The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, June 13, 1914, Image 7

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f?VND EDUCATIONAL CAROLINA. Reid with Friendship Baptist rstor, Aiken, South Carolina, Pf 27, 28, 1914. Officers, "resident, Camden, fiore, vice-President, Rock Hill. Tr Eve, Recording Secretary, Barnwell. Washington, Corresponding Secretary, Camden. TDunbar, Treasurer, Columbia. FIRST DAY-THURSDAY. Morning. 10:00-Executive Hoard Meeting. 11:00-Devotional Services? Mrs. Arina Raiford, Aiken; Mrs. Shel donia T i ?b ?..use, North. 11:30-Introduce "> Sermon: Rev. D. F. Thompson, B. D., Green wood. 12:00-Cullectk'., Announcements, Benediction. Afternoon. 3:30-Song Servit e 3:45-Welcome Address on Behalf of Home Mission Society: Mrs. Agnes Green, Aiken. 4:00-Address of Welcome on Behalf of the Church : Dr. G." W. Raiford, Aiken. 4:15-Address of Welcome on Behalf of Denominations-Mrs. A. B. McGhee, Aiken. 4:30-Address of Welcome on Behalf of the Citizens: Mrs. A. W. L. Jones, Aiken. 4:45-Response: Mrs. Bell Gandy, Anderson. 5:00-Enrollment. Reports of Corresponding Secretary. Treas . urer. Election of Officers. Installation. Appointment of Committees. Adjournment. Evening. 8:00-Devotional Service: Mrs. Othello Simpson, Laurens; Mrs. Sarah Clinkscales, Level Land. 8:30-President's Address. 9:00-Music. 9:15-Reports of District vice-Presidents. Collection. Announce ments. Benediction. SECOND DAY-FRIDAY. Morning. 11:00-Devotional Service: Mrs. Rosa Lorrick, Cayeej Mrs. Emma Rush, Allendale. < 11:30-Address, "Woman's Service in the Church": Mrs. Mamie Douglass, Nev berry. \ 1.1 .v-- Address,- "Tin Woman's Missionary Society in Relation to Lue Missionary Development of the ?'burch" : Mrs. Bessie Pickett, Camden. 12:00-Address, "The Value of Missionary Literature in the Mis sionary Development of the Church": Miss Julia Watson, Columbia. 12:15-Address, "How Best Interest the Christian World in Mis sions": Mrs. Carrie Gardner, Allendale. 12:30-A Missionary Review: "What Are the Missionary Societies Doing?": Mrs. Roxie Lagroom, Greenwood. 1:00-Miscellaneous Business. Adjournment. Afternoon. 3:30-Devotional Service: Mrs. Carrie Hammond, Aiken; Mrs. Mamie Roberts, Sumter. 3:45-Address, "The Development of the Young Women's Auxiliary as a Missionary Force": Miss Mamie L. Torrence, Green ville. 4:00-"The Development of the Sunday School as a Missionary Force": Miss L. H. McFall, Charleston. 4:15-Discussion, "Our Own Children as Future Actors in the World's Evangelization" (a) The Indifferent Parents; (b) The Lack of Leaders: Mrs. G. A. Murray, Charleston. 5:00-Miscellaneous Business. Adjournment. Evening. 8:00-Song Service by Local Talent, 8:15-Address, "The Need of Christian Education": Mrs. L. M. Callaham. Darlington. 8:30-Address, "The Influence of the Christian School in Char acter 1)1 nUii ;g" M?-a Elvetta N. Landy, Leesville. 8:45-Address, "The Home, ihe Church, the School as the Bulwark of Civilization": Mrs. Jennie Nix Robinson, Barnwell. 9:00-Morris College : Rev. ,i .r. Starks, Sumter. 9:30-Miscellaneous lb si ness. Adjournment. T? HUD DAY-SATURDAY. Morning. 10:00--j??tuV. >;mi Service: Mrs. Rebecca Williams, Allendale; Mr?. HLic Leake, (.ross Hil!. 10:15-^H|B'cnce, "7lbw Best to Train the Children to AV?A? the __jff*fffi\ Evils U'hieh Brenk Down Health and Character": ^^^r ?ffl i)V ]\frs. T? na A. Watson, Ridge Spring. 11:00-Lecture: Dr. C. C. Johnson, Aiken. llflO-Tile -L te B. Y. 1*. fT. and S. S. Convention: Rev. William Ho i/d, Darlington. 12:00-Bein li. I College: 1\ if. R. F. Lee, Columbia. 12:15-Addre s. "The Home C-hiirch and Foreign Missions": Mrs. L. R. K nard, Charles 12:45-Miscellaneous Business. Adjournment. FOURTH DAY-SUNDAY. Morning. 10:00-Sunday School Concert: Rev. E. R. Roberts, Florence, ll:30-Educational Sermon: Rev. N. C. Nix, Orangeburg. 12:00-Collection. Announcements. Benediction. Afternoon. 4:00-Devotional Services: Mrs. Mary Artemus, Monetta: Mrs. Julia Hartley, Monetta. 4:30-Temperance Sermon : Rev. E. R. Roberts, Florence. 5:00-Business, benediction. Evening. 8:00-Memorial Services: Mrs. Emma Walker, Greenville. 8:30-Missionary Sermon: Rev. A. P. Dunbar, Columbia. ):00-Collection. Resolutions. Benediction. Local News. Mr. D. B. Earle is ? Manning at work on a brick ch;: :h. Don't fail to have your job printing done by the Southern ' Indicator Co. Miss Emma Gene Pooh Atlan ta, is spending Ene week here with Misses Sarah B. Monde, son and Shellie Gantt. Some important announca ments were left out this week on on account of help and the rush of business together. Miss Julia A. Robinson of St. Matthews spent the past week he. y a guest of Misses Hattie Wallace and Florence Cleaves. Prof. and Mr^. ix. L. Hawkins have returned to their home aft-* i closing a successful school year - \i LaGrange, Georgia, for the sum mer. \ Little Misses Theo. Suber and Alberta Murphay leaves for Lea pharts Saturday morning to spend a few days with young friends. Messrs J. T. Thompson, Ike Thompson, and Alexander Evans left for Asheville, N. C. June 7. The Thompson brothers will re turn to the city in a few days. Seymour Carroll, editor of the State College Review. Orange burg is here working in the inter est of State A. and M. College. He is a great State "booster." Our people are beginning to realize that it is cheaper, less troublesome, and accomplishes more good for them; in fact, save them time and money to have their notices published in The Southern Indicator, than to pur sue the cumbersome and expen sive method of writing and send ing these notices to the churches. At the special .meeting of the Ministerial Alliance held on Thurs day afternoon a committee was appointed to draft suitable resolu tions touchihg the late Rev. I. W. Simons, and President C. C. Scott was empowered to appoint a com mittee to arrange for a reception and banquet in honor of the Rev. Dr. N. C. Cleaves, recently elected a bishop of the C M. E. Church. The indications are that this will be one of the grandest affairs of its kind ever held in South Carolina. Bishop Cleaves I is justly held in very high esteem i by everybody in Columbia. g-^r ORODKLYN ^ ?BERyACLSy BIBLE ?STUDY? ON --^-cr-\ THE FRIEND OF SINNERS. Luke 18:9-14; 19:1-10-Juno 14. "/ cam? not to cull the rightcou*, hut ni* ner?." -Mark S:17. CITE punible of today's lesson re ven?s the heart attitude or some of the Pharisees and of the despised publicans. Two men went up to the Temple to pray. From God's standpoint both were sin ners, und needed forgiveness of sins. But the Pharisee trusted in bis own Imperfect works, and asked no for giveness; the publican, however, re-, ulized his blemishes and p ayed viol in er ey. We must not eel th" . , "essioii thai (Jod ls more o'cn sed ".uh those win. live in sin i!.a.. with those who strive to the best .I ?heir ability lo live in i burnie nv ... ufo His I Law. . the eon ; trary, we mus? ull realize I hat wc come short of per fection and need Divine m e r c y. The sinner who reeogid/.e.s this fuet ls more pleas ing to God than is the more moral person who fails to see his bleui- 7Tic I'hin ?fir . ' ?<?<. ishes. PubiU it. Jesus referred to this same i i: of the Pharisees at another time, - i- in?. "I came not to call the Hub te . - tait sinners, to repentance." H.- i hus sought to call attention to thc fa? i thal although the Pharisees claim. ?I i be righteous, yel they were not so. Until they should learn Unit they and all other members of Hie Adamic race were sla-slck and needed tho remedy which only the Redeemer can give, they were not in condition to come to Him for forgiveness. Not realizing their need, the Phari sees did not become Jesus' disciples, und thereby missed a groat blessing. On the contrary, the majority of His followers were publicans and sinners people win? had not been living proper lives, but who earnestly acknowledged their faults, turned from sin. accepted lieu Ung from the Good Physician, and j became His followers. I?V oriel's Best Piatas I And PLAYER~PIA??B . 5;OLD jj ^^^^ ^^^^^^.^?^1^ ll ll ^^^^^^^^^li^i? - ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ul S WALLACE ? PIANO co. Ju* ?Established 1910| ogje j jj^ 1221 Main St. - Phone 1316. CLXFLIN UNIVERSITY Orangebarg, S. C. Stenography, Typewriting, Book keeping and Kindred Subjects One and two-year Courses. Send for Catalogue and Circular U M. DUNTON, Pr?sident To You, Mr. Stock Owner Would you own a horse and let him suffer and besatisned ? Why the horse needs a dentist as well as the human being does. If you have his teeth kept up it will save other trouble on the horse. When this is done the animal will eat better and give you bet ter service. Do you know that you give away better stock than what you buy every year because you don't call a veterinary sur geon and ask his opinion about it. As long as you do so it will keep you buying stock. Our business is to take care of the stock and his owner. The white people have us to work the same ones over again and then they sell them right back to you for the same price you first paid. Why can't you do the same thing and save the price of another horse or .nu ' ? ? We are called all over th- Milty tor.?^ so for the white people and you are ? ;ing for it. It is time to wak?, np and get busy. We will do the sa.: thing for you. Yours truly, " DR. J. H. SIMS. Veterinary Surgeon and Animal, Dentist, 1518 Williams Street. I ColumDia, S. C. Phone 2677. Small Farmsj Five acreB and up with dwelling! Productive Soil ! Vfixt, Sell or Exchange for otheT property. A Few Nev/ Lots and Houses Low Prices. Easy Terms Martin Storks 1544 Main Street, Columbia DR. L. M. DANIELS PHYSICIAN i ."'RGEON Otlice Hours: 9 to 10 . . ; 1 to 2 P.M. ; 3 to 4 p. M. ; 7 to 8 t?. M. Residence 1610 Sumter Street. Office, 1100 Washington Street. PHONE 1420. : : Columbia, S. C. !. L. BAILEY Licensed Architect & Builder Pjlans and Specifications gotten out for Residences, Churches etc. 1830 FINE ST. - COLUMBIA, S. C. ! Mail Orders No need send to the mail order houses for what you want. We have it here at the same price, if not cheaper. You owe us a trial anyway. Send a list of what you require and let us figure on it. We have specially laid ourselves out to execute mail orders and you may rely on prompt attention. Our PAINT de? partment is unexcelled in this country. L?rick & Lowrance (INCORPORATED) Columbia, South Carolina. Palmetto Meat Market J. S, DENT, Prop'r. Butcher and Green Grocer, Fish, Oysters and Game in season. 1330 Assembly St. Phone 172. Columbia M. tl. Collin's Big Department Store THIS is the store that gets the new things first. We are now showing many new and stylish STETSON HATS-a Hat for every face-for every taste. 1125 Wash>*. ston Street, Columbia