The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, May 16, 1894, Image 3

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ihe Caioliua Spartar. " H1NK8DAV May 16. 18W. ?P. C. Correll & Brother a; ay now be found lu their new cjuarters-Miss K Jith M ?uie and James Farr of Cherokee, were married Monday. ?Cotton does not seem to rally. August futures run from 7 to 7.10. The price here Is about # 75 for best grades. ?S. M. Pllgram, of Woodruff, is a Notary Public. He i? authorised and empowered to marry all ruuaway couples. ?The general reports Indicate that the county win make about half a wheat crop The oat crop Is about one-third* ?The buuch beans planted between this date and the tlrst of June will give you a full crop from the middle of July to the middle of August. ?Mr. O'^hields Is having a very lonesome time. If he has no more opposition than be Is now having he will be the next Probate Judge. ?Billy Reynolds, who was here and at UafT_ ney about ungears ago. Is In the city doing some pain ting. He is now a fantl y man with two or three children. ?W. S. Montgomery has a supply of the farmer's ttfteen-Angered Josh Berry grain cradles on band. Thev will save the w*heat If It Is high enough to be cut?Price# for country produce Indicate that ^^gp^her^safa^demaud. Corn goes readily at to 1.76; chlctens 90 to ;v^^,~^-?nw-?--wlR7reggs 1> country hams 11 to 12 S. ? Mr. fl. S rnrwlnnil rtf tilts uu, Vlr gtnla Carroll, of Gaffuey will be married this Wednesday at 12 uoorw They will leave on tbe Air Line train for a tour amongst friends In ueorgia and Florida. ?Wbere the rain* bare been abundant tbe battle Is on band. Grass and weeds are growing rapidly and all tbe fields need work at once. It will require some old fashioned bumping to keep tbe crops clean. ?Rev.J.C. Kllgo, presiding elder has tbe foUowlng list of appointments for qua terly meetings: North Laurens, May 26 27; Clinton at Sandy Springs, June 15, Enoree, June2,3; Wbltmlre, June 16,17; Cambobello, June 23,21. ?Tbe election of school trustees took plac in tbe graded school building last week. J. K Jennings, Dr. Kussel, S. B. Erell and H. E Ravenel of tbe old board w ere reelected. Dr. H. A. Ligon and A. F. Floyd were tbe new trustees elected. ?A change was made In tbe Air Line schedule last Sunday. Tbe trains going west pass Spartanburg as follows: Vestibule 1L37 a. m. Passengers 2:15 p. m. and 12:57 a. m. Going north tbe vestibule passes at 632. Tbe passenger trains at 4:01 a. m. and 4:11 p. m. ?Tbe rain last Friday was most acceptable. In tbe city and vicinity It was a line shower lasting one hour or longer. It extended ovei tbe greater nortlon of tbe county. Saturday night and Sunday, showers fell In some sections that were missed Friday. Garden truck and Qeld crops are growing rapidly. ?Mrs. J. S. Sanders died last Wednesday, May 9, lftu. Her maiden name was Murray and sbe was a stepdaughter ot Mr. Dudley Mullins For two yeai s sbe bad been an Invalid, bearing her sufferings and privations with great patience. Sbe said sbe was ready and willing to go. Sbe was burled at Gannons Thursday. ?Leo bad a fair audience out last Saturday and bis main subject was a little white boy, who was brought from Gainesville, Ga. Hs was said to be unable to walk and be had to be carried all tne way. Leo soon bad him on his feet prancing around In a most active manner. wv. . 114*1. AallaMVaA at hhiltl# aim uwn niiuo ?? B _ able to walk again. Leo proposes to give a - v*. aerlee of entertainments In tbe opera boose ^?^s week. gU^3^*fc>'"^A?ptral Methodist 8bnday-8cbool will go opto Melrose on a picnic excursion next 8atnr' day, leaving tbe Air Line Station at 8 a. m Returning they will leave Melrose at 6p.m. Tbe Methodist Sunday School, families attending tbe cburcb regularly, students of tbe Fitting School, Wofford College and Converse are all Invited. Tickets may be bad at tbe Jewelry store of D. C. Cornell * Brother until Friday evening, unless they are sold before that time. Only a limited number can go, hence tbe Importance of securing tickets early. It Is expected that tbe families will fill tbe picnic baskets full, for tbe children will be very hungry about one o'clock. Tickets are 50 and __ 35 cents. ?Last week J. K. Jennings and C. H. Carlisle Joined a party from Cambobello In a fishing party. They first tried Parrls's bridge and then went up to J. U. McMillan's. Rev. Mr. Phillips was chief superintendent, and Perry Jackson was coffee maker, and the boys say he Is bard to beat. They also report that there Is not a Baptist preacher In the county who can beat Mr. Phillips In the water. He was the first to go In and the last to come out. If be fishes for men with the same energy and success exhibited In catching tbe "finny tribe" be will be a great power for good on his circuit. They all bad a good time, and all the fish they could eat. They report the farms seen by them In good condition, .corn and cotton looking well, and a general Improvement about tbe homes. They return special thanks to the kind friends on the river that contributed much to their pleasure. ?The Sopbomnre Exhibition at Wofford College Friday evening was much enjoyed by a large audience. After the declamation the reception took place In the college balls and that was much more pleasant than the speaking, because every one had tbe privilege ot talking and they used It well. The following is a list of tbe speakers and their selections: B. B. Copes, Orangeburg, 8. C.?Our Country? fast an at resenu W. B. Evans, Marlon, S. C.?Let Uie Dead Part Bury Its Dead. O. M. Moore, Greenwood S, C.-Execution of Montrose. J. K. Clyde, Marlon* 8. C.?Death of Henry Clay. A. K. Holler, Rock Hill, 8. C.?Eulogj on Phl'adelphla by Charles Beck, delivered at the World's Fair. P. H. 8toll, Ninety-Six 8. C.?Our Opportunities. ?Mayor Calvei t has ordered the police to report all sales of Intoxicating liquors. He proposes to enforce prohibition as theexnuhly as possible The saloon keepers had opened up and begun the sale of whiskey and some of r them had sent out their order* for larger supplies. They now say they will have to close up again and wait the action of the Legislature at Its next session. Whiskey 1NU be unlawfully sold In the city. The polios should be very vigilant. The law should be enforced. Good cltlsens should aid In the enforcement. Our saloon keepers. If so disposed, oaa hardly afford to run secret barrooms. The penalties are too heavy, and the Court at Its next session would enforce them. We advise them and all otoerf to let the eale of whiskey alone. W# especially ad vise our people pot to buy and dr}nk It. Thp next session of the Legislature will tate the matter In band and give us a law (bat Is constitutional. ?"Smith"has coiqe out lu a new role. He appeared befo.e Judge Klrby Friday u attorney for a neighbor, Mrs, Hollls, in a salt against the H. Jc D. Hallway, Mrs. Ho Ills has two acre* of land "Jlnln" Smith. A little embankment on the railroad causes the water to stand o{ Obout one acre when It rains much. She clalmi that she is considerably damaged. SmlU _ stated to the "trial Jestes" '"dat It was a njqij |trous uniest thing. De old lady couldn't ralsf pothin' on de ground and de lan was no n* peptln a culbert was built to carry off de water,' He secured an order to be served on Mr. irwln the depot agent, to show cause why he sbouli pot have the culvert made. If mild measure do not succ ed, Smith will then take out i mandamus to compel the road to construct i culvert, We suggested to Smith that the oli lady's land was benefitted, and that she cqu1< turn It Into a frog pond or llsh pond. He said "Deflsh can't live dar. When It rains in sum {ner de watfr bllln' hot and kills de q'sb And as to frogs dey Is too unsartaln a crat VWhen yon think dey ar dar, dey are Jes no whar. Yen can't depend on frogs for a reg'ls bisness." We then asked why the old lady di not raise rice on her land. He said: "She dldn know nuthln at all about rice and couldnt g projlcklng along wld what she didn't undei stan'.". ?Leo's minstrel show was very entertaining Monday night, but the audience was small. Every cent of the money goes to the Hampton Guards. He presented the company with a beautiful acrostic, "Hampton Guards," which was prepared with One taste. He will give a show every night this week. ?T. J. Dl&by, boss of the weave room at Whitney, was surprised Saturday afternoon by certain demonstrations of the hands in bis department. At first he could not tell whether or not they were approaching with hostile Intent, butjt was soon discovered that they wished 'o give him a rocking chair as a testimonial of the highlesteem in which he was held. He ia <?ninarts> 1p?v? Whitnev for Clifton No. 2. - The Spsrtan cotton mill will soon be go'.ng again. The wheel came last week and the shaft was put In place. They are now putting on the arms and adjusting the t e,'merits. 1 hiy will have It together In a few days and ready for going around. It Is expected that they will be ready to turn the machinery by the ?>tb Inst. The houses will soon be filled with tenants, and there will be general rejoicing when the mill starts again. ?An at<e npt was made tojrob Dr. Jno. B. Henneman In Knoxville one night last week. He had been out calling on a friend and was returning to the University about ten o'clock when three men set on him from a dark corner and ordered him to held up his bands. He used his walking stick on the man in front of him, while the one in the rear struck him with something on the back of the neck. He made a dash for the street and called for help when some of the students ran out and the robbers fled. There seems to be a gang about that city who go around at night committing robberies and killing people. Prof. Henneman's Spartanburg friends rejoice that be got oil without serious Injury. ?The County Lodge of Good Templars met at Boiling Springs last Saturday. There were , about 600 people present. Public addresses were made by Dr. Jos. L. Wofford, J. J. C. , Kzell, M. S. McDowell, S. A. Greene, and others. Mr. Cbreltzberg was expected but was prevented. A resolution was unanimously passed thit theJGood Tempters and all temperance people would do all they could to prevent the sale of whiskey and promote prohibition. The order is gaining ground in the county. The Golightly Lodge took the banner for the seoond time for securing the greatest number of members Oar lux me quarter. iue ne*? qu?i terly meetag will be at New Plsg&b with the Chreitzberg Lodge. | ?Some of our cltizeoi are preparing to go to B 'aufort arfi Port lioyal on a Ashing excur 1 >? # The fare for me round trip Is only #5.00 The train will leave here next Tuesday night and land In Beaufort Wednesday at 10 a. m, or If a majority prefer they may leave here on the day train. All who wish *? go should report at the Herald office this week. Board may be secured at me hotels at 9100 a day and a Tree excursion will be given around the harbor and naval station. This Is a Ane opportunity for persons to see Beaufort and me sea Islands. Already a considerable number has promised to go, but Is hoped that a delegation 0! Aftv will run down and visit the sea coast and catch some Ane Ash and have a good time. A Card. The County Board of Examiners are anxious to offer to our teachers the advantages of a Summer sch >ol during me coming vacation It Is proposed, not to provide lor an ordinary Institute of a tew days, but. In addition to lectures upon methods, that special attention be paid to a regular Instruction In the branches of which me teachers desire a u ore thorough Knowledge. The school will continue for at least three weeks?likely June 11 to 29. The only cost of attendance will be board, which it Is hoped can be secured at reduced rates. Please write me at once whether or not yon would likely be able to attend during the time Indicated. The success of our undertaking most depend largely upon the interest manifested by me teachers. Very truly yours, B. B. CH apm AS. School Commissioner. April ssth. 18:4. List of Letters Remaining - in the Bpaiianbnrg poet efflee. a?Tnhn Alton. If lea LnLa A A n ier ^-Louis C An trill. D?F A Doyle. F?Mr? Eliza Fowler. H?John E Hasklns, A J Hols tele. J-Wm 0 Johnson. L?Frank B Lane. M?MLm Battle Maxwell, Miss 8 Mcl'leely. P?PerclHa Prince. B?J M Russell. ?SA M Behoen. Miss Nancy Smith, W H Smith, Mrs Charlotte Jmitb. W?Dennis Wadklns. Persons calling for the above will please say advertised in The Sparta* May 16th, 1804. S. T. Poimer, Postmaster. Tribute oi Respect, Whereas, In the providence of Almighty God, oar esteemed brother, Dr. | Dnjamin Wofford, a life-long and earnest worker in the cause of Temperance, [ has been called from the labors of this life to his everlasting rest and reward, therefore be it reeolved, First: That we, the Spartanburg District Lo:ige I. 0. G. T., give expression of oar love and remembersaca to the good work of this zealoas and faithful soldier in the army of oar Lord and j\artieulariy in the Temperance caase. Second: That a page in oar minate hook be inscribed to his memory. Third: That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of oar brother, and we pray the God of the widow and the orphan to take them into His tender mercy and keeping. Fourth: That a copy of this tribute of respect be famished each of the Spartanburg papers for publication. 8. G. Ballingkr, M. 8. McDowell. W. L. Bragg, Committee. Talmage's Tabernacle Burned Last Sunday just after the morning nervioe was over fire was disoovered ix the Tabernacle. Dr. Talmage was In the ehoreh shaking bands with some of the people when a fl una was seen shooting oat from the organ. It spread verj rapidly and before the fire department could fet to work the flames weh banting from all the windows. Thii is the third time the Tabernacle ha been burned and it occurred ever; time on Sunday. It is believed that si eleetrio wire oaueed the fire. The loa is about $400,000 while the Insurance 1 only $180,000. The Hotel Regent wai also burned. The lose on that is nbou 1000,(K.Q and the tasoranoe is said to b< $300,000. The Trustees held a meetin, Sunday evening and decided to n build. Dr. Talqaage eeDbr&ted th 33th anniversary of hit ttftorate las week, It was a joyfal occasion an was marked bv the partMpation c ..housands of people of other congri gations. It was a very joyful oeeasloi t He had jost made his arrangements f< i a journey round the world and lei 1 .New York Monday. He will eou | through this State and go on to Atlai 1 ta and then through the Southei > States to California, whenoe he wl ? sail for Honolulu, New Zealand ac Australia. 1 1 * Summer ezeursion tickets from Cha , leeton to the up country are now c i vale. 4 t? u 1' Wh en Baby vu rick, we gave her Cartorla r When she wax a Child, she cried for Caatorin d When she oecome Miss, she clung to CaatorU. 't When she bad Children, she gare them Caatorta O a Best Eaily Corn. You can get the Miles Prolific white corn large ears, flue quality, three to four weeks earlier than ccmmon Held corn at Allen's store below the Spartan Inn Planted now It will be ready to grind In August. Planted In July It will make a fine yield of hard corn. It makes the best of meal. walter H. Allen. April 23rd.-4t. Will Buy Your Cotton. 1 will be In the city for the next thirty days representing the Augusta Cotton Compress Company. If you have cotton to sell let me hear from you. I am always In the market , WllU luv UigUOli UiOiftOb 11 jvu umc ( cotton and don't wish to bring it to town | drop me a postal and 1 will come to you. Respectfully, J. F Wilsox. a-t* Mrs Helen H. Gardner tells the Wo. men's Press club of New York that the time has gone by regarding women as an annex of male humanity. There Is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases pnt together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed loca em edies, and by constantly failing to are with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon! ul. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ty Sold by Druggists, 75c. The South Carolina railroad has changed its name to the South Carolina and Georgia Railroad Company. 0. M. Ward is now the General Manager. D. H. Chamberlain is not retained in , any position. The road will he ran under the new management from last Saturday night midnight. WHEN TRAVELING. Whether ou pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip h bottle of Syrup of Figs,fas it sets most pleasantly and effectively on the kidneys, liver and bowels. 1 {>reventing fevers, headaches and other , orms of sickness. For sale in 60 cents and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. The Tariff is still before the Senate. It looks as if they would not reach a vote this week. > ^ FOUR BIG SUCCESSES. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal aalo. Dr King's New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, Each bottle guaranteed?Electric Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Bocklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at H. A. Ligon's Drugstore. m in ? The ootton crop in sight Saturday ( night was 7,094,912 bales. That does not look large enough to keep the prieas down to 7 cents. BUCKLEN'S ABNIOA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Boies, Tetter, Chapped hands Chilblains, Corns and all skin Eruptions, and positively cares Plies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money reianaea. Price 35 ets. per box For sale by H. A. Ligon, Druggist. President Clereland and Secretaries Gresham and Carlisle hare gone oat to tbe North Carolina coast on a fishing or hnnting excursion. DESERVING PRAISE. We desire to say to oar citizens that (or years we have been selling Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bncklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given each universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time and we stand ready to refund the purchase Erioe, if satisfactory results do not foliw their use. These remidies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. H. A. Ligon, Druggist. . Shoes must be worn broad in the toes, with a broad and low heel, because, "no matter what the fashion, when you find a man who pinches his toes you may be sure it will take only a very small hat to pinch his heed. w V vw I ; l!S)Wm)GE i Brings comfort and improvement and i tends to personal enjoyment when , rightly usea. The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, with 1 less expenditure, by more promptly t adapting the world's best products to > the neeqs of physical being, will attest g the value to health of the pure liquid Et laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Svrup of Figs. p Its excellence is due to its presenting ^ in the form most acceptable and pleas- ' d ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly tf beneficial properties of a perfect laxj. ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers rna permanently curing constipation. >r It given satisfaction to millions gnd it met with the approval pf the medical profession, because it acts on the KidI neys, Liver and Bowels without weak* ening them and it is perfectly free from ,j? every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug d gists in 50c an<f$l bottles, but it ia manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, r* and being well informed, you will np.t . accert any substitute it ottered. If you [ feel weak and all worn out take BROW'S IRON BITTERS FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, and Stomach diaordert, take BROWK1 IRON BITTERS. All dealen keep it, fl par bottle. Genuine hat towte-?r? ana wia wd Ujhsoq Wffm Sping will soon be here, aui with II oar hoa ses, and of course yon want th< -paint is cheaper in the end owing to iti HARRISON* a pure high grade paint, and will pain IRW and see analysis and be convinced. CANDIDATE'S COLUMN. FOR PROBATE JUDGE. Having: experience In the duties attached to the office of Probate Judge, and feeling fully competent to discharge the same, I hereby an Dounce myself as a candidal*, suoject w rcwuu of the primary i W. O. 8. O'SHIMJ*. \ Printing ' 18 THE LEADING IDEA. THEN FOLLOWS Promptness r CUSTOMBR8 WANT PRINT INQ PROMPTLY. WE HAVE THIS FORM ON OUR HOOK: Wanted By whom When QUALITY OF WORK? PERFECTION. CHARGES? PER- , FECTION, TOO. Fleming" a. i Petty. I* PHONEm. a THE ? ^ NATIONAL BANK OF 8PABTANBURG, A. C. J bpitMi, T...i imm ; Surplus, 76,000 -Omcrn410. COFIKLls, J. B. CLEVELAND j President Vios-Presiaen r W. 1. BUENETT, 1 Usahier, ?Directors? It. X. OONVEB8JL J. H. MONTGOMERY 1 1. W. f!A?T.THT.*, R. H. f. CHAPMAN. I. B. CLEVELAND, A. H. TWICHELL. J J. F. CLEVELAND, GEO. COPIELD, W. K. BURNETT. Safety Deposit Boxes under Herring's protection at moderate prices. Transfers and collections without charge to depositors. ?THB? IMA! AND FARMERS' BANK OF SPARTANBURG. OTPital, - - - T $100,000.00 Authorised Capital, - - 100,000.00 4 ? ' ~ We take .jfcesore in offering to the publie full burglar and fire protection In the latest Improved Vault and Safe work secured by Time Lock. Parties desir lng Lock Boxes with above protection ? can secure them at moderate cost. I Loans effected on approved Personal. , Seal or Collateral Security, and liberal I accommodations afforded to depositors. In all that pertains to a general banking J business we eouou w? jmniviwc* ? m?p public. ? officers: * /? f Jobkph Waucsb. - President 1. H. Sloas, Vice-President' . L. WHITS, - - Cashier L. K. Andkrsos, - ass^t Cashier. 6xo. W. Nicholas, Attorney. directors;: Jobxph Walhxh, J. H. Sloajt, l. 0. Casnos, H. A. Li eon, 6so. W. Nicbolls, W. F. Smith, J. K. Jbsmsgs. A. 6. Floyd, T. H. cahhoh. Get Ahead in he Wo (id There ie bat one way to do that. Spend lees than yon earn. Whatever yon can save, lay np In the SAYINGS BANK. It will be taken care of and will draw intereat from day of deposit I WSUMIDMM un THE FARMERS' II* BUM IWIM of spartanburg county. By the people and for the people, For Isolated property only. No salaried officers to support, No Capitalists to enrich, Nn lota, no exDense. This is the commonsense plan of insuring country property, controlled by its members, who are policy holders. |t is the cheapest possible rate of insurance, because it is Insurance at I COST. Policies giren against Fire, wind and Lightning for one-half of one per cent. We now have 225 members, representing $210,000. JOHN P. FIELDER, President W. EPPS, i Treasurer. S. E. MASON, Agent, A ddress all communications to S. E. Mason, Cavins, 8. C. April 9, '98. A &/ waak. Knluiv* tanttwy. Th DMXTKV ku Dfak Wufcar. Tutal ill 1*4 JlEmDtf Htm Ut a tamllj ta?M aUit*. rfJSCSaSSJBW VukH. liiM ul *tiaa tkaa frnurKTynt? *nw?t v?ui&( u* >?>?. T? iL? W-J .V >u>u,ww?,i>? ??>! ii?w I " If tba ran. lrifkt, |dM tUkn. t?~ fcX Ul ekMTftl vifM.. ? mIM I ** Bk 1 ^ ^L^^XeWndUkM.M ?uM.CfcM?, ManmiMl ClTMUnfrn. ' v.r.sanxsesaoA, sn?* s* m, t. ; will co ii9 tin tl in 3 su l Inclination to 1 e bet paint. A low priced paint is dear e i spreading capacity. TOWN AND COUNTR' it yonr house for a fewer number o* dolla IN'S DRU STOR ?????? i SHEIIMH1 j rhe Invincible Lea< DRY GOODS, MILLIE Don't lose yoar head or allow yoarsell and blowing of light weight com petit ftnxr jadgment. Oar stock this seatoi *are and when it comes to prices we o every dollars worth yoo bay. WOOL DRESS GOODS. To close them oat before the dog days re cot prices clean in two. At 10, 15, 20 and 25c, yoa can bay ( pods that we sold from 5 to 15c a yard , lore. 85, ?, 60 and 75c, a yard for Drees foods that brought from 15 to 25c a *rd more money. Blgbargains in feather weight Black Joogi eaitable for hot weather. , A great line of remnants in Silks, i sckand Colors just the thing for blrt waists and combination Dresses, i on can pick oat any of them at 60c on he dollar. i WASH GOODS. > Matchless values 500 pieces on first enter counter in Crinkles, Pongees. Ihadasies, Sateens, etc. Yoar choice if theM for 10c a yard. The balk of hem were brought to sell for 15s. ? WHITE GOODS. For less money than any one else eaa tame. See oar check Nainsook 5, 8,10,12} md 15a White Lawns in Plaids, Stripes and >lainilt 5, 8,10, 12i, 15, 20c and ap. India Malls, French Organdie and )otted Swiss, 15,20, 25 and 85c. Be wise and inspect oar White (foods. ' '* "V ' ? . ; I " *! ? " ; , i ? , ** " SH ElilDAN < 'ft-'*' e/. .? t1*. ? i.i.- . f rffc- '. ? **" J-*ry. "' I e ' ' W. L. DO UCLA 9 ^ Shoes are tatisCsctisn at the prices advertised than anj vinced. 'The stamping of W. L. Dougla Karantees their Ttlue, saves thousands,of d ralers who push the sale of W. L. Doug Increase (he sales on their full line of goods sal wrs tatters yon mm mvs ussy br bsyl HaoA bsliWi Catalogue fee ipsa aypueaSki The Cannon Co., 8partanbu Wilkin's Bros., Gaffney, S. I. i . i, .. 2 5-cent Advertisements. FOR SALS.?I Win have a lot of fine pigs 1 to 6 weeks OM for sale at $1 00 each on the PubUc Square of 8partanburg next Saturday. D. W. Switzkk. Hay 16th.-It* vrrANTED.?10,000 pounds beeswax. Apply WV fn I U Tnflt Ana <tanr ahnvi nnst office. mUokoow-Ap: ?l?i > 1 > f ii'' TTWlt 3Etf\r!Cg-A flns Jersey ball, thoroughC brefl from boat stork. Apply to L. M. Gentry at ns home or on farm on Cblncapln Foreclosure Sale. Frank Brown to W. Greene. Mortgage ot Real Estate. By anthorlty given in above stated mortgage recorded in Book No. 89, page 206 I wilt sell to the highest bidder at pnblin snetion, on salepday in Jane next, wlthfn the legal hoars of sale at the Court floase steps the following described real estate: 4,1 v\m *m1 <v, 1/rf land aitnatAd All llUIIII |MVCI VI 1V> vm ?? ? _ 1 in the City of Spartanbnr^, County and State aforesaid, fronting on Cnmmlnns street in the rear of Wofford College and eontainlng one-half acre more or leea, inherited by me from my mother, Marif; Brown, and adjoining the lota of my brothers, Albert and Charlie Brown. Sold as the property of Frank Brown to satisfy above stated mortgage. Terms ot sale; cash W. H. Greens. More igee. May 12,18M. f ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Sold ootrifht, no rent, no royeltr. Adapted to Clty.Vlllacoor Country. Seeded Ln every hone.ehop. More end offlc*. Greeteetconren. ianee end beat m) ler on eerth. Acente nenkr frnm S? to |M rer Any. One In reeidenee meene e eele to ell the neiehbore. Fin* in?traro?nta, no tore. "ori, anywhere, any dlitenc*. Complete, ready for on when ehlpped. Can be pot op by any one. nerer oat of order, no repelrina. leete a llie time. Warranted. A money maker. write W/P. Harrison k Cs., Ckrii 10, Columbsa, 0. /or Malaria, Liver Trouble,or Indigestion,use I SHOUTS IKON BITTERS beautify your premliM, and piiul Lt any price, and a high rad?, pnre V PAINTrs, than the cheap grades. Call a E it, Graham iers in Low Prices. JERY AND SHOES. ' to be carried away by the boasts or>. U?e, your eyes, your earsaad 1 is by far the finest ever brought an easily save yon from 25 to 35o on i LACES <fc EMBROIDERIES. Our third shipment now open. The designs are beantifnl and the prices one-third less than you could get them a month earlier, MTT/TTNTERV We have side tracked all competition on this line. Every week we are adding the latest creations in Hats, Boanets and Jiigh class novelties that art and genius can produce. A money saving on all Millinery bought of us. SHOES AND SLIPPERS. A great line now ready. We invite your careful and critical inspection. Our olose cut Dry goods profits applied to Shoes puts them within easy reach of all. Our Ladies Oxfords at 60, 75c, 1.00 1.26,1.60, 2 00. $2.60 are by far the best value we have ever shown. Our Button Boots for Ladles at 1 00, 1.25, 1.50,1.75 and $2.00, are all yon can desire. ' Misses and ChOdrens School Shoes solid as a rock, at prices that will enable you toeconomfzs on your Shoe Bill. 9 I ". _ . . j * ' ' * ' t / x ? ? fc GRAHAM. 4 ?* .< ; 3 kT* * T' ? - v | ' va.'** f. L. DOUGLAS $ SHOE 6E1TIEMEL , $4 and $3.00 Dress Shoe. $3.00 Polico Shoe, 3 Solas. $2.00, $2 for Worfcingmen. $2 and $1.70 for Boys. k LADIES AND MISSES, S3, *3.30 *8, $1.78 CAUTIOH.?If \aa offers 70a W. L DtulM \ shoos * s redoosd pnee, \ or utfs ho ksi them wtthost the sssm stamped , ih. bottom, pot his* stylish, easy fitting, and give better - other make. Try one pair and be cons' name and price on the bottom, which uiUm annuiii. t/> thrxe who wear them. Its Shoes gam customers, which helps to They e*a afford to toll at m 1ms profit* mm all roar fool wear mt the dsalwr a<?? in. W. I? DOUGLAS* Broektaa* Mass. rg, S. C. 0. Agents. 1 Final Discharge. i i Notice is hereby given to *11 oon eeroed that I will apply to Honorabli W. S. Thomason, Probate Jndge o Spartanburg County State of Boutl Carolina, at his office at Spartanbun Court Hoose, May 80 1894, for a flna discharge as administrator of the estati of A. Q Thomason. K. L ARCHER, -Administrator. May 1, 1864?it. *.* I FIDELITY (LOAN AND TRUST CO ?U?? I SPARTANBURG, 8. L. CAPJTAL - - - $30,080 CC SURPLUS, - 8,000 0C OFFICERS. GEORGE COFIELD, - - President W. E. BURNETT, - - - Treasure* J.B.CLEVELAND, - Attorney DIRECTORS. A H. Twighell, D. E. Cosverbe, W 8 Ma?ni50, Geo. Conxu>, W. E. BURNETT, J. B. CLEvaLAar Interest will be allowed at the rate a foar per cent, pei annum, on all sum of five dollars and multiples thereof, to each calendar month, to be compute and added to account semi-an n nail yi. e. on the last days of June and Deeem ber. Provided that nothing here! shall prevent the payment of interei to any depositor closing his aoooun before the semi-annual statement. I On certificates of deposits ther mo nth or longer 5 par oant interei 11 ecd. Open the Fie: AND CLUB IH? For we have turned prices upside down. B will proceed to give the people t Here's The Col l 5000 yards, new Spring Calico's, dre 1 ease Drees Lawn, 5 cent kind, new 130 pairs Boy's Knee Pants, yonrs ft 130 pairs Men's Domet Working Shi 130 Boy's Working Shirts, 35c. kind .100 Boy's Knee Pants Baits, age 5 tc 1300 Men's very tine Scarfs, 50c. kin 500 pairs Misses and Children low ci 130 pairs Ts^lti flne patent tin soHi 60 pairs Laolies fine lace shoeS^prW \800 pairs Men's working pants, at 41 ..... . Bat here's the blggeet thing yon ever saw, i men to oome 100 miles to bay. 500 Men's Fine Shirts, n I 400Boy's Fine Shirts, KflllfllT *? j?In vat Pin. PmU. THIS LOT, e , . Men's Suite atf?50, $7.00,1 strictly guarantee each ai worth at least 50 per oent i them to appreciate them. THIS -LOT, Boy'i Boita at $150. ?t.00,1 all wool and worth In othei The man that bays hit Spring Bolt before see oar line. If he don't want to feel sad and lo tell a black eat from a bear can tell that this k than he ever saw before. . t?-DON'T FORGET TO BRING THIS 1 Boston HIGH PRI' .. . ...... >> f ^ Same Old Stand, Sps ?/ ;?* a i i'.\* Lt 7.... ,y l te> vsHmm rffr* ^ ' New SpriD - _ NOW RE We hare now on of Clothing, Fa shown in Sports lowest possible * i 1 ? money by giving j'. Wo wont your 1 doeement possib styles in Clothing Boy's ond Childi .... I f.'. . v : J . e j ' ;i . -v? - - -?! In elegant lino of Men's salts at $ 4.00. An elegant line of If en's salts at 5.00. An elegant line of Men's salts at 7.50, An elegant linret Men's suits at 10.00. An elegant line of Men's suits at IS AO. An elegant line of Men's salts at 15.00. Boy's and Children's suits at all prices. Early inspection requested. : * j f? j { # M. (reei l ? The Leading ( f i Dnnei * e m & * *>* ' " < 'j Vifc, ^ A. Solid Oak Pillar Extension f'.OYD'S FURHI N d GatesM Jl M | HAUL a tchered'every thing in sight an 1 he benefit thereof. lor of 'Em! u styles 21 cents a yard. 21 cents, or 10 cents. irts, 25 cents kind, now 15 cents. , now 15c. > 15, at 50c. a suit, d, at 25c. at Shoes, 75 and $1.00 kind, at 50. L lace shoes at fa?. _ <mJ, yours at 65c. m is. a pair. at the deling the and it's something that will payT i at a Sacrifice, ^ (7.60, $8.00, $10.00 and $12 50. We ad ?70Tj one of thete Salte to be nore money. Yoa will bare to tee -/ j ^ a $2.25 and $2.50, eve~y salt strictly 1 storee Jasfc donble oar price. be gives at a trial, had better notok torry, for any person that ean >t of Clothing is 50 percent, eheaper > PRICE LIST WITH YOU.*?| % rai S ore. y .# 'f CE BUTCHERS. irtanburg, S C. r"" - r 5fr l; '' ?' 4" ,*" ? 7vt- ' -A ?. e-* ' ? - ? g oods ADY, (0 ? ' ' hand the best and eheapest line * ? /i?J- ?Ji AVAa JTilinmft VTOOUI WU ubii, ?IVI jib org, and an offering them at priee*. Yon ean save time, and us aealL trade, and],will offer yon every InIe. We are showing all the leading K and Hate, (or Hen's, Youth's pen's wear. <9 t/. - iiiwald, V Dlothier and Hatter, iof Building, Spartanburg, S. 0. %J * ^ ; . . .'j ' ? *, i ?r 3UI? P^IGfJ0" pf\i5eVoii Table 8 feet for $7 tore Store