The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 01, 1869, Image 3

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I IK itiRiiufttmcT cortiT or Tti U29tTftl)fcfAT9S. For iho Dislilct South Cutolinn?Ti? llie tun't^v of UK! JANUS F. VOK,lUnkrupi. 1W whotn l\*lii'.?n for A'lj'i^icition of H.tiiktnp'i Wn* rtlo l ort l!i?* .JOUi day of Pwphi'm A. L). "180S, in taid Court?In lt.\ukri>] or. Tliis is to r;vo notice, tint ou the 25 day of September, A.J)., 1800, n \V? runt in Itaiikrnp'cy tvM Issued tl K>t;iU oi' ttaOjaiiihi F. Yoe, of Green woo in the Pistricl of Abbe\'l!o, and State S.n:tli Carolina, wlso has been adjudged Bankrupt, on liis own Petition ; t!.?t ll jiiT'iu'-st of nuy Del?t* ami IXiivi-ry ofar lVf?|i?rty (>elai:^iiij{ to saiti Ditikrupt, j In an or for U'j< tuc. nixl the tiauslur of ati Property by liim ara fnrbulJeli liy law liuU . meeting of the Cr?j<!i?or* of the st liaukrupti, to l*rovf llu-ir l)?*bla, niiu l choose oijeor tuore AsMguous of his E-tat will la i.eld ?t a Cou.loC hankriiplry, I lie hoirton niNowberry O. IT., R G\ b-foi O. J. Jaeger, Registrar, on tlu> lOtli ?]ay i October, A. I)., 1SG9. 11 o'clock, A. W. T. L\ JOHNSON, U. S. Marshall us Mi?soofer. J'or A." P. I'ifer, Deputy Mu?sf;ng<*r. Sept. 20 4S 2t 3N THE DISTRICT COURT OF Til UNITED STATES, For the ltainct < bouih Carolina?In the matterd' AS. F. LiriOUD? Bai.kmpt. by who: n l'aiitiou Allocation of liankrup cv w.'.s tho ."1 Due., A. I) , ISO' ii! sni-1 C'>urt? In I?a:.krupicy. This i:-to yiv? nothv, ?h?t on (h* 23 of Sentc mbur, A. D? 1SG0, ti Whi isiii i 1'hiiki t< y v. as issue! hgaint-t the E*ta? or Avi I' l~, A.t.l ,f Ai.b. villeC. II. id tin DiaincL o: Al.b?vi:!??. a.. 1 Siirito .-if s\.?.r CaroMiiff, wIn- ba? l-cen adjured :i n*p'., ontils cwn l'tiiitioif ; thai, :?; .* |>:?\ nitnl of aiiv Dubls :::nl Delivery ot au Propoitj to s-anl Bankrupt, bim or for hid and the transfer of suii Properly l?y Mm iire fur:>i<]den by l.nv thai a tutting of the Crrtiilurs of tl?o biii Bankrupt, lb prove their l>eb^, .vd i choose qiie ormoM* A' signer* ofhiit.l'lstau will bo held at"a C)iirt of !i ink: op'.v, t to Via hidden at Nowbeiry C. II.,S. C before C J. J -oyer, Tl-<;ifttr*'-, oji the Ifltl day of Oct., A. I) , 1800. at 12 u'ciock, NJ T. K JOHNSON, IT. S.. Mftisliall u* M-jrPen^er. ]\>r F. O. 1'jksk, lVpuly M-JSscnger. C*.;* 20 47 2'. TIIK STATE OF SOUTH CAIiOJXx/ ABIlEVILI-K COUNTY. ?$ WILLIAM HILL, Esj., Probat j mt'jc. ?HTUr.RnAS.GrVrgc A- Taimyr, hits ma.l v w *uit lo m?*. 1" uriint '"i" i < ><ini!!i;slriili"ii i.f ilie E?taip aid tfTectsi <1 Built-r Hark'-!!, drc'.i. .(colore.I) nl sai t'cii! ty. Ts.i-s- to cite and nd:m<;:ieh til u.i ningiilfir lli<- kunliril an J Crcdi'ortt of tl< ni'l ):?r vr Ihifkoll, <lfc'il, ilnii ilioy !< ne Kpji'Ui. b<-l?Tf iii<-, in iiin i'cui1 cf lV?ibnt" to he held ut Ahbrrtlic (V. II., on Tu*-i?lnY l2'.li Oct. in'Xi, ?!ur |i'.iL-iication liermf, ut 1 oYloc-k pi ihe lorriiOnn. to tlicw rnu?-\ if su; l:a?o. wliv ib? s?i 1 Ai3ut:ni?u'iiUou uliouli r.?>: l-e ou'ci. Oncii u-iil'-r my hand. ihin 27tli day of Srp teiui>er. Auuo Doiti hi iciGu. I'ubiMied on tiiu2'J.b du> <.f S? |.t., 1J-S9, ii yoAr f A .:i-T?*?!i Iii-i*pt*n<l?-n?:? WJi. [1)1,L, j. r. a c. [i. ?] Sppt29 * 47 3i The 'Etato cf -South Carolina ABBEVILLE COUNTY, Ij-j WILLIAM HILL, Eij., PrulaU JuJ-ic. TIJ JIF.RT'AB Joint F. Cull-oni, l.n? r.m'le mi ?V to i:.e 'o him i?*iti>rs of Adiiiiiiiti trntior. of the Kstsfte <>f Fr.tiici# A. Culhuur dcn'd.. late of Aoi<: County. ' .1 r..-- - ' - ' i ,.v -v- fi c:u* HIM nnmnniM nl! a:ul pinuti'ar, r.nri (Jr^ilifov? ofilic'riwl Fran ris A Cfll'iOlU). ?llHt .|>y he fiu'f f> ?>, in the Ctiun of I'rohatp, to be It?it nt (3. II., on We.:o?f?J?y, lie 13 1 Oct. lift r |Miblicnii<irt lifrcif, hi ) o.clock, hi t!iv* f.-renoun, in cliovr cjmisc, if nu< tlx'3" why the Adtriii.istt-ntion kIioh! iu>t 1?? jiaiitfil.(i<ver< niiJ-.-r my hand. this 28th day of S??)t An->o D"tui:ii U>t'.9. on i'je 2!)tli rtnv '-f >o?H-ii?l>?r, IfcOt io iLio y:5 i jeu of Am?*:icrt'i lui!'*|><-iu) V?M 11 ILL, i.'p. a. c. fu. B..1 Sep. 29 47 3t THE8TAT! OF SODTHGASOLIKj ABUBEVIIjIjE county. BY WILLIAM 111LL, Usq.t Prubui J.mije. WHEREAS. Mirgnrrt E. Dtisrnlier ntiii W.liiHin Jlichi-y, liave ma;i To"~(o prnc.' t!ie L-'tters r>f Ai ministration of ti c Estate* of Gforj-gc Dt suuliery, <lrCv:?5eiJ, lata or said J.>i|::Iv,Tiicse; thrref'We, trrtti jfrul aftrrior isli all and fcin^nlnr the ki.idred a;d orcji or#?f;{b? tJlslMibury, rlec'd lliij ;*pffear l'tl.11-.! m< to ihoj^rtort1#t fjrjjhit?, m"be livid al Ab m:villfrC. II , ?iT\\ M-lijeftJa)', October 13i next, nfier publication-hereof, m ll'Vtfnc in Uie fortsnootiLio show ontyHC, jf Hjiy. ihc hkjfojw^y ^i^frtf^iljAdoiipisiWiUpQ jfliou! i ;Giwi> 'tiudelr t^y* {kJL^ tLit 2'8tli day < September, Anno Domini 18G9. Publico,! on tho 2S>:b dny Af@<*pteifthc 1889. iu ti e 03d rear of American Iudi pepdeuce. . . j. P. A. C. [L. a.] ...8?pl 20 ,47. 3i HOW if! ST011 i / I" TIT and in >r) -. ;,1 TOR SALE ROCK ISIAi& JllAKSr i A1! ri/wd .f,ft -ft t? ' - CASSIMEREj ordnn0vii^7^;$BtWma, BIGHM0N2) OSNABtfUGS. li . OuarleSj terrin &Go; +*"ysjsh m. Orders rocoiv^d fgr ,, * %T!;'irk,04 ?& I'N"i 'Ba A".|| JP>$ By TROWBRIDGE A CO. *?pt. 3, 1860,10, tf . i M .AAlL'Mg' " JLIL JJ1? 1 Ji 1 * due; west L flill COLLIBE. >r. ! . UVJlt IVMIi ycr\r will oprn on MOXJ)AV, (tie -I(h October, Faculty r* jKutiio ?n for ypj?M ip Tuition per fusion ?".20 00 J Frcnoli " " COO ( j.j MtiMo, (Vinno) 24.00j '' Uuaruing in lire (,'oili yu Hoarding j K ;i. ilou*o kept liy l'rof. Kennedy, per ! ' i" j moir It 1C 00 ! ||! iv ! 1'ttylnn'l Wnsliinj p?-r itioiitl1 Zi 00 ; l0 j U'jjujiti<? itt other ftmtii.:H a'^iihuiit (!<< ?t: ! s.-itnw rate. Terms, c >ti in mlvnuoe. Ne-j '* ; ees itv compels ih to tn:tl;<; tlt<* Ritctll ? lt:i'^c ] ' i tor FrttKtli. Ijitiu i? taught without |'SI 'd ' cliargo. Fcr Catalogue ifctv, 'tHilrcsa :;| RSV. J. L BONNER, j\ o1 President, j ri, j Due West, S. C., Sept 10,?20?4t j ,f Wilson's Mill a Succc&s I c ? <zz> y Those who wish Fine!8, Family Flour K! SHOULD TAKE Tiiclj; GRAIN TO Smbw HUT !" ;itt fi w k11ll.s ''I TT has recently bovn fitted up "with [f ? A now Snintti'r. now Separator. ne w I 3 I Molting ami new ? < !'y oi _ I:!; lii't Jci.itl now in use in the I'ni- iS j i.v 11 iStjito:-?. ; i ni.'jir wn.-ox. j j ELept. ir?, iscs,-rj-?tt* v ! I :'notioe to pateons.| "S~ K:\prrt (o lie absent frmn she rJ j ft. l>i->ir!ct until the election, 27th ,p;<1 October. .> M WM. C. W'AliDIiAW. '?! 1). D. S. I<;1 i Sept. 21?."jt ; ^ 1". WW. ~W. LAWTftN , - ? M m m m A VA.I J jiK Cotton X^actor jlls< AND UCOMMISSION MBE0HANT, i J CH&aiiUSTCK, 3. <1. j I E?.? I/iij-.-ral advances made on con-i ? *and on producc shipped to! ; Liverpool, &c. { Sept. 2 J, lS'jO; 22 ?3in. Seowbeme ': ; > iM Wsll make Liberal <'?:h Advances! ' j >.?:i ouji.- ii'n:ni'nts of Cotton to i I iL- ? - ;r;r , Messrs.. Maguire, Cothraa 1 ?j. Co., N. Y. jjj; i; Messrs. Hou^h. Clcndcninj & ; ^ Co., Baltimore, 13d. si' I p 1 .'Messrs. Frost & Adgor. Char- ?;i, lefcton, {?. C. ( 1 " j Sept. 21, 18fl?, 24?tf "r SrcrSHAEpX cO., , ' COTTOH FAGTOIiS, 1> AND , General tatta felails,' if BROWS'S WHARF, I Charleston, S. C. i "V Sept. 17. 21?3m 1 1 ; 1 I l>, JUST liHCKLYED BY !* 'I WHITE BROTHERS. ? t 3 Bales Borneo. Bagging. I (\ OI'V Ifilln on/I A - ...?v ?1,U ....... > J (J. j 3,000 Lbs. Arrow Ties, \11 Tierce Carolina Rice. * u Sept. 10, 18G9, ?0, tf j* v Bagging end Arrow Tics, m in y In Rtoro and for hale by " j? TROWBRIDGE & CO, j' Sept. 3, 18G9, 19, .tf ' ca i -N^W CROP MCE Just roceivecl and for tale by " MoDONALb, NORWCQD & C*0. r s> i. -iLi. - ' : -fHiguBl.ZU, ibliy, tt' -' IWANTED! " of.'"^TTHKAT, for vhidi lli? highest marVV kut piicu paid in CASI1 Oil BAR- Jl r, TfcJK.Y e- * UtOWBRIDQE & CO. - 6 Judd la, lsaa, e? . & A full assortment of Brandies wines, whiskies i malt ijquqi^s,,^, . Alwaya o? ?i)(3 fur f pla by s J. KNOX 4: Co., ' , m . . ? t / '? SCVTllkS ANt> C'liADLBS | . REAP HOOKS Af., l V SUPERIOR lol iist teeeirecfby I - i^l - t j ?r ^ j. knox <fc c<-. j - May t,: l&M G,?If J( ?.?'!" : ?r?.( i 'r.v" ? t Hie? Timriyrn r IUOI lULULl VLUi ' <y .! . ; rynij ri!i! f "pOOTH BBUSHB9,. j' , , . 1- ? , I * ?' .a Plain andetAl i 1 ? ,1 i- i e Whit? Lead and other PainUw i n A ,! Unfei r 7/^7 j Parser & Thomson's ^ ??pt n, VM m % 'II ! L I! ' * '! '"1 11 WA-TSTTTCD. IT\TJ,t)\V AND IM-.llsW A X, for >vhk'h the highest prtro will ho mid t y TIlOWllHtlMiK & CO. Rept. n, 180U, 10, tf XT" BiiAZljVLE, TAILOB, ABDKVILLE C. II., R. C., LVOULD rppppctfully uJotin llo piMin. ? ? licit ln? is (U'i-m f'T lh? *ul?> "I t!?. AUMP.K SKWlNtf M/H'UINF, wlii?li is vmi. turlcd <>n n ii< w 'pit^Ming iwiii) ?*.v vnhmbl** iinj>rovtiii?'nt#. It m>Mr.i pnvi?'r nnil IliiuKrr comic, tlmn any oilier fiehine m well us tli?> moot drlioatc, thill, nl soft fnhri',9. 1*3?"* l"*,r fuHlwr infotnt ition full nt hi-, lilormg cetaliliahnu'tit, lit John Wlnte's O.iij oi o. Hf-pt 10. 18G!>, 20?Sin. V ARQLAW & GAREW, 3 \Y( TO HS A X D OMMICSION MERCHANTS, Corner Jhoud and Stale Streets, \ CIIAltLESTON; C. - *-? - .>11 Cotton. liicc, und other "Produce. i ' j IV. A. WAKI>I.AW. JNO. LI?W. CAUKW. j Srpl.3, ISC:', 10, 7t Cotton Ties. TWTi.N i' i.OfK TIF.^ i p liy nv.v '!"i?- yt "I'niiiif *: ? r--?l ' >r j:t w 'mi'! ilurnbi'iiy tliis *1 i?? is i:o i (jim'. ll'.vicu - -M '.Item f>' re" v<-- ! ." w f '? ? llit.t. v.*c-> o-in ro:?!i .!! . i<- ' ii inc.- it < 1 lli.'in !< ?" l'l. ? ?' - 1 - .. .- IV..J IT3 mv aiiiCIJ oy want. Fur s *1?* by eo. W. Williams & Co., Facte; Ahsj mr>{?, 17. ;??n. CiiiiW'-t.lon, S. C ; GroscrsasOsIersin Prciiie. | NO :-'OT 13IIOA1) STREET, j AUGUSTA, C?A. ""IIE OI.l) pplnl.lish.d Hoim- of RAKI'R .t LOW LAI.I), Wing (li.-'s.ilvo-l. lln? , ;<ie?l l;:sve u^ uis'iil 1 tin-iiife v?-s toother mi-' r thfr djiiiii? ami ti\ie ??f BAKHH, I'OKTEU < "O for llt?? of a fil'IXKilAL; ii-v*liltV n'ul ClUlMI^lOX lil'slf*]*>.!?, j t!s( ir Sior? Ji'-T l>i..ail Street wliuro w?- , '<!I tak-' t;r. pleasure in feting o'ir many ?i oti-una fririi-'s. ami i.l'Ariiii; t!.mo i >:i from ?.nr In?* st^<!; (irocrrirp. I.i.irjiiiy : >p??. Tit's, tfnlt. Uiieijn l'io\i inns i Am! jk'UmSi us t>? n-s'ire tlnu t!iat our for-, r iejmt.ilio i tVm having th? qealily of uJs, we sLull ever eiv!.-?vor to uiaiulaia CUAUI.rS DAK Eft, JOHN* C. 1'OllTE!*.. LP.WIS P. ROODRICH, | Aw^wsfa, Ga.. 17 *1?2ui. ii1>. j CO-PA UTN ERS HIP. GQ-TTON FACTORS AKI) ommissiori Merchants. STOVALL & ROLAND, ( " IiE UXDKRSJCNED. having associate], ih^'iisi'lves in 1 lie COMMISSION lil'Sl-j S*S un :or tbunuKie nml s*tylc* of STOVALL <t , jWLAND. wili give personal attention tot2n;j le of cotton ami olhi-r prod nee, and would! -pvctfuliy solicit 1'lnnUrs and Merchant.-*' bu- j ;.rs. I f-.p BAGCHKG, ROVE, TIES c:i l! i.MlLV >t," I'i'Ll E-4 promptly utlcnded to.; sh advances on cor:6,t,."i:iei.ts I i >ino?, corner Jncknon and Kcynulds P'.racts, polite l'ou-.ii'm's Wuri B. A. STOVAI.L. HI AS. A. T??WJ,AXT>. Forriiciiy Fic-sniiig ?L Rowland. Augii.-t?, On. P. pU 17 1SG0. 21 ? 5t. l.b. ROiiATEJUI)U^SALE. . f the Probate Court, Anderson County. .?rrir-on Lore, Ani'r, yp. M. T. Long, ct. ttl. 1'elition for sale L?nd. virtue of"nn order In nie directed _J> from W. \V. Humphrey*, Judge ol rohute for Aiidr-rson' coiin'v, I wiii. ?:xi?c to (in Satedny in October tit xt, Anderson (J. II., the following- propei 'y, 111 H3' tint RohI Estate of A\igu^tu? T ng, d??r<.H:-;ed, viz: ONE TRACT OF LAND. ' / i > u laining. 13G flCren, more or- 'eg', or. hWts of LU'lc- Generonee crrek, adjoining n.!s'of Andrew Ruu, Jobu McLin, Dr. A.; . Ci."'k r.B'l other*.-, r "> j ?On n credit of twelve month?,. it|j-intcren'. fropi d?y of ej?!o. prtichaseis; ving bond with good .aecmi'J, and a ortgage of the pa-mines for the nnv rut or ili?" puurhape motif!)', tviih the ?vile^o of anticipating puymer.t at ntty me. Purrliaetra to pay for stamps ?nid 5 nccrsyary papers?costs to be paid in i?>b. WM. McGlTKIN, Slietifi' Anderson County. Sept 17, 1809?21?2t \V. Fjic>trr..;...JAiicfl Black Geo. Smdcr FROST, ELACK & CO-, 'luleBolo ard Rotnlt Manufacturer! of atiil t. \ Dealers in yiHST-CIjiIlOB j'XJHNITXJRE, OF EVpllY VARIETY. 9 BOWERY,?ear Caual-Ht. IV; tBAHBO\TK, HOTELS & PUBLIC. BU1Li?1 iNG3, i'urr.itlicil ni iho Slioi tmi Nutice. All^oodi purcbgiad of ?ur iiuuse guaranteed } represented. ept. 9i 4<t 8C ' 'J < ' SOUTH: CAROLINA -Jf fys i t HID nMlrt4ii ir t yra mwm\! : . ti! . .. ll ~..r I i j pHE SOU.rn CAROLINA ,XA1?P li;C05ti>?OT Jia8 beoo ovgawi*?d or the purchase ; ami sale.of Real; E?i ate. All persons haviDg lands foo 'wi^ fi?d '#rc^, to ,&ppiy at tho <?ci\>F tmk feompany ifrGrcAritvood; I. C.'v- Ah' oommdtiioatlond tfbtould be .ddressed' to- k*S ', nn 1 Capt. J. T, ?A^K?,r j *.o9 J> X0K2 X President.' 7T. K. BLAKE, fied'y*- ~ Greenwood, S. C., Aug. 27, 18-^tf. | UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. TMK Milt SlvSSloN of tlw rSIVKU. St l V( P|H'Nit| till tlm 1*1 ?>f Sm|i| Ivinliof. li* pH'Si'iit ?i jutrr. iiion cm ? I Im.iooa tln? follow in>j ili-pai iincuts ; I. Amii'iit. fs:<li?'?. . It. M??l<rii 1 1(1. lt.-IVe lv f ^ _ fl IV. Motnpli) x'I'R HI ill K(li io4. \". M llln l!IHlil"s. i VI. <*in'iiiistrv, (t'.'iijjritii'iv, Ac. VII Natvnil I'liilo* J'li V. " I VIII. lsnttiiH'oiintf. I IX. La*. i S.iulHil ovor IGvi'itiyof ntjo. nr? jv><- j ' titi:l?* I to elect ai.y .Icjiiiitnionl tor wiijttli j |! i?ov !??? | i? |>:?rc?l. I j Tuition, (nil ?i-, .1 ^4'1 00 i j ]5?>nul, |ht month 20 Ouj i For catalog Mr# or w'J'cr inform fin i n?l? idre?% ' l'\ A. LUW>MilE. I Ciii. bt'iiolarv. * S'-pt IS. 1C*J0 ?21? j ! Tte ui& uf Co?.tli Carolina. j I ! Jpfll .. !, j To the jlfiHoycrscf EUclioris for the Covk-j t>i of Aho. t il!c: 1 r WHEREAS, gkouhe nrsrcxI'lKlillY w'.io :? llm (? *? vi '?! K!t?o In-Id in A'oii, lS'JO, ; i< ci'o?eu .*i; . tn-.'.s l'vr of liu' 11 !??!? of 1! iiri-v ?'niiv"5 I !lit Election I):-t net of Al'l>vvil'tf. to j fi'ivu for two j tar*1, liu.t einco said eientum i c?*a?ed, Ap<1, u|ii;ri*'is. tin* Cous ?tution| ?r!" the .Siitlo oft",.w'.ii ' ':no!'1Si direo's' that in Mich a ca-(: a Wiit of lC'eetion. " hail he isMK'tl Iiv tliv 8|?o?k' r of tin- g Iloii-f of IIi;j?r?->.j;,.ativo..-;, !or fhe ji?!n.i-c, of fi iiiijj ihv v.iiMiicy ilius occasioned, I'.rs t:.? ri inniiidi-r of tin tei in f.,r w! i. i? the ^ Member s>> rioei as <1 w:is c-c't d ?? serve: *>i, ilu i?*f'i!'?'. von ami taHi of v??u aiv] hereby n (]!?!: duo a-.iveilisemeW, J r and with strict re<j?rd lo sill the provisions- ' oi the Constitiiuon and Laws of uje Raid; Sta'p, touching your di,! . in stnjh ?:ace, toi hold an fi-eiicii lor a M-1 l? r of 'lie'-* lli-use <if R j-', for tho K! t-! linn Divine. sifi u*ia:d, to M't\e ??? thu ri - .j nialsidcr <>f lh?-term for whi h t!?v; said: n G<-? litre Dnscnhtfiiy was chsjid: I'o!l? to l?o opened at. the various places ofj Kiei-itoii in said District, on WKDN KS-jBj DAY the twenty- i-venth day of October,'? by the various sma of Manayis for those; j V'ace.i re-l-.-i-.tivelv ; said Mausers to' I i - - "?i: i - ' - ivAMiui. uiu ?un's jiuuiiciy imiru:uuut*iy Micr Jg c!o*it:<? of ilie |>?1U :ii liie l're j ciuels u here the vote-. imvi* be^n taken;! ft iliaktt out a ?:t M fiiv.le of the result, to In-1 liy i l:i or a majority ? ! i tliein, ur:d taken to the Cuuit House of J: Abbeville County, or jilacc now fixed l>v i l.iw for counting I lie vote1*, oil TIIURS-'l2 DAY the tweiily-e'g'.lli <lav of said' month, by one >,r mora of tho said Mana- if ?f>rs; and tho Manage;*, or a ui.-Jsirily of, them, who nmy iio-emhle, shall proceed tot examine the aforesaid ttaleinent, and de ; elate the ies:i!t of i!.<? Ehr.tion. 'I'llis \V rit, together i\i:h \ our return of iho K'ec'iou to he held under it, have he-: fore Ilou-e of lie;?r?'s. ntntivea at in next;!? inpolinff after th<i Klceu- 11. . WJTXElSStthc Honorable FRANK-1 LIN J. MOSES. JrEsquire.' Speaker c/ the limine of Reprise ? la- j tives, at Columbia, this eleventh day of j September in the year oj cur Lord one\ ji ho at'i >hI ei/bt hundred aral sixty-vine. l' UANKLIX J. MOSKS, Jiu, S|>ciikcr of ilic lloiueof Il-pi est'i.t?:ivc5. A. O. Jones, Cit ilc '7osi?e of Tleprerecilmivos., i> Sopi 17, lfc'09 ? 21 ?t?l i! s, Thn Sfafa nf nih !"' Aiito WIUL'J Ui Ul/IUU UU1U11UU. II 'j To {he M'i angers of Elections Jor ihe County of Abbeville: J wiixi:i:a$> iuciiATir> m. valentine, E.~q., who nf. i he General Else tiuh .lieM in April, 1U69, v.:is chcsan n p imTuher <>f lie TT'/ti-'c of Rrprpgpiil ?! . ve* j * 1 ^ .1 131- -.t iv - - ' * .'.r mo ivecuon uistriet ot AnbrviPi*, t?? " s-ive fi r two yeavp, has tiiice 3aid election I reigned, Ami, wliPipus, 1I1O Constitution of the State of So.u'b Carolina directs that in fucli a ca^e a Writ of Election ?=hal1 be i^-ucJ by tho Spmkrtr of the floiwc of Kvprwntativevlor the purpose 1 of-filling UiC vacancy thus opcftsfonoil, for I he remainder of the term for which tho 1 Member ?o resigned W,ia elected to fcrve : J Now, thereTort1, you npii eaeli of you H aro hereby required, after due advertise 11 meht, nml will* a stiirt regard io nil llio piovUir.tis of *ne Constitution and Laws of the said Sra:r?, touching your duty in such cn?e< to hold an election for a MumLer of i he House of Uepreseotaliree, for tlio Election afoiesaid, ( Fit'vn for (ho remainder ol the teun for wbi/lr the said l*it;h;ird M. Valentino was elected: iho Polls to be C opeodJ'atth^' vntrous of'Election i?> 1> the paid f)ifif?ict, on wEHNESDAY tHc Ii f tvotil r.con^m it /I nfr C f* f\ I? I bt>?u^'0nfciiui un* v? v>muutr|>ir.ui;, *jy the various feU of Managers to count tin* votes publicly .immediately after tho final closing'or thb pollaat the Trecinc'# where, the vo'ob hive been-taken; make out e ceitificate of lie result, to be s'gned by the Maungers,or a majority of thcin, aiul laken to llio C.?u.t House of Abbeville County, or place now fi*<cl bv law for counting the votes, on TIlCRSDAYtbe > tweiitj-tiulil day of said month', by one or more of the said Managers; and the Managers, or a n)ujtirity"Sf them, who may assemble; aliill^froqep4 toc*amioe tbe*foreftfiiij AiatemeDf, ^otl^'ideolwe (he . result of the Election. Tbi# Writ, logetbef willi your return of the Ejection to be held under it, have before the of^J\aprtt'ontrttive* at its next meeting after the Election. WISNES&,, Me' HonorabU- 'FRANLi 'n LIN J. MOSES. Jr., Etq., Sptater .. of the llWe Wf I H^fetentalives, at Columbia,.ihin tlevtnth day of Septem* !! bef,m the year of our Lord ] * 'tmd dsrht hundred''and tMlij-nituj \J "* FHAtfjailT' i: MOSES, J*.,: J rt V >i ?? > i j Speaker of the Houreof Repr?tatativM. * AvOWoilK#,' ' PT j i Clerk of the Ilouse oMt$pr?Httt?lHrw. Sept 17,1809?2 l?ld i %? Sl'illNG T1IAD1C. 1869. ? ? ? ?. i3ii irn ii ! MIllMi 41 l/l A \" IC opi>iK?(1 llu:ir stork, nnd l>ea I i.J. ?r? rail attention lo liio. headsl ! lK]>ai tiiKlil.'. STAPLE AND I'ANtV 3RY GOOSS,; A cotn|>1vrc lino. CROCKERY. | Cliii.n, Gruii'.o, CC, and 0!;\?s?ato. | SAX/ELERY. M-CM'an, English and SjiaiiUh Sad j lea. j bmss coo as, j In great variety. I IEADY-BABE GLOTDRfl.) no lur^r- ? stock wo have ever opened i I XIats arid Caps, Al! of the novelties of tho seruun. j I SOOTS & SHOES, j o Mi.-* iMrlii"* we onn (j (Tor MILLS' ctjo | latcd l'liilfuk*lplii;i woilc. I FARDAVARE & CUTLERY J i Tliu plantor, tp.oolinnic nn.l lion?-1wppr i ui lie Mij>|>lio<l with cveiy itriiuSo ilcMreii. | SROCEMES.j hueest defjetsbht; TT? J ? -i " ' uuucr me ccargo 01 jvirsj E. J. LYTHGOS, whose skill, bility and accomplished tasto s a Milliner and Dress Maker j too well known for us to lake any comment. IILLER & ROBERTSON T. P. Mtomn. R. R. llUDGTNS. IT. C. nUD?U?S. BftMHR ft HO.. w* vurHM V VBJ 'actors and CiiissiGn ItaSiaats, North Atlantic 1 Vharf, Charleston, S. C. liberal Advances on Consignments in Hand. TtF.FER ftNCRS.? Andrew S?imon<!?, , r<-ei.!i'n? Fir'*t Xnt ional Bui>k, CIuu IfSton, S. . ; M-8.?rR. Cnniroii, Hurley !i t'o , Clihrlc-'ton . C. ; II . T. lVake, E.-fj.. Gmersl SuperliiU-u ?it S. O. H. ]{. Ohmlesion, fj. C.; Messrs, iiwer, C"X, Mni-kley ?fc Co.. Greetivill?\ S. ('. ; in. Janied Fiirrow, Spar'nr.hitrp, S. C.; on. 1J. F. Crayion. An?l?r.-"?nt s>. C. September 3, 18G0, 10?Cm Corn! Corn!! Corn!!! "00 busln-1.4 prime wl.ito Maryland ami j Teniii'pj-ee Com, j'isi received. meal! JKLeal!! Meal 1!! [00 bnshol prime mo:-l, from one of lliC* [ biift mills in th<; State, just received. Flour! Good Flour !! VTKW FLOUil, from tho best mill it< _N( ihc District, always on- liar.J. Bacon and Lard! " 000 lli? Ciii'ioi; l}?c(in Si-'ps, J9_ GOO lbs Choice Hicon II imp, 500 lbs Choice La'd, to arrive, M.DONALD, NORWOOD k CO. Ai!gu:l 5.18G0. ?ectli Fxtracted Without Pain. [AM now prepared to mlministrr "Nitrous Oxide (/ in, n safe nnr>ert hetic, nd remove teeth wilbovt J*s?;? to the pncnt. Wm. C. Wardlaw. D, D. S. Jiu.o 8 IStifl, 8 If To Mill Owners. MTLL STORES, BOLTING ,'L.OI II. RMTJT UfAni I NT'S nfl ;indu of Mill Findings, for taie at (ho awest cash pricq by W1I. URESIS EK, 197 Broad Street, Augusta. Qa. April 2, -I860?49-12m ,f ... . - i, .... P. V. TO ALE, Charleston, ff. CVMsnofaclorer of. . , 500RS, SASH, BL-lislDS. HAVINOTHE XAR&PST tOU-. PLETE FACHOHT Intbttftpn^Vn 9f?U?, i*x? keeping &lw?y4.oo ,})??* > ,lprg?and ??o?' lomplete stock of DOOB<&? 8/MJHIW, 6l*wPS, lash Doors, Skoro Do?ra? SbnttoWy Mowing" fee., tie., 1 orwbltd.U(w*Baolorofs' pr'ae*. i' t{.".lA9 ;ru , J N. B tttriqt Attention poW <t?- ?h*Ff>Uf in food order. I CONGA ?ttE IRON f (IKS CJolvimljin, O. O. ALE 3 Proprietor, Solo Manufacturer of the GPJGAT SOUTHERN CAS1 IRON, BELP SKIMMING EVAPORATORS for South Carollna. Ono complcto Set of Evaporators, SBC Two Fumaoca, all Iro:i. complete, $SC Swinging Pipes, &c 13 to 0175 1 tu:<ka CANI] MILLS an>1 a rcquisile for inukit.' s'nirar ar.i. Syrup. V iS t j',4 W I ja i) 3 fiallers 14 inches diameter 3 '? 12 " #i' *71 " lo " " ict 2 " 11 " " <> (i ID t( (I ^ | : 2 ? io ? " 43; A 1>0VC price? compete with frame I \ Without frame &10 less nu eac! mill. AUo, Steam Ko^iitov, Mil (Juaring of all kink, Cjii-il ntul l'*v Iilis Sn.utter*. ?fc<\ AiPt 's *:n. f-?v L. K K i)i-Jcriult's liny ai.<i i* *?:? :? I'resses, whiul I also iicmufiiclur?. Ail uiea of Oil G * ai in r, c?ni.-t.".:ii ly on A 30 ho-rsi .V--iiy SU'?m Engine ami Uoiler, oi hnmi, lor sai? el tor CASH. All wo?k v.;u rented. Teruib?Cnali oi delivery. JOHN ENRIGHT, Ag't, Abbeville C. H. July 1G, 1800, 12 ?tf WAHTPD ' 1,000 lbs Waslicl Yfool rFHIE highest m:nket priori in trade wil JL bo given for the above. WHITE BROTHERS. July 9, 18C9, 11 ?1 f TA^ISY SUPPLIES. FRESH SODA BISCUIT Butter Biscuit, and Lcmoi Crackers. Toilet Soap, and Tabic Salt Powder, Drop and Buck &liot. Xj _A. XI 13 . PACKED by IWo- and GrnnMa ? Oiuciunallt, ir. 3, 5, niul 10 lb: |aeknj*r.-s. 1 Tierce* prime lonf lard. Preserved Ginger and Citron Just received and for sale by SfcDonald, 'Norwood' & Co August 12, 1 SOS), 1C?If Wa&Diakiri .ai Repairing;. Tllli Undersigned would inform h?3 custom cm and the public,.that he has removci froin lloil^c.V Depot to Ahhevi'lrt C. H. II will bo feun.1 n' Dr. P*rl>i'? Drug Store, nti earnestly rolioiiat the patron :tge of the public Satisfaction is yuarGnlecd in t-v#rv iriPtnnre. 11 EN It Y INMA.V. August B, 1809. . Millinery 2 Millinery! I.?c?ics wii-hing lo buy ft fine Bonnet, a nic >unti,<.t, n fashionable Jlouuet, fur a litll nouey, will And il et the TLMFLE OF FASHIONS. NO. 2 OR Aft IT] RaNGf, Or ftnylliincr in (lie Millinery line. A large 1c of SUNDOWNS atil other lint* !*nr? just be^ I received. Come aud set one hej. rr rheyar I ullgouo. , ... . J.NOCII isKLSON. June lfi " o- " ' tf llfrasl'FsIE IN BANKRUPTCY. . BY virtue of nn oriffer lo dirteVd", lutein cut-of the DUtiict CoujI (he Unite Sulfa, fur Ui? District of South Ca?*o linn, i tl? 9 mailer of TV- & T. R. Cllnkwule, Brink rupU, I nil! toll at Abtavllle 0. H.. <>nth? fin (Monday ro Ocjobflr Jiaxt, tha Roal Entate < WiiiTnm r.. i: aoi?? of lmuil, t|>4 il4tn'?8t?^}fM under military exemption, wna., apnrt 1 >Villiaipn. Qlinlcscolea. frym tlio Honie lr?<?t'o l!*jr?kto CVmV, iidj ^rtlng lands df Al CWu oaUb, Win, apc^Miere. Termi?cash. Furclmber to pay fur pane And eUmpr.: %>M r?.? i,:R. U. WABDM.W, > : A*sigoee. ; At>i)e??ne,c. n. ) " 1 SapC 18;f' 1 j ' ' ' > 1 il 4t 1Mb:' ' J / ?l ?*1 .ii. ' ".> r . :" !:.' * \?rrr : ; &A.iL33t'" >.'jr f. 2o irv; a is.: ir. ^-if . ?!/ m: misB?e?Esii * ;:??? SMiuui '"J #7 ->i 1 eel *;-i vi; oh'tft t?.: : . j ' ?i;.' Park6f & Tfrdrtaon's ,/T Scpi.17^18^721?tr"v :iJ ixf?'U fc % HftT/Iiins Wil , * 11 Cotton i a i " GKNKUAt. COMMIi 105 WEST LOMBARD t vv? Mtwm. l>. it Noiullov & <\ lUillmiixtHl agent!* ntui will tnuUo Cusli j ItHPKHKNrws : CNtl. II. IV TOWNKl i Hill, 8. Major W. H. 'Jt'hKlK, I' >!S. t:.. Cnl. \VM. JONIISTON, Pivsi l I licsi. WADM 11 A M i * niN.C. 1 ; JOHN KB 1 '(j have Jtrsr keceiv i J FAMILY CONSISTING of liVEf! FIRST CLASS Ciroc ' been selecfcdjwilh cure and i! We will not bo undersold !good3 are tuken into conside: | . m ? I Apr, 18 J9, 39?if ,! REPAIRERS OP C0TT02I GIB HOUSE CARPENTii (, r H^IIE Fubpc.ibers woulJ inform their fiii )i A |>r??|??r?!. wi'li ccinpeti'iit woikm-m i (' Cotton Gin?, Tlirt' hovs and Fans, nnd i ^ I From tbeir long exj-eri.-nco in llie various I . | of tlie'r ability to i;ive satisfaction, ami tr . , now receiving a snpplv of GIN MATKllIA i 1 i??1 line. Wuils w U- dono ou tbe most j KRY. ! j Tl>ey will alwnvakcep on hand n good si I OAK COFFINS. *! | JOHN ErmiGHT. II August 1 o, 1i; 'jStale of Soulli Carolina, 1 I n T>W*TT7 T T5 f?rtTT*Tm?y AUXiV tutil I X . ;IN THE PROBATE COURT. !s?tr.ue! 7. Porter vs. John Y. I'oiter, Kliz. K. I'orter mix I others. i Petition for Partition of Real I?*tuto of Eliz. K. Porter, deceased. It ftp pa ring that Jolm Y. Porter nnd Jumper N. Porter, defendants in the ahov . case reside beyond the limits of lbi& ' j State: j On motion by McGownn 5: Pniker, Sol. ' for ret'r., ordurod that Paul defendant# do appear and pleivi >-.? demur to said Bill within forty days from the publication hereof, or snmo will bo taken Pro. Con/mso against them. WILLIAM IIILL, ] J. i'iio., A. C. j Sept. 10, 1 SCO, 20?6t SALE OF ' Li IB! ? By Order of tl:o Court cf Probate for Abbeville County. ' T * L W ILL sell on Sale D.iv in Octobcr next, tho Heal Estate of Tlios. Norwood dee'd., Containing -ONE 11 INDUED AND SEYF.N ACHi'3, ui.iro or lew, on wn(rrn of Sfiliidn River, bounded by Intids of James Taylor, D M. Latimer, Mn. Julia Jolmstou nud others Terms of Bale to be cash. H. 8. CASON, p ^ Sheriff Abbeville County. j cept I a 46 lit . SHERIFF'S BAIiB. BY virtue of sundry write of Fieri Facias, in rae directed, I w HI fell ?t Abbeville C. II., on the first MONDAY in October iuxf, within tl?*? Irpal hours of eale, all (lie interest which William Richey h;?s c \n n tract of land, containing threo hundred and thirty-five ncrfc?, more or lets, adjoining lands of Wm. Dunn, Jae. Blaino, ^ James Wright-and others, ads. <Naacy Richey. ' 7 II. S. CASON, j ,i Sheriff's Office, ) S. A. C. n ' Sept 11, 18U9. J 21?t(l ,. r 0 i hi mi . STAT EOF SOUTH CAROLINA. ABBEVILLE COUKTY, IN THE COMMON" PLEAS. Jwph KIHh &."| J1 ' ..A . il Mo,.,Vte ? M. lluurfogtonj ' ~ : it f*' nPPl(,f?nfe 10 *i>y -f?ellon, that SliJUuo ,f iluinuflUyi, llm deftnuant rcsidga yvithout y the liirii'te of sail] 4>'iate. On motion; ofTiioni*DH & Fair. Ccrai|>lainaiit'i , Solicitors, ordered, tli&t a aid, defendant, pl'-fl'* a*istoer or d#inor to ?aid tifil of Complaint,*'*''" . in forty days from tfce data of iliia'.orwt^y judgment pro confeuo will bo tabr\ JJ-u,nB" him; a v<n< AlATllE'W iIoDO?~P'? Clerk VOffiw, r . 9- C, P. BtptemwPiit: ist#?1"1 /' S'P-1 44 did til - jACui ; v i ! & n msyrHMAMB: IV i* i w II1TI niVJUXVi %r6hA ' BDff Jact?& Ift [I ' i^Vnrter. 5GHobe HoUlA/J^tJOflO i : >^VU[|SSBfiEd#BRRi > - i|??>ioA?J WUntfon '{Mialtcltt* ityflMqgU ' ? ??1 ? Ysmwk & Co.. P,%oiorr~. . s 1? <SH)N 'PA'TS, STRELT, BALl'i iUB.'. v, AMjevillo C. II., S. r., :uo otu ht!y i Atlvmicos on nil cniiftifeniuctttn tn u . .Nil, Vresi.I ?t V. A- S. U. I?., fV j nshi^r KirM, .\ulinrml IV:.U. < 'iltimoiii, out (5. O. iV A. It. U-. <_iwir; '?% N. i\, >*. l,\ i.vpi. I 1 *;?> ?;tm FX k C O" F.7> A TULL STOCK OF SUPPLIES, wYTHING usually kept in a cry Store. all of which hav* bought for CASH. when the QUALITY of our ration. Give us a call. ^ QQc. Of?' rS, THRESHERS AND FANS, RS AND BUILDERS. ;nd3 nnd the public generally tbat they *r? \n?l nn abundance of material, to REI'AlJtt do all work in the Hue of Carpentering, ranches oi' t!"! bnriness, tbey feel confident ip? lo mail l.-c public paVunage. They are .L, and are prepared to execute all work in ; reasonable lorms?CASH ON 1,;"!LIVi-pply of READY MADE WALNVT and . D. B. SMITH. ! IN IMIRray. I i 7.y till-: district en crt of ; Tin: li sit ul> states, for . tlljj h I strict OF SOL'I'll j cAlio lis a. I j In tii<? nintter of ) J. W. Power, > Iu Bankruptcy, i Bankrupt. ) | IJY V.llUo >f HI) W(1pI? i'SUiD^ ri?:i? !i4 Hop. i I ) Court nf*i<!H.ud, v.olicc is hereby p ven to alliien Cnnitors of ibe baiikuipt afore'said, to establish tlx-ir liens before \V. J", .dawson, HvuUtrar.wiih.ii ihirn- r!iv? P-,,, I U>c date of the first rub!;ov fo.< fi?r*i?f,' or I be barred ill benefit cf the deciic to bu ruaje ill this c:i*e. li. It. WAUbLAW, Aisiijoet. j AbbevilU C TT, I Sept. i?2. 1809. ) Sept. 22 40 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED ST A ES, FOR THE iJ(STRICT O*1 SOURII CAROLINA. In tbe matter of ) Joi n G. Boozer, J- la Bankruptcy. B nkrupt, J Y \irtue of nti order iMaing from the IftnH. : ?(.9 O'uir ? "(,. i .kM, v,itlcs is hereby given, toj alt lionHJnd >x ! iho Bankrupt afore* j priiij, to eytftt(i!.-.h their lions before W. J. j i.'Uwpon, R.giatrtr, wilL':i thirty days | from thu uat? ?t the first pubdoatiou, Ueruof, or bo bailed from, all benefit. 6f thb croe to be made in this <Me. v.- . ' W.u. WARDL4W,. Abbeville C. II.,) Aoijfnee.. Sept. 22, 1839. J Sept. 22 40 3c ? ? , . / j ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT 0> THE UNITED STATES, FOR TIIE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. v. In the mntter of } . f T. J. MoCwick< o, fjn Bankruptcy. virtue ofnn oriir iesulnjffrotn tfi?Hoi .AS & Court * foresaid, notiea it'htrtby ghxn 4 all lien Creditors of anjd UnirkrupL tq ea tnblish tbeir liens before W." *J. Cfawscfi Registrar, within ibirty.-dnys from the dal of the first publication, hoi eof,. of he ba? rod from all benefit ol .the decree for dif tribution to be made in this can; ad (hat the enid Creditors. within' tbeUa aforesaid, do further ahow eausty 4f;?n llifcv have, why the ]Etlate of the Bank mpt should not he sold free front incut branee. H. WAttDLAW,; ^ Ahhevi'lc O* II., f t Aa?igne?? Sej;t. 22, 1800. J\ . S-J.t. 22 36 3t 1 "-j".- ? ? ? ?A IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of , THE UNITED'.STAVES, FOR . y . THE DISTRICT OF &OUTp & " CAROLINA. I Ju tbp 1 , ' Jno. B Iv.on, C To Baaliup'*/? ' l>i?nkrttj&l|:1'? . >*' BY 9f fln.order- m^i^ rrw?..|M ( ou-! ufw?s?id, noli.' ** to. /<V.i Crc(t:i?fo tn bli^h .their $~Qltatuohf . RioguLrar, w|i' >v o tho.fii-. Tjined from i4lf^. .. tk.n JO taji^Babjifiaiwl ijrtt %A 1 ?w5lorJ? Unf* 7^. tofiotiid'iie bMafrc&yrtnv ,i:' !i..\ *'IL.'4aLfWAMM4W? id ?F?>? ?; r'l lua 0}'UV boaool .ii fvmr>;:o-j q: hfri07ii-il>:vj . ia*7l*wjxiTlolaoq mom 4fT>9nafJBj - JOO-BtrSHEDT .. < IhxI "ooa.oyfidl sfcrftfi iacnrfHy/" vxirnmm ' :V i v.- \i'?" .