The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, December 13, 1866, Image 6

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_ I Ohriatmas w Presents. SOI ITHERN OF trcancr Ac McJunhin, i m Iss inx ani) poimv a uni m DRS. B. ft J. ?? fl / " m jAfc., BSBKSEOBaOBi L. WOFFOBD [ C0N8ISTINI Children's Toys, F Jev AT J. A. HE Dec 6 45 ^ UKIK ancjr Articles, P"?lry, iSNEMAS'S. Morolianta, VERVAIN STUKKT, COLUMBIA, 8. C., "OULD respectfully inform their frien And the public geiiernlly. lluit they * i personally to nil linxiiie^ iultustcd They wil buy COTTON mi order , or nny of the products of the Couttft favorable terms :mi any hou?e in the eit AFKEK THEIR PIW V>f <*ES to I be citize Vk surrounding country. \l >?> found constantly in t y^gfv luring the day. end at t^l .tilf WolTord College (CI DIJ. W. T. \\7 1LL. continue tbt HRVllj ? * Surgery. and (at )FI5SS10NAL SEE VIns of (he Village and One or both of up will he office at the 8TORR, our Residence, oppohurch Street j at night. # tf KUSSEU i practice of Medicine bis office) Dentistry SOUTH - EXPRESS CI EXPRESS FORI QOUTIIERN EXPRESS opened an Ottice in it is now prepared to forwni and valuable Packages l< E R N 3MPANY, ; (TAKVKRS. COMPANY having tc Palmetto House, tl Freight, Money [> all points in the' xr T 1\T n t > ii i nnrnnir nrc iiihu prvjmrtMi moivitri or rui l> Cotton, to l>e sold either in Chnrlestu fork, or Liverpool. ng familiar with nil necessary (letnils sit to the Internal Hevenue Tnx, < oti to our cure will he forwarded withu ntcrs ntid others will find it to their i tc entrust to us the transaction of tlx pss. CHAKSAR W. S. McJUNKI r 15 42 it r OFFICE OVER HI F?b 16 TL. oi ' r\VFKKS HIS PIIOFI f M V-F ?> the Citizens of I rfcr?) w. iiAoiM ilNITSH DIl'O (TOM. 3 Kennedy KSSIOVI.SEUVICBj Spartanburg. i iy . FLEMING, .. ?- ir United Stales by Pa-senge of Messengers, Goods, by to the care of the SOU' COMPANY. Charleston, point, wl'.l be forwarded | and Express charge coll (losses equitably adjusted r Parties having freight, moi ages to forward, will pleasi to House, Tuesday. Tliui Bunday. I will be on the nesdav and Saturday. r Trains in charge ; IV I j\ I j / Steamer consigned w * N1EHN EXPRESS WHOLES Savannah, or any iromptly, ami Ship ,l ected on delivery, (Oppoult Cha itid promptly paid.) ney. valuable pack- C.lnti e call at the Pultnel- E. D. KING, M. rsday, Friday and J. J. CASSIDE} road Monday, Wed- Sept 20 0 UASSIUUX, ALE DIlECiUlllTS, EETING-STREET, rim Ion Hotel,) rlowton, 8. C. . D., North Carolina. I _ r. "D1 34 It IV ni (he WOFFORDS & SMITH ARE ICEIVINO a fresh ami select stock ( OOUN, which they are n?>w openi l Old Stand clireollv minnsito P?i> IXo. ir>.i t! (FORMERLY JOHN ASIIIIU It OEOUGE <\ GOODRICH. ) 1*1111<11* WINEMAN, ^ Sot JOHN ASIIl'KST, J liirrot Importers of of DRUGS, MEDICINE! K ('hfiuicals jl. m-<?- m. JIA. ^ WILL atteud to nl the citizens of v;t v- ft) ) "J f?*?rhim. 8T ^ LU.) > OFFICE?OYBI . ~ June 21 Litli Carolina. _ LAW COP A] _ TTAVISO associate S AND Greenville, 8. 0 , (?! I i w for Sparinnhiirg 1 n>> 9 1 business with which Spartanburg District I HOOKSTOKB. 21 12a ITNERSHIP. d O. J. KLFORD, o with ine in the praciioo District, under the Bum* JOHN 3. Spartanburg, December CLEVELAND, Nil A RK now receiving Ih J\_ FALL AND W1NTEI Purchased since thi Their Stock consist /yn;^> Af.onJ- THE 8TATE 4tb, 180G 4o-lm SPARTA LK>jR & CO,, Rird Low, Adm' eir second Stock of 11 GOODS, John M. Jivin e late Decline. Pe,i,ion for1 . , . TT Appearing Is in part of i S. JAME* *-p<knorinia t'iilld, <'<) OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ,lous' ' serve NBURQ DISTRICT. r., find M C Low, Adtn'rx., applicants, vs, ics and others, Defenditnts. ^ ' imtl sett lenient and decree. to my satisfaction that JOHN NANCY COKKR and her litis* j^0 Small Jiitnes mid Anion j, where they will l?c happy to see a their friend." And customers. ine lot of fancy OANDIEd just nrritt t 15 42 tl lid CUMlLESTOX, s. c Nov 16 42 ? - THE GROCERY ! OK ami style ot KUFOIID X entrusted to my care * '" > and faithful attention o April 6 ^TfipC SULLIVAN & > i ullll attorneys at la1 in equity, sral office next tt KLFOKD: all buvincaa rill receive Ibe prompt f naiti firm. J. St. ELFORD. 10 Cmo* "wTnsmitu, iV AND SOLICITORS ITANDURG, S. C. 3 POST OFPIPH HARDWARE, CBOi A HEAVY ST READY-MADS I A Urge lo BOOTS, S " ~ " I (la Freeman, L>< LKERYWARE, if any exists. w OCK OF of i he personal should not be i SLOTHING, nMt: ?frll,cir,c' urea of record, t of <>iven under i ber, 1HG(?. JOHN iHOES AND IIAT3, iw r. efeodnnta in this case. reside is of this Stale : It is therefore sy do appear anil shew cause y n tinal sett lenient, ami decree estate of Elias James, dee'd.. .lade on (he Hill day of March enseal to the same will be en- ^ ny hand this 3d day of Decern- fj^ll EAJILF. BO MAR, O. S. D. <??., jr. -i.. "mi, Sept. 18, 186G. (SOLUTION OF CO PAKTNKKSIIllV K Co-partnership heretofore existing i ler the name of VaNDIVKU. 1(1,AKh was ilixsulvi-il l>v mm unl cmi-eni, on i All :n.l..Kl...l >... - *1 s Hf a WM g n On Main, near Churct WILL AI.WAY8 BE FOl A LARGE AND WELL 1 Hi. STOCK OF GROCI IS)^<6 J) C. P. SCLL1VAN. i-Street, FARROW 4 ,kD ATTOUNE1 A! ASSORTED Solicitors in Brick F :ries, I fuiincr Office of Jaiues ' .1A M FH?n" J. C. Wimsmith. I DDBCAN, ir S AT L A W RD in Equity, Cuilding, upstairs, osar Farrow. f\ T> T\ - BAGGING AND ROP: KEROSENE OIL, SUGAR AND ( MOLASS Also, A large lot E' STATE OF SALT, SPARTA 30FFEE, Cilalion for L Juo. E:irlu ES- In tY I of WHEAT. tors of Ailminis :ire c ' SOUTH CAROLINA. NBUHG DISTRICT. Due fi idters of Ad Ministration by : Bomnr, Es<]., Ordinary. ic Court of Ordinary. CI 5 II. C. COLLINS bas filed his in my office jirnving that Lei Dea trillion, on all mid sinciiln. ilm larnestly requested to make early pi loCVNNON. BE\KK& BURNETT. ? milioriied to settle the business of I rm. THE UNDERSIGNED, under the name and sijlc of NiNOiN, BLAKE & BURNETT will continue as lers in General Merchandb Ill, iv- HARDWARE. ho he CROCKERY, BA i HOPE AX. # 17 7 'ER A XD S OL E L EA april 15 WILLIAMS, EVI ATTORNEY C.C.IAr;, SPARTANI D TWINE, J n'rJ,LttAMa j mo. ii. evtns, Til EI! William Choice. ' June 11 mi. n. UVHGAR. 1_? ]J__ INS & CHOICE* 'S AT LAW, IURO, 8. C. , Yorkville, 8. ?. Ml ?? The highest market prices BACON, LAKD. FLOU OF COUNTRY I BQR.ALSO ? Purchase Soi Give un a Dec 6 45 R. 8 CATHOART, Columbia, S. C. I IV I T T given forCOTTON, goods nnd clintu K. and all kinds ORV COLLINS 'RODUCE. Thi'He a>e tbe at liern Bank Bills. Rnd1 S sjihi MLMOIU Call. and appear ai 11 . Bislricl, to bo House, on Fridi R. II. BOMAR, i,st" to H,,p* ' Q . . j n Loiters slmuld i Spartanburg. 8. C. Qiv..n 1|n(lt>r , V i II 1 els, rights and credits of Ml M- ,l' ' u , deceased. refore to cite nnil admonish nil C.01VI! e kindred and creditors of the hrsl 1 COLLINS, deceased, to be ie Court of Ordinary, for said held nt Spartanburg Court consii ly the 1 -Ith day of December, Do sause if nny exists, why said t not be granted. ny hand this 30th d.ay of Novwi'a: More, one door west of CLKVKLAN KICK At CO , where they are now ig and offer :.t I he latest cash rates, i nstalment of their VLL STOCK, sting of PRINTS, Urown n> <1 lllearl M KSTICS. SHOES. LA DIES' II \TS IALT Sl tSAK. COFFEE. I'OWDKll, SHOT. LEATII Kit. SOl?A, AMES' SHOVELS, re' A Lot of Choice Wester I he I^ivcrpool S vii Grist and Moal always IIUHDEHK'K TEl'l'E, would friend* iuhI oM customers, ll I" rutunrritlv 1 wt the nhov u Bacon. NEW SC S. C*3 U. B ?nlt , nnd aflor the 17 v r "ill run on MONO and SATURDAY'S, on Hand. Down Trains leave Spa at inform his Leave Unionville, iat lie is n<>w Arrive at AUlon e lilaco. and ronneelin?? with lli? o. HEDULE LallroadL. th instant, the Trains AY 8, WEDNESDAY'S rt&nburg Court House, 6.45, a. a. 9.30. a. a. 2.20, p. m. ......-Ill - j ? ^ YHOS, 61 WHOLES AL E commission' \ 102 EAST CliarlcMton, BACON, POKK. BUTTt LAUD pAMiAiilnf iidanlinii t a ( r&KEV, ? HOC E U STATE OF MERCHANT, srAI? bay, Citation for i , ?. C. J no. EarU :r, cheese and i? ,|1 iii: i tTTIIRItKAS BAULK BOM Alt, n. S. 1>. A -w KAM in a i SOUTH CAROMVA, C?I ANllURO DISTRICT. iViVir eitcrs of Administration by <? 0.J : Bomur, esq., Ordiuary. Si'l s Court of Ordinary .1 T. 8T4TOV lin? ?.!? MKW Kl.OUil. general AHsnrimcnt of STAPLE A' I'Y DK V GOODS, are expected Co arr hurt time. isignmetiia of Foreign ami Domestic 1* are solicited, *o tlic disposal of wh prompt personal attention will he uivi kNNON, W. K. ULAKK, J S UUK.NK1 >l 20 24 tl Pension Cl-iins. will en?li-avor t > k?vi> rat inaction <u Nov 22?43?if IVC ro Real and Personal P kh FOR. SAI ph. i' In? Hold at the late , >1 HOI'.KUT ALEXANDER, i Oil (lie 18(li Deceiiibe all tliu DfPsniinl nrnnort v ? to ull. Up Trains leave Alston connecting with the Or Arrive at Unionville,.. roitPrf V Arrive at Spartanburg, i i j Arrangements are I jTj through from Charlesto * '" puiil on this rond. residence of IcccHscd, Sept 20 t next, ~T~ ~ in?.i.iinV Are You .vu>iu? uu?d irain. at 9.30, a. m. eenvilla up-Train. 2 20, p. ra. 0. H.,... .6.00, p. in. nade by which freight n and Columbia may b? THOS B.JETER, l'res't 8. & U. R. R. 84 tf JiiMiirofl '<* Liberal advancements mail Nov 22 48 November V5! T WITTY ? m m," . . e on consignments. " petition 4t Letters of Adini ? the ponds and ti, lHtttl. of JOIH ALL! These are tin* nnd singular I li s- y said deceased, I'll of Ordinary, foi Spartanl>u*-g Ooi day of Dcci'intie exists, why said ill my oilier praying ilmi { ?^lnisini'ion on nil mid singu'nr J ) chattels, lights mid crclit* | <>r nil UN, deceased. , cuted re tore to ciie itnl admonish nil , t'iiy, e kindred and creditors ? tiie j assist to lie and appear at the Court | Claim r said l>istricl. to l>e iield at I and f urt House, on Friday, the ITiIi i as wi r inst., to shew cause if any Law. Letters should not he granted. ' Mr ;IN<! now in correspondence with an i tir.n. well acquainted with I lie Pensi ier (*lniins i'< Government, having pro (lie same lor ninny years in V. ii-lnii-i nnil having promised me llieir aid a atioe 1 am prepared to prosecute is ii.r Pensions due be'ore tlie luie w nr J to u/ihj ilur to iliachitrifrd I' S. Soldi 11 as Claims nris ng under ill Keveii J. M KLFOIlh. Any. s. Kveline Pill, widow ill!. Dill, if I i > i ( X 1 V ? Jj|| Horses, Mules, Cattle ?e- l^iirniiiig; T< ;j ROAD WAGON 2111 ltlaeksinitli^s T HOlSKHol.D ANI> KITl np FURMTURE A SINGLE spark i , IlOgS, and nil its conle I p.iid before i he disastei you to rebuild and a^ yourself for life. ' Are You ] \>()ls, A slight exposure i |<v early grave, and your I ' ties of an uncharilable 1 * ? _ save such a disaster. 1 A ^ # I vhbfl rail /??n V nay destroy your house nts, and a una 11 amount r happens, may enable ;aiu comfortably settle InNtired V may hasten you to aa family left to the cbariworhl, a few dollars will Will you not save them A It ft iNUVY Ui'ftiNlj and well./ stock FAIL AND W1N1 iNU A liAKUK uiveii inner November, A. I ASSORTED j NO OF _Dec 0 TlIE STATE SPART Citation for Lett FER GOODS, f;,,1: ? W " 11 l.M? I.' v < nt v mum i his -ill uny ul may I )., lHiiii. ply in . EAULR BOMAR, (>. S I> Oct 4f> Vw OP SOUTH CAROLINA r|1M ANBUKG l)l>TRICT. X ... , f"r H or* of Vlmiiiistr.'ition by Jno ||111S j loiutir, es?|. Ordinary. name iCoiirl of Ordinary. ucxi. IVll I I l M vlTl'Vl'VCI CI..I All, near sotiiel lung about her rellMoii by : g soon. J M. KLFORI) 18 08 II NOTICE^ E blacksmith books ol 1)k. J J. VK NON. deceased, are placed in my ban onlenient ami c dlcctinn. .\l! j>ers? imlcbte 1, arc hereby notified to settle 1 on or before 1 he first (lay of Scptem! T. O. 1?. \ KRNOX, \u y. mist 11 117 il ?! - ?ALSO? r A Tract of Land contain 70C uiTt'f. more or le*H, |{ brjf" I'rrins tiimlc k*own nt (he ALEX' ?? JONAS 10 lie ier Not 20 41 r sir_ Arc You ling over A single peblile in tli from lal>or for mouths, suffer lor the want ol sale. A single brick may fall iNDKR, recovery, $5 $10 or $ IKWTON, to ilietn for each weeky Kxecutors amount you pay for I 3w o- death from the accitl $1000, $2o00 or $3000 small amount. Inquired V e road may disable you and your family may ' your daily earnings. I and orush you beyond 15 per year will secure ou arc disabled, the fall nsurnnoe, and in oase lent it will pay to them , all for the above same Which will be o very lowest pos< NOTli HAVING determined Stale of Georgia, I . vv Ins |-eti ffered at the <>f Admi iln- goods ami vible prices. ur,,n ,lie Estate ceased, line ni # should be grant These are the ami singular, ll CIS. | s.ih! deceased, to remove to the of Ordinary, fo have duly author- ; Spartanburg ('< lion in my office praying (hut lustration on nil and singular, chattels, rights and credits ot Sl.Ml'SON STKVKNS do' the said District aforesaid, ?,)* I'd liitn. : ?V re lure lo cite and admonish all " lie kindred and creditors <>f the 1 1 ,,ess to be nnd appear ni the Court Wl|h r said District, to be neld at ' e( lurt House, on Friday, the " ~ NOTICE. It. 1*. Honors iSl'KUTFL'LLY informs lii.s ol<l rust o rrs mill the public generally, tlint he I i ml hisSlliiL mil IHIIIT M A KI N< J hi ai the ulii si ami. All kimls of work <L neatness. 1'riccs reasonable, lar Springs, Nov ">. 18f?G. ? llftm ~ Vi! ss Tiino ix m ins I '^ recc?vrd I lie celebrated f| WATCH. i)m niosl durable llie | Time Keeper, also a lot ofimporiei AND Till: BEST OF CI.C ? warranted to privt* ?<Ht infant icn, fiit* I 'an < ( MI I I r uti Kan.) [A1&2IB I ,, A??Yo? If nol, whj not? sevesfil of the best Ch Stales, and he will gi* AMERICAN will]>roTe the tactt and reliable | El.FORD, A 1 WATCHES, Accidental Insurance and best iu the Unite ><- KS, Oct 4 and sold low ,s EQUITY'?81'ART IuMurod? Call on the Agent of jin parties in the United e you papers gratutloua hat all HiiotLU iNsuaa. t gent for Fire, Life and Companies, the safest td Slates. 3t> tm ANBUKQ DISTRICT. lze<l ami empowered .1. It < and JNO. H. KVINS, and Attorney. Not 22 4*2 Notice to Creditors A LL persons having d J\ Estate of II. II. Till) hereby notified to present en, by the let day of J AN I I,KVKI.AM>, Ksq., Mill v'ny of l>eto act as my Agents any exists, wit granted. A. W. DIVINGS. Given linden 4t of November. A J NO and Debtors. Doe 6 cm amis against the -r^r 4 iMSON, dec'd., are is " the same duly |ir..v tiFllF VS JAHY next, in order \\ "*',5, centner insl., to shew cause, it I ft y said Letters should not lie f|^|| ny hand and seal, this 30th day |i,,| l I).. IHGti. ,, EAKLK 110MAR, O. S. L>. 1 ,H'C1 46 2w rr lull 0' )TICI tj? I otf ill my wife, Ann II "^hurbult, has ' ' "J".',, )? ! uti.l htiiirtl l?v rt'fiiitiiitr la ui?r > in}; iiuu r^ii^iiicci iii^. K undersigned offers iii* service*to Hi "oiul Companies lo survey and loci oad rout on; in turmoil Mii|m mid Kepor fications, Hslimaies an.I I'lans <>| Sup lure, lie will measure unit report in a ni rue i work anil heavy (a rail nation, xecute Topographical Drawings and ? Drainage ot Inland >w.imps and boll tor farmer*. ticulur aiieniion will be given to a i ~ ' kil ' Jewelry of every De me an assortment of Fancy Goods, Ti is, Silver ami l'Intel Ware, .'sc. *? - 8 P E C T A OLEf {?" TO SUIT ALL AGES AN. lie lay Glocks and Jewe oll| at reasonable prices and wn J. A. IIKNNI my ai tlie old place, on scri|>tion, K' p Smi"'- >' ,Dd ' >il?, AJininirtrWor Bill fi>i Partitic * IT appearing to my i l> Fi'FS. X w l/ittlejohn, ami lry repaired defendants irrantrd. "\w ot R'ohartl li. 81 ,>^1 without the limits of 11 V, ! * ' on motion of Win.imi tlrertt. ? nDr>e^r and o >thers, T8. S. F. Smith, s, ami others. ?n, Relief, &o. satisfaction that lattice her husband l'inckney in this case, at nith, reside from and lis Stale ; it is ordered ih, Compt's Sol., that lrfttl answer nr il?innr mat paynicni may ne man tlement of the paid Km hi debted to paid Emote are i ment immediately. If. H. 1 Nov 1 40 Executor's T WILL be at Dr. W. II I residence of the late W Hi, and remain until the e Deiore a nnal cer- . "J e. All persons in w"'' ,l,e? '"r tolified to make pay rn "7 ^ ' her, km 1 will n< IIOMSON, E?or. 1' November "29 Notico. .roans' (he former * JX-Crilliam Conn, by the a ;? With December next, - -* ?v * |,Hsu, nu provocation. 1 hereby lora . 4,jiioet >n of trading <>r iralticing with ,er f)| jl ho responsible for any debt pllrm > n tract. |.IIIlls A.M. SHUKBUTT. , J8CG?4?> ?4t J |je ???? I Hi me ifil Noli< c? I i a,,y an hi , BE litC ess ent riiMoJ to mm ny Engineers n rs of Railroad Companies and others od iti Bridge building. mi l especially ers who desire to reclaim their swa or to establish their boundary lines irveys. will also superintend personally I lie ci lion mid building of Railroad bridges, it her Bridges that require I lie services igir.eer to plan and oonstrucl I'art ig business or desiring information ? ss the underpinned at f'aiuimbcll t. S?: IM<1 *>ci zo ";o PAVILION HOT OIIAHLGHTON, ' THE ABoVE POPUL.II onor Is open for the accommotliuion of i of Pubuo '** BOARD, rorilny, fill ' * ir- A. Huttkriikld. Mrs II L. 1 ? to this Hill of Complai EL, i from this date, or jut * be taken as to them. O. T. 8TOBO F tiiiiTm t orn nips. Oflice, ) III) ILL Nor. 6, lStkj. f the Traveling M ARBl7 . . ss.oo UNIO ItllTTKRntl.D ?? !< nt. wiihin three months igiuent pro cor\fet?o will ARROW, C. E. 3. D. 41 ?3m e~Vahd rv c. H. for l he purpose or cloning Conn, decerned. All peraonn in anyway tat arc notified to come f and pay up. Those havin estate, will present rliem l< JOHN O. C( Oct 26 ? CORN, FL0U1 the estate of Willir.m ; . . rilAKhS this in'ehted ?o *aid es- ' 1 m}n* J or ward at that lime ',llKe' ',c '' g claim* again*! the TATTO [ gaily for collection )AN, Executor that of HENOV. > Id HAND CLOTH 1 hie einccre Cha it* BACON already heetowc m ^ attention to me N II. The I. , ,, . ,. , taubi lav or able opportunity of informal rona and the community at ^. j itH added to I lie ^ (( RING BUSINESS \tin?; and dyking second 1NG of all kinds. He returns J ^ 1^" nkx for the liberal patronage I I * id on him, nnd hopes by strict , j1'^^ rit a continuance of the same. | VTK.ST ! 'ASH IONS . HHVni irg District, S. C. J NO. HANKSTON DA VI-J, vil Engineer, Surveyor and Draftsman g 9 i.'8 I IX<>l IOSE indebted for FKK8 or TAX JOSTS, <? the law firms of T1 '4'KKH HOW, Yol'Nti A: KAIIKOW, and F.^ <!fc WIIITNKK. arc requeued to nil icnt lo the undersigned Superintendent. No* 15 42 Kxecuf or'w IV Vl.l< persons indebted to the E EON II KING, will mal payment to the undersigned. 1claims against said Kstnte will I *ke properly attested to either the ui Proprietor. All Work Sent I 3,n H}mr(unli TITHE SUBSCRIBER Otice. I of ITALION ??d | and in prepared to do I Estate of GID- | work entrusted to his te immediate can he done in th Stan All having and FOOT STONES frc innd them in ; wards. Engravings $ ndersigned or j communication address >cf of Charge to uik c. si. has received a supply AMERICAN MARBLE, tny kind of monumental care, at as low rates as a I can furnish HEAD ?m $10 per set and up8 per 100 let era. .My ed to me at Union C. 11. nst receded by CLEVELAND, , WALKER A CO. * Nov 16 42 tr ' No .IAS FARROW v 8 44 ? i iu rmrun juiu i/uiiunn. JONAS BR i 1 20 U Iwiu rece?t? prompt mi y>\ m Union C. 11., August > enuon. , !. A. NICHOLSON, | I 9th 1866 I