The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, June 13, 1914, Image 1

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. i. . . ipp / ^ ".' THE SOUTHERN INDICATOR 4 ?i. v. VOL VIII COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 15th, 1913 NUMBER 18 _.-? .' ? _:-,-._ ? |pth, 1914. PJT principal PP^" Chester, ^PIH^^HPH^Pi^^^^olumbia, were the ^^T^B , N .virs. Cynthia Geer, during Baptist State^ Convention. ^i<fv\ J. C. Whjte, .'.of Columbia ; Mrs.W?bi? of Greer; Prof, Andrew Sims 'and Miss';'Effie Hughes, of >. Uhio^,>wejt!e7hei.-guests^?f Mrs. W. i;E. II^^i?.t^%r'r,:*':the .Convention.' 'fy D^?^^Sg?t't). %?ttpr o?--Tn? - ;I N DI ? ^i^in Ah?/city last .week -attendir^ ;t.W Contention ?nd look* ;?ing afteiV'tl^ intk^ist:of THE Ifrm soiji?l ardst;v^> S?neca^-was in the c?fv last Sd'nday/. ' ri ,? ? ' # : :4Mr.-.and Mrs. C. ilerijamin Cur l?jyj of .Wash'ington^Ty. C., dre vis iting Mrs. Curley 's - mother, Mrs. . ,Q(ka M/'Duncan, on Hampton Ave. f?? Miss Mary? Goodwin is very much Improved_ ?f t?r shaving been ill .for ab?^t threCi-Weejks:^ " ' #*. ' '.R?vi ?jf."-'p'^t?:fks, D. D.-, Presi dent of . dorris . Coljeg?, Mrs. Starks, and. ^^W.'?rPrince, of. Sumter; were irf the city last week ?ttendihgv the Convention. They .came through^the;1 country in Dr. Stark's n^?dii&e.^^1-?-X-w Dr. . J?fi. ^?^ra^pjSjFi (P?; Sumt?r^p^^ the p^^p^^^1?ne^^^pt^; v through -tjfee country.; vc: )S&fefc& s v. Dr^D'? .M?niifi^?i?i^ was ifbthe city Tuesda^'?nHs?iiei^b & M rs.-"" M. C. %^w|H from a three week^' st?^^^^W where she visited sic^?t?^a^fe^V^ Miss Nellie Moore ^ha^^Mm^ from Asheville,^wh^?;?^?'<)^D^ attending the poe ?c??ool. t ''?frvt?S Prof.. C. iB*^J*hnson,sof-;;?cM * Valley," Ga.), w^s jrL*the city ?;:s1iic?f? Mrs. ?. P. Dur?t?i^ana Mrs. L: J. Rhodes, of Columbia, were in the city last weekj attending the Baptist State Convention. While here they were the guests of the Misses Glaseo, on Bpice street. Mrs. Mary Garrett and Mrs. Ada Hood, of Laurens, were the guests of the Misses Johnson on Richard son street last week. Mrs. Kate C. Goodwin announces thc engagement of her daughter, Lillian Vandross Snead, to Mr. Edward T. Sherwood, Jr., of Brooklyn, N. Y. The marriage is to take place this month. Prof. C. C. Clarkson went to Greenwood Tuesday on a business trip. Mr. Roscoe Thomas and little daughter, Ruth, of Atlanta, were in tlfb city last week. Mr. Thomas has been transferred from the road to the Atlanta postoffice. They ' were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. 1. Thomas, on Ecbols street. Rev. P. P. Watson, of the State College, was in the city last week attending thc Convention. He preached a soul-stirring sermon Sunday morning at John Wesley M. E. church fr, m 116 Psa. 12. He held the audience spell bound. Jil:- discourse was enjoyed by all present. Sunday night Dr, P. A. Ca ?aban, of Darlington, preached an excellent sermon from 1 Psa. 2. He certainly interested his hearers. Dr.^Watson was the guest of Dr. anc \Trs. W. G. Vent ing at the M. E. ; nt .onage, and Dr. Callahan was thc guest of Mr. and MJK. I r Chappell, on Nichols ?L I . vS. Adams, of Traveler's jl B^;, in thc city Tuesday. Mp^V ; -lin/? exercises of the .. vMn^u'! ? i school was held Mon day night at Tabernacle Baptist church, There were 22 that receiv ed diplomas. Thc church was crown" ( 1 Miss Kate Powell, ?>' Camden, is spending a fortnight with her hrother. Mr. Elijah Powell, on Towr's street. Gen. ioho R. Nowell, grand lec turer ot the K. of P., was in the city Monday night and lectured to the Knights of thc city. Rev. P. P. Maloy. A. B., D. D., of Greensboro, N. C., was amonr; the visitors to the Convention. Dr. Maloy is an ex-pastor of Spring field Baptist church, where the Convention was held, and has many warm friends in this city. Dr. Maloy is an old friend of ours and wc were glad to see him and sec that bc was looking the picture ol health. Wc could write more, but space will not permit. You will heat "WT*"" from us next week. Yours, Jirh. SHELTON---OWEN. One of the very impressive and noted events in:$^Bocial history was the marriageabf Miss Fran-1 ces Edelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. SheJtori, to Mr. Tous? saintL'Overture Owen, a leading young .'citizen of Columbia, which took place at the well-appointed home of the bride's parente, Park street kt 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, June ?d,*. in the pres ence of one of the most represen tative j and cultured ; assemblage of Columbia's social circle. Rev. M. ?. Johnson, of La,dson Presbyterian church, officiated. In their dress and onjj?men ts the lady guests presented a'beautiful picture of good taste ,and refine ment. The gentlemen, mos-t of them young men, presented a hopeful assemblage ; Of knightly citizens. Grouped * in the splendidly arranged Aparlor? with the ' bridal party"' ???;the cenjter, under the sound of the solemnly pronounced marriage"ceremony and the sweet seductive strains of wedding music,' ;rend>red by Efrof. F.. H. Thc^iwfvj and M?SB .^^j|^|^||^!|^P a, beauti pR?seritedi to the S|??^Q??L given to . . . ?. K pyo of our W\ death. hcerm?Qt aea ' attendants ' *' s Oli ve arilels fciew?:> Galen. " The 'pride >was handsomely gowned 1 in white ivory satin draped with white chantily lace and caught with pearls. Miss Olive Shelton was arrayed in clerise crepe meteor, with lace md pearls. Miss Daniels was attired in blue crepe meteor with lace and pearls. The bride-maids carried crooks draped with chif fon to match their costumes. The numerous and handsome presents represented all features )f household and ornamental life: n. their value and selection is jiven a splendid tribute to the .vorth of this.newly wedded cou ple. After the ceremony ices ind cake were served, blended ?vith congratulations and felici tations. Amidst the hearty good wishes >f the guests the bridal couple eft for Charlotte, N. C , to spend i portion of their honey-moon ?eason. We bespeak for this vorthy couple a life of united ove, health and prosperity, MISS BATTESE, AUTHORESS AND COMPSOER. Another star appears in the iterary sphere in the person, of rliss Harriet F. Edwards Battese if Columbia, a student of Har nony. As authoress ami composer he has presented the public vith two meritorious lyrics 'Love Means Chess," a clever, ong, and, "Luna, You ?rreat Big Beautiful Dear" ex cessing very high ideals. Miss Jattese may truly be called a ;enins for she has many I ecomplishments. Designing j nodiste, millinery, embroidery- ? n domestic science. She was ;raduated in 1910 from the| Episcopal school of this city as aluttatorian of the class. She endered a sublime oration. Miss ?attese has been peculiarly af licted for more than a year, but 3 gradually improving. Some f her songs will be used at the Vomen's Federation in Sumter. ^he Indicator does Job Printing! Orangeburg, S. C., June 9.-W Have had one or two good shower of rain this week a*hd from prese$ indications we are exacting bio; " tonight, and with these and oth?j favorable conditions crops, w think, are safe and tfiere is no^im^ mediate cause for apprehension? Tbe^Good Samaritans ran an excu|j| sipt? ffom.this city to Columbia'ove* the S..'A.jU on last Thursday anj* from all reports the trip was bot successful and enjojfable. . /?he cit on the Congaree, like .the'city^-d! the Edisto, ?will always give you g good time, for in these are to bi found some of the'best people U America. ^ . , ' ^ ? Hon. Ai D. Dantzler, one of on leading farmers and at one time th largest negro landowner in Orang burg cou: ,tv, was in the city a. feW. days ago aili reported a "most thrill ing expcjfri?ic? which he and hi son, Dr. Lemuel, had with his stoel bull. Tjhe Bull, for some cause? possibly best known to bullologyJ suddenly became enraged and withjn out notice undertook to put Mr? Dantzler o*ut of commission. How well the bull succeeded will be told; further . ott. However, you'll re?' member Mr. A. D. Dantzler as hav* ing several times rah for Congress, from the seventh Congressional District and was defeated as manjfil times as \\e ran, but not until af te?| he had made.his contests. Now, iii' this bull contest- Mr. . Dantzle? seemed to have been wholly unpre-5 pared and as a result soon found? himself on the ground, haying beet knocked down by the infuriate* animal, which proceeded to paw ant gore Mr. Dantzler, whoj-was s?mph acting in se?frdefens?, which con sisted in lyuig^down, ; kicking arti calling,for l^ip and ^umpftjg ^ (^j^^K^iaun^T^^ from this you will see that Mr. Dantzler was not the aggressor, but was simply acting in self-defense, because he did jump the fence, leaving the situation with his son, Dr. Lemuel, who has had no experi ence in congressional contests and eery little in fighting an enraged bull. Thus Dr. Lemuel soon found himself on the ground with the bull in charge, having no respect what ever for pharmaceutical ability. The doctor is now compelled to call upon his rescued father to return Lhe kindness and the same is grant ed, whereby father and son are masters of the situation and except for a few scratches and lacerated :lothes they are Dantzlers just thc same. Now, Esquire Moorer has lerctoforc had chrage of Mr. Dantzler's congressional contests, md whether he has been consulted ar rptained in this case is among ny unknown quantities. However, iftcr thc fight Mr. Dantzler held a ;hort consultation with his son, who s a recent graduate of Meharry Medical College, as. to what dispo sition should bc made of "fighting mil." Dr. Dantzler, who seems to )e well versed in modern pharmacy, described a dose.o? hot lead, but o this the father disagreed, and vith a more economic view fo* a inal solution suggested that u? . mil be sold aiv'. ?he proceeds go to 'cotton choppers.''v" Dr. Nix, District Deputy Grand Chancellor of his domain, is now ashing his lodges and arranging! br thc meeting of the Grand ^odge, which meets in Abbeville, >. C., July 27th, 1914. Please send THE INDICATOR to he following names: Rev. E. W. looser. Orangeburg, S. C.; Dr. . M. Brown, Orangeburg, S. C. ; t. W. Brown, Orangeburg, S. C. ; lon. T. M. Rayspr, Orangeburg, >. C., and to Postmas. ?. D. W? shall have sotfethim.' .?? say con erning these g?ritlcnun ?' my next ctter to THE INDICATOK Yours, Tnt-: INDICATOR'S FRIICND. IUR CANIDENjeS LETTER. Camden, June bib. - Another ommencement week was wit lesed in Camden last week when he Jackson 'Graded school con Iuct3d its closing exercises. The xercises began Wednesday June rd inst, with the graduating xercises and declamational con est. The class of 1914 consisted of ?Catie Lee Boykin, Corinne Gen eva Roach ano: Joseph James W id, Jr. The class honor medal was wort by Katie Lee Boykin and the second honor prize went to Corine Geneva Roach. These children are very young:, but they spoke well and reflected j much credit. On this occasion |ome beautiful choruses vere rendered by the choral eiass and a vocal solo by Corinne G. Roach. The annual ? ld ross was ?loquent [jy delivered by Rey. J. A. Davi en , pastor of the Camden Bap tist church (white}. The contest I medal was won by Ruth E. Alex arider class of 1915. She recited '-'Charlie Machree." Thesecond prize was won by Geneva Cure fton, who rendered? "Pictures of ?Ajemory," and the third prize! ??Was awarded Thomas J. H ai in coe k who rendered, "Twenty! Years Ago." U> Friday evening June 5 inst the| general exhibition was rendered by the intermediate and pri mary grades. These are said to be the best ^exercises ever given by this e?hool. ?4 Quite a number of the white people were present and express ed themselves as being pleased in every way. I^JThe scholarship prizes were ^presented by Mr. C. W. Burch .ni$re Co., Supt of Education and Principal C. C. Lowery. ^TJie contest prizes were I ?itai&ented by Rev. B. S;A. Will iams^ The certificates were Dre '?ented by Prof. R. F. Simpson, jan^elii^m^ of 521 with the ten day enroll ment of 470. During this session the school purchased a $250 piano and at present the amount due on the instrument does not exceed $65. Nearly $40 of the amouet paid on the piano was raised during the closing exercises. Aside from this the school has purchased a good ice cream freezer and dish es and spoons for serving refresh ments. From this information, the friends and patrons of the school can decide upon its suc cess. The school auditorium was packed both nights by people from for and near. Some of the distinguished attendants upon the exercises were: Rev. G. B. Till of Lynchburg, Mr. W. S. Will iams of Horatio and Mrs. Julia Douglass of Biddle Universty. A HOSPITAL FOR COLORED PEO PLE OF S. C. ASSURED The Rev, Richard Carroll aftre canvassing for four hours last | Wednesday, in Columbia secured nine hundred dollars for the hospital, and has in sight twelve hundred more which he is sure to get before the end of this week. These large amounts Come, of course, from white people. One man gave five hundred, and the others one hundred each. The following colored persons have sent in their subscriptions: Hon? E. H. Deas of Darlington, and Madame C. J. Walker, of In rii'm ipolis, Ind. As already re ported, smaller amounts have been donated />y white and col ored pt opie and placed in the Peoples Bank, care of Mr. J. A. Hoyt. Mv. J. A. Roach is assis tant treasurer of funds contribu id by corred people. Mme. C. I, Walkei contributed twenty five dollars and marry gave more, [t is hoped that all colored people will contribute from one to twen ty-five dollars Rev. Carroll's object is to raise fifty thousand dollars for a sanitarium and hos pital to be built in the city of Col umbia. Subscribe for The Indicator. A. P. HARDY T, H. PI ? .UNDERTAKERS AND L II COMPLETE AND FIRST-C NERAL SUPPLIES A Hardy, Pincki 1006 Washington St. Phoni Our Newly Establisher: Washington St., Phone THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL AT ALLEN UNIVERSITY. The commencement program of the Theological school at Allem I University was an unique dem onstration of the class of work being done by the professors in the department. The graduation oration of Rev. Mercer L. Ram sey, of Greenwood, was the es sence of oratory, elocution, and logic. Ths.t he held his audience spell-bound on commencement day is well said. He deserves the degree|of B.D. which was con ferred upon him. No department in Allen is doing more excellent work and reaches a greaten need in the very life of the race and church than the theoi'" ?rical Fortf?eWs*f>iW bert has had the deanship of Al len University and his adminis tration is one of constructive work, Some able young men are in the field representing the work done in the department. Dr. Rembert is assisted in this good work by Prof. T. B. Nelson, who has the chair of Hebrew and Di dactic Theology. Bob Nelson is a real good scholar, quiet and un assuming. The support of the theological department is growing. One thousand dollars is given annual ly now from the general church and, it is said, that each confer ence in the state will give a schol arship that the scope of theologi cal training may be more far reaching as it affects the pulpits ?jf the A, M. E. church in South karolina. The commencement exercises it Allen last week were the best ;ver given out there, even the ' memies of Negro institutions Tianned solely by Negroes, say so. In my letter to The State a ' few days ago I made a mistake ' as to the number of graduates. I im reliably informed that there 1 were 48 to graduate from the L. 1 [. course, two given degrees of A, I B., one the degree of B. D., and , six certificates from the depart- < ment of domestic arts. I. M. A. i Big R?xl!y at the Air Dome Theatre Sunday. Bishop Chappelle to Speak. , The Men's Christian Alliance m\\ pitch a thousand dollar rally , Sunday afternoon at the Ain] Dome Theatre. They hope to c .aise at least two hundred dollars 1 md to this end everybody, men I < ind women are urged to come out j ind give as liberally as they are I ible to this wortey cause. The i nen are going to buy a lot and ( ?feet a building thereon for men. The officers of the Alliance are: iV, E. Green, president; H. J. j Champion, secretary; T. J. Entz-' i ninger, treasurer. c Bishop W. D. Chappelle will i jpeak at 4:30 P. M. on the im- i sortance of Negroes getting to- y pether. ? Largest colored undert the State, because we s pie best? kney & B?gg? DRATED 1CENSED EMBALME aking establishment in erveand trod fhe p?o ??AS? EQUIPMENT. FU-, T LOWEST PRICES. ney 6- -J>ggs, 2 1695. . Columbia, S. C. 1 Branch Office is 113 1986, Greenville, S. C. - CONTEST AT COLLI ANS* DEPARTMENT STORE. i The following is the standing of the contestants in the . Grafo nola Contest for the week ending Wednesday, June 10th, 1914 : No. 3.64,240 4........66,780 6.;.-...53,240 ". 7..60,260 8..68,825 9. ...43,140 10. 52,020 ll.45,280 15. 38,290 16. ...42,760 17.55,260 18. 30.170 19.51,515 30.109,740 31..;.*. 45,670 32...,...'48,670 33....v...-:. ......40.260 '* .35:..60,140 sSS-r./....^.;...66;4?U - 42....!.......:...:.:30,240 43....'.. 64,270 ' " 44....V.. 28,240 45. .32,182 49. .......24,160 50.:..32,060 " 51......58,870 52.:. 40,165 56. 41,240 60..60,860 61.31,270 62..... .34,760 79.35,240 8L.36,140 82.55,160 83-.30,490 96.:.36,890 109. .54,940 112. 44,640 113.31,260 114-.30,740 115.36,260 121. 48,680 122.34,670 137.107,070 138.62,875 145.50,060 146.48,780 CHARLESTON POLITICS The politic ;>.' meetings held last week am;ng th:3 ?3"r:iocrats of Charleston shows th??: there was "a hot time in the old town" last week. One faction contends that Charleston is being damned by Grace, while the other vigor ausly and -vociferously contend bhat the old city has been saved by Grace. Grace and Logan is tfl Kran for the Charleston Efc< ' democracy. 4k We *v.u.ld like to k w wheth er, when Mayor Grace left the News and Courier office he was loing a turkey strut or a turkey trot. The Mayor avers he was toing the turkey strut; judging from what our esteemed Charies ;on contempary says about it he vas doing either a graceful or iisgraceful turkey trot. Rev. W. R. Bowman preached lis introductory sermon iast sunday to one of his large new murches 'at ' Fort Motte. The Deople were elated with the ser non and expessed them selves veli pleased with their newly ippointed pastor.