The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, November 14, 1914, Image 3

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?4P* e the rn cator JOLUiVlBIA, S SATURDAY! NOVEMBER 14 ?914 NUMBER 9 i -'" 1 '.V . "' ?Issi . - " '.- '.:<... . '. _ ij- fi " '. v,W v?' - " C?-*v . iff -. . .'?Mi? |o the Voters of the 4th S. G. Cohgressional District. Ki*,. m. ir. :- < opartanburg, S. C., October 20th 1914K Chairman4 th Cong. Die. .Convention of South-Carolina,. ?ear;Sir':L;'>;'^::;^.; . f . ' v : _ \ -With many "thanks and.deep ?ppreciation for the honor you _ eco^fe^red ji^n-'me iri'makiri'g me.your candida te%f pr Congress, ^4^Pt7thfe sa^V^nlly realizing theresponsi^ilty./ikejitiails.anjd the d?ty wat confronts me. v ' W?& realize fully,tbe great task your convention.of/the 14th-ir?st, pl?ced in my hands and* ?he instruction given me to carry the fight for . the .liberty of ". the people tc the hails of Coifgress, and'there pV?c? before the representatives of the American- people tl i e ? unfair [' cans Of ?'fair and impartiaHchanee' to c?st a, ballot for whatever ? .candidate they may desire Iso represent th em "in Congress. . ' i"%f\ * As your representative in Ahe Congress^ shall have that body say wn?t is meant by the 14th and loth Amendments of our nation al constitution. We h?ve'appeared; before the courts time and again and those tribunals have so shifted about from one 'technicality to another until the,main question is lef t unsettled A1H shall.ask is thje-'true meaning of the two amendments, and thali insist that Con egress place its construction upon these tw?"?)lanks; .'. : J fully reiijze that 'Iv am making the race against one of the most h,p orable and ablest men of the district, and one who the peo pie cart'trust so far as a democrat is concerned, I.ut the great ma jority of voters in this district have been,;? aii? are now derijej^the 'privilegeof casting-affair'ballot. . .?* . . ?*?"*/* . ' J also call the attention of .the. vicers of ?J??.jjp?trict to thestub b?rn fa.ctithat twenty '"months ?Of dehiojErat^ic national rule-hassc depleted jjhe1'national treasury .of- the ?ne hundred ajid forty million {fMO.OOD?O'OQy doira^.lt?? t in it by the. republicans,., that they are jjpfy, planning a .q^sjct tax Upon- the people to raise one hundred and flyp million dollars tocarry OJI the government, -andcMlitig"it a wai tax when the wai? is4.000^pil?s away, among-'he mod t rempt? na - tiona of the e^thV.;?-?l*jj$|hrough extravagance and incompetence Jfce..' 4?in?Brats'v h1fc>$:\w-itty?'- 'twenty- months made appropriations ? ^amounting^to sev?nteeivamll?ons dollars more thart;thre whole of^the yetitl^fc^s^appropriations for' the last four ye?rs 'pf republicaT fuTe.}>tnat they have broken ..ouivsystem of collecting revenue t( run .the government and opene;d;'up our port^free to the world, anc turned our working'men. loose to combat wiih-the cheap labor of th< md'world, , And afterv\v? had built tl>e Panama "Canal ni a cost o' ^-t^lflto v ' Q?3 red "ifrxii H?0*ri' ' dollars- with "'our. own'-: money the democrats tn Congress have t?poken down the,Opportunity for. Americatt coast |f .wise trade and given"it to England and the whole--world by puttinj ?i them on equal footing with American coastwise vers?is,* I * " I again- thank "y^.u/'Mr.. Qhairman arid the Convention for th trust and honor you nave conferred upon me to lay our case befor the . Congress of the United Stated which.I shall do with all ?rn; ?iighc with f assistance of my.God and fellow republicans. - In tr(6 .uine of Freedom and Justice my aim shall be, My pee pie, my God, and my country. J. W. SEXTON. OHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY. Zion Baptist Church. I ">:QO a. nv Sunday School ; ll:- ? ii? c m- preaching by the pastor. ? 6:00 p.m. Woman's Missionary1 Society Mrs, Emma Washington ! President. 8:30 p. m. preacning py the pastor. All are cordially invited jto attend. Rev. J. C. White, Pastor _ I Wesley S?. Ev Church, 10.30 a.m., Sunday>school, I S. Leevy, superintendent; ll;301 a. m,, preaching by the pastor ; | $:O0 p, m., special service for ypupjl men and women ; 8:30 p. fyj.. - preaching hy the pastor, A x *"~d|a? invitation is extended to bu. ^-itev, C.. C. Scott, pastor. --,".>,??-,;. . Our Job Pririting,pl?ases.; \ Splendid Opportunity * Benedict College. A course in Stenography-i short ha.nd and -ty po writing an also in book-keeping can I acquired by those unable to a tend the day school and w?lir to attend at night at Benedi College. The tuition fee is re: sonable and the opportunity . within the reach of all. Wri or call upon President B. \ Valentine for full inform?t!o Mesdames Mamie Janu s. Na cy Boat wright, Sonic Wi hw Ethel llenick and Miss Essie Bi 1er, all living in a stone throw* each other, gave our office a p call Thursday afternoon. Let us do your Job printing FROM THE CITY ON THE EOliTO Orangeburg, Oct 27.-This is altruist a gala ?'eek for Orange bur jr. John H. I .". -inn's hip show ls h i *> 1 .housnnds < r i. i- ..' \ ?n? vii l - s1:11 . . ci?ur . !. .-< ?? wit nc s ! iir ji. : . ul a trac! parade while O IK IS will see . hr real show ard tl.i.s add largel> to Mr. Robinson's already accumu lated wealth, and at the same time reducing their own financial standing in a manner almost a larming when we consider pres ent conditions. Curiosity, fine clothes, and a desire for a "big time" or the part of some of our people together with an insatia ble appetite for whiskey, are among some of the things by which the country is ruined I think we need to replenish our stock of "'Old Time Religion" in all avenues of life and thus emulate some of the virtues of our forefathers. The York rite F. A, Masons are in annual convention here this week with grand master Ken nedy and Dr. I. L. Hardy lead ing. They say financial reports are remarkably good, all things considered. Hon. I. S. Leevy, of Columbia, is in the city to-day looking after his congressional interests. Hon. R. W. Westberry, of Sum ter, >.is also in the city to-day at tending the masonic convention of which he ia-a member in good standing, .and he is boosting the Colored Statfc^air which meets ' in "'. 'jG?lumbW-'^I^Kt week and of which Mr. Vijestb^ry ls general s d per intendenta .f- - ?.". T o?? lilt - 1 dJLf?ki?? trains, to enter-. Claflin?_. and the State College. ; These two schoola are doing a great work for our boyland girls. At the ^tate.Col l?ge last Sunday night the Y. XT. C. A. held a telly-meeting which was largely attended by the fac ulty and student body and other friends'of the^school. Splendid addresse^yere delivered by offi ijiicers and mepibeVs of the,associa tion. The mil?ic under the'direc tion of Miss C Delpha Boger, who is also a member of,the fac ulty, was indeed both charming and inspiring ?r. Wilkinson made a'fine and impressive appeal to the young men, of the school inviting them te become, mem^ bers of the Y. M. C, A. . ;After which 25 yopng nien gave, their names. Miss . Boger, who . was on the program for a*ao1aj reach ed her. clima* and almost brou ghi the large audience to their feet with applause. I thipk thi? was more of a highlo ,thari a^sjQlo, Rev. J. B. Middle^on^/'one oi I the veterans of ther^ouwUCaroli na Conference and^nd?ed a-bibh student, preached' for'; Dr. (??Hick" son last Sundajft-morningjf th< Dr. being somewhat ^n4i??M8e? and also deeply. aflPected onVac t . count of the i sad news, of th death of his 'brother - who lia* just died out in Arkansas.' V>\ Burroughs preached at night an held his'fourth quarterly conf?i en ce "Monday night. ?nd thu the good work, goes. on. in th midst of sickness,.sorrow, paj and de?th. Our good friend, Mr. Ir. ' ^ Hook^ has opened up a fine gr< eery 'Business, on Middleton SI where he is doings fine busine? j Call and see him and get soy I thing nice to cook, j pur good friend^, V\ ( I Scott Jr , dropped into see me it', j few di\ys ago and said -Papaai of|a'l were well, and .that he w l(JP getting along nicely/' ' Mr. 'Sec I is a student at Claflin and is me j lng good. Call again. Mr. Seo I - The Indicator's Friend Si>* THE S U HF.RN INDICATOR . 1 The, Indicator has not appeared in thr?? wonks for the reason 'int ? v?th>it a printer \ \ \%?'<\ y In ord e >>ew^pMi^r I ruin . .?> - cu ?.?. A'e arp<sendi?,g ot: bids ; d - fast aA'? these pa. -?p, np .. i quest..:?we will rn "nr? ll ?.'. names^'Our creditor n ? rv. . inp; us-rtnd w * n i ? >.?. ? iioji so tho?eLwh ? ??we asm st pay i: if they Wish to. get this paper d rect fr^priour office. If you have not alU |end us a part of wha you oWje. From now on we will publish?-.each week the name of every subscriber who pays for his or ncr paper, [f your name does not appear the week you pay it will appear the next week providing you pay at least 35 cents for 3 months. This reaper is published for the benefit of the Negro race and on ly those^of the race who pay for it. Tneir news items will be printed S first, others will be chargedrat the regular price-15 cents pejp inch for 10 inches; un* der 10 inches 25 cents per inch, and in) ad vance. Our corres pondents are urged to govern themselves in accordance with the above rules. Big write ups of Church rallies, Marriages, En tertainments or Balls, will be printed /at 15 cents per inch % advance^ No use to write edsS? or anybody else in personal rtz lat? ons, b?'t address it to the ' Squfciiern Indicator oTutnWa?^^^! i-?ftba^Mbtgan^4??r.?.c; EarlyJast week invitation weil forward announcing the * com ing marriage of t?fe Rev. Richard Garroll, of Columbia to fifiis?,Cor rie J. McDaniel of Laurens,^Wed nesday, November 18th 1?14. The ceremony - Will be held ir^ t\%? church a'*d tl) * nuptial knofrwfill Re tied by lip, CrT Walker, oJ Augustaj1 G|a. The couple w|l leave immediately for Louisville, Kentucky, whore- the ft?v. Car roll will resume his evangelist^ work J V . _ . * . ? Miss gorrie J. Mc'Daniel is tri only daughter of M.r. and Mts Dr Mc'Pajcfel ?f v Laurens) : S C They livejJwVmftes from JJ?u rens on ^ 'fajrrn on which there i no .^?rtSga^'-'i)n;jthis propert; they.??iaye: a$ne te niroona resi doncel ' ^excellent/, out building " j and two oih^r. hpuse^ for tenant? 1 j Miss- Jpic'DW?Ff^r ft-fraduat of Bgi\ed?Qt College, a consecn led christian worker, one of tr bj?pt school teachers in the stal arid ?tri excellent speaker. T8l knows the Bi ble -and is well rea< She ?S a dressmaker and a won fm void of ostentation. Sho - hi ^worked -on >hesfarm many day and ia an excellent coo! The people 4n"her community dolize her, Her parents are d voted members .of Rocky S?irh Baptist Church and Miss mi Dani? ?'prominent member the.Houseft??? of Ruth, a bfani of the ?dd:Fellows- Society. . a The Colored State Fair. The^CoJored Stete* F??^ vim djBcjded success ]ast; weet tala id ! ?yerythirty ? ip to codsideratji '^{.?fi? off ieers^need to h* cortjatfa )tt'lated \?jxmT ?h?/ showjpg. .lirtf ^ [ despite thetmrd' times. ?uj? tt. count wjir'-appear i? t?lese < - urns next vyeek. . ' *'j^jfe !? i? LEEYY, Co/t tmbia's Leading HI TAILOR ?EEW LEADS in making liigli-clai.s Hand Tailored Clothing?, pn short notice. Being a practical T dior as well as a high class Designer and Cutter, you can see why LE li) V Y can give you better Suit Values, better Fit and hetter Workmanship for less money, uevy's tieiu's furnishing Dept. A. E SI WONS, Asst. Manager Hats, Shirts, Socks Underwear, Suit-cases, Umbrellas, Caps, Suspenders, Sweaters, Neckwear, .Gloves, Rain-coats. Garters, ol lars, 'Bags, B3IU. Ten per cent, Discount to ?jtudeuts and Ministers, PHONE OR WRITE I. S. LEEVY, Columbia's Leading Tailor, 1221 Taylor Street, - - Phone" 319 | Ik % . ? SH Mail Ord No need send to the mail order houses for what you want. We have it here at the same price, if not chewer. You ?we usa trial anyway- J^?fid.-'a list'pf what you require ^nd ietj^^fi'gur? on it. We have specially laicMSfcrsel ves out to execute mail ord#rs^anji V5?u may rely m^w'i Columbia, ^j^^'Ga^oliiia. Shelton & THE BEST ft . to Deal With Because we give the best equipment for the moneyrf Funeral Supplies the .fpwest of any Undertaking establish frt?nt in the city. Before arranging for >ybrur deceased relatives or f riends call to see us and be co nv i need that we .will satisfy you. ^ We furnish a lady attendant with female bodies. PHONE 1732 ?16 Washington St. : Colul^ia MADAM ELSIE P: NEES?N - { PAINLESS CHIROPODIST;^v : -S .> . ' GornB Removed^ Gives no Pain. Hair Dressing, Manicuring. Shahipou- | lng, Scalp Treatment, Singeing, Clipping and Coloring. ."718 \VH Blanding Street, Columbia, C ' ''* nv m ide ac* ?1 .if.* Uiidef son 'riteyai Palace Sh?vfao farior J?T with every thing sanitary and up-to-date, td* ^eqee^ When you neeq tf^?air outt,Shave' or Shampob,**n>Ake\itf? J^/jpe tfpr-^ur* ap^otfJate parlor at J.114 Washington str?-afc;- ; ' ? W. Ai^ders?*?, Proprietor^ ?. S. Andersen,, Manager . . . ' ?8 . > V V. ,.-J