS, of the trade. They defy competition, assuring >r.age, that thoy will aell cheaper tbnu any Uoustj . HEWITT & CO.t TEL, Fare Beduecd to 83 Per Day, One oi' the Best Hotels iii the South. ! CHEAP! SUMMER GOODS. IRRIN ' & CO., ng articles at low prices. f us PUNS. I,FINOS t, MWIS, limes, ISIMERE SUITS, ETC., 'I) VEST, WHITE LINEN SUITS LP A CCA SACKS. !CK OF HATS, It, While find lilaek, Straw Ilats, at 25 Cent*, VSKTXLATSD. LERY. >l:nea Pocket Knives and )ls! Parasols! Parasols! for Bale. T>K"RT>nv nn JL _a^i ,-..UC V>U. HARDWARE, AND CUTLERY. EAKIN owing articles, which are offered at low prices : j 20 IbU. Planting Potatoes. | Tableland Pocket Cutlery, Ilook and But Hinges, Hand Siiws, Drawing Kuives, Screws, of ull sizes, Siltera, Brass Kettles Ac., Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco , Tupenline and Toilet Soaps, Starch, Soda, Powder, Lead and shot, Canned Goods of all kinds, Cheese and Maccaroni. | Mackerel, iu kits, 1-4 and 1-2 bblsl f JSMt EIMM. the lowest to the highest price. , Forks and Spades, Wash Boards and Scrub#, ;s?, Coil, Trace, Breast and Dogs Clmin?, &c.r ilion, all of which will be sold low for Cash, o pay up. Indulgence will not be granted. Its nts, iliev can only blame themselves. The law not made immediately. js. mm:mm. BBEVTLLB 11 SHOP* & ROBERTSON, UETOBS. r inform the public that they are prepared with ssarry materials for the manufacturing of CARtfS.and all other work pertaining to their buffimonths, aud sold at the lowest figures possibly cbaBer's interest, .. . . LMMING DEPARTMENT. i Painting and Trtaming of CrriAgea and BugI out, \ h DEPARTMENT. workqaan in all the branches of Ibis business, er with (which w,e can sbrinjstirea witb pery the weakest places stronger' than before, and it Persona who have tires that need shrinking df the wheels are ruiued or jnaterislly injured 'ay. Satisfaction is guaranteed ifl ierery job ? W H AMD, L .Also, Metallic Oases. JmitaiiooJfaaewgod, , <o * 7! 7/OITT /{[ % H .81 .'.'M l fti' * ^ " i