The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, December 13, 1866, Image 7

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*** ft u*p Schedule ol OH AMD AFT! ' 1 . 1' ggg r Stamp Duties. Exceed! ta AUOC8T, 1, 1800. SESlHfI ng 300 tons, and not ex- . 000 ions. G.00 f ns MUlinni > In nit l .toilet upon ft mortgage lor amount remaining unpaid. '"bw- TC " ^ 4 * ' ?I 1T> HABIIKI y. ? I r, *+ 2 Accidental Injuries eta or contracts gainst, nrcexeinpl Affidavits in suits or are exempt from i Agreement or contra mestio or inland 1 Kor every sheet < upon which eithet be writteu. If mtifA than nnn STAMP DUTIES. Check. ?il to persons, tick- Com reel for insurance a- Bale of i ! from Btampduty. exchang legal proceedings I . 'of any stamp duty. by brol id, other than do- such, foi bil e of lading,? of sale, ?r piece of paper Bill or o ' of the same shall contra 5 ocnts. bond* Mink check, 2 ota I Urqker'B note or memorandum ot 1 my goods or merchandize, e, foal estate, or property . kind or description issued [era or persona Acting ns r each note or memorandum lOcts neinorandnm of the sale or itit for the a tie of stocks, gold or silver bullion, co n, /iuci ivr pay nieiii oi money, n mo amount is S10 or over, Passage Ticket on any vessel from a port in the U. States to u foreign l'ort not exceeding ^.V?, 6C Exceeding $;{5, ami not exceeding 60, 1 And for every additional or fractional part thereof in excess of f?0. 1 [Passage tickets to p. rts in IJritisli North America <l? not require a WW T uiulditl in cents. 1 ofV- >* <mr 00 00 O.V it ? 3 M !l? < >* 1 & *: ^ JcLfc, X W(3 X A Patrons for pnst ihf -i rvloCM He Mnniilltcti \CUOS, BUG< \V /V "vm. -?7- A. #3 A OC WO. I or?, -w o again ircra of V GrIES, I L 4 " agreement, or written upo piece of paper, R?il every wlJ mailt, agrectiic! Agrement, renewal original iustriiiuei Appraisement of val for any oilier pi sheet of paper on ton, Aluicrnmatil Af a T a ?|<|'i?inviui uv, ui t"v,u? contract shall be rities 11 oue sheet, or or bur 5 cents for each ofctlii liiional appraise- for em ut ur contract tionul ot, stime stump as of-bnv nt Bill or n lue or dunitigo. or contra irposc, for each y .bonds which it is writ- t , | 3 cent*. saiuh p'T" j nvivi?i ui in iter nucu* iinule by brokers, brinks, j 1 ikera, either tor the benefit 1 era or on t cir own Rocnnnt, oh hundred dollars, orfraopan thereof, of the amount h sulo or youtmtt, Jet 1 nroioratrduin of tlio snlo or ?t f??r t}?o R ile of siookg, , Ko.d or silver bullion, promissory notes, or other ties, not Via fir their own stamp j 'owner's Checks, 'ower of Attorney, for the sale or trauslcr of any stork, bond or scrip or for the collection of any divi (lends or interest there n. 25 'owcr of Attorney or prosy for voting at any election ! r olHeers of any incorporated company or <'>ciety. except religious. cIt irita'de, or literary societies, or public 10 ? ** 11/ A _ J ????VI ?? I4C an original, and upon tho value or transfer, accordin Dc#ds. (See Con Aeaignmcnt ot Poli< aauic stamp as ori; (Sec Insurance ) Assignment of Mori, as (bat required for the amount re (See Mortgage.) T) ?. i_ i nirni" smmp prujiri additional stamp tirni i ' consideration cf speoia g to tlit* rates ou batikc veyanoc.) or I'rai ey of Insurnnca, amoiii giual intrsuiiicui. ontract. Contract, i gage, stamp origin upon >. mortgage Conveyanc imaining unpaid. writ in etnctit riy. muuc i>7 any person, 1 ur company not paying a I tax hi broker, bank, or 1 r, for euc!i hundred dollar:*, Btiotial part thereof, of the it of such sab- or contract, .r> cents. I (See Agreement.) renewal of, tonne stamp as al instrument, e, deed, instrument, or g. whereby any binds, tens, or oilier reality sold ^ "owcr of Attorney to receive or c<>1leci rein, US *ow?r of Attorney to sell an 1 convey real estate, or to rent or lease t lie .CUIIC, \i'#cr ol Attorney for any other purpose, SO [I'nvrer of Attorney or oflier papers relating to applications for bounties arremges of pay, or pensions, or receipts there tor. reiptire no slstnp. [See, also, V,arrant of Attorney 1 VIV ^ ? cents l.OU. ? WE HAVE cc cents. A MA; "zrc/ xtK )NNECTED WITH QUI / x/i\y t BUSINESS mm. K IH'CR, unui, sum of money t bunk, banker, or eight or ou uoumn When drawn upon or person*, cou at ions, for nn^ $10. at sight or Bill of Exchange. ( orJer for the p.iyi of money not exce wise tlniu at sight or oruer tor any smut t Irnwn upon nny lerrod l rust company, nt or vc ill, 2 oontn. purch. nny otlicr person or per lpunies or corpur- diiect r aurn exceeding or val on demand, 1 cants When t Inliuiit) draft or $otM>, m uienl of nny suui AndJor oiling 310O, other- frncliom or on demand, or l.UUU, >0 grunted, assigned, trans- 1 . or otherwise c mveyed to ste I in the purchaser or isers, or tiny other person -litis, by his. her, or their ion. vr.ieti I lie cousiilerntiou tie lines not exceed $500. 50 ceuhi. lie coit-d4crntioti exceeds III tines not exceed l.lhill, 1 00 every additional S'i'M), or I il part thereof, in excess of *>0 cent s. Probate of Will, or letters of administration. where the estate and effect > tor or in respect of which such prohutc or letters of administration applied tor -hall he - worn or <1> elared not to exceed the value ul tj-IHII Kxceedinjj 2>tJ.U0U for every additional HMO or fractional part thereof. in excels of ">(. Promissory Note [;>? ? Hill of ICxciian^e. Inland.] l>cpo* t note to mutual insurance ANJ> HAVING RECEIVE I Lli ViIIKR, WE CAN Fl* 1.00. 1 ) cents. - i Wo liAVO f*?? lion.l on naj>\r?> > V SUPPLY OF R W.TIMORK OA RSISII. II \ IINESS. EQUAL INr ST\ VNY .MADE, NOUTII OR SOUTH. ?Af ^ - ? w s K TANKED HARNESS LB OR ^tALITT TO r . I i ' - ??,. * 9 jn? vt ?ny promissory n oraaduiu, check, wrilteu or printe< mount of money maud or til a linn sura not exoeedi And for every ad fractional part I of $100. Bill of Exchange, ( of credit drawn u out of, the Uniie< ote, or any rueru- Convey im r receipt, or other a -ire >1 evidence of ua needs iu to bo paid on dc- Conveyan e designated, tor a deed <1 tig SIOD, 5 cents. Oredn, be ditional or Kills <>t ihvreof iu exceaa Custom-bo t urtoui lie Foreign) or letter try.) p in, but payable Deed. (Se< 1 States, if drawn 'Draft. Ha o- tlio acknowledgment of <i, or proof by a witness, i stamp c?certificate of record of loes not rmpiire a stump. I Her of. Smtie us Foteign Kxctiungo. iuso E try. (See Entry.) tuso Wit Inirnwnls. ^Sec Knb Conveyance?Trust I).id) .1110 Us ItilUlid Hill of tlx companies, wlicn policy is subject to duty, c IU of a note subject to same duly ns in original note. I'toios* ot Note, loll ot evclninge, i cccpiaiite, clievk. or draft, or atiy marine protest, - Joii t.'lniui Deed to lie st nine I as a conveyance, except wli u given as a release ot mortgage by ttie mortgagee to the nnoigugor in wlneli L'llM! il iv I) ,<>11)1.1 l?til it ? i.fnilutnu ANl> COFI'i.NS. rend)' n.nlr. xeinpt. liKK.fl'. v.iiicli will send I Our primus wc inii>n<i "ha!! inent nil kinds of OilM'KV j cents. CAR 111 AGE AM) m*G? SCREWS. iivin ui til i a.urit .in I Igni ^Jr or nmilt' to order at very short tiott 0 Funerals, with a careful driver, wlm 1 c :is i< w <is we can possibly afford, ai I'KObUt 11, at market- prices, AI.SO roil SALE ;v tkimxpscs, paints, oils < \- i>', IL10N, NA] ., UllUAb CASES ee We al-o liave a good m requested ud we will receive in pay3, VARNISH, BOLTS, [LS, &c. | singly, same rati laud bills ofexcha ry notes. If draw or more?for ever where tho sum uu not exceed 3100, in any foreign cut And for every ?d fractional part of $100, [The acceptor or Bill of Exchanore. ss of duly as in- change, mge or promisso- Kudnr?rm n in nets of thrco m rumen v bill of oncli set, Entry ot t tile payable shall ciian<liz< or the etjuivulont cither I rrency, '2 ccuts. Inuring, Utioaal SI00. or value, thereof in ezcc^? Exceeding '2 cents. i ? oa<> acceptors of iiuj iixccedt or oriii-r O.r thn Kmrv i ei.t of any negotiable int. exempt. I my wares, or titer} hi tiny cusiotu limine, 'or consumption or wore- I , nit exceeding ?luU in L'o cents 91 >0. ami not excectlin value, *?<) cents. ng >>UU in value. 1 <KJ Covenant* III iy lie hll'gt'CI UN all agreciiioui or contract. lor sui ion of any mort gage or ju'l men I or decree oi any court, c iteccipts for iln> payment of anj ? ! n ot mon.y or 'lol>i due, <>r for a draft or oilier in.?l riluu-nt given t r lie payment oi nu?i.<y. c\- -eding not l>eitig fur ?:i i~i i. li it <f any mortgage or jud jtit uil <<r il cro> of OCT 11 'XL'llipf. IV OW IClltO!' SOUTI1KKX IMP AND : < VVLER, I l??-wo! | 37113723 OI; i i NCi j RANGES, F1 foster & go. tf ^ ;ee bricks &c. Say men t of any ruwo, or, jmrpor in any foreigu co ble in the United fore paying or ao< place 'thereupon a the duty.] Bill of Lading or rc charter party) for chand xe, or effacl from a port or pin Hi at OA In nno im-> r.uia .of utviuiy or mere ti.i'g to lie dr.wn house, uutry, but p;?yi?- Gunner's I Stutrs, must, bo? ludorseu.e icpiing the uiuue, tion in blitiiip iudicAliug tiluieiit, 1 imurnuce, ccipt (other than nmotiui nay gooJa, liter* Kxeeevluig (3 to lie exported 9>o.<ui0, icc iu the railed Exceeding hivmlne 1'ruiu bended ware- ' 50 cents ' [loiurnp, exempt, nt upon a stamped oldign> nckuowledgmebt ot its luU exemp , (Lite.) Policy, when the shall not exceed .?l.0t't). 25 cents ; $51,OOU, nail not exceeding do cents ?5,000, 1 00 ><11111. L'TV III l"l .'Til "IT ] <*?*> ( !-s !<>r iIn* ill-:ivy ii jirnjiTsriv. c nl oi' .\giviMii-iii. c<iii v i i < r charier, l.y irtier or 1.1hi-riri<?*, .o.iiiic M:iinj< :i? < rigid it in-i riililvi.I, :I * Itciiiru uu will, ?r uilicr prKCi'si, ? I'm-. 1 > 1. inn'< i.<*o'iirc ft I. Ill, in lie :iin| > ?I :i- :i iiinrigujje. III t-ll< i - o lli'i'ri j.l ... I iViiriiint oi Vri.irn.-v i:d?o:iinuiiyiiig a ItOliil in- ii oil ,nirc- no Mump if j;:;,; iiiNrnmRiM. \)i P ic. TT, WILSON IVo. Iviiijf xciiipi I IIAKI.KS I'iiN, i ?x ?.j.t i^ie Trcpriotora a ISoutbori or :t;j him SK, ' & B.iOS., m*t .Sroct, ^ i c. 16, Broad Strei -mr And keru C re Na 1 v y a COOKIE >A.nun & t;o , BUSINESS AT TDEIR STAND, it, Ch&rlestou, 8. C.? 'onstuntly on Hand ^ rG STOVES Bill of Lading to ai North America d stamp. Bill of Lading, dot requires no stamp Bill of Sale by w vessel, or any par oonvoyed io or vt persou or pcrsoni - sideration shall n< Exceeding $o00,; C 1 tlAA |/v?i ? r. ;'iiigo IV/ VWUiS. | UMH imtr, 17 l_orl ia iiriiish Policies ocs not require a ilie pi en l'xe.-eding nestio or inland, 60, i. Kxeecdi liich nnj* ship or Aasigun i thereof, shall l-o same si iste.1 in ai.y oilier Insurance 3, when the eon- gftuist : ut exceed 50 cents. sous, d< md not exceeding Lease, ag i iinrnic. minim :inu I* ire. J or reiicwnU ol iSie sumc. if iiimn d?r* iMil exceed c 10. till), and it'ji exceeding J") COIlts. iir 5>"?0, .*>(1 irut of policy of insurance amp iin original insti 11:111 nt. , coiiiraeis, 01 ticket* ittccidcuinl injur! s lo peri not require stamps, reeiot-ni, memorandum, or ltd' 1 hi ll< i- i- -1 .iii) jll'i i. iVi-igl;! . - i: Mill ii.-t i IN lii* ! i iii*r ;t 'i'f<- in any critninti'i ur ii.- hi -i < iiimi-iivoil tiy I lii* I' :5. nr niiy .">i i.?, - ( ill'i 'nl -IiiCimi -iiiu. i:r irii-m in.-, anil |n ji i - i- iii'ii l>v ol I lie ! in i^l M ili'i Iruve li'li i', ( "lliii.'.il ii. ir ill ii (l-n'-niK'lil. , iimI ! i|>. i - i--ii I hy tii .i|ii? .-r.- -if any .-* ii-?. I'oiiniy. i \m. ?.r <nh. r iniiiiii-ii ul c-irp-ii at in lin'e.<er . XJ flf.ifi r ,, ? j'/ t r 0<' It IU i'J I / .'xcmpt. S<-iiiI- in H u\<*yic us lh< Wi: uKi-'KIt \T i:\TKS xcpp, i'All.l J AYOUAlihYY UJKK I'KIt KS. AL ('II KM h'ALS, MK, , niAT AIAIKI.Y HKI.O out oi v i I ' < < V tnnf ijthia. h III ir Patronage7 V-afeNt Imp 'I'll \ I' COM R*nK?'* Orates, M i'i i i, v i'ii- Machines and T?c Iron and i. i'l>l 'if>, Light I'iiiti^s *:( ! N 1'jS, and Iron I.KOITI. Force Pi '! () Great L.iboi ' pi' M ac h i n e '/ * DS^.IH Order* atte r>F THE roifd Paltrrni, larhle Mantle*. Tinners' Is. Plumber*' Materials, deep well Force and . Sheet Lend. Lead Piping, Railroad nips. .Also the r-fiuving W*<ihing and IV ri it gr r. ndrd to icitfi JHnpateh.^aom 1 ,?IUU, Exceeding $1,00(1 tionul Amount of al purl thereof, Bond for iudemnifyi for ihe payment < ney, when the 1110 cove ruble lliervu| less, U hen in excess o $1,000 or t ruetior Bond for due cxeci SIUU. Coin rue I I, for every a<ltli- of any 1 $500,or fraction- thereof, 50 cents. value is np any person for W here t jinny sum of ino- cee?ls il Bey ultimately ro- tor eucii ion is $1,000, or ijonal p. 50 cent?. Assigmi f $1,000 for each ft* oripi i, 50 cents. oe or c? it ion or pet foriu- at the t !nr (lie hive. use, or cut i?n<i, tenement or port ion whore I lie rout or. renin I per xti 11 *.i 111 or less, 50 cents, lie rent or ri-iinn mlue ? x ic sum of .r.'Jf't per milium, i niitln iomil SJo or t'rncirt thereof in exce-s t.l' ;{u(l, 50 cents tent of Ictui), ; line stamp mil instrument, mol the vulinsidciitiion of the trunnier i lame rale ns .i deed. iSee t i c* ui ; ini ,.ii?.i -1 i-i : iy h ?1 in rin^ to liit mi in llu ir ?i-i|i(? ny p.nveruntotiiiil or hi iiii -ijiil cip? y. *-V, ] P. .> I I I 7-t I 4 V I"* l'.Sl'K r K r I 1. V :l II . i o- III lilt* li. II '.I* It l* Ito iill rnliMil lli'i**I Mil* ' 1'ii jiI m.l i !> ii.H. *it well j*i| i 1 :.ini i, O li I .ill kin . o! Will.. .11 lilt illll*. Wll 1.... Ill I .1 -.1. II- ! . KKKI' (V enipi. "AND - OrJXjYTxI S2 ? 1'uoiic, f ' #" Packages piit Oouut.ry Trad N. A.I'll \VT. ''Iienii't in ! .;< Mil..11 r (' rcmi. I, \V. \ li ii.: it '* <' li .III i t to I)..I 1. 11. 1.1 iy | JICI1 1 N HAH" (Successors to J.iUS "J-" South East Corner Up tO SUit CHAM, e.-w-a imtc s.. Niter and Foreign & Do IIXIN ileUS.. Or _ _ OUTM3 6 ]y r Ac co., S. N HART Jk CO.) King 4 Market Streets, f-'STOX, S. C., RTKR8 OF mestic Hardware, "Y, I nnce of duties ot Bond,, for payment of money Bond of nny desori] such as may he 1 proceedings, or u with mortgage de? wise charged in t! Bond or Noto ticcoti requires no stnui| is stamped. Bui quired on those i> oiticc, $1,00. Conveyji security for tIto It.ic \ (See Mortgage.) Writ, o ption. of her (ban which a rebuild in legal any con t>eii in connection or eqnit siU, ami not olher- Where lie Schr.tlule, 23 cents. writ, is ipany a mortgage onl, is if the mortgage Upon ev one aiiimp i;< ro- or cgm aper.s. which tine cent in ince ) I lllUCQIfc ; I r other original process 1 >v 1 ny suit is commence ! in i u of recor l, either ot law 'i y. o() cents. ' tiiC nninuni chiiiueii in a I 1 -tteil liy h eourl not of rec- i \ -11MI or over. ?r?0 cents. I cry conte -ion of ju-i rmcnt, i?\ rt. for 5*1 iHt or over (?xii... ? iiiTi-l. <>i iv iliiiij; ii ii.'v : his I in .ilili -!im< :ti nt i his K i t .\ 11 .111 ich-. i\ A I! 11. \v>li I '? 11 . ! !i iif i '' o' y IIS III :il*i' a 'in I it >U|I]'I> I UO W . 11:1 - v * I a II V ill ill llliil. Ho is jiri'ji.ri'l to il'? sii' li work a ini?. in' rri i;iN<} aNi? i;i: \ii \ Mn work ml s, II. wnii'-f nr i ii a. I'ASII. Viitv>-rk whit nil i- 1. si!.ii- m:ah rm: >1'aur \n on Foil 1 1 M r, uij :iii ? .? \ ? ril 11 5 r< i|i|?r , S< )N J ilV V ||li , ; ' v linli'i K(XI' ! 1 < M >?< ;?:! Ti 1. L<?'.? M'K ' it ? > u: | DAtt IIIUJI, TI.\ 1y Will receive orders i sKLSON, lar Saws, and (JE lliiil rw . ? Saw I l>. I>. < UIIKN. 1). >?':ilrrs 111 -March 1 '/jiflj'L'iia, J'li'Lip Ft i^Lo. i A\r 11 w*o AM) PLATED WAKES, for It. HOE & GO'S Circu?). PAGE & CO S Portable Machines. s. IIast. p. Morgan. 5 I J >GAKTY <feCO. 1a /"t I be plitced on eitl tbe highest rate either. I'roker's Notes. (8 Ceniiicnte of Mensc of aniinnis, wood, empt from stump Certificates of Mens article, Certificates of Stock ated company, arttfiantau nf ter, mitl must l>o for the required upon sun tins Writs 01 ec Contract.) from ju? iremenl or weight of inferi , coal, or hay, ex- ot recon duty. Wunxni lurement of other mount o 5 cents. cecil $ii in any incorpor W lien tl 25 cents $ HID, 111, A .?t i writ of ii commencement of been paid.) 50 cents. ! oilier process on appeals nice courts or other conns or jurisdiction to u court 1, 50 cents. 1 of distress, when 'lie nf rent claimed does not ex[Mi i?5 cents le amount claimed exceeds 50 cents. statk orsoi 111 oanoki SIWKTANlil'Kl! 01.- 1 KIO*. N'alllieu I' (los-i-it, aii'l wi|V?, Sn uii vs. .1 aim's 11 mile v, un-l oilier-. I> on l*i-l it lull lor .Mill? '11 10 :i .1 I ale nl Joil ley dccoascil. IT a|i|ioai;iii^ in my ?uiiil'uolion i! lion nl' I'll II.'.I. I', V"! >* II. ilo iiaiiios uol knoviii. iiry '. v. tiin-? y ml lioi li ii ~ l mil W i I i ii. i. i v ii N A. . i, i > i , >?; i ?4? <m. . * t;<: I u tan>> | 11 lion- l>. ii< N, . ? ,ho WILLIS <v CH .... i AOTO i... i .. liKKT, 4 Mroiina. C0MMISSI01 a. ni:lson Corner of Adam ISOLM, p. fog arty. s. fouarty, ns, , ? in.-nlt r/>/?! /> 1 vxi-uuci"8 AND ST MERCHANTS. ic Wharf &. East Bay, } Charleston, S C. ICfioato or mumorarv an interest in tlic mutations of uuy i pany, If for a ku $10 mil not oxcoi Exceeding $50 ni $1,000, Exceeding $1,000 tionul $1,000, oi thereof, Certificate. Any c< inn, */? aiijr Will* LBIUTS C)I Iii'ii showing an bnlo <>f 1 property or aucit- Letter of incorporated com Kxchftnj in not loss than Manifest ndtng $50. 10 cents. clenmiK nl not exceeding ve scl i 115 cents. port: l, for every nddi- if I lie i r fractional part kIiip, v< 25 cents. exceed ; jrtificnte of dum- Exceedi \(iiiiini!<iruiion. (Nee l'rokV.ll.j ? iciJil. Same as Hill of ( re. (foreign ) for cu-iiMu liotiso entry or :c of I in> cnrg > of any ship, >r steamer, for a foreign egislere<l tonnage of audi s**el, or steamer does uot ItiO tons, 1 00 ng " mi ion?, ami nut ex Ill ficM- . ini't ncr hi i . ! .\i.aii l.i ii ItllhlTI \i ii r . > . I.... I illl'l It V . Li I [ nily. !uliii i \\ II?iii?. ;inil *1 i i III ii ii n M . i ry. Hi' I i i ii'i i OUIIJ51 lm?li ill I \ 11 11 ? W S ill: .1 jr. ilfl-11 I.mi', ii niili" in's' 11 1 Iliv ii 11ii ? ut ili > It i* lllll-lf I I till llli-', i|ii .. Jll-.H .lllil i ii.i-.inii .ii- -..ili- ut tin- lli-iil |-.m iii- i Ili-nU-y.. lU-ui-iise I, 11 i i* li.-im r iiit- Ii Ki-liru ii v i. \' m* iln 'i* I'miai'iii to >1 l\ ill In- i-ii11- t--1 -t |- .. nil. "";y COMMISSION ME ii i Mh ?ry. 1 ..M litT AN" s.# # # vu .#< iii i t to ii .)a.iiti ^?i!cn'l tnilir purchase, si i ,11y to Foreign iiinl Domestic Ports ic s'wnc l>iiinmill Nmul Stores. Atlantic W liavf, C'hnvle K C II A.N TS "Wr "" ' t'HAKLKs H vn.vrs, ?Ie ami ahipmrnf n . *, ? , of Cotton, Kice. ston. S. C. <J vu s Urrtim Aft. A Jy ELLOISE^ COT, xtn MftjrcliaimtkB, DEALERS IN Shoulders, Smoked Tongue-', I ago or otnerwise, tificatea or (loou auy port warden, or other persona i Certificate of Depos money in nny ba pany, or Willi an oil acting na auol Jf for n sum not c For a aum exeeed Cerfifloatea of any than those specifi ami nil other cor- needing men)a issued by Exceedi marine surveyor [These toting as such, 25 cents. vessels it of any sum of tween | nk or 'rust com- and Hri y banker or per- Measures !), 25 cents. Memorantl xoeeding $100, 2 cents. ' Note. | ing $100, Scents. Mortgage oilier description I ty, real ed. 5 cents- I niiimtilf 000 ions, 3 00 J , ng COO ton*, 6 00 provisions do nol apply lo or steamboat* plying )>< Kirls of ilie United Stales nsh N'orih America ] i I Ki turns, exempt. Iiiin of Sale, or Uroker's ' [Sea Contract ) of Lauds, osiaie. or properor personal, licriiaOle or U'liAlulirVjil' o Iril.l viivtil uiMlrr iiij Hint Hum 1'Jtli ilny icntbtr. 18t>t?. jm). i: .\ i; i. k no ma u, o. Nov 16 42 nil-; stan: ok soi tii cako in kyi i ia >r\utani'.i i;<i his icftborn I'nrki. V \leaiiers. miiI others, I'arkv nnil nt he. m. Hill for sale of Ileal I.Mime to pay il< partition Sic. K. WILLIS, ALE: g I) i Mob I 6 3351 c. C. HUG Tw* T AIH l.M I I VV,Nrt RKTURXKDTT ? ?_ Sp irhiiiburg, lie Ink6a ?>< h ? li lendft I l?a' I Ik- in i>re|>?rc | r i, L/i /(, IS L S.R.C11IS0I.M LAUD, EGOS, 8 DLE GINS ,ao ZZ. x C. BELLOIS, > * II. BELLOIS, / > THE TOWN of (tension to inform would respect il todo work witli wc are strictly in tli 11 fjr, cheese;, GAP, STARCH, CANS, Ac.) JLo? EAST BAY STEET, nrntt Solicited. CIIAHLESTON, 8. C. ?:o: ?. fully notify Merohants thai ie J 'mviAinm ttmt I Charier, renewal ol on original in?tri Charier l'arty for t hip or vessel, or leltor, meniorandi ing relating lo ih< renewal or tranHfi registered tonnagt vessel, or steamer 150 tons, Ksoeedinr 100 t< BOA A r, sapie stamp as in tlie n nnent. persona he chnrter of any for ili<> | steamer, or any certain tm, or other writ- $100, nr s chart or. or any Exoeodi tr thereof, if the 1,000, e of suoli ship, or And for doos not exceed fraction! $ 1.00. 1.000, >ns ,nnd set ?- Upon ea AUire of n morigago, or any 1 hnii.I given ?- security < payment of any definite or < sum of money oxer ding I id not exceeding 5<M>, h0 cents, ug 5>oU0, and not exceeding 1 00 every additional iji&OO, or nl ]nirt thereof in excess of 00 cents ch Assignment or transfer Ii i ji|'i-<ii ill ^ ill llljl : 11 I ^ II1C I Oil IIIHI I'urk-, iiii'l I In* heirs hi law ?l' I' leceiiscd, I tcletidctus in lliii ou^c, heir il I'linlli i- I'aiks, i|i'Cc;i>ril, lite of At Itistriel, reside train an i without the 1 Iim Stair . it is oviIiTimI, nil motion <i -v Carli-i', l'iiiitptniiinni's Solictors, ill In appear and plead, outwear or d? hi* II II nf ('milplaint within three mm this date or judgment /to conlreto uken as m t tern. T. STOBt) FARROW, C. E. n 111 imi) noitineso m<l ilisjiatcli. lie I'm kit, n slmre of pnhli patronage. i > m law y,est , i|,|,-avorh to give sntiafr iilenon tunnm. inii'H of ||0 may bo f<>nii?l ni liis SI t Hobo |{ \H0||KU*S STOBK. wlier ut lliey will tiiul plaies of tliu latest It ?niur lo i ? '"VJJ'Jl1 CORN, FLOUR. will be _ AND LA S. I>. 1 uat rcccivoil bv re-|iccf fully a*ks lire enabled to supplj iii<) pledge* h s Mch 1 iciion to hi* cub- ? ?-^V. II lion in rear of J. unit c his customer* MlllllHTy iU iBMons. ^ AT NKW 1 BACON 202 AVA ~f~l T*> Opposite CUARLIl 11 ho trade at lowaat prices. 6 ly XING, id Fancy Goods, tfoitx prices. TG STREET, ltufhin Street, .sTft\. tan. #' a I'* w ] *i a moi ? rtgftga, ft Utiwup duly ?huiU Com'rl Utlico, 0?i fi, 1800. 4 | CLEVELAND, W. ALKEIl A CO. | March 1 - # , ? " %