The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, November 14, 1914, Image 1

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. i. . . ipp / ^ ".' THE SOUTHERN INDICATOR 4 ?i. v. VOL VIII COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 15th, 1913 NUMBER 18 _.-? .' ? _:-,-._ W4? I JIL " MM* --Iv .J- ..?Jv' 1 ^^^^^^p^^^i^?^S?^^ ts ta?ja c&pn--]?iyg^ < aln bm isl p"( si a C(>1 wfi pai rei Mr lat tin sta lar en clo tin pei bli an wi thi ste Irv en ou ar th he in ai is hi I & 01 ?9? IfJPfek 4an;4> tm ?pf t?r - vfrHfrtgvar ???^^^?i^aes^e'-?o" representIt&?m^n 'Co^^es?^ : *'..v t?^r;repres?^taWe~i? ^^? Gohgr?s^^s^n^ ha,*e that- hou f js.m??rit: by the" J4t?? arid ?&h* A^^^n^^.:o^t??r^n?t1on st?tut?op, :^e^J??lve*app?are4vb^r?^e c?urtis;ti jfhe aftd ashlin" los?tribut?is have so sHft?d abot?; wm*o^ . Bi&t?nu?g?^ insist '^h?i'Cbn-. ?^^ntac?'i^?pn?tj??tiorjL ?.p^n-theseji^o^lanks: *?Y? v t^1^^?^?^na^^?Btn- r?atklp?,-tlVe race agaitist one pf the, v, - ^p?e%n>^ ^.district/'and. one wild trie peo ^C?ftl?rji--?|?$y*:^?;, r^dja?itttns^that' t?-, arei .u ?u??as???fo"re _^?with dil 'my. 1 l??i .?I^*^nainjB<-t|i;^ My- peo ?^Ie> my 6bd,r and my country. ?-.V ^ ' 'm 8f?n Baptist Church. ' irt;?O a. m."Sanda>Schoo!- 11: 80*. .rn-' preaching by the pastor. 8:00 p. in. Roman's Missionary Society Mrs, Etn?pa Washington President. 8:30?o jaT preaching py the pastor. All are cordially ttSvlt?d^p'?ttendr f. . . v;: R?V. J. ^i^White, Past?r I.A Splendid Opportunity at .~ ^"Benedict College. m ? course in * Stenography'--in, short hand and - typewriting and also in book-keeping . can be acquired by those unable to at-^ tend the day sdhool and willing . to attend at night at Benedict Gojlege. The tuition fee is rea sonable and the opportunity ,is I within the* reach of all. Write or call upon President B. W. Valentine for full information. Mesdames Mamie James', Nan cy Boatwright, Senie Wilson, E}thel Renick and vl iss Essie Bu?r 1er, all living in a stqne throw each other, gave our office a pcjp call Thursday afternoon. J *? '__LL . / Let us do your Job printing OM THE CITY ON THE EDI5TO )rangeburg, Oct 27.-This ip mst a gala *reek for Orange rg. John T7 ?h"? son's big show tty - nv?; h ii ir-. so; tih.ess I he ri, thousands ff .uv ro'wiiV ' i* . t ! -linw-s - -til - sec H i > na a 'tract i i rade while others will seethe ii show and thus add. largely to .. "Robinson's already aecumu ?d wealth, land at, . the same lar et vV fa qi ni in sc if te n< y< pi ei hi d< PJ pi ct ie reducing their^bwrt nn?hcial mding in a manner / almost a ming when.we consider pos tconditions. Curiosity, fine flies, and a desire for a' "hijpr ie" 'piVi'the; par t o f s orne of ; our c^le-'^g?t^eT^ii^th an insatia I ^ppetat? for whiskey,, are long some of the things by lien the country is ruined - I ink we need'' to replenish our ick of "Old "Time Religion' ' ali avenues of life and thus m?ate some /of the virtues of r forefathers. . The York rite f\ A. Masons e in annual convention here is week with grand mastep-Ken idy and Dr. I. L. Hardy l?ad g, j They say financial reports e remarkably good, all things ?nsidered. . _ . 4 Hon. I. S. Leevy, of Columbia, .in the city toodayJooking after [^congressional interests. ?Hon. R. W. Westb?rry, of Sum ^^ls^i^w^pt?^^ay at )ira?^h~e jnas^ic convention |anm?jgj^^2fe-?.8 boosting, the oJ?fe^Sta?^air which meets :eH and^of^ .ain^^^eh^^i^n^S^ij?tt? : tate .t?o^lege.iTfie?p|p i^fiQ^* o^and.girisV'A?;|ne, sWijeCol?, ? . A. ^??la^|?i^^i^^tf^sr^^^|i; 'I rasjai^j^kt?n^d ""by- the ike- ? ky^M^roaWt pVdy and.. other;,* pk^^^e^chppJ. vVSp\e^dicT:.|: i> s an cf nt?n?b<j^'o? ^ieKasB<?itk'1 ion* tff Miss^ belp^ &ge$*.^ ?rho is | '^enl^er^JQ|^4^4|^^c .H^,vw?? indeed bQm-l?arTmi^- j aade arfine and^^r^gtye^^l' j Q :the\yo^iif'i^: nf?ty,-' of J^;?&pol j rcvHmgv^ th?gv t?^c?m'ev tt^n- j ler^/the M* G^V^tar- ! ni the-prggram fa?fe^KS^ i fttoVtarge'''^ rVith npre ?he=veterans ,b? tl na Confer 3nce;< itufrentjp?e?o& son Jast, JuiiHr Dr. being-:fOjnr^ ?nd'^is^o count of the?{8ad - ?ews::?f?Je| death, of h&^rot^e^ whtf^ad1 just di^^V||n^^^^%^?' Burroughs trj^^ed'at hjft^W h.eld his^^^u?r^fy^pl^ ence ?feiwr the gpoji.wp^v%^JB^ ah4'$^tii. '"^ ^^>;'-^ Ouir|good .friend, ? Hooktf^as opeiie^ up' *a fihe*^4^ cer^'fDUsin?'?s^ tm Middlefe^ ! wh^d fee is uonig ? ?Ine bus^x Call and ?ee .jf?|m;'"?nd;g>a,t^, ttiing,i?ice to coote. 7. ? Oar goqd^fr4en^v^Mrv p?ott Jr ,? capped ^t?^ae?^|i?ife a ??.few d,ays ag?'fl^d 8?fd^''P^?4il|j aH.w?r^. .^e*H,- ^'^^'^th^t' fie*.' - Wife ^?etti?i^lpng, ni????^ ! * Mr:,^?o^ is^ ?^at^en^eit ei?nVand?is njff? big S&t?, ."Caji .agajn, Mr. Scott ??..^.'".' .-..'-.-*? , $tf-VjLii ;.'VViJ-T .?il 'Iii mies nm I) HERN. INDICATOR t ' * ... -f?". licator has not appeared reeks for the reason r?vifi viUrut a printer v hi ord e m ' ; V t,,-. r' . ) . V i-i >(1 th^p air |&P tVo/ir.o? ,;l'iiU Jo $6 i'. pending t?g^?jaiiils5> ?iVdt :.>? ihese pay ] wp;Kup ? creditor.-*;-ave w-? h av? t?? pay theri*,.: ^hoowe us rn*ist pay %v m to. get this paper ?1 our off?ce.^V;f f you have jend us a part of wha; From- now on we will week the name of ?riber who*, payjp^ for I appear th? w&ij^ou II appear the next week L\yeu pay afc t??l' 85 |;8 months.. iper is published, for' the [iirie N?gta race and on-, if the race w^p j)?y ?for news items %?U^ be jfi#?t,-v. others :;w??*;;be. St the regular price^iB pncfr for 10 inches; un* ?hes 25 cents per incfcv id vance. Our . cojrret? Hare urged; to ?over?r r iii v?cc??dj^ce^-with rul??, r Big write Ups rallies, Marriages, En nis ;;pjr^ Balls, will ,16-centB.. per inc! ^Np^?^to.^nt? fc^la^n:- ' jeJrMcDa?i lesday, ^ov^1fer.l8th V f?ren^anyl'^If?c?s - hela' xf?^^^M?V$$Pfer? bf \usnisw?^ fife^gip?e wjtf ECeirti^v ^h^er^ fl?v. gaiv rolptttf *eS?u*?e ^is^VangeH^ h?ph there is r?^ia property $?lfo??fi?l f?rt?nanta, QI ;?e^aiV ijo?iege, a -conjrecra: fed^hriB^?in wor?jg?- one of the' t scjlpoi ;teac1htS;3 in the ?tate ana 4?t exMl?n^?e'al?^^^ know:s 'the?iW?^^i?' weiltet She ia a ??ressi??K?r and a wofe. to void .of i^l^io^^n^ forked1 -on ,&esfarm' m*ny a The people -Jilter community i doii'fiejer^ >?mi^^^Wmm v0teav^n^*^pfv.S^fe: . . ,vT',,'.. '.""' T ""???<?? >. v, ? . gl LB BVV, Columbia's Leading NJ TAILOR wm s m BEVY LEADS in making high-class Hand Tailored Clothing^pr. short notice. Being a' 'practical Tailor as well as a high class Designer And Cutter,-y?u can see why LE EVY can gi ve you better Suit/Values, better Fit and hetter Workmanship for less money, Si tcevy's Oem's furnishing Dept Hats, i . fepS A. E S/WCWVS, ,Jl???. Manager Shirts. ^ks 5 . Underwear $ Suitcases, Umbrellas, ? f^"d|g&# Sweaters, Neckwear. ' ; Rain-C0^V Garters,. . pllars,.SJ^?ga. Bal|?. .EHONB'ioi'^RlTB : N 1. S. LE EV Y, Columbia's Leadlos Tailor, mm v gK.;.-!. 1221 Taylor Street, - Phone 319 sate 2 1 ' ? v '1 ' ' ' I y yy ^^?^^Ki?I J? ? IPI p ???'^?Dea#WiW??f " . -. any ? nd?^?fc?^^ ??? . '^00, $3