The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, April 18, 1894, Image 3

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The Carolina Spartan. WEDNESDAY, April 18, 18U. i????? t ?Let all persona who wtah to take a cheap ride to Tezaa read Mr. Derleoz'a card. ?Mrs. U L. McLaughlin la visiting Mr. and Mrs. J as. A. Ohapenan. Middles borough Kv. ?Tickets for the Veterans'reunion at Blr- ' mingham will be on sale April tt to 23, good for 15 day a 1 1 - There was a sharp frost last Wednesday tsuruuig ?uu Kppcarvu iuuxtut). aaau vMkttier has oeen pushed up Into ApriL ?It you have not planted your garden seeds, put them In this week. Tbey all! come up when It rains and catch up with the early 1 planted seeds. 0 ?There Is one thing certain. Our people vSl oome together around Leo. It would solve the political situation tor *11 parties to run him tor Governor. Harmony wocld then be restored. _____________ ? ?Mr. Silas McBee, ot Sewanee, Tennessee " siade an Interesting and Instructive add resla the Episcopal Church Friday night, his sub]eat being the work ot St. Andrew's Uulid, v which Is the Y. M. C. A. ot that church. * P ?Mr. Cleveland Fulenwlder of A therm*, paved through the city Sunday on his way to Albany, Georgia, where he will marry Miss 1 DoDy Mai Vasoa, Wednesday morning. She Is L a daughter ot the late Judge Veson of thai u city. ' ?A. M. Hasting, ot WeMford. baa received a <> premlav tor writing up Insurance tor the Hew <? Toek LMe losuranea Company. A premium u waa offered to all the agents who would writ* u, the most Insurance the first week In April. Mr. Hasting earn* In for second premium. ^ ?The following additional names ere to be w added to the UsC oC Confederate Veterans belonging to fitmp Walker 8. M. DawUac, 8. C. Mousoo, C. M. Bishop, L. G. Bishop ? John McOett, M. L. Vass. J. Madison James. w ?Saturday night Dave Forney, colored, from a Ashe villa, shot Utile Waddell In the side. The ball made no exit and the wound Is supposed to be dangerous. Forney came from pi AsbevlDe a tew days ago. He la said to havt at shot a white woman In Aahsvllle some time ,e ago. He made his escape and could not be seen anywhere Saturday night or Sunday. 11 til ?There vm a dime reading at 2*r. and Mrs H. J. DmuI Friday verung, Kectcaoons ana oitewirt furnished by pupils or Convene pt College. While all acquitted themselves well rt and showed that they were apt pupils of ex- gt oeUaat Instructors, Mm Van diver of Weaver. ba vine, 11- C. deserves special mention ror the ac sxeaUsat manner In which she read "The Bi Jlner." ?Loeelng's Field Book or the Revolution waa wl wrMten about IMOto 1*1 Benjamin J. Loertng ^ vletted many battle Held* and made (ketcbee ne of them aad the Harper* published hie book 1)0 la MM. It had a ooosfclersble eale for a tew ^ year*. It Ma very valuable work. There are n? only a few ocptee la the eoaaty. Warren ^ DuPre win take or den for the book tor any pew on who deatree It. It you wish a oopy cull oa htm. The prtoe of the book. ? large rh voM^tt (ti-QO. dB as ? gala we urge the cHMene of this oounty to regMter ee that they may vote la the No- ?a vetnber ^election, If they desire. There are ^ only three more days la which a lawful regie- Fo trattoa amy he made. BaMday In Mav, June ** aad July. Bear In mind that It yon have 114 moved from one house to another since you reoutved your regtstratkm ticket the law requirse you to have tt changed. You win favor v? persons who do not read the paper* by notify- d* Tug thin ttf thin recto. 00 -_______ of -The Boeton Courier eays: "Mr, 8char- 411 waatafataao-forte playing Me splendid ex ** Map* of too elegant Kullak school. Pulut ,bl em Mttdwa. ereuneee of finger technique, w< heaaMuny clear aad feathery' octavee and mi Una, resonant chord-playing are its chsracter- tQl ttttoe. He wae reoelved with manifest delight by tor aadtaooa. who recalled him again and pM* The Phlloeopblan Society of Con- aa veree College has secured this wonderful thi ptaaMt tor one evening, the Mth Inst. It will Tb be a rare opportunity tor our lovers of artistic ox mssle to bear oae of the great masters of the tin art. rb str Sataida/ will be Arbor day at Converse vo Oeflape. Tbeclaee exercises will begin st M pU a. ex. Ths Uta tree win be dedicated with cei Imputing aad beautiful eeruuioales on'tbe sb< i?pM At 11 o'eioek ttt aadleaoe will u ta< aombie U the chapel to listen to an address by *a Ooi. L. V. Touhm, of Colombia. Tbooa wbo on ktn heard him know hi* abiHty. We advise ml who have not hoard him to attend the oxaraioao Saturday ud hotoa to him. They wiu m< not regret the boor thos'spent, At night tbo ^ elooo of t will giro a banquette the clam of an< "to. Wohooetbey win have fair weather and Ab a deUghtful time. Tbo exercises In tbo day apj aro pebllc and an will bo weloome. tbi boi Bon of o?r pooplo aro Marching tor their wo aaoootora' rooorda la tbo Revolution of int. we Oar Btatobaa nothing dto a history of the W*j part Boatb Carolina took In the war. Tboro til areas records in the Mate department showing ool wbo woro oeMttora. A tew books rive scraps of bel history, feat aa a gaaoral thing only tba tal aaaaaaof ofltoara aro mentioned. Moultrie's ion Memoirs, Baaoayb hlatnry and Wterns' Life of hla Washington and PoOar Berry's Ufa of Marlon Tb an giro akatahaa aad isolated facto, but no om kbUf. Baaretary Tladal of Oolmaibla oaya cot tbora are ao rooorda of the private aoldlera In fol the State papete aad be dooonot know where Lw tboraro to ho feaad. This ahow* that our biz Plata, with bar boated patriotism, has wofolly ?Dl aglaotod to make any tort of a record of tbo rex heroes of IRA tor _____________ ahc ha1 -Lato waak Mai Justice Klrby waa engaged nlj porttaw ef several days lnveatigattng the Btohop oase. It will be remembered that seme time ago A J Bishop waa severely whipped at might aad ordered to leave the neighborhood. Be thoaght he had a cine to the names 1 of the p tract wha dM tbo whipping and be *c had Bam Martin, amoved, arrested. Hu teatl- ro' moay did not amount to moch and be waa un- P* - - a u a- -a. ? vA a- e a M Jm nil wnm) implicate owin. i* la no* u?u?t?u *~ U?t uy colored man ?u along or knew any- ?* thing abont it. While it is a terrible thing to P* attack a man In hi* own boose at night and ,b< WgpnghnJtlMhlwdtOn the other hand m< that Blsaap* on* ootid only be reached that ln1 way. His Mtghbora *y that his ooadoct wl towards his wits deserves every lick be got and more besides. Martin was bound over In a fi email bond. It Is probable that no other ar ^ US wUlbeaade. -Aaron Oanaon died at his bon*ln Laaretu j eoanty Thunder aeon** April U, WSt. after n. a protrncSsd mas*. He was bora la this ^ oeuaty about Mtt. He married Mies Louise hej Swttser, who with two children, eurrlves him. Honest, sera net, energetic be always did well co the work he bed la hand. When he MtUed ^ dewa en tie harm he gave It all his Urn# and la the Ghnrsh and Sunday School he was aa same* watior and be had the respect of all his aMghfioes He was plala sad outspoken and everyone could ascertain what his opinion was on any question ho bad studied. He was Bi held In highest esteem by hie neighbors and of hie family has soHnrnd great to*. He was burled rrttay hour Qrayoourt. Bev. J. w. & Shell, hie pastor, contacted the service, being < w??? i b ?... ii? itfth. n.nti.1 El church. Both thess ministers spoke In blgbeet (trrni of his manly, Christian character. ?The services continued in Central Methodiet Church last weak. Saturday afternoon Dr. LeCtwtch arrived. He preached hie flret sermon Sunday morning, talked to the Sunday school In the afternoon and preached at night. Large cosgregaOoas attended each service, p Dr. Leftwlch has been preaching nearly forty years and he has spent mocn of bis time in the kind of work be Is conducting here. He an- w Bounces two services dally. The first will be J from 10 to eleven la the morning and the eeoond will begin at I In the evening. Hla sermons Sunday were plain, forclbls talks, which pi held the attention of the audience from begin- a ningtosnL He is rather alow and deliberate In his manner of ad drees and does not often raise bis volo# to the highest keys. Several persons say that he reminds them of Professor lie Arthur of Oaffney, both In appearance and style. But If yon wish to know the man go to t hear him. If yon are In from the country, n< step Into ths church at 10 In the morning and tt listen to one of his talks and you will know bl what mannsr of preacher he Is. You will like a him and desire to hear him again. He may re- oi main here twe weeks. tt * 4 ?Mi' ?Bishop D mean Is In Birmingham to-dar. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Kirby lost their Infant Monday morning. ?Gen. fl. L. Farley, after resting here a day two, left Monday for Greenville. ?Dr. Fleming has had an application from Lisbon, Portugal, for a place in the Tucapau mill?It will bo warm enough to go fishing soon rbe cold spell gave fish as well as garden truck i backset ?The cotton market does not change much, rhe tendency Is not upward. The price here about ~ cents. ?Mrs. W. A.. Whlsonant, after spending a seek in ths city, returned to her heme In llacksburg Tuesday. ?Markets from wagons continue about the ame as rep >rted last week. There Is a brisk lemand for everything to eat. ?Mr. J. E Coan, of Wellfbrd, and Miss Maria 4cMaster, daughter of Dr. McMaster, of Vlnnsboro, were married last week. -The Hampton Guards have elected Lois fott the little daughter or Dr. and Mrs. T. E. ?ou Jr., as dau.hter of the Regiment." ?Dr. G. W. Helnltshhasgoue to Philadelphia o visit his lather who was recently Injured by falL Drs. Dean and Bla k > will attend to his atients until he returns. ?Dr. J. H. Carlisle went to Chester last 'hursday and addressed the Chautauqua lrcle there that night, Friday night he talked } the Chautauquans of Yorkvllle. ?The "wool hat" boys are forming military xnpanlas oil over the State. One has been rgaolsed at Fair Forest with Mr Fuller as captin. JhSon Greer of Gowdeysvllle Is getting P one. ?Prof. Charles Foster Smith, Ph. D , has ?en elected head of the Greek department In is Wisconsin University. He will resign his Mltion at Yanderbllt and go t o Wisconsin In le tall. ?Miss Anna Prlvett, a daugnter of Miss Uttle Leltner, a native of Spartanburg, wll Btnrn to her home In Goldsboro, N. C., till eek after spending two weeks here. She lade man] friends while here. ?On account of meeting at M. ?. church, ayer meeting at Baptist church will be held 15 p. m. th.3 week instead of 8 as usual. The rles of serine ns on the Holy Spirit will be included at Baptist church next Tuesday at a. m. The subject will be"Blasphemy Against e Holj 8p xlt." -Mr. Glbbes spent some time In New York irchaslng goods for the Boston Bargain store, te goods are coming In and he has rare barklns In men's clothing, shoes and hats. He a a fine assortment of dress goods and itions suited to ladles. Give the Boston irgaln store a call. -Leo, at the suggestion of Rev. W. A. Rogers' U suspend his minstrel shows at nUht Is week. Saturday at 11 a. m. aud at nlght will give the grandest entertainment aslble on the Square. Thousands were here it Saturday and many more are expected xt Saturday. He says be does not wish to ider chuich services in any way. -Mr. Carpenter treated several cases of eumatlsm and neuralgia on his stand Satury and sevsral of them expressed themselves greatly relieved. He Is here to stiy but he 11 announce no special programme. His loe is No 40 Morgan Square, where he may seen any day. The neighbors of Joseph well, who was relieved a week ago, say be is walking around all last week, a thing he s not done since last October. -The coic. weather continued last week and getatton Is making a very slow start. Gar n seeds germinate slowly and when they do me up fchay look as if they had arrived ahead time, Airmen still assert that early wheat d oats are considerably injured. Corn that is up or in sprout when the freeze came said be planted over. Irish potatoes that ire bitter, down will come out again aud ike a fair crop. Gardeners should plant sir seeds at once, if they have not done so. -The Piano recital of Miss Emma Cannon d Miss Blanche Moore Saturday evening In ?open noose attracted* a dee audience. 9 performance, all the way through, was wtsattstsctory to the parents and friends of 9 pupils t.hat took part in the programme. ey have been faithfully and thoroughly Innoted by competent teacher, who Is deted to tcr work and the progress of her pu a Mrs. Lucas has the art of Imparting a tain euaestness and enthusiasm to those > teaches. They go about their work as >ugh it was a matter of choice and pleasure d not a teak. The concert was an admirable s In all lt:s parts. -Saturday was a big day for the medicine in. Th ere mast hay e been KkO people on and >nnd t'ao Square. Leo bad erected a stand d bad It decorated with flags and banting, oat ha J past eleven o'clock he made his pearacce with his minstrels. He stated it he vita here to advertise his business, I had no medicine for sale now and be old atte mpt no cases of healing nntll next ek. He wants a few bad cases of rheumam. If the limbs and muscles have been If for several years and patients have been ng c niches constantly, so much the iter. After Leo had been enternlng the large crowd for an hour or iger, >Lr . Carpenter's band sailed out from office and marched around the Square, sy were led by a long htlred man whose itnees seems to be pulling teeth and curing tta Ds, m. nnfn/1 his stan/i an/1 ha/1 trnrif4. to win*. The throwing of coln? then began, ?leading off. The crowd made a rush for a. Carpenter then began to scatter coins I ther* was a rush around him. Leo's cur- i icy he d out the longest and he held the gest crowd. At night he gave a mlnstrei >w and made a talk or two. There must i re been 1540 to 8000 people on tha Square at ;ht. ! To Parties Going to Texas. lie Southern Baptist Convention meets at Dallas, Texas, May 1L Tickets one tare for ' ind trip viz $31.10. good for 30 days. Any | reons w ishing to take a trip to Texas can rchass these tickets, whether they are del* 1 ates or not. If any one from this county excts to avail himself of these cheap rates, I said be glad for such to communicate with t as scon as possible, as I may be able to give tormeton concerning rate and schedule that II be of advantage to those desiring to go. W. T. Derieux. Iparti nburg, 8. C., April IS, Will luy Your Cotton. : will be in the city for the next thirty days ^rsseitliig the Augusta Cotton Compress mpai 7. It you bars cotton to sell let me sr tr< a you. I am always In the market tb the highest market prices. If you have tton and don't wish to bring It to town op me a postal and 1 will come to you. Respectfully, J. F. Wilsow. W' Lift of Letters imbuing In the Spartanburg post Bee. 1?W H Bradley. Leaner Bating, Mrs. B own, T A Brown. 2?J L Croker, Mattle Coleman, Mary Collins, nma Cantrell. 0?J F Daggar, Queen Davis, Jno, Day la. S-IC? Bdens, e L Elklns, H J Evans. 3?Q F Oallman. 3?B 8 Haines, B C Henson. J W Holland, W Hamilton, rauly Hampton. 1?Kills James. K-T B Kelley. J J Klrby. L-H Q Link, John Love. B?Rosana Msybln, Wm McCall, 1 McCoy. P?Mary Pills, J F Procter. Et?Jim. Robinson, The Rydons. i?A J 8helton, Sam Simmons, O W Stone M Btavens. r-Mahalle Thomson. U?Carrie Upton. W?J P Ward A Williams, C T Walker, James alker, Miss C Walker, Lizzie West, V West, Ae Williams, if?8 8 York. Persons calling for the above will ease say advertised in The Spartan pril II, 1894. S. T. Poinikr, Postmaster. An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousands ho think themselves ill, that they are >t affected with any disease, bat that le system simply needs cleansing, is to ring oomfort home to their hearts, as costive condition is easily cqred by 1 i ns: Syrap of Figs. Manufactured by i: i# California Fig Syrup Co. i MARRIED. CARTER-BROWN.? Married by B. F. Bates, T. J., Alfred Carter to Nancy Brown at Batesville on 30th of March. 1894 both of Pacolet mills, Spartanburg county, S C. Obituary. Near Duncans, S. C., April 3, 1894, Miss Nannie M. Lambright, the 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lambright, died. She was bnried at tne Reidville cemetery, the faneral being conducted by Rev Mr. McGee. The parents have the sympathy of their friends. B. F. BOBO. In Memoriam. M-s. Rachel Lucinda LittlejohD, wife of Bamuel Littlejohn Sr., departed this life at her home, Thickety, Spartanburg county, on the 24th day of January 1894, aged 66 years. A violent disease attacked her brain very suddenly, depriving her of epeech and consciousness, and one too that baffled the skill of eminent physicians who watched and administered constantly at her bedside day and night, but after a struggle of four days with "that grim monster," the "silver chord was broken" and her spirit passed beyond to mingle with those of "loved ones gone before-" She was indeed a model woman, in all that goes to constitute a happy home, as innocent as a child, as industrious in the home circle as the day was long; always cheerful, hopeful, never complaining, full of sympathy and love for the afflicted and distressed, administering to the comfort of others as necessities required and as opportunities offered. She was not a member of the church, but Bha lived its teachings, loved God and delighted in the good old songs of Zion. "How firm a foundation" was one of her special favorites. There was no deceit or sham in her character,(but she acted Christianity in her every day walk, rather than professed it. A Modest, unassuming, good, pure Christian-hearted mother has gone to reap the reward of a well spent life. She leaves behind to mourn her departure an aged husband (who cannot remain with us long) five children (two sons and three daughters), two little grandchildren (Rov and Flovd) two brothers and two sisters and a host of friendB. One of the old colored servants on the place said to the writer when her spirit was about to take its flight: "I tell you old Miss will be greatly missed by us colored folks. She was mighty good to us. 8he was a great stake in dis home." This good mother was buried iu tiie family burying ground near by where "baby" Agnes sleeps, who died J uly 31st 1888 Her children, at least some of them, have not become reconciled to their loss and are disposed to regard it as a harsh affliction, but it should not be thus, for their loss is her gain, ft was indeed a great trial to her loved ones for this mother in her last sickness not be able to communicate with, or to recognize husband and children but su^h was he Divine will, and if we believe the promise, "He doeth all things right." "On the resurrection morn" may this good mother and all her family be reunited "on that happy golden shore," and then imagine, "what a gathering of the faithful that will be!" J. K. W. There is more catarrh in this section . of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced ] it a local disease, and prescribed local j remedies, and by constantly failing to i cure with local treatment, pronounced i it incurable. Science has proven catarrh < to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. ] Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by i P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the ] only constitutional care on the market j It is taken internally in doses from 10 i Irops to a teaspoonfnl. It acts directly on the blood ?nd mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one handled doilMs lor a> y case it fails to cure. Sefif 4 <TH EiV Kt <SFuTT. , Toledo,7). I dTncId hv Drng/iBt*. 75c 1 ( The Brazilian revolution is said to be -nded agau. Io th?? matte* of coffee, yellow f?ver and revolutions Brazil takes the lead. ? LA GRIPPE. j % During the prevalence of the Grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon Dr. King 's New Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after effects of the malady. . This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rap'd cures not only incases of La Grippe, but in all Diseases of Tnroat, Chest and Lungs, and has cured cases of Asthma and Hay Fever of long standing. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free Trial Battlps at Ligon'sDrug Store. ^ Miss Laura Haygood, who has been a J missionary in China for eight years, has returned home to rest a year. DESERVING PRAISE. ( We deBire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption, J Dr. King's New Life Pills. Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have uever handled remedies that sell as well, or that have etven such universa' satisfaction. We do not hesitate 1 to guarantee them everv time and we stand ready to refund the purchase . price, if satisfactory results do not fol- ' low their use. These remidies have won their great popularity purely on . their merits. H. A. Ligon, Druggist. c Mai Anna A. Browne, daughter of e Rev. Sidi H. Browne, of Columbia, died ? CV>a moo o vttomo n r\9 flna V "crn> wuo a nvuinu v* mmv k character and many virtues. 8 t t Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly usea. The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, with ^ less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to j: the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid t laxative principles embraced in the ^ remedy, Syrup of Figs. _ Its excellence is due to its presenting ^ in the form most acceptable and pleas- * ant to the taste, the refreshing aud truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- x < M/T/t/tinnlltt /tlAnneinn ha otrofam . itim' , cuctniuiij' uicaii.ung nuc ojotciu, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers fnu permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met v>ith the approval of the medical t] profession, because it acts on the Kid- r neys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. E Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not ? accept any substitute ii otlercd. ? w "t^OK SALE.?A ten-room house at Saluda, with 3# acre lot with vineyard on premises. For sale low and terms easy. Address Kev. J. D. McCollou {h, Walhalla, S. C. or Spak- E rAN office. g 5M. tl Spr ing will soon be here, and * your houses, and of course you want paint is cheaper in the end owing tc HARRISON a pure high grade paint, and will p \R\ and see analysis and be convinced. t'MtR HI IB! WOBLD," A GOD-SEND TO HUMANITY; SAMUEL CARPENTER performing astounding RHEUMATIC and PARALYTIC cares with his WONDER OF THE WORD Liniment caring heretofore hopeless eases of DYSPEPSIA, NEURALGIA, KIDNEY and LIVER COMPLAINTS and OTHER DISEASES with other FAMOU8 REMEDIES, which hare baffled medical skill. COME YE AFFLICTED and SUFFERING HUMANITY to Spartanburg on and after APRIL 14, '94, in quest of Relief, Renewed Health and Vigor. THE LAME MADE TO WALK PER* MANENTLY. "NO HUMBURG;" NO FAKE;" NO FRAUD." FREE EXHIBITON, Street Parade 11 o'eloek, EVERY BODY COME. THE ? NATIONAL BANK OF 8PARTANBUBG, 8. C. Capital, 1100,000 Surplus, 76,000 ?Officers? geo. COfield, j. b. cleveland President Vlee-Presiden W. I. BURNETT, Ouhkr, ?Directors? D. E. OONVERSR. J. H. montgomery J. W. CARLISLE, R, h. p. chapman, J. b. CLEVELAND, a. h. twichbll. J.F.CLEVELAND, geo. oofibld, W. E. BURNETT. Safety Deposit Boxes under Herring's protection at moderate prices. Transfers and collections without charge to depositors. -THEMM AND FARMS' RANK OP SPARTANBURG. Capital, .... $100,000.00 Authorised Capital, - 900,000.00 We take < leas ore In offering to the pubic full burglar and fire protection in the a test improved Vault and Safe work iccured by Time Look. Parties deeir ng Lock Boxes with above protection an secure them at moderate cost. Loans effected on approved Personal. Eteal or Collateral Security, and liberal tooommodations afforded to depodtoic. [n all that pertains to a general banking susiness we solicit the patronage of the jublie. officers: Joseph Walker. - - , President. L.fl. Sloan, - , VioSritosideuU 1. L. White. Csshier li K. Anderson. - Asst Cashier. 3bo. W. Nicholls, - Attorney. directors:: 1 f08eph Walker, J. H. Sloan, L C. Cannon, H. A. Lioon, iso. W. Nir bolls, W.P.Smith, \ r. K. Jennings, A. G. Plotd, x. n. uAflflua. I FIDELITY ! LOAN AND TRUST CO?of? SPARTANBURG, 8. C. t ' i ?. . ? j CAPITAL. - $30.000 00. SURPLUS. - - 8,000 00. OFFICERS. JEORGE COFIELD, - - President, N. E. BURNETT, - - - UnMoror. r. B. CLEVELAND, - - Attorney. DIRECTORS. L H. Twichkll, D. E. Converse, V 8 Mannih9, Geo. Coxixld, V. E. Burnett, J. B. Cleveland. Interest will be allowed at the rate of oar per cent, pei annum, on all soma >f Ave dollars and multiples thereof, for ach calendar month, to be oompnted ,nd added to account semi-annually? . e. on the last days of Jane and Deeemier. Provided that nothing herein hall prevent the payment of interest o any depositor closing his account efore the semi-annual statement. Oa certificates of deposits there ao nth or longer 5 per oent 1 uteres t a vud. reacners' Mammation. . j The next examination of teachers rill be held at Spartanburg on Friday nd Saturday 20th, and 21st of April. Colored applicant* will be examined < 3 the Court House on Friday,"April 30. Whites will be examined In the Magolia Street Graded School building on atard&y, April 21. We make -some change from the usual rder of holding the examination o better accommodate all parties in 9 res ted. Texchers will pie ase note the hange. The examination will begin romptly at 9:80 a. m., each day. By order of the Board. B. B. CHAPMAN. School Commissioner. March 27 5t. . j E^OR SALE,?Three high-bred Jersey Cattle *- ?one cow, one heifer, one bull calf. Will >e sold cheap, Apply to w. P. Irwin. Apr 13. TV) RENT.?One slz^room dwelling on Liberty street. Apply at Morgan Iron Worka-1 ( ^ ; i^nnn nn-t?ioan ?n n*1 ??*** , ? OW\J w?UUgecarlty, In sums of $200.00 i $1000.-Apply to NICHOLL8 A JONES, Attorney*. i prll 3d 3-t. ( Our Club List. | New or old subscribers can get Tbb Spaxtax nd either (of tbe following publications at I be prices Indicated. Cash In advance always equlred. Club Price Keg. Price. for both [arper's Y. People, |2.00 $2.76 " Magazine, 4.00 136 " Bazar, 4.00 4.60 ' " Weekly, 4.00 *M Co8mopllitan 1.50 2.50 ] . Demorest's Mag. 2,00 * ' 2.78 Atlanta Constitution 1.00 ZJJO Southern Cultivator, 1.00 . 2.00 ricks' Words and Works 1.00 .. 2.00 * and Almanac 135 235 [Either of tbe above will be ordered at the i paxtax office at the full price when not taken 1 be Spaktab I aawgs ggggg rlth It will eome the time and inclinat the bee paint. A low priced paint is dea > its spreading capacity. I'S TOWN AND COUN1 aint your house for a fewer number of d< YIN'S DRUG ST< i * i " Sheridan GRAND *MILLINERY, We invite your attent of high oIam seasonable i . / to Spartanburg. Wegu T , stock to be better value " . i* can obtain elsewhere. I L savers. Tfc.,/-/ , : ? 10 cases Best Calico, Indigo Mourning, etc?; at So. 5 cases Challies, (choice designs), 4 to 5c. 8c Gimgham, at 5c. 10c Gingham, Tie. 15c Wool Dress Goods, at 10c. 25c Dress Goods 17*0. iAa WdvaI Dsasb Ia* OCa TW if WVi 1/ICDO 1VX MA/. 75c Dree* Goods, at 50 and 60c. filegttt line Drees Trimmings. Blaek and Colored Silke at prlcee never before quoted. 1 case 15c Satinee, going at 10c. WHITE 4 VV White Lawns, Nansooks Di Anything you want in Wbiti Don't fall to see us on White G Every piece new, a generous si GOLD N1 50 dozen Ladies Ribbed, the 10 Better qualities equally eheap. Easter Gloves, 50 doz., Sampl $2.00. Tour choice of them at Silk Mits, from 10c to $1 00 a pi Lisle Gloves and Gauntlets 10 75c Unlaund Shirts, at 50c. f 50c Mens Teck Scarfs, worthy 50 doz. Men's Suspenders, 15 to '< R. & G $1.00 Corsets, for 75c. t 50 boxes Ladies' 25e Hose, 15c a 60 boxes Ladies 40c Hose extra: SHC i'.. ? ' t , Ladies* Shoes, fresh and New bought x V . , r i r ' ?" 4 The $$00 kind for $1.40. The $1.25 sort for $1.65. The $3.00 kind for $2 25. The $400 sort for $2.75. ^e spoil profits on our competitors 1 to do a business and if high class ior anymiDif. t SWElTlDAN ' J ; $ fi v'< ' r t . V ' * -1&" - ) . , , j. % Wj& JftL I W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are satisfaction at the prices advertised than ai vinced> The stamping of W. L. Doug guarantees-their value, saves thousands of vDealers-who push the sale of VV. L. Dot increase the sales on their full line of goo tad me believe 7*0 can save money by bo Um4 mksr. Catalogue tree upon appUeat Hie Cannon Co., Spartanbur Wilkin's Bros., Gaffney, 8. "ATTENTION" Would be purchasers of the gen nine "New Home." Owing to the great popularity of this "Queen" of Sewing Machines, Manufacturers are imitating the "New Home" and mlsrepresentativee who want the benefit of our labor, are scouring the country for the refuse stock of defunot dealers, bogus, or low grade wsifhines, that they can palm off as new and genuine "New Home," at redueed prices. This is an injustice to purchaser* as our. guarantee does not cover New Borneo Of this class, and through ??oh a source, and besides we can sell second hand "New Homes" for lees than a m Ure p rosea tatlvs can buy them. Dent be misled. The amount yon think you are saving represents the difference between a fully guaranteed New Home, which conveys with it our experience and servloe, .which insures the full kee of the machine and attach menu, ua a so called "new Home," bought from a m!srepresentative which conveys with it all that this name implies. We hare a complete line of what we manufactfire. You will, therefore, be consulting your best interest, if you examine our stock and get cur prices and terms on the latest improved and sheaper grade machines. AU.of our customers are entitled to thorough instruction in the use of mashine and attachments. We treat all trfour customers right, and stand by them giving them what they buy, a "genuine Sew Home Sewing Maohlne" guaranteed by THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., Kennedy Library Building, 8partanburg, 8. C. 25 cent Advertisements "g^OR RENT.?An 8-room cottage on Pine * street, 2-acre lot and lar*e barn, next to [). JS. Converse. Apply to Geo. W. Bomar In offlceof Probate Judge. g"7*>R SALE?The Vlneless Yam, or Bunch U7 tani, Brit-class quality, for seed. Apply o S. D. Hendrlx, Ave miles from town on toward Gap road. V710R SERVICE?A flne Jersey bull, thorough r bred from best stock. Apply to L. M {entry st his home or on farm on Chlncapln >elow Beaumont ApiH18,Wl, ;ion to beautifyyour permtti, and pa ,r at any price, and a high grad*, par* rRY PAINT>llan, than th* cheap grade*. Call a }RE fcfimmM 3PENINC Tier Dress GoodSi SHOES, Etc. ion to the grandest stock merchandise ever brought ar&ntee ever erticle in our for the money than you x>ok at this list of money I Mil I IMCDV Nobby, Hats and Bonnets stylish and artistic trimming The most complete Millinery stock in Sonth Carolina. Old fashioned Milliner prices, find no favor with as. GOODS. mettles Organdies Malls, etc. 3 Goods from 5 to 50c a yard. Foods, Laces and Embroideries lock, from 2 to 50c. [JGGETS. o kind at 5c each. e Kid Gloves, worth $1.85 to ; 75c a pair. lir. to 50c a pair. c at 15c, a lot at 15c each. > 25c worth doable. k pair. fine gauge, 25c. S3ESS5. xnder the sledge hammer of nard cash. OZFOBDS. Worth |3 00 for *1.00. w ?*?. *o /wt so no TT ?/l fV.W IW wvt Worth H00 for $150. bat we can'* help It. We are bound good* and low oIom price counts ft are the people, & (x R r 4 H. L. DOUGLAS 3 SHOE 16, 64 and 83.00 Dress thee. S3.DO Police Shoe, 3 Soles. 62.50, 62 for Worklngmsfi. L 62 and 61.70 for Boys. V LADIES AND MISSES, ^9^ 83, 88.00 88, $1.75 CAUTIOH.?If aar d?l? affer. yon W. L DaifUj ih??i ?t m ndaad ,nw, .rMpktkMlhmwttk..I (h? MOM It?lli w o> th. bottom, ymt klm : stylish, easy fitting, and give better ny other make. Try one pair and be conlas' name and price on the bottom, which ' dollars annually to those who wear them, iglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to ds. They can afford to Mil at a leee profit, Car all yonr footwear of the dealer adraa n. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Ma?. g, s. c. 0. Agents. 1894 Get Ahead in he World There is bat one way to do that. Spend lees than yon earn. Whatever yon can save, lay ap In the SAVINGS BAVK. It will be taken ear* of and will draw interest from day of deposit. Hssmiwwsuf Yoq can find the nicest, freshest and cheapest line of both Fanoy and Heavy Groceries at BOYD & HUNT'SOar $3.00 Flour is the town and country talk. Try us and we willconrinee < you. I New Spring NOW REA We have now on hai of Clothing, Farnii shown in Sp&rtanbt lowest possible pri money by giving us We want your trad ducement possible, styles In Clothing a Boy's and Children'! An elegant line of Men's suits at $ 4 00. An elegant line of Men's suits at 5.00. An elegant line of Men's suits at 7.50. An elegant line of Men's suits at 10.00. An elegant line of Men's suits at 13.50. An elegant line of Men's suits at 15.00. Boy's and Children's suits at all prices. Early inspection requested. M. Greene * * The Leading Clot] Dunean'Bi } ? 7/1 BOOK STI Is now headquarters for the new bo State and County You can get all school books from h It will pay teachers and trustees to some arrangements. HIS JOB PRIN office is in full blast, and if you ai hea p, DuPre's is the place. Have you a World's Almanac? The} have more information and sound than any book published. Warr "TOTE Still lead* the van, when It comee to Firat-CI piles of all kinds and In | DEFIES THE Seed Oat^ ifye, SU^;; ^r|r" Wheat and Clover Seed, Sugar, ~ Coffee, Molasses, Meat, Lard, Mackerel, Cigars an I also kiep the celebrated Magie Hone and Cs Powder*, and ay Poultry Powders will cm of dueken cholera Also, Dr. Roe's c? maflem and Neuralgia Care, Cotton Seed Meal 1 ? TO RENT.?Lot of Tenant Houses. Dont fall to eall on me when yon need anything la my line. I guarante satisfaction, both ux good$ i A first-class boarding and lodging house Is oondueted In toe rooms orer ths store, b J. K. STUCI BUIST'SGARDI I hare reoeired my fresh stook of and am prepared to snpply all denu Merchants wishing to lay in the! well to see me before baying. Jl. A. LI1 VlU* ^(l^PF j F. *t ' . - - - ~ ? ? ?! T* a m_ul A Solid UaK riuar luxtension mw > ? < - , LLOYD'S FDRNITU floods iDY, id the beet and cheapest line shing Goods and Hats, erer lrg, and are offering them at mm Vnn mo n mt< Hmo onH a call. e, and] will offer you every inWe are ah owing all the leading nd Hate, for Men's, Yoath'i i wear. Willi, bier and Hatter, adding, Spartanburg, S. U. ?PRE's IRE oks adopted both by im. i see him and make TING re wanting printing r cost a quarter, and horse senes in them en DuPre's, Spartanbug, S. C. fCKET v * a*8"goods Jand.Fann Sap?rlce#* .CeUNTBY . y need in the wav of *; # Floor, id Tobacco. ,ttle any cam lebrated Shea.l_ L..J WW /? vu uouu. ind Hulls. 9 m/i priew. ;>viV y Mra. Murphy. KEY. EN SEED. Garden Seed inds. Country r stock will do m, Spartanburg, 8. 0. i<5cVoi/ e 8 feet for $7 re Store