The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, June 26, 1915, Image 9

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NOTES BY THE WAYSIDE. BY REV. RICHARD CARROLL. As scheduled I spent Sunday with Dr. C. T. Walker in Augus ta, Ga. I preached at ll a. m in his new church to a great con gregation, At 4:30 p. m. I lectur ed to what Dr. Walker called a "very representative audience'1 lawyers, doctors, business mer and people who represented everything. The men voted unanimously that they enjoyed the lecture and were willing tc hear it again but I was not willing to stay longer in Augus ta. 1 was tired and had not much more physical force tc spare. Dr. Walker's congrega tion is not like the average Geor gia congregation I met. At ll a. m. the people assembled for preaching: at 8 p. m. the congre gation had assembled ?T night services, and at 9:30 then?enedic tion was pronounced and the peo ple were going home. That is 9:30 by standard time. I was in Atlanta on two occas ions when I began preaching at 10 o'clock by South Carolina time and 9 o'clock by Central time There are few men that have ser vices like Dr. Walker-on time. In South Carolina I' noted the promptness of Dr. N. C. Nix of Oranfreburg, Rev. A. R. Bacote Society Hill and Rev. James Kirk land bf Newberry, and some months ago I preached for Dr. J. J. Durham in Columbia. He believes in "Redeeming time" Dr, Walker and his congrega tion worshippecL?n the Sunday school roomaJiHkreat church. This part^? Brig capacity of l,00?J| H auditorium, when mt W seat 25G0. Thirty* ?Wars ($30,000) has b*e^H Hnto ward this great structur^Wmch when completed will cost thirty-five thousand dol lars ($35,000). It will be an in stitutional church. This great man deserves such a house of worship, for he is a great, great gospel preacher-a deep preach er. His sermons are high as heaven, deep as hell, broad as the earth-for they save unto the ut . most them that believe. I am always delighted to visit this, my old friends and his congregation or to be in his company. The collection raised and given me af ter my factur? to Men Only was certainly a surprise to me. It was more than I expected. The men gave every dollar he ask for and I was more than pleased I can never forget when visiting Au gusta that great scholar and teacher, that unselfish, useful citizen that serves his day and generation well, the Rev. Silas X. Floyd. I asked a prominent citizen "who are the leading and first citizens of Augusta?" This man is not a member of Dr. Wal ker's church, but is a prominent * pro.fa?a??ha! man, and his answer was "?)r. C T. Walter and Rev, Silas V Floyd are t]he first citi zens of x^ugusta." ' Dr. Warner owe* much of his great success, bc l b; in Augusta and elsewhere irP?merica. to his armor bearer, Silas X. Floyd. . Rev. Floyd is to Dr. Walker what Emmett J. Scott is to Dr. Booker T. Washington. In the audience I recognized Col. Judson W. Lyona, Prof. J. L. White, Prof. P. H. Craig, several minis ters of the gospel and other pro minent citizens. It is known that Georgia has more "Colonels" white and colored, than any other state in the South. There was colonel Wilkerson who has the distinction of being the only colored steam boat captain in the city, having had charge of dif ferent steam boats running be tween Augusta and Savannah for more than 18 years- Co^Vilker son drove me every whe^PSunday *3amd Monday brought me to the train in his fine touring car. This genial gentleman took delight in taking me around. Miss Annie Adams accompanied me around on all my trips except to the meeting for Men Only. I stop while in Augusta with her brother-in-law, Dr. C. S- Carr who married Miss Annie's sister, j Nell. Both of these young ladies ! lived at one time with the writer j several years ago, and take de- j light in looking after my welfare No chinches visited me in the home, only one large mosquito paid me a cali aud I murdered him. The bed was roomy and comfortable. Callis, Mrs. Carr's brother took pleasure in waiting on me. Dr. Carr was full of good cheer and was anxious for his family to contributeN to my happiness and comfort. What a fine garden they have, i? re table were plentiful, the coffee', was fine and the beef steaksi and roasts were juicy. New pota toes and plenty of cake and, lots of things were put on the fcfij^ which I did]not|eat. ' Jr They have a fine batn roon! and Popular Excursion VIA ' 1ftV Southern I^y. Premier Carrier of th* South Thursday, July 1st, 1915 FROM COLUMBIA, S. C. And Way Stations TO AUGUSTA, GA. And Return i ? . Following schedule and low round trip rates will apply: Columbia.7.00 am.$ 1.25 Monetta.8.32 a m. .90 Cay ce.7.07 am. 1.25 Ridge Spring 8.40 a m. .80 Lexington....7.30 a m. 1.00 Wards.8.50 am. .80, Barr.7.39 a m. 1.00 Johnston.9.00 a m.75 Gilbert.7.53am. 1.00 Trenton.9.17am.751 Leesville.8.10am. 1.00 Ar. Augusta 10.35 am. - Batesburg....8.20 a m. 1.00_._ Returning leave Augusta 10:00 p. m. same day. Tickets good only on special train in both directions. Separate coaches for white and colored people. Plenty of room for all and a comfortable trip assured. Special officers will main tain order aboard the train. A splendid opportunity to spend a day in the beautiful and pro gressive city of Augusta. . See the league base ball game between Augusta and Jacksonville Buy tickets at city office, 1300 Main street, Columbia, in advance avoiding rush at depot. For further information call on local tick et agents. L. D. Robinson. C. P. and T. A.. Columbia S. H. McLean, D. P. A., Columbia, W. E. McGee. A. G.*P. A., Columbia bath tub. Everything is nice and clean and sanitary. This is the gospel we should not fail to preach. Keep clean and bathe often. (Continued Next Week) He Has Not Accepted A De gree ' To my friends and others want it distinctly known that ? have not accepted the degree D. D. or LL. D. from any ins tution, and persons who writ me will please address ro&J$?the same old way "Richard ?Bpro?l or Rev. Richard Carroll "nTam no worthy of any honorary degree and never will be. Of course I am grateful to any institution or individual thinking well of me, but I know myself better than any one else, I am unworthy, neither have I merited a degree. Richard Carroll Reception to psstor Green. The Rev. I. P. Green, the urbane pastor of the Union Baptist church near Royster's mills, reached last Friday night his fortieth birthday and the termination of eleventh year as pastor of that flock. The woman's missionary society of the church celebrated the events by ten dering him a grand reception, at which the members and friends generally were in attendance. After an address most appro priate by Prof. John R. Wilson, in which he happily felicitated- the pastor, refreshments choice and abundant were served, after which a large fat purse was given the pastor. This church was organ ized and built by the Rev. I. P, Green. ANDERSON JOTTINGS. Anderson, June 22.-Misses Irene Taylor and Christine Thom as left last Monday for Hampton "a. to attend the summer schcol. They will visit Richmond and Washington D. C. before they jjfeturn. (? Mr. Jonas Jones of Henderson ville N._C. came to the funeral of his sister Miss Eliza C. Jones kho departed this life on the !th. Mrs. Inez Neeley of Newberry who has been in Hie city during ?i'e illness of her aunt returned ome on Wednesday. Miss Daisy Williams of this city having taken the full course of beauty culture and bair dress ing under the celebrated madame Neeley is prepared to j?ive the very best service in hair dressing, manieur i noland chiropody. Mr. G. Pvrienkins and sister Miss Daisy who have been at tending Fisk Untversity have re turnd. * Announcement. All those taking part in the Bi cycle contest being given for the benefit of the Y. W. C. A., by Mrs, Salane C. Thompson, will please take notice that there will ?-e two reports made. The first will be on Tuesday afternoon June 2(.)th. at the home of Mrs. Thompson 1426 Oak street. The second and last, Sept. 28th. Those desiring to contest for this bicycle which is both hand some and useful, may do so. & This bicycle is on display atjfne store of Mr. I. S, T *?vey, Taylor - - jg r'-v: THE PRIDE OF CAROLINA State Agricultural and Mechanical College Orangeburg, S. C. JUST THE PLACE FOR YOUR BOY OR GIRL. Supported by State and Federal Funds, Affording a R Splendid Faculty of 57 Officers and Instructors, Standard Equipment and Unsurpassed Facilities. Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Artesian Water, Every j Sanitary Protection. - Laboratories and Class ROGS?S for Instruction in Science, Agriculture and Mechanics Fully Up-to-date and Ade quately Furnished. COURSES : College, Normal, Preparatory, Agriculture, Mechanics, Home Economics, Music. 23 Trades Taught. No Tuition, No Room Rent, No Charges for Lights, Heat or Sanitary Conveniences. Entrance Fee for South Carolina Students $3.00. For Others $10.00. Board $6 00 per Month iii Advance. Next Session Begins September ?9th and Ends May 25th, 1916. Thirty-five Weeks of Standard Requirements. For catalogue and other information, write at once ' R. S. WILKINSON, President, X ORANGEBURG, . Church Directory^ Second Calvary Baptist church Bull street, between Taylor^hd Hampton avenue, Rev. J. J.:Dur ham, D. D., pastor. Preaching 11:15 a. m., and 8 p. m. Sunday chool 10 a. m.; J. R. Cornwell, Supt. Praver meeting Thursday night. An invitation is extended all to attend these services Joues Chapel A. M. E. Zion church, corner Blossom and Sum ter streets, Rev, J. C Lewis, pas tor. Preaching at 11:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Class meeting every tuesday night. Prayer meeting oh Thursday night. Macedonia Baptist church, Hu ger St., between Senate and Pen dleton streets, Rev. K. M. Myers, pastor. Preaching at 3:30 and 8.15 p.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m., Miss Daisy Littlejohn, Supt. Prayer meeting ev^ry Wednes day night. Come one, come all. Young Women's Christian As- i sociation, Ladson Presbyterian i church, Sumter, between Island ing and Laurel streets. Board of Managers meeking second Mon day in each month at 4:30 p. m. Regular monthly meeting third Monday in each month at 4:30 p. m. Bible class weekly on Thurs day afternoons from 5:00 to 6:00 during this month at Second Calvary Baptist church All persons attending these meetings will be welcomed, Mrs. C. D. Saxon, president. Mrs. Sara E. Collins, Secret'y Sidney Park C. M. E. church, Blanding street, between Assem bly and Main, Rev N.F. Hay good, ID. D., pastor. Preaching hours ll a. m., and Sp. m. ; Sunday school 3 p. m., J. A. Walker, Supt. Class meeting every Tues day night 8:30 o'clock ; Meeting of Usher's Board Wednesday night. Bennie Boozer, president. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend these ser vices. St Mary Episcopal church, cor ner Gates and Green streets, Rev. E. S. Willett, rector. Morning service and sermon at ll o'clock ; Sunday school 3:30 p.m.; Even! song and sermon 4:30 p. m. Bethel A. M. E. church, corner Sumter and Taylor streets. Rev. D. Al Christie, pastor. Preach ing, at ll a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m., W. H. Young, Supt. Class meeting every Tuesday night ; Commun ion every 1st Sunday. Strangers will receive a cordial welcome at these services. Alonzo P. Hardy Notary Public SOUTH CAROLINA 1006 Washington St., Columbia. Phone 1695 M. B. DAVIS FIRST 2LASS .SHOEMAKER FiNE HAND SEWING All Work Guaranteed and done on short notice. IOU Washington St. ? Columbia STAR TAILOR SHOP WADE H. TREZAVANT, PROP. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Altering, Dyeing. J?$,dies' Work a Specialty. PhoWl324. 1112 Washington St. DR, JAS. H. SIMS VETERINARY SURGEON^ AND ANIMAL DENTIST 1007 LADY ST. - - PHONE 2677 COLUMBIA,S. C, RichiaiM^kTailor Shop AlteratioilS^^feinng, and Press ; ing neatly ?ja|K^d- ?]d cl?thes $ made tu laOK^lke new ones. B. A. BLOCKER, PROP'R. 1118^ Washington St. Columbia PHONIC 2056. HOMES ON EASY TERMS COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY L. A. HAWKINS REAL ESTATE AGENCY Phone No. 3413, or Call At , 1510 Main St., Columbia. S. C. _; v ?' S? g OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 10 a, r^^Ato 1 p. my ; 6 to 8 p. 'xS-i J8F " ' DR. B. A. EVERETT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Diseases of Women and Childre a Specialty. Office: 2129 Gervais St. Phone 24 Residence: 1100 Pine St., JH H500?-W. COLUMBIA, ?CE and COAL Palmetto Ice Company "The Yellow Wagons with the Bells" Geo- L. Baker Wm. Barnwell J. M. Batemen Pres. V. Pres. Sec. & Treas. ? 1 eall Day or Night PHONE 1732-J I am as near to you as your telephone I give service at a reasonable price Consult me and 1 can Save you Worry, Time and Money I want you to know and turn with confidence ] to my name Wm. M. NASH Undertaker 916 Washington St. Columbia Phone I732-J Jl'fv Prices are much Lower iha?i those Customer Hy m OFFICE HOURS ?to ll ?. M. 2 to 4 P. M. 7 to 9 F. M. Phone Numbers 3047-J 1666 Dr. W. D. CHAPPELLE, Jr. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OFFICE . 2101 Gervais St. IDEAL PHARMACY RESIDENCE 1208 Harden Street COLUMBIA, S. C. ? Vv J. W. BAILEY DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Ice Cream and Soda Water New Store, New Goods, Right Prices We Solicit Your Patronage 1131 Washington St. Phone 1784 Palmetto Meat Market J. S. DENT, Prop'r. Butcher and Green Grocer, pish, Oysters and Game in season, j 1330 Assembly St. Phone 172. Columbi VT I, ; . fig i m Watch Your Step! And "Help us to Help You" Remember Safety, First Last and Always. iii con .... v., ? ? ?I ' Vj ? , li ?. ?r= Complet? ?nd Seat Equipped Baili House in tatt World ^ For Colored People NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC PYTHIAN BATH HOUSE AND SANITARIUM r% Shower and Needle Baths. ^TSYSTS?!^' cd and Operated by Supreme Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of America. South America, Europe. Asia, Africa and Australia. odin* attendant's FM? $7.00. BINGLE BATH 40 CENTS. nm to Pythiana and Calan the. in flood standing, -ATHH, INCLUDING ATTENDANT. $5.00. Write for Far thor Information. , Manager, * 415 Malvern Avenue, HOBT SPBINGS, ARK.