The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, February 19, 1921, Image 4

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The Southern Indicator. Published Weekly. COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. PHONE 2637. Editorial Staff. .tfMfc-, J. A. Roacb.Managing Ed?tcf?! Rev. H. M. Mooro, D. D., Contributing! Editor. M Rev. D. F. Thompson, D. D., Contrib uting Editor. Rev. I. E. Lowery, D. D., Local Re porter^ IH3_HJV1JJ_^ Subscription Rates (In Advance.) One YeaJvlM?.U-50 Six months .90 Three . months .60 Advertising Rates. Regular rate3, .rer inch.50 Cards of Thanks .$1.00 up Reading Notices .$1.00 up Obituaries, Resolutions, etc, $1.00 up Marriages .?2.00 up IMPORTANT. fhe subscription price tu The In dicator only entitles a subscribe) to the paper and not to publish frer Cards of Thanks, Obituaries, etc These cost extra. Send $1.00 wl'h obituaries. $1.00 with a Card of Thanks. $1.00 with a short article on church and Sun day school work, unions, conven tions, conf ?ranees, etc. Marriage announcements, $1.00: marriage write-up. $1.00 ut). No tices. 50c. up. Send or bring the eaafa. Editor. EDITORIALS February 19, 1921 A Great Race Conference is now a part of history for 1921. Any honest minister, like an honest layman will pay his debts promptly or report the reason why. The other class will not. Now is the time to plant that garden to get early vegetables The sermons some preachers preach can't be heard for the lives they live. The typhus disease just intro duced in New York by Jtiimi arraa^s from Europe Ja. starking New'York's-best medical skill. The Columbia State should agi tate the landing of those destruc tive incomers on the borders of South Carolina. - The woman or girl of color who can and does look a white man salesman or what not, sternly in the face and transact her busi ness without a "grin" or un necessary exchange of words as other women do our men, the sooner will that man regard her more respectful and the more will our men respect her and the more will she be deserving ol highest respect. MI _I _DI--C ft Loveless Love Blues is the title of the latest blues sung by W. C. Handy, originator of the blues idea, and better known b> "St. Louis Blues" and "Memphis Blues" which are known the world over. The Q. R S. Com pany has made a roil of this number featuring a colored pianist, James P. Johnson of New York City. Since January 1st six phonograph companies have mads phonograph records of "Loveless Love" as the words are a novel construction and the music characteristic of Mr. Han dy, The chorus of "Loveless Love" is written in SpaniBn tem po and carries a Himple melody as beautiful as "Silver Thread? Among The Gold." Thesecond chorus is written in Jazz tempo and is pronounced by all who hear it as an innovation in the song writing game. Pace and Handy, Music Co , enjoys th* distinction of being of being the first to publish a song with the laughing trombone and the first to put' over a song with Mamie Smith in the records and the first to lend dignity to the Blues. This Company is do ing s pioneer work which in th? years to come will be pointed to with pride by members of th? race. We Don't Agree. The Indicator noted that re presentatives Mason and Stab ling of Anderdon are contending th it certain parts of unsettled ail? in Georgia be reclaimed ry S i Ith Cirolina. We don't agree with the gentlemen. South Car ulina is too much like Georgis now and being fearful that this part of Georgia added to South Carolina will also add to her dark blots, we say let Georgia have that strip( of land. Furthermore were ijt pasible to annex Ander Abbeville, Hampton, Fort Vi'?tte and like places to thc black record of Georgia. The In (iicotor would legislate those places to Georgia without fur cher procedure. The Committee Appointed. We had the pleasure last weefc of calling the attention of oui readers to The Hoy al Theatre, I "movie huuse" in this city eon? ducted by whites exclusively foi ttie exclusive patronage o? Ne groes. This Theatre for som? time has been tee topic of dis cus8ion among our people be cause of the little recognitior given those who patronize it, ex cept to come in great and stu greater numbers to patronize it, This the Negroes of Columbia dre tired doing and have really resolved not to do so much Ung er. For that reason we had . little say last week and suggest ed that before the leading minis ters and business men of the city took any steps to satisfy the dis satisfied public, that the minis eera who have the ears of tbs people appoint a committee tc wait on the owmer and managet and lay bare the desires of thc peoole and if a deaf ear is given chis committee then take such steps as the leading minda think best. We gladly say that in keeping with our suggestion the Inter denominational Ministers Union bas appointed that committee and the same is at work. We hoping that this committee will he abie to make a favarable re port back to the Union next Tues day. Just what the demands are that this committee will make we do not know but we do know that with the men of experience and ability among us to manage and operate the theatre in ever> branch they certainly should be given positions and that the theatre should be conducted on s high ordor. Nothing less than this should satisfy, nothing lesE than this should be granted. ^??ngth *In Unio'n. * Another step foward for Co lumbia's colored citizenry is the formulated j.lan for a large Building and Loan Association to help the masses. From first hand information, this Organiza tion is a certainty and is only a matter of time to properly or ganize which will be done next Thursday night, February 24th, at Zion Baptist Church. The capital s ock is $50,000 at $50 00 per share. Many have already subscribed for shares and many more will subscribe. This is SB it should be IC is high time that our peoplein Columbia should cooperate and combine their for ces if we would get the recogni tion desired The Indicator would urge every colored man and woman to sub scribe to the capital stock of this new concern and help to put it into operation at once and here after when we need money to buy a home or pay for what we have let's KO to our own. Let's meet at Zion next Thurs day night. Jim Crowism The iatest introduction under jim crowism in South Carolina is a bill to jim crow pictures in the atres- That is a white picture cannot be shown in a colored the atre and vise versa if the bill is carried. And it seems to meet with favor with the lawmakers; for it has passed its third read ing at this writing. We now have jim crow publit carriers, jim crow churches, jim crow stores, jim crow waiting rooms, jim crow clerks, etc., and it seoms that now we are to have jim crow pictures. Going some. You will have to move up Geor gia. Somehow or other during the heat of the jim crow fever law makers they overlook the main ssues. Since jim crowism is the ssue we should like to read of ?arried bills to prohibit white nen from owning and managing colored theatres; one to prohibit vhite lawyers from defending vfegroes. one to prevent white lectors from practicing on Ne groes, one to prevent white ln iurance companies and white col ectora from insuring and collect ng from Negroes; one to probib t white clerks (especially female) rom serving Negroes; one to ?rohibit white printers from re eiving printing; from Negroes; JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN , WAITING FOR A break in th? prices of Woolen?. Owing to tha Reduction eur Woolen Hoists have granted us, we are able to make a suit from $80.00 upward. See our line before yeu buy your next Suit gr Overcoat. We are experts and guaran tee both style sud fit. B. Fr PRIESTER Merchant Tailor 1323 Assembly St. Phone 3763 CLOCHES SATISFACTION Is found at our place. Don't rob yourself. See our stock of ali the latest styles, not samples, but whole pieces of woolen goods from which ygpr Suit will be made. We are now carrying a full line oflfcench B ack Serges, Doeskin, Drape; Broadcloth, Navy Blues and a variety of fancy styles for your selection. Polite service awaits your call. I LADIES Ladies' Suits, Goats, Skirts and Dresses made to measure. A full line of'Furs and Neck Pieces. Coat Suits $29.00 and up, Long Coats $29.QQ up, Silk Seal Plush Coats $52.50 up. Ladies, call and let us show you these latest styles. J. W. BRUNSON Merchant Tailor. 713 Main St. ' Phone 2162 Columbia, S. C. OUR GREAT WORD! SERVI C E was our aim E very day during; 19201 R endering each customer the Very best S?E RV ICE I n our powe* will be a C onstant feature of our business ? E very hour during 19211 TRY US! HLLISCN LUMBER e? "The SERVICE Yard" Phone 185, 720 Lady Street DR. N. A. JENKINS, Specialist. i. Alfer ?jrac?cing ? or t^elre y para, we -have Jound^_the field of medi cine so broad that it la necessary to limit our practice afbng certain lines ia order to do the heat work. While wa do a very limited amount of general practice, we are trying to confine our work almost ?n?rely to office practice. We have made a specialty of Female Diseases; Diseases of- the Throat, Removal of Tonsils and Adenoide, Stomach Trouble, Disease of the Cheat and Joints, Re moval of Ingrowing Nalia and New Growths, and all kinds of office work. We find that If- these ailments are corrected before they go too long, it will eave many patients from hospital operations. Office Hours: Telephones: 9:00 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. Office, 3763 12.00 m. to 1:00 p. m. Residence, 3873 3:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. Office, 1323 Assembly St. Residence, 2202 Hampton Ave. one to prohibit our women from "grining" in the fates of white men; one to prohibit white drug stores from telling Negroes anything. These and a few oth ers. Such bills providing ample time fer the Negroes to prepare to meet th ic emergency would no doubt bring the Negrees to gether one fer all ways and make them place the real value on their dollars; for it seems that they will only do what "white fol ksM force them to do even for their very best interest as a race. So let the bills come ' 'white folks." We Hope It U Not True. "Lord, you know that religion is growing so cold and sin 1B growing BO bo|d" is a striking utterance and a bold confession I heard made In a recent prayer by a good man. The statement is an old worn sentence fre quently used in prayer. We dare criti cise prayer less we be guility of judg ing the heartland motive of the per son thus engaged by the use of these old common sentences; none of us "know how to pray ae wa ought." Aa we study our condition and recount a few ot our many blessings we nope j this expression so earnestly uttered : in our good brother's prayer is noti true. I There Is every reason for the suc cessful growth of the Christian re ligion among us. The growth of plants depend upon suitable conditions such as soil, sunshine, rain, cultivation, etc. Nature plays an Important patt, then too, human skill comet In with its contribution. The Christian religion's growth among a people depends upon similar agencies. We have the divine side and human side. The unique plan of redemption has been' wrought by Jesus and the Holy Spirit 1B heaven's agent in the world and the Christian people are being used by Him in keep ing alive and very active this religion which in tim? must reach that large proportion so as' to eover the whole earth. Let us take time and count our human aids which are rightly to be depended upon in their contribution to the development of religious growth. We have the home, church, schools, colleges, universities young men and women's ' associations temperance unions, hospitals and many other like agentB which are unknown to us. If these are playing their real part in ?advancing the one thing upon which [the destiny of the whole world de pends, why do we go mourning before death strikes its last and final blow. But since this suggestive statement, in the prayer referred to above, meets the assent of the large majority of ? those listeners it is undoubtedly some I thing tilting about this development. Some of these departments are evi dently failing short. Upon which shall this fault be placed? Surely the homes are not at fault. These are the bed rock of any nation's civilization. Here in ls the father, priest, prince and king, and the mother a veritable queen. The children honor those In whose faces they first' looked, above air other as tho imbodiment of purity and love. They believe in their parents' re ligion and every thing else until they are deceived, then all respect and con fidence take the wings .of doubt and inbelief and light upon a clift in an , mknown region. More anon. H. M. M. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FORMING. All persons interested in the proposed People's Building and Loan Association, those who have subscribed for shares and pros pective subscribers, are calkd to meet at Zion Baptist Church, h?xt Thursday night. Feb. 24 at 8 o'clock. Don.t fail to come and come on time. Promoters. Hats made to order or old hats made new 'at the Waverley Millinery Shop, tyOO Gervais St HARDY & PINeKNEY Columbia's Leading Colored Undertakers & Embalmers Funeral Supplies at Lowest Prices Complete Motor Funeral Equipment, consisting of Automobile ^Hearse, Limousinesand Ambulance. Prices the Same as Horse Drawn Equipment. TWO ESTABLISHMENTS COLUMBIA GREENVILLE .1006 Washington Street 305 West Coffee Street 1 Phone 1695 Phone 797 LISTEN Everybody knowe na now. Why? Our work has advertised us. Why7 ! out by any colored shop in the State. Who . i Columbia and in many parts of the .. We guarantee the quickest deliveries i it prices from MO.00 and up for Suits and Because it is the b says ao? AU the State outside. We make our v of alt the shops. We have a lar Overcoat!, Phone 1963. EN & PAUL olumbia, S. C. ) ll23 Washington Street. I THE <0Wa/ \9leUef <$? ?Benevolent 'ssociation, - The South Carolina Mutual'1 Ins. Co. The Greatest of Us Kind in The 3tate OVER 150 AGENTS^EMPLOYED It Gires as Good Protection as Any Bor Less Money.. t- An Investigation Solictfed. $75,000 Strong F?r Your Protection J. H. GOODE, Gen. ligr. 45011-2 Taylor St. . - .^Gommbi&^S^C. _ Phone 2186 N. J. JENKINS Groceries and Produce sold at Low Prices, We carry a Full Line of Groceries etc at all times. Give me a triai order. We solicit your orders. 601 ASSEMBLY STREET COLUMBIA, S. C. PHONE 1481 We Have Mamie Smith's latest Records: CRAZY BLUES and IT'S RIGHT HERE FOR YOU THE ROAD IS ROCKY and FARETHEE HONEY BLUES BE SURE AND COME TO OUR NEW LOCATION Pianos, Player Pianos, Victrolas and all the latest and best in Records and'Player Rolls. THE: JOHN CHURCH CO. 1606 Main St. Phone 2000 P. M. A ebury, Mgr. W C. JOHNSON H. W. BRADLHY J. W. MORRIS Johnson-Bradley-Morris - Funeral Directors & Licensed Embalmers 1115 Washington St., Phone 3500 You are cordially ted to visit and inspect tho full USMC af mm 1124 Washington SL HABERDASHER TO College Boys, Profeesional Moo, Railroad, Steamship est* He**] In fact, tO all mon who aspire to fool it and fnenlonabio. There is Snap about our Shirts, Collara. Scarfs, Hosiery, Urang* mg Robes. Quality, Serrice and a Geniel Smile await yon at this store. Phono 2301. - LOVE B. WOODS. BUY ALL LEATHER GUARANTEED 0HOES for Men, Women and Chil dren at I.. S. Leevy's, 1221 Taylor St Phone 819. DR. HARRIET B. DAWKINS Zone Therapist Office hours, 9:3tf to 11:30 a-, m., 3 to 4:0O p. m. 1006 Marlon St. Columbia, S..C.