The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, December 20, 1866, Image 3

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fUW1' ^ "v I L She. (Swnrttaa i Spartan, i ? ? ??' onai Proceedlnsa. LefU i ilntiht nnlrrl fe'innrl #lm? llm \f ? rT lature or South Carolina. I... t.i 1.. 1 - tin A * =9GBBB?ESESS5SSasSas | Lliucntone Male Acade <b > '?* &t' jflr , ' " *> * sebbbhmn9bboba my. } tan Jpht box.?the foil w. a n" m ? i SPARTAN P. M WALLACE F. M TRIMMEEI Thurndtty, Deceu = Wenate will pass bu;rc p I thirteenth scot lot . l . ? the President to ' 1 * Confederates, w i, | Edliort. war. There is 11 ington, that a niemberfi of too I860. tIon> t0 abolish t ? - - "?1 ? ton unropreseniti tbe House bill, to repeal the j and am< i of an Act. which authorized | to make grant amnesty cr pardon to third re ho were engaged in the late Act A , gvucrul impression at Wash- of Law majority of the Republican the thi House will favor the proposi- Act. TV he ezistiug government of the the javi id 3:ales, and reduce them to divistot uvuiouu nun iuiiuuuuvu it ulil iu cniargQ end the Insolvent Debtor's Act. A bill > certified copies evidence, reoeived the adiug, and its title was changed to an . bill to niter the sittings of the Courts within the Eastern Circuit, was read rd time, and its title changed to tin Ir. llutytel introduced a hill to extend sdictiou of the Ordinary, in the sale or i of real ct-tate. Mr. Wngeoer iutro i Among tuc many excellent Inatil , learning with which the District of burg is blessed, the Limestone 8pri i Academy Tory justly claims a full p | of the patrouugc of the people. By to tlio advertisement in another ci will bo seen that this is no ordinary j It tins now been in successful opet seven years, nnd its learned and v I'riticilMtl has succeeded hv his ae?l utions of t copy of the Act reapptly pas Spartan- aee Legislature, excluding a tigs Male with the latp war from the j roportion An Act to define the qtialif reference alttntn, it SitOTton 1. Be it enacu . . ' Assembly of the Slate of I Vca-letny. a? trjals of 0,vM or cpimll atiou for tho courts of this State, it si cry able of challenge for caasea as nnil bh?1_ of ????/ juror that eueh juroi wed by the Tennes* ,11 who sympathised |ury bos: icadoDi of Jnrora B ;d by the Generel H ennessee, That in ial eases In any of isll be good ground to the competency r is not a nualifioJ Nfo Spar According to tho usage Press, no Spartan will op] ter a gear's constant and the turmoils and perplexil bands require a short i duties of the office. We ? merry Christmas. Cleveland, wn tan. I the condition t> s of the newspaper | however* by in: pear next week. i never beeomo a oloso application to ' Radicals in Coi Lies of printing, a'l I Constitutional gi elaxation from the Itogelhcr inexp risk our readers a >s hardly posxihl thirds rote in bo - thought that th liter Am. ^ ',OU.S?H 1 ? f Torritories. It is thought. ducctl ?uy, tluil such ti measure will ' purchti! l%w. 80111? of the bitterest j Columb 1 gross nro opposed to it, on ! ' 1 * .1 1 '?n 10 ' rounds?wntlsl some think it cejvaj,h edient mid unwise, so tliut, it t y that it can contmnnd a two- trcspnv th branches of Congress. It is net? cl is hostility of the majority in 1 bill t< nny measure that might Ik no : I.oid ii u resolution us to the expedient*; of sing the Methodist Female Oollego nt in, to he used fur n Slate House. A tulbovize the City Council of Cbtirlcsssuc and put in circulation notes les in dues or taxes to tho eity ; and a trorido an expeditious ntode of ejecting sti", rcc? ived iheir third reading and lunged to Acts. Mr. Jon?>- introduced j r 11 a Convention ot'the 8tah. Air. uli'oditO'd a hill to iini'e the Hr.ptist " duity. to draw a large and remuaeral ber of Htndonta. The number ol eti ' the pa*t year whu about ?i\ty. This ' i-< u recommendatioii of the ab talent* <>f Cnpt. 'i'ite Palmetto IIouni f A * nil hddil ionul evidence of the j; v:? 1 ?fbu.xit;e-!? at ilii* place, we ob.\tr VVw t auiv ?I.a So .1? 7 voter of this State. ire mim- Suction 2. IJe u further iilents for Act ehtill tnke effect trotn an , in itKelf, n,"l nil lows in bonflict wil iliiv nnj lbi* Act nr? h?r?i>y repeal# iltiy una PMa#a NoT 20t lb0#> IIo*. B. P. r>i>BT?Tb D* haa written another letter ;rcat rcvi- that the South will never crvo lhut inipartial raffrnfje for bin _? i 'I"11 ' will no1 ucccDt a oua'. enacted. That this I id after its passage, H th the provisions of - 1 c Hon. B. F. Perry It is his opinion V submit to general ck and white, and H litiel auffriiffi' wlii?K ~ We lire roquostod to sta men aro Agents for the Works of Horace L. Era or N. Y. They will shortly keep on hand for sale, at merous agricultural iu Threshers, Corn Shelters, Harrows, Cultivators Agents for the Metropolis ? ^ww I 1IJO UUIIUU mil to I bat these gentle* of any tavornbh great Agrioultura, repealing the col .. t. o _ i .1. 1 i it will bo i bou y &. Son, ot Albany. KnK,nn(l t,0?0. receive, and always BtH.idin." Una very low prices, nu- majority of the ipliments, hucIi as District Court. r? i? ? t? gainst the const Feed Cutters, Plows, u? jlldicl,, &c. They are also niade. It Stove Works, and I Court will sin imiiici*, iiiruius 1110 :i"]ir VJiurcn s IcgielMinn in ilia mutter of | Street ttniitttx. it'll.c inx is taken oil'. , lined n *lu iSc influence of the New rent to i manufacturers. Motwitli-1 cnuing generally uwlergtooil that 11 ; lo>!geil ju.Sg"* of the Unite1! 5'tates bv I lie ' were in fnvor of (tecnling ri- of the < itiiiionnlity nf 'i ? te-i on! h, ! t'-e ; itt ly promulgate*! decim-iti Lout ' c.iunt s is said, 1. ' .exer, tliut the Legi?':t xrtly nunotinoo its decision, j Mr. Ilti in i/iiuiloHi'in uii'l in* wcutwortli ISiipti t Cliuivh. *'t\ Ilntickel inyol ?< ' i!'.:tioii. v. hick wns egrecd to, nn?l ike House tor concurrence. Hint every jut nrcoi'ui against 11-?? Stele shall lie in tlie Compiroller's <J2ice in t olumlna, SOth Nov oojer, :iu 1 ii sh.iil he the duty .'ouiptrol'e;* to examine an 1 report on hi i the". '.itor-, uit 1 no such r.eiia.ll l>? considered r noted on hy the turc. un!i ? so exni.lined and reported. ,ys introduced the following resolution. iii. l :i g< utlciunn on nil occasions, is ) n large addition to Lis hospitable mi the way of travellers and men of busi liiwis certainly deserves well of thisi ty nnd the public generally, in nff j those who need it, so coinfortablo an ful place of rest. May he live as 1< j wants to. vi iivbii, ( woujj Ji?fi itu-hice auy ot receiving | voters. He fays there is i insion, in conduct ot some of the Nor lie-is. Mr. *,low qualified negroes to ' era thai general suffrage, couimuui- HS dishonorable and ording to South as the adoption of d delight- amendment. k? Mr. Perry does not belie ' or ensuipg Congress will South anything but unqual _ anil that " ffpnurnl n r>.i. ? ! > the present white H sound policy in the J them States, which rote, but be considwliite end black, I degrnding to the I the constitutional re that the present fl acccept from the I ified negrn suffrage . > t. ,.?? i -- ? Xuinish any variety or tiro We negleeted to any a noticing this very respect lislied house, that our en J. W. Webber, an old au< chant at this place, oonsti ners, and will always be serve his friends with c goods and groceries. and Conking Stove*. ' I,1C"' 11 ,!t K{ n( . .the legality of week or two ago, in . i . .. .i ? * no <tou'li with iv able an?l long estab ington, that C< :ccllcnt. frieuil, Maj. conferring unqii i experienced nier- ''lo ^i .... ... . measure pa*'cil tutes one of its part- , , ' ? .. 1 lint it wis postp found at his post, to regard to the ii Yery variety of dry the first move ii Eckley of Ohio, , one hundred -iti M-nuy Dciioveu wtti he again*! ! which t ilto oath. Tlicro seems to he to, :in< ell informed persons al Wash? : con iiri ingress will soon puss a hill i li'iol inliticd suffrage upon the tie- J Aascuih . trie) of Columbia. Such a j of this the House at the last section, . turns a unedthen by the Seuato. W !:'i j day of npoachment of the I'rcs! lent, j taxes, l that direction iras made oy | dc??igue who presented a petition trout ' relief t> id fifty-two citizens of Stark j as com ?u* o >nsidered iuiiueiliately, wn? agreed il ordered to be sent to the Semite for pence: \nJ, That Ilia Action of the General >ly in granting to those Tax t ollec! .ts State, T.I10 had f.ilcd to make their re s required by law. have, until the .*.r 1 November. to complete the collection ef anil (o make their returns, was 'I and er'ci. 'eil na a measure of gaiierc 1 ? .".11 defaulting tax payers, a .id :.ll . ucli [ lied with its tirovisions. are hereby MMiilicrn Jlcmborx ?! i'oi We see in our exchanges that the < meiubors*of Congress, elict, who are ' Ington, are contemplating returning j hiring come to the conclu | there is no prospect of their being ad ; their -eats nt present. We think th have l'oun<l that out without going to ! ton. Our ovrn representative, Ho ' V<it11.. ? l.?".~ inducement to iia acceptai Southern think, however, that the S at Wash- of confiscation or of prosect r t n their ,0DR ns President Johnsot . and advices that the Sou sion that j>olitics and devote itself t knitted to nienf. cy might A national convention of ndjtiBi the difficulties betwc ashing- anj ,jje golll|, wou|<] ncced n. James Perry, to any proposition _ i-: V,._. k r? ?- - ace. He does not I outh is in any peril ution for treason as a remain* in office, H th should abandon o material improveall the States might en the two sections; le, according to Mr. b coming from the ?t _ s Hoga We learn from the Gri that one or two droves of town recently. They we and were very good sizci The lowest price asked, v pound, gross, with but went below. A small droi tanburg a few days ago. comity. Ohio, 'J' ' tlie ground of uenville Enterprise, rights and aburc f hogs came to that neglect to exvtt , appointment mi re from Tcnnescee . 1 1 . , nig the people 1 and fair condition. noUs0< ,j,o bill i ras eleven cents per from the ten S few buyers. They Congresses, has . . 0 ?niul I lie bill t re was here in Spar- vu||ng f|ifuM The price was eleven p.^iooncd for a .mantling his in, peach to cut, on exempt Mr. .lohnson's usurpation of A ret of power?selling pardons? I lie npp il? laws?ahu:<e of power in As.ft.ill il removals from ouicu? iiirit? ali'olnt lo disobey laws, &c. In Ilie State ti to cxoludc the representatives inerouu outliern Mutes, from tuture for the passed by a solid U tdical vote our pre 0 prevent those States from unavoui 1 elections for President, was five lint dav or two?but will uii.l.niKi- ?i'l t>" I'd from the penalty of a double tiis. loluiion has l'.n adopted restricting ropi'iatiotis to he made by the General ly at thin so-'ision o -noli only a* arc ely neces-'iiry t?r ti c- support of the orerniiietil. This will rut t.(T the tutpetitions which hare hern pouring in re building otcoinl houses, ivc., hut in sent tin .jcial cori-i.t'jn i; is entirely table, li alrevly estimated that ulred ami fifty-seven dollars riwitnrn.l fi* tn?>nf t }?*? m :i * r ? ft' t 1 ? 'i ?* < ? ; ""? -i??? J ? ? !' I Cession, nor <lo wc know* of auy men the Slate who has gone on. -?^^e ? i '. ir Pi;!)llr OMwj'.ii Purely no district in tlie State i? m< c?l tlinn Spartanburg, in the po?siJ?i nod clli'-ieut public ollicers. Wo are ray that the ollice of OrJinary is stil that nccomplislicJ gentleman an<l efii ^ ma pru* *?v % ? iui nau t% vujitcui iber from de8rR'r of 'he country. at too much intelligence, viri in the American people for ? anil revenge to continue a] nro favor- Revival.?Rot. R (urn on of able cently bnptixed or*r 30 per hannv to fr,,i'9 ?r ? meetingheld with ' 1 ^ of which he is pastor. A 1 filled by baptised was the son of th cient ofti- exempt .ry Christian. The j ii. ne (iocs nos id says: " There ia iue, and patriotism H the rule of passion IwayB."?Mercury. ian, D. D.f has re* sons as the blessed I the durater church, inung the number is able divine and H meeting is said to cents, currency. Few pu The Slate of We hare from lime to lii readers the opinions wo respect to our relations w t Washington and the Nor opinions hare been based motion we could obtain bj the spirit, drift and ch&ra rchascrs. vdly pus*. Sev publicum c x p r< AflTdim. both of these n 31 submitted to our yTcct with ilic 11 liave formed with V* "" u . . * troiii 4ho .Serial "" ft Government he will inn ib^^^mies. Those force the Freedr upon the heat infer- h"? il I'1 r close nern-al. from Ucio,,,s b5U' -,0 " , so tar hs it. ai cler of the Northern nm ... . crnl of I lie Conservative He- | Miry fi used their disapprobation to j $I'JO.OI lensttres, but, it had little j lent nit mjority of the House. There I ever, u it to liopp tor anything better I by the e. Wilson has giveu notice ! nnd do; 'educe a bill to continue in I burden" nen's Bureau?and he willcer- i l a "it t isecd. The revengeful ntid inn- t ality i f njuul the statute of liiii'iiiti ion 1 .at icii:t iplic.t to treason h:i<1 capital adtli'ift r.u- - - t - >r the rn-iiing year. of which only X) can he |>. <>\ i'h-ti hy the pre? syai rates of In \ at ion. Of this muii, howvery con it?le amount will he lost eolitrutJ' : te l ahxyation t the cotton ; tnr.ei, 'the former havitn; hccomc mine hy n sou ot the United States ha sauic suljeei. mil the constitution tin hitter n lusitiof Jotihi,) sin 5>loO.txXj will hare : i he j.ruvi.Ie;i by laltase . l'e id.'i v. hi'll 7 :>. I >'< .;:!! cer, John Kitr'.e Cuiuar, esq. J. B. Tollcsou, es?| , i?> one of the ol of iLe dii-trict, and w? helieve there sands who have had btifinc.-si in th< OiLee, would give htm the meed of 4,\ good and f:tit)tful (servant." Then there i? Mr. Commissioner, i arrow, who with that j>olitenehS '.-hieh r!.M- .*? erisci his is ?' w I . ... - have been one of unusual larg-j and valued accessio Id .iiMires a,i,|eti materially to the sti are thou and denomination in Sumt o Clerk's [A O. ' 'ell done. _ TT a .. Jons It. Si.'**att.?It a| documents, communicated t , T. Slohn Government bad infuri and care as September 18, I860, th? ?t? ready implicated m Lincoln's ass PaitAil frn m Pa??u/1?? !? ? interest, end the n to the church he# 'ength of the eeuae Baptist, 9 tk inst. p pears from official o the House tM??, 9 nation as long ego u John II. Snrr?!#^ h essinstion, bed ea _i J press. Although ear pcoj on the subject, yet we pre know how our national off/ ?np what are the prospect: for eril. We must confess no amendment for the be indications of hostility bcii bitter as ever?breathing i that continually. There ar iic uo not talk much was oppose*! Huiue they desire to Pul lo ,',l! T.?!e ' Semite. Willi Hi ara !?rogre*.mg. yHI,k<se ;Mt\nct ? i ahead, for good or Uou>o. .1 measui 1 that wo see little or the right t;> to* 1 tier at present, the c'11,1 ' : r,, 7 , . , Sinus, will ifl <1 ng tn marked and as h rthcr|) ,?Mlk lothing but evil, and t|,. ?nty kind of 3 seemingly but two '.'he Mouse lir.? .... .... Ti.-i.iv.aiUMI, iHil II Ol' JlUllV peroral Radicals, ntol when takes ;c I was lost l>v u'J to ;!7, in the a total inlicious artiiice, nail true to i lienor , they have brought tip ia the udoptie re, to give to tho loyal States lii'.iotial bu.ihs in lieu of State expenses?so, the seceding Uo leharreJ tho right of taxing circulation, vrliich ia all and ittouey we ha* . i agreed to adjourn from the '',0 i n> ligtirc ii tiii' m ..j > fui rvi^li Corn to !u-r ?U\ i;i;te l'.aliing of 7,'! > lie mire I l>y tnv.iion. t'i in > c-tr'.iy for c- .11 :ny 1 for tic ii of I Ik- revolution so itlVct it. "or I lie (' olitia Sr>'iH:tn. '.v to Siduriite oar I'oor You:?;; .hcmi. Enrrj'i:?Hie goneml prostration of iitry, r .Vine I wltii Ine tiiij rc n'.?u ; 10 counsel iinu a^M'siance to tr i roitiiro his services. The next in our list is Mr. Sh< Hlas.-dngan;*, tnc highest, nnd at i i?in?* one <>f the ino-i itttsiitiTc, kind, otahle Sheriff t S|>art inburg has ever < rras observed and highlj merited by Judfje Moses from the He v.n> heard and appreciated by tho p< | \ I " t'1'14. III J?'ij W ? . jaw w 10 ^efOT9 oonjj i)e proper rest, which was accomplish riff J. II. in Alexandria. Egypt. A ihe sanio Atlantic with Surratt, 1 . . Surratt acknowledged his and hon- muther's complicity in the had. Hi* r coinpli- The hog cholera is prera n, h. Thia extent in Hotetourt, Roa Counties, Virginia. In Ci sople, an ,erjr few hogs arc left. pv. 1MUIIIUO cm^PCU iy identified for ered early this month person who crossed makes affidavit that i own as well as his assassination. iling to an alamlng nuke, and Craige raige, we learn but parties at tne Nortb ?llie I licans. A small portioa of called ConserYatires, who gree as checks in the mad ing Radicals. They, how us little or no good. The has yat been cast in Congi treme measures of the Ita< against one hundred and Renublicans fineludimr t l^MlicaUUnd rtcpnb- -u,a '"s'141". " ? ... I>l.?lri'.?l -.lil'l age thp Republicans are vQ|or ,(, u a*c op?ra(o iu soma do- dauic, was vote I career of tlie lead? Lutic declared ( erer, arc able 10 do 8,,oul'l n,lm " suffrcxn; that l! Btrongcst rote thai of (V>,? resa, against the ex- fc'thtcs. and lli-t clients, is some forty Cabinet hid unyi ten or-f flcon. The ,Uc a Vo,e <>r' u.._. cottoning R?.,va mi uir ? i i'I .Jumnry. The j j. .liI bill of Dixuii, rci|'iirir~ tin* ?iblo fui ?o read and write hi* own (I down by h lergc majority. ,lc> hi lln' Southern Slulcs never recover, u'l until they co ifirmed ne;?ro folio*, iii ic whole mutter wr.ij in tin* ai.f re**, rifiri ?iii?ir the 1 vol . . *. not the titit hi ' : . r h(i nor t. o lItin.c to do with if. The Sen- '**"' i- cjuinit l.'l, jf-i-sed i'io bill innunll ge in the District of v'oluini'Vi ,-h. I i !' I lie >. i- i tx , it impo*r t:? to !.. Ititi:*i the cat. to of ho(. . Hot n* B-'iin . ' w rrrn _ artially , I inter. I to 'ry un l to * ::i the ijt plan f .p gjtf:ti? tii-* i - to ulut? -I pi -tii. : ? , ? jicn who hnte to '-tltii.vtte thcrn.41 i\ra. planter* give t'u ir ton-It to ii. liver y, f r nt mnnj y?u.s si theT r.ay HM Tt *? *f Kf'tf Pirn f * AP J ..e ... . . ? ' UUI JW lino |H UT< | merited the compliment jriveo. l%?iK(orstl Call. We have heru iufortued that Or Caper-, who was a minister of the Church before the war, an 1 who wa elected Secretary of State of South h:tv accepted a call from the Kpitscopi gaiion, to eupplj Christ Church at C cu luai lie ^nn Tiik Investor or ti15 ? only person living who un at ruction of rebel torpedo n. EMiron c''y Washington, to offer .. . . concerning them to our (1 .piscopii mni9 were the modt tcrril 3 recently ever con strueted. ( arolina, .. .. ., At the rate of progress al congre- f,,rty years past, the popu rreenville. States will be over one huu Rrbki. Rams.?The jH dcrsiands Hie conis now in I he ' nil ihe information oTcrnment. These tie engines of wer jH wc here mn<Ie for 1st ion of the United idred millions in the therefore usurped all the ernment, regardless of tlj Executive, the Judioiary, i obligations of Justice, Tru being the Btr.te and tempei bers, ire need not at pi amelioration of the positii suits of the war have place ing of the Tower of Babel, ?- * ?on col ri'<l per* powers of the (Jot- who, in the lar te (Constitution, the voluntarily given ... i. , ., els" in the lute ind disregard all the R fiimi1n1 ith and Mercy. This there is no douh of the ruling nuni- law. Stephens eseut, look for any civil Oovirnmcni ... . it to resume 'is t an in whit* the ro- con8ti,uent Stat d us. In tlio liuild- He stated that h however, a oonfu- erul gentlemen off; but, excluding por.-n.n-> . r .1 i ll i '" H?ip?;- vf tlie 'Jill, may have i i?M and comfort to the "rob- Board o "rebellion." The 11 ?>u-c lad t > l-e > | bill lit the lllhl si-'siotl, Mtl-1 Villi.I I the measure will become u ' . .. introduced a bill to establish ' ru I in North Carol ini, t.? cna'd.' ihibriuor relations ns one o! tin- but n 1 os of the American I'nioti. r-lf,tltl> e did so nt tlic request of sev- ' ' ' from North Carolina. The 1 ' ,e n ' I ' " " ? > the order of the Poesi'l nf < f (Its f Trn?i? * of rli K Ivi'.le ihjh Pchnoh ("j'lic l i t!.r ii :h-'1:i?k -l such in>l;-?nt iien as may be sc!cttc*l by a Committee* tecs. i n?>t to !>o a donation to the student, o. i? to t?> rah 1 at -v'tt in specie per or perhaps even less after a full crop, tun ic<l to the Institution as soon as ( which !m'i neen for sum* tunc rac Itev. Mr. Capers w:ll assume the du j church in a short time. He is a lei I nl>!e Minister. i nl verally of ^oiiHi Car A writer in tlie Carolinian has nd< the l.cgisiatare a sensible sn^tjcstioi mending that the tloor of thn Utii i ;vuttli Carolina bo opened to the youi unf. The year jyuu. urned unl Orders hare been sent U ough, h_y the cable, lo sen ? Stales fleet now cruising i ollna ani ,0 bring Surratt direct a. recom The war ban made roanj ivorsity of le'ton. and we notice thai ng men at Hrug House of John A ? Admiral Goldsbof. d one of the United n the Mediterraneto Washington. r changes in Char* f the old Southern shhurst & Co. has fcion of tongues brought ot eequently defeated the pur daring builders. So, wo eharao and ruia overwhelm political Dabal at Washing else to hope for, and we <1 with all our heart, that sw overtake theso wicked m< change come, we must exer J disorder, and con- delegation of No P093 of its ITenven- intK,(;n Prof,:,r.'M1l blophcns. which trust in God, wilj delegates of loyr > the builders of the the uiciiiitiine, 1 ton. We have little ??re of North Cr . i , . cd ilu Co?iSti?i lo hope and believe. H|(, w rift destruction will ?n,i ?( |,ca :n. So that, until n doings and snyi cisepatience, imliis- rr^' t'1"' lifltiTil niitl nmli ?rih Carolinintts ih>w in V. : h tlie Mm the nhove bill pre-.';it"d l?y ! being tl provided lor a ? nvetitiun <>t I .enl|(;, tl citizens of that Stale. It) we observe, that the brgitla t?oinj trolina rt K.ileirh, lias reject- cndowii Itional Amendment in b<lh have til e iniist here atop?being tiled l.t iK-lic rt. in tii'ikine reemd of the 3 1 '' 1 tigs of a bongre. s, whose ev - action breathes nothing but g-t : 1. m? I flirt S.?i.t1. \Wx 1...*.. ! ? lout hh.ill lip nolo, hi" own rormcionce tip jii.l-f <>f 3 ;-? ?'ii!itI !>c!ie*e nineor nil w ill tn'iP pride in r funding it. into ili'- v it It t!i? old i rift ty inpl.'iod of up m-Ii i-uiliip. L'?y (lift', you nunf mill ."-I.'i'iU heforo yuii run ;;ivc your inry 5"It ", l'y iliiJ. ?- -on :i ?e pot no can li ke or.e student, and kh<n no ' ("I, wo can lnnrd lillni . And ii will 1 ngc with no charge* f?r tuition. 1 I further suggest* a plan by r. liicli a sf ! attend the institution :il no greater from one hundtcd to two hundred d ! annum. The poor boys of our State j ceire benefit- of incalculable Tnlue i measure is due to the peoj le and thi .lei Height of II r.f I lie tiniln.,.. i.t ? -- ~ Hie writer changed into Goodrich, 1 udentcan Hint 'hey fire now imperii O'ibi than Medicines from Europe* lollnri per "iiould he patronized for it would re- House, and they keep a Such a Genuine Drugs and Chetnit e limes. MA1JRI -? ?! '? On the 1.1th inxtnnt h' iVineman & Co., and ng (heir Drugs and These gentleman in a (rue Southern ery large stock of H ED I i* w rr I njr uiu Bvii respect, it is accepting the "situation,' is not permitted us to uccep of despotism is upon us? off?it makes no odds wli not. You had as well tal wisdom of accepting old a; are laws of nature, as to accepting their doom, so fa YankAPA nr? aKU (a I.aLI no U8C 10 talk about ,lowov(.r. a,< as it is called. It ?ami we now (. The horrid baud withstanding ih< wo cannot shake it |'arkcn our pd , in a cot.inarmivc ether wc accept or H? ,|er lrouMt..,_ k to a man of the before the world 50 and death, whicli prosperous. talk of the South " >r and so long as the , L _ The IIouso of ? * ...... j , i? m?l again expressed our i rcile.uto she suae Hint, u..t- , ? ominous cloiul which now ',t> ,t' " ;:o:t 1 liorizon, ilio Suiitli w:l'. 'ho gn !y rlto t period, cmcrgi frori the dot -ntid slntid up, mi ! stand out ?disenthralled, redeemed and i ' '1 ' long AllOl Htildli'ivt. will no HcTircsent.ilives of the Slate el.mite i inn h irw ki::i m-without inner. I'll 11>K 10 ' e ability of il.o i* .1 :in<l re-returned pcrpctunPy. Thus n l illil>hui ur great grand children of lor 1111:3* renp the benefit ol'his hcncfi* ulirti he nod all else of i:is works have ice perished from among men. her 'i/nil advantage is, a 3'oung man 1 ltd himself humiliated by receiving a lull rn! li??r #*??m i.l mipiif < i !>v Inunir 1 give iu (.Hi- readers the following correctness of which lie is able to from experience. It determines t ' the gross w< ight of hogs, it is b the Kentucky rule?that is, 100 pot 1 deduct '- > pounds , fur the second 1 subtract lHj pounds, end fur the pounds deduct <*>} pounds. All overS is calculated as net : , Ci '".i" F--0 . MR. \vil.EY VAUG table. the . j?URNA RAO WELL, of I ouch for I On the 12th instant, hy lie net by I M-K. WILLIAM BUIGEi nsed upon 1 M(1 PAR I? A N l>. . Un Thursday. October 1 ?"' ? tfroj-8 1 r>BirrfNi DECATUR I. 1 0(? pound* j tanhurc, S. C., to ELLEN third KtO l adopted daughter of the 00 pounds! Maher, of A hnny?.V,>c UN lo MI^CDL! his District. Rev. A. M. Rinrr, B 3 to MISS M. L. B 11th. hv Rev. J. J. I PWITTY. of Sr*r CONNKR MAHER, late Cnp'ain James fl York H-rahi. | M hare over our fortunos. ocpla the conditions of re or receives what is offered and a willing mind, which rany therefore receive prop Wc may submit, but not < always spurned the talk n situation." We have to su because we hare not the ?? I'wwu uioy now When (he South no- of 8ou,h Cftrolin' storation, she taken "><- Rowing ref , with approbation J?'*o/rr7. Tlmt authorized to rei never o.iu be. ttc Hons It,?v Lu, owls but not noccpt Collcclors' li*t ii; sriUingly. Wo have crnor, who liuvo bout "accenting the or peri t ? m . <?r ontnloriiic for the prevent ?iat ,|0 ho inn(ru means of resistance. of the s.ima with I t ndoptcd, December 3d, 180(>, leved, 'oiiition : Wtiai tlio i icrk bo, nnd is herchv cumin coive the* of such per- j sui| y tre been until toil on I lie Tax ! i their Info returns tot'.eGov | w* ',l*' been deprived of their litn!^. i "*'nK c lu.toeni 1 y disabled in the State j young service during the war, nnd ! . cted to publish and file n list I W"u ' the Jiiiiriml ut' t lin 1lnii?r> bftth tls n.- i! is intended only for the deserving. I of clothing? Six or seven dollar* in y will linv enough good jeans for a illicit wi.l 1 csi i> \\ inier or luoie, nnd p plenty oi nol le women in the eurroiiuitititry wl.o will muse it gratis. And a man having the right spirit within hint lot hesitate to wear such 11 suit on Sahwell a* through the week. The retired lnO gross will n-i 75 200 gross wi 105 gross will i rt T'.l 2'>5 gross wi llOgr -s w net I "10 gro?s w 11 -"? gio- will net ftc* 2!5 gioss w !_' ? g'o-s will not 'J2 220 gross w 12*. gross will not 0t? 225 gross w l:'.(i gross will net 101 230 gross w 1gross will net 105 235 gross w 1 10 gross will net 1 10 24<? gross w 1 15 gross will net 1 I I 215 gross w I 1 ,'>H gross will net 1 IS 250 gross w !'?? !?| Aministratc II net 107 1! net 174 j ?~ 11 net 170 T>^ permission of C. 11 net 121 I> UNION DISTRICT, 11 net 125 UNION COl.'RT IDU Si;, 11 net 100 7T" ,,n>' of JANUARY '1 net 105 prrsonnl property, belong II net 200 ,he ,ftle STATES R. !!& The ThoroiiRh-b a < A. >rs Sale. 1 Gage, Ordinary of I will he eold at H on MONDAY, the next, the following intr to the Estato of 'BH GIST . red StallioB, 1 Let our submission be rnai fawning. The true conr States is, to cease *11 atlem tnnce for their Represent* they would be utterly fruit in the present state of nf don Federal politics?let i nee and harmony among to work building un our fn illy, without fear or I wi,h n viuw '? 11 se for the exeludod will ho rec.-iro.l i Hon, to the 20th ipts to obtain admit- j?i,n -p. SI .an. ' Hive# in Congres?? Benialive#, Colin less and univai able ? ? lairs. Let us ahao- A private lett i# cultivate forbear- s'u'es that the < , , Christopher Cob ourselves ; let us go r. ' illen fortunes, and it Trin5r? pimrr permanent record. Returns locntioi a accordance with the rosulii- e&tr.ivn of January next. Address Clerk of the House of ltepienbia, 8. C. endown -p cut on er received in this country, am ''lt' lily surviving descendants of that ac j in bus is shortly to visit Aino- pay >j. ] ' \ ahl? h \'|iVP Ynrlr I ViC* wnn^l liinw t i of Kiilvile removes all temptation (a g nice in dress. ilie tuition? Well, tintil we have an nvnt,, the teachers are wholly dependilieir tn tii.n foes, r.nt as long at 1 Principal, no one need May away on count. If lie cannot pay all, let him A, J, or 0, and give his note for the rest when he is nhle to pay. Tuition how in? gro->s win nci ii ?im gro."! w XiO gross will net 127 2(0gross w:. ]>.."? gioss w ilt net 121 265 gross w 17" gross w;ll net 12ft 270 gross w I 175 gross will net 110 275 gross wi I Ho gro-s will net 142 28" gross w IS.*, gr<>-* will net I I'.' 2*3 gross w 19" gro-? will net 133 200 gross w 196 gross will net loH 206 gross wi I The Ohio jrnitentinry has n . )lllll<lt i ll *111/4 (iril /lAIVtMAll Mi net jilts | M. n "'! oou 1 This HORSE is a dark ? ill lit *V> hi*h- a,,d wa9 IMl'ORTE ill -'ir LAND- 1,0 iaan animi1 ill " t M-'t 8l>e<M' ttnd Adion, ftnd is s !n nC. 0,1" render further description ill net J4(> 1 r ill net 251 ' also ill net 266 The OFFICE FURN'ITUl j consisting of ow ?Khii Writing-Desks, Boo ,Jt%. JL. XX. | >rown, sixteen hands D direct from ENG- J d of extraordinary 0 well known as to H 1 unnecessary. IE of the intestnto, fl k Cases, Tables H will not be long before pi ness will smile upon our hi our young people at, ngs of peace and prosp 1 state of affairs cannot South. Mueh of Northeri Northern politics, have i tion than the Devil, Brig Stone and W endell Philli] pillars of the if Church am ulhmO? m? 11 \f~ V 'osperity anil happi religious organi trickcn country, and ing its title con may enjoy the bless- He*. II- F. Bi ority. The present P?nIon. . , tera, on Houtlu last ong. North or hour ,, T " r* '?,0VS V" aS ^ri?t or baptist to other foun'lation ;ham Young, Lacy [Mi. Such being the The Central I 1 State, we have the Oittco, Oil miles 1 ... . _ ........... . CVl.r j. zntion in thm country, is buvirturd lo About 70,000,1)110. hC',(l ickncr, in the ('liriminn CotnI have heard lioMioii minis- Kvi<l >rn tours, preach sermons mi 'ol?\cco, without even nnniing n." SoIIIC O! 1 w llUVC III 'acific Railroad is complete to their j> inst from Sacramento, and l'JA . f a: u i- \i " i a very tun nil portion of otto's expenses ol. >V. n. CAKSON. \ille, Spartanburg Dist., S. C. Indians are said to lit* getting froublcn the I'piicr Missouri. Several boats :on fired into reecntly, and a number ol asHongera killed. , 1 w..?.v.. , within its walls, being about one and fifty m;ro than at this time ' Til ore has been a steady inorea? i number of inmates of the institu tho close of the war. i The New York Herald faroi r flrccly's nomination to tho Unit< Senate,because it wunts one man bodv who can keeD sol>er durinc i hundred Chairs, last year, j Also the LAW ROOKS o io in the '? >"? of about M VOLU1 tion since ncw editions of valuable i TKHMSOF * T All suras of five dollars * Horace oneriip < i ,, SPhCIL ; all sums over . of twelve mouths, with i tn that i purchasers to notea the lonir i with approved security. &?. f the intestate, oon? I MKS, manj of them fl works. V SALE: I and less, CASH in 1 fire dollars, a credit I interest from dat?t payable in SPECIE, " - - "UIIJWDDOt I ni J tuiiB, urjJ fc.WI 1 . \ iiimiuivoi oiui 11? iM-tium 4VIUI1I1 - Joae feet abort the lerel of the acaj 10^*0. ! night sessions,and will keep awa ' Vornoj't "Bourbon bottle.' j from _ . _ ? n . *" * Union C. IL, Dtcomber m ARTHUR, Adm'r. SO, 1860,-47?44 4 m \